Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Thursday 6am

Up really early. Knees less sore. May be able to run a bit later. Still wearing my  GDB200UU. Will exercise soon. Had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a glass of Americano. Feeling better.

8am, Back from the mamak where I had a coffee and roti canai. Fed the hamster and exercised. Think I’ll slow down my work for a while. Today is house cleaning day. Meeting up at 7pm to sell my 291H. Start coding at 9am.

10am, Haven’t done any work. Being held down by a finger due to my weak mental health. Will try to power through at 11am.

3pm, Raining. Coding progresses at last. Battle for control of my right hand ensues. Wondering what watch to get once I hit the big time. Thinking maybe a GS Anti-magnetic quartz which would be around 10k RM.

8pm, Back from selling my 291H. The buyer was friendly and we had a long talk while it rained. I showed him my website and he said he would read my book. Legs still achy. Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Fed the hamster late, avocado, yogurt, cucumber, bread and yam. Guess I will go back to coding Zero Rugby the rest of the night.

10pm, Working on ZR. It should be fun but I’m smothered by other people’s emotions and it now seems unnecessary work.

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Wednesday 16 October

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