Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Wednesday 5am

Up very early. Back from my brief run. Felt good. Workout at 6am.

8am, Back from breakfast at Hameed’s. Got cleaned earlier. Working on my web app. Liew forces and UK / US accomplices continue to pester me for something they can’t get.

10am, Madness carries on in the west, especially in the UK. We have to cut down the problem into manageable chunks, limiting the number of free radicals. Started coding. Should finish later in the afternoon from the design work done yesterday.

3pm, Ran into some problems with the coding. How does the outline follow the story being written in a word processor? I need to use a tkinter Text widget to write in. Nieces came over to spend some time with the folks. We ate yongtowfu and snacks. About to rain. ‘Prince William’ raging in the mindspaces again over his perceived destiny in hell. Why not, William, do better not worse, it’s your very soul!

10pm, Took my meds late. Took a sedative to sleep well. Liew witches fearing for their future as God’s plan unfurls in spite of their power over the world’s common sinner. Why do they have to fear all over my mindspace? I’m innocent!

Monday, April 29, 2024

Tuesday 7am

Up lateish. Will skip my run. Work out soon. Got cleaned well. Liew witchy forces and the evil aliens unsettle Americans yet again. Wonder how the last day of passover will play out.

9am, Back from dropping Mom off at Grandma’s. They are getting her maid an extension to her work permit at the Indonesian embassy. The maid is a good Christian, from Timor. Didn’t have time to work out and the Liew-American partnership attacked me again for no reason. I was accepted into a Facebook group, Writers helping writers. Just have some fun commenting before the eventual end whichever way it falls.

Worked out. Felt good. I currently have 2 laptops, a Raspberry Pi 4, a Kabini rig, and 2 iPads. The Pi is without a dedicated display at the moment. Was interesting that the iPad 5 draws less power than a Pi4 -the charger isn’t even warm.

10am, Did no work, just feeling oppressed. Was hit a bit to boot. Just taking life slow. Gastro-intestinal problems being pushed onto me.

1pm, Back from grocery shopping at NSK. Bought snacks for the new house. Mom and Dad sometimes get hungry and thirsty while over there. Still can’t work due to family feeling sad and the Liew witches in fear. Maybe later tonight. Want to take a shower. Got out of a serious trap worked by witches on my pinky.

4pm, Rained heavily while the folks were over at the small house. I wrote a Medium article on moving as we are soon to do. Liew witches fight to the bitter end.

6pm, Having fish for dinner for the second day in a row. A very large pomfret bought by my uncle. His family and himself are under attack by unknown forces with unknown objective, other than the “grandpa problem” we most all have to bear. A history of telepathic cheating. Meanwhile, I’m thinking of coding a new Python text editor that’s easy to use for heavy loads like writing a novella. Drafter is a nice idea but maybe CHR will be more well-received.

11pm, Settled on the design for CHR. It will be a markdown file scrubber. The .scol file it reads may be created by any text editor. Took my meds and will brush soon.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Monday 7am

Up earlyish. Back from my run. Ran really fast and could feel the Pebax energy-returning foam working. Recovered quick. Will work out in half an hour. Liew witches and western forces still trying to use me. I’m full up, guys, sorry.

3 more downloads of Mss2 today, via Facebook. Are people really interested in my stories? Must keep writing. Did my workout and am feeling good. Getting cleaned now. Brush at 8:30.

8am, Had a spicy ramen for breakfast. UK Royals pestering our mind group to take hits for their families, offering nothing to us in return except pain. Being medically frail, I had to opt out. No point dying suddenly right away IMHO.

9am, On track to repulsing the Liew witches’ threat maybe by 10am. There are many of their gang involved in raising hellfire in the west.

11am, Back from New Town. Was hot out. Am relaxing in my room beside the box fan. Raya mood is still on and the council haven’t got our new street bin ready for pickup. Tomorrow, Dad and I may head out to the mall for lunch.

Popped into to the bank to check my balance. I have 89RM to spend, plus 200RM belonging to Dad. Might as well use the money.

3pm, ‘Prince William’ has gone ballistic again, believing he is a prophetic figure of evil. This after we counseled him on his virtues and duties. Suspect William may be schizophrenic. Resumed writing 1997, which will be a bit biographic, with pieces from my history.

4pm, Took a long relaxing shower, less warm this time. Just taking it easy from now till end of May. Wrote some background on the 4 characters in 1997 so they can interact better. They talk tech a lot, and the ins and outs of how it affects society.

8pm, I successfully restored Windows 10 on the Aspire Celeron netbook after a long time in Linux land. Seems to be working fine. Can wake from suspend [not all the time]. All the drivers were installed, some manually, free from Acer’s support site here in Malaysia. Uses half the 4gb RAM with a web browser open. About twice that of a low end Linux distro. Not sure where to now… maybe back to writing.

10pm, Took my meds and showered with Jane’s Indian nettle soap. Washed my Lululemon briefs and changed into fresh clothes. Dad and I will be at the MegaMall tomorrow. I want to buy something nice for myself but can’t really think of anything.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Sunday 6am

Up early. Back from a brief but somewhat fast run. Recovered quickly. Workout soon. Haven’t been writing or playing my guitar lately. Just feeling a little down. My blogs continue to get traffic tho I’m unsure why. Maybe my writing is comforting, sometimes inspiring.

8am, Had a roti telur and iced Milo for breakfast. Got cleaned well. My crotch is being targeted by the evil Liew witches again so have to use soft TP. Yet to brush. Sos.epub got 5 more downloads this morning. Feeling good. Did a full workout, the first in weeks, since my ribs got injured against a piano bench.

9am, Feeling down. Hard to get started on my short story ‘1997’. The domination of witchcraft is amazing, as if everyone on Earth has gone soft for pleasure, hypocrisy and revenge. These are times when the righteous should shine, if not just internally, as prophecy plays out right before our eyes and ears.

Brushed. 10 people downloaded mss2 from freeLunch. The largest number of downloads in a day I ever got. Hope it keeps up day to day. Usually, I get just 2 - 4.

10am, Will be making avocado on toast with fried, reduced tomato and onion for lunch. Start at 11am. Evil Liew witches having fun destroying my life’s work through telepathy. This is high hypocrisy. Something that must occur in these end times. Wearing my G-Shock 2200 which I bought from SunriseTimeCentre @Amcorp. It’s 30ish seconds ahead since I bought and set it a year ago.

11am, Took a long relaxing shower. Was attacked by more proxy witchcraft. Beginning to accept that these are such times. Things like these must happen. Cooking lunch now.

12pm, Lunch was okay, a little charred. Should have stirred the reducing tomatoes and onions more. Will be heading over to the small house soon. Seems our family ‘machines’ made by Grandpa are becoming unpopular. The ‘captain’ and his family are under attack now that Gamps is dead. Like I said… modern witchcraft is in effect. All of us are under fire no matter how small our crimes.

6pm, Back from the small house. I retrieved the Aspire netbook. It really feels underpowered. Started writing 1997. Liew witches are under siege. I’m back to using the MS mouse 2.0A as the Thai-made one feels very cheap. I think I paid 10RM for it.

10pm, Shaved my head hair down again. Was difficult after 9 days of growth. Used my buzzer and razor. Took half an hour. Also trimmed my mustache. Need to touch up a little tomorrow as patches of hair grow back quickly where people are forcing onto me. Took my meds early but am still wide awake.

11pm, More mind warfare involving geniuses with crimes. Hernias being given out. I can heal it so no worries.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Saturday 4am

Up early. Fell asleep on the floor again. Will run and work out at 6am. Liew witches and their geniuses still giving out pain. They can feel they’re not going to heaven, no point in doing good. Back from my run early. Did 40 pushups and twists. No sit-ups for a few days more.

Writing a story about workstations. Something I think of now and then. Surprised -I did 30 crunches without pain, mostly.

8am, Went to the loo twice. Becoming the norm most mornings these days. Today, we’re helping Mom’s sister celebrate her birthday. Both her children are in Oz, her husband, passed away after a short battle with cancer. The Americans and British continue to support the Liew witches’ attacks on Christians.

10am, Brushed. Took a brief shower and re-wore my old clothes. Heading out to get a cake and some food for the celebration. Will be having lunch at the mamak with Dad afterwards.

2pm, Helped sweep the floor. Was very dusty. Mop later. Utilized my iPad 5 as my writing station as it has an adapter that allows charging and connecting my peripherals as well.

4pm, Back from Old Town. We bought concrete bricks to reinforce Mom’s old cupboard. She’s mad about it for some reason. Rained. Ate cheesecake. Mormon elders who smashed into Malaysian innocents face charges from white-witches. Overall, a sad day for Jesus H.

5pm, Using the old iPad 5 feels good. I have it in portrait mode and soon will transfer this new one to Mom or Dad. I think the iPad 10 is 4x better than the 5. But I’m soon to depart in one form or another, and you can’t take it with you, so they say.

7pm, Raining. Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. Many conflicts are being solved. And the straight battle between good and evil develops facets like a cut diamond. Cancer is flying but so too blessed are the peacemakers. 10kRM disappeared from our extended family’s shared CIMB account last week. Wonder how? Find out Monday. Theft is increasingly rampant in this poor economy.

10pm, Took my meds earlier. Brushed. Talked about the labors of St. Paul versus today’s lifestyles. His story is a heartbreaking one. Turning in soon. Ate Frank’s red hot pepper sauce am feeling the effects in my gut. I guess that’s all for tonight. Will run and work out tomorrow, early if possible.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Friday 5am

Up early. Going for a run soon. Will work out first. Back from a brief run, slightly uphill. Feeling good. Americans stabbing at my hand again. They are increasingly cynical about life and God. Had a Morrison’s coffee and creamy tomyam ramen for breakfast. Was good. Working on my stories.

7am, Got cleaned with a little help. Ready to head over to the small retirement house soon. Brush at 7:30. Had an iced Milo. Will eat a roti canai later with a limau ais / lime iced water. Protecting oneself is so hard to do right. You don’t want to break someone’s balls.

10am, Looed again. Took a long warm shower. Decided not to go over to the new place where painting is now going on. Can’t wait to make the move to Paramount. I will be at the park, sketching, mostly, or out via the LRT. Feel like doing some more writing to pass the time.

2pm, Had peanut butter and blackberry jam sandwiches for lunch with unsweetened soy milk. Folks are still at the new house supervising the painting of the airwell ceiling. If all goes well, we could move in by the first week of May. I can imagine the chaos in my family if I suddenly disappear, late May. Wrote a new story for my other blog, DogBlots.

6pm, Using my NOS Microsoft multimedia keyboard and a generic Shopee mouse with my iPad 10 via a PS2 to USB adapter. Works quite well. Can turn off Bluetooth to save power, no need for batteries.

7pm, Had salted egg, and century egg omelette for dinner. Mom cooked. Will be doing some more writing tonight. Just flash fiction for DogBlots. Most of the time will be spent fixing my sister’s attitude and her rampant telepathic crimes.

8pm, There is a bee or hornet in my room again. Taking my meds early with half a Rivotril. There’s not much time to do anything right now as the UK are urging me to have a psych session with the Liew witches.

9pm, Successfully disengaged Satan from the Liew witches by scoring a groove along a higher nerve (mental function nerves). Important not to totally oust the Devil as that affects prophecy. Also the Devil has a physical body to manipulate the physical world, unlike angels.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Thursday 8am

Up lateish. Did my brief workout. Will run later. Should be heading to the mall this morning. Liew witchy attacks are less intense. Last night we attempted to remove their core supporters, those they drove mad and those on the way to madness.

9am, Got cleaned surprisingly easily. Will eat some breakfast now. Run in the evening, probably. Evil telepathy still persists in the mindspaces. Like Satan they have no home, clothes, no purpose. Brushed after drinking an iced Milo. Still thinking what I can get myself for a few dozen RM that I will really enjoy.

3pm, Back from Mutiara. Relentless assaults from the Liew witches and fallen bully families’ kids in America. The mass sexuality uprising is gathering storm. Didn’t get anything nice for myself. Been working on my eBook formatting. Looking quite professional.

5pm, Finished reprocessing Mss2’s cover. Quite happy with it. Used a lot of gradients and worked in some patchiness for that professional touch. Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. Will be cooking in a bit.

7pm, Dinner went well. Mom had sensitive teeth from eating freezing cold red bean drink and is recovering gradually. We are being attacked, a small group of us family and Christians. Headaches, and my fingers numbed. Making it to May may be hell. Looks like we have to educate some thousands of babies -again. I will be working on my biography seeing as how there’s nothing to do but be punched.

9pm, Took my meds and a sedative just now. Brushed and am ready to sleep, wake up early for a run.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Wednesday 6am

Up early. Worked out and went for a run. Feeling okay. Lots of people crushing me so I needed the brief exercise badly. I should do 2 sessions a day but that would be pushing it. Drank iced Milo for breakfast. My body is rejecting ramen so I’m giving that a miss. Sis is flaring up near to the Tribulation. The Israel war needs to escalate before Jesus will come, probably, not amounting to a recommendation.

7am, Lots of westerners down with pre-cancer for bullying Asians. They need my help to push off the disease but are happily beating me up. Madness.

9am, Liew witches and their army of ignorants beating us up over ‘prophecy’ that they’re scrying for continually. They know nothing of compassion. Folks going to the bank. Need a new battery for my Cherub guitar tuner. My final one before the end. Maybe just a Mr. DIY Pardeer will do. Brushed. Yet to get cleaned. Playing with my old Aerobie foam football. They don’t sell this model anymore, most places.

11am, Got cleaned with some help. Took a warmish shower but didn’t change clothes. I’m not sweaty today yet. It seems the fateful passover (passion) will be ‘fulfilled’ in the Kingdom soon. And it is through mass effect that it happens, little to do with our own efforts but with God’s command to act NOW. The evil Liew witches are on the run from our forces, and are partially destroyed.

6pm, Back from the small house a bit late. Mom is cooking dinner. I left the Cherub guitar tuner with my old c40, at the new house. Mom played some piano. She is very ponderous. I get the feeling we may all die, the way the witchiness is going. We are stumping their right hands.

11pm, Brushed. Still wide awake despite taking my meds at 9pm. Must sleep soon, as tomorrow I’ll be at Mutiara. Want to buy something nice for myself that isn’t too expensive. Can’t think of anything so far.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Tuesday 5am

Up early. Worked out a bit and went for a brief run. Feeling okay. Had a ramen for breakfast. Liews and Americans push kids and babies onto me to take up their time. The antichrists still doing everything they want.

7am, Got cleaned. Brushed earlier. Transporting the piano early this afternoon to the new place.

10am, Back from Stadium where Dad and I had a snack. We have a possible leaky roof at the small house we’re moving to. The floor was damp from last night’s downpour. I’ve finished the post on God’s Enemy. Not sure how to fill the time until psych clinic. The piano movers are early. I may tag along for fun.

1pm, Had a small tapao lunch at our retirement house. Piano sounds clearer beside the high air well compared to our current bigger house which made it sound mediocre. Took a shower, changed shirts, and am relaxing in a/c before my scheduled Arip jab. It’s a bit scary, mostly, that’s all.

4pm, Back from psych clinic. Went well. Liews and certain Royals making a fuss over Christians’ blessings as their lives go down the drain hole. Tomorrow, I will be getting fresh funds in. Have to put some in my debit account which has maybe just 80RM left. Dad doesn’t want the KD 900 running shoe for 499RM. Nor does Mom.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Monday 5am

Up early. Took half a sedative last night. Got cleaned and will do some pushups, run at 6am.

6am, Worked out and ran briefly. Feeling the cardio. UK forces trying to get me to save the Royals but I’m not sure what to do.

1pm, Back from a Kuala Lumpur outing with Dad. Was pretty relaxing with the new transport system in place. Ate well, saw some cute girls. Unfortunately Liews are still attacking my hand. Resting before we go grocery shopping later. Tomorrow, psych clinic appointment for my Arip jab. Maybe my last jab. Do something that scares you, says the Sunscreen advice. 

5pm, Heavy rain in PJ. Made it home from NSK safely. Will be making pasta for dinner. Bought a specialty cheese. Was assaulted by UK forces who teamed up with Liew witches, over their destroyed souls. This of course, from years of bullying the Christian faithful and causing death and heartbreak. Not sure how to save them as they are a tinderbox of black magic.

7pm, Made dinner. Was good. The smokey cheese was nice. Doesn’t melt easily. Adds 9rm to the meal for 3. Comes up to 5 - 6rm per head. The Barilla fettuccine was deliciously smooth and I underestimated how much to cook but we can have toast with the sauce later. Night falls over Petaling Jaya. Had a long warm shower and changed into tomorrow’s clothes. Our piano will be transported to the new place, then I have to go to psych clinic. A potentially long day. Will run tomorrow morning, do some pushups. Take my meds early. Less attacks on my hand right now. How many diseases are because of magic arts? Lots.

8pm, Ate more pasta sauce as Mom is full. Took my meds. “Sara Lubratt”, whom I subscribe to on YouTube is somehow pressed onto me. This is awful witchcraft by the Liew 6, destroying an innocent American woman with a vlog. Barneous, how corrupt can you be?

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Sunday 7am

Up early. Worked out a bit. Going on a run now. My eBook is up on Eksentrika.com for purchase, here: 

Check it out. Only $1.10 / 5RM. Back from my run. Feeling okay. Fitness level is higher. Not sure what to do with today. Maybe write a bit more.

8am, Back from breakfast at Stadium and depositing a chair at our new retirement house. Have a feeling some rough people tracked me to our new location. I was once stalked and heckled by ruffians over rumors of alleged spying and sexual misconduct. It divided the world, but that was in 1993.

9am, Zapped more gremlins in mss2 (paperback version). There are a few in the ePub that I missed, but they're relatively minor. Liew witchy forces still attacking. Our weapon of choice is a memory sapper / destroyer. Works quite well.

11am, Time for lunch. Had an iced Milo. Will not be going over to the new house with the folks this afternoon. Haven’t got cleaned or showered yet.

12pm, Had eggs and bread for lunch. Added some Frank’s chili. Am plotting my book which is a tale set in the universe of the InterFaith / Universal Government, just before they take over. It will contain elements from Sea of Storms, The Ring and the Peals, Three Vignettes etc.

1pm, Was able to loo after my mildly spicy meal. Took a shower with Dead Sea mud soap, and changed into fresh clothes. I don’t think there’s real muddy mud, just pinpricks of grit but it still feels good. Not sure I want to write a novella at the moment. But have nothing much else to do.

6pm, Writing has begun. A tale of teenage conflict in a cynical, illogical world, tired of its madness. Ultimately, through ups and downs, the protagonist comes to know her true self and accept what is happening around her. It mirrors my growing pains albeit the MC is much more extroverted. In fact this will maybe be my biography in secret… hmm.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Saturday 7am

Up early. Brushed. Worked out and ran a few hundred meters. Feeling okay, a bit weak but still fit, healthier. Standing firm till the end against the telepathy of the Liew witches and their evil army. Will be writing my novella today. Feeling the sadness of those deceived by the evil Asian 6.

9am, Managed to get cleaned easily. Took a shower. Will be sweeping, as today is house cleaning day. Maybe around 10am. Feeling a bit uneasy and dissatisfied inside tho quite comfortable externally.

11am, Made an early meal of microwaved tomatoes with Greek herbs and spices, and toast. Helped sweep upstairs. Dad has gastritis probably from the spicy Malay food he ate for lunch yesterday. Am trying to write a novella using my app, Drafter. It isn’t easy with the press of many minds.

12pm, Talked more about God and our weakness which is His promise we would be happy, have pleasure. The reason some of us suffer all the time, and all of us suffer occasionally, is that we are in a conflict. See DogBlots tomorrow, where I will be analyzing “God’s Enemy”. Also UFOs and crop circles, satan, Nibiru, etc. Probably be a long post.

4pm, Typeset mss2 in PageMaker Mac. Professionally done once and for all. Hard to remember the commands and workflow from when I last used it in the early 2000s, 24 years ago (half my life).

10pm, Back from our small house where the folks watched Korean dramas for maybe an hour or so. I brought along the laptop to proofread mss2 (printed version) and added on some author’s notes at the end. Can’t wait to print a copy for myself. While there, I somehow came under heavier attack. Here in my old room, it’s quite a bit safer. Not sure what’s going on among the sociopathic mind criminals. There is some urgency to bypass this historic Passover.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Friday 7am

Up early. Fell asleep on the floor again. Back from a brief run. Feeling fit. Did my pushups. Am a bit stronger. Liew witches still powering through the mindspaces. They are less of a threat now. Will passover change the status quo in the telepathy war? Will anything matter much so close to a possible Rapture?

Saw other authors getting published, from their Facebook posts. Feeling left out tho glad for Malaysian writers who have talent. And I have just one tiny book that never sold (much). Not sure I want to write my novella anymore if I’ll be Raptured in May. See how it goes.

8am, Am using Drafter, my own app, to write Maelstrom. It will be released rough, on FreeLunch.my maybe, with a basic cover in B&W. An example of how RBSEJ can help see a story through and make it more readable.

9am, Back from breakfast at Stadium / Hameed’s. Realized I had forgotten to brush. But Coke helped clean my teeth temporarily. Will brush at 10am. Many new babies being shoved around in mindspace by the Liew witches and their geniuses, taking advantage of my poor mental health to do evil. I need to step up preaching before 22nd April’s passover.

10am, Started off with my first post, on Salvation. Read it on Dogblots.blogspot.com and pray on it. The next post will be on living a Godly life, maybe tonight. Then later, the nature of God’s Enemy and using our spiritual swords and shields.

Wearing my Seiko diver on black Casio velcro which gives it a more toolish look compared to the Bond NATO / Zulu. Had leftover spuds for an early lunch and drank an iced Milo. Managed to get cleaned adequately. Tomorrow, may go out since I reloaded my rail card with 50RM. Will be at TRX, maybe KLCC.

1pm, Shaved my whole mop of hair off with a women’s razor. Took an hour. A bit traumatic until I got the hang of it. Not to make long scrapes but to gently nudge it along. Then had a shower and changed. Think I will not let my hair grow long again. Buzz it down every other day with the wet/dry Panasonic I bought earlier this year. Later I have to trim my mustache. 

7pm, Had takeout noodles for dinner. Was at the new house, assembling a rack for the kitchen. We now have a roach problem as well as paint flaking off the ceiling and erstwhile leak near the bathrooms. Not sure what’s the plan for tomorrow.

10pm, Huge relief, eating cili padi for dinner helped me loo after several days of being half constipated. It was hard to work on my projects. There is still a lot of telepathy as people who’ve done wrong try to grab for security and a chance of heaven / revenge / what have you. Will put my novella on hold to talk a bit. Took my meds earlier.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Thursday 7am

Up late. Went for a short run of a few hundred meters. Do my pushups soon. Slept quite well off sedatives. Not sure where we’re going today. Want to buy Mom a pair of walking sandals. Feeling better after the exercise. Working on the novella.

9am, Transported a chair to the new house, then Dad and I went for breakfast. The mutton curry was good. Later, we’ll be going to Decathlon to get Mom sandals so her toes can breathe and be less prone to fungus.

5pm, Back from a whole day out. We discovered what might be a leak in the roof of our new house -worrying. Bought more snacks from Star Grocer. We had red bean buns and bottled Japanese green tea while watching the TV over there. A good 2 hours in Decathlon and Mom chose a wrong pair of shoes again. This reeks of black magic. There are rules for those who offend hearts and cut into flesh.

Stifled attempts to break many joints all over the world by superlubing the witchy babies’ joints. It’s not very safe but it works and is non-destructive / healable. Witchcraft is real. O-M-G.

8pm, Had dinner of potatoes, celery, and mince. The weather is bad. A volcano has erupted near Borneo, an earthquake struck Japan, as storms flood Arabia. We are making steady progress against the witches but it is hard going.

10pm, Did some Bible analysis with mind friends and this was the result: https://dogblots.blogspot.com/2024/04/riddle-in-middle-passover-to-pentecost.html

Took a shower and my meds. Hope to head out on a long walk tomorrow if I’m not constipated. Dad will be out attending a Raya get together at his old faculty. Wondering if this April spells the end and the peak of violence against true believers everywhere.

11pm, Ate spicy curry ramen and a black iced coffee for supper. Brushed. Feeling sleepy. May turn in soon. Wearing my MudMan solar.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Wednesday 6am

Up early. Raining. Doing my pushups. Didn’t brush last night, fell asleep on the floor by my divan. Drank green tea for breakfast. Plotting out my new story. It has to be told from a certain viewpoint due to the nature of the material.

8am, Still unable to get clean. Just a few hours until we head out. Forces of evil surge through the mindspaces, destroying flesh and spirit. I worry for all of us in Christ, as we wonder how the middle east conflict will play out. Can feel evil brooding over my mind. People taking ultimate revenge on God and the Faith.

Took a shower and got cleaned. Changed into fresh clothes. Rain is stopping. Dad thinks we may go to Mutiara instead. Talked about DNA and salvation in mindspace.

10am, Finally nailed the indexing bugs in Drafter which is updated on FreeLunch.my/apps although there is a minor quirk in the syntax highlighting now.

11am, Heading out soon. Will be plotting the Maelstrom story while tagging along with the folks. Don’t think I’ll buy anything, just have lunch.

5pm, Back from Mutiara. Walked almost 9k steps. Less tired wearing a waist pouch instead of a backpack somehow. Ate Arab Rice for lunch, plus a small cup of yogurt. Bought Japanese soy sauce which should be nice with tonight’s poached salmon, sesame oil, fresh pressed garlic and spring onions. Will start cooking at 5:30. Attacks from the Liew witches continue even as their support among young ones declines.

9pm, Took a shower and brushed. The salmon was good and Mom and Dad ate lots of it. Will take my meds before 10pm. Wake up early and exercise. Dad got new boxers, 3 for 50rm. A good deal. Hope they fit well. I’m an XL briefs guy as well. Wrote some of my book. Continue tomorrow as many believers need counseling.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Tuesday 12am

Just took my meds. Will brush now. My new cover design for Mss2 looks pretty good. Thinking I may walk tomorrow instead of running if I can finish my work early. Hard to do anything with this load of depressed Christians. Hope they find my blog posts on true religion and the nature of our salvation. I should write more on those.

1am, Still wide awake. Feeling held down from completing my work. Family wants to deny me fame and fortune. Older relations and loved ones feeling sorrow over using their children’s bodies to bear their sin. Terrible persecution is being planned against God’s children. This is near the end for sure.

10am, Was up at 7am, having slept 5-6 hours. Decided to just do a quick run. Cover for Mss2 is looking good. Back from my run. Am preparing the sample pages for my book promo now. Well, that’s settled. I need to make an ePub later, minus the old cover. Not sure what’s happened to the Liew witches after we attacked them off our asses.

2pm, Finished all my computer eBook work and can now rest, going over to the new house to do some cleaning. Will pack some snacks if possible. Wonder how many people will buy my book and if I will receive any printed copy orders which should be fun. I think I will profit 3rm from those, 4rm from the eBooks.

4pm, Spent 2 hours at Paramount. We had green tea, rice crispies and oat cookies. Mom worked hard cleaning that old cupboard. Tomorrow I may head out to TRX. Have to reload my rail card and put on something decent. Maybe my jeans and a flannel shirt.

9pm, Taking my meds soon. The witchcraft of the Liews is under control for now. It is simply the way of these end times. Helped make meatball pasta and tomato soup for dinner earlier. Was tasty, with crispy planta bread fingers. May write a new story to pass the time in suffering.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Monday 4am

Up early. Am working on my book graphics in Canvas 7 / Sheepshaver. Remnants from my happier Mac days. Will exercise at 6am. Liew witches milder this morning. Did some pushups. Feeling better and less bleary. Must finish my work by 7am.

6am, Back from my run which was pain-free. UK forces bearing down on me, trying to turn me into a flytrap for their problem Liew witches and their army of kids. We made some headway dismantling the Liew armies but it’s hatred against the west which persists, even prophetically so.

7am, Got cleaned easily. Will brush soon. Yet to render my strawberry front/back book cover. Will be late, probably. So much to do. Feeling a bit odd, whiffs of the family prevention machine.

4pm, Back from the new house. We had a meal there and watched some TV. I played my nylon guitar. Mom did some cleaning. Set up my old Wacom to draw the book cover in vector art. The tip pressure is quite high somehow. I am late submitting but it seems okay so far. Meanwhile, all forms of madness unfolds around me from LiLian, as the Tribulation nears.

5pm, Drawing my book cover finishes quickly. I need to think about its style, color scheme and typography.

6pm, Pretty much settled on everything. Remembering it needs a back cover too. Wondering if it’s too sparse?

7pm, Will be passing the vector art to Photoshop, layer on layer to see if I can make it a bit more organic. Dinner is late as well. Had some nice bean / floss buns for tea earlier. Mom is visibly stressed. Our extended family situation is a mess due to western-Liew interference. Many of us are at each others’ throats, mainly mine so far.

11pm, Took a brief shower to relax. Will be attending a Zoom event at midnight with FFM. Planning to ask them about cover design as I just finished mine for Mss2. I will also ask them about what makes a novel “mature”.

Think the Zoom thing was yesterday… oh dear.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Sunday 5am

Up early. Have to prepare for my book promo deal soon. Make some better cover images and use my debit card etc. It is just $1 per month. Why not? Worked out briefly. Ran a few hundred meters and am feeling better. May head out at 11am.

7am, Western forces beat us up for being slack about feeding ourselves in to be beaten up by the witches from our country. It seemed pointless so we thought we’d stop but it made the UK nervous and angry. We took some hits.

10am, Helped Dad sweep the floor. It was very dusty and full of hairs. Later we’ll be at the new place. I want to play some guitar in my room. Dad wants to go to the night market. Liew witches can’t stop pissing on ‘Prince William’, making him do wrong on purpose. My 077j gained about 6s since yesterday. Not too bad. I need to do some graphic design work for my book promo.

4pm, I paid the $1 a month to Eksentrika for a contract to write for them. Quite like that it’s a local magazine. I need to design a gripping color cover for my book tonight in hi-res. Not sure I have the skills. Just waiting for the rain to stop. I think the cover will be the ‘chocolate strawberry’ moment in svg, before the kiss part. I’ll need Canvas 7 for this job.

7pm, Narrowed down the cause of my diarrhea to Frank’s red hot pepper sauce. I’m quite sensitive to chili lately. Well, time to get down to work on the graphics, to present tomorrow. Also have to give my 2 cents on the mid east conflict, commissioned by the allied forces.

9pm, Quite tired. Wrote some now fairly obvious prophecy on DogBlots. It is for a purpose, that God knew it first. May not do the graphic design tonight but early tomorrow. Feel like skipping my run. Right eye feels sore because of Barneous.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Saturday 6am

Up early. Worked out as best I could with my rib injury. Will run soon. Still wearing my Prospex diver. Back from a light run. Feeling okay. More trouble from the UK as the Royals face off with their Asian enemy.

9am, Back from breakfast at Stadium. Was tasty. Helped deposit some plants at the new house. Sis is tipped to take over our present bungalow in this gated neighborhood. Mom is nervous about the move and of her health, making an appointment with my dentist this morning. Yap dental SS2. Not sure what I want to do with today. Suffering abounds. Stand firm, those heaven-bound.

Managed to get cleaned easily. Will be doing some light computer work soon. Mindspace is confused and dangerous with mad geniuses hitting important people’s organs.

11am, Sent Mom to a good dentist. She’s feeling optimistic. Dad had a haircut. Will make lunch at 11:30. Feeling pretty good right now. Things are falling into place here and there while other things are blowing up sky high elsewhere. Treading a fine line. Lives could easily be lost to the prevalent witchcraft.

1pm, Mom is feeling better. Even her toe and scar have healed. Hopefully, Jesus will turn her heart to God, against the anti-religious teachings of her father, a genius.

8pm, The diarrhea is returning again. Not sure what it might be from. I may be signing up for an indie book distribution deal. Cost is reasonable. Might try it for a year.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Friday 6am

Up early. Back from a brief run. Will work out 7ish. Not sure I want to prepare breakfast for Dad. He must be well by now. Liew witches still looking for bully kids but pickings are slim.

7am, Decided to make my first Swift app -a Chinese learning app for iPad. It should be fun. Will design it first. It must be the best in some way(s).

8am, Dad has left to sequester himself in the new house. Mom has gone back to bed. And I’m writing my first Swift app. Somehow I’ve no desire to sketch or paint yet. Maybe circa house moving day. We got the washing started. I had an iced Milo choc drink for breakfast. Got a better cable for my Pi 4. The old one was touchy and made the wifi not work.

10am, Ate a ramen for brunch. Don’t think I’ll get cleaned today as I went 3 times yesterday. Drank an iced coffee. Am monitoring the washing. Posted my weekly Substack newsletter and an article on Medium. Successfully did the washing all nice and spun dry. Maybe Mom can hang it up later.

6pm, Took a good warm shower with hand-made dead sea mud soap. Feeling refreshed. Some gains against the Liew witchy forces. Not sure if they’re still at large somewhere. Wearing my Seiko diver on Zulu. This may be the most practical watch I own. Not too showy, nor too plasticky. 

11pm, Had diarrhea again. Feeling healthy otherwise. Nice tho to be flushed clean, no bleeding. Talked a lot about Bible Mathematics in mindspace. The babies’ minds are overheating. Took my meds earlier. Yet to brush. First night on 1/4 sedative.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Thursday 5am

Up early. Managed 40 pushups even with newly healed muscles (from carrying the Houm fan home 2 days ago). Will run at 6am and make Dad his breakfast afterwards. Feeling okay.

6am, Back from my run. Got good speed and some cardio. Just a little pain in the ribs. Figure out Dad’s breakfast. My site, FreeLunch.my is down or over-accessed right now. Ate some soy milk and watermelon for breakfast.

7am, Light floods through my bedroom windows. Start of another day. Hope my site recovers.

10am, Am able to access FreeLunch.my’s dashboard. But my domain hosting is down, I think. Not able to serve my stories. Hopefully it recovers in the afternoon. Meanwhile, my blogs are getting more views which is nice. Have to make lunch soon. Maybe soupy pasta with cukup rasa.

12pm, I made veg soup with some chicken stock. Then pan grilled some Planta bread fingers. The tangy soup and creamy salty bread was a hit with the folks. Also added in pasta elbows. Good lunch. Starting my drawing now.

2pm, Sitting at the dinner table with my iPad, peripherals, and stationery. Did some editing on my essay submission. This Thursday seems to drag.

4pm, Talked about the Satanic monetary system and their deviant decimal Mathematical system over the Earth versus the birth of computer hexadecimal and God’s own immaculate Math.

7pm, Dinner is late. We snacked on my veg soup and crispy bread all day. I’m not very hungry. Helped out in mindspace quite a bit. It’s very disorganized right now. I haven’t done any drawings. Would like a good soak in the shower.

11pm, Took my meds and will turn in late. Nasty Liew witch supporters permeate the mind.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Wednesday 3am

Up very early from falling asleep on the floor again. Feeling hungry. Will run and work out later. Back from a brief run at 3:30. Felt okay. couldn’t do any pushups as my arms are still sore from carrying home the Houm fan. Maybe tonight. Mustn’t be slack. Fireworks went off outside, about an hour ago -the start of Aidilfitri.

4am, Had a ramen for breakfast. Drank an iced Milo. Dad is up early. Mom half asleep on the couch. Feel like doing something productive. 

7am, Got cleaned easily. Was assaulted by babies from the west, championed by the Liew 6, offered by ‘Prince William’. I really am not a very good Christian in that I don’t have much mannerisms of a Christian, being newly baptised, coming from an antichrist home. I hope they understand.

9am, We hold the whole UK Royal battalions in suspense after they attacked innocents unprovoked. Do not worry, Chinese people are very measured and kind who were not deceived i.e. are Christian / apologetic / Buddhist. Why, UK can’t you calm down?

12pm, Back from the new place. Brought over the fan. Today’s Powerpoint will be on ‘command and control’ i.e. politics of the kiamat. Dad is still ill, I am feeling a little down and so is Mom. We need to do a Covid test maybe today.

4pm, Am successfully controlling my Raspberry Pi from my iPad 10. Not sure what it’s good for, but at least the Pi now has a display, saving me 100RM for a refurb LCD monitor. So I have 2 desktops operational and 2 laptops, one in the new place. Arms still feel weak. Will make some dinner later.

8pm, Managed to transfer the iPad 5 to my Mom. She’ll use it eventually. Meanwhile I’m on my new iPad 10. This Raya is eerily quiet and a bit depressing. Will there be something big unforeseen? 

Monday, April 8, 2024

Tuesday 4am

Up very early. Fell asleep on the floor again. Feel like going on a walk today. Got cleaned early, easily. Doing my pushups. Felt good to exercise . May visit DigiMall at 11am.

5am, Had an iced Milo and ramen noodle for breakfast. I will definitely be walking today, not too sure where, or if I will buy a Houm fan and carry it all the way home. Royals looking for support for their ailing family, attacked from 4 sides: the Epstein scandal, the Liew torturers, the witches giving cancer, and people all over the world demanding compensation. I would be a fool to throw my hat into this ring but they’ve camped over my mindspace and are hitting out.

8am, Some down time between resting and walking. Can’t recall where the wall sockets are in our new living room so I’m hesitant about buying the Houm fan which isn’t cheap. Liew witches still striking out at my hand.

5pm, Preparing to poach a large cutlet of salmon, maybe fancy potatoes and a side of salad. I bought the Houm fan after all and carried it all the way home as well. Quite pleased with it.

6pm, Dinner was tasty and varied tho not “just right”. I restocked my wallet from my drawer savings, pleased to have gotten a discount on the Houm. Made a video on it for my channel. Liew forces double their attacks on my hand.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Monday 8am

Up lateish, Did my pushups and went on a light run. Have to get cleaned soon. We’ll be sending Mom for her scope [before] the afternoon. Wonder what they’ll find? Old age brings on many troubles for those who didn’t do good gospel, form good relationships. Witchy Liews hitting out, destroying my health.

10am, Wrote another medium article. I think Medium will be used for my technical-social ideas, DogBlots for more religious-hobbies things, Tumblr for things I do every day, Substack, a roundup of my doings and current events every Friday. Here, of course, is my hourly journal.

12pm, Dad is hit by sciatica again, and a flu. Mom is being endoscoped for potential cancer. And I have sore ribs from jamming against the piano bench. Odd but true. Had Indian food for lunch. Bought a new toothbrush and a fresh supply of Pepsodent -my favorite toothpaste. 2 weeks till my Arip jab at psych clinic. Writing my essay lazily. Quite fun.

2pm, Finished analyzing all the Math in my essay and am composing a hopefully convincing closing passage of about 300 words. There is a light rain falling. I may head out tomorrow to DigiMall.

3pm, Half past the hour and Mom is not out of the OT. Wonder if she’s okay. Me and my ex are selling a lock designed to open quickly and securely to escape well… wolves, demons, people who ask if you’re a Beatle. Of course it’s classified. We could turn a buck in these troubled times.

4pm, Mom is cleared to come home with just a some medication to take. Sis, who is a physician, informed us. We will eat well tonight to celebrate. Actually, my family doesn’t deserve good things but we were attacked by witchy types, put under the ‘system’, and other spooky things that made most of us freak out and do crimes. In innocent me, they huddle and heal, sapping my bile. At least I’m still alive.

11pm, Talked about the way TP used to be handled. How it got out of hand and the cleaning up work we’re doing slowly and carefully, as these are consummate witches.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Sunday 6am

Up early, Got cleaned, showered and changed into fresh clothes. Ready to go on a long walk to KL later in the morning. UK forces (Royals) continue to badger Asians with sins to save their hides from witches, both good and evil. It’s sad how nobody lays down their lives for important people but I have nothing much to enjoy. Call me selfish. Will do some pushups at 6:30.

7am, Had a brief nap. Will head out at 10:30, just to Amcorp - DigiMall. Using a compact Armageddon gaming keyboard with my iPad via USB C to type this. Love the mechanical switches. And I can turn off Bluetooth to save power.  IIRC this k/b draws around 0.5 watts, backlight off.

9am, Had a humongous continuous bout of gas, Must have went on a whole minute. Can’t wait for 10:30 and my first solo walk in weeks. Talked to the Royals and other deviant mind groups about the Body, Mind, and Belief system. Then about the physical reality of shame and its consequences for schizophrenia, perchance cancer etc. Later we will temporarily push these emotions into the guilty for them to feel God’s free-flowing love.

Something is holding me close to home. So I tried to get some jogging in instead. Ended up slow running as my ribs have healed quite a bit. Guess I’ll just follow Dad to the new house later and deposit our doormat.

10am, Inventing a game for Cthulhu dice I bought some years back but never found the original game engrossing. Switched my “outstation” pack for a Lowe Alpine waist pouch that carries primarily my wallet, phone and keys. It has room for a notepad and pens for sketching on the go, as well as masks and serviettes. Maybe I will feel more like walking.

1pm, It is a searingly hot day and the folks are very weary. We bought some groceries and came home soon, I am tasked with buying a powerful fan for the living room. Maybe a Dyson.

Drank an iced Milo shake, no milk or creamer. Felt good. Met quite a few church-goers and the mood is upbeat among the faithful. Liew witchy attacks continue to spring up occasionally. Will head to AlliT tomorrow or this evening to get a Houm fan.

8pm, Mom made gyoza for dinner while I fried some rice. Her scope is tomorrow and we hope everything is okay with her stomach. She had been losing weight for some time. Liew witches being fought off as gospel is spread like never before.

11pm, The day was spent researching the Tarot to ABY connection and it succeeded after an hour or so of work. Western witches must be overjoyed. Another clever device for them to dissect sinners in need. Took my meds late with a sedative so should sleep soon. Want to do some essay writing before I get too sleepy.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Saturday 6am

Up early. Going for a jog, will work out. Quite a few people downloaded my ebook. My video must have been good. Back from my jog and did 40 pushups. Feeling okay. Just resting in my room. Have to charge my iPad now.

8am, Got cleaned. Haven't brushed yet. Will sweep the floor, help with house cleaning, then tag along over to the new place before lunch or after. Liew witchy forces continue to batter babies whose parents hid in (opened), for security. There isn’t much way to turn them off as they may kill the infants. Will think about it.

9am, Formed the infants into groups of 12 for safety. Gave them good things to taste, and some milk. Brushed. Wearing my all black Swatch Sistem which I bought in 2022. Don’t think I will buy further watches or straps. Live the simple life.

10am, Sweeping the floor. Got my MS UFK working with the iPad 10. Gave the Logi Wave Keys to Dad. I think my UFK’s battery may have gone dead, needing a constant power source. Not a big problem for my desktop needs.

11am, Sweeping and a bit of vacuuming done. Dad is cleaning downstairs. May head to Mutiara later. 4 days till Raya. After Raya, we move into the new place. Talked many children into being good again.

3pm, Back from Mutiara. Bought Dad an ergonomic pen -good value at 8RM for 3 cartridges and the line drawn is very economical. Should last a long time. Got myself a Cretacolor eraser ~3RM. Not sure why but I only have a small quantity of putty eraser left. The Creta is the best pencil and charcoal eraser out there, tried, and it’s true. Also bought the coconut fiber doormat Dad wanted for our new place at 16RM, quite a steal.

Seems like the nefarious mind criminals are at it again, forcing their glaring sin onto innocents. They should take a chill pill and not wake up. At least my room is clean and cool. Feeling relaxed after the stress of these fiends.

5pm, Feeling restless following the TP attacks last hour as tensions ran high. Need to calm down and find some space for myself.

6pm, Making a new detailed list of things I want to transfer to the new small house. Already I’ve carried over my c40 which was unexpected, and left behind my flute. So here is a new list:
  1. Hat
  2. Oakleys
  3. Cards
  4. iPad 10
  5. Shaver (ladies’)
  6. SAK
  7. Nail-clippers
  8. My backpack (when I’m there)
  9. Chef pants and jeans + nylon belt
  10. Tumbler (for shaking up drinks)
  11. Cheap Bible (KJV)
  12. Green running pouch
  13. Rugby ball (will buy a ball pump)
  14. Charger (usb)
  15. Art materials
  16. Walkman
  17. Mudman solar
  18. Chess set
  19. Soap and toilet lemon deodorizer
  20. A hoodie (for chilly weather or illness)
9pm, Wrote a new song in my new room. Another first. Glad I brought over the guitar -a lonely songwriter’s best friend. Will stay up late tonight, sleep in tomorrow, go on a long walk instead. Being insidiously attacked since yesterday, mostly Liew witchy 6’s doing. Think of heaven’s reward.

10pm, Will take my meds soon and walk around town tomorrow instead of jogging. Talked about the western plot to control Malaysia, entering through the firebrand Tun M, worrying him of heart trouble thus milking our country dry of financial resources inconsequentially. Not directly did the buana pounce, but through a sandbox of offensive values they trapped Dr M in, with his weak heart and long prophetic duty to All*h.

11pm, Took my meds. Posted on DogBlots about the mid east conflict. Still being targeted by the Liew 6. It will only heat up if we don’t rip their nerves.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Friday 4am

Up early after a good sleep. Still haven’t finished my essay. Throat a bit sore. Will work out and run by 6am.

5am, Back from my jog. Worked out. Can feel the endorphins.

6am, Early morning errand to get bread with Mom who’s going for a scan. She can’t eat anything else apparently. We found some stray loaves at Petron. Dad was mad at us for going out on our own.

8am, Busy with my essay on human rights for Portside. The hard bits are over. Now for the closing arguments, the actionable points. It was a fun write. Feeling sleepy somehow. Managed to get cleaned well.

12pm, Had takeout noodles for lunch. Cleaned my bathroom which was very grubby. Missed some unobvious spots like the wc pedestal, unfortunately. Next time. Took a brief shower and changed into my gray FoTL tee. It’s just 5 days to Raya (Id). Helped ‘Prince William’ exorcise his witch problem which drove him mad as a hatter onto me and my friendly group of repentants. Remember, I’m retired. No job is very urgent or important anymore. Will resume my essay writing later. Took some hits.

2pm, Busy inventing a game for Tarot cards. Need to prepare some materials for players’ reference. No hurry on the essay.

6pm, Helped make dinner. Jalapeno pork, Greek chicken, and couscous which was fluffy this time, and rice-texture dry. Mom is going for a scope to check her stomach for cancer as she lost 5 kg lately. The rest of us are okay for now, thank the Lord. Making a story reading video. Learning to do it right. But does the world in crisis really care about one Chinese guy’s dumb short story? Want to take another shower. Maybe draw up the quasi astrology game thing.

7pm, Took a good shower and changed into fresh clothes. Want to wake up early tomorrow. Take meds at 9, sleep by 11. Jog and pushups tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Thursday 6am

Up early. Went for a jog. Pushups at 6:30. We may be going out today to Kuala Lumpur. Liews and their western supporters (whom they eat alive) attacked with pain-giving to specific vital nerves. We responded with nerve removal tape.

Feeling loose and relaxed, good blood circulation after my exercise. Just 5 minutes a morning, every morning. Keeping me healthy if not alive, under body attacks from the irrational westerners who support witchy LiLian.

7am, Got cleaned easily. Will brush soon. Had a ramen and coffee for breakfast. More nerve attacks rain down on the faithful. Going over to the new house later.

12pm, Back from the new house. It’s looking better and better. Dad put up our letter box. My room is very spartan, with just a bed, wardrobe, and a/c. I brought over my guitar in its soft case. Solved many Americans’ problems stemming from UK and Liew witch control manipulations, soft psych attacks. They are majorly pissed off now, unfortunately. Took a few hits. I guess there’s nothing much to do today but draw / paint.

1pm, Invented another card game. I’m getting quite handy manipulating cards. Had steamed rice and Chinese sausages for lunch. Will shower now since there is so little to do under prevention and jail duty. Changed into my Eagle King tee, Millet shorts and casual karate belt. My favorite comfy attire.

6pm, Action against the Liew 6 and their genius help as the westerners could not absorb them anymore, nor could we. We stuffed drypers into them and sprayed on a potassium salt mix to dry out their body a bit.

8pm, Not sure what kind of law enforcement surrounds / acknowledges the Liew witches’ evil potential. Will we see an end to this see-saw life I’ve been living? Taking my meds soon.

10pm, Wrote an article on Medium about cpu design. Feeling sleepy already. Want to do a bit more of my essay now.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Wednesday 2am

Still pretty wide awake. Managed to create .exe standalone applications from my python scripts via Cython and cl. This will make them much more popular. Figured I will not invent stuff, write songs, do too many things, just focus on my art and compose some gospel / Math / philosophy articles once in a while / as needed. I didn’t do much sketching. Maybe ‘tomorrow’. Will jog in the afternoon as I may wake up too late.

10am, Woke up quite early actually. Helped in the mind against the evil perpetrated by LiLian and her witchy family, now given full protection by western powers as they eat the world alive, one famous person at a time. Common kindness must be given out here and there. There are reasons for it. Blessed are the peacemakers, so to the Gazza aid workers. Haven’t looed or showered.

2pm, We’re at the new place. My first post from our home, end April onwards, mainly. I thought about inventing a new keyboard but instead have an idea called Neatsketch. It uses an Apple pencil while the other hand positions and forms, with fingers, a ruler, protractor, or bezier. The other novel idea is a text shaper. It works in 3D to make the pencil scribbles angle and perspective change so it’s more legible. I would like 3D drawing ability as well so it presents a concept to a client fast and impressively. I need to procure an M1 mini first, tho. Time will tell if I ever develop NS. Put it away for now.

8pm, Helped make fancy spuds and honey mustard salad for a salmon dinner. Was good. Today’s ABY talked about salmon. I should read the sutra again. Invented a card game, Vampire and a board game, Helix. Liew witches are stealing my idea.

11pm, Submitted to FFM again. A good story if ever I wrote one. Can’t wait to be published before the Rapture!

Monday, April 1, 2024

Tuesday 7am

Up a little late. Going on a jog soon. Sleep was good, on my mattress for once.

8am, Back from a longer jog in the wake of a rain. Also did 40 pushups. Despite being injured, I am keeping up exercise. Had a monster loo (omg). Feels good to get cleaned. Will accompany Dad sending Mom for her appointment. She has about 5 health concerns so this happens average once a week.

9am, Working on my app. Hopefully it will breach the prevention blockade of the Liew witchy 6 who steal all my ideas. It’s a simple program, under 400 lines of python code. Tried to keep it manageable. Last night I found out online that the TRX Apple Store is on. Desks and stuff already installed, along with a glowing apple logo. Can’t wait to visit. Save my koppins for something nice.

12pm, Made a quick lunch for the folks. Easy eggs, beans, salad, and leftover Chinese roast pork. Everything on toasted brown bread. Looks like I may finish Drafter very soon. I need to compare an array to string in a special way. Maybe def a new function.

1pm, Some progress on Drafter. I wrote a function but seems the variables are arranged wrong and it always returns False. ‘Charles and William’ want help with their cancer situation and are hitting Asian Christians. We helped the Royals think more positively and charitably like ‘Louise’. I think I need a for loop in the compare function. Really close to a wrap-up now.

7pm, Mom is making dinner. Liew forces are quieting down. Don’t know what is happening. Readjusting their attacks? Again, I call on everyone to save souls this Ramadan. Even the most sinful must be turned, don’t give the enemy any purchase to attack and chain attacks.

Started sketching my art book on concept character design and composition. It is really fun but the satisfaction of completing my coding work also feels great. Tonight I’m doing 2 characters. I will share them on Dogblots.blogspot.com late tonight. Full annotations / development / concept will be in my book.

8pm, Turning in late tonight. Will take my meds at 10pm. Have a few hours to sketch and render. Lots of visitors to Dogblots and FreeLunch.my -my stories were downloaded a few times. Training babies and kids and their parents to resist evil. Especially glib talking Liew witches.

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...