Friday, January 19, 2024

Saturday 3am

Up very early after taking sedatives last night. Listening to my vinyl rips on my Walkman / Vido buds. Won’t be running this morning, just working out. Want to take a long walk this afternoon. Parcel may arrive, morning. Evil mind forces still operating. Thankful for another day alive. Worked out and am feeling good.

4am, Went for a brief run after all. Feeling energized. Victory against the evil telepaths is assured. Had a tomyam kaw ramen and iced water for breakfast -at 4am!

8am, Back from the mamak with Dad. Had roti canai and iced Milo chocolate drink. My 2 aunts are coming over for an hour or so around now. Had to loo 3 times this morning. Took a thorough shower with Good Virtues bodywash. Less than 3 weeks till CNY.

11am, My aunt gave me 100RM and a load of goodies. I gave her some fountain pen ink I had lying around. Parcel is on delivery. Can’t wait for it. After Monday I will have 1050RM saved. Can spend 50RM, now till February 8. After CNY, will spend ~300RM in angpow from my family. Not sure on what. Maybe a present for Mom who’s growing cynical and feeling rejected.

4pm, Swept my room. Haven’t moped in a long while. Should give it a mop later. Talked in mindspace about creation and evolution as 2 streams running parallel which sometimes intertwine. Proof of God. Still haven’t finished watching C++ beginner’s video.

6pm, Cleaned my bathroom. Was quite quick but an unfinished job. Just did the essentials for now. Am looking forward to some coding after dinner, maybe at 8pm. Sleep by 11pm. Not running tomorrow due to weekly walk and tile shop visit duties. Taking hits from the witchy Liew 6 who are pushed onto me by American Christians. They don’t realize I have a sore stroke brain.

8pm, Taking my meds now. Ate those famous Penang green bean biscuits for supper. We had charchoy pork for dinner and cabbage soup. Analyzed the King of the North and South in Daniel which precedes the rapture. We think, from the map of ancient Persia that Turkey and Egypt are the players and that fine details were given to be used as sure proof of Jesus’ hasty 2nd coming.

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Wednesday 16 October

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