Friday, October 27, 2023

Saturday 6am

Up a little later. Went for a brief run and worked out. Feeling the cardio. This is healthier living. The sky is still dark and the air, still cool. It’s good to get all the hard work out of the way early and relax. Next week, my Arip jab at the psych clinic. Makes me feel more alive. Should be going to Kinokuniya later to buy a friend’s book for review. Costs 75RM. I remember when books were just 45RM. Already too much to afford every month. But that was 30 years ago. Liew witches trying to muster a force of American babies.

8am, Got cleaned. Could loo well. Fed the hamster corn, coconut, potato, avocado, broccoli, yogurt, and mozzarella. Bean will eat well this morning when she wakes up. Talked about cruel practices in the mindspace and leadership versus the fall of the Roman Empire 2k years ago. Some things have to change.

10am, Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes as I had an odor on me. Must bathe twice a day now, since the witchy Asian 6 started throwing bacteria / fungus around our family. Will be going over to our new small house and on to the LRT from there to KLCC after lunch. I have $100 which I need for 'The American Boyfriend' in paperback as well as to reload my disabled rail card. Want to pick up some other stuff at Kinokuniya as well. So I'll spend this 1kRM slowly and carefully, into early 2024 when I have a chance to make some more, instead of buying a 900RM MudMaster.

2pm, Back from KLCC with 2 books. Sitchin's End of Days for Dad and Ivy Ngeow's latest for my review channel later on. It was signed by the author! Had coffee at Bungkus. Paid by card contact. Right now, I'm thinking of making a Python3 CLI browser for RISCOS. A couple of irons in the fire. Quite a number of Palestine supporters in Kuala Lumpur this weekend.

5pm, Having char siew pork for dinner made by Mom. Decided that the browser I envisioned will be one based on /rbsej and it will attempt to sculpt a newspaper for the user based on complex regex analysis. It will be very simple, just searching and searching within searches in 5 ways.

7pm, Yet to get started on my web search Python script and I haven't finished LJ yet either. I think I will try to do Browse first and take a break from JavaScript coding. Haven't had dinner.

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Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...