Friday, May 31, 2024

Saturday 6am

Up early. Liew witches giving me sour feelings through my body and much attacked hand. Will take the morning slow.

7am, Got cleaned. Worked out. Will walk at 8+. Drank a Milo for breakfast. Haven’t brushed yet. Liew witchy family are down from heat attacks. Not sure if they’ll stay down.

8am, Heading out to the new place. May bring along my iPad 5 to do some writing. Nasty Asian children and pre teens perpetrating emotional torture. Can’t wait for my new KZs. They should be sweet.

1pm, My eBook was accepted by Amazon and will go live around Monday. Cool.

2pm, Back from my 20 minute walk. Feeling healthier. Looks like rain soon. Tomorrow, to Amcorp if all goes well. Supposed to write a bit but I have to talk to the Liews about giving up the senseless fight. No idea what to say.

3pm, Shipping soon. Should receive my ZSTs on Monday.

8pm, Finished writing “Stars Fall” and also sorting out the telepathy knot tied by the world, egged on by the Liew witches.

9pm, Mss2 is now live after just 2 days from submission. The cover photo looks crisp. Feel bad charging $2.00 for it. Should be $1.00 or closer. ZSTs should arrive in KL tonight. The shop is in Penang.

10pm, Took my meds and wrote another post for my Medium. Brush soon. Liew witches working Australian musicians and songwriters like Stephanie and Tommy -and newbie me as well. We tried to erase their memories in hopes they will be gentler.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Friday 6am

Up early after taking half a Rivotril last night. Less witchy manipulations. The Liew 6 managed to raise a force of babies at the last moment, but they’re quite mild now. Work out at 7, walk at 8.

9am, Back from a 20 minute walk. Feeling good. Worked out earlier. Yet to get cleaned. Giving the Liews rapidfire happy-sad-happy-sad… below their awareness. Will take an hour of it to see results.

1pm, Could loo at last. Back from NSK with Dad. Did some grocery shopping and had nasi lemak for lunch which tasted a bit odd. William and the Liew witchy 6 have stopped fighting. There is still a lot to do to keep the peace. Many on both sides, innocents too, lost their lives and limbs because of their war in the mindspaces.

7pm, Ordered my very own KZ ZST pros. Will treasure them. Now I’m ready for my famous yet affordable earphone review. American quality vs Japanese tech vs Chinese economy. I am keen to see who wins as well. The Sony cost 280RM, Shures cost 175RM, and the KZ cost 63RM. A nice spread separated by ~100RM. Had a good dinner of soup, okra, and wontons. Will walk again tomorrow, early and do my usual workout. Sleep around 11pm.

9pm, Taking my meds. Butt is itchy again. My Sloggi briefs are getting worn out. Luckily, I have Lululemon to take over as the ‘expensive underwear’. Yet to brush. May spend the night just vegetating.

11pm, Talking a lot tonight. The web of power of the witch is preventing a solve.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Thursday 5am

Up early after sleeping on half a sedative last night. Will take it slow. Maybe go on another walk after workout at 7am.

8pm, Got cleaned, brushed. Feeling burnt out. Will work out a little later. Worked out. Feeling better. Will walk at 10am. Dad has a hospital consultation today. Nothing else planned therefore, I guess. Liew witches continue to harass minds and destroy flesh, pushing forward their trump card: William.

9am, Back from my walk. Felt okay, no ankle pain. Getting fitter and hopefully healthier. Can feel evil all around striking important people’s heads for fun. Could use more breakfast as it’s now almost 10. Drafting  out the first story of project Sphere.

11am, Had a cheese and mayo sandwich. Iced Morison’s instant coffee. This brand is tasty and quite cheap. Taking my writing slow. Later, cooking a soup and pasta lunch with Mom. Wearing my Mudman solar.

12pm, Submitted my book, mss2 to Amazon KDP for free as advised by a contact from Tumblr. This June could see some sales otherwise exposure for my stories that I crave.

5pm, Took a much needed shower and changed into fresh clothes. Looed again, which was a relief. Mom may be going out tonight with her younger brother and sister. Not sure what’s for dinner. Made a friend on Facebook as well! Re-encoding my mp3s using lame through FFmpeg. Will take about an hour. See if the quality is better than VLC. Can’t wait for KDP approval in 2 to 3 days. Not sure whether I will be able to write tonight.

7pm, Had veg soup and salt chicken for dinner. Was able to save 500MB using FFmpeg with VBR. Sounds ok, maybe a little cleaner. Liew witchy 6 grabbing everywhere for power after they were effectively dethroned.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Wednesday 7am

Up earlyish. Yet to work out and get cleaned. May go on a walk today. Liew witches still pressing me onto others. Just worked out. Feeling good. Will walk at 10:30. Maybe just to Kayu and back. Need to get the gate key from Mom.

8am, Had roti canai for breakfast. Massed up against the Liew witchy 6, drying their lungs.

10am, Came up with the idea of searing the witchy Liews’ skin with mental branding irons we made by 2 teaming up. They are less nasty now, seeing as how we cannot 100% serve evil -thus the 6 are shown up as the liars they truly are. Got cleaned easily. Took a brief shower. Will head out later than expected, maybe an hour before dinner, then hit the shower again.

11am, We seared the Liew witches’ eyes, in desperation to get free of the mental torture. Who’s guess is it that direct telepathy isn’t very nice, or a very nice way to get even? Had a tomyam ramen for lunch. Thinking of writing a new short story. Updated to sell some books.

1pm, Heading out soon. Just a quick urban hike to the LRT and back. I washed my Tevas earlier as they were a bit grubby. Wrote my short story after all, “The Browser” on

2pm, Back from my walk. Feeling good. No foot pain. Will do this everyday until June 7th when I should start running again and going to far off places. Have the a/c on 27 deg C and am washed up and cooling down. Want to start coding afterwards. Liew witchy family trying to heal but failing. Hope they stay away.

3pm, Started writing project Sphere as a series of 20 related stories. With some luck it will be done by late June. This new format suits me as a loose plotter, discovery writer. And I will be using my Pi4 / AbiWord for the drafting process. Got my typing-friendly MS keyboard hooked up. To write one story per day in the Sphere universe I’m creating.

7pm, Had a hot dinner with cili padi this rainy evening. Didn’t eat any rice as my uncle living in me is sad. He didn’t think I was a good songwriter. But I rearranged Emily Linge’s song, Treasure in my Heart to be more soulful, which brought out her lyrics better. Tonight, writing!

8pm, Taking my meds soon. Maybe by 9. Hand coming under attack from the witchy Liews again. Built up my characters and some of Sphere’s world. Don’t think the telepathy mess will solve soon as everyone is worried for themselves and their money. Will write the first story at 9:30. Think of a plot device.

10pm, I’m guessing the plot device will be ‘fitting in’ and ‘teenage angst’ and of course, the buzz around the Spheres themselves. But it may be too late to finish a whole story-chapter. I’ll just plot it and write it tomorrow morning. Apple store declared at long last, to open 22nd June. Tim Cook may be there. Think I will buy a homepod mini.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Tuesday 12am

Still wide awake at midnight. Listening to my record rips thru my new SHURE se112 buds. Royals still stirring up UK babies and kids. They don’t understand that to be POSITIVE is key and I am their ticket towards it. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable, William. The least will be the greatest and the greatest, least.

2am, Turning in now. May head out tomorrow on a long walk or follow Dad to breakfast first. Not sure.

5pm, Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. Finally cleared up the telepathy from the UK wielded by wounded William. He has to remain here while we debrief him of his acquired wickedness, from the witchy Asian Liews who are still at large and dangerous. We are actually late in solving the Liews who are almost totally Satanic.

New earphones, SHURE IEM… [should be on dogblots]

I just got the se112 IEM from SHURE today, from Live Music Centre. Lalamove was employed to get these to me posthaste. They are trustworthy and the product is original. Will try to do a review on YouTube tomorrow if possible.

So far the listening is enjoyable. Comfort is good and the sound is richly detailed and spacious. Construction is good, with beefy cables and tough tips. The buds themselves are also big and solidly put together. I guess, they could last a lifetime as advertised.

The fit is over ear which greatly reduces cable knocking noise. And the nozzle or canal is unusually long and narrow. The nozzle angle helps keep the 112s securely seated. Better than my KZ DQ6.

Wrong fitting of the tips: less bass and some harshness

There are tradeoffs between all of my phones. My Sony WFC500 tws can sound thin and fragile sometimes and the multi-driver Chi-fis can drift too effortlessly over the music, not alerting me to sound changes. I found the SHUREs to be more precise OOTB, but a little harsh / gritty over the whole spectrum. I imagined this would be a problem as soon as it happened but after an hour of listening, it wasn’t annoying, just another slight change of signature.

Now listening to Blind Melon’s Carseat which has lots of garbled phone speaking / vocals. Sounds listenable and more legible. Nora Jones’ Not too Late sounds good too. I am hearing the guitar’s faint fret slides for the first time. The acid test is Modest Mouse’s multi-layered Be Brave which seems to have a firmer center and less hazy rendition. 

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Monday 7am

Up lateish. Feeling a little tired. Will work out later in the morning. Forces of evil scheme against God and  the faithful. Listening to an old Mozart / Perahia record I leave out on the platter. Parcel should arrive soon.

8am, Brushed and got cleaned. British forces taught a lesson by Asian people they were false witnessing onto.

9am, Worked out. Messing with metal fatigue in its many forms including hemoglobin pooling. Haha we’re breaking back against the evil Royals’ command in the UK that plays out Asians.

12pm, Resting from attacks in mindspace as the Royals join forces with the hell-bound Liews. They think God and Devil are a game. Poor UK.

2pm, Realized something about my ordered earphones… Will post it on later.

3pm, My SHUREs are in the house. They are nice, beefy, and most probably original as they come with all the documents and promotional materials in a factory sealed-looking bag. They also came with 3M tape so it’s all legit. The sound is good. Noticed that there is a wide soundstage but that my MP3s compression is shown up in ways not possible by the Vido buds I used to use.

5pm, No stormy weather today. Perhaps yesterday was indeed YHWH’s day of some wrath.

10pm, Wrapping up the telepathy crisis. Some uneasy grouses remain. Took my meds and showered. Glad to be in fresh clothes. Brush at 11. Turn in at midnight. Not sure exactly what’s happening out there as I am mostly non-telepathic. Listening to music later.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sunday 6am

Up early. Drank some water as I was parched. Will work out soon. DogBlots got over 180 views yesterday for some reason. Most coming from America.

7am, Had a spicy tomyam kaw ramen for breakfast and a cup of iced Morison’s coffee. Hit the spot. Popping out the Liew army’s snared babies, kids and schizophrenics, using simple techniques.

11am, Raining lightly. Got hundreds of hits on this blog, my journal, out of nowhere. And someone from India read my story on, ‘Wasters’. Also wrote a new article for my Medium. I got 2 reads this month. We’ll be heading over to the new place later on. Mom wants me to scramble some eggs for lunch first.

Of course the Rapture is supposed to occur / have occured today, the 25th of May (gematria 117) if you believe Dr Barry Awe. But Heidrick writes on 117 indicating it is only a precursor to what happens next. There were storms in Malaysia and many trees were cut down, furious anger everywhere in mindspace. And ‘prophet’ voices telling of the way to God, the kingdom. 117 is probably closer to the kingdom fulfilled, not the kingdom come. Even so, it is not Rapture time but anger / trouble time.

12pm, Promoting my free/paid book mss2 on a Facebook writer’s group. Hope to get more exposure for it.

5pm, Exercising my hand on and off to get it out of harm’s way as it’s being attacked incessantly. Various powers of antichrist abound in mindspace, having done terrible crimes through telepathy.

7pm, Posted on on the alleged Rapture that wasn’t quite the rapture we expected. Something has to happen soon. Can’t wait for my SHUREs to arrive tomorrow. Sleeping early, take my meds soon. There is some peace in mindspace.

8pm, Took my meds. Also had a long warm shower to destress. Wonder what time my parcel will arrive tomorrow. Can’t wait for my first pair of SHUREs. Have to remember to pay ~20RM for delivery.

10pm, Ate some supper, cheese and mayo. Brushed. Feeling a bit sleepy. Watched a few archery vids to pass the time till my buds arrive. William is feeling better after being given some things he deserves. Liew witchy forces still around for some reason. We should purge the evil from the mindspaces.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Saturday 4am

Up very early. is down. Maybe exceeded its bandwidth? Didn’t do any coding last night. Thinking of buying the Shure 112 earphones at ~175RM.

7am, Worked out. Feeling more relaxed. Will get cleaned now. Ordered the Shure 112 earbuds delivered by Lalamove. I think delivery will be ~20RM but that’s okay. Spread some love. For 175RM, these buds are not cheap. The KZs being around 70RM, average. My first Shure product! Must do a quick review for my channel.

9am, Brushed. Am delaying coding my web browser. There is no Internet in heaven anyway, nor computer equipment. Family, jealous of my straight path to be with God lashed out, trying to drive me mad and into hell. There is a reason I show my golden ticket more nowadays to these ransomers.

3pm, I cleaned the bathroom and took a shower. Changed, and am in fresh clothes. I think my parcel may not arrive today due to my error in selecting same day delivery. Monday, I guess. I will not have my SHUREs over the weekend. Am using a minimalist window manager, dwm, on Ubuntu Pi which I have on my bigger SD card. Need to keep a Linux install handy in case I cock up my other OSes. Linux is a save-all sometimes.

8pm, A muggy night after an evening of rain. Put on the a/c and am preparing to code. But the Liew witches are attacking incessantly with millions of baby minds and many deceived geniuses. Using super-absorbent fiber to dry their bodies.

9pm, Took my meds earlier and brushed. Am ready for sleep at 11. Hand is under attack again by the Liew witches, now dying from dryness. Wearing my Mudman solar, 48mm wide and 17mm thick. My biggest watch and latest EDC candidate. Found some readable RISCOS python source code to copy from and am learning on my iPad. Liew witches lashing as they die.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Friday 12am

Still awake after taking my meds an hour or so ago. Brushed. Python coding is going well. Have an example to copy from and the system I reinstalled is also more correct. Having some difficulty with the toolbox. Liew witches and ‘Prince William’ scheme together in a culmination of telepathic catastrophe. It seems nothing will calm these souls. Soon to sleep. Download FFmpeg tonight. May be heading out early tomorrow for Mom’s hospital appointment, and to the mall afterwards.

7am, Worked out. Trying to stay healthy as possible. Liew witches carry on attacking Christians. No end to the suffering is in sight. This is extremist satanism.

8am, Got cleaned well. Brushed. Took a brief shower and am ready to head out. Lots to learn regarding the riscos-toolbox and making my first application on the new ‘Acorn’. William stirring up trouble again because he was struck by his own friends, the Liew witches. Maybe should talk about that now.

2pm, A long morning-afternoon out. I walked quite a lot between 3 malls. Signs of economic hardship. There is even a mall beggar. Drank guava juice. Liew witches were attacked off with some help from YHWH. Still quite dangerous for the average true believer or westerner.

7pm, Back home from the small house. Keep getting stabbed in the palm somehow.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Thursday 6am

Up early. Got cleaned easily. Brushed. Will work out soon. Am still downloading Python3 for RISCOS as its paths / environment somehow got screwed up and modules wouldn’t install. The evil Liew witches are rampant again, among gullible western children.

10am, Managed to install most of the python software I need. Think I should set the Lib path variable as PyQt5 install failed. Liews come face to face with God as a reality and Hell as a punishment tho they skipped over their appointed judgement. Now Sis is worried about her afterlife too.

12pm, Had a ramen with crushed garlic in Japanese soy (not bitter Kikoman). Hit the spot. Talked with troublemakers in mindspace about God and the soul, and pleasures of the flesh. Coding my app, “browse2” will commence later this afternoon.

4pm, Got fresh funds in. Think I will spend over half of it. But there’s nothing necessary to own in these last days / months before Rapture. Got some python code to run on RISCOS and am integrating the toolbox right now. It is a bit of a learning curve but generally, python is easy on the brain compared to other languages. Evil is ramping up in mindspace due to retribution attacks. Many innocents are being abused so bad men can live. Most of you guys who are being troubled NEED to do religious things like bible reading, teaching or gospel preaching to survive. I do some of it myself.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Wednesday 2am

Fell asleep early and woke up at 1:45am. Installed RISCOS for my Pi4. Need to get an Internet connection up now.

3am, Found out that the Pi’s internal wifi is now supported. Finally my Pi is online on its own connection. I just need to install a better browser.

4am, Worked out. Feeling good. Think I want to install Lynx or some other text browser for RISCOS.

7am, Got cleaned, showered and put on a fresh tee shirt. Might try coding a browser for RISCOS now that it has internet access. Read I can use a web widget from QT5. Maybe that might work except I can’t get Python3 to download yet.

10am, Back from the new house where Dad did some painting. We had a light breakfast at Stadium. Still feel hungry but it’s unreasonable to eat more. Wesak day, so the banks are closed. May go to a mall later. Coaching ‘Prince William’ who is nursing a broken heart. The Liew witches were given cutting off to the extent permitted by God, as they were too extremely, coyly evil. Can’t download Python 3.8 somehow…

1pm, Had a good lunch out and before that, was able to load python3 and pip into RISCOS. Wondering if the Qt package will interface with python or just C. Either way, coding will begin today.

6pm, Mind fighting going on. No time for coding. Evil has taken celebrities hostage.

8pm, Things turned ugly with revenge-seeking William. I hope he has a heart at least for his family if not his people, even Asians whom he detests.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Tuesday 6am

Up early. Had an iced Milo for breakfast. Worked out briefly. Feeling okay. Thinking about my bow sight idea.

9am, Got cleaned easily. Yet to brush. Finalizing the bow sight. It works quite well -was surprised. Lots of people in my mindspace, arguing. I guess I need to step in between with some advice. We talked about Matthew 24:10 and the meaning of "offended" and "betray". How this wickedness has to resolve before the 2nd coming.

Cleaned my keyboard and will take a shower now. Feeling / smelling much better after a good soap up and wash. Brushed as well. Want to get my hair shaved down, EOM.

12pm, Rigged on my DIY auto-ranging bow sight -the last bit of kit that it needed. I got zapped on the head for documenting it on Medium but carried on anyway. Maybe the witchy geniuses miscalculated that it was impossible *shrugs*. Getting some lunch in soon. Tomorrow, fresh funds.

3pm, Liew witchy forces are acting up. Many kids and babies infiltrate our minds, borne by the traitors. Am needed round the clock to encourage our Christian forces and to lead our defense. Not sure what happens now. Can Rapture be days away, or months?

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Monday 6am

Up early. Slept on the floor again. Workout at 7. Not doing much work even as the French Open kicks off today. Foot is less swollen. Hand still clinging on. Rapture uncertain. Iran’s leader lost in a copter crash in the desert. Surely it’s the end of days. Liew witches trying to raise support in the mindspaces. Soon these will turn hostile to the manipulator criminals.

7am, Workout went well. Keeping fit. Noticed yesterday that the keys on my mech switch gaming keyboard (I don't game tho) go dimmer after repeated presses. Then they light up again slowly. Just a locally made k/b in partnership with Singapore, under 100RM. My gaming mouse is also sub 100RM. I also by chance, run a 23" gaming monitor (PMVA panel) with a fast refresh rate. Backside, I have a gaming PSU and HDD, and a Biostar mobo with a Radeon 8000 GPU. Odd how my PC came together this way.

8am, Back from breakfast at Stadium with Dad. Work out again tonight after resting 8-10 hours from my Arip jab.

9am, Got cleaned easily. No bleeding. May write a Medium article to pass the time. Tonight, to do my best to tell / warn of the Liew witches on my Facebook and DogBlots.

11am, Think that my k/b and mouse were the cause of the spontaneous reboots on-resume. They were drawing too much power. I now have less greedy peripherals attached to my hub. Still resume fails sometimes. Took a shower and changed my shirt before seeing my shrink, maybe for the final time before Rapture shakes up everything or I am taken, either way.

4pm, Back from my Arip jab at the psych clinic. Went okay. Had Burger King for lunch. Will work out again around 11pm. I have a new idea for a bow sight after I bought a small cylindrical plastic bottle. It will have a strip of translucent plastic with square holes of various sizes and that’s about it. The cylinder acts as a lens of sorts, scrunching up the squares which are calibrated to distance. Good inventions are easy ones.

7pm, Took a shower. Family forces, mad, grabbed for young women for sexual exploitation. This happens through mindspace almost every day. Thought about spending some of my 1.2kRM on a stereo microphone setup or Hi-Fi earphones. The AirPod Mini is sold out and there isn't much stock of anything very good to buy. Not a consumer's economy at the moment. Ate leftover pasta for dinner. Later, a bit of steamed chicken with Chinese black "fungus".

11pm, Took my meds earlier. Westerners going mad, trying to find in me, the silver bullet for telepathic chaos. I am certainly not it.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Sunday 5am

Up early. Must have slept 6 hours on the floor by my bed. Not doing much today. Maybe some writing. Worked out. Feeling okay.

11am, Yet to loo. Will be going over to the new house for lunch. Downloading OS/2 2.1 to run in Qemu on my old netbook (with the screen issue). May be able to use kvm [Hax] acceleration.

3pm, Back from the new house where we did some cleaning, and enjoyed some food and iced drinks from the tiny box fridge. Nothing much to do today. Tomorrow, my Arip jab. Last before the end, I hope. Some issues with suspend on my BSD machine while running Qemu. Was able to loo well.

4pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. My BSD rig is waking up well now that I quit Qemu. Would have liked it running in case I needed some graphics designed as it’s very slow to boot up. Soon I will have OS/2 in a VM. Never got a chance to play with it. So far I’ve used Solaris, Linux, BSD, Windows, MacOS 9/X,  RiscOS, and HaikuOS. Wish I had an SGI IRIX box. Taking some hits from destroyed kids and babies.

9pm, Tried out OS/2 2.0 which came out in 1991. It's pretty solid but somewhat alien compared to Macs and Windows, even Linux. I think its designers had an internal conflict tho they tried very hard. It does feel like the OS that would lose to Win95. Have to take my meds now. Tomorrow, psych clinic.

10pm, Brushed. Took my meds. Feeling a little sleepy. Took stern action against the Liew witches and safeguarded families and their young ones. This must be, before the rapture occurs. Testing out my BSD’s suspend-resume again. Will probably sleep by midnight.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Saturday 6am

Up early. Worked out. Got cleaned easily. Still figuring out Qemu file transfer. Liew witches are unstoppable. Ate watermelon for breakfast.

8am, Another workout scheduled soon. Pausing Qemu is the key to successful suspend-resume on OpenBSD.

10am, Second workout of the day commences. Was good. One more tonight. Put on a/c, economy mode, as it’s very humid. Just taking each day one step at a time.

1pm, Able to read files from Qemu but not to write to the guest OS. Sufficiently good, I suppose. My left sprained foot is still a little swollen but not painful or itchy.

3pm, Discovered a Java tool, hfsexplorer, which can read and write mac disk images. So now there's no worries maintaining my Qemu OS 9 system.

9pm, Done fiddling with Qemu and MacOS 9. Was tempted to do an emulation of OS/2 but I have nothing to run on it. Sometimes I wonder why I didn't buy a Compaq Presario 1230 all those years ago. I would have loved it more than the Mitac I got in 1997.

Took a warm shower and changed into fresh clothes. Kids and baby minds press in on me, invited by the Liew witches. Took my meds and will brush at 10pm. Writing project Sphere will commence with the full plot done tonight by midnight, in Emacs on my OpenBSD rig.

10pm, Outlining is going slow as I feel sleepy from my meds. It’s also been a long, sapping day as the attacks against Christians continue, to derail God’s plan for our salvation.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Friday 5am

Up early. Got cleaned. Workout at 6am. ‘Prince William’ and the other good-hearted mind criminals smash into the dumbfounded public, carting around misled babies and kids. It seems nothing will help them. I failed to get MacOS 9 running in Qemu. Trying again. Worked out. Felt good. Brush soon.

6am, Wearing my Promaster quartz. It’s more convenient than an automatic and wears smaller than a G-Shock. I also like the overall design a lot, short lugs, comfy on a velcro strap. It could be my EDC over the GA2200, 800H, Mudman solar, and Orient 3 star. Had a ramen for breakfast. Brush now.

12pm, Mom is still out with her friends. Liew witches attacked my sore foot / ankle, making it itch and swell. Managed, somehow to get MacOS 9 and my old programs running on OpenBSD through Qemu. It ain't fast but it's stable.

2pm, Had pizza for lunch, Italian aloha from "US Pizza". Was tasty and fresh. Set up Qemu MacOS well. Quite satisfied.

8pm, Had takeout noodles for dinner at the new place. The oolong tasted odd. But we’re still alive. Maybe it was just me. Wrote a guitar song, no lyrics yet. Foot has stopped itching, thankfully. Put on the aircond and am typing this on my old iPad 5 in my new room. It’s easy to be attacked here, not much safety. No guards or upper rooms. I would not hesitate to call this house flimsy. A step away from sleeping rough in a van. Mom will be catching her K-drama shortly and we’ll be home by 9:30 if all goes well. Want to set up a virtual disk to share between BSD and Qemu tonight.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Thursday 5am

Was up at 2:30am. Slept just 4 hours -on the floor. Didn’t write anything much. Ankle is less swollen. Wearing my humble Orient 3 star. Work out soon. Workout went well. Feeling fit. Should carry on doing 2 sessions daily until I can run again next week. My BSD workstation now in my bedroom is running well and easily accessible anytime I want to write more of my novel.

7am, Feeling unsettled from others' thoughts and emotions pressed into my mindspace. A time of trouble it certainly is. Leaving for the hospital clinic appointment in a couple hours.

8am, Got cleaned, showered and brushed. Ready to head out.

9am, Installed a cool file manager that runs in terminal called lf (elleff). Keeping my BSD install lean.

3pm, Worked out again for that cardio. I will go on a long walk, Monday. Run next weekend. Another workout before bed. Seeing if I can install Mac OS 9 on Qemu to run my graphics software.

8pm, Dinner was good. Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. Will take my meds soon, as tomorrow will start early. I like Ringo Starr’s “Gonna Need Someone” where he boogies in front of a TV wall and says that iconic line over and over.

10pm, Feeling tired. Worked out for the 3rd time today, 40 pushups and 30 situps each time. Torrents can take hours but are more stable.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Wednesday 6am

Up early. My ankle is recovering well. Didn’t brush, shower, eat dinner or take my meds yesterday. Drank some strong black coffee. Will work out now. Feeling good. Will work out again this afternoon and tonight since I can’t run or brisk walk for some time.

8am, Got cleaned, showered, and am in fresh clothes. Just taking life easy, playing with OpenBSD on my oldest PC, midrange tech from 2013. Western mind forces want us to do the impossible while the Liew witches rampage through the mind. A disaster caused by pride and sin that snowballed.

11am, Mom gave me some balm for my ankle. Works well. I should be good to go tomorrow. 3pm, another session of mild exercise, then another at 11pm. No sweet foods until after my blood test.

Am writing actively again. I have some interesting characters and a good central idea but no plot. I will have to tell the story to myself, as Stephen King does.

1pm, Set up the OpenBSD rig in my room where I will try to finish writing the Jerome-Barbara story for young adults. It will be plotted in very simple language, and structures of emotions, and be part of a series of adventures in Sci-Fi / Fantasy. There is high negative emotion permeating the mindspace as the Liew witchy 6 realize they cannot go ballistic with their evil, using telepathy.

6pm, Back from the new shoebox house. We got more snacks and drinks and had roti canai nearby. Coming home, discovered my BSD rig had gone into semi-hang. Was quite upset as it is supposed to be stable, but then 7.5 was released just over a week ago. Have to do some exercises now. Mom is making tofu egg mince for dinner. My ankle has healed a lot. Sis and the Liew witches still terrorizing people.

8pm, Dad told me no blood test tomorrow. So it will be the usual see my shrink, collect meds and come home. Took my Zyprexa early, plus a sedative, just after dinner. So far my workstation hasn't hanged. There was a scary error that the filesystem was corrupted. I just ran fsck and fixed it myself. Think it was from restarting Fvwm too many times.

10pm, Feeling sleepy. May turn in soon. Look over the plot for my YA novella,

Monday, May 13, 2024

Tuesday 4am

Up early. My foot had fallen very asleep and buckled as I stood up. I fell into a pile of room junk with minor scrapes. Need to rest a while before my exercise routine at 6.

7am, Exercised, ran, and got cleaned -all early. OpenBSD 7.5 is running well on the Kabini. Can suspend. Ankle is a bit swollen but not painful. Need to brush soon and change into a fresh shirt. Tomorrow, a long walk.

8am, Brushed, completing my morning routine. Don’t know what to do with the this Tuesday. People who  broke their own hearts and many others’ hanging round feeling out of sorts, dangerous, and sad. Dad said we would stay home today. I guess I’ll do some online shopping.

9am, Had a slightly sweet Milo shake and a salty spicy ramen for breakfast. Just taking the day slow. Want to write a detailed outline, the main plot and subplots to Sphere. There is no moral or real payoff to this story, just how lives are affected and healed or destroyed. It will be written for children of around 12. Just something to pass the time.

3pm, Back from NSK. My ankle is quite sore and a bit swollen. Am elevating it and resting till tomorrow afternoon. Out of action, I guess. Will cut down on unhealthy foods since I can’t exercise much. 4 people downloaded Mss2.epub this past 24 hours. Not bad.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Monday 3am

Wide awake after 5 hours sleep on sedatives, on the floor. Will run and work out at 6am. Need to eat something first.

4am, Worked out. Feeling those endorphines. Run soon. Back from a brief run. Feeling good. May be going to NSK later, out for brunch at the mamak.

5am, Got cleaned. Liew witches and Americans machined in babies to judge me. An act of depravity.

6am, Came up with an idea for pressureless tennis balls. Easier than my old spiral valve design. This will use tensed string threaded through and along the ball surface.

9am, Back from breakfast at the mamak. Dropped off Mom at Grandma’s. ‘Prince William’ and his ‘friends’ attacked again, running me round and round for fun despite my health issues. He’ll get what he deserves one day.

1pm, Back from chapfan lunch. Was tasty. Had 2 kinds of veg and 2 kinds of tofu. Put on the a/c as it’s very hot. Wore my Oakleys. Should have worn a hat.

6pm, A day when absolutely no work got done. Had belacan pork for dinner, made by Sis. Wearing my cheapest watch, 54RM, Casio MQ27. It was on sale from the Casio official store on Shopee and loses 1s per month. No WR. I put it on a faux croc Bonetti with a touch of padding and it looks quite nice.

I am weaving a new tale born from project ToA, called project Sphere. About mysterious orbs that begin to appear on Earth -what secret(s) could they hold for the fate of mankind in the end times?

10pm, Took my meds earlier. Brushed. Was busy installing OpenBSD on the Kabini rig. Runs well and installed without a hitch from their Asia mirror in Japan. Need to get suspend working. Feeling tired already. Much telepathy was solved today and peace reigns again.

11pm, Time to turn in. Suspend works but my dhcp now fails for some reason. Too tired to work on it.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Sunday 12am

Fell asleep before taking my meds. Woke up at 11pm-12am. Night air is cool after the rain. Took hits from the westerners, hungry for Asian blood.

1am, Liew witches and their western cohorts continue to bedevil Christians in mindspace.

9am, Back from breakfast at Stadium. Had roti canai and iced Milo. Dropped some stuff off at the new place. Waiting for my parcel, then will head out on a long walk. May have a chapfan lunch out too. Liew forces going ballistic. Didn’t hurt the westerners too much tho they deserve some.

11am, Found my missing G-Shock. Capo is on delivery. Should arrive in an hour. Uploaded a new video to my channel. State of my watch collection. Won’t probably be adding any more pieces. Have to do a capo review later, including the Ziko, and the Fly. Liew witchy forces come down with a cold. Trying to be milder as the westerners wanted. Will do some writing after lunch.

2pm, Made the capo comparison video. It seems a little odd that the 70F won by so much. So I’ll do more tests before uploading.

8pm, Made new clips for my video which sound more balanced. I left the 70F at our new place with the C40. We had naan and tandoori chicken for dinner. Mom had a good meal of moderate spiciness, being longing for chili for some time. Taking my meds early as tomorrow we have a busy day. May write a bit by 9pm.

9am, Took my meds earlier and had a shower. Changed into fresh clothes. Taught people about the physical reality of going to Hell and into outer blackness, as told by the Bible. We must strive for heaven, for salvation, for God’s love. Otherwise all is lost, forever… FOREVER. 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Saturday 6am

Up early. Worked out. Run at 7am. Couldn’t write more of my story, ToA as I fell sleep. Plenty of time today while waiting for my capo. Making another watch video. Ran early. Recovered fast. It helps bear the load of people in my nerves and burns calories.

7am, Had kaya with bread, and unsweetened soy milk for breakfast. Many Liew witchy forces and their pawns finding out I’m unsuitable for their evil purpose.

8am, Got cleaned well, albeit with a little difficulty. Yet to brush. Released CHR on FREE to use, share, and modify. Released my competition essay free on Medium. July may never come. Brushed and cleaned my nose which was very boogery. Regaining more function in my little finger.

10am, Just finished sweeping. Was very dusty. Good exercise too. Just have to write a bit more of my Rapture-Alien story around lunch. Not sure how the plot peaks yet.

4pm, Took a shower and changed into tomorrow’s clothes. Tomorrow, a long walk around Amcorp-Digital Mall. Will bring a hat. No morning run, just work out. No delivery from J&T today it seems. Trying to write a book to pass the time. Liew witchy forces rage on, wounded by cancer just like the Royals. Installed WordGrinder, the most basic word processor, and am making notes in Notepad. Not sure how to start my story off, the right mood.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Friday 7am

Up early, 3:30am. Dozed off a bit later. Back from a brisk run. Recovered fast. Work out at 8. Couldn’t loo. Maybe in the afternoon after shopping, after drinking more liquids.

8am, Worked out and am feeling good. Brushed. Solved lots of nasty bugs in CHR. Now to leverage the power of the xxx;; tagging system which makes the app unique. May be heading out within a few hours. Not much time to think. My capo should arrive Saturday.

9am, Had a mild spicy ramen for breakfast. May shower before heading out, change my shirt. Did some emotional DNA injection to help along the guilty who abused powers in the mind. Seems to work well.

4pm, Turns out more bugs lurked in CHR, due to the line numbering not reflecting omitted duplicate lines plus Windows’ CRLF line endings. Solving that was satisfying. Still no ideas on the ;; and … introducer markers. But they could be the dealmaker for this app. Yet to write today’s ToA installment. Maybe late tonight. Thinking ;; and … could be search keywords.

6pm, Mom and I made western-style meatball veggie soup with pasta boiled in it. I’ve put CHR’s final feature on hold for now, to write ToA. Will have fun with my capo, assuming it arrives tomorrow. The mindspace is less chaotic after signs were shown of the coming of Jesus. Liew witches dejected. Will code around 10pm. Meanwhile it seems it was God who pulled the best moves. Managed to loo earlier which was a relief. Drinking more fluids.

9pm, Showered late, brushed, changed into fresh clothes. Am coding instead of writing. Need to split an array into half in Python. Usually, I get these tips online. Managed to do the job to spec but feel like the tagging could perform wildly better. Tomorrow's work, I guess. Now to take my meds and write.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Thursday 8am

Up late again. Took some hits from the evil Liew witches. Someone from Germany downloaded a lot of my stories on Yet to work out and run. Yet to finish coding CHR. Back from a brief run. Feeling the cardio. Work out at 8:30. Ate a roti telur for breakfast. Yet to brush and get cleaned but I’m being more relaxed nowadays.

10am, Wrote a bit more of Time of Arrival on my other blog, under ‘Fiction’. It’s developing but hasn’t reached solid form yet. Hopefully it will gel soon and take off. Am still unable to loo. Maybe later, in the afternoon. Witchy Liew forces attacked with wanton pain-giving, and were disfigured. CHR is still not displaying the search results exactly as I want. Taking it slow. Hope my elastic rolling capo ships today.

11am, Was able to get clean well, showered and changed out of yesterday’s clothes. Think I’m acquiring constipation from Mom who’s been backed up for 3 days now. At least I’m not bleeding or getting scraped raw.

12pm, Having lunch at home. Not sure if we’re going over to the new small house today. Repulsed a lot of Liew forces and their slaves, some of the mentally ill who were cowardly.

2pm, Watched some YouTube videos on capos. Capoed my 7th fret and created some new sounds. My aunt who’s a singer liked it. Everyone seems to need some kind of sharing in these end times and we mustn’t be selfish.

3pm, Writing another song for my aunt, this time, capo on the 5th fret. It will take another day or so to come together. Meanwhile the Liew insurgents target my strumming hand.

6pm, Showered again, and changed into fresh clothes. Will help Mom boil some Taiwan sliced noodles for dinner. Want to do a bit of coding, to tighten up efficiency and figure out how to avoid duplicate search entries.

8pm, Dinner was good. Was discussing the attacks on national footballers here in Malaysia. Who else could it be who wants to basically ruin Malaysia? Who are our enemies? Joel Osteen, sit down!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Wednesday 8am

Up late somehow, this morning. Got cleaned easily. Worked out. Feeling good. Will run in the afternoon. More coding soon. Is it 18 days till Rapture?

11am, Yet to brush. Went for my run. Was okay. Legs felt a bit tender due to babies packing into them. Got the necessary cardio effect, tho. Think I will surround each button row with a frame, so CHR will be operational and released soon. Good news CHR appears bug free. Now to apply the special features so it’ll work better than other outliners out there.

12pm, Work on the app pauses for lunch. Okay, as this is definitely my final one. Looks like my novella, “1997” will never be completed. Want to write one more short story tho. Something to do with aliens and the Roswell rock, Star gates, etc. Maybe tonight after coding wraps up.

1pm, Had ramen for lunch with a bit of egg and tomato. Have to cut down on ramen from today on. And maybe roti canai too. CHR’s scrolling function works better now. It needs to be .root and not a child of root.frame. Mounting pressure from Liew witchy insurgents to attack US capital ships like Apple and Microsoft. Need to call off our analysis teams until tonight.

3pm, CHR is still under inspection for real world usability. Think it needs a bit more code to deal with the introducer tags that I’ve neglected thus far. Otherwise, it has no observable beta-ish behavior. Really a very simple Python3 script that does much what a writer basically needs.

7pm, Experimenting with a Zulu strap and spare Ziko capo rubber strip for my C40 nylon. Save me 40RM. Dinner will be late. Our new house now has an operating fridge so we can finally live there overnight and cook meals. Talked about the signs of God’s coming and how the wicked will persist in wanting to destroy heaven, God, and later, his children.

9pm, Brushed, took my meds. Am coding CHR now. Decided not to improvise a capo but will get one that’s professional. Want to try a light and simple one, that will be unobtrusive. May order it on Shopee.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Tuesday 6am

Up early. Worked out. Will run in the afternoon. Drank green tea. Liew forces stabbed at my heart. Thank God they’re elsewhere now. Have to code soon.

7am, Brushed. May be going to MBPJ to get our new house’s street bin later, as the old one was missing. The torture goes on. Sinners protecting one another and eating up the meek and gentle. Got cleaned easily for the 2nd day running.

10am, 12 hours till tonight’s Apple Event. It’s gonna be great! Love iPad stuff. Back from collecting our house council refuse bin. Cost 130RM but is well-made. Had breakfast out. May run before lunch. CHR mistakes nearly all corrected. Just some details to iron out. Watching Sara Lubratt talking about her book on YouTube. She’s so inspirational sometimes (to others also writing books or stories).

2pm, Back from a 2 hour long brisk walk in KL. Didn’t run after all. Feeling well regulated. Bought a Dunlop capo and .53 Fins pick. Had maggi goreng at SK.

3pm, Showered. Feet had picked up road dirt and grime. Washed them well. Raining. Will do the last bit of coding after rehydrating some more with green tea.

5pm, CHR’s debugging is finally wrapping up. I had some vars mixed up which prevented the 2nd column from populating. Working with lists of dictionaries.

9pm, Waiting for the Apple Event at 10pm. Brushed. Take my meds just before the show. Wrote a Medium article, Strategies of Control.

11pm, Apple Event was good. I’m priced out at the moment but those new iPads / pencils are nice. I got the second column displaying in CHR. Need more algorithm tweaking so even more data shows up side by side. But it’s late. Time to rest. Tomorrow, will be over at the new place. Try to wake up early for a run.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Monday 6am

Up early. Skip my run. Workout soon. CHR still unfinished. 10 days till hospital visit with my shrink. Want to take a long brisk walk today. Not so many people in my hand this morning somehow.

7am, Got cleaned easily and trimmed my mustache, chin, shaved my cheeks. Looking neater. Wearing the G-Shock 2200 I bought from my regular AD. Was ~50RM over Shopee price but well worth it for the ‘support’ we should show in bad times.

9am, Brushed. Am thinking of buying some music equipment, guitar stuff later today. Maybe some picks, a capo, stand, or something.

3pm, Turns out Mom went shopping instead of me. Dad and I just went home after lunch. Will try to run before dinner. Made good progress on the last bit of CHR. Must achieve full spec. Eating that frog. Liew witchy forces still wrecking young lives and killing elderly Christians through the mindspaces. Doing more hand and finger strengthening exercises.

4pm, Back from a brief run. Feeling good. Shoes were nice and bouncy. Think I will head out on my own tomorrow, to the BB area. Rain is coming. Coding sporadically.

7pm, CHR needs some major changes to the agglomerator otherwise much of the juice in the outline will be left out. Made pork, onions, and bell peppers for dinner, helped by Mom. Was tasty and tender. Lots of peace deals being struck in mindspace and deterrents to violence also laid down. Want to sleep late. Catch the Apple event tomorrow night, 10pm IIRC. I just love iPads.

9pm, Wrote an article for my Medium. Keeping busy. Take my meds at 10pm. Showered and am recharging the netbook I’m using to code CHR. Want to stay up late and do more work. Babies from the UK fall prey to the Liew witches.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Sunday 7am

Up late. Will run in the afternoon. Work out soon. CHR is unfinished but getting there. Evil Liew witches roll on.

8am, Back from an early run. Feeling fit. Recovering almost instantly.

9am, Made good headway on CHR. Just need to organize the outline data into 2 columns. A simple program of only 100 lines but so useful. Brushed. Yet to get clean. Took some hits from the Satanists. May be going to KL later for lunch. Gave Sis her volleyball b’day gift.

11am, Had a tomyam kaw ramen for late breakfast and warm Morrison’s coffee. CHR is almost finished. I just need a clever algorithm to better sort the search results, but my brain feels like lard. Maybe complete it around lunchtime. Liew witchy forces hitting out at anyone circumspect, using babies that they cart around.

12pm, Got cleaned and showered. Still in last night’s clothes. Been tweaking my code here and there, looking / waiting for that breakthrough idea. Still nothing. Had prawn crackers and an egg for lunch. Put on a/c. Liew witches bruising important people’s brains. They won’t stop.

2pm, Development on CHR stops for now as it is sufficiently usable. May improve it later, post it up on tomorrow. Took me 2 days to plan / research, 1 to design, and 2 to code.

4pm, Actually, CHR has been on my mind in some form since 3 years ago. The longest I ever thought about something. I must be a slow learner. Making roast chicken for dinner, with Montreal steak spice rub, lettuce and tomato salad. The folks are over at the small house, not sure what for. Tomorrow, piano tuning, then maybe off to KL to eat beef noodles.

6pm, Took a long lukewarm shower. Changed into fresh clothes. Having dinner soon. Think I will skip my run tomorrow, sleep in, take a long walk to BB, on to KLCC on my own after parents head to Sentral for shopping. Want to look for my missing 0.6 guitar pick.

7pm, Dinner was tasty. The roast chicken gravy soaked up with bread, and the crisp brownish chicken skin. I skipped the usual serving of rice. Will rest a bit as America reacts to the machines Asians built to go to heaven, all over my mindspace!

10pm, Took my meds and will turn in by midnight. Put in half an hour’s work on CHR to get it looking good as possible. ‘Prince William’ having fun on all of us because he is ‘going to hell’. Not sure what to tell him to calm him down.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Saturday 8am

Up early at 3:30am. Went for a run at 6am. There was a large roach in the fridge last night. May have to throw out unsealed food and drinks and clean the inside. Managed to get cleaned easily. Brushed as well. Yet to work out. A cool drizzly morning. Listening to Mozart. Worked out, feeling fitter and healthier overall. Will help clean the house later today.

11am, Mom is making lunch. Dad, cleaning the floors. Despite not wearing shoes indoors, it gets pretty dusty, even upstairs.12 days till my hospital visit to get my meds and yearly blood test done. Must take a few long walks leading up to it. Next week, I want to go to KLCC / BB. Many troubles in and out of the mindspaces. Continuous work. Need to be more creative in our methods.

1pm, Showered, changed into fresh clothes, and swept the bedrooms. Lots of dust and old white hair. Was supposed to buzz down my own hair. Maybe tonight. Liew forces downfell numerous babies and toddlers while I was away. Surges of thousands against every Christian who’s in the good fight. Alien influences abound. As I said, a losing game is being played out just like when Jesus was born, in and out of mindspace. Put on the a/c to cool down.

5pm, Back from our small house where Dad did some repair work on the furniture. Had a roti canai at Hameed’s. Mom is making us dinner. Not sure what’s on tomorrow. ‘Prince William’ and the general American public go ballistic, sneered at by good and evil witches. The fortunate and wealthy come before a fall. Maybe nuclear strikes are imminent.

7pm, Trying to patch up the world against the threat of alien mind control. I know I sound schizo but I believe there really are “powers and principalities” of extraterrestrial origin looking over our leaders and strong Christian men and women. Anyway, I made good progress on CHR which now has an interface but no algorithms. Need to scour for code in previous apps like NiP.

9pm, CHR is nearly done. Just to copy and paste in old code. Mod it a bit. Will take a little rest. Take my meds at 10pm.

1am, Feeling sleepy. CHR being rushed to completion but just falls short. Need to turn in shortly.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Friday 5am

Up early. Worked out. Will run at 6am. Have a strange pain in my left foot. Yesterday’s effort to secure the warring witches did not succeed. They cannot let go of the western mind forces. My submission was rejected by FFM yet again.

6am, Back from my run. Feeling good. Wearing the Orient Tristar even as witchy geniuses sing in our heads, trying to destroy every Christian soul, since they’re not welcome in heaven.

7am, Brushed. Got cleaned. My butt is itching again so I had to be gentle, use soft TP. A little care goes a long way. Wearing my Mudman solar. A huge, chunky watch. I have lately stopped accumulating watches / computer / sports / music / art equipment. Not sure what to do with today. Maybe start on the coding.

8am, Simplified the CHR file format to just the ;; tag. The rest is handled by keywords inserted by the user such as ‘subplot’ and ‘background’ etc. Liew mind forces weaponize their deep regret going against God.

1pm, Back from a long walk. Bought Sis’ birthday present (a volleyball). Was hot. Folks were out when I got home. Some time to myself. May do some coding later and submit my essay as well.

2pm, Mom bought me a Subway. Was good, with olives and pickles, and mustard. She had a good meal as well. I often tell her not to eat so much oats. Just a cup in the morning is enough. She used to eat 3 cups. Have to be moderate, sleep well and exercise, and refrain from bad telepathy that angers witches.

3pm, Took a brief cool shower and changed into fresh clothes. Raining. Folks have gone out again to exchange Mom’s top, a size too small. Old age has made her doubtful and unsure about things. Dad’s driving is a bit more careless too. Having pangs of wanting to go up with Jesus right away. Liew witches lose power again. Wonder what they’re up to?

4pm, Very heavy rain. Got Mom out of the car as she was worried about getting wet and her leather sandals, soaked. Will be making beans and mince with potato, lettuce and rice for dinner.

8pm, Wrote some music earlier. Made dinner as Mom was tired. Liew witches trying to force people deep into my mindspace. All their objectives eventually are met as sin predominates in this Babylon of the end. It’s a losing game but one we must play beautifully.

10pm, A roach was in our fridge. Food unsealed has to be thrown out I guess. Predictions of tactical nuclear weapons being used in Ukraine to win fast and a bloody naval (air) confrontation with China in the Pacific. The focus will move to Jerusalem. The odd-fitting jewel in Satan’s crown. God will allow the Devil to battle the saints and triumph. As I said, it is a losing game we are to play all the way through.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Thursday 9am

Up lateish, today I just went for an intensive run. Recovered fast. Will work out in the afternoon. No time, as Mom wanted a dimsum breakfast for some reason. Later we’ll be at Starling. News of scammers in PJ as money gets harder and harder to come by. Got cleaned late as yesterday I had 3 loos. British people acting up as the Liew witches put the squeeze on the Royals. And they hate me even as I keep them safe. Most odd behavior.

2pm, Back from 2 malls in 4 hours. Bought mirrors for the new place’s bathrooms. 9RM at IKEA. Got 2 of those simple flat rectangular glass. Will be coding a little, later on. Work out a bit now.

7pm, Been writing a flash fiction piece for, my other blog. Called “Paranoia”. Don’t get too deep into anything otherwise something will get you! Made sprouts and pan fried chicken for dinner. Was good. Have to try and rein in LiLian and her army somehow as the babies and kids failed.

9pm, Took my meds. Ate some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with a Morrison’s coffee. Morrison's has good and affordable taste. Should turn in by 11pm. Kids taught junk by Liew witches need some therapy now. Successfully turned off the kids with some special candy helped by my old friend, Ian. William and Kate drank some health tonic made by my fellow shifu’s apprentice and they feel better.

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...