Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Thursday 6am

Was up early. Went for a run. Feeling energized. Parcel on track for delivery today, not sure what hour. May skip the Mutiara CNY shopping trip. Can’t wait -it’s my first Orient. Workout at 6:30. Feeling refreshed. Rest and exercise, plus caution will keep me afloat till EOY. Also, some new possessions to admire and light work to occupy my mind.

7am, Had a ramen for breakfast and iced black coffee. Cutting down on sugary, oily foods even as my body is oppressed by mad telepaths with their evil doctrines. Parcel may be out for delivery around 8am, receive it circa 1pm.

8am, Got cleaned. Have to brush soon and think of an idea for my novel. Parcel still not on delivery. I will be writing a young adult novel codenamed BaH. It’s a bit like Enid Blyton’s The Land of Far Away but with more pathos, angst and grit.

2pm, No sign of my parcel. If it doesn't go on delivery soon, it might be tomorrow before I get my Orient Tristar. Writing going well. I'm confident of putting out a book sometime early this year. Meanwhile, Mom and Dad are still at the mall. I hope they buy something good to eat.

BaH is renamed HaH and is going to be quite a different story. Although the genre is a 'quest' something like the Wizard of Oz but with lots of adult issues explained.

4pm, Had KFC for late lunch. May skip dinner. Had to loo again. Took a shower and am changed into fresh clothes. Put on the a/c to cool down. At least I got a good rest today. ‘Allen’ the genius acted out, exposing some wrong doctrines we had overlooked in the Liew witchy forces’ desperation to survive an internal and external eradication by the West. Will talk on it soon.

5pm, Had been raining heavily. Put the wifi back on. Did some work on project HaH. Will sleep late and run in the afternoon after I get my parcel. Want to work on HaH a bit more later on.

10pm, Took my meds earlier with half a Rivotril. Not feeling very sleepy yet. Talked about power and how witchcraft came between the greats of world politics, seemingly helpless before the evil. Talked about celebrity marriages and similar witchy manipulations.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Wednesday 4am

Up early. Parcel should ship today. Looking forward to my first Orient Tristar. Wrote a bit, the hard bit which glues the resolution half of my story together with the set up.

5am, Back from a brief run. Feeling okay. Work out later at 6am. American Christians acting up for some reason.

6am, Workout went well. Felt the cardio. Supposedly caution, exercise and rest are vital for survival this year. Liew forces digging into the American faithful. There aren’t many evil forces left tho.

10am, Finished writing my short story draft. Will have to edit in some character descriptions and background data and to make sure that comes to at least 300 words. Will do it after lunch. It’s still 12 hours till submission closes. Not much mindspace arguing right now.

12pm, Wondering what’s for lunch. Decided to just insert blocks of background and description wherever there are breaks in the storyline. Easier than weaving the data through the conversations. Starting it soon. Had to loo again just now. Twice daily is becoming the norm. At least I’m freer to concentrate on my work. Feeling the preventers again but they’re not very strong anymore.

2pm, Almost finished the editing. Did it on my iPad. Now to fill in the text in LibreOffice. Finally fighting back against the hand destroyers with the help of special friends.

4pm, The Orient has shipped early! Maybe it will arrive tomorrow. Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Tuesday 6am

Up early. Back from a brief run. Feeling the cardio. Will work out at 7am. Americans suffer losses due to pushing the Liew 6 around.

7am, Worked out. Was good. Feeling a little weak tho. More Americans betray their Asian helpers and are burnt badly by the evil Asian witches. Did some editing on my unfinished story. The plot is simple but there are quite a few loose ends to resolve. Should be done by tonight, late.

8am, Got cleaned. American kids and babies still pounding on Asian doors to take on their trouble, where westerners were scorning and scourging a powerful evil witch clan. Tried to broker a peace but many children can’t understand logic and love. Nor apparently can the Royal princes.

1pm, Back from psych clinic and the bank. Ordered my very first Orient watch. At 360RM, it’s a bit cheaper than a Seiko 5 coming in over 400RM. I used own a 5, 250RM back in 2001.We’ll see what the Orient looks like when it arrives as my old 5 was rough round the edges. Brokered a peace deal with many people of all levels of sin. The evil telepathy is almost wrapped up.

2pm, Relaxing at home with my box fan, from the afternoon heatwave. Will do some writing soon. Then edit tonight. I need to submit tomorrow morning.

3pm, Looed again. Gut looks to be clear. Dad is still bleeding tho. Wonder what they’re up to, been out for over an hour now in this awful heat. Took a good shower and changed into fresh clothes. Still not writing. Maybe 4pm to 5pm.

4pm, Seems my parcel will arrive 2nd of February, a Friday. Writing going slow.

5pm, Modified my tennis equipment design to be even more easily manufactured. I think it is now a reality and I will ship it around to manufacturers. The depth of the new feature shall be shallower while being at an angle, while the functional part is practically homogeneous. I think it's a very good idea for tennis. But I need some help with the R&D.

6pm, Dinner will be late as Mom is dog tired and Dad only slept sparsely last night. I guess he worries about his health and the family prophecies. We finally set up defences against Liew witchy incursions, taking newborns and torturing them. No time to do anything much else yet.

8pm, Just had dinner and talked about the breaking of the 6th seal possibly this November-December 2024. This seal is relevant as Christians can finally be relieved of the current heavy-handed and unfair persecution. Especially in mindspace. Raining heavily. Attacks rain down on us as well. 10 months of unholiness left to go.

10pm, Took my meds with coffee and had a ramen for supper. Took a Rivotril too so I can wake up for tomorrow’s run. No workout as my arm is still sore from my Arip jab. Liew witchy forces number in the dozens of family groups and seized Americans and expat babies to hurl at good people. Nobody’s perfect or needs to be. Nobody should be the judge of another. Nor am I, despite being a Christ image. Played some guitar. May write a bit soon.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Monday 8am

Up late. Got cleaned. Worked out. Helped some Americans hurt by Liew witchy forces. My right hand is under attack again, mildly. Can’t wait to visit Solar Time this morning and browse their Orients. My first O’ having only had Casios, Seikos, and Citizens. Used to be, it was sub 300RM but now over 50% more expensive. Will be leaving for the train station soon.

11am, Back from MidValley empty handed. The shop only had premium Orients, no Tristars. There wasn’t anywhere to deposit my 500RM so I can buy from Shopee so I just came home. Had a coffee and ramen for lunch. Maybe I won’t get anymore watches for now.

6pm, Put some money into my debit account to get the Tristar. Will order it tomorrow after psych clinic. Receive it EOM. Helped make fried takoyaki pork for dinner. Strange sins emerge near the coming of Tribulation. It must be. But it’s more than my poor brain can handle.

10pm, Took my meds earlier and will turn in soon. Writing a new short story for submission later this week. Liew witchy forces clashing people together and pain-giving. There’s no end to the sorrows yet as threats of global war grow ever more real in and outside the mindspaces.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Sunday 5am

Up early. Got cleaned. Not running this morning, just working out at 6am. Will be walking later, maybe for an hour+. Liew witches still rampant through my sinful family.

6am, Had a Milo shake for breakfast. I will be cutting down my food intake a bit from now on. Basically skipping a meal every day. I don’t eat much sweet fruits either. Workout went well. Feeling good. Less people are piling onto me which affected my blood health. Surfing for watches now.

8am, Dad took me out for breakfast. Meanwhile, the Royals threatened me with cancer, and our whole group of good reformed people too. There was a firefight and many are wounded.

9am, Have to stay home for house cleaning. Will head out later in the afternoon. Royals behaving badly from their pain and suffering. But they happily mistreat those who help them sincerely.

11am, Feeling phantomly fearful but not quite off balance. Quite confident of my innovation being accepted by a major tennis manufacturer. Settled on a non destructive way to push off these western vengeful people, hell, I wasn’t even born or fully raised in Malaysia. Went for a brief run instead of going (window) shopping. Feeling the cardio and the sun was quite hot. Recovered fast tho.

3pm, Showered earlier. Changed into fresh clothes. The struggle between good and evil rages intensely. Group of us trying to break free from flesh dissolvers and nerve breakers. Feeding the troublemakers basic human desires to occupy their guilty minds.

4pm, Very hot afternoon. Swept and mopped my room earlier. Was quite dusty somehow. Missed going to the flea market. Want to visit MegaMall tomorrow, seeing as how I’m being prevented like crazy. Will wear the Protrek 270 on Velcro.

6pm, Rejoined Facebook! Can’t wait to hook up with fellow writers.

11pm, Had supper of Indomie and coffee as I ate a very light dinner. Took my meds earlier but there’s still stuff to solve in mindspace. Sleep around midnight I guess.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Saturday 6am

Up earlyish. Will run soon. Got cleaned earlier. Feeling okay.

7am, Back from my run. Felt good and energized. Now western mid powers want to fix some Christian children acting up. Worked out. Feeling the cardio. Going for breakfast with Dad later.

8am, Will be heading over to NSK for lunch later. Must buy tomatoes, onions, pasta, and lettuce.

11am, Helped Dad carry some new tiles to the small retirement house we’re renovating. Of course we hired some workers not just ourselves. The place looks nice, modern, and cheerful. Those tiles were really heavy tho. Dad said he couldn’t lift them. Submitted an idea for a tennis innovation to Invention City but it’s confidential. Hope to make some money this year.

1pm, Back from NSK. Had lunch there and Dad bought lots of fruit. I got tomatoes and some veg for tonight’s dinner. Something got stuck in my upper molar after lunch. Hopefully it dissolves off by tonight.

6pm, Cooked and served pasta for dinner. Talked in mindspace about current world events and how and why they revolve around Jerusalem. Urged everyone to be calm and just save themselves if not their best friends and family. These devastations must play out as Jesus said -the birthpains, they will occur.

8pm, Going on a walk tomorrow morning instead of running. May visit the Amcorp flea market. Leave around 10:30am. Will take my meds late and sleep in instead of being rushed out by the telepathy. This year could be my last one, due to bearing all the hatred / damage on behalf of important people. Some of which is pretty cruel. Prayers help. And the odd relief by white witches. Well, we’ll see what tomorrow holds.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Friday 6am

Up early. Back from my brief run. Feeling energized. Will work out at 6:30 as usual. Liew witches corrupting kids to insult me. But I just tell them they’re not invited. Don’t know if I will write today. Everyday is hectic in the mindspace. Nothing much to eat for breakfast. Workout went well. Felt the cardio. My only exercise for the next 24 hours. I exercise on average, 5 minutes a day with 2 hours’ walk a week, making the recommended 150 minutes / week.

7am, Drank a latte for breakfast. Will be staying home today. Try to write a bit. Buying more watches can wait till after CNY. It’s less than 2 weeks to reunion. People are not thinking well of me but then satisfaction is at an all time low around the world. Got cleaned. Brush at 8am. Had a ramen with chili sauce to recharge. Babies and kids sent home. No more Liew problem for Asia.

9am, Resting and shopping online a bit. I have about 140RM to blow on something nice. Don’t think my VISA debit is international as I tried to buy from AliExpress earlier.

12pm, Folks will be buying lunch after they visit our small retirement house nearby. Been treating badness / madness in the mind. All will be better soon. Liew witches replenishing their store of goons.

5pm, Made a 6 minute video on the Q&Q moonphase quartz. Went well. If anything, it was useful preparing me for public speaking and my later videos on gospel to come soon. Not sure when I will begin writing. Having takeout noodles for dinner. Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. My finances are just about okay at the mo. I have about 1.4kRM. So I want to build up another 600RM before I think of going for the Orient Bambino 2 v3 from Nisha @Shopee. That will be late February. And I will be doing a review, maybe a movement reveal if the caseback cooperates.

6pm, My new video is getting views by the minute for some reason. Must make a good one of the MQ-27 next week.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Thursday 6am

Up earlyish. Back from my run. Feeling good overall. Work out at 6:30. Liew witchy forces still plying their way to me and God knows who else. Exercise went well. Am stronger and fitter than before but due to stroke, dengue, snd Covid, some internal weakness persists. Need to re-energize somehow. Think I need to write a different novella, something closer to my heart.

8am, Got cleaned easily. Better than yesterday. Ate a spicy tomyam ramen for breakfast. Still have to brush. Most days start this slow. British mind forces trying to affect Asians to work in the mindspaces. Dangerous jobs with no reward. My novel will be on the reunion of 3 brothers and their families scattered over the solar system. All are growing old and infirm and want to meet on Earth one last time. But behind the festive atmosphere of CNY, looms the rumblings of war and extraterrestrial moral corruption. Calling it ‘CNY2050’.

11am, Starting to unspool my novella. It pretty much writes itself like mss2 did. Put the witchy Liews into a box (within their body within a box….) with some millions I gathered to help. Mom and Dad are off to buy water heaters for our small retirement house.

2pm, Had roast pork rice for lunch. Showered and changed into fresh clothes early. Talked in mindspace about soul / spirit and correspondingly, our bodies and minds, and our resurrected form and duties in the Kingdom or eternal torment in hell. Once learnt, you must obey! As it is easy.

3pm, Writing came up against a block from the Liew witchy 6. But it is an easy book to write in the world I built back in my short story, Toast and Curry. It is a prequel actually. And what drives the story are moral / immoral choices and forces and great history in the making.

9pm, Took my meds and will brush shortly. May buy an Orient Bambino, now 629RM on Shopee. A good price. But will wait until the folks soften up or are done in by the forces of good whom they offended. Took a Rivotril to sleep well. Will try to run tomorrow, pre-dawn. Work out as usual afterwards. Liew witches lost in thought. Took a few hits from them earlier. Still unable to write.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Wednesday 5am

Up early. Situation in mindspace is calmer. More confusing. There is now a clear battle between right and wrong but who will be what? 

6am, Worked out and am feeling good. Will not be running this morning. Going out at 10am to KLCC instead. Ate spicy ramen and a latte for breakfast. More wranglings in mindspace as important people with mind crimes look for scapegoats.

7am, Got cleaned. I use tp, liquid soap, then hose down my butt. Keeping clean as bacteria and fungal attacks abound. Talked last night in mindspace about Jesus and his true purposes, his hidden thoughts, during his ministry in Israel. How this affects the middle east wars in Ezekiel. Ready to head out in a few hours.

8am, Brushed. Changed into a nice tee, put on my Lululemon underwear and am ready to head out soon. May go a little early.

3pm, Back home past 2pm after a 5 1/2 hour outing. Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Rehydrated. Feeling a bit tired. The whole of Kuala Lumpur also seems tired, like the present world at large I suppose. Had a good meal at Kenny Rogers Roasters. Am relaxing in a/c, wearing the JP1060 diver on Casio rubber which is soft, satiny, and comfortable. Saw a guy with a small, old, round watch that looked generic and realized most all of my 16 pieces haven’t been very practical if not rather eccentric, sometimes flighty.

4pm, Refitted the Aqualand with my old FKM waffle-tropic. The proper humpy rubber band is almost 200RM. Even so, wearing a big flashy diver out walking while the economy is so bad is unwise.

5pm, Terrible thunderstorm going on. Almost a direct lightning strike on our house. One fine day, all our appliances will be fried. Think I will wear my Baltany quartz out more often. It is a nondescript / generic matte ss watch with a solid Seiko movement and high WR. Good for walking round our unguarded retirement house in its poorer neighborhood. Acceptable by the wealthier crowd as it’s not CBP.

11pm, Almost time for bed. Will set my LED strip on and think of tomorrow’s work effort.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Tuesday 6am

Up early after taking a Rivotril. Back from my brief run. Feeling energized. Work out soon. Royals are acting up unfairly. TD gained 4s / 12 hours. Ate a tomyam ramen and latte for breakfast. Workout went well. Feeling stronger. My only exercises for 24 hours. Otherwise am mostly sedentary, except on long walk day and grocery day. UK telepaths ransack Asia, looking for special people / kids to use.

8am, Got cleaned early. Am still wearing the beat-up vintage Tenor-Dorly on thick 2-piece nylon. Like it a lot. Cost me 250RM + 350RM for servicing. It must have been the first overhaul the watch had in 50 years. Hard to get started on my work. Maybe by 9am.

1200RM for a used Orient Star Classic sounds good. But I think I’ll pass for now even though I can afford it -barely. I’m lower income and should not have much luxuries. Looking forward to a good lunch. Can feel a few desperate minds pressing in on me. But that’s usual since I was a kid.

1pm, Back from Old Town where we tried to find an ss kitchen sink for cheap. Ate dimsum. I had cheecheongfun noodles with prawn filling and chili oil. British forces want more from me but I’m very unwell. Looks like another day of talking in the mindspaces.

3pm, Fell asleep briefly, a nap in a/c. Somehow I had clenched my left hand too tight. Not working on my book yet.

7pm, Made fried rice for dinner, all cut up by Mom. Was tasty, with some cukup rasa. Everyone ate well. Wearing my Aqualand JP1060 on a retrofitted Casio rubber strap. Looks and feels good. Taking my meds late. 

8pm, Want to walk in KL tomorrow. Will skip my daily run. Wear my TD on nylon, my Decathlon cotton tee shirt.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Monday 4am

Up very early. Accosted by Liew witchy forces urged onto me by American forces in the mindscape. Will run at 5am. Have a bit of a sore cough but no fever. My Tenor-Dorly suffered a short drop just now as I had laid it on my chest while typing. So far still runs okay. Ate a tomyam ramen for breakfast. Throat feels better. Covid is strange.

5am, Back from a brief run. Feeling energized. Hope those following me (with hammers) are okay too.

6am, Got cleaned. Not constipated. Have to work out before 7am. Brush and head out with Dad. Workout went well. Felt the cardio and joints clicking. I don’t have a build but at least look presentable since doing 40 pushups and 30 situps a day, along with running a few hundred meters before dawn.

11am, Going to the bank to get fresh funds. I will receive my usual 450RM. Have to save most of it until after CNY when I will buy Mom something nice, maybe from TRX, when I visit the supposed Apple Store on Feb 24.

2pm, Back from a very long shopping and banking outing folks. Lots of wrangling in mindspace involving overseas and local family laying blame on me through corrupting Malaysians, and the UK and Royals trying to squeeze more blood from this stoney body of mine. Mom bought me coffee that came with a serving glass emblazoned with a dragon in gilt. I got my 450RM. USD to MYR is now 4.73 as war rages on in the west. Trump set to be president again probably, a rare champion without sin or fear of it.

5pm, Writing a short novel codenamed TP. About a side story in the alien / Atlantean invasion of Earth as told in Revelations. Not sure how it will turn out. I’ve never written longform before tho I used to read it voraciously. Trying to make some money to buy a used watch on Carousell next month.

8pm, Will take my meds late, around 9pm. Sleep late and run in the afternoon tomorrow. I’m under attack from own family while the Liew antichrists go on fighting. We will be reading Ezekiel later this week, foretelling basically an apocalyptic WW3 blitzkrieg on Israel we can see in the making now.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Sunday 7am

Up lateish. Brushed. Not running. Will work out soon. Some people liked my post on Tumblr. Got cleaned easily. No constipation. American forces plying through Asia for whatever reason they may have.

8am, Worked out. Feeling fitter. Will send some stories to my aunt soon.

9am, Working on my watch app. It’s good to be coding again and browsing watches of all types. Life goes on. It’s still ~4 years to the eventual Rapture. Will not work too much on this Sabbath, just do some testing, then out for a long walk. May go to KL instead of Amcorp.

11am, Going out soon to the tile shop. Then maybe ACE hardware as Dad needs some extra grout etc. Not sure about plans to walk in KL. Wearing my comfy Lululemon briefs which don’t bite into my leg pits. My song video abruptly got 5 hits just now.

3pm, Back from Super Ceramic with some new tiles. Also bought loo roll holders. Had lunch at NSK. Mom spilled coconut water on our table otherwise was a decent outing. Got a fresh bar of Dove. I alternate between bar soaps and Good Virtues to save a bit. Will hit the shower now. The Dove bar was pretty hard and lathered poorly. Maybe it will last longer. Changed shirts to one of my 4 Eagle Kings and will head out circa 4:30pm. Just nearby.

7pm, Back from the flea market with some goodies for around 50RM: a nylon watch strap and a Math book. The book is great because it has all the famous theorems illustrated and the strap is soft and comfy, faded olive drab -a good combo for my Tenor-Dorly automatic from the early 70s. Will wear it more often, maybe even on that much awaited day. Mom is making dinner. The long walk was satisfying and calming as was bringing home my haul. Will do some coding / database filling-matching tonight, then sleep early before tomorrow’s brief run.

8pm, Taking my meds early. Have my LED strip on which lights my room softly. Have to wake up at 5am as Mom is going to the hospital early. Witchy Liews and antichrists pain-giving us while recruiting children and babies into an army of sin.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Saturday 3am

Up very early after taking sedatives last night. Listening to my vinyl rips on my Walkman / Vido buds. Won’t be running this morning, just working out. Want to take a long walk this afternoon. Parcel may arrive, morning. Evil mind forces still operating. Thankful for another day alive. Worked out and am feeling good.

4am, Went for a brief run after all. Feeling energized. Victory against the evil telepaths is assured. Had a tomyam kaw ramen and iced water for breakfast -at 4am!

8am, Back from the mamak with Dad. Had roti canai and iced Milo chocolate drink. My 2 aunts are coming over for an hour or so around now. Had to loo 3 times this morning. Took a thorough shower with Good Virtues bodywash. Less than 3 weeks till CNY.

11am, My aunt gave me 100RM and a load of goodies. I gave her some fountain pen ink I had lying around. Parcel is on delivery. Can’t wait for it. After Monday I will have 1050RM saved. Can spend 50RM, now till February 8. After CNY, will spend ~300RM in angpow from my family. Not sure on what. Maybe a present for Mom who’s growing cynical and feeling rejected.

4pm, Swept my room. Haven’t moped in a long while. Should give it a mop later. Talked in mindspace about creation and evolution as 2 streams running parallel which sometimes intertwine. Proof of God. Still haven’t finished watching C++ beginner’s video.

6pm, Cleaned my bathroom. Was quite quick but an unfinished job. Just did the essentials for now. Am looking forward to some coding after dinner, maybe at 8pm. Sleep by 11pm. Not running tomorrow due to weekly walk and tile shop visit duties. Taking hits from the witchy Liew 6 who are pushed onto me by American Christians. They don’t realize I have a sore stroke brain.

8pm, Taking my meds now. Ate those famous Penang green bean biscuits for supper. We had charchoy pork for dinner and cabbage soup. Analyzed the King of the North and South in Daniel which precedes the rapture. We think, from the map of ancient Persia that Turkey and Egypt are the players and that fine details were given to be used as sure proof of Jesus’ hasty 2nd coming.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Friday 6am

Up earlyish. Went for a run. Feeling that cardio. Workout at 7am. My aunt from the north will be visiting later today (or tomorrow). Fresh funds in next Monday. My very own Gerber Shard may arrive today, late.

9am, Got cleaned. Western forces and Liew witches lash at us. Due to my memory loss from stroke, I can’t remember why. A major stumbling block for God’s people fighting the good fight. Dad has a heart appointment this morning. He may buy us lunch. Sis’ children acting up urged by evil forces.

12pm, Modded my Grabbit utility knife so the balde doesn't wobble. Used waxed paper from sticky pad backing, folded over several times between blade and holder. I believe standard double point blades will fit this knife but the body may not hold up for more than a few years. Evil westerners and the Liew witchy 6 act out on Christians in a neverending cycle of sin and punishment.

Decided to code a watch recommendation application with 3 aims:
  1. find a better watch than the one you saw
  2. find a cheaper watch than the one you saw
  3. find a watch / strap combo based on that, and your lifestyle
Am writing it in C for Windows and Linux first. A port to MacOS will happen later. I need to get a text database running with model names / monikers, link-tags, and maybe links to buy or view a photo. The database entry will be tagged with RBSEJ.

3pm, Wrote part 3 of ‘My Malaysia’ on Click on the sidebar link, ‘Fiction’ to read it free. It’s a novella written at an unhurried pace. Maybe later, I’ll have it printed for sale, probably EOY.

8pm, Took my meds, a Rivotril, and a brief shower. May not run tomorrow morning. Going out to breakfast with Dad instead. Brush and turn in by 10pm. Parcel did not arrive. Talked about Daniel 9, and matching it to Revelations and Matthew, we saw great changes sweeping the world anytime soon. Now there is a request to do the kings of the north and south.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Thursday 4am

Up very early. Checked my viewer stats: my blog, YouTube channel, website. Drinking last night’s coffee I fell asleep over. Liew witchy forces defiant even after they were discredited and thrown out.

5am, Worked out and am feeling good. Will run in the afternoon. We believe a large cat-killer lizard is living in the garden backyard. Don’t want to come across it at 5am. Will be going to Mutiara later with the folks.

8am, Got cleaned. Had a dosii for breakfast. More mindspace wranglings as some more people have made the hate list a.k.a. been deceived.

9am, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Am looking for libraries to convert epub to txt. Already have pdf to txt. May write one myself as epub are html-based. Then again, muPDF seems to work on epub as well as pdf so that’s settled. Will be able to see some output results by tonight.

10am, Successful action against the Liew 6. Now western forces worry about their army of kids and babies still on the loose. Will try to forgive them their sins as a first measure.

4pm, Back from Mutiara after 4 hours of walking in the mall. Don’t want to run today. Was hit by numerous nerve and emotional attacks while out and am quite exhausted. These surely must be the end times. Bought a Grabbit cutter for making my STT pieces. It was only 3RM at ACE. Not sure if the blade is replaceable. Had Americano and chicken rice for lunch. Arab Rice not open. Folks bought some taps for our new place. I don’t think anything I’ve done for my family will take. Their minds are virtually controlled by Satan through the Americans, through the Liew witches. Lesson: don’t cheat in the Spirit.

9pm, Took my meds. Helped make noodles for dinner. Talked about the 7 trumpets of Revelations leading up to our rapture as believers or soon to be ones. Tomorrow, Daniel’s 7 week treaty now that Pakistan and Iran may have initiated a nuclear war.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Wednesday 6am

Up early. Will run at 6:30 and work out later. Quite enjoy playing with my new Fedora install. Liew witches and ‘Prince William’ still rampant and causing suffering among their people.

7am, Feeling better from the morning's exercise routine. It's a bit difficult when you're almost middle aged to work out this intensively. But the dividends are a healthy body, healthy blood, and more attractive muscle tone.

This noon, I will be at Montanic to buy a Gerber Shard for my keychain, retire the old Leatherman Squirt which broke. Won't be getting the NexTool as it is not allowed on planes. After that, I want to head over to Kayu for a Coke Zero. Will wear my Oakleys.

1pm, Had chapfarn for lunch, bought by the folks. Was tasty. Informed just now that my UpLink proposal was again rejected. Fired me up to do better at my app business. Caved and ordered the Shard from ThomasTools for 57RM. Am writing an app based on my RBSEJ technology -it's a long text summarizer and can help read electronic documents or books faster. Will be making it in Small Basic and selling it for $2.99. There will be a lite version which limits the filter file length to 500 words.

9pm, Took my meds. Showered. Had potatoes and mince for dinner. Sweet potato leaves from the garden fried with garlic. Major action against the antichrist Liews who were found out to be interfering with prophecy. I’ve started coding but too much is going on in the mindspaces to work. We talked about schizophrenia as a deception of the antichrists / Enemy. Most people’s eyes are opening to the truth.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Tuesday 8am

Up a little late. May go walking later. Got cleaned quite easily. Worked out. Installed Puppy Linux on my backup Acer netbook which is almost 4 years old and has less RAM. Westerners and Liew collaborators slice up the world like pie, eating good folks via mind and emotional manipulation, and rule of fear through affecting flesh and nerve. And poor sick innocent me has to come up with a solution.

10am, Don’t feel like going out in the morning. Maybe later at 3pm. Havoc in the mindspaces from western indignation.

12pm, Deciding where to walk to. I only have 50RM to blow, and 500RM drawer money savings. Buying a new watch is out of the question and wasteful. Waiting for February 24 for the UpLink challenge results. Longest wait of my life -while being oppressed by needy VIPs. Need a new multi tool.

4pm, Decided just to run instead of walking. Anyway it looks to rain anytime now. Found a replacement Chinese-made multi tool for cheap. May buy it end of month. Not sure what color I’ll choose. Run went well. Recovered breath fast. A cat died on our driveway. What can it mean? Liew forces greatly reduced.

7pm, Made tuna vegeroni pasta for dinner with yogurt, tomato truffle sauce, key lime, olive oil, red onions and garlic, a few pinches of salt. Was good. Dad threw out the dead cat. Mom saw a huge lizard in the back yard yesterday. Well, dinner was good and not a pain to cook. May not see my cousin and his family this year either. But we will be going over to my uncle’s house in KL for a smaller gathering and chat. Everyone is growing old.

We took back much mindspace from the evil telepathy makers but it’s still early days of peace. There are some mistakes to fix and ills to treat, hearts to comfort and agreements to sign. I have now got Fedora LXQT 39 on my Aspire netbook and it runs well, looks professional. Tomorrow, I may head out as staying home a lot rots the heart-senses.

9pm, Took my meds and brushed. Thinking I may not get the Nextool, but a Gerber shard of my own instead, eom. Try to find a silver one.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Monday 5am

Up early. Will run and work out soon. Both went fine. I’m getting fitter and stronger. Sis’ husband is down with Covid now. Soon their kids? And will we catch it again?

6am, Got cleaned. No longer constipated. Think it’s the wholewheat I eat nowadays. Mom will be at hospital today and Dad and I will be having brunch out. Remnants of Liew witchy armies launch out.

7am, In a week or so I should get fresh funds in, boosting my drawer money to 1kRM. A healthy sum, runup to CNY. Wallet cash around 450RM. I spent more this month. Bought record cleaner spray, restrung my tennis racket, got a proper dress watch and replaced the dampener on my bow. Last month, I caved to the MudMan solar, a pretty big purchase. Thought of buying my cousin a Casio watch but he has higher tastes now.

8am, Am fired up to work on STT today. Not sure how big I should make the pieces which will be origami folded with a square top and 4 insect like legs. I will definitely score the cardstock for cleaner fold lines.

2pm, Jostled by British mind forces, playing sin games with our minds to make everyone ‘safe’ but it only made everyone sigh and become more demoralized. What will people do next, who know nothing of the Kingdom overlaid the world, the SAME temple and law in every heart?

8pm, Heavy rain and thunderstorm hit PJ, turned off the Wi-Fi, and put on a record. Took my meds earlier and am ready for sleep at 11pm. Seems like the evil schemes of 'Charles' to get even with the rude Asian witches -fighting fire with fire have landed the world in hot soup nobody can serve up. Feeling a bit demoralized if not sad. Maybe there will be a solution in the days ahead.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Sunday 5am

Slept sporadically. Think I forgot to take my meds and brush, falling asleep around 9pm to 2am. Went for a run. Recovered fast. Workout at 6am. Liew witches trying to change the future again based on my dead brother, Meng.

8am, Got cleaned. Had a huge loo. Surely my week of backups has cleared now. designing the STT pieces is done. They're 3D and rigid and simple to fold. Liew witchy 6 attacking my gums. We're giving them mineral and nutrient depletion.

4pm, Took a long shower. Decided to wear my Seiko 077j on green NATO for awhile. Maybe over the CNY period. Talked about the hidden revelations from God in Mss2, available on GumRoad

8pm, Seems like we’re putting sufficient pressure on the Liew witches from the east. Now the westerners they bedevilled must comply with the basic laws of mindspace conduct. Taking a short break. Took my meds and a Rivotril. Brushed.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Saturday 4am

Up early. Greeted with pain by the witchy Liew 6. Will run in an hour.

7am, Exercise went well. Felt that cardio. Many bullies in the mind cut down by constriction.

9am, Were without electricity for half an hour, now it’s back. Some altercations in mindspace involving witches and British people. A kind of proudness. Swept my room. Should mop soon.

4pm, Uploaded a song to my YouTube channel. One of my better ones. Got one new subscriber! Every little bit counts. More people read my stories which is also fantastic. The telepathy violence is simmering down but important people are still worried. I may have to help more this evening.

6pm, Managed to loo just now after a whole day. What a relief. We sorted out a lot of the telepathy but some things are still unstable for some reason.

8pm, Unusual conflict arises with the Liew witch machine. Packing and unpacking them with knowledge right now. Their supporters are fighting us now even as they die a slow death.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Friday 6am

Was up early. Went for my run and worked out briefly. Exercise sorely needed as my day is pretty much sedentary. Regripped my tennis racket with a new wind of Mueller sport tape. Costs about 3RM each time versus 7RM for other wraps. Lasts longer too. Want an iced Milo for breakfast. Americans agonizing over the Liew witchy 6.

9am, Did some soul grafting for those who were unfairly betrayed as these poor people were being used by the Liew witches to throw their weight around, damaging God’s advent preparations. Wearing my Q&Q solar diver ahead of giving it to my cousin.

10am, Waiting for my parcel of cardstock craft paper which should arrive at 11:30am. Took a shower and changed into a fresh shirt. These days my showers are shorter but I take 2 a day. Drinking premium coffee and just resting. There is some interest in my game, STT, not much my stories. Maybe I will sign a contract to produce game sets soon.

12pm, Helping Mom make noodles for lunch. Never tried Fat Boi noodles before.

1pm, Cardstock is in. The colors are fantastic and paper, thin enough to photocopy on. I shall attempt the cut and fold tonight, before dinner which will be roast chicken. Have a mind to do Mexican chili but Mom can’t take spicy food much. 4 weeks till CNY reunion dinner. Had a good loo, late better than never.

4pm, Wrote a new whole song. First musical achievement in a long while. Put on the a/c to cool down. Wearing my GA2200. Adhered some controlling souls to the Liew 6’s souls but now the Royal princes are throwing their weight around in the mindspaces. Destroyed lives, deceived by false teaching. Anger leads to hate, to pain, to suffering.

9pm, Took my meds. Ate a mandarin. Roast chicken was nice, with bourbon sweet sour marinade. Will sleep soon. Run tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Thursday 5am

Up early. Drank some premium coffee I fell asleep over last night. is down. Maintenance? Will skip running today and work out at 6am. Liew witches defiant.

6am, Worked out. Felt only mild resistance and cardio. Mom has hospital today. Better wake her up soon. is accessible again. Talked about signs of the end times. Nothing is fully clear yet. Daniel writes of the end coming like a flood, a desolation i.e. outrageous, stunning. Revelations says it in ‘seals’. But really, the run-up to the supernatural 6th is nebulous, even purposely so. Got cleaned quite easily. May have breakfast out.

11am, Back from brunch for Dad and myself, and hospital for Mom. ‘Prince William’ acted up again, throwing his whole country into battle with the Asians in Malaysia and China. Am taking a good rest but they keep coming. Perhaps they're in vengeance mode after being abused by the Liew 6.

2pm, Designed a lot of tennis accessories with some friends in mindspace. I think we have got 5 innovations which we shared out. And I will make a little bit on each for myself. Feels good. Ants are eating me alive in my own room. I had hoped they would move on after hamster Bean died last year end.

9pm, Had another loo from eating spicy chili flakes in garlic oil. Feeling flushed and clean. Still wide awake despite taking my meds earlier. Using extreme countermeasures against the 6 Liew witches. Many westerners need her like they need a hump / lump on the back. I guess I’ll sign off here.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Wednesday 6am

Up a little later. Went for my run. Took me a while to recover and I felt phlegm in my lungs. Will work out in half an hour. Parcel should arrive this afternoon. May collect my strung racket first. Someone read my ‘My Malaysia’ story and a few read my flash fiction on Makes my day. Liew witchy forces still lashing out despite last night’s action and revelations. Workout went smoothly. Feeling the cardio and am energized.

7am, Got cleaned. Will head out at 9:30. Many destroyed western kids in the mindspaces. Will put in some help.

11am, Back from Decathlon with a now usable racket. Have to talk prophecy with my family. Give them some examples of quatrains and the reasons behind its predictability.

12pm, Had lunch, nasi lemak rendang and a charsiew pao. Plotting MM is quite fun, feels natural. Today perhaps to touch on economics more. Will be heading out with the folks to NSK later. Want to buy some pasta and sauces, maybe some tea, and a nice drink of some sort for Sis who is sick.

10pm, Helped make dinner for the folks and some for Sis too. Made fancy pasta and teriyaki chicken. Took my meds. Helped with the Madani directive of PMX. Babies like being in cantaloupe rather than being manipulated for evil. Hmm…

Monday, January 8, 2024

Tuesday 4am

Got up very early after an early night. Had some bladder trouble but nothing very worrying. Reports of Liew witches desecrating the west. Everyone took cover in their buddies who had been good. Mom didn't sleep. But the air is quiet and peaceful this 4am and I have a freshly brewed cup of Robert Timms by my laptop. Will run and work out at 5am.

5am, Back from my brief run. Recovered almost instantly. Worked out and am feeling good. Liew witchy 6 on the backfoot from heart damage.

9am, Brushed. Haven't looed yet. May head out around noon, I guess. No hurry. Finished up a bit more writing my online novella 'My Malaysia' on my sister blog, DogBlots. It's a story about local issues and technologies of our times. And it applies outside of Malaysia's multicultural microcosm as well.

10am, Was able to loo well with some help from good witches. I think eating 4 to 6 slices of wholewheat a day also helps seeing as how I take much less rice nowadays. Got my Oakleys on and am ready to head out by 11. Someone from China read my story, “Evidence of Foul Play”. Getting weekly clicks and hits is still worth keeping up for.

12pm, Raining. Made spuds, avocado, and beans for lunch. Dad is getting his treatment upstairs. Something to live with when you’re older I guess. After the weather improves, I plan to visit Decathlon to get my racket strung. It’s the only logical place to go today. Want to be a kid’s (young players) tennis assistant coach one day.

1pm, Back from the long walk over to Decathlon. The racket guy will take a few days. But it’s cheap and the strings are affordable. I bought black spinny pentagonal strings at 1.25mm. Also a can of pressurized trainer balls for under 5RM each vs 7RM+ for Wilson balls.

5pm, My cardstock has reached PJ so I should get it tomorrow. Then off to Decathlon later for my strung racket. Mom is making dinner tonight after I helped cook several meals lately. 250g card is very good for craft so they say. I shall have fun making my personal STT set and selling them too.

7pm, Raining. Took a much needed shower and changed into fresh clothes. I made egg fried rice for dinner after all, and Mom helped clean the prawns to go with it. Washed my Lululemon underwear. Writing more ‘My Malaysia’ since it’s peaceful at the mo.

9pm, Just took my meds. Sis is recovering from her Covid discovered this afternoon after a get together last night. Mom made her porridge. We will try to support her and her family tho we’re infirm. I think God is close to saving Sis and the folks. Brush now, then check on arrangements in the mind.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Monday 3am

Up early. Must have slept 6 hours. Will run and work out soon. Liew witchy 6 still operating. 
4am, Back from my run. Feeling rejuvenated. Workout at 5am.

5am, Workout was good. Felt that cardio. May walk somewhere tomorrow. Ate a ramen and latte for breakfast. Feeling a little stuffed somehow.

10am, Ordered 250g cardstock to make the STT pieces all myself. I feel confident about the design and that it will sell. First to make a set for my own use. The pieces are very simple squares with diagonal cuts and folds. There will be notches to hold stacks of pieces together. Feeling hopeful and satisfied. I never liked outsourcing and overpricing. These sets can be sold for a dollar plus shipping.

11am, Thinking of replacing my broken Leatherman Squirt. Don't know how the scissors spring snapped. The PS4 isn't cheap at 260RM. Used to be 200RM, the PS2.

5pm, Back from Home Pro @Mutiara without major incident. Bought a new power strip for my desk. 'Morries', made in Klang. Buy Malaysian! Old Belkin 4-gang lost its protection LED for some time. I bought it back in 2008, I think, 16 years ago. UK forces still giving pain as they fight a lost cause with no hope of heaven or a peaceful life like I have / had.

My cardstock has shipped, great! Things are getting better and better.

8pm, Brushed. Taking my meds soon. No Rivotril tonight. Write a bit before bed.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Sunday 3am

Must have fallen asleep for 4 hours after dinner, forgetting to take my meds. May not run this morning, just work out. Go on a long walk through KL in the afternoon.

5am, Workout went well. Feeling energized. Talked about anthropology in the mindspaces and common values. Yet some places, the mind war rages on. Wearing my Swatch out today. May head to the flea market instead, have lunch out.

8am, Slept a few hours more and am feeling good. Got cleaned easily. Have to sweep and mop my room before going out. Drank some leftover Moccona coffee in the fridge. Did the sweeping early. Not much dust.

2pm, Rain is stopping. Managed to learn more about why my previous 3D model failed. Hopefully will get the job done today. Unscheduled outing to ACE Hardware soon. Although I do feel a little tired and needing to loo a bit which seems illogical seeing as how above. Thinking shallow corner troughs will do.

8pm, Got cleaned, showered and changed into fresh clothes. My body is looking better after all my workouts and runs. By which, I mean more male-normal and not much flabby. Decided to craft STT pieces from cardstock. They will be square, with swastika folded leg bases. Puncture bumps will keep stacked pieces from slipping. Cost will therefore be minimum.

Had McDonalds for dinner. We ate well and are looking forward to CNY early this February. Many are upbeat at the mall we went to. Maybe change is in the air. Maybe the witchcraft will stop. Have to take my meds soon and wake up early for my run.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Saturday 3am

Up really early. Must have slept 4.5 hours on sedatives. Got cleaned. Drank soy milk. Will run and work out around 5am. Liew witches ranging over the mindspaces despite setbacks.

6am, Ate ramen for breakfast. Took a shower and changed into a fresh shirt which was sweaty after exercise. Feeling a bit more healthy and fit. Have on my MQ-27 on faux lizard, all black, with white tee and shorts. Lots of mad goings on in the mind handled gently and firmly. Still can’t work FreeCAD reliably. Have to watch more tutorials.

2pm, Accompanied Mom to my cousin’s place. Then I packed in a lot of bread and vegetarian curry. Will be cooking Japanese style tofu and some sort of mince for dinner. Work on my earphone review video now.

3pm, Finished my brief earphone review. Now to finish modeling the STT pieces.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Friday 7am

Up a little late. Back from my run. Feeling good. Work out soon. Have to work on CAD a bit today if possible. Workout went well. Felt that cardio. Had a cold latte for breakfast. Wearing the MudMan.

8am, Working on my modeling going well. I created one piece, now to hollow it out. Wearing my 2200. Now that’s done, on to making the combine shape tiny pieces. Then the ridges.

9am, Can probably finish my modeling by this afternoon as it’s going well. Seriously thinking of buying an MT-G after CNY.

Dad says we’re going out to buy fittings for our small ‘retirement’ home. I have nothing to get for myself. The STT pieces should have positioning ridges with 0.5mm tolerances.

2pm, Back from the mall empty handed except for some groceries. Prices are up at Ikea. Many nice things are out of reach of our family. Bought bottled tea and some veggie nuggets for dinner tonight. Guess I will cook again. Taking a good rest.

3pm, Figured out how to fuse objects together. Chilling the oolong and green tea for later. Much tumult stemming from the abominable partnership between the Liew witches and the Royals.

8pm, Watched Alywn Uys talk on September 2024 on YouTube. Something is coming this year… Meanwhile I made fried veggie nuggests, carrot, broccoli, onion and beans for our dinner. Feeling better overall. ‘Prince William’ feels better too, while the Liew 6 are badly hurt. Will take my meds late tonight and see if I can wake up early for a run. Want to do more 3D work.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Thursday 6am

Up a little later than usual after a night of mind fighting. Continuous lashings drove us to desperation. Must have slept just 4 hours. Ran a short distance. Recovered breath well. Feeling healthier. Workout at 7.

7am, Workout went almost effortlessly. I’m getting stronger and fitter by the day. Of course my brain health is still poor. But hopefully, less people adhere to me as my inner function becomes healthier. Got cleaned easily. Not sure what to have for breakfast. Liew witches pounding heads together to destroy all of us by our own hand.

5pm, Started modeling the STT pieces. I think I can use fillet to make them taper and put a hole under them to save plastic, also remember to round all the edges before 3D printing. Under quite a lot of fear load at the moment as the Liew witches range across the west, making bad things happen. Still listening to my mp3s.

6pm, Had a good loo just now for some reason, maybe the weird curry I had for lunch. Feeling clean and more mobile. Wearing my MudMan solar. Will have a light dinner. Walk around KL next Wednesday. Will finish my model tonight even under pain / oppression as there is no more we can do to help our friends and mind friends from now forward. We do not interfere or indulge in telepathy.

7pm, Making dinner with Mom. More later…

8pm, Successful and tasty pasta dinner from leftover ingredients and good food given by relatives. Am all ready to model my STT set, having designed the piece shapes and grouping framework. There will be round corners and joining flash by their sides. After the terrible maniacal run perpetrated by the Liew witches, everyone is coming to me to hide and take their unfinished business to the outside. It’s a time of forgiving and absorbing pain and injustice.

11pm, Had a long talk in the Spirit with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Lots to discuss and share. Seems we need to understand the motivations of LiLian and her coven otherwise wipe them out. She does seem like an enemy. There is something behind the veil of humanism they all display.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Wednesday 7am

Was up early. Didn’t run, just worked out. Will be taking a long walk today. Not sure where. Get cleaned and change my underwear soon. Less witchcraft from the Liew 6 today. Got a few visitors to this journal and DogBlots too.

1pm, Walked to Digital Mall and bought a cheaper Sony mp3 player to go with my Vido earbuds. 249RM, but it's branded and of good quality. Doesn't recognize AACs tho. But has FM radio built in.

6pm, Major shakeups among the cheated British and Royals. Don’t think they can be helped or saved after what the Liew witches did. There is a reason we don’t generationally condition wickedness in animals or hit one another’s soft parts as the good book says!

8pm, Took my meds earlier. Wrote some guitar songs together with friends and ‘someone’ more famous. Liew witches still stirring up trouble, buoyed by sinners and criminals who flourish in these end times. Couldn’t get much work done today. Maybe tomorrow.

11pm, Still awake. Drank my cousin’s Robert Timms coffee (bags) he kindly bought us from Oz. Really good taste. Took serious hits from the Liew-American witchy camp. So we swelled / inflamed the witchy 6 in their necks. Attacks are still coming thick. Stabs and bruises to the head and eyes. Unable to work on my projects tonight.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Tuesday 6am

Up early. Back from my brief run and workout. Feeling fitter and healthier. ‘Prince William’ acting out for some reason after we gave them all love last night. Now we’re repaid with pain.

9am, Got cleaned and am ready to go to psych clinic. All my work is going slow due to important people feeling guilty, fearful, and shamed onto my nerves. But at least some things are moving and others are in progress.

1pm, Back from psych clinic and lunch / shopping at NSK. Bought beef strips and special imported marinade for dinner tonight. ‘Prince William’ continued to kick up a storm all the way through.

2pm, Published my short/long fiction on -the first part. 2nd part to follow shortly. There is just so much to do.

10pm, Took my meds earlier. Brushed. Talked about blackmail against prominent figures in Malaysia. About the peras ugut that led to shameful criminalistic manipulation. Our fight against the guailo nears its end, hopefully. And the witchy 6 will lose all.

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...