Saturday, December 31, 2022

Sunday 12am

It’s 2023 and I just had a curry ramen and coffee. Took my meds late. Can’t sleep yet. Been playing with my stylus in Sketchbook. Waiting for my karate belts and paracord to arrive. Pagodas too. Dealing out justice and control in the mind.

8am, Got cleaned. Mind wars rage on as people scammed by the Liew witches fear for their lives. Want to go on a run now.

9am, Fed the hamster. Will resume writing in the afternoon after putting down the scammers.

2pm, Unable to work much due to the Liew witches’ pressing and manipulating the Royals. Exercised, had some yam pudding for lunch. Maybe tonight will be peaceful.

3pm, Need to run, exercise, and diet every day from tomorrow. Witches lay down the law on wayward telepathic breakers.

7pm, Signs and omens of this year ahead. Interesting time to be alive. Wearing the “Casual Karate” belt which is very comfortable.

Friday, December 30, 2022

Saturday 7am

Up early. Some family still behaving badly. Liew witches still at large. Fed the hamster. Taking it slow today. Thinking of new developments to come.

9am, Shaved, got cleaned. Will be leaving for KLCC soon to meet my cousin. Thinking of 3D printing pocket watch movements to go with my karate belt business. Will try to finish writing today. Exercised. Feeling healthier. Family and friends leeching off me in a huge witchy scam.

5pm, Back from KLCC where I met my cousin for lunch at Chili’s. He told me how our family abroad suffered, indirectly. There’s so much sin in the world today and people without love. Need to talk about it later.

6pm, Bought three 4cm karate belts and matching paracord on Shopee just now. Ready to start my store. Rethinking my watch movement design. 2 mainsprings, a tick disc with a single track, and a regulator. I also now have an affordable stylus for my iPad. Works quite well in Freeform but not Artrage.

8pm, Fed the hamster. Pope Benedict is dead. Witchy Liews are fighting like crazy for survival. Looks like another night of rallying support and dispensing truth. Will write my final story next year I guess.

10pm, Been sketching in Sketchbook. My cheap stylus has no pressure sensitivity but that’s quite okay as it has tilt. May draw some stuff once in a while. Liew witches seem to be defeated.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Friday 9am

Got up a little late. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Writing story #3, to finish by tomorrow. The previous attempt to spin a tale was too ambitious. Liew witches and their genius army in retreat as their masers backfire.

10am, Still writing. Not very easy but doable. Just need some deep searching spiced with my usual reckless abandon.

1pm, Had chicken rice for lunch. Hamster too. Shirts are shipped. May arrive tomorrow while I’m out.

2pm, Writing picking up momentum after enough elements put in place. Did some editing. Can’t wait to publish -my best work to date.

3pm, Invented the karate belt… belt. Now I have a business. Comfort and savings for everyone. Always believed it was possible.

5pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Finishing up writing tonight. Will take my meds early. Liew witches on the back foot again. Using a minimum of teaching and beating to turn around the cheated masses of kids, mainly.

8pm, Taking a break from all the inventing and writing work to contemplate the mind situation. Liew witches are still at large. It’s clear my family have been scammed big. Dealing with it is treacherous and stubborn.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Thursday 8am

Surges of schizophrenic activity in the mindscape this morning. We were unable to dethrone the witches. Dad bought durian again. I will pass this time. Had a roti canai tho. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Going for a run soon.

9am, Back from a quick run. Feeling good. Later, room cleaning and clearing hamster waste. On my Pi4 now. Try to write a bit before lunch but instead have to solve family feuds.

2pm, The crisis is declared closed on fire-mountain day and people are moving apart. Some justice is in order. Control weapons deployed. Healing stations are open to cleanse off the effects of telepathy. Cleaned my room and vacuumed up hamster waste. Having sandwiches for dinner.
3pm, Ordered 4 Pagoda-style Eagle King shirts, made in Malaysia for 60RM shipped from Kedah. 2 for Dad and 2 for me.

10pm, Cleaned up a lot of evil in the mind and freed numerous people from slavery to the Liew witches. Lots more to do still. Fed the hamster. Telepathic plotting in my family was revealed. No work done today. Took my meds. Exercised. Must press our advantage against dark Mensa and clairvoyants.

Wednesday 4am

Up really early. Quite peaceful this morning. Throat feels sore. Writing should wrap up by tonight, late.

5am, Liew witches exposed as elaborate scammers and dethroned. Drank a latte. Laying off ramen for a while. Thinking of better times to come.

6am, Got cleaned. Planning to walk today. Maybe to Amcorp / Asia Jaya. Feed the hamster at 7:30.

10am, Had breakfast at SK. Going out after lunch. Invented a tyre wrench and car jack for easy wheel changes especially by women.

12pm, Had chicken noodles for lunch and Berry’s walnut cake. Rained a bit. Feeling up to a walk in an hour or so. May give away my Tenor-Dorly on premium matching NATO.

3pm, Back from my walk. Showered, changed into fresh clothes. Put on a/c to cool down. Watch prices at Sunrise Time Centre are competitive with Shopee. Had an iced coffee. Didn’t buy anything. Will work out after a rest. May write a bit later. Liew scammy witches trying to surge.

8pm, Exercised. Hamster had some chicken. Lots of regret among those who were scammed, who later sinned against the Spirit. Feeling anxious and sad as they push into my nerves. Hopefully they die soon although hell awaits most of them.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Tuesday 5am

Up early after sedatives last night. Hand less numb. Still working on story #3. Little inspiration. Liew witches silent for now. May head out later.

6am, Got cleaned. Hamster is hungry early. Fed it. Want to get a nice dress watch but no budget currently. Am window shopping.

9am, Ate too much sugar. Exercised. Feeling better. The witchy modus operandi of the Liew 6 is revealed and many Christians are free.

1pm, Back from lunch / bank. Bought charcoal and putty. Met my relatives there too. Back from a brief run. Feeling good.

2pm, Buying a posh-looking watch strap for my Baltany instead of a new dress watch. 42RM on Carousell.

6pm, Unable to close the strap deal. Have the Baltany on shagreen instead which looks okay. Shame not to put my bespoke stingray to use. Seems I had a number of things to sort out before finishing my story.

8pm, Fed the hamster and brushed my teeth. Taking my meds late. Staying up to write a bit.

9pm, Turning in earlier than expected, maybe by 11pm. Wrote a detailed outline for story #3 so it will be easily finished tomorrow. Signing off.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Monday 6am

Up early after a few hours sleep. Had a spicy ramen and some peanut butter. Will run later and feed the hamster. Liew witches under fire. Western forces on edge.

8am, Got cleaned. Fed the hamster. Exercised. Feeling better mentally and physically. Going for a run. Wonder if my parcel will arrive. Liew witches being destroyed. Running shoes, one of the best investments you can make. Pay for themselves in months. Expect my iPad to last 6 years before I sell / donate it. Cost of ownership is 100RM more per year than for a PC.

9am, Working on my story. It will have to be plotted carefully. Liew witches still at large.

11am, Lots of Liew insurgents come down with heart disease. Sadly, my own family is affected. Friends from school too, by bucket load.

4pm, My formal linen period-style pirate shirt XXL arrived just now. 68RM. Fits, is comfy and looks stylish. Ready to take on the world. Talked with my family and friends who were causing trouble in the mind. Hard to get through to this brood of violent, witchy people. More writing to go.

6pm, Made beans and aubergines for dinner as Mom was tired. Her leg is going bad. Which reminds me we have to talk on the hatred that these old timers feel for the West since they mishandled the Liew witches. Meeting my cousin this week for some good chow in KL.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Sunday 7am

Up pretty early. Playing with my iPad instead of working on my stories. It’s been a hectic week and some time to rest / heal is in order. Have to run later. Feed the hamster soon.

8am, Went on a 2 minute run. Feeling refreshed. Will exercise before lunch, work on my final story. Dad bought durian again. My pirate shirt from China is in PJ but may be Tuesday before it’s delivered.

9am, Exercised. Staying healthy and strong is important when your body is being packed into. Still forced  off my work as if there is a prophecy hanging over my head and I’m walking that fine line. Will write at 10:30 am definitely.

12pm, Got my photos restored from Dad’s Mac. Feeling happier. Missed my pics. Tried to use a thumb drive but that didn’t work so went through Google Drive, online.

2pm, Busy whacking the Liew 6. Couldn’t do much work. Maybe tonight. 

3pm, Writing with inspiration at last. Turning out to be a bit of a comedy.

7pm, Had takeout fried noodles for dinner. Will shower and feed the hamster soon. Taking my meds late so I can stay up and write more.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Saturday 1am

Can't sleep despite taking my meds early. Took a Rivotril. Planning to go out tomorrow (Christmas Eve). Maybe to DigiMall.

7am, Up early and got cleaned. Will venture out at 10am. Liew witches instigating children onto me.

8am, Fed the hamster. Think I would like an iPad Mini after CNY.

3pm, Back from a long walk to Digimall. Bought an iPad 10th gen. Quite a nice piece of kit. Spent 2.1kRM. Could have been 1990RM but there was no promo. Friends freaking out trying to count heaven and hell. Westerners are no longer very kind.

6pm, Have to restore some photos from Dad’s mini to my new iPad, otherwise everything is set up well. May write a bit tonight. Want to get a Logitech crayon at 280RM next year. Talked about crimes and misconceptions involving money.

8pm, Had sweet potato leaves from the garden for dinner. Hamster had orange, oats, yogurt, bread, and bok choy. Can’t write almost at all and tomorrow is Christmas. Staying up for the fireworks. Learning to type differently from when I had the split iPad keyboard.

10pm, Listening to music on my new iPad. Take my meds now. Will do some brainstorming for my story. Found Apple’s iPad app-maker, Swift Playground, so now I can code for iOS again. What joy!

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Friday 6am

Up early. My short story "The Heresy" got rejected as well. Working on my self-published book instead. Got cleaned and will feed the hamster soon. To the psych clinic later this morning.

8am, Being lazy, not writing much. Did some document formatting and made intro and bio pages. Exercised. Feeling good.

9am, Uncle acting up on his own family, smashing my stroked head and jabbing my cousin. End times madness.

12pm, Back from the clinic. Went well. Having some lunch while thinking deeper into my final story. It's not something that's happened to me yet unlike the others.

5pm, Showered and changed into tomorrow's clothes. Wearing the Baltany DD on leather. Talked about creativity -music, art, storytelling, and its laws. How religion was suppressed by the Liew witch ancestors. Now we have some leverage on the criminals killing people. 

My cousin from abroad is coming home for Christmas. Luckily I have some spare money for a premium lunch / dinner. As luck has it, I've plotted out story #3 and will finish it by tomorrow.

8pm, Gave Mom my old 5th gen iPad. May get a new one for myself later on, or a Surface or something.

11pm, Couldn't work on my story as there were engagements in the mindscape. Lots of gospel knowledge was given out and the evil / mad commanders were detained for extermination. I may not move on a new Mac / iPad until next year.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Thursday 7am

Fell asleep before finishing #4. Liew witches lashing out through children and babies, protected by sinful Joe Public. Will probably not write too much today, just wrap up the story I started. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. It had durian. Want to go on a run later.
10am, House cleaning today. 3 pages left to write. #4 is an inspirational tale, about kindness and love.

3pm, Raining heavily. Haven't run yet. Maybe later. Tomorrow is my psych clinic visit. Starting on story #3 (last one) but don't have any real inspiration. Each of the 4 stories has to be special and make up ~100 pages overall. Trying to get half of it down by midnight.

4pm, Exercised. Edited my first 3 stories before starting the final one.

5pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Having dinner soon. Feed the hamster and get down to work. Must take my meds by 9pm so I can wake up earlier.

8pm, Fed the hamster. It liked the sourdough bread with yogurt and oats. Liew witches in retreat yet again after we segmented their mental functions which they were using to do harm in the mindscape. Still haven't moved much on story #4. Wrote a uke song instead for my channel.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Wednesday 11am

Got up earlyish and got cleaned. Fed the hamster. Dad bought more durian. Been writing almost continuously since yesterday. Determined to have a book published. May go on a run in the evening after I’m done with story #2. Liew witches fade away as Sis gets into trouble in the ICU. Started wrapping Christmas presents for the nieces. I actually do love my dysfunctional family. All I have.

12pm, Ran early. For the cardio. Feeling healthier. Finishing up the last page of #2.

1pm, Starting #3. Writing 20-pagers stretches my mind a lot. Had yam pudding with prawn sambal for lunch. I’m pulling +10 hour workdays now.

6pm, Maybe I’ll finish up #4 instead of #3 which is challenging. Got interrupted by a rain storm. I can’t believe how loved I feel lately, and how much I love other people through their troubles, ups and downs.

9pm, Exercised and feeling healthier. Liew witches on the backfoot again. Staying up late to finish my story.

11pm, Finishing #4 easily but now comes the tricky plot twist. May have to sleep on it. Take my meds soon.

Monday, December 19, 2022

Tuesday 8am

Up early and got cleaned. Fed the hamster. Liew witches still stirring up kids, making trouble. Destroying their brain cells gradually. My shirt has shipped. Maybe receive it after Christmas.

10am, Back from Oriental Kopi. Had curry, polo bun, coffee, and some chee cheong fun. Not bad but probably not worth waiting in line for, as happens daily. My poem got rejected, story probably too. No worries, I can recycle them into something or other.

11am, Went for a brief run. Feeling fitter. Taking it easy over Christmas / New Year. Being as long-suffering and steadfast as possible. Wonder how ex GF is doing with my belt business idea. Hope to see her soon. Don’t think I’ll cut it as a writer since my stroke. Will try to cobble something together for Partridge anyway.

8pm, Finished a mammoth 2800 word short story. Another one coming up.

9pm, Exercised. Feeling healthier. Fed the hamster extra meal of yogurt-oats and a slice of orange. It likes citrus and was still hungry. Will be writing the whole night through. 20 pages.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Monday 7am

Caught the finals last night and attended the authors’ meeting. Went well and Argentina lift the World Cup. Got cleaned and will feed the hamster soon. Liew witches strike back. Their brains are mush.

9am, Back from a leisurely run down the road and back. Knees still a little sore. Taking it easy today. May code a bit later that’s all for December.

1pm, Ate nasi lemak. Got funds in. I now have $100 in my wallet, $100 disposable over the next 4 weeks, and $700 in savings. Tomorrow may be hitting the mall for a good breakfast. Nothing much to spend on since I started running to keep fit. Free, fast and easy. Going out just once a week.

5pm, Feeling really tired. Had a nap. Wearing the Baltany DD on leather. Liew insurgent forces’ nerve / brain cells being killed.

6pm, Exercised. Feeling good but still tired. Ate pork and beans and cabbage for dinner. Feed the hamster at 7pm. Can’t wait for my shirt. Hope it’s textured and not smooth. Showered and changed into tomorrow’s clothes.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Sunday 10am

Got up late. Missed the football due to tiredness. Liew witches roll on. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Went on a short run and am feeling good. Some asthmatic relations living in me were hit bad. Result of telepathy, needing a home from kanly i.e. money grabbing.

12pm, May be getting together with old flame after Christmas. The business ideas I have are strong enough for us to have a life together. Talked to my friends about love and money and how the laws of God make these happen in good time.

2pm, Helped design Gary’s “Academic” as somehow he was around. Rather jealous of his baby now. Maybe tonight we can see off the Liew witches, after the World Cup final starts. Exercised for 2 minutes and am feeling healthier ahead of my blood test. Ate sourdough and cheese for lunch.

5pm, Tweeted a bit. Taking life slow until after New Year.

9pm, Fed the hamster. Knees being targeted again. Bought a European period formal shirt on Shopee, ~70RM. XXL, hope it fits. Always wanted one like David Copperfield’s when he performed in Malaysia way back in the 80s. Have to put the Liew witches to death soon. Teaching forces are spreading out to reach as many as possible and debunk misconceptions about Christians. Children in droves are being deceived.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Saturday 3am

Up very early. My right knee got bruised, pressed against the wall. Liew witches singing. Left knee less sore. Right hand still being taken over by people moving their fingers in different directions. May go on a run in the evening.

6am, Got cleaned. Finished my Medium article. Want to code ZR today. No more writing stuff till January.

8am, Fed the hamster. Scratched off the Liew insurgents’ memory centres. One step closer to realising my dreams of my own business -finding a partner to stitch my fabric school belts and split profits 50-50.

9am, Finished designing my microbrand watch, the Vocation off-shore. It is sweet. Hope to manufacture it in small batches after I sell enough belts over 2023.

1pm, Raining. Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Feeling more hopeful about my future -some things to live for i.e. my business ideas. I should be healthier soon as well. Will catch the World Cup third place playoff tonight 10pm. Tomorrow night, a meeting with flash fiction authors on Zoom. Coding ZR going slow.

4pm, Exercised. Felt that cardio. Couldn’t work much so I rested. Major engagements to expel the witch Liew and co.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Friday, 12am

Going to start my own business. Belt making. Hope it will be a hit with students especially. Offering high and low end belts of my own unique design. Will start prototyping tomorrow on some old karate belts I have. Wish me luck.

6am, Up early. May head out later this morning. Check out some malls. Feed the hamster at 8am. Had a spicy ramen for breakfast. Looks like the Liew witches are in retreat after coming out strong just now.

7am, Got cleaned. Will hit the train station in a few hours.

12pm, Back from Amcorp. My left knee hurt pretty bad. Couldn’t walk much. Bought some Christmas presents, a Mensa puzzle book for Dad and a pretty expensive card game for Sis’ family. As such I’m now a member of BookXcess. Must remember to visit on my birthdays for the 50% discount. Want to finish telling my watch story on Medium today.

2pm, Will clean up hamster waste this evening, just bag and wet wipe. Did the job early. Everything feels so difficult under the press of many minds. Nice to have a clean room tho. Halfway through my Medium article, final part. Will probably not write / code anymore this year. Just rest and seed others.

5pm, Mom’s back from the clinic. Eye problems. Starting to rain. Tragedy strikes, mega landslide buries campers. Liew witches struck with throat cancer for persisting in being violent and destructive, repaying me with a stomach ache.

8pm, Exercised. Had fish for dinner. Feed hamster some yogurt later on. It. Had some fish and some orange pulp and nuts to tide it over. Speaking to my friends on their mad behaviour due to American telepathy in the 70s-80s.

9pm, Brushed my teeth and took my meds. Should sleep by midnight.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Thursday 10am

Got up late after watching the football last night. Took a Rivotril to sleep better. Liew witches still attacking. A system of sin is growing here.

12pm, ate marmite sandwiches with mayo for lunch. Fed the hamster.  Back from on a short jog. Some editing on Chequer Amore to remove 2 irritating “like”s. Hope it gets published. Want to work on a longer piece today at the expense of TAOT which is stalled halfway.

3pm, Exercised. Feeling the cardio, less faint. May get my writing collab chance after all.

4pm, Showered and changed into oversized Millet hiking shorts held up well by a comfy short karate belt. Gave my stretch braid belt to Dad. Merry Christmas! Working on my Medium 3-part story, “Learning to Tell Time”. Will wrap it up tonight.

9pm, Fed the hamster. Brushed my teeth. Concluding my Medium series on watches and mental health. Will take my meds at 11pm, turn in around midnight. Tomorrow I hope to visit Amcorp and later, DigiMall.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Wednesday 1am

Waiting for the big game at 3am. Making friends on Twitter. Can’t work much due to the pressing of many needy minds. Had some ramen and bread for supper.

3am, Watching the match while surfing. Thinking of marketing my stories better.

1pm, Back from MegaMall. Not very many sales this year. Ate KFC. Mega orders of food and money-changing at the mall. Not sure why. Tensions between East and West may escalate after Christmas. Liew witches subdued again. Arguments over my health and mind service performance. Don’t really feel like working on my book but will try after a rest.

5pm, Exercised and am feeling better. Will walk tomorrow morning. Decided not to worry too much about work -just take it easy for a few days at a time. Want to write some new short stories based on my old material, The Coracle.

10pm, Finished writing and submitted my work as a poem to Third Wednesday -on a Wednesday! Learning to be more patient. Good activity on Twitter and Will work on a new story while waiting for 2am football.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Tuesday 6am

Up early. Hand is less numb. Got cleaned. Waiting for my parcel which is in town now. Last night’s talk and action turned out well. Less trouble from the Liew witches. Feeling chilly.

8am, Fed the hamster. Can’t wait to try on my Cookman pants. Football at 3am tonight. Working on my book going slow.

11am, Back from a 20 minute walk to the LRT station. Knees still hurting. Put on a/c to cool down. Looks like Ninjavan will deliver my parcel this afternoon.

12pm, Wrapping up chapter 5 of TAOT, then will take a break and review my new Cookman pants.

5pm, Watching YouTube instead of working because I feel a bit depressed. Had fun reviewing the pants.

7pm, Discovered a sign in my new pants. Paisley comes from Persia and is called “boteh”. My fanny pack is Persian green-blue. And both are USA-designed products. One is kitchen wear the other mountian wear. Fire-Mountian, 6b in the ABY which is just 16 days away. “Inner peace is in satisfaction as outer peace is in invention… there is no technology like sunshine…”. Shall I go to Suria KLCC after Christmas and get some tech stuff? Or is “Sunny” ukulele enough?

10pm, Raining. Just exercised and am feeling good. Had nice fish and okra for dinner. Tomorrow may go to the mall early. Will set an alarm.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Monday 1am

Wrote some songs because I couldn’t sleep. One for a Twitter follower who posted a great poem. Used my ukulele on the last one. Cookman pants haven’t shipped. Not sure I want to get my watch battery replaced but will tag along to New Town in the morning. Liew insurgent cells still active for 2 dozen reasons.

8am, Up early, got cleaned. Will feed the hamster soon. The battle for my right hand rages on. Liew insurgents bullying the west and their supporters.

3pm, Raining. Back from trudging woundedly through the mall. Had to bully the world to clean up after the Liew witches.

4pm, Decided to record some simple ukulele songs for my YouTube channel themed on fruit. Will be using some percussion and ocarina.

6pm, Wrote more of my book. Looks like chapter 5 will be finished tomorrow. Left knee still achey. Putting down a kids and baby revolt against God by the Liew witches through me, unexpectedly. Have to make these tykes learn respect by force. My Cookman pants should arrive tomorrow.

8pm, Had a long warm shower with Dove soap and changed into fresh clothes. Rained, so the air is cool. Starting Chapter 5 now to finish in 3 to 4 hours. Feed the hamster in half an hour.

9pm, Exercised for that cardio burn. Can’t run right now. Writing has stalled for now. Try again at midnight. Lots of psychology was revealed and people were saved.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Sunday 10am

Got up late after catching the World Cup match last night. England vs France. Fed the hamster. Had some pickled ginger bought from Jaya Grocer / Starling. Want to head out later if I can dump on time. Wearing my Aqualand JP1060. Liew witches still harassing my group of friends.

1pm, Could loo which is a relief. Hand still numb and knees sore. Rise to the challenge, be steadfast and longsuffering. Pampering myself with a pair of Cookman pants which are ~270RM off Shopee, Gsupply. Have to Exercise and write my book later this afternoon. Looks like rain will spoil any outing plans.

2pm, Exercised. Writing away. Attacking the Liew 6 with nerve powers. Resume working at 2:45pm.

4pm, Mind wars rage on. Can’t work much. Sorting my clothes:
  1. Black shorts / gray tee
  2. Gray shorts / neon tee
  3. Green shorts / black tee
  4. White shorts / red tee
  5. Olive shorts / white tee
  6. Khaki shorts / beige tee
  7. Red Cookmans / Ivory shirt
  1. Red UA tee
  2. Green Nike tee
  3. Gray Domyos tee
  4. Blue Basics tee
  5. Gray sweat shorts
Will resume writing at night I guess. Had gyoza dumplings for dinner. Mom and Dad had AAA pickled ginger with theirs.

Friday, December 9, 2022

Saturday 12am

Watching Brazil vs Croatia. Tense match. Liew witches muddying the waters of judgement. If Brazil wins, Lian goes free. Cleaned and oiled my Baltany’s leather strap which is now darker and more rustic. Think it’ll do as my dress watch, at a modest $100. Was looking at a Frederique Constant World Timer but that costs 20k RM. Reminded of the billions lost by the PN government. Affordable quartz should be my daily wear as many in Malaysia are cash strapped.

2am, Croatia win on penalties. Lian is to be executed by chucking or anything. We’re so relieved. Spirit is rallied against the mind criminals. God is with us. Took my meds and will wake up to a new world.

8am, Got up fairly early after a good sleep. Leg feels a bit better. My shoulder is itchy where I had my jab. Right hand still being taken over and withered by loved ones and friends gone mad, urged on by the Liew witches.

12pm, Wrote a few hundred more words of my book, The Art of Thinking. More to come later after a rest. It’s getting a bit tough to plough as more and more equations are added but satisfying when I look back on these plain truths revealed. Wearing my Baltany DD on leather since last night. Liew witches being reduced by dulling.

2pm, Starting chapter 4 of TAOT. At this rate, I will be done with all 10 chapters by mid next week. Exercised. May walk tomorrow to Amcorp. Wear my new shoes. Watching some videos to unwind. Put on a/c. Don’t feel like dumping mornings now somehow. Must be somebody’s schedule colliding.

5pm, Wrapping up chapter 4 with some example scenarios. Really fun to write. My Aqualand’s battery is dying. After 6 years. Will try to have it changed at Paradigm Mall Citizen shop or maybe Amcorp Mall tomorrow.

8pm, Raining. So cool I don’t need the fan. Football at 2am. Take meds late. Helping friends with mental problems. You wouldn’t beat up a friend would you?

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Friday 8am

Got up late. Knees still a bit sore and finger a bit numb. Morning air is cool. Didn’t use a/c last night. Have to feed the hamster soon and get cleaned. Then may go on a run. Coding is going slow but steady. Soon I will have a new app to distribute.

9am, Back from a short and rather awkward run. Met a girl on Twitter being systematically paralysed. Such are the needs of sinners in the mind wars breaking out pre Tribulation. Must be patient.

11am, Wearing my Protrek on gutted paracord. Coding in starts and stops. This weekend, Zero Rugby must be released!

12pm, Back from banana leaf vegetarian at Raju’s. Knees are still sore. Helping heal millions of faithful households destroyed by the Liew witches and mishandled by the government. Meanwhile, bad people must not sin after they’re opened. I need to form some teaching for my family and others like them.

1pm, Finally could loo. Helped some celebs tortured by the Liew 6’s prophetic dealings and misconceptions. Will code soon.

4pm, Spent 2 hours writing my Mathsy book instead. It should be done in a week. Quite addictive to work on. Going at it again tonight while watching the football. Not to take my meds too early.

9pm, Showered, changed and brushed my teeth. The game against the Liew witches is ON. Brazil or die. Meanwhile my Math equations are educating the masses of deceived people snared by the witches.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Thursday 6am

Up really early. Knees less sore. May be able to run a bit later. Still wearing my  GDB200UU. Will exercise soon. Had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a glass of Americano. Feeling better.

8am, Back from the mamak where I had a coffee and roti canai. Fed the hamster and exercised. Think I’ll slow down my work for a while. Today is house cleaning day. Meeting up at 7pm to sell my 291H. Start coding at 9am.

10am, Haven’t done any work. Being held down by a finger due to my weak mental health. Will try to power through at 11am.

3pm, Raining. Coding progresses at last. Battle for control of my right hand ensues. Wondering what watch to get once I hit the big time. Thinking maybe a GS Anti-magnetic quartz which would be around 10k RM.

8pm, Back from selling my 291H. The buyer was friendly and we had a long talk while it rained. I showed him my website and he said he would read my book. Legs still achy. Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Fed the hamster late, avocado, yogurt, cucumber, bread and yam. Guess I will go back to coding Zero Rugby the rest of the night.

10pm, Working on ZR. It should be fun but I’m smothered by other people’s emotions and it now seems unnecessary work.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Wednesday 1am

Networking well on Twitter. Spain and Morocco seem headed for a draw in a PiP on my iPad. Take my meds soon. Feeling loved especially wearing my new watch.

2am, Brushed my teeth and took my meds. Thinking of my watch microbrand, “vocation”. Family and Liew witches act up over a layers of mistakes and mishandlings.

8am, Feed the hamster soon. Legs less achy after a good sleep. Want to run later. Just taking it slow due to the witchcraft.

9am, Back from a gentle run. Got the cardio burn I needed. Best thing I ever bought: running shoes. Today’s plan is to code my python game.

10am, Ate a curry ramen for brunch. Start coding at 10:45am

2pm, Was dragged out to the mall with Mom and Dad instead of my planned time at home. Bought Americano coffee which tastes a bit odd. Ate egg fried rice, quite good. Leg still hurts some. Not much Christmas sales. Could loo at last. Will exercise later. Still want to get my coding over with. YouTube video views stalled. Medium at zero.

4pm, Selling my 291H on Carousell. Losing money but at least someone will have a nice watch for cheap. Don’t see myself buying more in the medium term, like 2-3 years.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Tuesday 12am

Joined Medium where I can satisfy my urge to share my watch hobby and pathos. It’s 3 hours to the World Cup match. Liew 6 are fighting for their lives. Brushed my teeth and am charging my iPad. Wonder how I’ll wake up for the mall trip tomorrow.

12pm, Got up and fed the hamster. Will get cleaned then figure out exactly where I’ll be going today. Need to run as well. Still wearing my new GDB200.

1pm,  Back from my short run. Feeling good. Less breathless. Put on the a/c to cool down. Thinking of subscribing to Medium this Christmas. YouTube views have dried up of a sudden. Wonder what to wear to the mall. Having pizza before going. Brushed my teeth. Haven’t looed due to all the early morning matches.

3pm, Will strike out in the evening, maybe 6 or 7pm. Had US Pizza for tea. Gave the 9052 G away to my niece after wiping it down with antibacterial wipes. No sense storing it as I wear a 200UU all the time now. Need to get a suitable strap for the PRS516 that doesn’t cost arm and leg.

5pm, Did some strap swapping and am satisfied. Planning to sell my 291H next year. Want to buy a luxury dress watch around 6k RM if I make it big. Have to try and work tonight. Still raining so I can’t go out. Exercised for that cardio burn.

8pm, Had fish for dinner, so did the hamster. Thinking of joining Medium for $5 a month but I may not be able to write much as the Liew and western telepathy increases leading up to Tribulation. Knees still hurting on and off.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Monday 6am

Up early. Feeling cold. Have to get today going. Lots to do. Liew witches still at large. Parcel seems to be on track for delivery this afternoon.

8am, Fed the hamster. Arguments over my health and mind wars service. Got cleaned and am waiting for my watch.

10am, Exercised. Feeling good. Will run in the afternoon after my parcel is delivered.

12pm, Had salad, baked beans and egg for lunch. Fallout of the witchy Liew 6 and compromised Royals hustling me all morning.

3pm, Wearing my new GBD200 in cream just delivered. Rather nondescript, looking like a hundred similar digital watches. Good, I have acquired stealth! Will review it shortly on YapsGear.

5pm, Dumped (at last), showered and changed into fresh clothes. Mom and Dad have been putting together home cooked food baskets for Sis who has COVID. She lives quite near by, fortunately. Don’t think I will run today as my knees still hurt a bit. Will be up past 2am to catch the football. Liew witches hit with membrane thinning but still defiant.

7pm, Had a good dinner and am monitoring my YouTube shorts clip which is doing surprisingly well. Interesting to see where my viewers are and what they do. Explained a bit about British vs Chinese people’s culture and all is going smoothly.

8pm, Fed the hamster avocado, yogurt, chicken and veg. Thinking I may go to MegaMall tomorrow for a few hours to see if there are Christmas sales. Taking my meds late.

11pm, waiting for the game to start. Wearing the GBD200. Witchy Liew forces not so vengeful right now. May do some writing in the 4 hours till kickoff.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Sunday 1am

Dutch beat USA in a thrilling match. Another one coming up in an hour. Action against the Liew witches successful. Don’t think my watch will arrive tomorrow as it’s still in Langkawi.

1pm, Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Filled up my Instagram with my app screenshots and posted a “shorts” on YouTube before I went to bed at 6am. Also sent a watch design to TGV, no reply yet. Liew witches less volatile.

3pm, Exercised. Feeling less faint. Will run after the rain. Ran early. Less out of breath this time. Shoes feel good particularly on faster runs. Knees feel a bit better. Liew witches massaging a bone. Such is the life of a mad, bad witch.

10pm, Organised my Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter to focus on apps / writing, music, and meeting people respectively. That way I’m not annoying to the social sphere, promoting myself everywhere. Looks like my parcel may arrive Monday. Can’t wait. Some bad stuff going down in the mindscape tonight.

Friday, December 2, 2022

Saturday 9am

Up late. Got cleaned. Fed the hamster. Liew witches menacing me with western children and babies. Many shield these criminals from harm as they have sinned and are open to attacks. My watch should be delivered tomorrow.

10am, Playing records instead working. Liew witches being repulsed. Hopefully the scourge will be put to rest soon.

11am, Working on my still secret book. Also handling the witchcraft with some clever trickery. Had a curry ramen for lunch. Will run in the afternoon.

3pm, Back from my run. Feeling good. Watching more Sara Lubratt as she strikes out on her own into the wide world, independent and positive.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Friday 3am

Took my meds late. Wide awake and am writing my book. It’s a self help guide to thinking. Need to flesh it out a lot more. Meanwhile Liew witches spear me through my head.

9am, Up late. Fed the hamster. We bought durian again. Decided to take a break from Twitter and not push my links anymore. Liew witches still at large and it’s now early December.

10am, Got cleaned. Haven’t had breakfast. Watch is late -still in Langkawi. Will run in the afternoon. Liew 6 not happy I’m enjoying writing a book and lashed out with stinging and burning,

11am, Back from my run. Wasn't too out of breath this time. Working hard on my book which is being prevented by the Liew witches.

1pm, Ate Malay tempeh and spuds for late lunch. Been handling the witches instead of working. Underestimated people’s sinfulness. They feel better cooperating with the witches.

6pm, Parcel still in Langkawi. No watch to review yet. Anwar unveils his cabinet today and the much anticipated deputy PM(s). Book I’m writing now which is top secret kind of writes itself which is lucky. It will have between 70-90 pages.

8pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Exercise soon. Had yogurt curry for dinner which was good. No matches tonight. Want to write more. Rest from tweeting for a bit. Cleaned my room and disposed hamster waste. Feed the little girl in half an hour.

10pm, Took my meds and should sleep soon. The ABY came true today "Rose Water and the Indian Bistro Argument" just as Anwar forms his government under the protection of the Malay royalty. We are flushing out the Liew threat with supernatural power.

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...