Thursday, November 30, 2023

Friday 5am

Up early. Went out to run but could only jog. Felt a bit of cardio. Now to work out at 5:30. Workout went smoothly. Feeling regulated and healthier. Liew witches trying to stir up trouble everywhere with me as their cover.

8am, Hard to get clean this morning. Brushed. Been ogling a Mudmaster carbon core for just over 900RM. 

10am, Decided to buy the Mudman “golden eye” for 565RM. A pretty decent watch for the price, and has moonphase, solar power. Something to look forward to as I recover from the Covid.

11am, Took a very long walk to Sea Park PBB branch to put in 500RM to get my Mudman. Lots of traffic and uphill climbing. Felt invigorated but a bit breathless due to the previous week’s coughing fits. Came home and freshened up as it was very humid out. This is a good deal, being just 20RM over past years’ prices.

2pm, Feeling less weak and some of my taste is returning. I swear my geriatric parents are supporting their bodies on my body, giving me worse Covid symptoms. But WTH, I only have one Mom and Dad. Can’t wait for my Mudman Solar to arrive. It could just be my favorite watch and it was cheap as well.

4pm, The Mudman has shipped! May receive it tomorrow.

7pm, Took my meds early after a small dinner with the Folks. I’m going off the Soliane which was burdonsome and ineffective. Sometimes I wonder what these antipsychotics are supposed to do anyway? Brushed and took a Rivotril. Nothing much to do but sleep early as my mind isn’t functioning well, emotions too.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Thursday 5am

Up early. worked out briefly. Felt the cardio. Should be clear to run on Friday.

8am, Got cleaned. Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. Couldn’t eat much. Cheese tasted bitter. At least I feel stronger overall.

10am, Realized I hadn’t been eating almost any vegetables or fruit for the last 5 days. So just now I had an apple. Can’t say I devoured it, but it went down pretty smooth. Having an uncomfortable reaction with the other stuff I ate. Should have peeled it maybe.

11am, My roti canai tasted okay but the fish curry tasted bitter and overpoweringly salty. I had to eat the flatbread mostly plain. We haven't been to the supermarket in weeks. Been browsing watches again. Not sure what I want to wear.

1pm, Trying out my Aqualand as my EDC. Should tide me over till I can afford an MT-G. Checking in on my UpLink ratio-trading proposal which will pay out after CNY 2024. Seems like it's gathering support among fringe economists, particularly from the East / China. Interesting. Only 2 and 1/2 months to go.

7pm, Had a lacklustre dinner due to losing my taste. Liews and westerners making death threats so we siphoned off their sodium and vitamins. Don’t understand these people at all. Took a warm shower and changed into fresh clothes. Took my meds and should sleep soon.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Wednesday 5am

Up early after sparse sleep. Feeling okay but a bit tired. Rehydrated with isotonic 100plus. Will work out at 5:30am. Still not running as I’m coughing and have a mild temperature. Mom should be home tomorrow. Myself, Thursday recovery seems wishful. 

Workout went well. My muscles were still a bit stiff but the cardio is important. Feeling regulated and refreshed and ready to be sedentary the rest of the day!

6am, Got cleaned. Will brush soon. Nowhere to go except continue the quarantine yet another day. May do some online shopping.

7am, Was famished so I had a small piece of rich orange cake and some more 100plus isotonic drink. Feeling energized again. The terrible coughing has subsided, thankfully.

11am, Had a light lunch. I've lost most of my subtle taste sensors, only knowing sweet and salty mainly. Still had to eat to live. Drank more 100plus which still tastes good. Feeling okay but for the occasional hit from the Liew witches' forces.

3pm, Feeling weak mainly. And bothered. Ordered laser cut acrylic pieces for STT instead of making them myself. I feel players would like to touch and squeeze them so I mustn’t use anything fragile. Opted for 1cm thick perspex for better handling and grip. Suspect each set will cost me $10. I can cut costs later with cheap molded plastic.

6pm, Had a lackluster dinner. Everything tastes either bland or over-salty/sweet. Decided there’s nothing very important I want to do with my life, just wait for the Rapture. The weight of those I’m carrying is enormous. I can feel their pulsing hearts and scattered thoughts. People who need some spiritual direction but it may be a bit late for that. Less hits from the Liew witchy 6 at the moment.

7pm, Change in the weather helped my health. Breezy and slightly warmish with a drizzle of rain. Better than any aircon. Coughing less bad. Still feeling weak exacerbated by mild stomach upset and the throat of course. So this is what Covid does, I have firsthand knowledge. Mom may stay in hospital till Friday.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Tuesday 7am

Was up early and felt a bit better, physically so I worked out for a few minutes. Didn't go on a run as I'm still coughing and probably infectious. Liew witches worming into our family and blasting the weaker ones down -onto the stronger ones.

Settling on my EDC has been hard. Right now, I'm wearing the Sistem51 AM51 -just a Swatch.

9am, Took a warm shower and changed into a fresh shirt. Dad is buying lunch. Mom's health is worsening but at least she's at a care facility where they can help.

4pm, Trying to stay warm as I was very weary. An extra shirt helps provide more oxygen to my brain. Liew witchy forces attack incessantly hoping to destroy the harvest.

5pm, Could finally loo well. It had been sapping some of my limited energy since I caught Covid last Friday evening. Staying warm and flushed clean helps my recovery a lot. Still taking blows to the head from the witchy Asian 6. Good behavior is the most important factor to a place in heaven. They seem to forget.

7pm, Took a long warm shower to destress. Took my meds early and a Panadol too. Feeling better and ready to turn in soon. Still wearing an overshirt to keep my body temperature optimum. Phoned Mom who is in some hardship at her hospital room. She’s a fighter and could pull through. I don’t think I should run tomorrow either, just work out early. Took some hits from the damaged Liew witch core.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Monday 12am

Sis is taking good care of us while we’re in Covid quarantine. Her ginger drink is helpful for phlegm and so too the tasty Himalaya Salt lozenges. Just took my meds after a brief rest. Liew witchy forces attacking my sore throat, causing a bad cough.

6am, Slept sparsely last night. Ate all the Himalaya Salt lozenges. Less coughing this morning. Took another 2 Panadol for my temperature. Looks like I will miss another day’s exercise. 3 days out of action. Maybe 2 more then to test.

11am, The worst of the Covid is over. Just a lump in my throat that may be phlegm or inflammation. Taking the day slow. Just got cleaned. Thinking of things I need to buy. I have already got:

  1. the Fat wallet / 20RM
  2. the Small scope / 60RM
  3. the Ball game / 40 RM
  4. the Head protection / 70 RM
All were relatively cheap. Actually, I had bought myself a Q&Q moon phase sometime back but am not sure if it's the ultimate moon phase watch. That will have to wait till February.

11pm, Just took my meds. Should sleep in a few hours. On the whole, feeling better. People tired of the Liew witches’ contradictory lies.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Sunday 3am

Woke up really early. Must have slept 4 hours. Drank more prune juice and took a Fisherman’s friend. Still down with the virus. Irate western children permeate the mindscape.

4am, Westerners still pushing on my brain wounds, hoping to get some peace from the madness.

6am, Had a good loo after drinking 3 cups of prune juice. Feeling flushed out and healthy. Still have a sore throat tho. Fever has subsided.

10am, threw up 3 times due to convulsive coughing. Looks like I can't eat anything much. Will try to exercise tomorrow and run if possible as the fever is subsiding. Unfortunately, the Liew witchy 6 are ramping up attacks.

6pm, Threatened with death by ‘Prince William’ so we ‘stripped off’ his skull and skin, making his body less tough and more easily damaged. Not something we’re proud of.

7pm, Coughing is destroying my throat. Ate a small meal of belacan pork and rice. Talked about the ups and downs of wars and manipulations in Europe by past Liew witches. People are beginning to understand why the hatred is so extreme.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Saturday 11am

Am down with Covid. Just took 2 paracetamol. Body is aching in the joints a bit but nothing seriously wrong. Skipped my workout and run. Sucked a Fisherman Friend and drank some ice cold water. Was hard to get out of bed. Mom and Dad also tested positive and are going for checkup with Sis who is a physician. Feeling out of sorts and will take the day slow.

4pm, Just got cleaned. Feeling better and better. Don’t know if I can make Monday’s psych clinic since I need to wait 3 - 5 days to turn negative. Dad won’t be pleased. Not sure what to do with my time in suffering. My taste is gone.

8pm, Ate a tuna mayo bagel of some sort and prune juice for dinner. Tasted decently good. After all this suffering and I’m still getting dusted and bruised through the mindspaces. Took some fast acting Panadol. Feeling healthier. Also took Rivotril. No exercise until Monday probably.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Friday 6am

Up early. Back from my brief run. Feeling good. Work out at 7am. No sense rushing. Fell asleep while waiting for Black Friday. Liew witch kids stirring up babies and trouble to follow.

7am, Exercised. Feeling healthier. Unfortunately, I still have a brain palsy which limits my thinking and memory. No work out for that. Right hand and neck being targeted by the witchy Asian 6. Kids and babies being shoved around me. I may not last till my 48th. Jesus come soon,

Work on my musical play is going well, slowed down by the telepathy but is getting there. Have lots to do and all the time is taken up facing off with witch spawn and irate westerners. Black Friday is here, and I've been surfing for deals. Life is short. Why not indulge a little? Still wearing my ProTrek. May head out to the mall later. Just nearby, to Amcorp. Waiting for the iPad to charge. I buy most of my stuff through iPad.

9am, Change of plan. Folks will be going to Home Pro to get our new stove. I will tag along and buy the silicone there or at DIY upstairs. Ordered a cheap guitar bag off Shopee, 33RM. Yamaha (original) for my c40. Taking it easy as usual. Poloniumed the Liew 6 a bit as these crooks go wild among the mentally challenged.

1pm, Back from the mall with cheap Mr DIY silicone sealant for my STT pieces, a cool pocket boardgame “Crypts of the last Vampire”, a notepad, and Bible. All were on sale. Around 60RM. My 30RM guitar bag is shipping soon. So I did spend around 100RM this week after all.

3pm, Plastic wrapped my cheap $2 ‘on the road’ Bible for lack of a better cover. Save if you can. No pun intended. Dad and Mom are down with the same bug and my throat is beginning to turn sore as well. Thinking of house rules for the Crypts game. It has potential. Resting in a/c although there’s lots still to do.

4pm, Had another ramen as I was hungry somehow. Will eat less dinner. Sis is bringing us Covid test kits. I fear we may all be positive.

10am, It’s positive. We all have Covid but are less virulent than Dad. I took 2 paracetamol and a Rivotril to sleep well. Running is out of the question tomorrow morning. Will wash my Lululemon underwear then. Each day taken slow, plenty of meds. There is chaos in mindspace due to William.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Thursday 7am

Up a little late. Couldn’t run due to rain. Maybe later. Worked out. Felt that cardio. Resume writing my musical play soon.

8am, Got cleaned and am wearing my Casio ProTrek. Still raining outside. The watch wrist-roll short I posted on YouTube yesterday was a hit. More people are visiting my blogs on Blogger, not that many very often on -my main site. Nobody visited Omega for Christ. One person liked my post on the Rapture on Tumblr, yesterday. Have to wake up Mom for her hospital physio session.

Managed to squeeze in a brief run just now. Feeling good. Want to finish writing / composing “B” by evening. Not sure how I’ll record and arrange all the materials.

9am, Took a long warm shower. "Prince William" still trying to exact revenge on the whole of Asia for the crimes of the Liew witches. Sadly, we cannot be true friends with the UK and maybe the USA anymore.

12pm, Back from sending Mom to her clinic appointment. My appointment is about 4 weeks from now. Had some Indian food for lunch with Dad. Still haven't bought the silicone sealant or found any good waste plastic to start from. Also haven't been writing the lyrics for "B" beyond halfway. Liew witchy activity is still high though we have secured the compromised prey they love to feast on.

2pm, Took another long warm shower and changed into fresh clothes. Settled on the choreography of my musical. It will be a roll-along sketch with past actors moving to every new scene and interjecting their lines where appropriate or acting out a story.

9pm, Taking my meds. Helped prepare dinner earlier. Pan fried chicken and sliced cabbage. Still raining. Feeling a little ill and oppressed. Thinking of buying a small 39” guitar bag off Shopee. Sometimes I believe I can feel the strain in our economy. Many are struggling to survive. Mom needed some of my Rivotril. Not 100% sure why she and Dad are being given a hard time as they age into their mid 70s.

11pm, Had another long cool shower during which I expelled 2 large volumes of gas. My stomach had been queasy as I talked in the mindspaces. Now I can concentrate better. Got cleaned and am back in my room shopping for Black Friday deals.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Wednesday 5am

Up early after taking a Rivotril last night when I was feeling oppressed. Slept quite well. Went on my brief run and worked out. Feeling that healthy cardio. Need to get clean soon and head out to the mall at 10am.

7am, Could loo well. Everyday it's unpredictable. Brushed, showered and changed into a fresh shirt. Had a curry laksa ramen for breakfast with black coffee and orange cake. I will need to walk a lot later and to skip lunch. Mom gave me 50RM angpow so I now have 350 disposable + 100 debit + 1k savings + 450 in my wallet. Feeling secure, money-wise, yet still unable to afford anything really nice. Need to plan next week's outing which may cost 150RM.

Covid cases on the rise. Have to mask up. Will again be taking it easy today. Want to write some of my play before heading out.

8am, Change of plan. Will be going out for lunch with Dad. Having fun writing my play. It could be done by this evening.

10am, Writing one last flash fiction piece for DogBlots before the year ends. So there will be 6 in total. It's a story I earnestly want to tell -not just filler. After I finish it and project B, no more creative stuff.

11am, Cooked a fried ramen with sardine, egg, red onion, and garlic for Dad. With that squeeze of sour lemon / lime that sets off mee goreng so well. We can't go out because his nerve pains have acted up a lot. Will spend the day writing my play, maybe "Shape of a Heart" later tonight. 

Wearing my ProTrek on Velcro-buckle. Maybe this will be my EDC for longer than a few days, unlike the others. It is still my most practical watch, having rain and temperature sensors, altitude computation, a compass as well as sun-up, sun-down. It's also solar powered.

2pm, A day spent taking hits from proud British royalists and some Americans under 'Prince Harry'. Also felt jerked in various directions, emotionally. We hesitate to severely punish these oppressors as they are famous and once-good people. Except that the witchy Liew 6 bought them telepathic blackmail.

The day is going really slow. Almost nothing moving. May sit in the shower for 20 minutes again just to dull the irritation and unease, the occasional stab to my damaged brain.

8pm, Did a bunch of work on project B. See Dogblots for the details. Tomorrow, an early start again, run and work out then Mom needs to go for treatment at the hospital. Took my meds early and should sleep around 11pm. Not much interference from the Liew witchy 6. Sin is thick in the air around here, tho. Csn’t expect a miracle save. Guess I’ll sign off for the day.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Tuesday 8am

Up a little late. Didn't run today. Worked out briefly. Got clean with no trouble. Hand is still being attacked by the evil Liew 6. They want to put me in a bad state of mind so they can latch on and enjoy some of their ill-gotten gains. Will head out later to see if I can get cheap silicon sealant to make STT pieces with. Maybe at Mr. DIY. Taking it slow, not doing too much too fast.

11am, Back from a dim-sum brunch with the folks. Talked about mental-moral development and some people's lack of it. All sorts of mistakes led to the suffering they experience and share when older. Didn't buy my silicone sealant. Maybe tomorrow at Mr. DIY, when I take my weekly walk. May wait for Shopee Christmas sales before I spend my 300-400RM.

Publishing SS this evening after some edits. Surfing for deals now. Feeling grateful to God and my caregivers for my blessings and comforts.

4pm, Raining. Taking it easy. May head out tomorrow to source materials for my game pieces. Wearing my Seiko diver. Don't feel much like writing "B" so tonight, I thought I'd do some coding instead. Rumors of boycotts of Israel-linked businesses here in Malaysia. To think of starting a business in these times...

Having 1kRM in savings is comfortable. Besides having 500RM in my wallet. I'm leaning heavily towards not buying a Mudmaster or Gravitymaster anytime soon. It seems wasteful at this stage in the birth-pains, to buy yet another watch. The priority right now is preaching gospel. I may turn my YouTube channel right around and do just that. We'll see, tomorrow, when I will probably be at MidValley.

5pm, Having takeout noodles for dinner as the rain subsides. I do feel I have enough possessions, generally and should not waste money on derivatives or polishing my urges exorbitantly.

9pm, Am still awake after taking my meds early. Predicting some pretty trying times ahead for Malaysia and the world in general. Feeling oppressed and restless.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Monday 7am

Up lateish. Went for a brief run earlier. Feeling good. Have to work out at 7:30. Not sure what to do with the day. Maybe my parcel will arrive. Liew witches still coursing through the mindspace. Showered after getting clean. Changed into fresh clothes and exercised for 3 minutes. Feeling that cardio. Want to do a bit more STT play-testing, then to post on BGG sometime this week. Will make some proper game pieces later and write a heavily modified SS tonight.

8am, Heavily writing SS. It's not based on music after all, but on death and dying still. Decided not to make the SST pieces today, as I need to procure the acrylic paints and look for proper flour. Play-testing needs to be better organized so I can write a small manual of strategy. Right now it's all a bit haphazard.

10am, My chess set should arrive soon. Mom's getting her sewing machine repaired. Dad's waiting for his enema. I'm halfway through SS. Will wrap it up by lunch, then a bit of play-testing STT and finally, to publish the strategy guide.

3pm, Managed to finish SS which will go up on maybe tomorrow morning after I sleep on it a while. It's my last story and has to be quality. Parcel still hasn't arrived and it's getting gloomy outside. May rain shortly. Will work on STT after the chess pieces arrive. Taking it slow. Folks are still at the bank.

Started raining lightly. Still holding out for a 4:30pm delivery of my parcel. Tonight, more play-testing and getting to know more about the game. I hope to document a few games I played against myself and what was my idea behind each move to go along with each set of pieces. May be December before I get any money for my work.

5pm, Chess pieces arrived and are quite good. There was a chip off the black rook which I glued back easily. I am so happy to finally own a decent travel chess set with well molded pieces in/on a wood board. This will help my game analysis beside my laptop.

Also got fresh funds in. I now have 1kRM in savings, 450RM carry-on, and 400RM to spend on anything I want. Don't know if I should get a Casio watch.

7pm, Done play testing STT and will be publishing some rules and a strategy guide tonight. Tomorrow, I'll make even better pieces and send them for a review on BGG along with the link to my rules page.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Sunday 6am

Up early. Back from my run. Felt the cardio. Will work out soon, after a rest. Want to make better STT pieces out of card and sell the sets on Gumroad. Will venture out on Monday to get the acrylic paint. Got cleaned and exercised. Drank a latte. Feeling better emotionally, and health-wise this morning. Liew witchy 6 picking on me again.

7am, Settled on salt dough to make the STT pieces. The big ones should be flatter, medium ones more thick and the small ones, roughly cuboid. Thought of shaping them asymmetrically and using dark and light flours. Maybe use some coffee.

8am, Had a roti canai Dad bought. Taking the day slow. Liew witchy 6 forced out of the mind. They may soon be prosecuted as I predicted last week. Can’t wait to start earning again.

10am, War breaking out between the Asian sociopath witches and the west. I am helping the west, no secret, tho later on, there will be mistrust among us. Want to start the salt dough thing today and bake the pieces in the afternoon. Chess set still not out on delivery. May air dry the dough instead.

11am, Was a struggle making anything complex from salt dough. My pieces look more like half sucked Sugus candy. Well it was quick, cheap and painless. Now to see if they’ll dry and I can marker over them. Took almost 20 minutes. Will I have a prototype STT set by tonight? Next time I will use a wet razor blade for edging the pieces and white salt / pink salt each half of the mix. Total cost per set is around 2RM, including some packaging and instructions. I can sell it for 4.99RM. hope to make 700RM per month. Also thought of supporting each piece on a skewer as I sculpt it. Better and better!

3pm, Looks like my new chess pieces will not arrive today. And my brother-in-law is ill so he may not come over. Playing more STT games with my better pieces and discovering those winning strategies. STT is at the very least more entertaining than checkers or tic-tac-toe or many of the new-age strategy games out there like Shobu.

9pm, Time to turn in. May take it easy tomorrow and just work out a bit or do a one-way run. Played through more STT games and found it pretty deep and subtle. Took my meds earlier and showered, changed my shirt. Feeling uneasy, as the witches next door consider their fate of hellfire.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Saturday 4am

Up early after taking a Rivotril last night. Went for a brief run. Only other out at this hour was a stray dog. Worked out. Feeling the cardio. My only exercise for 24 mostly sedentary hours, 5 minutes in total. Liew 6 crooning old tunes.

9am, Writing SS. my final flash fiction piece for Going well. Should wrap up by lunch. Stomach feeling queasy as I ate too much sambal yesterday. There wasn't anything better as we've not been shopping much lately. Hand is coming under attack again. The telepathy-witchcraft is relentless. Still using my Ubuntu netbook. Works quite well.

10pm, Taking a break. Will write "B" soon. SS fleshed out surprisingly well and will be final drafted for publishing next Friday.

2pm, Stomach ache is finally relieved. Ate too much sambal / chilli yesterday and this morning too. Tomorrow, Mom’s b’day and maybe arrival of my chess pieces. STT, my game, develops further. I think have to heavily limit the number of stones each player has so they will economize. 5 big, 4 medium, and 5 small. I can’t imagine a simpler game, stone age logic.

4pm, Decided to use thin card folded creatively to make the STT pieces. They will be twisted and rounded off squares in 3 sizes, Painted with bright acrylics. Sold as (pre-cut) kits and cheaper printable PDFs. Will announce these on BGG later. Feeling poorly today somehow. Will take things slow.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Friday 6am

Up early. Skipping my run and just worked out briefly. Feeling good. Hands being increasingly taken over by Liew witchy forces from behind sinful American kids. It's hard to survive the birth-pains of Tribulation. Want to write a bit this morning before going out.

7am, Got cleaned. Unable to write much. Action in the mindspaces, critical to averting a meltdown. Many powers gathered around me. Liew witchy forces have 20ish spears left, as we’re eating them from behind.

10am, Getting ready to head out soon. Settled the plot of SS, my last short story on for the rest of the year as I concentrate on project B. Stak-tak-to is also complete. Will try to make a good set to sell. Maybe out of some kind of plastic.

6pm, Back from Kuala Lumpur. Dad got his new Rabbit rail card. We did a bit of eating and shopping near Pasar Seni. Drank a latte and had beef noodle soup. Later we went to a bathroom shop which took ages, so we took home teochew duck rice for dinner. My chess set has shipped and may arrive tomorrow. Mom ordered her birthday cake too. Explained the mind crisis between east and west kindly and sincerely and got paid with pain in return. Such people are not friends or kindred spirits or in the first resurrection.

8pm, Committed to finishing SS tonight. One of my few stories to do with the craft of music, songs, and band lore. And also about dying. Tomorrow, will resume project B and write no more flash fiction till it’s done. Nothing much left to buy, a sign of my eventual demise at the hands of evil and these unforgiving times. Being sold from the future to the present by own family and friends is worrying. Cheating like this will eventually come undone. Already people are getting upset with these slave milkers. I guess that’s all for tonight. See everyone tomorrow touch wood!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Thursday 6am

Up earlyish. Went for a brief run. Feeling loose and energetic. No need to feed Bean as she passed on yesterday morning. Work out at 7am. House-cleaning later. Liew witches still singing their way into our skulls. Fortunately we have better defenses now.

7am, Had some crisps for breakfast with coconut "milk" Sis got me for my birthday. Work out went well. Feeling that cardio. Will throw away Bean's litter and wipe down the floor later on. The fight is on for the hearts and souls of people everywhere, and I've been chosen to lead in the mindspaces. Evil has blockaded much of the good we can teach and ravaged our bodies. It's up to you -all of you. Who do you choose: God or Satan?

9am, Had more crisps and a scoop of ice cream. Feeling lazy. Maybe start room cleaning now. Wiped and dusted my desk and removed the hamster litter-stuff from my room. Didn't do a 100% job but it's much better, maybe 90% clean. Will put on the a/c and rest some more. Mind wars go on despite the wards and talismans we placed in the ether.

10am, Ate my b'day leftovers for an early lunch. The folks will be going out soon to run their errands. Settling in with Ubuntu 23 on my old Acer laptop. Writing my novella on Google Docs while watching Sara Lubratt's writing vlog via YouTube, PiP.

11am, Still prepping for today's writing session. Stopped to teach some flute technique. Most of the beauty of flute music is in the mouth shape and breath variation. Clever harmonization and fast fingers also help a lot. Fast fingers are simply foreknowing a particular scale progression. It’s not talent or magic.

1pm, Bought a smallish travel chess set off Shopee for just 25RM++ COD. Ships from Perak. See whether it looks good. Ate yongtaufu for lunch. Found my German-made "Jumbo" micro chess set. It's the size of a grown man's palm. Long ago, I lost the white knight and immediately carved a replacement for it from hard yellow soap. That was well over 30 years ago. Now I'm ready to sculpt a better knight from air dry polymer clay. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the nice rosewood folding board I used to have, for the new pieces I ordered.

2pm, Seems the noose is tightening over my family-neighbors’ web of lies and cheating. Maybe soon I’ll be free. Not all are very guilty, just very retarded / stupid / deceived and they milked me of my bile since I was even conceived. Evil ‘Prince William’ who ravaged Asia scheduled to be reprimanded as well, apparently.

4pm, Found my rosewood chessboard. It has 2cm squares which just might be enough for the new set’s 5cm king.

9pm, Invented a boardgame, Stak-tak-to. Hands took a beating while I rolled out the air-dry for the pieces. Somehow I survived it and got the thing shared on my Tumblr @Donutwares. A good game has few rules and they are simple. Though chess is quite the opposite, ironically! I still think STT can hold its own against be big boys as it’s clean and unlimiting, compared to other “new” games of strategy.

Took my meds and will turn in soon. Didn’t do any writing on “B” for yet another day *sigh*. Tomorrow, will probably break from running as I’ll be walking thru Kuala Lumpur. Guess that’s all for tonight. Will write some of my final flash fiction: “SS” before I devote all my time towards B. I am very pleased to be read and relevant even tho nobody has bought my books yet.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Wednesday 5am

Up early. Bean is still alive despite not eating for 2 days. She's in no great suffering as she passes on tho. Liew witches strike from behind the Royals. Don't feel like running today. Will just work out later. Back from a brief run. Feeling well-regulated. Ate some banana cake for breakfast. Want to write my novella, B, later but Bean is still lying in my room, near my bed, dying. I never caged her. Feeling a little sad.

6am, Worked out. Feeling energized. Writing this week's short story for called "EoTS". Am totally lost regarding the content tho. May take 20 minutes or a whole morning. Halfway through EoTS. A good story that needs a little more developing. Resume it tomorrow and publish on maybe Friday. Bean is dying really slow. Poor hamster, she bore a lot. Hard to get over it but life has to go on.

Brushed, got cleaned before anyone woke up. Body still hanging in there despite the telepathic hangers-on which include my family. Will drink some pineapple juice and just chill until lunchtime.

10am, Wrote EoTS and published it on Twitter. Will be heading out sometime soon, maybe to the MegaMall to check out the G-Shocks. Writing helped me get over Bean's death. Sayonara, my hamster friend! Heaven receive her soul.

1pm, Back from MidValley with a new book on Math, taught naturally (search for "Bad Drawings", IIRC). Mathematics / coding was always my passion as are music and literature. Took a long warm shower and changed into fresh clothes. The weather is pretty sweltering. Had Maggi Mee goreng for lunch. The lime is a must. And the chilies were spectacular. New G's are out and looking hot. And it may be a few more weeks before the blackmailer telepaths are rounded up.

After a short rest, will be writing project "B". Every day is a new day and a fresh start.

3pm, Raining. Haven't written much yet but then the day is still young. Lots of people crammed into my space due to 'Prince William'.

4pm, Talked about the origins of the mind warfare, powers, and the reality of life, being a little more magical than most think or show. Something my book in progress touches on askance. Hopefully people will bury the hatchet. Liew 6 lost a lot of power. Looking forward to dinner and a good rest tonight.

8pm, Took my meds early. Talked a lot about the telepathy crisis, methods for self defense and sabotage, and the hulks we installed everywhere. We have spy lines and cameras on all the evil commanders who are now picking on the very innocent and weak. Signing off for the night.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Tuesday 8am

Up a little late. Got cleaned and worked out briefly. Fed Bean but she's not eating anymore. Seems like she's dying. I wonder if it's a prophecy. Feel like going on a run now. Back from a brief run. Feeling good. Later to renew my driving license.

9am, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Feeling a little miserable so decided not to write anything right now. Put on the a/c as it's humid. Yea, feeling down on my 47th. Tonight we'll be eating out as well as Mom wants a break from kitchen duty. I think we'll take out McDonalds. My treat.

12pm, Back from getting my driver’s license renewed even tho I don’t drive. Dad and Mom are in control of my birthday schedule so it seems. Had breakfast-lunch at a noodle shop. 16RM per person. A bit steep but food was good. Tonight, burgers, also on me. Hamster still clinging on. Doesn’t want almond coconut milk which should be sustaining. Played some music for damaged infants the witchy Liew 6 went through. Talked to their parents about individual family responsibility. Starting to write more of “B”, having to introduce 3 more characters.

4pm, Wrote more of project "B". It was a lot of fun and I've made it a point to have fun writing the whole novella, not saying anything I don't enjoy. Earlier, had a shower after a monster dump. Feel so cleansed like the times I used to eat 5 mandarin oranges a day around CNY and had a good loo afterwards.

5pm, Hamster still alive. It hasn't eaten anything for 24 hours. I wonder if she will die on my birthday? This will be the last pet I get as I need to shortly go on the road.

8pm, Getting ready for bed. Hamster is wheezing but not in pain as she breaths her last. UK and American forces who sided with the Liew 6 are thundering on good Asians. They've signed their souls to the Devil. Unfortunately, they've polluted the east with countless prideful fools as well. It may be prudent to force them out of the mindspaces by tonight with the foot-head heartburn.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Monday 6am

Up early after taking a Rivotril last night. Going for a run shortly. Got cleaned earlier. Had a lot of gas somehow. Feeling hungry. Feed the hamster soon. Will work out in half an hour. Liew witches stir up kids onto me again.

7am, Feeling good from my exercise earlier. Took a long warm shower (we have solar heating) and changed into fresh clothes. Wearing my lucky underwear from Lululemon. Will rest and carry on writing "B" later.

9am, Gave the Liew witchy 6 terrible stomach ulcers. ‘Prince William’ trapped in a cube of acrylic as he went mad, beating senior citizens.

10am, Trying to find out the status of my UpLink proposal. Seems the WEF have moved to apply it in stages to certain financial / trade sectors as they found it logical and safe. Thinking of the money I may win from this and the nice things I’ll be able to afford come CNY.

8pm, We had a good Chinese "banquet" dinner for 7 at a nearby joint with a/c. Very pleasant atmosphere and good food. Came home and had Perrier, pineapple, salt prune mocktails with banana chocolate cake Sis bought me. She also gave me some money for my birthday which I could use towards my grail watch next year. Liew witches feeling sad over their eventual downfall into Hell. Sometimes, life sucks and makes everyone feel bad too. Anyway, happy 47th birthday to me, come midnight!

9pm, Fed Bean. She's growing old fast, and these may be her last weeks. She ignored the fruit and granola and went for quite a bit of the fresh pineapple juice. At least she got some nutrition in. Feeling a little sad. Maybe for many reasons. There's still fireworks outside my window as I prepare to resume writing "B". The plot starts to thicken!

Took my meds after a long warm shower and will probably turn in by midnight. Don't feel much like running tomorrow but we'll see if I wake up early enough. I guess that's all for today.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Sunday 12am

Still up but feeling quite sleepy. Today is Deepavali. Tomorrow, my 47th birthday celebration, a day early. Liew witches still lashing out through western kids and babies. Decided not to code everything on RISCOS but to do most of the research and development on Linux. Won’t be running tomorrow, just do mild exercises.

8am, Was up lateish. Fed Bean and worked out. Didn’t run. Later I want to take a long walk instead. Problems with the Javascript parser delay my browser project. Witchy Liews and Americans still fighting over my mindspace.

12pm, Went out with Dad to buy a Touch n' Go card as he lost his in the midst of falling ill and being warded. Luckily, I have a limited TnG which can serve in the interim. Had an iced Milo and roti canai for brunch. Put on the a/c as it's very humid. Decided to walk later in the evening, to the LRT station and back. Meanwhile, will be resting and reading up a bit on coding my browser.

4pm, I'm starting to write a new novella. The last one was taken by witches for some reason. This story is not as deep but will be based fully in Malaysia, with all Malaysian characters. This will make it special and fun to write. It may take 3 weeks to finish, writing 1k words per day.

7pm, Had a good dinner of talapia fish and beans with tofu and minced pork, sweet potato leaves from the garden. Hamster had some fish too, plus rice, nuts, and berries. We talked to Chinese forces in the mind about respect and royalty, forgiveness and upstandingness. We educated the younger Royals on basic social skills i.e. when mistakes happen in the mind. It’s not cause for a meltdown. Feel like writing my novella now. Reading friend Ivy Ngeow’s book too.

9pm, Spent 2 hours writing project B. Got down just over 1k words. And the story is developing rather interesting. It’s readable, not draggy and a bit mysterious as I planned. Every day 2 hours and it should be done by EOM. Taking my meds now. May run tomorrow if I’m up early.

11pm, Brushed and am turning in soon.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Saturday 5am

Up early. Bean ate some leftovers from last night’s feeding while I fully wake up for my run and workout at 6am.

6am, Fed the hamster and went for a run. Getting clean soon. Workout at 7am probably. TRR still stalled for want of a believable summing up.

8am, Brushed. Finished writing TRR and will be coding soon on my Pi4. Should be fun.

11am, Had roast chicken for lunch. Sis bought it before she and Mom left for the tile shop. Dad is recovering well. I’ve moved my Pi4 downstairs near an ethernet cable so I can develop Browse II as RISCOS has no wifi. Need to get more veggies for Bean soon, maybe some of the chicken would be good. Not sure if J&T will deliver Mom’s parcel today. I did a COD so have to watch for it. Feeling a little lost looking at the swi code.

2pm, J&T say Mom’s parcel will COD this afternoon. I have absolutely no idea how to dig into my web browser. What a start it might be, an adventure in code.

5pm, Will be making dinner tonight. Teriyaki chicken with ginger / garlic and green onion, and some baked beans with red onion and fresh tomato. Mom is tired after tile hunting with Sis this morning. I've started next week's free short story, codename EotS. A tale of myth which should be fun to explore. But tonight, really coding is calling to me. Mustn't be lazy. Helped people destroyed by hasty hustling in the mind reach for a better future. Liew witches are tied up a bit more by mild cell-shrinking. It's a long shot to put them away anytime soon.

Tomorrow, I may head out to get some groceries unless Dad is well enough to drive us. Took 2 showers today and changed clothes twice as there is bacteria in our house lately. More people are reading my blog. And I wonder if I'll succeed as a writer / app designer soon.

11pm, Heavy research into parsers ongoing as well as ByteIO. Needed Linux for the job. Still not working tho.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Friday 6am

Up early. Got cleaned. Will run soon. Liew witches quite quiet. Last night we put our foot down on bad behavior in the mindspace. Back from my run an feeling energized. Work out soon, then feed the hamster by 6:30.

8am, Finished my morning routine. Last night’s half asleep write of TRR needs major editing. Should finish in a few hours. I can’t believe the hilarity of my foggy brain’s creation! Dad could come home today if all goes well. Still wearing the Tenor-Dorly. My favorite watch. My first Swiss made. Have to renew my driving license soon. Costs about 40RM IIRC. Despite the fact I don’t drive anymore.

4pm, No sign of my parcel yet. Maybe in half an hour or so. Plots are flowing through my head to write TRR this afternoon. None of it is very convincing at the moment.

8pm, Dad came home from the ward at last. Mom and I made him a good dinner and Sis had some iced coffee with us and some snacks before leaving to her family duties. My retro mouse is in and looks nice. Works well too for $2. I wrote 70% of TRR this afternoon but the punchline is eluding me. Maybe later by 9pm when I take my meds. Fed Bean.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Thursday 6am

Up earlyish after taking a Rivotril last night with my meds. Went for a brief run. Mom slept on the couch, waiting for news of Dad who was hospitalized yesterday. Have to feed Bean by 7am and work out too. Feeling the cardio. My only physical activity in a day is condensed into 6 minutes. Have some writing to do after caring for the hamster.

7am, Got cleaned. Took a long warm shower and changed into fresh clothes. So glad for the fresh bar of Beach Essentials soap my cousin gave us. Feels so good. I have to write one JMR story this morning, then resume TRR.

8am, Finished today's JMR. Writing TRR now. Helped Mom do the laundry. Hope Dad can come home today, and we can go grocery shopping this week. The doctors say his sodium levels were dangerously low and he was up all night suffering. Helped Mom start the laundry and take out the trash. Bean furtively ate some of her food while I was downstairs. My new 11RM 3-button non-scrolling PS2 mouse should arrive tomorrow. Need it for RISCOS.

12pm, Made nuggets, beans and egg for lunch with Mom. Dad has to stay in hospital as he’s still weak. Hope he won’t miss my birthday dinner. We should eat well. I have 850RM left to spend up to mid January. Loosed 150RM over 2 weeks. It should last, according to the trend.

1pm, Trimmed my hair down and shaved. I had been a scruff for the past 4 weeks. Must look neat on my birthday. I have a handy MAG portable buzzer which I got for just 50RM, or 4 haircuts’ worth. Saving money and time is so important nowadays. Taking a break till 3pm, just surfing Shopee.

2pm, Things are going well in Yap space. Feeling peaceful and useful to the world, triumphant over the evil in my life. It’s that good feeling that writing good stories needs.

6pm, Spent hours talking in the mindspace as attacks by Liew witchy forces rain down on their enemies in the west and upon sympathizers from the east. We may have got them to stop through a bit of psychology and shiatsu. Wearing my Tenor-Dorly from the early 70s on matching gold brown NATO. I may wear this watch a lot more until I get my MT-G next year, fingers crossed.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Wednesday 5am

Up early. Got cleaned. Went for my daily run. Work out at 6am and feed Bean too. Evil still abounds in the mindspaces. Have to write TRR sometime soon and it better be good.

7am, Exercised and fed the hamster. Modded my cheap Casio velcro strap. It had a very large and ugly wrap-through metal keeper. Now it has a small one from a 22mm NATO I cannibalized. Was unable to register my debit card with Apple or Microsoft so I can't buy almost anything. It is accepted by PayPal tho and perhaps Shopee as well. Strange how donations aren't accepted from Malaysia almost everywhere. Then there's the order from abroad cash outflow which is frowned upon. I don't know what to buy this birthday November besides the Uniqlo wide-cut jeans I got last month.

3pm, Dad can’t pee after his scope so Sis took him to the day clinic. It’s so useful to have doctors in the family. Started strong on TRR with a scene progression and character dialog opportunities, and may write another Christian story later on 666. Looks like rain. Ordered a PS2 mouse on Shopee for 11RM.

5pm, Helped chop charchoy for a minced pork steam tonight. Mom bought us ice cream. Managed to finish the Judy Mark Rajoo story on 666. Now to weave some magic into TRR. May take an hour or two.

9pm, Dad’s admitted for severe vomitting. Sis and husband are both doctors. He’s in good hands. We packed him an overnight bag. He strapped on my 5600 G and one of my old Ion tees. Good luck, old man. God be with us all. So much to do, I forgot to feed Bean. She had cheddar, Japanese cucumber, rice porridge, nuts, and some blackberry for dinner. Needless to say I couldn’t do any more writing on TRR. Also took my meds a bit late. A lot of mindspace activity passing over my head. Wonder what’s up in the world at large right now?

Monday, November 6, 2023

Tuesday 3am

Up very early after taking a Rivopam last night. Must have slept 6 hours. Will run at 5am. Watched Apple's Scary Fast event last night. I couldn't catch it live. Quite entertaining. Unfortunately, the laptop I run is a used Core i5 from 2015. Hardly a speed demon but I use it mainly for word processing, Python coding, and basic Photoshop / Cakewalk / ClipChamp.

5am, Feeling invigorated from my brief run down the road and up. Worked out a bit. Was good as I'm sedentary much of the day lying on my bed or sitting at the PC. Feed Bean at 6am.

7am, Got cleaned and took a long warm shower. Will get down to work on those Christian stories soon. It's been 7 months since I bought my used ThinkPad -my main workhorse computer for 1kRM at a junky shop in DigitalMall. Such luxury. Closing the lid is solid and so satisfying as is typing on the legendary keyboard. The IPS touchscreen is gorgeous. My final PC purchase before the End.

8am, Did a bit of work on ROTA to get copy/paste working in Linux. It was a major feature of my app. Python3 scripts are mostly portable tho. Will head to the bank this week to deposit some funds to buy Paint.NET -give a little back once or twice a year. Nothing much new for myself.

9am, Wrote my first Judy, Mark and Rajoo (with Professor Kim) Christian dialog for my site "Omega". Feels good. I think I will do just one a day. Now I need to write TRR for

10am, The folks are out looking at tiles. Renovation is their preoccupation lately. Should finish TRR by lunchtime. Yesterday, I had a very spicy meal. Hopefully today's will be milder. Dreaming of owning an MT-G still. My Christian site, Omega is looking better after some redesigning.

1pm, Broke my schedule to improve SHT's Bible search algorithm. It's now simpler but more powerful. Should have done it months ago. Really good results.

5pm, Raining heavily. Deposited 100RM in my debit account so I can spend 139RM over this week / weekend. Will be sponsoring Paint.Net (which is free) tonight off the MS store. My 2nd and final 'good deed' of the year. Hamster is really lazy and missed out on its KFC. Must write TRR tonight after making dinner.

7pm, Fed the hamster its favorite, potato and japanese cucumber with a large, sliced blueberry. Took my meds early and will sleep soon. Feel too tired to do any writing. Maybe will just outline for a few minutes then turn in at 8pm.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Monday 6am

Up earlyish. Went for my run. Feeling good. Feed Bean soon, then work out. Liew witches singing in my head. They lost a great deal of power.

8am, Got cleaned, worked out and fed the hamster, all while being pushed down by evil forces. I'm still the master of my mornings. Today, to start writing more Christian stories based on the academic characters in my tale, The Vaccine. May code Browse later tonight, around 8pm after dinner.

10am, Still haven't got down to work. But it will only take an hour or so to write 3 stories. In 11 days, it'll all be done -my responsibilities towards God and the flock. Talked a lot in the mind about sin and being 'open' for business, telepathically. We shredded the Liew witchy 6 but they're still clinging on somehow. Using my Bluetooth Logi silent mouse instead of the wired G gaming mouse.

3pm, Had nasi lemak for lunch. Quite spicy. Is raining now. Packaged my Python3 scripts for Linux seeing as how I get quite a few Linux visitors.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Sunday 8am

Up too late for a run. Worked out tho and am feeling that cardio. A week till my birthday dinner. Still no progress on Browse. Instead, I added more stuff to my website, and put my Christian stories into a PDF for download. Having a gourmet ramen and watermelon for breakfast.

9am, Got cleaned. Still working on my website. There were bugs in the CSS and I had left out some important information. Made it more colorful and bold. Later, we'll be off to the minimart for groceries and may have a light lunch nearby.

11am, Took a warm shower and changed into fresh clothes. Done with my website for now. Looking forward to a nice crispy roti canai and kaw iced coffee. Split the Liew witches' nerves with an acrylic clamp. Nobody wants to do it much, in fear of telepathic ailments.

1pm, Back from grocery shopping and lunch at an Indian joint. Got a Blue Screen of Death on my ThinkPad when I woke it up. Wonder if I got hacked? Need to spend some money next week, buying some software which I use often. Liew witches surging through the mindspaces.

2pm, Drank lots of coffee. The folks are out selecting tiles for our home renovation. I've started a site exclusively for Christian stuff which doesn't fit my mostly secular main site. The address is: Omega ( -give it a visit if you can. Will work on it more tonight. The reason I don't mix secular writing with too much gospel is that some get offended and I get anxious, being a liberal / progressive faith believer. Liew witches still striking out at my throat.

6pm, Healing all over the world helped by friendly forces from America. Mr Beast among them. Liew witchy 6 are in retreat and out of fashion all over the west. Hopefully eastern men will also agree the Liew 6 were evil first.

8pm, Had a good dinner of fish and chicken with broccoli. I minced the ginger for the fish. Bean is having some too. Meanwhile everyone is coming together over pressing issues like money and security for their families. Took my meds early and hope to run tomorrow before dawn.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Saturday 6am

Up early. Went for a run. Feeling regulated. Work out soon and feed Bean. Liew witches trying to downfall others through the mindspace. They have no other fun.

7am, Got cleaned and am finishing up my morning routine. Made some spelling corrections to EoFP. I think only a few people read it. Hope for more today. Next week's story is codenamed TRR and will be about uprising and conspiracy in a fictional 3rd world nation -tentatively. I always plan, well ahead of the big write. So today I will be exploring RISCOS's toolbox / swi.

9am, Took a shower as I was starting to smell. Feel much better now. Used Taharah clay soap, did my feet as well which are peeling a bit. Tomorrow, I may trim my hair. Still no progress on Browse. I have to work harder.

11am, Discovered how to use the RISCOS toolbox. There was an extension change to the /py source files. Now I have lots of examples to get started with. Need to make lunch soon. Avocado, tomato, eggs and beans on toast. Also plotted out some of TRR for easy writing later.

12pm, The folks are going over to discuss renovation of our small house. Decided to spend the early afternoon outlining TRR instead of coding Browse. Will code around 4-5pm. There's a foul shitty odor in the house downstairs. Anyway, to work.

1pm, Ate well. Finished outlining TRR. Reading up on BytesIO as I need to process-down streamed multimedia. Thinking about Javascript. I may use a ‘breaker’ function to spread resources out into handleable components depending on script terms. All this may take a few days. My last app, LittlePad-J took a whopping 10 days. Mostly fudging UI code.

10pm, Finished up work on Greco-Roman notation, created a page for it on my site and made it easy to read, using tables. Also released my Christian fiction as a PDF eBook. Tidied up my site's orphaned folders. Fed the hamster earlier, Took my meds and drank 2 cups of black coffee. Liew witches and American pushers ram against my poor ill body. It's just the way the cookie crumbles. Was supposed to find some solutions for this but got waylaid.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Friday 5am

Up early and got cleaned. Will feed the hamster at 6:30am and run at 6am. Finished installing Python3 on my RISCOS Raspberry Pi. Will also have to write today in between coding. Liew witches and westerners still in my mindspace.

6am, Back from my run and feeling good. Worked out briefly. Feeling that cardio.

7am, Commencing work on 'Browse'. May write the weekly short story this afternoon / evening.  Brushed. I think RISCOS doesn't like 2 versions of Python which was what caused the pip install errors. Well it's solved now and I can write EoFP.

8am, Haven't had breakfast except for some watermelon and iced water. Struggling with riscos_toolbox which isn't the same as the old version. Need to find some example code by 9am, then to get down to writing my story.

10am, Dad is still at the hospital with Mom. A germ of a story is forming in my mind. Could finish it before dinner. The story is settled, just to write it down in so many words. Now coding 'Browse'. I love RISCOS and am happy to write it a free web browser.

3pm, Nothing got done today aside from installing Ubuntu 23 on the old Aspire netbook. And it's raining so I can't go out. Took a shower. Tomorrow, I'll be heading out to DigitalMall, see if I can get some interesting and cheap hardware for 100RM or so. It's 12 days till my 47th birthday.

5pm, Will be cooking soon. Fried rice with leftover chicken from The Chicken Rice Shop. Gave up on learning the riscos-toolbox for now and will just write EoFP for release around 9pm. Did some 'magic' that gently pushes away the Liew witches who are now hunting weaker babies. Cooked fried rice with chunks of fresh japanese cucumber, corn, carrot, red onion, eggs, and the chicken mentioned above. Was edible and fresh-tasting. Feed the hamster again at 6pm. Then write by 7pm.

7pm, The hour is here and I'm feeling tired. Will rally to write EoFP in a few minutes. Should take half an hour or so. I actually planned it all week on and off. No bad writing for my fans. The world is closing on the witchy Asian 6, as guards and protocols are placed everywhere. I need to be on hand at this stage so everyone who bore too much can heal. And the wars go on until the end. Feel like watching some YouTube sermons.

8pm, Took my meds. Swapped some watch straps. Feeling like I shouldn’t be writing tonight. Maybe around 9pm.

10pm, Just finished writing EoFP and posted it on It’s being read sporadically after I shared it on Twitter. Have to think of the next week’s one tomorrow. Stories take lots of thought and research. Now tho, I can leisurely hammer on the riscos-toolbox and code Browse.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Thursday 5am

Up early. Went for a brief run as usual and worked out a bit. Feeling tip top. Liew witches stirred up American wives to harangue me and they forced the Liews onto me in reverse, calling all the shots. Well, today is story day and I need to clean my room as well. Feed the hamster at 6am. Project LJ isn't quite ready for heavy use as irritating, mild positional bugs in the textarea still exist.

8am, Got cleaned. Fed the hamster who is looking healthier. Squashed all of the serious bugs in LJ. Tiny ones remain for another day. Have to get started on my writing later this morning. Still wearing my Casio 800h. Can't wait to own an MT-G next year but I won't be able to wear it much if the economy is bad.

10am, Put on my Lululemon underwear. One of my few luxuries. Later in the month, taking Mom to Decathlon to get her a KD900 running shoe circa 400RM. Will pay half of it so she'll feel better. My aunt is afraid of going to Hell and is forcing herself onto my wounded brain. There's no point being nice to some people.

3pm, Back from HomePro @Mutiara. Got cheese and Japanese cucumber for bean. Chips for myself and some gourmet ramen for lunch tomorrow. Can't write much today so am designing Browse's interface. I'm really clueless how this CLI web client will work but have the sockets code copied and it runs.

7pm, Feeding Bean now. Set up a RISCOS Raspberry Pi 4b next to my laptop so I can develop 'Browse'. Installing Python3 is taking a while. Made good pork mini steaks for dinner earlier -tender and tasty. Mom acting the goat for some reason. Will try to write my weekly short story tomorrow. Take my meds at 8pm. Royals and Liew witches they 'befriended' unhappy with their lives. We gave them hope but it's not enough...

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...