Monday, September 30, 2024

Tuesday 1 October

A new month. Was up early. Had watermelon for breakfast. Got cleaned. Will brush soon. Workout in the evening after coming back from our trip to KL.

Liew witches pain-giving as they go down. We have some methods to remove their baby / infant recruit armies. Good witches and I gave them cancer once and for all. Not sure if William will survive his own ordeal. Poor guy, he was beset by the Liew evil and lost / fell.

The hell giving from the Liew witches continues but I blessed many people and they are finding us harder to break down telepathically. I will recommence writing my DiZi book -the one nobody much is interested in, tonight.

Watched some videos on Epiphone guitars. Quite good value for under $200. Still like my Kepma tho.

Took a long warm shower and am in fresh clothes. Workout at 8pm. Am thinking I will put the DiZi lessons on YouTube instead of in a book. And I may sell recordings or a mini album via links to my website,

Practiced my DiZi and am improving steadily. Middle east tensions are rising with threats of a world war looming. I think it’s about 9 more days till AiPods 4 drop in Malaysia. Tomorrow could see the Rapture but not likely imho.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Monday 30 September

Up early. Managed to squeeze some workout into late night, yesterday. Felt good. The corpse smell outside my window is gone. Few readers of my short stories lately.

Mom is ill again. Learnt to play classical and blues picking in the mindspace by separately picking each rough chord pattern then joining them up into a passage. Got quite far with this method. Also fixed the zipper on Mom’s monk bag using a fork as seen on YouTube lifehacks. Time for lunch. Will have beans and canned luncheon meat.

Worked out. Am feeling heavier lately for some reason. Like I’m lifting more weight. Good cardio tho. Otherwise I haven’t been moving much. Tomorrow we’ll be at the mall if all goes well. Later maybe to the shoebox again.

Showered and changed. Brushed. Taking my meds soon and will have an early night. Still thinking of buying the AirPods 4 but I need some money on hand. Can’t spend it all. Maybe use Atome installments.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Sunday 29 September

My room smells of a corpse this morning. There was musang poop outside on the ledge below my window and maybe the poor devil died somewhere around here as well. There was a terrible storm last night and maybe something happened down in Dad’s overgrown garden.

Heading out in an hour or so. Just to get some walking in. Yesterday’s workout was a little hard on my body. Am I getting weaker / heavier? Thought of going to a mall today. Witchy Liews lost some power (again). Thinking of getting the new airpods 4 for my birthday, 599RM. Currently own ZUZG AirPods 2 lookalikes.

Last night, we were talking about prophecy to diffuse tensions. Somehow it is comforting to hear God’s plan so why go against Him? Family, you should know how to delight in the Lord. Anyway, I revealed some of the items I supposedly will have on my person towards the Rapture. They are my Lululemon briefs, my Parker jotter, and a pair of AirPods. None openly displayed at the time Jesus takes us up, assuming… *prays humbly.

It seems silly to count possessions, but they do follow us through adventures and experience after experience, and can be used to determine circumstances wherein they are used, even the coming of Tribulation.

Will have to save until mid November for my AirPods 4. Can’t wait.

Am over at the shoebox now with rain on the horizon. Another big storm, maybe. Will be eating naan and tandoori afterwards. I didn't get to go out today.

Took a relaxing warm shower. Changed into fresh clothes. Will work out at 10pm. Took my meds earlier. Apparently, I have no psych appointment tomorrow.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Saturday 28 September

Was up early, circa 5am. Had a ramen for breakfast. Managed to get cleaned easily. Been surfing YouTube for guitar videos. There are some pretty high end Kepmas going for 1.8kRM. British forces and Liew witchy forces surging thru the mindspaces. They were issued an ultimatum not to destroy the world too much too often by 8pm tonight, KUL time otherwise we Christians will enforce flesh rotting, by Yahweh.

Will probably go on a run before dinner. Work out late tonight.

Ran in the late morning instead. Yet to exercise up in my room. Wrote a new song based on EM. Sounds pretty good. Liews still trying to hit a hole in one using me as a club. It’s worth a try if you’re buggered I guess. I think I will call my song “here in my arms”. Such a fertile little guitar…

My 3/4 gig bag came just now. Fits the Kepma Mini well. Has all-round padding and padded straps, handle. Worth 50RM imho. Tomorrow, I’ll be out on a long walk. Witches and fallen witch hunters seem to be cooperating against God. The war in Israel intensifies. All eyes are on the prophetic clock, the 70th week (final 7 years, or 3 1/2 if you’re a stickler, of the current world order).

Took my meds late. Practicing my new songs on my NEW guitar. There was a terrible storm earlier that flung the windows open and drove in rain. Working out now before bed.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Friday 27 September

Was up earlyish. Soon will be dropping Mom off at the hospital for yet another checkup. She has lost some weight and is worried for her health. No time for a long walk I think. Maybe Saturday or a run in the evening. Had a black coffee for breakfast. Still haven’t pulled the trigger on a guitar bag for my Kepma 36”. Can’t decide to go expensive or dirt cheap, or somewhere between (circa 60RM).

Was watching Tommy Emmanuel’s interview on YouTube and he told his story of how he met Chet Atkins and got into the music industry, became a celebrity performer / arranger / composer. Some story it was.

Got 450RM in. I have restocked my wallet and cards, TnG and Debit. Ready to face October with a healthy balance. At home, I will have 300RM for any emergencies / unforeseen expenditure. And I have set aside 53RM to pay for my Saga guitar bag, COD, ordered this morning. Feeling excited about the coming world changes. The hurricanes, wars, intrigue, economic hardship, plagues -signs of God’s coming and an end to our suffering. I was smote several times today over nothing I’d done.

Worked out. Feeling good. Had been sedentary most of the day. Ate duck for dinner, with bokchoy and rice. Duck’s not exactly my favorite. Liew witches attacking my family and friends mercilessly. Can’t do my work tonight.

Took a good shower with new bodywash which smells pleasant and took my meds too. Seems my gig bag may arrive tomorrow afternoon. Feel like taking my guitar on the road after I write myself some good songs.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Thursday 26 September

Up early. May be going to the grocer today after dropping Mom off for her hospital scan. Slept well last night tho was a bit cold. Situation in Israel is on every Christian’s mind. Played some guitar. But I’m more a flutist.

Back from the grocer with some fruit and a burger for Mom. Was attacked over lunch but we did the positive / right thing and diffused a deadly confrontation between desperate men.

Have to help more British people, kids, and Christians who fell, apparently. Then I want to buy my mini gig bag for a circa 50RM budget. Took a warm shower with new Good Virtues bodywash and changed into fresh clothes. Folks are celebrating grandma’s birthday over at her bungalow. She’s over 95 years old and still healthy. She is a righteous woman from a good old money family.

Ate a vegan ramen for dinner with crushed garlic in soy. Also had a slice of cake and coffee. Wrote some songs on my new Kepma Mini. It’s an addictive instrument, this small guitar and will probably be my retirement guitar. No further upgrades. Been thinking of my uncle’s guitar which is circa 5k. And wondering what 10x more gets you.

British people are unhappy they cannot help me or put me away. Hard to understand their point of view. So I might as well tell them what to do regarding this.

Late now, took my meds, worked out, brushed, showered again briefly. Feeling rested and regulated after exercise and sitting under the cool shower a while. Talked about sins and taking care of my family who were crushed by the American juggernaut in the 70-80s for cheating westerners. Everyone should know cheating leads to soul death on both sides, which many cannot tolerate.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Wednesday 25 September

Was up early and got cleaned easily. Few hours till we hit the mall / bank, whichever the folks planned. Haven’t found a suitable guitar bag for my new 36 incher, shopping online. Haven’t ran either. May take a long walk tomorrow instead. Liew witchy forces digging into children and babies from families with sins.

Ran circa 7am. Felt good. Thinking I may go over to Bentley Music and see if they have any nice guitar bags for cheap.

Worked out late. Have to remember to get a new toothbrush and refill the Good Virtues.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Tuesday 24 September

Watched a lot of Jonathan Cahn on YouTube. The rapture is within sight. Signs are everywhere. This morning, was hit by Americans for some reason, despite handling the Liew witches well yesterday. May run in the evening, workout at night. Taking the day slow.

Dad and I went down to Music Bliss and I bought the Kepma Mini for 550RM. A great little bugger. Much smaller than the old A&K and pretty solid / sweet. Mine is in black, with a medium brown fretboard. Wish they had put some branding on the lower fret like the A1c. And just as I reached my room, I got a notification on my iPad that Israel declared a state of emergency.

Mini review of the Kepma Mini steelstring acoustic:

I will start with some negatives. Firstly, it has a weird matte / powder finish which makes it look like it’s made from paper. The branding is tasteful but could be inlaid as with the roselle. The “bottom” of the guitar is rather bulbous / wide which interferes with it as a travel guitar. Weight-wise it is also some on the heavy side which is not good for its intended portability.

On the plus side, I must say this is a sounds good plays well instrument. And immediately, I wrote a song on it as it was so welcoming in tone and touch. You will want to pick up this guitar often for inspiration. I love the unstained(?) rosewood fretboard and the Kepma signed machine head tuners. There is a slight but noticeable premium feel to the instrument, that it was well put together. Also like the shape / design of the bridge and head stock. Of course, that it is a 36” height compared to my old A&K which was 41” -a full 5 inches longer.

At 550RM, this is not a cheap guitar which I would figure around 200-300RM. On the other hand it is not remotely expensive which would be circa 2kRM. Being in this midrange bracket, it was something I could afford, saving my koppins for just a month or so. And although I have longed for a solid top American make for the longest time, these are feasibly out of my reach and capability to replace in a pinch should I damage or lose it. So I’m glad Kepma have made this affordable Mini and not just churned out cheap junk and unattainable high end models.

Took my meds, brushed and worked out briefly. Tomorrow, may head out to the bank. Liew forces weaned off evildoing and the core 6 are being exterminated. It’s a long fight that may take weeks or months. Want to run a bit in the morning.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Monday 23 September

Up late. Managed to get cleaned easily. Brushed. Trying to reset my old iPhone so it’ll recognize my SIM. Will be dropping Mom off at the hospital soon.

Very hot day. Mom is taking a long time. Maybe there are complications with her heart palpitations. Not sure what to do for dinner. I’ve decided to buy a cheaper, smaller guitar, a Kepma circa 500RM, rather than fix the old A&K which took a beating over the past few years. Unfortunately, there isn’t much spare time to visit Music Bliss this week.

Thinking I will buy a Kepma A1c in sunburst matte for just under 500RM. Supposed to be the best seller in China some time back. Will see if we can find our way there tomorrow.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Sunday 22 September

Was out for a long walk and saw a sweet mini red sunburst guitar at ABA Music @Amcorp Mall. I may buy it for 700RM+ next weekend once my funds come in. The sun was pretty hot but I felt fit and wasn’t out of breath this time. Other than that, just taking it easy. Wrote a new song. “Man in the moon”. May be a staple in my repertoire alongside “Reeds and rushes”. Will work out tonight.

Am learning proper guitar, how to build up a melody or solo rather than just strum predefined chords. Gave Dad my new Uniqlo underwear. He says it’s comfy. Working on my songwriting technique, building up chords, melody, and rhythm. Feeling a little lost this afternoon. Like WHAT matters is not ME. The effect of thousands of counters counting my life.

Mensa Allen and the Liew witchy 6 have fired up the furnace on Christians worldwide, IDK why. Tribulation nears and we have little planned to counter these antichrists. Have to think of a plan soon, tonight. Was hoping to do some work but nevermind.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Saturday 21 September

Was up early. Feeling rested and calm in the cool of pre dawn. May walk today, to the flea market. Work out tonight. A light rain is falling. Managed to get cleaned well. Sanitized and cleaned my laptop screen and tws buds.

The rain hasn't stopped and I have to help sweep the house. Mom also has to be fetched from her geriatric clinic later. No time to walk.  Did work out earlier tho.

Helped some babies with health and emotional problems. The core fighters of the Liew witchy army are still battling. They can't calm down. Hitting down little kids and infants even as I type this.

Back home after a day of errands. Will resume house cleaning at 1pm. Dad is not keen on buying a Mac Mini M series after the pager / walkie explosions in Lebanon. I am keen to produce a beginner’s book on playing the DiZi. An ePub with photos and audio.

We were talking about the signs preceeding the Rapture. There could be a move here in Malaysia to debate religion in Parliament. There might be an attempt on Kamala Harris’ life just like Trump’s. There might be a credit crunch, a global depression. Heterosexuality could be normalized. I will no longer be living along the road we’re now at, but near a park, with true friends.

I have put on my Q&Q moonphase quartz. Maybe for the long term future. It’s one of my cheapest watches, circa 65RM and has serviceable WR in case of rain, etc. Looks nice on a dark Zulu. I bought it August last year. The word of the Lord said to have a moonphase watch. I will also be taking my soccer ball, monoscope+tripod, and scrum cap to the new house.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Friday 20 September

Took my meds late and am still awake. Had a short nap earlier, tho. Coding my language is going poorly. The grammar is still wrong. Meanwhile the Liew witch posse is increasingly jealous of my future with God and potential success here on Earth. They have moved against me and are trying to destroy my body.

Got cleaned. Had roti canai for breakfast. Will run at 10:30am. Feeling up to it. Back from my brief run and am feeling healthier. I only run 2 times a week, long walk once, short workout everyday. Criminals “hiding” in my mindspace. Quite a joke. Everyone sees them and is giving them aches and pains.


I have made a plan to acquire an M series Mac Mini this October. Dad needs a new Mini and I can have his old i5 one, clean it of its malware once Dad's data is transferred over. I will need to have saved up 1.2kRM by then which is possible. Then Dad will add on 1.2kRM as well and we'll both have Macs like the old days.

British forces attacked out of the blue, having primed me up for blame and fun and games. But it's more than I can take so we had to break back with some violence of our own which hopefully will solve the vengeance between east and west coming off the backs of the Liew witches and UK Royals.

Somehow we brokered peace by trial and error. Now it’s much better but everyone has to help a little bit, in their personal life. Not bludgeoning innocents as William thought up. Worked out and am feeling better. I have taken back my ZUZG tws earbuds from Mom who doesn’t use them.

My finances are such right now:
  1. 380RM in wallet cash
  2. 120RM in debit account
  3. 50RM in TnG
  4. 500RM in drawer
By EOM, I should have 1k saved towards my Mac Mini. By October, 1.4kRM. Unless the Rapture occurs first!

Ran out of Good Virtues bodywash so I showered with medium hot water. Felt good, therapeutic, relaxing. Thought about getting my old iPhone serviced but it will cost +260RM. Almost the cost of my Nokia. Brushed and took my meds. Had soup for dinner, plenty of veg.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Thursday 19 September

Was up earlyish after taking a sedative last night. Able to get cleaned well. Wearing my Aqualand diver on  Velcro. Think it loses 20s / year which is okay. I just about give up on mechanical watches except for special occasions. Mostly I reach for my G-Shocks and other quartz toughies.

Last night we rallied the church worldwide for the Rapture, and seeded the Apostasy among deceived and disgruntled “members”. This after more terrible attacks in Lebanon by the Israel secret service. The time to prepare our hearts is now.


Back from lunch at the chapfarn tuck shop with Dad. Mom is ill again, and losing weight rapidly. These things are payback from the exploits of Fook Hong (RIP). I am coding experimentally. Seeing where I go wrong and fix it incrementally. At least I will make progress. The church rally is under fire from antichrists and some have to leave but are unsure. It will take some time.

The antichrist core fighters went too far and now are facing the axe from America. It’s so confusing. We’re supposed to KO them this afternoon itself but will need to calculate and adjust before. Mom has to be hospitalized over her low blood pressure. Hope it goes well.

Took a long relaxing shower. Hopefully Mom will come home tonight or tomorrow after routine tests. She was upset this morning over bad tasting water and mooncake, and may have an infection / toxin poisoning.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Wednesday 18 September

Past midnight and I'm still awake. Turned off the air conditioning as it is cool outside as well. Talked to many people about being brave and rational, and forgoing our sinful natures to embrace higher callings of the Spirit. Didn't do much coding but some got done. Think I may have to redo the grammar.

Less warring this morning, in the mindspaces. Managed to get cleaned well. Happy to be working at my laptop. Just taking life slow. Will work out in the afternoon.

I got ecasound working on FreeBSD -as my cli audio recorder / mixer. Sounds okay. Also managed to set the screen brightness using xrandr. Still haven't worked on my coding project or had breakfast. Did some trimming as I was getting overgrown.

Ate my favorite vegan ramen with soy and a bit of fresh pressed garlic for brunch. Had a good warm shower as yesterday, I only doused myself -was lazy. Seems like certain very damaging people are being bumped off. I tried to give them a handhold out as I am an underdog supporter but they bit back hard like crazed dogs. Poor us, caught in a crossfire of evil men.

Worked out. Feeling better. Evil Liew witches stirring up trouble among Christians with fragile faith. In reality, strong faith sets the soul free to experience living in the safety of God’s arms, to teach and learn, and to grow in grace.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Tuesday 17 September

Woke up earlyish, before it was light. Got cleaned fairly easily. Will be heading out on a long walk today. Want to visit TRX or KLCC. Didn’t finish coding pjw (nettle) due to taking a sedative last night. Was watching a tutorial on Antlr4 as I fell asleep. May wear my trail shoes and G-Shock. Will work out after I get home.

I spent a few hours out to TRX where I got a replacement underwear for my Sloggi which is torn for some reason. I now have a Uniqlo and Lululemon. Both very comfy. Besides 2 nice underwear, I have 2 running briefs, and  3 stiff cotton Byfords I use as backup. Had vegan Arab food at TRX, 14RM, plus 8RM for a roasted oolong iced tea. Got a little lost coming home via the wrong platform. Walk was good for me. Just missed the rain.

Arguments in mindspace as fallen people from the west and the Asian Liew witches struggle against God and his children. It’s interesting, these people spent the better part of their lives living in disobedience to the Father until they found out by sheer default they would get hell now and Hell later. LoL.

Helped make a tasty roast chicken dish for dinner. Not too salty and a bit buttery / herby. Watching more tutorials on Antlr4. Guess I need to watch the full series, another 3 vids. Work out by 9pm and take my meds at 10.

Watched enough and am dissecting some example code. Think I will have to use regex a lot and generate a HTML5 file as the end result.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Monday 16 September

Was up lateish. Getting cleaned was no trouble. Migrating (temporarily?) to FreeBSD is fun. The folks are taking their grandchildren to the mall for lunch. I’m not going along as the car is a little small and the girls are bigger now. Did some compiling on my project “nettle”. Found out there is a unix package called that already!

Liew forces rolled back using simple imagination techniques like the press wall, rolling logs, and water-lust. May work out after lunch.

Had a ramen for lunch and successfully compiled ocp / opencubicplayer for FreeBSD. It’s one of my favorite softwares because it has that retro 90s look, better than WinAmp or Foobar2000 and it runs in the terminal. Haven’t done any coding yet. Will work out soon.

Did some more coding at last. I have to fill in the compiler now after generating the parser-lexer-listeners. Should be fun. The language is now called “pjw” for lack of a better name.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sunday 15 September

Woke up early and went for a brief run in the morning drizzle. Felt good to burn some calories. Had watermelon for breakfast. Gave up installing Solaris on the ThinkPad. Would be hard to learn to use as well. Now back in Rocky Linux. Coding going slow but then, I'm retired.

Had cheese naan and tandoori chicken out for dinner. Successfully installed FreeBSD 14.1 on my ThinkPad. Now I have 3 OSs to choose from including Windows 10 and Rocky Linux. Quite happy with the Xfce setup except mounting xfs volumes is still buggy at least for my machine. Past midnight, worked out and took my meds earlier. Happy Malaysia Day, everyone!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Saturday 14 September

Am up early. Got cleaned and drank some iced water. Liew witches and an American baby posse tried to wither my arm. Gave them muscle fatigue. Found that mixing a little Bad Labs gel with some water holds hair softer. It really goes a long way.

The rain has almost stopped. Soon to head out on a long walk. Will work out tonight. Designing the nettle language is done. Now to write the grammar. I have 2 hours or so to spare.

Had 2 rastali bananas and a coffee for breakfast. These are firm, sour-sweet bananas and the coffee, just cheap black Nescafe Classic. Liew witches flooding me with uncomfortable pangs. We are weakening their muscles and joints. It is reversible, not to worry. Many westerners refuse to hurt these antichrists.

May head out for lunch with the folks instead of walking this morning. Feeling lazy / procrastinatory but am still reading the Antlr4 tutorial meantime.

Had lunch at an Indian bistro. Was satisfying. Later, will head to Amcorp from the shoebox. Quite hot out. Liew witches lashing out over their temporary muscle and joint weakness. Not sure how to proceed.

Back from the shoebox and my short walk. It was too hot to exercise much. Will work out soon and have some dinner. Code more afterwards. Liew witchy 6 still adamant on breaking the world as they did to their lives and afterlife.

Took a long warm shower and changed into fresh clothes. Take my meds at 9pm and brush soon. Spent some time talking to former Liew forces now repented.

Almost midnight. Brushed. Am winding down for the day. No time to code. May do a little reading on Antlr4. Tomorrow will be Sunday. Lotsa time to program.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Friday 13 September

Woke up at 2am after just 4 hours sleep. Had breakfast. Brushed. Got cleaned. Will work out in the afternoon. Want to go on a walk instead of running. Didn’t do any work last night. Spent the time talking about the Tribulation run-up and the beast man of Daniel, Neo Atlantis, etc. All the empires in Daniel remember the time of a golden age: Atlantis. It will come again.

Played some guitar to pass the early morning hours alone in my room. Glad I restrung it and it’s functional again. Missed having my old friend c40. Must have had it 12 years now.

Worked out before dawn. Last night’s bodily weakness seems banished. Having odd pains from the westerners and Liew witches. Not sure what sort of alliance they’re in. Could they trigger the apostasy?

Will be walking, maybe tomorrow around Amcorp / PJ New Town. I need to load my debit account with 200RM to pay my annual web hosting fees. Will also browse the flea market.
Worked out again because I didn't run or walk today. My hobby programming project, netLang / nettle, is coming along well. I should have something up and working by tomorrow. Did a lot of example syntaxes to find out if anything needs fixing. So far so good. Liew witches cannot fit into a world with good telepathy and are lashing at William and other important people and institutions. Will have to handle them tonight instead of coding.

Took my meds at 9:30pm. Feeling sleepy already. Must remember to brush.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Thursday 12 September

Woke up early. Brushed and had a sandwich for breakfast. Liew witchy forces attacked again, claiming things I do are prophetic yet wrong. They are very convincing and can make things happen that have a tendency to. In a sense they are lords of the world alongside the powers and principalities, and the fallen.

Running low on hair gel. May get some later after lunch. Iirc, my brand is “Follow Me”. Alternatively, I could shave and buzz down regularly with my new Gillette Venus and Panasonic wet/dry. Depends on my hair-thinning which has been stable for several years now.

Wearing my MQ-27 tank style out today, which I bought from the online AD for 69RM / $16. It has been losing ~1s/month since I set it last year. Low end Casio watches are so cool. My Casios:

  1. f200
  2. mq27
  3. gbd200
  4. ga9300
  5. ga2200
  6. prg270
  7. w800h
I previously owned a ga9000, ga9052, and a dw291h. That makes 10! Iirc, I also wore an f105 in university.

Back from the mall, 2 malls actually. Bought the surgical tape for my tennis accessory idea. Also got fresh hair gel from Bad Labs, a local / Malaysian company. Will be glueing on some fletchings soon. I will make a rough tool out of cardboard and wall tack. See if it works. I got Grabbit glue which is also locally made and very cheap. Tonight, making tuna pasta for dinner. We have tuna once a month.

Dinner for 3 was tasty and healthy. Yogurt, a little mayo, herbs, salt, garlic, tomato and celery plus a can of tuna. I tried out the Bad Labs hair gel and it’s pretty good, economical. Will try brushing it out and sleeping on it for that natural look. Also, to hide my thinning (like Donald does, good luck to him in the US presidential race!). 

Want to do a bit of coding work tonight. Then will work out at 10pm, take my meds at 9pm. Seems we have to do in the Liew witchy 6 ourselves as everyone in the western mindspaces seems to have been deceived. We will again try somehow, to rip away the witches’ power to “declare” which should make for a soft landing for every sinner. Will begin teaching now.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Wednesday 11 September

Was up early this morning. Completed my routine: workout, get clean, brush. Still haven’t done any coding. Just read documentation. Took stinging hits from the westerners, ramped up by William and his friends, the Liew witch posse. Can almost imagine the guy commanding innocent babies and kids to fight us Asian Christians. There is really no need for telepathy in God’s plan for the second coming.

Back from a brief but intense run. Feeling fitter / healthier. Will try to code today and get somewhere with project nettle / NetLang. For the moment it will use HTML / web browser as its output but will not support dynamic content. Quite confident of finishing it this week.

Am at the shoebox now. Working out some feasibility issues with nettle. Think I need a sort of toolkit based on HTML5 which my language manipulates. In a sense, a web page becomes nettle's playground and it can be extended as necessary. Nettle is targeted at children learning to program and hobbyists with no IT experience. Tho small, nettle can be very powerful.

Back to the big house in our secure neighborhood. It’s much more comfortable. Tonight, will be coding nettle now that all the specs are defined. Nettle code will be in comments after the HTML, to be parsed by python script / antlr4. Really looking forward to getting down to work on this.

Brushed, took a warm shower and changed into tomorrow’s clothes. We will be going out for lunch tomorrow. I am theming my used Linux ThinkPad. It looked very bland with vanilla Breeze. Rest a bit then take my meds. Want to prepare the HTML file and its javascript tonight. Maybe write some python code and Antlr4 grammars as well.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Tuesday 10 September

Still up after watching the Apple Event online. Lots of goodies to buy but no ready money for it yet. No Mac Mini announcement which was a downer. Emphasis on AI was good. My cheap Ziko strings have broken in nicely after some hours and are sounding tighter and resonant. You win sometimes, I guess. Liew forces mulling new strategies to destroy Christians. Need to formulate strategies to deal with their lies and violent tactics. Haven’t been working on nettle. Maybe later in the afternoon. Will go on a walk too, just a brief one.

Woke up lateish. Brushed. Worked out. Strings (trebles mainly) still haven’t settled down and I’m running out of winding room. Liew forces patrolling the mindspaces. I guess they have nothing better to enjoy. Saw a girl yesterday wearing Hoka shoes. Feel like putting on the trail runners myself. Maybe at 10:30.

Rain interrupted my plans to walk and do some trail running. It’s past lunch and still no let up. I have to get some exercise in today.

Thinking nettle will not be embedded in HTML but be in its own script file, or be tacked to the end of the markup. Decided to try and complete it tonight, staying up late. But I have to make dinner soon.

Ended up spending the night recording some guitar songs. Was severely hit by the Liew 6 who are nervous of their impending demise.

Monday 9 September

Back from the mall. Made pasta for the folks’ dinner. Was tasty, with mixed herbs and some mayo. Bought some plastic caps off the rack at HomePro which can do as Sett game pieces. Need to find a way to color them so they’ll be distinguishable. Something easy. Earlier, had my Arip jab at the psych clinic. Went okay. I strung on the Ziko trebles this morning out of curiosity. They’re not bad. May do some recording later.

8 1/2 hours till the Apple event. May have a nap first.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Sunday 8 September

Was up early after a good sleep on sedatives. Busy recording a short song on my iPad last night. Posted it on my Tumblr @Donutwares this morning. My guitar strings should arrive today. Can’t wait. Got cleaned easily and brushed. Workout in the afternoon. Tomorrow, my shrink appointment at the private clinic for my monthly Arip jab. Lots of mind criminals and vengeful people in my mindspace, stirring up the inmates I and Patrick shepherd.

Worked out. Feeling fitter. May walk later in the afternoon. My parcel is on delivery. Should receive it after lunch. Prepared the 17RM COD. Went for a run instead. Was good, tho my legs and body were clamped. Western forces betraying Asian Christians, feeding a stream of us to the Liew 6 who do everything they need to anyway.

Trimmed. Had been putting it off for almost a week.

Mid afternoon and my parcel is late. May be another 2 1/2 hours. Vegetating while waiting for it. Lots of pressure from western forces over the telepathy scandal that’s gripping the world. Not sure what I can achieve. Keeping up posting on

$3 Guitar strings are in and sound pretty good. Saves 50RM. The c40 is old anyway.

Had fried noodles for dinner, 3 varieties, Hokkien, Cantonese, and some Singapore beehoon. Last night we ate out too, iirc. Tandoori and naan bread. Tomorrow, my regular psych clinic visit.

I am being swept under the rug for being relatively useless at absorbing attacks and blame from wrongly educated kids and baby minds. But life goes on. I made a video review of the Ziko nylon guitar strings on YouTube. There aren’t any currently for nylon I think. Might be a hit. Took my meds before 10pm. Took a sedative. Need to wake up early. Little work was done today but it was a good day overall.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Saturday 7 September

Was up early. Managed to get cleaned easily. Shaved a bit. Waiting for my parcel which may take the whole day. Westerners acting up all over us Asians, saying they’re mad. Together with the Liew core fighters, gave out pain again. Not sure what to do.

Morning turned into afternoon and the mindspaces have settled down. Morning rain delayed my parcel which is still at the delivery center. I swept the bedrooms and hallway and was drenched in sweat. Turned on the a/c to cool down. Used a Chinese paintbrush to clear my desk of dust bunnies. Can’t wait to have my guitar back in working order.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Friday 6 September

Was up earlyish. Took 3 pitted, minced dried salt prunes in 3 glasses of water as a laxative. 4 of each may be okay as well, depending on severity of constipation. Tends to happen once a week. Not doing anything much today, just watching archery videos on YouTube. Want to walk or run a bit but I’m not sure. Liew witches more subdued this morning.

Back from a brief run. Was hard as so many are packed into my legs. Feeling good tho. Workout in the afternoon. New nylon guitar strings should arrive tomorrow. The were cheap, circa 15RM.

Worked out. Feeling healthier. Need to rig a fletching clamp of some sort.

Going over to the shoebox. Will fetch my classical guitar home ahead of tomorrow’s big projected string change from 70RM Savarez down to 14RM Ziko. I am prepared to be surprised. Also bought a cheap Artengo grip for my racket. Very nice and affordable at 15RM.

We were talking in mindspace about  the Bible again. How lost lambs are run after, how 1000 years is like a day to God, how the least, in the Kingdom is the greatest. How the mighty fall hard and curse their hearts, while the common man curses his own weak knees. There is more to apparent contradictions than it seems. Will explain later.

Liew witches still pain-giving the westerners. We are trying desperately to help but are not sure what to do. Took a shower, brushed and changed. Tomorrow, my new guitar strings should arrive.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Thursday 5 September

Woke up early. Liew witches singing Mona Lisa in my ears, thru the mindspaces. Sad that they are losing power to God and my people are taking in the sinners / fighters / innocents. Will code a bit later on. Wonder if there’s sufficient funds to pay Eksentrika?

Found out how to test arrow nocks for fit. Just tap, then strike the bowstring with a finger, near the hanging arrow. It should fall off only when the string is struck through. Had a ramen for breakfast. Need to loo twice today. May not head out after all. Liew forces trying to wheedle the west for their survival and it means taking from poor me.

Helped many in mindspace feel better, on both sides of the mind war. Unleashed them some financial incentives. Managed to get cleaned well so should head out in an hour. Not sure where to yet. Don’t want to go to KL which has sinkholes.

Folks made me stay home to guard the house. So I worked out early and will walk in the evening, just to the LRT and back. Will wear my trail runners to do some ‘stunts’ up and down the pathway, get some cardio in. Liew witchy 6 are going berserk. If not stopped they’ll kill somebody.

After lunch and the folks are still out. Been 3 hours. Witchy remnants persist. Thinking I’d take it easy today. Just go slow. Put on the air conditioning as it’s hot and stiffling.

Didn’t go out after all due to the weather. Feeling a bit ill. There are signs of apostasy in the mindspaces and initial signs externally. More here on DogBlots. Didn’t do any coding either, just meandered thru the day. I have possession of the WaveKeys keyboard again, from Dad who keeps breaking its Bluetooth connection somehow.

Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. Helping some friends with the negative telepathy. Will take my meds at 10pm. Sleep at 12am.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Wednesday 4 September

Got up late. Will probably run in the late afternoon instead of walking. Work out at night. Parcel is out for delivery. There is a state of flux in the mindspaces now, after we talked about faith (God etc.) yesterday evening.

I am working on NetLang / nettle using Antlr4 -a programming language generator. It's quite easy to use. Even has an example I could copy, parsing XML with nettle embedded. It had been my dream to invent a language and to make a contribution to the WWW.

Worked out early. Feeling better / stronger. Otherwise I am mostly a couch potato day to day. Parcel still somewhere out there. Mom is at the hospital, later she will be going to the bank to renew a deposit. Finalizing the design of nettle before I code it. Appears chaotic at the moment.

Just went for a run. Felt parched and ‘heaty’ inside as Chinese say, but thoroughly invigorated. Run twice a week, once a week a long walk, workout once a day, is my reduced, less ambitious stay fit plan to endure telepathic body-packing and reduce my sugar and cholesterol.

Helped cook dinner. A bit odd tasting in a fusion sort of way, but edible. Am arranging More Than Words on my cfac# ukulele. It’s quite easy. I can’t believe I found this tuning that works like my mind works. Coding nettle is stuck at a key point -what if a function calls a function? How would I grammar that? What if a function had multiple contexts? Lots to research. Lots of fun.

Just had a relaxing shower and changed out of my tropically sweaty clothes. Talked to my old friends. The witchy 6 are on the prowl tonight. Will take my meds at 10:30. Wonder if my uncle with cancer is dying onto me.

Read through a good tutorial on Antlr4. Should be able to finish coding a rough beta by tomorrow night in python. Will take it easy tonight as the mindspaces are unsettled a bit. Sharp pushes by the Liew witches bedevil good people around the world.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Tuesday 3 September

Woke up early and went for breakfast with Dad. Mom is awake too. Maybe we can hit the mall soon after all. Worked out briefly. Watched “Write Conscious” on YouTube. It’s one of my favorite channels. Will code a bit later, after lunch. Used my pocket sanitizer earlier. It has a spray action nozzle, to my surprise. Was cheaper than Dettol as well.
Seems there is a problem with William again. This comes after the Liew witches were taken away and 'forgiven'. Much anger still lingers in the UK over the extra evil lashings they absorbed at the hands of the criminal 6 and their genius trio. Unfortunately there is only one me and so the healing will take a long time. Will probably go to the downtown mall instead, since Mom will be late.

We made it to MegaMall after all. I didn’t buy much, just a small bottle of Elmer’s white glue. I have never owned or used Elmer’s -an old standby in the USA. Taking life slow. Mistakes and accidents will happen. Baby steps strategy in place to deal with anything hustly, weird or dangerous.

Talked about God and religion, how many faiths are true faiths and the purpose of multiple faiths. The new wine in new wineskins. We should grow as a species approaching harvest, just as our hearts were inscribed with God’s law after the crucification of Jesus. Various important people here and there, were revealed as antichrists -wolves in sheep’s clothing relative to their chosen vehicle. Antichrists of various degrees often burdened a woman they knew (wife / family), and are constantly bedeviled so that they may look out of place, clumsy, and puzzled.

Will stay up late to code tonight. Want to design an re query language that’s succinct.

Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. Coding clx / netlang commences in python. It will read any major markup language, no pdf support tho. And it will be cli. Should be fun to write.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Monday 2 September

Woke up early. Had a lontong flavor "Chef" ramen for breakfast. Was tasty but prefer tomyam. Liew witchy 6 who speared my neck yesterday, are in retreat. Coded clx a little last night. Taking it slow today.

Managed to loo. Lately constipation strikes every week or so. Liew witches struggling with their consciences after I tweaked them to introspect more on their heinous sins. Want to code soon.

More proof my cfac# tuning works on ukulele. I played “Love Story” by Taylor Swift albeit partway thru right now.

Took an early shower and changed into sleep clothes. Not sure if I will be cooking tonight or Mom will do it. Ordered new nocks and fletchings for my old Easton arrows. May get here on Wednesday. Quite exciting. Liew witches suffer a blood sugar / cholesterol setback and lost much power.

Took my meds and ate a ramen. Brushed. Talked a lot on religion and logic. Trying to quell the havoc in the mindspaces, fallout of Liew witches’ opening and rebellion quite some years back. No time to code or worry much about my health. The strike in Israel grows stronger. What can it mean for Rapture?

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...