Thursday, February 29, 2024

Friday 7am

Up early. Will work out soon and run at 11am. Tomorrow, a long walk around Asia Jaya / Taman Jaya. Coding vrs today. Nothing much else. Meanwhile attacks rain down on God’s followers in the mindspaces. My survival is also in doubt. Lots of kids involved. Workout went well. Feeling energized and refreshed. Will code at 8am after some breakfast.

9am, More rejection emails. Looks like I will never be published. Will concentrate on coding instead. Liew witchy forces suffer setbacks from neuron polarization. They may pass on shortly.

10am, Back from my brief run along our closed / guarded home road. Feeling internally regulated again. Need to put on the a/c to cool down. Coding to commence soon. Decided to incorporate a toolbar with search box, and a bookmarks bar. There will be a note input area hidden in the toolbar. Long press will create / delete bookmarks. I just copied in the JSON Bible file and for reference, the Python script. Each note acquires the bookmarks bar contents as a footer -before they may be cleared.

12pm, Cooked lunch for Mom and Dad and myself. Was okay. Work on the app is going slow. Lots of evil going round in the mind.

9pm, Taking my meds now. Did a lot of talking in mindspace to overturn the Liew witches’ lies. Half-watched a load of watch videos. Turn in around 11pm. Bluetooth still not working on the Pi 4 / Ubuntu Server, so I used a wireless dongle for my dual-device Logi mouse. Cuts cable clutter. I also modded IceWM and am now running a Motif theme that looks more Unix-like. Will try to lay down some code structure before bed.

11pm, Still wide awake. Wearing my Orient Tristar on a Bonetti waterproof strap. It will now stand up to splashes better than leather. Found some JSON parsing code online that I can use easily.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Thursday 8am

Up late. Did my workout. Feeling okay. Will run later, maybe in the evening. No sign of the “3 days of darkness”. Liew witchy 6 and ‘Prince William’ punched me up last night as I tried to sleep, but this morning is relatively peaceful. Not sure what I want to work on now.

10am, Got cleaned and brushed. Will run at 11am. Put Ubuntu server on my Raspberry Pi 4 and stood the monitor against the wall, on top of my Edifier R19U speakers while the iPad is forefront on its IKEA stand.

11am, Back from a brief run. Feeling better / fitter.

12pm, Took a refreshing shower and changed into fresh clothes. Supposed to teach the western forces form UK how to settle their emotions and mindspace safety needs.

4pm, Got the sound working on Ubuntu server / ARM. Tried to avoid pulseaudio and go straight to pipewire which doesn’t work (yet). I also couldn’t use Wayland with IceWM so fell back to xorg. Liew witchy 6 unable to calm down and fix their mistakes.

Made good progress writing my song, “Thieves of Lowly Hearts”. It has an instrumental bridge in between the verses which change key halfway.

7pm, Had dinner. It rained heavily at last. Family sensing their destiny is poor and are surly. Almost throwing the children’s bread to the dogs with these Liews and Royals. All those in the mind must strive for heaven!

Finalized the interface for vrs on iPad. It will have 2 columns. 1 for notes, 1 for searches. A search brings up relevant notes and a note brings up relevant searches. Want to start coding it tonight,

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Wednesday 10am

Up late. Didn’t run or work out but will be going on a long walk this morning. Liew witchy forces burning nerves and preventing pleasure while they weave themselves into good-hearted but poor-minded families. Many westerners join them in a self-enforced hell.

Got my Raspberry Pi set up with a basic WindowMaker desktop. Saves some RAM and takes a load off the  processor. Went for a run after all so I can spend more time at home with my computers.

12pm, Still tinkering with Linux. Haven’t got anything done. Liew witches are on the back foot for now. Will have to finally put them away by teaching more people how to love. Instead we taught them how to grease their way into the Liew criminals. Also okay, I guess!

Apple is shelving their self-driving car. These drone vehicles need better algorithms, true. I may post on this later (on

2pm, Liew witches attacked again, telling lies and pain-giving. We have no choice but to scrub out their nerves and hormones / emotions.

3pm, Had another loo and showered on this extremely hot day. Water is so relaxing and rejuvenating. Liew witchy 6 are down with skin and internal inflamations.

8pm, Finally nailed ‘Barneous’ Liew with a polonium strike through the mind. He is the youngest of the Liew 6 and the most satanic mind of the tight group of proud Asian witches bedeviling the west. We didn’t  do too much to him yet, tho.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Tuesday 5am

Up early. Going for a run soon. Today, my psych clinic visit. Taking it slow. Will mainly be coding vrs. Don’t feel like writing.

6am, Have to work out soon. Ate spicy sambal with vegetarian ramen earlier. Chili (fresh) is a great restorer of health -taken in small portions.

8am, Got cleaned. Will brush and shower soon. Worked out earlier. Exercise has become a chore but I have to eat that frog or be unhealthy, unable to help as we approach Rapture. Bit the writing bug and have started my short story well -a 3000 word tale. Also discovered Apple’s Swift app tutorials and am learning easier. Using the iPad 10 as my primary machine -a prophecy that I’ll be an Apple user at the Tribulation.

10am, Heading out now. Wearing my Orient Tristar. Will have an iced coffee with Dad at the mall.

1pm, Back from psych clinic. Jab went well. Westerners argued with and smote me while I was waiting. But eventually, a deal was ironed out of the madness they acquired. Had a Coke and Snickers bar for lunch. Doc gave me angpow. Exchanging gifts is for luck / prosperity. Think I may head out tomorrow on a long walk around Asia Jaya / Taman Jaya.

3pm, Mulling a dedicated blog for adult-oriented health and mental health tips, tackling issues to do with religion / pantang / taboo topics. This, as we approach Tribulation. Maybe wait till my Mom and Dad have passed away. Feeling unsettled so I will code now instead of writing.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Monday 7am

Up earlyish. Worked out. Feeling good. Will run later in the afternoon. Liew witchy 6 still trying to destroy me, urged on by sinners when they all should be repenting like yesterday.

8am, Thinking of inventing a better iPad stand to go with my Wave Keys and OP mouse. It has to adapt to various postures and fold up neatly. Got cleaned well. Ready to head out with the folks later. The idea has morphed into a keypad overlay I am calling “Mollusk”. Will work on modeling it in FreeCAD later. Liew witchy forces in disarray from inner atomic attacks.

9am, Relaxing in a/c while I charge my laptop before modeling the Mollusk. It will have detachable variable angle keycaps and a flex body for tactile sensation. Not sure yet how to charge up the keys.

11am, Trying to make a prototype from clear disposable lunchbox plastic. The keys will be thin plastic with a sheared spring to alter strike angle / displacement by twisting. They will slot into the main body via a groove. There will be clickers either side of the keypad overlay. Can’t wait to get started!

1pm, Back from our errands. Some terrible action in mindspace. Need to coordinate well or all may be lost.

6pm, Back from the mamak after a spicy dinner of naan and tandoori chicken. Mom is also home and feeling okay despite her sore toe. There is some worry it may be cancer. Liew witchy forces trapped and being filtered out of their ‘hosts’.

8pm, Took my meds earlier and hope to wake up for a run at dawn tomorrow. Was browsing Mac hardware, left / priced out by the rising prices and my small income. At least I have my iPad 10 and good Logi Bluetooth mouse and keyboard. Want to do some coding tonight as I can’t seem to write or cut plastic. Will brush now.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Sunday 7am

Up late. Will run in the afternoon. Work out soon. Want to do some coding later as well.

8am, Workout was quick. Feeling more energetic and alert. Liew witchy forces still at large in the mindspaces. Need to sweep / vacuum my room later as it is dusty.

9am, Had a ramen for breakfast. The witchy Liews and their genius helper attack again, behind a cover of babies fed lies and abused emotionally / doctrinally.

10am, Am writing a new short story called "The Living Square". It's about life around the time of Rapture, and the madness we are capable of forcing onto others. Liew witches spying and destroying as their heaven is lost. Their power must be broken soon.

1pm, Back from a light lunch out and dropping off meds for Grandma who is senile. Folks are at the supermarket buying groceries with our food vouchers. I’ve retreated to my room to rest from the attacks of the mind fiends. May not have much time to work.

Looed and showered. Will run in the evening, maybe 6pm. Taught logic to kids and young people in the mindspaces. False teachers had sewn terrible lies, preying on man's original sin complex.

4pm, Posted on Medium, an article about Mathematics. Earlier, I posted on religion / rapture, on Facebook. Made some headway on vrs which isn’t that important. What I need to do is put out wisdom and interpretation, and testimony. May write on something else tonight.

5pm, Back from my run. Feeling energized. Need to talk about the false things said by the Liew witches to the west / Americans.

6pm, Cooked 3 dishes for dinner, salmon, pork, and potatoes. Watched some M3 iMac unboxing videos. Feel left out of the pampering Mac users get. I should buy one but I think the world is ending and I don’t have 5 - 6kRM to spend. Anyway, I’ll be moving to a lower income neighborhood soon and will leave a lot of stuff behind.

9pm, Been busy writing another story about the end times and Mathematics. My list of what to transfer to our new house is:

  1. 7 pairs of clothes + hat
  2. running shoes
  3. flute + dimou, erjiao
  4. iPad + keyboard, mouse, pencil, stand
  5. backpack + sandals
  6. tennis equipment
  7. MudMan solar + Orient Tristar watch
  8. football / soccer ball
  9. Bible + Math book
  10. shaver + toiletries
  11. metal mug
  12. box cutter + Swiss Army Knife
  13. Walkman + Vido buds
  14. box fan + small table + LED strip
  15. chess set

Friday, February 23, 2024

Saturday 7am

Up a little late. Not running today. Will be walking later. Workout at 7:30. Liew witches burning me down there after sniffing God’s prophecy enraged them again. Got cleaned. Worked out. Feeling some cardio and energy. Thinking of checking out TRX later on while the folks buy furniture at Mutiara.
10am, Leaving for TRX soon. Took a shower with Good Virtues and changed into a fresh shirt. Trimmed up and down so I look and feel neater. Have on my MudMan solar. A pretty muggy morning for a walk tho, this last day of CNY celebrations.

2pm, Back from TRX. 3 1/2 hours walking and riding the rail system. Had a Japanese meal there and a coffee. The Apple Store (or so we believe) is still boarded up but now lights have come on around its perimeter roofing. Lots of pretty chicks out, this Chap Goh Meh. Can't afford to buy anything expensive yet.

5pm, Raining. Am reading the Swift 5.7 language guide. Finding it tricky to actually use in real world applications with SwiftUI and the whole app bundle's code. Something should click tonight.

7pm, Had a tasty dinner of abalone, mushroom, lettuce, and kiamchai soup on this last day of CNY / Spring Festival. I prophesied on Facebook just now about something big coming very soon.

8pm, Took a long cool shower and changed into fresh clothes. Suppressing the Liew antichrists is top priority. After I dumped a load of prophecy on DogBlots and Facebook. Had a 2nd loo which was satisfying. No time to code tonight as the attacks rain down.
10pm, Had a light supper and brushed. Take my meds soon and turn in around midnight. A lot of good work done today! Fireworks bursting outside all round -the start of a brave new year.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Friday 6am

Up earlyish. Went for my run. Good, not out of breath / drowning and falling short. Work out at 7am. Got cleaned. Just taking life slow, removing the Liew witches’ kids and babies.

7am, Workout went well. Feeling energized. Want to put in an hour of coding this morning. Get the JSON parsed and some output in the View Controller. Then to do the search function tonight. Tomorrow, the annotations and extra goodies. Seems my MS folding keyboard is unreliable.

8am, Fixed some HTML / formatting bugs in my website, Now it looks quite good. Brushed. Should take a brief shower.

4pm, Back from a grueling walk through Mutiara’s 3 malls. I bought a new shaver to replace the low quality MAG that broke after just 5 months and as many haircuts. As tribulation approaches, westerners and their “friends” the Liew witchy 6 press hard on Christians, not knowing we’re armed to the teeth against the Godless unbelieving horde.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Thursday 6am

Up earlyish. Skipping my run to go walking instead. Work out at 7am. Just taking it slow. Liew witchy forces stabbing out but not as much as before. Hands still under attack.

7am, Worked out, feeling that cardio. Have to shave later too. Got cleaned. Will drink a Milo shake for breakfast. Mom has hospital today as well so will accompany her there, then head to KL afterwards.

9am, Working in Swift Playgrounds to develop vrs on iPad instead of desktop. Portables are the in thing. Took a much needed shower. Will be leaving the house at 10:30. Put on the a/c to cool down.

10am, Charging my portable devices. Planning to write a bit on the go but maybe not today as I want to get home quick, work on my Bible app in the cool of my room. Maybe will brisk walk at 3pm to Kayu instead, without my backpack.

12pm, My MS folding keyboard is still stuck charging after almost 4 hours. Realized I use too many battery powered devices day-to-day. Posted on Facebook about original sin / salvation. Ate yongtaufu. Feeling satisfied and will head out in ~3 hours time. Haven't been bitten by ants in my room for over a week!

1pm, The MS folding k/b took 4 1/2 hours to fully charge. Thinking of heading out now even tho it's quite hot as I may need to loo again soon.

2pm, Walked for about an hour. Drank a Coke Zero. Feeling good. Some evil made up prophecies broke down including that I raped a girl and had multiple sex partners. Put on a/c. Can't wait to start writing and coding my projects.

3pm, Watching a very long video on Swift coding. Meanwhile the Liew witchy 6 attack my ex-GF onto my cheekbones. Their master plan is in view.

6pm, Had a small dinner. Raining now. Quite cool and breezy. Talked about the origins of sin and salvation and those glaring contradictions in the Bible that lead everyone to doubt God is serious about saving them.

9pm, Took my meds. Will sleep around midnight. Am coding with Swift now. Pretty daunting at first. Liew witchy 6 suffer perforation attacks.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Wednesday 6am

Up a little late. Back from my run. Recovered quick. Workout at 7am. Drank root-beer to fuel up. Less out of breath. Tomorrow, a long walk in KL. Put on a/c as it's very humid.

7am, Almost couldn't complete 40 deep pushups. Feeling energized tho. Will have a Milo shake for breakfast.

8am, Got cleaned. Brushed. Taking Mom to hospital for her foot scan as it is a bit swollen. Feeling like God wants me to survive the early Tribulation.

10am, Talked to American Christians in mindspace. Many brothers are the same in the things we have and prepare for our walk with God. My odd thing out is tennis equipment. Maybe I will become a coaching staff one day -somewhere to refuge in.

11am, Set up my old iPad from 2015 o take on the road. It still works well and is less obtrusive. Americans bedeviled by the Liew witches think they can live in Asians' bodies. We are never letting in corruption like these.

1pm, Took Mom home from hospital. Worries of cancer in her foot. She has been losing weight and hair rapidly. Rumors of my folks dying around the 24th of February from association with the Liew witchy family next door.

2pm, Will be helping cook dinner tonight as Mom is stressed. Don't think I want to follow along to Mutiara in this wet heatwave. Lots of telepathy going on between needy Christians about to "fall away".

Shaved my head down again as it was looking sparse and ragged. Then my budget USB buzzer's charging port broke. Will try to fix it before the next shave early April.

7pm, Looed again and took a long sit in the shower. Changed into fresh clothes. Recompiled ffmpeg to support SDL (ffplay) so YAK Composer works. It's my self rolled sample sequencer, basic yet powerful. Talked about God and interdimensional beings / angels. And how music is a universal language of love.

Lots of people read my flash fiction stories on today.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Tuesday 5am

Up early. Run at 6am and work out shortly afterwards. More coding later. Liew witches still about.

6am, Finished exercising for the day. Feeling okay if a little tired. It's worth the effort to get fit therefore keeping healthier. Will start work at 7am.

7am, Faced with a new problem, scrolling in curses. Meanwhile Liew witches have acted up again, slashing at our heads.

9am, Feeling better as the negative telepathy ebbs. This after we cut down the fighters' spiritual powers. Looking forward to a good outing to NSK later this morning.

2pm, Back from NSK. Bought avocados, Good Virtues, penne pasta, ramen, parmesan, and a scrubber for my bathroom. Took a shower and looed again. Going out later with Dad to send Mom for her ingrown nail procedure. She never quite recovered from Covid. I too feel weaker overall. Got SHT compiling on Windows in Visual Studio. Put on a/c to cool down.

8pm, Made a simple dinner of instant noodles, egg, and lettuce for the folks as we were tired. It was a very hot sapping afternoon. Now it’s raining and time to turn off the a/c. Take my meds at 8:30pm. Do some coding. Liew witches still defiant and stirring up Americans against Asia and its enforcers ready to catch these telepathic criminals. It’s slow going on all fronts and hard / semi pointless to work.

9pm, Took my meds and showered, changing into fresh cottons. Some signs happening. LooLoo Lemon and Omega. This could refer to my 2 loos a day, in a house with 2 loos side by side, and the underwear I have, and the lemon air freshener I bought for the loos. Omega of course is the return of Christ. Apparently I am to survive till the 7th trumpet, by God’s will, circa 2027. Intriguing…

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Monday 2am

Up very early. Just taking life slow while the pressure is on such as it is now. Drank an iced Milo for breakfast. Hopefully will be able to run at 5am and get clean early. Someone downloaded my I-Ching book.

3am, Took a warm-cool shower, sitting on my bath stool. Feeling refreshed. Nasty telepathy and future sensing going on around here. Need to de-stress. Will start my exercise routine early. Feeling better after the 3-minute workout. More grounded.

4am, Ran early at full pace. Recovered fast. Fitness improving. Also doing deeper pushups. Limit exercise time to 5 minutes a day, a long and a medium walk every week.

7am, Threats and vengeance fly in mindspace as the evil Liew witches torment the Royals who shove their problem onto me. At least I have my new keyboard to feel happy about.

8am, Got cleaned. Will brush soon.

10am, Coding away. Could finish in an hour or so. Gathering info online which is a treasure trove of Python examples.

1pm, Ran into difficulties detecting special keys with pynput. Mom has to go out to the ATM cash deposit to pay her credit card bill. I may follow along to work off the sweet matcha ice cream I had for lunch with yongtaufu.

5pm, Back from the bank. Had US Pizza for early dinner. Drank green tea and root-beer. Liew witchy forces surged while 'Prince William' needs his counseling later. White witches are about. There was a brief rain. Still coding. Took a shower after a large loo. Lately I have been going twice a day. Thursday, out to KL. My psych clinic at PPUM is postponed till after Id al-Fitr.

8pm, Made good headway on vrs which now uses curses. My first curses app. Want to get the display updating properly and reverse searching by tonight.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Sunday 9am

Up lateish. Skipped my run to go on a long walk instead. Will be at the flea market, then at DigiMall, maybe Decathlon. Start off at 10ish. Worked out tho, which was good. Liew witches shoving my heartless family about, scraped almost dry by the Americans long ago.

10am, My finances are adequate, as I head out maybe buy something cool. I have 500RM in my wallet / debit, and 800RM in my drawer. 100RM disposable. EOM, I should receive 450RM, saving half of it. Also have a thick wad of 1RM notes which I need to spend. Want to get my debit card account online for international purchases but it’s troublesome and I’m not that rich either.
1pm, Back from my long walk which took about 3 hours. Spent a little more than I intended. I got the Logi Wave Keys older model. Getting used to it now typing this entry. Love the padded memory foam wrist rest, compact size, and undulating keys (208RM). The key action is pretty good as well. Uses the new Bolt receiver which means my unifying silent mouse is out of luck. Such a luxury tho.

2pm, Had a huge loo and needed to take a shower afterwards. Changed into fresh clothes and am enjoying my new ergonomic keyboard. Think I will take it easy today as that walk I went on was mega punishing. Feeling a bit empty and out of sorts not sure why.

4pm, Sheltering the Liew witches from harm provided they tone down and turn off much of their manipulations and hitting.

8pm, Lots of talking in mindspace as prophecy begins to unfold. I can't do much work or even enjoy my new keyboard fully. Hopefully the Liew witches are satisfied living with me. Took my meds early with half a Rivotril. Feeling a bit tired after the long walk in the sun. Still re-hydrating. Brushed.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Saturday 6am

Up earlyish. Went for a run. Ran really hard and am recovering well. Workout at 7. Lots of work to do, house cleaning today as well.

7am, Intensified my workout a bit, doing deeper pushups. Tomorrow, to Amcorp flea market.

8am, Ate a ramen with sambal, and Milo shake for breakfast. Sis may be going down, being hated by the westerners.

9am, Brushed. Haven’t got cleaned. Wearing my Aqualand on Mr DIY rubber strap. I now own pieces from all 4 Japanese watch manufacturers: Seiko, Citizen, Orient, and Casio. I also own a Tissot and Swatch, as well as a Chinese micro-brand, Baltany.

11am, Sat in the shower after a good loo. I got a new IKEA stool for it. Hammered out some deals to help the Royals and their forces overcome the cheating Asian witches. Will delay work on my jobs till tonight.

3pm, Liew witches striking out again as they gain support from sinners and petty mind criminals. Need a better cage than the true cross.
6pm, Gave a final ultimatum to the Liew witchy forces -no more wanton killing and maiming through the mind. Don't know how God would have it play out but it seems to me peace is better -at least for now. Sis is holding a dinner for the folks. I have eaten some snacks so am not hungry yet. Feeling worried and may not be able to work much tonight.

8pm, Redid my I-Ching guidebook to more closely replicate the ABY. Also redid my main website page which was cluttered and disorienting.

11pm, Can almost compile cython C code on windows but the lib linker fails somehow. Feeling sleepy after taking half a Rivotril.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Friday 7am

Up earlyish. Back from my brief run. Feeling good. Work out at 7:30. Did some story plotting last night. Can write more this morning. Liew witchy forces still about.

8am, Got cleaned easily. Workout was over quick. Put on a/c as the morning is warm and humid. Not many children and babies serving the evil anymore. Finished plotting Once a Walk. Will put in an hour or so of writing this morning.

9am, Brushed, Drank Milo for breakfast. Will be heading out to the mall soon. Will be wearing my Casio ProTrek.

3pm, Back from shopping at Mutiara. Finally bought my showering stool so I can sit while I bathe. Also got air freshener for the new house toilet as there isn't much ventilation, and a computer cleaning brush. Finally, I picked up a watch at Mr DIY for just 11RM and harvested its strap for my Aqualand. No where on Shopee to get and feel an 11RM dive-style strap.

Took a brief warm shower with my new stool. Helped some friends in mindspace, overcome illness. And while I was out, we talked to the Liew witchy 6 about their retirement from "influencing".

4pm, Successfully compiled SHT into a FreeBSD app. Quite painless. Will resume coding vrs in Python then instead of in C.

6pm, Making headway on vrs. It should be done by tomorrow as I've frozen the feature set. The basic app compiles readily but I need to add a lot more functionality to it which will take several hours, more for testing.

8pm, More giving adult advice in mindspace.

9pm, Wrote some guitar harmonies. Yea, I was supposed to do some music today by the ABY so vrs is on the back burner for now. I’m not much of a lyricist. Taking life slow and just relaxing.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Thursday 6am

Up early. Back from my run. Feeling like I could have run further today. Drank green tea. Work out at 6:30.

7am, Had coffee and a longyuk and cheese sandwich for breakfast. Workout went smoothly. Liew witchy forces have nowhere better to go than on me.

9am, Brushed, took a shower. Haven't looed yet since I went twice yesterday. Wrote a post on satisfaction on -a good read. This morning I want to plot my novella, get all the talking points down, to fit with the opening pages.

11am, Got cleaned. Resting in a/c. Invented a tennis trainer contraption. Cool thing is I can build and test it myself from readily available materials, at home. Maybe will do it tomorrow. Make a video and sell it.

12pm, Also found a way to realize my inflatable tennis ball from things on the web. But my real fortune will come from a house I design. Not sure what that will be like. I may earn 200RM a day from tennis innovations. But a cool 100k from the house within a month. Putting on thinking cap.

Came up with an idea for rubble walls and supports using tensed, contoured plastic netting. The netting and outer surfaces of the rubble are sprayed with a quick-setting epoxy + cement mix. Floor panels are the same, bonded vertically, then lowered into place horizontally. Roof the same as well. In this way, a house can be built in 3-4 days. The design may be more earthquake resistant and less susceptible to cracks.

3pm, Cleaned my bathroom. It was badly in need of a scrub. Still have to clear the drain hole trap. Maybe tomorrow.Want to get a small stool so I can sit while I shower. Many western children crowding round to be saved but they are ill behaved due to the witchy destroyers, the Liew 6.

11pm, Talked a lot in mindspace. Freed many people from the witchy Liews and their house ‘Mensa genius’. They were using mind control through telepathy as I mentioned before, to trap kids into sinful behavior. Mr Beast helped a bit.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Wednesday 4am

Up early. Some minor Liew witchy activity. Will run and work ot at 5am. Fell asleep charging my phone.

5am, Back from a brief but intense run. Feeling charged up. Worked out and am feeling the cardio. Will be heading out later with the folks. Get cleaned by 7am.

9am, The festive goodies eating has to stop today even though there are lots left, as my blood test is a week from now. Didn't eat many mandarins this season tho. Heading out soon to get stuff done near Uptown.

3pm, Back from shopping and banking. Had a humongous loo. Many visitors to my Blogger in the past 24 hours. Lunch was roast pork rice and a cup of yogurt. Cleaned old files and settings from my phone, tablet and laptop. UK forces desperate for help against the witch LiLian, colliding with my friends and family.

 7pm, Helped make roast chicken, spuds and broccoli for dinner. Was good. Put on the a/c after the brief muggy rain earlier. Thinking of writing a guide to more satisfying sex. Unfortunately, I'm still a virgin.

My psych clinic visits are on the 27 and 29 Feb. or about 2 weeks away. Have begun to diet more.

9pm, I think Once a Walk will be a tear-jerker novella, about using and abusing family. I will get the chance to say many things I've been bottling up, things useful to those who suffer. Taking my meds now. Want to write another short story. Something I’ve also been thinking long about, called The Tutor. Thinking I may become a full time writer / author after all.

11pm, Turned off the a/c. Still not very sleepy. Talked sense in mindspace, about ketuanan, Ebit Lew and Anwar-Mahathir, possible IMF bailout etc. Liews and Royals beat up another innocent Christian off our circle of friends.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Tuesday 7am

Up lateish. Went for a brief run. Feeling regulated. Work out at 8am. Wrote a flash fiction piece to submit to FFM late last night. Didn’t code much.

8am, Worked out and am feeling good. Editing my story. To code soon.
9am, Submitted project TS to FFM. One of my better and more inspired pieces. Hope they like it. Liew witches seem to have written it before me as I got flashbacks / deja vu while composing it. Brushed. The morning is sunny and dry. Had an iced Milo shake for breakfast. They think my tale may be nominated for a Nebula.

12pm, Had reduced tomato and onion pasta with avocado sprinkled with Mexican chili seasoning for lunch. Am carrying on with my writing and coding.

8pm, Raining. Did a lot of charging my devices, including my buzzer. After successfully writing TS and TRP this year, and my good start on Once a Walk, I have decided to become a full time author. Liew witches and evil family still lashing at the west, and we who know how much they suffer. It’s time to intervene decisively.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Monday 7am

Up earlyish. Didn’t run. Worked out. Feeling good. Ready for that long walk later. Had a ramen for breakfast and some pineapple juice. Got cleaned easily. Westerners pushing Liew forces onto me, causing terrible spillage.
8am, Being rammed by American forces who were deceived by the Liew witches and certain UK Royals. Fixed my arrow keys-command history by restarting Windowmaker -so simple.

9am, My savings reach 1kRM after influx of festive ang pow money. This month end, I will receive another 450RM. Will not be saving it although I have nothing major to spend it on. No more watches or computer / music / sports equipment. Seems odd to have nothing left to buy. Will head out soon. Wear my hat.
1pm, Back after 3 hours out to MidValley instead of walking round ghost town KL. Saw a lion dance performance. Ate Maggi mee goreng with chilies and lime and drank an Americano. Walked a lot and saw lots of cool stuff. Must save more for it. I liked the Logitech wave keys BT keyboard but it was 299RM. Cooling down in a/c. Then shower later.

3pm, Found out that my 64gb usb3 drive can be split into half and be compatible with Fat32 / msdosfs which FreeBSD supports. Good stuff. Computers should be useful, not a daily struggle. Thinking of writing a dedicated app to search the Bible, something like SHT. Calling it vrs (verse).

5pm, Major reworking of SHT/b into vrs underway. It will have verse compare, re-view, whole chapter view, annotations, and a new search syntax that is more friendly. Will work on it tonight. Also take CLI arguments, eg. <vrs Jesus AND walk on water EQUALS salvation>. Hotkeys will activate the new functions interactively. Will be writing it in C if all goes well.

10pm, Taking my meds. Had diarrhea maybe due to the spicy mee I ate for lunch. No bleeding, thankfully. Made some headway on my program. Should be in beta by midnight on my FreeBSD workstation.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Sunday 7am

Up early. Back from my run. Recovered fast. Workout soon. More altercations in mindspace between the British and Liew forces. Took some hits.

10am, Got my BSD system working again after last night's pkg install disaster. Using tcsh as my shell and the command history is rebound to the number keypad. Still unable to mount my USB drive. 

Bought Perrier and pineapple juice for tonight's get together with SIs' family. Tried to help in the mindspaces but many are set in their ways.

1pm, Got my USB drive working with FreeBSD which only supports Fat32 as far as I can configure. Also installed Mplayer for music. Don't want to put in daemons / processes.

The telepathy crisis is being solved with many people no longer fearful of the Liew witches and their millions of kids and babies, geniuses and mental projectors.

Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. Many shaken young ones need a holding hand, easterners and westerners both. Can't do much work yet.

8pm, Just had bakkuteh for dinner with Sis and her family. We ate and drank well. Talked of cost cutting by the Malaysian government. Maybe I will go on generic Arip soon. Cutting down sugary foods. Run and work out early tomorrow.

Liew witchy 6 forced back by removing key brain pathways. And fireworks being let off outside my window. Evil lurks even as we go into the new year.

11pm, Taking my meds now. Just had a refreshing shower. May go walking tomorrow. Not sure where. Skip my morning run.

Friday, February 9, 2024

Saturday 6am

Up early. Fell asleep without brushing. Ran and worked out before dawn. Felt good. I’m getting stronger and fitter but very gradually because I only allocate 5 minutes a day to exercise, 2 hours a week to brisk walking.

7am, Had cheese and light mayo sandwiches for breakfast, with a latte. Not planning on going visiting with the folks this year. Thinking of writing something new but have no inspiration.

8am, Got cleaned easily. Maybe because of the 3 mandarins I ate yesterday and lots of wholewheat bread. Settling in to write… something.

1pm, Relaxing in a/c after switching from my Pi 4 to the Kabini. I used foam cuts to stack the HD on top the gaming PSU, and the Mobo, topmost. Looks nicer than sitting in a cardboard box. I misplaced its Bluetooth adapter tho, so no bt for now. Loaded with FreeBSD 13.x which works well. Settled on my short story but will write it later.
6pm, Waiting for my uncle who is bringing us dinner so Mom doesn't have to cook. Took a warm shower and changed into a new red tee shirt. Seems the Liew witchy 6 are dying tonight, around the time of the new moon.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Friday 6am

Up early. Went for my run. Got cleaned. Working out at 6:30. Have to return my case back press later this morning. Feeling good after brief full-body exercise. Every part of me is healthier. Just have to watch my diet.

7am, Drank a glass of iced Milo choc drink for breakfast. Ready to head out to NSK with Dad, to get mandarin oranges. Must remember to repack and return the case back press for my 29RM refund.

8am, Vacuumed my room and desk and emptied the wastebasket. Got rid of some cobwebs, cleaned the box fan a bit. Feels more or less okay. Tomorrow, sweeping and throwing out rubbish is taboo. Dad has set up the altar for prayers to his departed parents.

9am, Back from the grocer. I ate apricot yogurt. Once in a while I need it. British forces trying to recruit me into a protection web of some sort, not caring of my mental disability and medical conditions.

11am, Did more tidying up, mainly of my desk. Gave the Royals some protection in several stages. Now everyone feels better. Printed the return / refund sheet off Dad’s printer. Will go out later to post it after I figure how to wrap the parcel up. Maybe around 3:30pm.

4pm, Sent back the case back press with some help from the folks. Couldn’t have done a messier job wrapping it. First time for everything. Meanwhile the Royals are pressing Asians into service against… their ‘friends’ -the evil Liew witches. It must have always worked!

10pm, It took a while to reach my uncle’s house for reunion dinner and to get back again. Played with their cute dog. Didn’t eat much. Technology is bringing people together. Lots of revelers on the streets of Kuala Lumpur. Almost had an accident. Happy CNY to all!

11pm, Took a brief shower and changed into fresh clothes. Took my meds. Wake up early tomorrow for a run and workout. Outside fireworks going off. Americans crowding us to destroy our happy day. I don’t really celebrate anything so I guess I have to bear this.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Thursday 4am

Up very early after falling asleep on the floor with my legs on the piano bench. My caseback press may arrive today and I can finally wear the old HMT. Liew witches and their 'friend', "Prince William" menace the mindspaces.

5am, Back from my run. Feeling good. Worked out as well which got the circulation going. Got cleaned without any problems. The Liew witchy group in danger of breaking up. William being beaten by those he duped.

6am, Had a ramen for breakfast and an iced latte. No more helping the westerners as some turned very violent and threatening.

9am, Ate a roti canai Dad bought earlier. Brushed. Waiting for 2 parcels. Wearing my favorite Orient TriStar.

10am, Not out for delivery yet. Will wait another hour or so then focus on my work. Evil Liew witches pulling hair out of desperate need for salvation they cheated others of.

11am, My caseback press is on delivery. It may take another 6 hours to arrive tho. Dad's tile grout may deliver tomorrow.

1pm, Made noodles, fried eggs, baked beans and plant nuggets in BBQ sauce with pre-fried onion and some pasta for lunch. Used lots of leftovers to whip up a quick meal for the folks. Put on the a/c as it's another hot, muggy afternoon. Took a shower earlier and changed into a fresh shirt.

‘Prince William’ seemed very tired (not drunk), from YouTube videos. Swaying and being careless with things he was holding. Can he not just take some sedatives and break from arguing with wicked / innocent Asians all night long? He has a problem -and it may be swollen pride.

8pm, Had dinner made by Mom. Tasted okay. The case back press broke on attempt no.1 so I'm returning it for a refund maybe tomorrow morning. Have to print a label for the returns process. Luckily my new mouse is okay and my new watch too. Will take my meds at 9pm. Tomorrow is reunion dinner.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Wednesday 5am

Up early. Liew witches still burning my hand despite yesterday’s warning. Took quick action against them. I think they’re pushed onto me by American sinners who’ve had enough of their degrading behavior. Decided to walk through Kuala Lumpur. Worked out, felt the cardio. Won’t be running this morning, just going on the long walk.

7am, Got cleaned easily. Will brush and shave, then head out around 10am. Hordes of people looking for someone to blame for their mind crimes. Such are the end times.

9am, Back from sending Mom to hospital and from breakfast. Talked about the coming of God and the birthpains. What are the 4 horses and their riders, and what is the 5th seal we are into right now, and when will the 6th be broken, triggering the supernatural events of Revelations. Will be leaving for KL soon.

2pm, Went to DigiMall instead of KL. I'm tired out but not weary. Bought an Ocean Plastic Mouse which matches my big beige and slate MS keyboard. Came home and made smoked salmon toasted sandwiches for the folks, with avocado, tomato, cucumber and cheese. Have the record player on to Mozart as usual and put on a/c to cool down. Feeling a bit dehydrated.

4pm, Talked a lot about reincarnation and salvation, and the technologies of God, Satan vs. our bodies and the Gaia ecosystem, the planet of YHWH and how it influences our Heaven. Making assam laksa for dinner, a bastardised version of it using sardines and Taiwan sliced noodles. Mom is tired and getting frailer by the week. Yet she has no ear for gospel.

8pm, Parcels may arrive tomorrow. Can't wait for my caseback press. Talked to the Royals about cancer and how it is divine retribution to their obstinate attitude towards God's salvation, being concerned (at least in the mindspace) about prophecy going their way and not the Asians' way. My folks are also fighting wasting ailments and growths because they oppose the Savior as well. That's how I presume to know. Let God have his way, witchy Liews -you're also the same.

10pm, Just took my meds and half a Rivotril to sleep better. Gave out general healing advice. Lots more to tidy up. Will sleep around midnight. Run tomorrow morning.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Tuesday 6am

Was up early after just 4 hours sleep. Ran and worked out. Am feeling fit but health worries creep up on me. We have to target key Liew 6 nerves with our new technology or we’re fodder for their lust for power / vengeance. Especially with their hated enemies hiding behind us. And King Charles has cancer.

7am, Getting clean. Will loo in the afternoon as this seems to be the way things go lately. Hand coming under attack. Removing key nerves from the mind criminals. Many are scared to attack the Liew 6.

10am, Back home after a long drive in heavy traffic to the hospital. Have to go out again to get red money packets for CNY.

1pm, Back from hospital and bank. Mom is not in much danger but her toe infection could spread, so has to take antibiotics. Almost ready to case up the HMT after the hands were aligned right and pressed level. Took a loo and showered. Eventually I should go back on schedule every morning.

6pm, Cooked spuds, broccoli and chicken fillet for dinner. Tasted okay. Mom was tired and her toe, feeling sore. Shocking revelations from the Royals about their trauma dealing with the Liew witchy 6’s telepathic attacks. Like the marines say, “suck it up”. There’s nowhere to go when you’re surrounded by evil in your own head. Whatever you do, don’t be deceived (tempted into sin) like they eventually were.

9pm, Terrible fights in the mindspaces as the Liew witches get proud, urged on by the American pushers. And it’s begun to rain.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Monday 6am

Up early. Went for a brief run. Feeling good. Work out at 7am. May be going out later with Dad as Mom has physiotherapy. Liew witches stirring up the mindspaces.

As expected, Princess Kate may divulge her mystery illness. And in a matter of weeks, desecrations of Islamic holy sites may occur. Before that peaks, there should be anti government unrest all over the world. Christians can expect some degree of revenge. Not sure how bad, here in Malaysia / outside the Middle East players.

7am, Workout went well. Felt that cardio. Mostly I do not move around much, just this 3 minutes every morning and my short daily run. Once a week, I walk for over an hour, once a week out to the mall with the folks. About 2 1/2 weeks till my blood test. Will abstain from sugary foods from today.

2pm, Back from NSK where I had nasi lemak for lunch. We bought some fruit and drinks. Got lots of bottled green tea and some avocados. Dad bought the rest. A pretty hot afternoon. Timing the HMT revealed a rate increase of 12s/day over 6 hours. That’s 12/24 x 6 / 2 otherwise, 1.5s per 6 hours. In 24 hours that will be 1.5 + 1.5x3 + 1.5x5 + 1.5x7, or ~24s/day. Previously it was an unusable +150s/day.

3pm, Took a long warm shower after loo. Changed into comfy cottons. Checked the rate gain again and it’s actually dropped to 0s/day from 5s/day just 2 hours ago. The beat error is also 5x higher. I need to get the hands back on so I can take some measurements manually.

8pm, The hands are on and the watch works well. Ready to assemble after watching more help videos. Coaching people in mindscape who’ve done mind crimes for seemingly ignorance of truth, and in desperation at the odds.

10pm, Took my meds. Ate more potato and mince with coriander. Was tasty. Brushed. Tomorrow, up early for my run and workout. Never-ending battles with the witchy Liew 6 and their army of deviants, their sinful supporters. It may be 10 months till the persecutions end. Have to think deeply and pray. Hands are now on the watch. Forgot to re-place the coppery dial spring as it doesn’t seem to do anything.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Sunday 5am

Up early. Hearing metal music. Will run soon. Work out at 6am. Feeling a bit bleary. Run went well, felt that cardio, recovering fast. Worked out early, feeling clear headed. Drank an iced Milo for breakfast.

8am, Brushed. Getting clean is hard going today. Am very gassy. Luckily the sambal I had last night eventually saved me. Will write some at 9:30. It seems the mind wars are never-ending. 

10am, Still no work done. Americans pushing hurt onto me were downgraded.

11am, Trying to revive my HMT and realign the dial, regulate it slower. Something I’ve never done before.

12pm, Made pasta for our lunch. A simple recipe of red onion, tomato slices and garlic reduced with salt and sugar in olive oil, then stirred in with tomato truffle sauce, and either yogurt or cheese. Was good. Feeling a little distressed and impinged on. Just put on the a/c and am resting. In the distance, a lion dance troupe with their big drums sounding. Think I will plot my novel a bit.

1pm, Looed again. I am full of gas plugged up. Punishment from evildoers for being brave I guess, or maybe the old family burden of constipation. Decided to remove the watch hands to see if the balance will turn again, avoiding messing with the innards.

3pm, Looks like a second day of +15s for my Orient Tristar. British forces under “Prince William” lash out savagely at Malaysians. They don’t care that I’m from Australia. Dishonorable and duplicitous.

5pm, Took a much needed shower after yet another loo. This must be to do with Mom’s 3-day constipation. Tomorrow, out to brunch with Dad unless something crops up. May be able to fix my watch. It appears to be a misaligned pallet fork. I would enjoy work more but have to carry numerous sinners and VIPs, afraid. Most of the time I just manage to type my feelings into my blogs and buy stuff online.

10pm, Managed to get the balance oscillating. A small copper spring came loose with the dial and I’m not sure where it goes! At least the watch now works, dial aligned and speed regulated. Looking forward to wearing it again. Can’t believe I fixed a watch, ha-ha-ha! Took my meds late. May sleep by midnight.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Saturday 4am

Was woken up at 2:30am for what, I don’t know. Voices saying key people in the mind wars have died. No news online, on that yet. My Orient gained 6s in 8 hours on-wrist. Hope it settles down into a lower rate. Had a ramen and iced Milo for breakfast.

6am, Time gain now about 1s / 3 hr, or +8s per day. Still feeling phantom fearful. Can’t wait to head out on my walk. Can’t remember if I paid for my coffee at the Amcorp mamak last month. A bit embarrassing. Mind not what it used to be.

7am, Got cleaned well. Brush soon and head out at 10am. Maybe 9:30 as we have house cleaning this afternoon. Should be back by noon.

12pm, Back from my weekly long walk. Bought an old Rado watch strap from my friend, Robert, 55RM. It’s dark brown leather with gold buckle and features an end tuck-in pouch. Now my Tristar looks dressier! Taking a brief shower and change of shirt.

2pm, Had a late Indian vegetarian lunch. Will eat less for dinner.

5pm, Finally videoed my new Orient Tristar for my channel. I’m getting better at filming vids, even playing my own background music and cultivating a look. Will be cooking dinner in half an hour. Helped “Prince William” grow wiser and diffuse many conflicts with the Chinese and Eastern peoples.

6pm, Helped make fried chicken with chili and lime. Was good. Mom made broccoli. Organizing a party to end the world standoff.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Friday 5am

Up early. Back from my run. Recovered fast. Workout at 5:30. Waiting for parcel. Drank soy milk to recharge. Americans and Royals up to no good even after we helped them yesterday. No more help do they deserve. Workout went well. Get cleaned at 7am.

6am, Ate a ramen and iced coffee for breakfast. The evildoers in the mind must be stopped. Burning them out with sulfur fire. Brushed. Will loo later.

7am, Got cleaned well. Some hours to kill before my watch gets here. Evil breeds in the mindspaces, getting increasingly supernatural.

10am, Got 100RM aid from the government. This is welcome as I will not be eligible for withdrawing my EPF before I pass away or otherwise am raptured. I now have 500RM in my drawer stash and 130RM in my debit account. I usually carry 500RM in my wallet but am a bit short right now at 470RM. Will head out this weekend on a long walk. Dad bought a lot of CNY goodies as gifts. No sign of my parcel yet.

11am, Parcel is on delivery at last! It should arrive by 3pm, 4 hours to wait. Set up the Raspberry Pi on my desk again while I use the ThinkPad (pre-loved) downstairs at the dining table.

4pm, Raining but it’s almost stopped and there’s still time for delivery of my Orient Tristar but that may be around 6pm. ‘Prince William’ reacting in the mindspace again, to something he feels, but we don’t understand him.

7pm, My watch arrived just minutes past 6pm, after a rain storm and 20 minutes watching a creepy video on Edgar Allen Poe. Quite graily, this piece. I may stop buying watches from now on. It was originally intended to replace my broken HMT and to satisfy my urge for a Star Classic over 5x the cost. Will review it on DogBlots and my channel, soon.

9pm, Tristar is definitely gaining time but under a second per hour. It may be +12s per day which is acceptable. Can’t find any information on usage and care in its box, tho. Took my meds earlier. Also brushed and showered thoroughly. Will sleep by midnight probably.

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...