Sunday, January 21, 2024

Monday 4am

Up very early. Accosted by Liew witchy forces urged onto me by American forces in the mindscape. Will run at 5am. Have a bit of a sore cough but no fever. My Tenor-Dorly suffered a short drop just now as I had laid it on my chest while typing. So far still runs okay. Ate a tomyam ramen for breakfast. Throat feels better. Covid is strange.

5am, Back from a brief run. Feeling energized. Hope those following me (with hammers) are okay too.

6am, Got cleaned. Not constipated. Have to work out before 7am. Brush and head out with Dad. Workout went well. Felt the cardio and joints clicking. I don’t have a build but at least look presentable since doing 40 pushups and 30 situps a day, along with running a few hundred meters before dawn.

11am, Going to the bank to get fresh funds. I will receive my usual 450RM. Have to save most of it until after CNY when I will buy Mom something nice, maybe from TRX, when I visit the supposed Apple Store on Feb 24.

2pm, Back from a very long shopping and banking outing folks. Lots of wrangling in mindspace involving overseas and local family laying blame on me through corrupting Malaysians, and the UK and Royals trying to squeeze more blood from this stoney body of mine. Mom bought me coffee that came with a serving glass emblazoned with a dragon in gilt. I got my 450RM. USD to MYR is now 4.73 as war rages on in the west. Trump set to be president again probably, a rare champion without sin or fear of it.

5pm, Writing a short novel codenamed TP. About a side story in the alien / Atlantean invasion of Earth as told in Revelations. Not sure how it will turn out. I’ve never written longform before tho I used to read it voraciously. Trying to make some money to buy a used watch on Carousell next month.

8pm, Will take my meds late, around 9pm. Sleep late and run in the afternoon tomorrow. I’m under attack from own family while the Liew antichrists go on fighting. We will be reading Ezekiel later this week, foretelling basically an apocalyptic WW3 blitzkrieg on Israel we can see in the making now.

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Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...