Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Wednesday 5am

Up early. Went for a brief run and worked out a bit. Feeling okay. Will feed the hamster at 6am. Work on LJ before we head over to Home Pro. Less witchy dealings in mindspace tho they’ve speared my right leg. Sis is embroiled in a hospital lawsuit.

9am, Work on LJ progresses. Liew witches pushing on Christian girls to have sex. Got cleaned and am waiting for lunchtime. A new month, November. And less than 2 weeks till my birthday. Will shelve the browser project for now. Need to write a new short story by Friday. Feeling satisfied with my watch ‘collection’. I currently have 14 watches, having started off with just 2, a dress and beater. Wish life was that simple again.

2pm, Winding up LJ. All features work: the word suggestions (cookies), the multitouch 'ball', the typing error catcher, the reference slider, the copy / paste, the symbols / numbers. Unfortunately, the caret position / autocomplete range JavaScript is still buggy and it won't be ready until maybe tonight.

5pm, Mom is quite sick from food poisoning. Cooked her a poached egg and gave her some Brands chicken essence. Managed to cobble a cursor for the textarea and found the reason behind the caret position bug. Maybe project LJ will finish tonight. Meanwhile, sinners (former cheats) are looking for salvation and I have to be on hand to advise.

7pm, Fed the hamster. Raining. Quite cool. Took a long warm shower earlier. Take my meds soon. Still kicking despite the damage from the evil Liew 6 and their lost armies. How long left, I don’t know. Feeling the blanket of depression settle on my shoulders. Many have an axe to grind over our good lives.

8pm, LJ is still buggy in its caret positioning. Tried my best. A black art, JavaScript is, sometimes. Try something different after taking my meds. Took my meds. LJ less buggy now. Will take a break and do some writing. More bugs squashed. Just the autocomplete current word bug to go.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Tuesday 9am

Up lateish. Didn’t run or work out, following my Arip jab yesterday. Will go on a long walk later in the afternoon. Resume fitness exercises tomorrow. Fed the hamster and got cleaned. Working on LittlePad-J. Eventually will get there. Shelve Browse for now as it isn’t very important. Swapped around lots of watch straps for fun last night. So therapeutic and fun. Liew witches attacked the west again who cleverly beat up on us liberal Christians, to handle it. Well, we laid down the law as usual but the witchy Asian 6 -they ride on yet.

10am, Taking it easy today. Will code a bit and walk to SS2 probably, around 3pm. Liew witches jealous of good, hardworking people and their achievements and rewards.

10pm, Took my meds earlier. Will sleep around midnight. Walked to Kayu this afternoon. Good progress on LJ. Want to run tomorrow morning. Will be at Home Pro afterwards. Talked a lot about the blood and body of Jesus and what makes holy, holy. The answers lie in everyone’s desires, yes all the Universe and its dimensions, in a train wreck of hope. It is beautiful when you’re on top of the heap and followed by billions. It’s depressing to be bottom of tank scum. Why not repent? Tonight!

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Monday 5am

Up early. Slept for 5 hours on Rivotril. Feeling groggy. Will run at 6am, work out later. Feed the hamster at 6:30am. LittlePad-J is still unfinished but looks promising.

6am, Got through my exercise routine well, fedd Bean. She ate some cheese and yogurt with rice, passed on the rest. We need to go shopping for more food she loves, potato, broccoli, and Japanese cucumber.

7pm, The hours are packed with debugging and mindwork overflowing. Kids and babies learn not to lash out in the mind. People learn to forgive and use proper ways to deliver justice. Fed the hamster. Will take my meds at 8:30. Turn in by 11pm. Try to run tomorrow morning. It seems many are opposed to me being healthy. If I spend circa 100RM a week, my 1kRM will last 3 months, until next January. Next month I’ll be buying something cool on Shopee. This month, I got a book and a Bungkus coffee at KLCC.

10pm, No work done. Been strap swapping among the watches in my plastic chap farn box. Found myself glued to the Casio 800h on military NATO. My current EDC. Ate the leftover noodles. Brushed. Feeling really sleepy.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Sunday 7am

Up a little lateish. Went for my daily run. Feeling good. Work out and feed the hamster soon. Liew witches who attacked us yesterday are singing in my head, Don't know what to do.

8am, Got cleaned and finished my morning routine. Sorted out the cookie code and am on to the autocomplete. Taking a break soon to work on project Brw which isn't really designed yet.

11am, Had wonton noodles for brunch. Took a shower as I felt grimy and odorish. Project LJ is coming together. I got the autocomplete working though still buggy, sorted the cookie code, and will bind some functions to multitouch soon. Unfortunately, I had to break off to do mind work. We're closing down the mental insurgents and everyone is hopeful. Meanwhile, war rages in the Middle East, between the Caspian and Black seas.

12pm, Did the autocomplete using a modal dialog list of matches. The multitouch will be finished tonight as I want to poke around RISCOS a bit. Having pizza later. Many western girls experience love / sex in the mind. Maybe it's good that women (who started the telepathy conflagration) also see it close. "All sex is okay, all love is not okay".

3pm, Found some good code to start writing Browse (brw) for RISCOS. using Python3. Hope it works, eventually.

5pm, Just finished the multitouch bindings. Still buggy but am confident of a wrap up by bedtime. The Liew witch blockade is lifting as they admit defeat. LittlePad rides again!

11pm, Am unable to squash all the multitouch bugs by tonight. Trying to place a cursor in the textarea onTouch used up lots of time as did the cookies bug. Maybe tomorrow. Feeling tired. Wonder if I should run tomorrow. May sleep in. Matthew Perry of “Friends” died today. Turning in soon.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Saturday 6am

Up a little later. Went for a brief run and worked out. Feeling the cardio. This is healthier living. The sky is still dark and the air, still cool. It’s good to get all the hard work out of the way early and relax. Next week, my Arip jab at the psych clinic. Makes me feel more alive. Should be going to Kinokuniya later to buy a friend’s book for review. Costs 75RM. I remember when books were just 45RM. Already too much to afford every month. But that was 30 years ago. Liew witches trying to muster a force of American babies.

8am, Got cleaned. Could loo well. Fed the hamster corn, coconut, potato, avocado, broccoli, yogurt, and mozzarella. Bean will eat well this morning when she wakes up. Talked about cruel practices in the mindspace and leadership versus the fall of the Roman Empire 2k years ago. Some things have to change.

10am, Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes as I had an odor on me. Must bathe twice a day now, since the witchy Asian 6 started throwing bacteria / fungus around our family. Will be going over to our new small house and on to the LRT from there to KLCC after lunch. I have $100 which I need for 'The American Boyfriend' in paperback as well as to reload my disabled rail card. Want to pick up some other stuff at Kinokuniya as well. So I'll spend this 1kRM slowly and carefully, into early 2024 when I have a chance to make some more, instead of buying a 900RM MudMaster.

2pm, Back from KLCC with 2 books. Sitchin's End of Days for Dad and Ivy Ngeow's latest for my review channel later on. It was signed by the author! Had coffee at Bungkus. Paid by card contact. Right now, I'm thinking of making a Python3 CLI browser for RISCOS. A couple of irons in the fire. Quite a number of Palestine supporters in Kuala Lumpur this weekend.

5pm, Having char siew pork for dinner made by Mom. Decided that the browser I envisioned will be one based on /rbsej and it will attempt to sculpt a newspaper for the user based on complex regex analysis. It will be very simple, just searching and searching within searches in 5 ways.

7pm, Yet to get started on my web search Python script and I haven't finished LJ yet either. I think I will try to do Browse first and take a break from JavaScript coding. Haven't had dinner.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Friday 6am

Up early. Could loo well. Went for a brief run. Feeling energized. Ate some watermelon. Work out at 6:30am and feed the hamster soon. Forces of evil Liew witches intensifying their deception of the west, trying to rot the harvest everywhere.

9am, Had a ramen for brunch. Pushed some multitouch code into project LJ. Want to get the autocomplete working at least partially, before we go out to the home center later on. 'Copy' and 'paste' do not work yet, nor does 'clear', for some reason.

10am, Everything is basically functional now in LJ. Beta release could be tonight.

11am, Got held up over usability issues again involving mistypes. Need to debug the cookie code now.

12pm, Took a break to make lunch. We ate well: deli tuna, mozarella, guacamole with raisins, sliced tomatoes on lightly toasted bread. Mind feels hazy and my gums are being attacked. Liew witches anxious over their encroaching judgement, stirring up nasty western kids with lies and exaggerations.

4pm, Still coding. Hamster had some hard boiled egg. Need to get the cookie code working as it’s stubbornly buggy. Many looking for signs of the Lord’s coming. Lots can happen in 3 and a half days.

8pm, Just wrote a new short story for my site, FreeLunch.my. Read "The Archers of Silent Plateau" -a seasonally 'spooky' sci-fi Halloween tale. Took my meds and fed Bean her nightly ration. Tomorrow we'll be doing a bit of cleaning up at our small 2nd house, before the renovation works begin. Absolutely have to fix the cookie bug before turning in tonight around 10pm. Liew witches still at large despite measures to correct the handling of telepathic violence and blackmail. Not sure if I'll have time to code much.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Thursday 7am

Up a little later than usual. Still went for a morning run. Fed the hamster. Could loo okay. Will work out soon. Feeling heavy with burdens placed on my shoulders by the deceived and persecuted. Working on project LJ now. My dream of typing a novel into my mobile phone on my self-invented keypad.

5pm, Back from IKEA and HomePro @Mutiara. Had chicken rice for lunch. Mom and Dad are having a good time designing a kitchen. I just went along for the food and a change of scene. LJ is coming along well. There's still a bunch of stuff to do such as incorporating a spacebar function which I missed, and finishing up the autocomplete which is halfway there. Talked to witches and their bewitched in the mindspaces and am helping them heal through mind-body gender relations.

6pm, Finalized the design of LJ. The space is triggered by 2 finger tapping, period by 2 finger tap-hold, and Caps by 2 finger drag (swipe up is persistent, swipe down transient).

7pm, Ironing out key-tap accuracy / usability issues in LJ. May be a few hours before I get it all together assuming mindwork doesn't interrupt. Took a long shower and changed into fresh clothes. Will take my meds at 8pm. Turn in by 10pm.

11pm, Still sleepless but getting tired. Stopped coding for a while. Been thinking. I don’t need any further watches or apparel. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Wednesday 5am

Up early. Went for a brief run and worked out. Feeling better after the exercise. Could loo well. Will feed the hamster and brush by 6am. Don't feel like writing stories today, just finishing LittlePad-J. Liew witches contemplate a terrible fate for their kind.

6am, Finished my morning routine and am coding away. People doing evil deeds wake up to the reality that hell can start NOW.,, and go on forever. Choices you make during God's period of trials are binding.

8am, Still designing LJ. Feeling like press-hold for ~0.5s should enable CAPS, while press-hold on A and V for ~1s brings up numbers and basic punctuation.

3pm, Back from the bank and lunch. Received 1kRM for my birthday + allowance in November. Still not quite enough to buy anything nice. Not sure what to do with it yet. Meanwhile, the evil from Asia grows among the westerners and their proxy king(s), pinned up as symbols of victory since WWI and WWII. I'm still working on LJ, improving the touch accuracy which is terrible right now. I think 5 chars+ words and words with non alphabetic chars (hard to type) should be stored in a cookie. Suggestions should trigger a pop up, vertical at cursor.

9pm, Took my meds. Fed the hamster. Ate lots of spuds for dinner. Brushed. Talked some gospel in the mindspace. Worked on LJ a bit. It's inching to completion. Tonight, to add the cookie code. Christians like myself coming under light attacks.

10pm, Helping out in the mindspace, denuding the Liew 6 of baby and child armies. Will not be able to wrap up LJ tonight or write much tomorrow. Anxious to see what becomes of Malaysia, and the rest of the world in crisis right now.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Tuesday 6am

Woke up early after taking a Rivotril. Was assaulted by kids brought in by the Liew witches. Still went for my morning run. Feeling invigorated. Work out soon then feed the hamster. Have a lot of coding to do today and story to write tomorrow.

7am, Had a ramen with chili sauce packets from KFC and an iced black coffee for breakfast. Western forces trying to foist off the Asian witches onto me, but my stroke and general sub-par health make it impossible. As I write, they are fuming up some plan to destroy my vicinity. All may be lost through these unbelievers.

8am, Littlepad J (for Javascript) is under heavy development. I have mapped out all the keys and am adding functionality to the textarea. It should be done in a few hours. Displaced Qwerty is back better than before.

9am, LJ is now basically functional. Going out for groceries soon. Will add in higher functionality later.

9pm, 12 hours later. LJ still raw. Designing the numbers / symbols access and cookie autocomplete needs thought. I did clean up button mis-press tho. Took my meds. Fed the hamster. It liked the assorted nuts best. Will brush at 10pm. Liew witches in real trouble. Live by the sword…

I think A and V will be special keys. A for numerals, V spring loaded for punctuation as well as backspace.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Monday 5am

Up early. Went for my run. Worked out. Feeling good. Liew witches continue their strange dance with the westerners. We had told them not to pound on the common man just to get their way. It is God who influences leaders that pushes prophecy.

6am, Will be heading out to the mall today. Maybe just Amcorp / DigitalMall. Am wearing my Casio 800h. Don't have much to spend until Wednesday tho.

8am, Excited to be shooting my first video outside, for my YouTube channel. Want to show how and where I go, what I eat, aside from what I buy. Meanwhile the witchy Liew 6 are spreading lies among the lower IQ, eating up Christians.

2pm, Back from a 3 hour trip to get t-shirts for my new Uniqlo jeans. I visited Jaya mall, Digital mall and Decathlon. Must have walked 45 minutes in the sun. Wore my Oakleys. Real life-savers. Got just one tee as I'm frugal. 35RM cotton raglan sleeve, like I used to have in A-Levels. Finally gave up on my old IKEA chair as it's ingrained with fungus. Had that simple hard white plastic chair for over 10 years. At least the creepy millipedes have stopped coming into my room, and the breeding moths too.

Fired up to write another JavaScript app: typeFast -a reincarnation of LittlePad. Everyone needs a better keyboard like my old Displaced Qwerty.

8pm, Had a simple dinner. Tomorrow, to cook chicken nuggets. Talked a lot about the seductive nature of evil and “empty” promises of good. Fed the hamster avocado, papaya, cucumber, and corn. Bean is holding on to life. So am I. She’s a brave animal. Maybe more-so than I. Haven’t had time to code. Maybe by 10pm. Taking my meds now. Hope to wake up earlier and run / work out.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Sunday 3am

Up early. Must have dozed off around 10 last night. Brushed. My 077j gained 0 seconds in 11 hours. A testament to the superiority of the 6r15 compared to the 4r15 I once owned. Liew witches and my sister conspire to destroy the world and good men, babies, soft targets etc. Preying on the sinful and ramming them onto the well behaved and wealthy in Spirit.

5am, Ran and worked out early. Feeding the hamster now. Will wipe down her nest area as well. Planning to head out at 10am or thereabouts and browse the flea market. UK forces faced with a lose-lose situation regarding the witchcraft and sin mongering.

9am, State of my humble watch “collection”
  1. Seiko 077j
  2. Tissot PRS516 (Mom’s present)
  3. Citizen JP1060
  4. Casio PRG270
  5. Swatch AM51
  6. Casio GA2200
  7. Casio GBD200
  8. Baltany D2
  9. Tenor-Dorly
  10. Q&Q RP06
  11. Casio 800h
  12. Q&Q moonphase
  13. Seiko Bell-Matic (Dad’s)
  14. Revue-Thommen chrono (Dad’s)
I hope to add one final timepiece next year. A luxury Casio probably. But right now, world events are more important and gospel testimony is a priority. Beating up Christians via telepathy and spoiling churches has begun and should intensify with the Israel conflict. As always, a balance of power is required.

2pm, Back from driving with Mom to Grandma's and to lunch, and the convenience store to get groceries. Quite tiring. Was assaulted by general British people including the Royals. Relaxing now in a/c. Also, I just finished project EPP. I need to be smart about publishing / distributing it as it's beta quality right now.

8pm, Took my meds early. Had chicken, fish, and cabbage for dinner. Wrote some of codename TAOSP which will feature on my site FreeLunch.my next week, Wednesday. It was fun to write as I got to tell of Archery, a secret passion of mine, as well as dwarfs and flying vampires. Lots of meat and potatoes. Will turn in early, maybe 10pm.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Saturday 3am

Up really early after taking a Rivopam to sleep with all the banging last night. Will go running later at 5am. Feed Bean soon too. I got 2 new twitter followers. Fantastic. Liew witches and family hopefully will learn to respect the mindspace.

4am, Back from a brief run. Legs are sore. Work out in half an hour. Feeling healthier, more robust after my exercises. Ate a ramen earlier to charge up with carbs. Been watching YouTube to pass the hours under oppression.

6am, Got cleaned. Will work on project EPP at 8am. Still wearing my Prospex 077j on Bond strap.

12pm, Back from measuring our new smaller house near the shops and LRT. The folks are planning to deck it out somewhat and we got a contractor over to quote a price for flooring, plumbing, and other construction work, painting etc. Was pretty tiring. I'm almost middle aged and waiting there for over an hour in the heat was taxing. Had yong tau fu for lunch. Veggies stuffed with fish paste in a clear soup. Mom's favorite.

Along the way, strange behaving westerner voices accosted me with pains to my damaged stroke brain. Was not asking on the war between good and evil starting from my locale, over my nerves and emotions. They should move it to the outside and maybe soon we can persuade them to do so.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Friday 6am

Up early. Went for a run. Feeling healthier. Work out soon. Then feed the hamster. Can’t wait for my Bond strap. Exercised and felt better. I no longer feel faint with my (new) morning routine. Had a ramen for breakfast and fed Bean her rations. Witchcraft persists in the western regions, spilling over to the east -where it originated and was corrupted through spying eyes watching satanic ideals.

7am, Was able to loo well. Yet to brush. Will rally to finish EPP at around 11am.

8am, Scribing Greco-Roman. A tedious process. Almost half done with the last score excerpt. I hope GR notation takes off eventually. It looks cool / different at any rate.

9am, My strap is on delivery and Mom wants to go back to Paradigm mall later to exchange some purchases. Talked to schizophrenics about natural reactions and common kindness so they can be free of the mental conditioning that's been breaking under the stress of the Liew witches.

10am, This journal just got another hit. Great! Feedback is so motivating. Ate some leftover chicken for brunch. May not be heading out if the strap arrives too late. Would like to eat a roti canai tho.

2pm, We had avocado, tomato, and hummus with bread for lunch. My strap hasn't arrived. Maybe by 2:30pm. Westerners going mad over my mindspace which is quite unbearable.

3pm, Strap is in. Looks good. Colorful and more serious at the same time, with my Seiko 077j. It looks tartan-like versus the gray-black prison stripes I used to wear. Telepathy seems to be winding down and moving to the outside. Internally, everything must be peaceful, even unto the end of the age.

4pm, Must finish scribing the final 2 bars of Greco-Roman today. Already light is fading so I can't photograph the paper. Made a valiant effort to get started this morning but it stalled. Hard to push through what other minds don't agree with.

6pm, Feeling unsettled and achey. These last days’ birth pains are quite terrible. Mom is cooking tauchu pork for dinner and tomorrow, we’ll be getting a quote on our small house’s renovation. I will be writing a new short story soon, around my passion for archery and modding bows. May take it easy tonight and work more tomorrow.

8pm, Took my meds and am turning in early. It's been raining since afternoon. Posted on the Gaza war on LowYat.net. This is near the end of the age. Maybe just a few more months.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Thursday 5am

Up early. Managed to loo well. Fed the hamster. Running soon and, working out by 6am. Can't wait for my Bond NATO strap. Not many people downloaded mss2.pdf from my site. Just 1 or 2 guys, somehow. Baby forces championed by the Liew witches and Americans collide with my conscience. Feeling invigorated after my short run. Want to rest before working out.

7am, Worked out and brushed. It's time to trim my hair again this week. Liew witchy activity burgeons somehow, among the sinful. This after we told them about Jesus and the Kingdom. Sure paid off... Will work on EPP maybe at 9 to 10am. Wait for my parcel.

9am, Wearing my Q&Q solar diver again. Somehow it returns to my wrist readily. Not a cheap watch, it actually costs around 250RM and has a signed crown, drilled lugs, monocoque case, solar panels -stuff you'd normally find in a watch over twice the price and up. Will be cleaning my room later. No time to work on EPP right now.

Wiped down Bean's loo area with wet TP and handwash. It was quite dirty. Now spick and span. She's having a snack of cottage cheese now. Still waiting for my parcel instead of working. There is a blanket of emotions thrown over me by masses of sinners, wicked, and foolish people. Looks like another day of teaching and not much else.

4pm, Finished cleaning my room. Took a shower. It's now raining. Wrote another short story "Wasters" which goes up on FreeLunch.my as an attraction. I hope to build some mental muscle by adding a new outlandish / outrageous tale every week. Meanwhile my Bond strap has arrived at the delivery office so it must come tomorrow.

5pm, Good job working my stories on X and Tumblr. Hopefully I will build a following from scratch. Liew witches throwing bad babies at my readers.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Wednesday 5am

Up early. Went for a run. Feeling healthier. Will work out around 6am. Feed the hamster at 7am.

6am, Got cleaned and got everything done. Feeling like an outcast right now. Last night, submitted a flash fiction piece to FFM. After breakfast, will resume diagramming EPP. Liew witches still rampant. No rest for the wicked or those seeking wicked ways.

9am, Powering through the blockade. Will map out the final diagram by noon. Already half is done. Then to draft it maybe tonight. My Bond strap likely to arrive tomorrow.

11am, Had nasi lemak for lunch. Dad is still bleeding a little from his rectum due to chronic constipation. No doubt vengeance plays a part in it. Mom's throat is also ulcerous. A sign of her sins? Wearing my Q&Q solar diver on gold-brown NATO. Quite like it but one day it will be sold along with many other pieces.

Just finished preparing and analyzing the final diagram of EPP. Now just left to scribe it in neatly. Will do it after noon. Today's watch gives me good vibes. More than my Baltany, Swatch, TD or moonphase. Shall wear it again tomorrow.

12pm, Feel like taking a good long shower for some reason. Did lots of brain work make me grimy?

2pm, Feeling cold so will turn off the a/c. Read some flash fiction on FFM. Was good. I seldom read things nowadays. Reading is so important, as is watching YouTube once in a while, and traveling. Decided not to head out this afternoon. Still wearing the Q&Q diver. Can't wait for tomorrow's parcel delivery. Yet to scribe the final diagram which is still roughed in. Evil bogies abound in the wake of the witches' downfall.

5pm, Helped make ginger steamed chicken for dinner. We're eating well tonight. Talked a lot about signs and personal signs we are shortly to receive from God leading up to the Olympics closing ceremony in 2024 as judgement day.

7pm, Fed the hamster. It also ate well. Tomorrow, cleaning its loo area behind my bed and general sweeping and mopping. Strap may arrive COD. Haven’t taken my meds or finished scribing EPP. Talking in the mind with fellow believers, explaining what must happen before Jesus takes us and why evil wants us to believe we are in the Tribulation proper already.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Tuesday 5am

Up early, fed Bean, went for a brief run interrupted by heavy rain a bit. Working out soon. Jeans are dry, and so are my LuluLemons, washed yesterday afternoon. Liew witches continue to be a problem.

6am, Feeling healthier, even as the rain drives a cool breeze through my room. Don't know what to do with today tho. Maybe just stay at home and work a bit on EPP.

9am, Was able to loo okay. Rain has stopped. Parcel probably arriving tomorrow. Can tell the difference in color between cheap and expensive jeans.

10am, Sitting at my desk, typing this into my used ThinkPad. Feeling upbeat and okay. Sure the head hits and heart tugs will come once in a while but we are victorious in Spirit. Talked to average American Christians who were offering their sons and daughters to the Liew witches, then pushing others to do the same who live abroad. This is sheer madness. Maybe today it will end.

Been putting together a wardrobe to go with my new Uniqlo jeans. My seconds C&A cargo bermudas can be retired (can jeans be recycled?).
  1. White Eagle King with red / blue collared overshirt
  2. Hoodie in a warm shade of gray
  3. Traveller's vest
  4. Quicksilver / Billabong (maybe one day)
11am, Feeling a bit depressed as the failed witchy 6 push up against me, stopping my work, body functions, and appreciation of life. It's time to fight back with some love-sarcasm.

1pm, Made excellent headway on EPP. Just a little more to do. Quite a bit of work! Feeling fulfilled and hopeful. Good people are helping heal my hand.

5pm, Took a quicker warm shower with clay soap. Mom is making dinner tonight. Hope my parcel arrives tomorrow. Liew witchy 6 fail to understand their dark ways lead only to despair.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Monday 5am

Up early. Went for a brief run and worked out a bit. I'm otherwise mostly sedentary every day. Will feed the hamster at 5:45 after a rest. Still haven't finished project EPP. Liew witches and their western minders continue to harass.

8am, Sat down to work on my booklet. The mind is heavy with madness and vengeance which somehow was all placed on my shoulders, not believing I'm very ill.

10am, Trimmed with my new MAG wireless buzzer (49RM). So convenient. Put on my LuluLemon briefs as I will be trying on jeans at UniQlo. Not much possible to write as anger builds up among the UK Royals.

4pm, Back from Paradigm mall earlier. Had a chicken kebab roll for lunch at the food court -very nice. Also spent 149RM on a pair of wide-fit jeans from UniQlo. My first premium denim (aside from hand me downs from GAP that I wore in university). I have never had jeans this good and new. Thanks, Japan. Hope they dry in time for wearing tomorrow. Want to wash them once a week ideally.

My Bond strap has shipped. Should arrive tomorrow. Must remember the 31RM COD.

10pm, Took my meds, brushed, should sleep in an hour. Dreaming of greener pastures even as my ideas are being debated at the WEF. Can’t wait for tomorrow. Can’t wait for Jesus. Helped a lot of friends destroyed by witchcraft cutting off hearts and minds.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Sunday 8am

Up a little late for my run. Went out for a coffee with Dad and did my workout as usual. Feeling healthier being a morning person. Fed the hamster and got cleaned. Managed to loo well despite the evil blockade. Trying to raise some money to help those abused in the east-west mind fights. 11 million are needy, some destitute. 

12pm, Made lunch for everyone. Bacon, scrambled eggs and cheese, and tomatoes on toasted wholewheat. Still wearing the Baltany DD. Just switched its buckle to the original brushed Baltany one. Too bad it isn't signed like Q&Q does. Imagine 20 years ago, I turned my nose up towards budget brands like this. A friend in the mind wants to sell a caseback sweat dissipator like mine, so I okayed him. He has his own design anyway.

1pm, Cleared and wiped down the hamster nest by my bed. Put in fresh stiff TP. Later to sweep and mop my room thoroughly. Made another YouTube shorts which should be popular.

4pm, Took a long warm shower after doing the housework. Feeling rested and peaceful. The mad Royals are thundering about their telepathic problems but it’s not time to solve these yet. It’s time for inner changes. Not killing Mensa geniuses.

6pm, Made garlic teriyaki roast chicken for dinner. Hitting the mall tomorrow if possible. I want a pair of loose jeans circa 200RM. Trying hard to solve the telepathy conflict. It's not easy and can easily fail.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Saturday 5am

Up early. Brushed, fed the hamster. It likes cottage cheese and pistachio milk. Will run soon. Work out maybe at 6am. Downloaded Rachmaninov's piano concerto no.3 to test my notation. Could be done in a day or so. Liew witches carry on deceiving western young ones.

6am, Feeling good from the exercise. Working on my booklet, EPP. Decided not to be too ambitious so I'm focusing on just 3 short passages. May photograph the notation instead of using an equation editor. Strap hasn't shipped.

8am, Working hard on EPP. Want to become a Shopee seller maybe. Will also post a shorts on YouTube when it's done. Feeling a little sleepy.

12pm, Made lunch for Mom and Dad, just mild curry laksa noodles and scrambled eggs with cottage cheese. Hope my strap ships soon. Meanwhile I have to put in 2 solid hours of work on EPP.

1pm, Just had a shower after a massive dump. I had been backed up for days. Changed into fresh clothes and the a/c is on. Wearing my Baltany DD with sweat-wicking back mod. It doesn't come off in water, thankfully, and dries quickly. Work on EPP is going well. I may be able to finish by midnight. Took a detour to talk about politics and the balance of power which is the old problem of YHWH and his enemies.

4pm, Made avocado and tomato on toast with balsamic, olive oil, salt, and lime. Quite good and healthy too. Finally finished drafting EPP and exploring all the goodness it provides. It's not a musical panacea but comes pretty close. Will clear up tonight after dinner.

8pm, Mom made a good dinner of fish cakes and beans with mince, sweet potato leaves from the garden. Feeling many minds pressing in on me, needy and deceived, depraved, diabolical. I can’t remember enough to help them as I’m disabled. Maybe start a powerpoint session? Work on EPP almost wrapped up. Maybe around midnight. Will sleep late and skip my run tomorrow.

9pm, Took my meds earlier. Finish my work tomorrow as it’s all cut up for me now. Talked about God and science, and psychology, calming many children from the west. ‘Prince William’ is still mad, driven thus by those he deceived himself, and with the witchy Liew kids.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Friday 6am

Got up very early after taking a Rivopam last night. Went on a brief run. Feed the hamster  soon and work out a bit.

7am, Fed Bean and got cleaned. My body is looking trimmer and more filled out after I upped my exercise by 40% and started running every morning. Feeling healthier internally overall. Wearing my Lululemon briefs. Using a cheap 30RM pair of Sony earbuds with my ThinkPad. Sound clear with mild bass and are convenient to put on and take off.

9am, Had a scare -my used laptop headphone jack stopped working. Needed a cold boot with the buds plugged in. These cheap Sony buds require pushing against the earhole to sound their best. Not every ear shape and size fit them well. But for me, the sound is good. I have them in red (R) and blue (L) foamies.

10am, Dad's complicated enema procedure will be done by Mom. There's a first for everything. I hate to say it but there is karma. Feeding me meds for no reason...

2pm, Back from grocery shopping. Saw a nice ladies' Orient for 500RM but Mom doesn't want a watch. Western forces attacked for some nebulous reason. Supposedly supporting the coming of God or stopping it. Had nasi lemak chicken rendang. Bought cottage cheese. Hamster would like some. Was expensive. Work on my book later after the weird westerners leave me alone.

4pm, Set up my midi keyboard to trial my doggie notation theory. If it works, I'll be finished in a matter of days. Today is just the feasibility study and should be low stress and lots of fun. Bought good beef to fry. Will be a busy evening.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Thursday 5am

Up early. Back from my brief run. Feeling invigorated. Working out at 5:30am. Fed the hamster. FreeLunch.my seems to be down right now. Will check again at 6am.

6am, FreeLunch.my is back online. Relieved. Was able to loo well. Can feel Dad pushing off his rectal bleeding or something to that effect. These are strange times we live in.

7am, Put on my Swatch AM51 auto. A fun and delightful piece. For my birthday, I may get a pair of loose jeans. Probably from Cotton On @MidValley for 250RM. I can roll them up to 3/4 length and feel comfy. Still unable to settle down and work so I'm inventing a music notation system instead.

8pm, Tomorrow, we'll be going to NSK grocer. Want to pick up some spices and food for the hamster. Working on my new book, codename EPP. Just linked my card to PayPal like I had before the pandemic. Don't have much to spend tho.

9pm, Took my meds and will brush soon. Attacks on my hands continue covertly. Hope Jesus comes in time before I'm permanently crippled. Meanwhile war heats up in Israel. Quite quiet in the mindspaces today. Not much room to work in tho. And I wonder often what to do with myself lately.

10pm, Had a ramen for supper as I hadn't eaten much dinner. Took a Rivopam to sleep well. Dad has to do a messy enema twice daily for 2 weeks and is rather stressed. Will comfort him tomorrow, talk it over. I too have health problems.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Wednesday 7am

Up a little later this morning. Still went for a brief run, worked out, and fed the hamster. She's not eating much lately. This may be her last year. Couldn't decide what watch to wear so I put on my Q&Q solar diver. A monocoque air divers with drilled lugs for just 240RM. It's very well made, supposedly from recycled plastic. Put it on a sheeny gold-brown NATO. Was able to loo well so I can go down to Kuala Lumpur later, but first we're dropping Mom off at the hospital physio clinic.

8am, Yesterday, 3 visitors to this blog. Fantastic! I hope they got what they came for. Put on the "casual karate" belt with my worn ripstop Millet shorts and last-year's M&S tee, underneath, new Lululemon underwear. I crack myself up. My right hand is regaining some strength but still looks a bit skeletal. I exercise it with a Decathlon squeezy ring.

11am, Had dosii and iced coffee for lunch with Dad. Later to head out, maybe to Amcorp at 3pm. Some spare time to write. Liew witches behind the western openers lashed out with stinging pains.

2pm, Posted more YouTube shorts. Becoming quite addictive to see my audience growing. Due to the haze, I may not go out for no good reason. Just runs every morning and meals with Dad. Doctors are worried over his rectal bleeding and he's to undergo another scope.

6pm, Made my own dinner of meatballs and beans with lettuce. Dad had porridge and so did Mom. Fed the hamster a good spread. Raining outside. Wearing the Casio 800h. Take my meds at 8pm. Lately sleep has been a bit haphazard. Brush soon. Evil telepathy continues even as the Tribulation approaches.

7pm, Finished everything early. Wasn’t much tired this afternoon. Turned off the a/c. Aged the brains of many wayward witchy telepaths. They are a lot milder now.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Tuesday 5am

Up early. Will run briefly and work out soon. Feed the hamster at 6am. Many Liew witches kept in salt water and little light. We must not be afraid. Went for a brief run. Feeling regulated. Worked out and fed the hamster early. Can feel that cardio. My daily exercise takes only 5 intense minutes, otherwise I'm mostly sedentary and eat a bit too much.

6am, Put on the a/c as it's humid and hazy outside. Want to do 2 stories today from project MM. Therefore, finish by this weekend. Was able to loo well. Mom's going out with friends later. Dad and I may have simple Indian food for lunch.

4pm, Uploaded a new shorts to YouTube. Hope people like it. The type Chinese shorts tanked and so did my story readings. Maybe music will succeed. Wearing my Swatch Sistem51 which always cheers me up. The design problem of Dad's dark room is on my table.

Want to create a fern and reflective cone facade over his window and put in clear louvre glass. My room will have clear glass as well, and vertical, angled blinds. Want to paint the iron bars chrome so they'll disappear. Things are evolving towards affordability and practicality.

9pm, Brushed and am turning in early. Feel pretty sleepy. Will write a bit before bed and continue tomorrow morning. Engagements in mindspace and deceptions permeate.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Monday 5am

Up early. Didn't brush last night and just fell asleep. Went for a brief run. Work out soon. Feed the hamster at 7am. Liew witches still annoying.

6am. Tenor-Dorly gained 12s since yesterday. Not too bad. It's on my wrist again today.

7am, Managed to get a lot done before light. Still have to loo. Went twice yesterday so I may be late. Mom is constipated still. We may be going to Home Pro later on to look at tiles and commodes. Can be quite tiring as I'm carrying a load of people in my nerves while being impinged on by family.

2pm, How I wish I were young and fit again. Dragging myself along today on the road and in the hardware hypermarket. Still unsure how our new house will turn out. Liew witches continue to recruit sinners and slander the righteous. It's they who will go mad first and lean on Satan like what happened before.

7pm, Had a home-made burger for dinner. Western forces seem to have trouble surviving the birthpains much less the Tribulation itself. It's stern discipline for troublemakers but nothing cruel or painful.

9pm, Finished plotting and outlining all my stories. Will write one a day, starting tonight, if possible, while waiting for the Rapture if it ever comes. Brushed and took my meds early. Following the world news more.

11pm, Took a Rivotril as I feel anxious and restless. Feelings piled onto me from the east-west fighting over my family who sinned. Meanwhile war carries on in Israel-Palestine.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Sunday 4am

Up really early after taking a Rivotril last night. Liew witchy forces throwing kids at me. Down to the salted swimming pool with them. And the Liews -to be aged. Exercised briefly. Feeling the cardio. May run at 5am.

5am, Fed the hamster earlier. Strapped on the Tenor-Dorly and will put on a nice shirt later for Dad's b'day lunch. More false Christians send to the salt pools to 'cure'. Did a brief run up and down the guarded road. Was peaceful and am feeling regulated albeit a bit hot.

7am, Could loo well. No constipation for 3 days. Feeling hustled. We don't put up with any mind torture anymore. Had some fun with Cakewalk on my PC. They don't do Macs which is a downer. How much is Logic Pro? 22RM a month.

10am, Did some recording with my AKG USB mic. An entry level condenser. Sounds pretty good after some tweaking. Sis is lashing out everywhere seeing as how the British uprooted her wrongfully. And the westerners are directing her at me. To kill my own sister in mindspace?

2pm, Back from dim sum lunch at Old Town. Was good. Am able to use chopsticks limitedly now. Giving the niece my old Babolat tennis racket. She's really tall and should play.

4pm, Writing carries on. A new collection of 10 strange tales which I may query for or hand to Partridge. Think I can finish in a few days and shop it around next week. There is still tension in the mindspaces.

5pm, Will leave some food for the hamster while we go out for a bite later if all goes well. Can't wait to get started writing my stories.

9pm, Took a warm shower and my meds, earlier. To brush and turn in by midnight. Hope to run again tomorrow before dawn and work out too. Mom choked on a fish bone at dinner at Seri Karak. It was tho the most delicious fish I had ever eaten. Hamster had some dapao. We did some teaching on being known since the beginning of the world and on future sensing in general. The plateau is strong again.

Not sure I want to write much tonight. It may be 4 or 5 days before project MM is finished. Had to loo again probably because of Dad using my gut. Decided to write Checker Amore on my iPad.

Friday, October 6, 2023

Saturday 7am

Up early. Went for a brief run and worked out. Feeling good. Drank soy milk and ate watermelon. Yet another day of being a cheerful, healthier morning person. Wrote a new flash fiction story on DogBlots.blogspot.com on a topic close to my heart. Liew witches still manipulating hearts. My aunt should be arriving shortly. Feed the hamster in half an hour. Could loo well. 

077j lost 4s overnight (15 hours). It's become my daily driver. Still thinking what to get myself this November, for my birthday. Will give my Kaweco Sport pen to my aunt. I never used it, and she might like it, once being a schoolteacher.

3pm, Back from measuring our new house for reflooring etc. I'm tasked with the 2 front windows -to get more privacy as well as letting more light in. Dad told me to draw a plan. We bought a very good chocolate ice cream as his birthday is tomorrow. He read a little of the Seneca book I got him yesterday.

Took a long shower and am feeling better. Liew witches trying to destabilize our gospel plateau as we surf out the last months of the birth pains. There is so much I want to tell everyone -that I tell those in Spirit but God has the final say. I am moved to write yet another story, from the success of the one I wrote last night.

6pm, Wondering what watch to wear as we go into the great unknown of the Tribulation. Wish I had saved more. Maybe put on the Protrek? Trusty watch -it went with me through my baptism lectures, into rehab, and now into the end of the age. Will feed the hamster at 7pm. We've been snacking on rice and curry from my aunt all day.

9pm, Turning in soon after meds. Have to brush. Talked about Matthew's heveanly signs of the end of the age and how it is scientific. It could happen next year.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Friday 6am

Up early. Went for a brief run. Feeling good. Will work out soon and feed the hamster by 7am. Was able to loo well so the MidValley trip is a go. Liew witches ferrying babies to judge me. We are through being pushed to death by infants and will be very stern.

7am, Worked out a bit and am feeling that cardio. The 077j on my wrist gained 1s in 15 hours. At this rate it will need resetting once a month. Liew witches and American controllers lash out at my eye, suffering lung burns themselves. People deceived, without common sense or fear of God.

9am, Brushed, trimmed, and shaved. Put on a better tee and will head out in an hour or so. I gained one subscriber to my YouTube channel. Imagine that! I will keep up the wrist roll shorts and other shorts on things I buy or own. Want to get Dad some Uniqlo tees. The 'basic' type which he likes to wear. I'm really digging being a morning person for a change. Feel healthier and happier.

1pm, Back from a long walk at MidValley. Bought some nice things for the folks who have birthdays coming up soon. Nothing for myself. Forgot to wear a watch and to zip up my backpack with all the witches and evil telepaths following me. Ate KFC.

Thinking I may not get myself anything expensive this year's birthday, a month from now. Would like a proper Bond strap tho. The one with copper-green stripes.

3pm, Finished setting up lasso.freelunch.my with all the graphics and specs / rules. Liew witches infiltrate American kids who are now on rapid aging probation for manipulation / slander of innocent Asian girls.

4pm, My 077j gained 6s over the last 24 hours.

8pm, Made steamed chicken for dinner, helping out in the kitchen. My aunt is coming tomorrow -Dad's elder sister. Want to give her a gift as she's most kind to me. Maybe a watch or something. Took my meds early. Fed the hamster. Talked gospel and prophecy in the mindspaces.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Thursday 3am

Slept early after meds and was up at 2:30am. Quite a few people visited my site lasso.FreeLunch.my which describes my game. DogBlots and UncleWatchReviews got hits too.

4am, Worked out. Feeling good. Will walk this afternoon instead of running in the pre dawn as normal. Wear my LuluLemon briefs. Did a brief run after all at 4:30. Mustn’t be lazy. Knees feel a bit sore.

5am, Cleaned the hamster’s nest area and fed her.

10am, Got cleaned at last. Heading out to our small house nearby to check it out. Mom and Dad don't much agree with my renovation suggestions. Maybe they want to experience or re-experience poverty before the end. Finished writing song codename "Eternal Flame". Guitar string peg popped out causing a bit of a nightmare. I think my A&K has a full solid body tho, so it's worth treating right.

4pm, Back from inspecting house #2 and having yong tau fu for lunch. Then we went household shopping at Mutiara. Many ideas springing to mind -floors, windows, bathroom, sofa, kitchen etc. It's a lot of fun. We had IKEA ice cream and bought some snacks. Made Dad an ice coffee shake. My EDC this week is the Seiko 077j (5th / 4pm / -3s). Taught a lot about God's coming day and the fault of us mortals by varying degrees. He knows the names of those who know his voice.

11pm, 077j has lost 1s in 7 hours or about -3.4s per day which is very good accuracy for an auto. Supposedly the 6R15 movement is a premium caliber compared to the 7S or 4R. Had a late night snack of watermelon and leftover fried rice from dinner. Brushed and am turning in soon. Will be at MidValley tomorrow if all goes well. Want to buy some useful new stuff, not sure what.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Wednesday 6am

Up early. Fed the hamster. It ate well. Went for a run and worked out briefly. Feeling quite good after these daily morning activities. Unfortunately, Sekk is still buggy and I'm stumped for now. Arguments and revenge permeate the mind. Forgiveness is hard for many.

7am, Fixed Sekk with a small kludge. At least it works well now. Prepared breakfast for Dad. Chopped salad with brie, oolong tea and kefir. Somehow, he's late getting up. Will be making the boleadoras today. And we're meeting our tenant later on to take back the small house.

8am, Got cleaned. Didn't wet the bathroom as the plumber will be looking at our water tank on the roof above. Unsure how to attach the heavy balls to the jump rope ends. Anyhow, it needs to get done by this afternoon.

I think a fold over. twist up, and lashing in between ought to be secure. Will do it at 9am.

12pm, Work ongoing on our water tank in the roof. Liew witches and their cohorts lash out sporadically. They cannot reform and their lungs will be seared.

3pm, Raining. Plumbing work is still going on. Later we'll be cleaning the house. Will also clean the hamster's nest it made by my bed. Sekk is getting a bit of attention. I was right -people want games, not books. I've posted on LowYat.net and BoardGameGeek, also on WhatsApp.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Tuesday 7am

Up lateish. Missed my run and workout. Maybe take it easy today. Hamster is running out of food options. Luckily we’ll be going to NSK later. Americans desperately pushing the Liew witches onto me with no advantage whatsoever.

8am, Managed to squeeze in a bit of exercise. Got cleaned. Fed the hamster. Put on my LuluLemon briefs. Still wearing my Seiko diver. Feeling invigorated. Today I'll just be rigging the boleadoras as there is some pressure from the mindspaces. Must remember to buy the goodies.

3pm, Back from NSK with lots of goodies. Kefir and authentic tea, meatballs, hummus and pesto. Dad's biopsy is in and he's cancer-free for now.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Monday 5am

Up early. Went for my run and worked out. Have to feed the hamster soon.

9am, Joy! Sekk v.3 now works on touchscreen devices (smartphones, iPads etc.). Could this be that 'little' thing that sparks off my good fortune? Was able to loo quite okay. Brushed and prepared for clinic. After the 'ordeal' I will be making the boleadoras. Can't wait to test it out. Tomorrow we may go to NSK grocer. Must get Mom the kefer drink.

Wearing my Q&Q moonphase on croc, even as the Liew witches lash out in frustration at their doomed lives and destroyed future. "Some mistakes you don't make".

12pm, Back from my Arip jab which went well. Drank a Coke. Thought of some less unorthodox ideas for renovating our small house near Taman Aman.

2pm, Mom and Dad are still at the bank and it's started to rain stormily. I had a tomyam ramen and some hazelnut chocolate on wholewheat for a late lunch. Wearing my Seiko 077j on striped 'Bond' NATO. Thinking I will keep to this watch instead of the Swatch or 800h. The most expensive I own, at 3.6kRM, and not much flamboyant.

5pm, Making vegetarian meatballs and pasta for dinner. Egg, bread, celery, onion, garlic, olives, and tomato. Discovered one final bug in Sekk that's confounding me: substitution carry over. Wonder what's wrong. Meanwhile the Liew witchy 6 and their deceived prey weigh heavily on my sore brain nerves.

9pm, Dinner was a bit poor. Nothing much to feed hamster with until we go to NSK tomorrow. Have to take my meds by 10pm. Still debugging Sekk. Making good progress.

11pm, Traced the source of the bug and will squash it tonight before bed. Didn't write SH today or make the boleadoras. Half past 11 and the wandering variable is officially fixed. Will take a good rest. My men's fashion channel is growing nicely albeit slow.

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...