Saturday, August 31, 2024

Sunday 1 September

A new month is here. I’m up early, before dawn. Fell asleep last night without coding. Still feeling blurry over CLX. More or less, I’m being prevented again. Kids shepherded by the Liew witchy 6 course through the mindspaces as judges. Will run later, maybe at 7am.

Worked out, brushed. May run this evening as my neck and head feel tender. Liew witchy forces gather against my final app as it were a prophecy to be disproven. Part of their fun since they turned fully evil and overstepped the bounds they themselves feel in the heart. Taking Sunday slow.

Mid afternoon. Back from a brief but intense run. Feeling good and thinking clearer. Love my Decathlon Pebax running shoes. Just doing light work today. Uploading more materials to
I invented a tennis stroke trainer -one of my dreams, just now. Will head out next week to get parts to make it with. Think I need beads and some small screws, foam, an armband and some aluminum, maybe got from a can.

Had a good dinner of fish, charchoy steamed pork, and sweet potato leaves. Took a much needed shower. Scrubbed my face as I do occasionally. I guess I will pass on making the tennis innovations, focus on my coding. Someone might pick them up later or I could resurface them as needed. Brushed. Take my meds late so I can do a bit of coding. Some people are occupying my mindspace re. coding and it’s been lucky I made any apps at all. Quite a lot of my code is borrowed from examples online.

Well that’s probably all for today. Read more of me on DogBlots.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Saturday 31 August

Independence day is here. Merdeka as we call it. Fireworks outside this just after midnight. We are clearing the mindspaces of threats since the Liew witches kicked a few kids and babies down, possibly to death. Hopefully these criminals don’t regroup in the night. Meanwhile, am coding YAK to be more interactive. It will hit v1.0.0 soon.
It's late morning and I finally got the SoundPlayer python class working. Downloaded it off GitHub. Now to do the progress bar. A side effect of SP is I now have threading / multitasking so the scrubbing is much smoother while being stable. Shortly, we'll be heading out for lunch, possibly.

Almost done coding YAK. Used a recursive call for the progress bar which works well. Now just debugging and tweaking. Folks are over at the shoebox while I stayed home due to work I need to clear. Don’t want to do a poor job.

Made a good western dinner together with Mom. Uploaded YAK v1.0.0 just now. It’s still rough round the edges but works decently. I will leave off its polishing until I finish CLX. Have 2 hours to rest before coding again. I do love programming.
Found a terminal image viewer which I think uses curses to block in the graphics. Called Viu and is pretty cool. I will definitely employ it in CLX. CLX will also have tweakable cookies and selectable adverts. Everyone needs ads but not irrelevant ones.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Friday 30 August

Tomorrow will be Merdeka / Independence Day here in Malaysia. I will try to go on a long walk soon, maybe to Kayu, for breakfast. Need to brush first. Set off within the hour. Didn't do any coding on CLX. Being prevented is like that. Also, Liew witchy forces attacked Christians in mindspace again, onto me. Need to care for them while the 6 spread their lies elsewhere.

Went on the LRT instead. A long walk of over 1 1/2 hours around PJ New Town. There was the usual flea market at Amcorp but nothing good to buy, for me at least. Had an iced Milo at the basement cafe and walked home. William and the evil Liew witches bedeviled me for exercising but I have to care for my sugar and cholesterol which are already high.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Thursday 29 August

May head out on a walk today. Want to visit Amcorp, Decathlon, DigiMall, Luther Centre etc. Work out soon. Improved CHR a bit before dawn, tidying up / organizing some loops and variables better. Think I will go out after lunch to give myself some time to get everything together.

Brushed, got cleaned and worked out. Had pesto sandwiches for breakfast. Liew witches and hysterical people used to the telepathy ‘system’ were tuned down a bit. This is because they didn’t seek psychiatric help for their mental health, while actually being fragile and camping on others stronger. No harm feeling a little less manic / more calm -right, people?

The weather is really hot. Think I will go for a walk in the evening to Kayu instead. Right now we're at the Shoebox. I am coding CLX on my netbook. Had an iced Milo for a snack.

Making progress on CLX but it's almost evening and we're still at the shoebox. Think I may run along our road before dinner instead.
Didn't run after all, just did a second workout. There is some burning / blood-rotting going on around me. And my throat is a little bit sore. Maybe it's my uncle who has throat cancer. Made headway coding CLX. I should get something usable tonight if I focus my efforts.

Today is “The Gift” in the ABY. Also a success possibility according to the I-Ching. I am wearing Mom’s birthday present to me tho, a Tissot PRS516. Also, Dad’s finger is swollen following a bite or sting while gardening. Mom and I made meatball and veg soup. I gave Sis a packet of pasta elbows. This coming Merdeka weekend is “The Blessed Fool’s Puzzle” wherein I am supposedly to be accepted by the powerful and intelligent.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Wednesday 28 August

Woke up earlyish. Nowadays it’s hard to get rolling before 10am. Will work out soon. Liew witches swarming around my ex-GF. Hope to head over to the shoebox later. Want to install Xubuntu on my Celeron netbook.

Read Ivy Ngeow’s The Accidental and gave her a good review. I hope she is encouraged to write more. Myself am retired from writing and will be reading others’ work instead. Sometimes, reading is better than writing, in a cathartic way.

Coding is coming along well. It should be done in a few hours. Just some tweaking based on the console output. Can’t believe I introduced so many bugs over the week, blindly plugging in statements as the witchy 6 prevented my work / app. I also realized that 3/4 of my programs have to do with searching and editing data. Only yak is different. It creates music. The others just store and retrieve textual information.

I am now on Xubuntu on my Aspire netbook stationed at the Shoebox. Feels faster compared to Rocky which I have on my used ThinkPad which runs it well. Have started cobbling a python wrapper around Lynx. It's pretty easy and fun to code so I may break from completing CHR tonight, which is being prevented. This script will make Lynx quicker at providing relevant content in the terminal as well as simplify the navigation while presenting relevant adverts.

CHR v0.3.5b is up on and works quite well even at this early stage dabbling with NLP / AI. There are a few things left I want to improve, mainly the classification logic, and the speed of the natural language processing. Well, at least it’s that much more effective now.

Tonight, working on my cli web browser. I have the interface thought through, and some example curses code to copy from. The Liew witches were stung medium hard. Unfortunately, the evil they left behind is enormous. Not sure what to do. Brushed and took my meds earlier.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Tuesday 27 August

Fell asleep last night without brushing or working out. Just did both at 4am. Will go on a long walk later. Went for a brief run instead. Feeling the endorphins. Been working on my coding a bit (I am actually retired), while tweaking KDE on my laptop. Taught many how to steal a nerve and inflame it as a deterrent against the Liew 6. We are arming up en mass.

We had canned beef curry for dinner with soft white bread and a chop salad in yogurt. Feeling okay despite the telepathy. We received word that the worst is over and that for many, these are their last hours in mindspace since they were brave enough to crack the Liew blockade, realizing it was the Liew witches all along who seeded harmful lies and cancers etc.

For me, it could be my last few days talking thru the air. The things I wrote online are important and some need explaining. The ABY may come forth and other writings. The sign is the KL sinkhole with its toxic gas leak. Something big is within just weeks away.

Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. Will take my meds soon.

Coded CHR and came up against a nasty bug. Will squash it tomorrow. Right now feeling sleepy and the Liew witches are attacking.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Monday 26 August

A rainy morning. American kids trying AGAIN to force the Liew witches onto Asians in my mindspace. There is no right solution in this case and there are a lot of wrong ones. Most Americans suffer the Liews while protecting them out of fear. The British, the same.

May head out later for a long walk.

Many revelations about schizophrenia and family / friend oppression related to it. The history of the Atlantean gods is one of desperation / madness and that was left in our DNA. Talked about the 2 beasts of revelations. Will do a post on that tonight. Talked about Semiramis and Nimrod, and the origins of sorcery and bloodlines of disobedience, the kingdom with 3 horns and the one with two. All will be explained tonight…

My theory is that the 2-horned kingdom is Iran-Iraq. It is also the head with the fatal wound that healed. The head with 3 horns is the kingdom (formerly) of David and Solomon, being formed of Syria, Israel, and Jordan. The other 5 heads of the beast from the sea have one horn each. The current crisis in Israel will lead to a Jordan-Syria-Israel peace treaty.

Jordan is involved because it claims the West Bank which contains Jerusalem. Syria claims the Golan Heights. And a false peace treaty between 3 powers will ensue leading to the rise of the antichrist in Jerusalem maybe later this year.

The antichrist is a product of an Atlantean push towards the Mediterranean. Atlantis being the beast from the (Atlantic) ocean. The antichrist, the product of alien scientists’ manipulations that started on the plains of Samaria at the dawn of the current age (thus the beast from the earth).

Mental health will be a top priority of the antichrist’s agenda who may be a schizophrenic. He will leverage AI pervasively. Semiramis the sorceress and Nimrod her husband, were products of the Samaria genetic move. An ancestor of Semiramis was mankind’s first witch and the teacher of the crop of practitioners who flaunt the law of God today, causing havoc within the mindspaces and without.

I suspect the antichrist to have schizophrenia because of the link between sorcery and mental illness, and the link between mental illness and Atlantis -a mad empire. Carrying on on DogBlots…

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Sunday 25 August

I took four dried salt prunes with a few glasses of water to flush my gut stuck up for the past 3 days. Hope it works. Will go on a run this afternoon if possible. Didn’t do any coding. No writing. Nor any Bible study.

My gut is flushed. Prunes and water did their job as usual. Scary, feeling ‘plugs’ moving around in my abdomen. Wonder why prunes work? Wearing my 077j diver on velcro. Looks understated and is comfortable.

Ran in the morning after all. The telepathy rages on with no solution. I told them to scrub the Liews’ genetic material but everyone was too scared.

So we scrubbed after all. Now negotiations are going on as the telepathy threat winds down. I am wearing my Casio 800h. A very practical watch with good WR and full time-calendar display.

Back from a naan and tandoori chicken dinner nearby. My teeth were attacked with acid. Fallout of family to family bad blood. A lot to discuss tonight. Was hoping to do some coding but what the hey.

We managed to whittle down the telepathic offenders to just about 16 people. Thought there would be just 6. Taking hits from the 6 encapsulated by 10. Worked out briefly and am feeling good. Sleep soon.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Saturday 24 August

Am backed up since 2 days now. Hopefully can loo well today. CHR is spewing out data in huge amounts. Not sure how to work the NLP with its classifiers and sentiments.

Liew forces and fallen Americans, Royals, seize every opportunity to dirty me with sex in a vain hope to control the world to believe they are good, not we Christian faithful. They have no plan other than to try for a Satanic miracle which is most unsettling. We adjusted them slightly so now they are less virulent.

Still not much progress on CHR. But definitely tonight it will wrap up and will be my FINAL app.

I made pasta for dinner. Semi-vegan with mushrooms, pesto, goat cheese, avocado, and pecorino. Tasty and nutritious. Hopefully, I will be able to loo well tomorrow. Took a shower and changed into comfy clothes. Worked out briefly. Felt the cardio. Now back to being a couch potato. 

We also tried adjusting the mind fighter commanders’ hearts so they will be less extreme. DNA is “telepathic” -it reaches out to cells, to organs, even to our minds, our emotions. What we carry inside of us is a blueprint of our species. How it grows is through “wireless” commands. It is no surprise some of us have mental / emotional telepathy, clairvoyance, telekinesis, among other Spirit gifts.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Friday 23 August

Slept very late last night and woke up at 10am. A good 8 hours rest once in a while feels good. May go on a long walk later. Wear my trail running shoes. Should get funds in today, bringing my savings up to 800RM.

Yesterday, I wrote 2 more ukulele songs. Now I have 4. Enough for my mini album. Very keen to produce them with multiple instruments and some soloing.

Westerners desperate for peace of mind and security pressing in on me, being beaten from behind by an Asian horde. Will try to break up these fights that are sapping my life.

Reorganized my pouch prior to heading out. I may go to TRX after the folks come home from the bank. Currently have about 450RM in my wallet, 350RM in my drawer. Maybe 50RM left in my debit account. Not very much to spend, especially at an upscale mall like TRX. Looking like rain, tho.

A large sinkhole killed a tourist in Kuala Lumpur just now. Not sure I want to travel to the city today. But I need to get some walking in before this evening. Worked out.

Back from a brief run (didn’t walk) and it is now raining heavily. I have stopped posting on Medium and Substack as of today. will still be up until Q4, 2025. After that, I don’t know, maybe shut it down for good and go offline with my stories, assuming I’m still alive.

CHR is coming along well. I got all the textblob code in but it’s still untested. Should take another hour. Had a good dinner. Nothing much to do tonight. Thinking of coding more apps -my text-based browser which will run on Pi Zero. Maybe not… since I’m retired.

The Bayesian sentiment analysis module I’m using for CHR is pretty thorough, fast if you use Blobber, and the tagging is now providing me with results I can filter and compare. Around 12am and feeling sleepy from my sedative. The last part of the function will have to wait till tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Thursday 22 August

Was up at 5am. Americans, Royals, and family lashed out in a jealous rage, having sacrificed their lives and loved ones to the Liew witches. Cooperated with the evil, shipped them to innocents. There is no helping such people who’ve broken their hearts, reputations, and dreams. And they are poised to desecrate the Earth.

Using mental techniques, we weakened the evil, bodily and mentally. They were growing wilder and wilder. Later, may go to the mall, after Dad’s appointment. Looking for a case for my Boya mics. Can’t believe they’re so small yet capture so much sound.

Worked out. Talked about fear and how it powers the mental weapons of the Liew witchy 6. Took my meds earlier and should sleep around 1am. Recorded / wrote some ukulele songs via my Boya mics connected to my iPad 10. Talked about the Bible and God magnifying women’s pains in childbirth versus fear and helplessness they / we all feel. Would God betray a woman’s health? Why does the Koran say Mary had terrible pregnancy pains? Was He against the mother of His Son? A woman found favor? Think about God versus fear if you are a woman, and know how to control it against a witch. Maybe we should discuss it further.

The theory is why the woman’s X chromosome is large compared to a man’s Y chromosome, that in the beginning, Adam’s X and Eve’s X were different and that’s how people lived longer. Over time, Eve’s chromosome overwhelmed Adam’s and they all aged prematurely. That the X grew with every guilt / sin people fell to. And so women are bad -haha. Anyway, this is why pains occur -mainly worry about their child towards God makes it hurt more. Did not Eve say, “…look, I have begotten a man, even Yahweh!”

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Wednesday 21 August

Woke up early after an early night on sedatives. Liew forces continue to attack despite the control techniques we learnt yesterday. Worked out. Want to go on a long walk today to Kuala Lumpur.

Went for a brief run. Feeling my body rebalance itself. Ate a ramen for breakfast. May wear my Seiko diver out. Or may stay home instead.

Back from a snack at Stadium. Had a roti canai and iced Milo. Raining. Will stay home, work out again tonight. Intrigued by the problem of safely removing munitions buried under Switzerland’s lakes.

Had an upset stomach. Feeling bored. May head out on a walk at 3pm. We successfully manipulated the minds of many telepathic witchy fighters. Not sure what happens now. May go to LowYat.

I went to Digital Mall where I picked up a set of Boya mics for 180RM. I got burned before buying a fake Boya mic which sounded awful. These originals sound excellent by comparison. If you’re interested in Boya mics due to lower price, you can get them -they’re pretty good. Mine are the BY-V20 which I use for close mic-ing voice and ukulele. Yet to try my DiZi bamboo flute and chromatic harmonica.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Tuesday 20 August

Woke up early. Had a sweet breakfast. Worked out to reduce my blood sugar. Feeling good. American kids  and babies laying blame on me in a desperate attempt to halt the destruction by the Liew 6, wreaked onto their poor country. Going out for some food soon, and to get a new CMOS battery to hopefully revive my Kabini rig.
The Kabini is dead. Am thinking of a cheap replacement. Maybe a Pi Zero.

Showered, brushed, took my meds. Using body knowledge to stop the telepathic violence. Some people do not know how their body is connected to the mind or the emotions. They are easily corrupted and prevented almost permanently. Hope the other helpers will investigate this useful power.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Monday 19 August

Up very early and went for a run at 4am. Feeling good. Nobody out at this ungodly hour. There is a monitor lizard in our garden which thankfully is non aggressive -so far. Wearing my Seiko 077j diver on plain military NATO. Looks modest and simple but is really a $750 6R15 watch. Had a ramen and latte for breakfast. Wouldn’t mind picking up something from Shopee.

Have 1kRM saved. In 4 days, I will have 1.4kRM. Not enough to get anything nice even if I save into late October.

Heading to the mall with the folks later. Wearing my Casio f200 I got for 75RM. It’s futuristic and humble at the same time. More interesting than the bland 800h. But less WR. Want to try recording with my Sony TWS. Sounds okay for voice, not DiZi.

Am on Shopee this rainy evening. Want to buy something new.

Tonight’s Bible analysis will be on Heaven and Hell, why and where can / should a soul end up, what is a soul? But first to have some dinner.

I will be using POS tagging and sentiment analysis to determine which RBSEJ tag applies to a line. POS will identify similar phrases or terms to the main search results, then sentiment will ensure the “mood” carries through the identified lines. Mood should be consistent for each RBSEJ tag as most writers write that way. Okay, we are done, now to code!

Will work out, take meds, and code at 10pm. Sleep by 1am.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Sunday 18 August

Am up early. Worked out briefly. Feeling good. Liew witches and western forces persist in blaming and hitting my sore parts. Gave them all a sore hand too.

Had breakfast out with Dad. Westerners still pressing on me with their friends, the Liew 6 and their armies. Can’t do anything much for them.
Swept the floors. Mounds of dust and fallen hair. Attacked key Liew commanders in the eye with our cell-destroyers.

Cooked lunch for Dad -soft eggs, sunny side up. Mom is eating leftover soup. I had a ramen, and soy milk for protein. This morning, I had bean dip, also a protein source. Tonight, some chicken. Last night we all had pork with Heinz tomato sauce pasta. Trying to learn textblob within an hour to start coding the RBSEJ analyzer this afternoon.

Here's my analysis so far:
  1. R -joins two halves very similar x, x-1
  2. B -has much in common before x--
  3. S -has little in common further away x++
  4. E -has much in common further away x++
  5. J -joins two halves very different x, x+1

Of course, "in common" will be defined by the various AI parameters I'm learning up such as tokens and noun expressions etc.

Tonight, we analyze Matthew 25:29 -a highly controversial verse in the Bible. I hope I will be blessed to explain it fully.

Couldn’t work much today as there is telepathic chaos in the mind. The world was not enough for the Liew criminal witches. Will analyze Bible and code later, maybe around midnight. Worked out tho.

Mat 25:27 Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.

Mat 25:28  Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.

Mat 25:29  For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

Mat 25:30  And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

There is some confusion over whether poor-in-Spirit people are discarded by God, or is it people entrusted with God’s purpose who are cowardly that are severely punished? There are 3 elements here: the profit, the servants with different luck or ability, and finally, punishment and  reward.

So the 3 elements come into play: a servant of God does NOT sit home and defend the fort -he must set out to conquer for the gospel / faith, what religion have you. The powerful servant commands much respect and the severity of the punishment lies in the gravity of the mission -to save and win over from the Enemy. So the cowardly poor servant, sitting idly on a precious seed of faith, is deemed an enemy within.

This is in line with Jesus’ cry: “he who is not for me is against me”. There are enemies among us, all through our mind spaces and outside in our social circles. Being brave and clever and God-fearing is not simply a virtue but a necessity for survival and profit.

Sometime ago I wrote: “…thus are the good-hearted and intelligent harvested!”

Heart and mind aligned to God’s purpose -walking in the light, is how we are saved and will save others.

Earlier, the parable of the 10 virgins who would not share their oil. Also another “contradiction”. Are we not charitable? If each one poured a little oil out for the foolish virgin she would have a mate. But it seems God knows his children -they would not stinge on, or second-rate his “moment of glory”.

So these parables show us what kinds of insidious evil mix in around us. Do not be evil. Turn from sin and be saved. At LEAST on account of this wisdom.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Saturday 17 August

Got up early and went for a run. Feeling good. Had leftover dhal curry and bread for breakfast, with iced water. The irate people in my mindspace continue to lash out. CHR still isn’t done as the search results RBSEJ order is wrong.
CHR has acquired 6 new features:
  1. Advanced search
  2. Keyboard shortcuts eg. max-min
  3. File switching
  4. Button coloring
  5. Search history
  6. Localized update on edit-save

Perhaps the most I've ever worked into a .x revision. Only interface change was a small menu button beside the search box. Keeping the app simple is a priority.

Back from lunch at NSK. Bought stuff for a pasta meal tonight. Am at the shoebox now where Dad is cleaning the floor. Very hot day. Glad I'm not out walking!

Made more bug fixes to CHR's search algorithm. Having trouble with the RBSEJ. Liew witches jealous of my easy life, smacking me a bit.

Got home in a drizzle. Arguments over evil getting the good life at the expense of the heaven-bound. Truly, this is an age old issue. And the solution is a clear one. Those who have much, much is expected and those who have little, what little is whittled off and they shall have none. Much and little refer to God’s love and providence in our lives / in general etc. For example, I was born with much Spirit and a deficit of heart and mind. And it seems I will lose my bodily / worldly goods, gaining Heaven when called to serve. This irritates the mind criminals.

CHR’s search loop continues to improve. As I’m retired, I’m not pushing it very hard. RBSEJ is giving me results but could be better. Will carry on after I cook pasta for dinner. Hard to think thru the haze of regret.

The reason MUCH and LITTLE refer to God’s gifts and not Satan’s gifts is plain. We are given not in between the two powers and nothing is gained by one’s OWN power. Think about it carefully. If we gain spiritually from ourselves, then WE are God which isn’t even near 100% true.

Read some FFM. It’s hard to read anything under so much pressure. More coding -a heuristics “engine” of my own for CHR’s RBSEJ tagging. Not sure if it will work or if there are already AI tools for language processing in python. Unnecessary but good to have.

Worked out. Signing off early after taking a sedative. Liew witches tasing heads in the background of my mindspace. Will carry on coding tomorrow, before dawn as I will not be running. Unsure of the algorithm I’ll be using. Should be fun just like the old days.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Friday 16 August

Was up early. Went for a brief run. Feels good to get moving. Workout in the evening. Still coding CHR as the mindspaces are inhospitable, all following the teachings of the Liew witchy 6, persecuting me for nothing.

Had breakfast with Dad. UK forces being unreasonable, feeling depressed onto me. We turned on the Liew manipulator family and their cohorts.

Coding stalls as work is needed in mindspace. Found a way to disorient the evil witches and use their powers against them. Turn the knife. Would like to resume my work soon as it is fulfilling to code a useful app.

From rain to extreme heat, we dropped Mom off at the hospital for her osteo clinic. Will be heading to the shoebox afterwards. Polishing CHR continues. It is much slicker now. Lacking RBSEJ support still. No rush. Destroying the Liew witchy 6 is top priority. Trapping their minds and selected body parts and frying them.

Worked out to keep fit and stay healthy. Seems futile when my own family is plotting against me. To use me as the blame station for their crimes in the mindspaces. At one stage even thinking of putting me into a coma so they can survive.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Thursday 15 August

Past midnight again. Just showered and worked out. Took meds at 11ish earlier. Been coding, looking for that killer functionality. Cornered the telepathy machine of the Liew witchy 6 but nobody knows what to do next. Have to think…

Woke up too late for breakfast or a run. Will work out before dinner, run tomorrow. Polishing CHR progresses but no major new features yet. Liews targeting Americans with severe head pain. We are turning the evil witches upside down over and over to disorient their telepathy.
Over at the shoebox now. Very hot out. Have the air conditioning on. Later we'll be having canned chicken curry and bread for an early dinner. Fixed a bug in CHR due to windows having borders.
Talked about forgiveness from the letting of blood. When some heard this, they revolted and went against the Spirit. So angry were some women and men kept safe by women. This is the beginning of Apostasy.

Worked out again just now. Just a 2 1/2 minute cardio. Take my meds earlier, before 10pm. Working RBSEJ into CHR -something to stay positive. Later, to write about Jesus’ sacrifice for forgiveness -the so-called blood of the Lamb. Will be touching on baptism and communion as elements and implements of faith. Maybe around midnight on DogBlots as usual. Will peruse my study Bible.

Heb 9:16  For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.

Heb 9:17  For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.

Heb 9:18  Whereupon neither the first testament was dedicated without blood.

Communion and baptism are the spiritual and ritual sprinkling of blood for Christians, that the Jewish priests used to do symbolically in their Temple. A man must be born of water and the Spirit [John 3:5], thus entering into the Kingdom. Water and Spirit are the blood of a believer. Why, you may ask. It is simply that water makes up 70% of our bodies and the hemoglobin and nutrients it carries, are the “breath” the liveliness which is in wine and bread, and in our air. So these are our things of the world introduced to our things of Heaven.

Just like the wind -the Spirit, the FRUITS of baptism and communion are all God promises we will know. There may be a paradigm shift in your life and there is no need to check one’s feathers. God knows who to rebirth and who should deliver.

On the sacrifice of Jesus, we are confronted with a contradiction. A testament can only be enforced if the testifier dies, told elsewhere of our inheritance, in the parable of the prodigal, our bountiful free-flowing forgiveness [Luke 15:11]. This takes wisdom.

The will / testament declares what we are owed by Man’s seed (the Father) possessing the throne of the Most High. The debt we all have is a result of our Genesis “accident”. Our financier / testifier is Christ, FIRSTBORN of the FATHER. His death / cutting off, unlocked our inheritance. Like the prodigal son was welcomed home because of his birthright, so are we with Jesus when we repent. We don’t need to stitch our robes and smith our rings, they are free, just put them on. “I go to prepare a place for you” [John 14:3].

Christ’s intercession is plain to see. So be confident of your walk in the light.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Wednesday 14 August

I am still awake past midnight. Just took my meds and brushed. Talked awhile on Christian culture and how I once was a young seeker but am now an old testifier of a limited belief set, as I cannot learn easily. Wondered if I should improve CHR but decided against it. Later in the morning will go for a long walk.

Ran instead of walking as the weather will be hot soon. Will work out tonight. Decided to improve CHR a bit for lack of any clear objectives for today.

Close to dinner time. I’ve finished debugging CHR. It wasn’t searching very well and had cosmetic issues. Now up to version 0.2.1b. Tried to break free of the torture by people who broke their lives and heavens. There are just too many of these inveterate sinners. We await the Apostasy and the Temple, sacrificing our livelihoods, bodies and minds for God.

We bounced back a few hours ago, tying down the mental criminals with angelic help, and recruiting a huge army of peace-lovers for spiritual renewal in the mind. We cleansed and consecrated them to the purpose of God’s kingdom come. Soon we will wield superiority over the mindspaces once again.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Tuesday 13 August

It’s early morning here in Petaling Jaya. I need to work out before we hit the mall. Many scared miscreants trying to force their way onto my nerves, shoved in by the Liew witchy 6. Wonder what they’re after, talking dirty about me to kids, perhaps to pass the time, tortured in the heart by their consciences.

Taught some desperate friends about love, scarce in these end times. Without love, evil breeds and attacks. Love is simply finding the SIMPLE GOOD in someone or one’s self. It should be easy to relate. One method is to interview one another: what makes you good?

We are back from the mall. I just finished a post on DogBlots on Daniel’s 70 weeks. We nailed it conclusively tho the scripture is confusing. Ate mooncakes as it is mid autumn festival. Many American Christian children and youth receive their spirituality back, which the evil witches removed previously.
Now at the shoebox again. A Starbucks cup with the name "YAP" written on it was chucked into our tiny front yard. Previously, a broken flying drone, and some pipes were dumped there. Ominous...

Worked out briefly. Control tactics employed in the mindspaces. Nothing too drastic. Lots of infants being prepped for evil. Must reach out to parents ignorant of the Liew witchy plan.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Monday 12 August

My Bible cover has finally arrived in Petaling Jaya. Hope to receive it this afternoon before psych clinic. May head out for breakfast with Dad and help transport a piano bench to the shoebox house. Want to run this evening after clinic as I will not be working out.

Many people’s emotions and anxiety roll through my body. One wonders how they could get into so much trouble. Close one eye too often, maybe. A little bad habit / drug went a long way and it all added up. Now the end is coming and there’s nowhere for them to turn.

Being retired once and for all feels so good. Being out of the rat race, doing good at my own pace, choosing my battles with no stress. The main body of sinning witches moves elsewhere, unable to motivate themselves using my nerves and feed off my thoughts. Not sure whether to chase them down. Later tonight will see what they’ve been up to.
Serious problems in Europe and America. Violence and recession loom larger. Was talking to some of my White friends about safe havens and avoiding the plots of evil witches hell bent on destroying the West. No real solution, just that God looks after his children one way or another while the tares look after themselves in generally the same fashion they've always done -sin and pretend / fake it.
Anyway, we're lodged in the shoebox for another hour or so, probably so I can't get to my room and meditate. No telling whether my parcel has arrived. seems to be down right now. More cyberattacks?

Psych clinic went okay. I got my Arip jab -a pinch to see if I’m still alive. The Ichthus Bible cover was waiting by our gate post when we came home. See DogBlots for a brief review. I will now be planning longer trips about the country (Malaysia) where I hope to meet others and share Bible knowledge. Sounds odd being so one-tracked but we’re under some pressure from the telepathy / witchcraft. Will run tomorrow, then head to the mall.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Sunday 11 August

Am still awake at midnight figuring out the ZuZG ‘Airpods’ clone. The mic used to be much clearer earlier in the day. Now it sounds mushy and a bit warbly. It might need a reset or an app or driver. Tested it on Windows and Linux too.

Installed “Bluetooth Sound Recorder” (pink icon) and it works better, removing most of the noise cancelling warble. Will test more when we get to the shoebox and Mom plays her piano. Quite confident we’ll make a clear recording just like the amazing first one.

It’s also raining heavily. I have my longer hair combed back now and look more presentable. Ate roti canai for breakfast. Tomorrow, psych clinic. Will work out now and again tonight.
At the shoebox house right now. I have figured out a way to sing into my ZuZG "Airpods" clone. I neet to output more tone / timbre not just pitch and breath. The results are okay -usable for an amateur / demo song. The piano records okay too but no too loud, too many chords.

We are gradually exposing the mind fighters and the core 6 witches of evil will remain. Hope we can do it this afternoon.

Feeling a bit wasted. Took my meds and worked out, 2nd time today. Facebook removed my latest post for talking about the Chinese “Airpods” clone. Maybe I should keep a lower profile from now on as should most poor and poorly people. I think something may be going on with my site, Seems 2 Malaysians have viewed it. Will they have something positive to say or will I be shut down…?

Took a shower, brushed, and changed. Added a 32GB SD card to my Nokia for video capture, extra storage, etc. Almost midnight. Still wide awake. At least the weather is cool and good for sleeping. Need to teach my family some good reasoning sense.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Saturday 10 August

Feeling lazy to go running. Worked out twice yesterday to make up. May head out for a long walk in an hour or so. My Bible case from the Philippines is still undelivered after 10 days. Will sweep my room first, tho.

Shaved and trimmed in 5 minutes. My nails are all neat too. Been playing with my new toy: Airpods-like TWS earbuds. They work best / only on Android. So cool. Wish I could afford Apple’s 500RM ones. Seems like I will not be walking till mid afternoon.
Mom is visiting Grandma at the nursing home as our helper has gone on vacation back to Indonesia. She's a Christian too. Looks like my walk will be on hold for a few hours. Maybe around 3pm or tomorrow, depending on the severity of the telepathy we have newly repaired from the Royal Family's errors in the 70s-90s.

Tested the ZuZG "Airpod 2" clones on our upright piano. I used Mom's Oppo phone to capture the audio with each ZuZG pod on either side of the keyboard. It sounded pretty good -better than my old Samson USB condenser mic. There is a version of BandLab for Android which I should test as well.

Unfortunately I couldn’t replicate the initial test result for some reason. But am working on it, using Cinema FV.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Friday 9 August

My Seiko 077j diver gained maybe half a second over the past 36 hours. It could achieve +/-12s/month which will be amazing for a non-luxury mechanical. I have it on an old Daiso NATO in olive drab which makes it low key. A Rolex submariner is right now circa 50kRM whereas a 077j, around 4kRM (Chrono24 prices).

Had a dossii and worked out a bit. Will be heading to the mall later if all goes as planned. Attacks are flying thru the mindspaces. Will break down the geniuses under Mensa Allen first. Liew witchy forces using infants as a cloud shield to attack from behind. Endless tactics of their house genius.

Back from the mall. Facing some sort of regretful catastrophe in mindspace right now. Many destroyed, some heartless, looking for their God or someone to hold.

I feel Japan is coming into positive interest rate territory because of 2 factors. It needs to borrow and secondly it needs to lend. Both in a major way. Previously, their negative rate caused other countries to lend to them and borrow from them in a sort of Opec-like game hegemony equilibrium. As the Japanese were sitting on an oilfield of brand, brainpower and discipline. What do you think?

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Thursday 8 August

Everything went well at the hospital. I got my meds and we made it home through traffic in one piece. UK mind forces acted out a bit, making threats and destroying flesh around Asia. Seems they will never bury the hatchet, having befriended the evil Liew witches based primarily in Malaysia where I now live.

Thought of writing a piece for FFM, my final attempt to publish SOMETHING before I retire completely.

Done writing. Bible study starts at 5:30pm. Feeling more free after blowing the witchy Liew 6 clear out of the water. They are facing an increasingly hostile world and have far less support. Earlier, their pins stuck into soft-bellied believers were removed and the sheep safe back in the barn.

Looks like the witchy forces are attacking again, ahead of Bible study, tapping people’s muscles using infants they’re driving mad en mass. We have to do something but what?

Took a long warm shower to destress. Will work out at 10pm, take my meds. Run tomorrow. Wearing my 6R15 Seiko diver more. As I wrote on my Substack, I’ve become more than a watch wearer, but an appreciator of technical masteries -the internals. The 077j may be drab, understated, but is a precision instrument capable of +/- 2s/day. It would need resetting once a month.

Many can no longer hide their true natures, their evil betrays them. I am in the process of saving as many as possible from their mistakes, starting with my own family and relatives.

Getting late. Just exercised and am feeling good. Wrote another Medium article on watches. My readership is growing steadily.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Wednesday 7 August

Woke up at 4am with a dead leg. A bit of shaking and rubbing coaxed it to life again. Hand being attacked by evil betrayers. Worked out and will run in an hour's time. Managed to finish working in the tarot correlation to the I Ching. Uploaded the file here: -it couldn't be an ePub.

Washed my Teva sandals as they were grubby from walking in rain puddles. Also uploaded a new cover for Mss2, to KDP as the old one was not very inspiring. May head out on a long walk soon. Maybe to BB, just poke around, buy something for Mom.

Was out walking thru Megamall and the Gardens Mall. Had KFC for lunch. Just a small burger, fries and a Coke for 14RM. Saw lots of stuff I couldn’t afford. But it was fun looking at 600RM Speedgoats, 300RM sling bags, Backsaver iirc. Also went to Art Friend but there wasn’t anything special. Decided not to buy CK underwear which is well over 100RM a pair. Sis acted up a bit but we placated her. Imagine selling your soul to the Devil, Sis…?

Monday, August 5, 2024

Tuesday 6 August

Still working on my I Ching guidebook. Have shrunk the page size and margins, corrected formatting errors, and am designing it a new cover. The 4 vague sutras need some explanation which I’ve been researching since last night. It can’t become an ePub due to the multi-column layout of the end section.

Finally finished the work. It should be readable on smartphones as well as PCs. You can get it here: for FREE. Looks tasteful. Thanks go out to HanyiSenty Fonts.

Soon, I need to run some errands for Mom as Grandma’s wheelchair is broken. Will add a bit more to my book later. Want to put in my tarot / zodiac correlation I researched some months back. Then it’ll be REALLY good.
Wore my hat out to lunch this sweltering afternoon. Many Americans with wounded eyes who offended Asians (innocent ones). I fed them a herbal remedy and was able to position the lens and cornea, helped by telekinetics in my hospital group. Not sure how to fuse it back the best way.

Tabulating the MaSPeG to ABY to western Zodiac reveals strange patterns. But there’s not much time as the mindspaces are heating up.

Getting late. Took a warm shower and brushed. Soon, take my meds. The tarot table will take an hour to finish, probably. Tabulating the MaSPeG also took some time as it seemed to be convoluted. Don’t really want to write at length on the tarot but it will be useful for elucidating the mystery day / months 4a to 7a.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Monday 5 August

Am back from my pre-dawn run. Feeling good. Drank some iced water. Been working on formatting my latest short story collection based on Dogblots fiction posts. May sell it as well. Quite a few downloads from -I guess a better cover sells?

Had breakfast with Dad at Stadium. Still don’t feel like doing Bible study. My parcel from the Philippines is taking a while to get here.

I spent the afternoon mindlessly creating new covers for 2 of my eBooks. Ones that don’t suck. Wonder why I didn’t do it before?

Just gave out some teachings in mindspace on sensing who is good or evil. Coming under Mensa level attacks now.


Worked out briefly and the cardio felt good. The Liew witches are still flipping between good and evil. It's never easy betraying your friends, country, and race -and betraying the foreigner and the afflicted. Poor souls never stood a chance.

Am busy re-typesetting my I-Ching guide. Want to give it a better design overall. Maybe keep it as a PDF but for small screens.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Sunday 4 August

Wrote a medium article on earning better money. Didn’t have time to Bible study. Evil kids and babies shoed in by the Liew witches prevented most everything I wanted to do. Played some bamboo flute. Formatted my latest 9 stories into a book. Last night, I made a simple cover for it.

Worked out as I won’t be running till Monday. Was able to get cleaned easily. Still wearing my Swatch Sistem51. Had lunch of leftover soup and toast. Didn’t study my Bible as planned. Will be over at the shoebox soon.


Raining quite a bit but we braved it to make it to the shoebox. I brought over my art materials and some tabletop games to play. Also have the ABY hardcopy. Can start my Bible study soon if I want.

Wrote a good Medium article on Mathematically proving God and the resurrection. It's still not done. I need to write a few more equations and dig up corresponding Bible verses which may be obscure.

Close to bedtime. I sketched a cover for my next short story collection, scraped off my blog, DogBlots. Having a few books to sell is a good idea. Must say it turned out well after several failed attempts, all without reference.

We got rid of much of the American assault force which was being mis-run by the Royals’ witches. There is more calm now and the kids feel better. Liew forces still attacking. Took my meds, brushed and showered. Hand is less attacked.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Saturday 3 August

Will be heading to the flea market soon. Want to pick up paper: thin TP (thermal paper) rolls for journaling with. They’re pretty cheap and should slot into my Bible easily. Will be wearing my Swatch automatic for company. Will be doing some serious walking, workout tonight as usual. Meanwhile the witchcraft carries on but we are better equipped to handle it after last night’s talk in mindspace.
Back from New Town area. I bought the wrong TP receipt paper -10 rolls of it. Well, it will just have to do despite it not being thin. When I got home, Mom wanted to visit Grandma at the old folks home. We stopped by Decathlon on the way here, to the shoebox. Will journal a bit later.
Talked to many people about mental health issues such as depression, being "affective", and lacking emotional control. There are reasons behind these troubles and it's often worked in by an offender because the victim is weak or dull to certain things.

Talked to some friends about good money making habits. Took my meds and brushed. Liew forces are still a big threat despite our saving William earlier.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Friday 2 August

Woke up feeling a little sore in the head, without getting any writing done. I went for a brief run which was good cardio. Feel healthier, somewhat. Wearing the Tissot Mom got me couple years back, on a striking Zulu.

Must get into the mood to write. Maybe will do a mini story for FFM to warm up. Did a lot of juicy detailed plotting and tying up loose ends. Another 1k words to go. Yea, I may break for a flash piece now.

Awful smell throughout the house right now. Hope it’s not someone rotting away from the witchcraft attacks. Decided not to write for FFM anymore, just finish up 4 Weddings this afternoon. Should be easy.

Had a decent lunch of omelette and bokchoy with rice. Managed to wrap up 4 Weddings neatly. But I feel it needs an epilogue which I will do this evening once the shocking ending has settled in my stomach. It was one intense story. Wearing my Orient Tristar to the shoebox.

Writing is DONE. Will sleep late tonight. Want to read the Bible a bit. Think I may have basil poisoning as I had too much pesto. But nothing very serious. Hey -I could maybe OD on basil as a suicide means… just an on and off thought that sometimes rattles in my mindspace.

Feels good to be free of the “curse” of writing. It just takes so much time away from living life to the fullest. Thought of getting myself a retirement present…

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...