Friday, November 3, 2023

Saturday 6am

Up early. Went for a run. Feeling regulated. Work out soon and feed Bean. Liew witches trying to downfall others through the mindspace. They have no other fun.

7am, Got cleaned and am finishing up my morning routine. Made some spelling corrections to EoFP. I think only a few people read it. Hope for more today. Next week's story is codenamed TRR and will be about uprising and conspiracy in a fictional 3rd world nation -tentatively. I always plan, well ahead of the big write. So today I will be exploring RISCOS's toolbox / swi.

9am, Took a shower as I was starting to smell. Feel much better now. Used Taharah clay soap, did my feet as well which are peeling a bit. Tomorrow, I may trim my hair. Still no progress on Browse. I have to work harder.

11am, Discovered how to use the RISCOS toolbox. There was an extension change to the /py source files. Now I have lots of examples to get started with. Need to make lunch soon. Avocado, tomato, eggs and beans on toast. Also plotted out some of TRR for easy writing later.

12pm, The folks are going over to discuss renovation of our small house. Decided to spend the early afternoon outlining TRR instead of coding Browse. Will code around 4-5pm. There's a foul shitty odor in the house downstairs. Anyway, to work.

1pm, Ate well. Finished outlining TRR. Reading up on BytesIO as I need to process-down streamed multimedia. Thinking about Javascript. I may use a ‘breaker’ function to spread resources out into handleable components depending on script terms. All this may take a few days. My last app, LittlePad-J took a whopping 10 days. Mostly fudging UI code.

10pm, Finished up work on Greco-Roman notation, created a page for it on my site and made it easy to read, using tables. Also released my Christian fiction as a PDF eBook. Tidied up my site's orphaned folders. Fed the hamster earlier, Took my meds and drank 2 cups of black coffee. Liew witches and American pushers ram against my poor ill body. It's just the way the cookie crumbles. Was supposed to find some solutions for this but got waylaid.

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Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...