Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Thursday 15 August

Past midnight again. Just showered and worked out. Took meds at 11ish earlier. Been coding, looking for that killer functionality. Cornered the telepathy machine of the Liew witchy 6 but nobody knows what to do next. Have to think…

Woke up too late for breakfast or a run. Will work out before dinner, run tomorrow. Polishing CHR progresses but no major new features yet. Liews targeting Americans with severe head pain. We are turning the evil witches upside down over and over to disorient their telepathy.
Over at the shoebox now. Very hot out. Have the air conditioning on. Later we'll be having canned chicken curry and bread for an early dinner. Fixed a bug in CHR due to windows having borders.
Talked about forgiveness from the letting of blood. When some heard this, they revolted and went against the Spirit. So angry were some women and men kept safe by women. This is the beginning of Apostasy.

Worked out again just now. Just a 2 1/2 minute cardio. Take my meds earlier, before 10pm. Working RBSEJ into CHR -something to stay positive. Later, to write about Jesus’ sacrifice for forgiveness -the so-called blood of the Lamb. Will be touching on baptism and communion as elements and implements of faith. Maybe around midnight on DogBlots as usual. Will peruse my study Bible.

Heb 9:16  For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.

Heb 9:17  For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.

Heb 9:18  Whereupon neither the first testament was dedicated without blood.

Communion and baptism are the spiritual and ritual sprinkling of blood for Christians, that the Jewish priests used to do symbolically in their Temple. A man must be born of water and the Spirit [John 3:5], thus entering into the Kingdom. Water and Spirit are the blood of a believer. Why, you may ask. It is simply that water makes up 70% of our bodies and the hemoglobin and nutrients it carries, are the “breath” the liveliness which is in wine and bread, and in our air. So these are our things of the world introduced to our things of Heaven.

Just like the wind -the Spirit, the FRUITS of baptism and communion are all God promises we will know. There may be a paradigm shift in your life and there is no need to check one’s feathers. God knows who to rebirth and who should deliver.

On the sacrifice of Jesus, we are confronted with a contradiction. A testament can only be enforced if the testifier dies, told elsewhere of our inheritance, in the parable of the prodigal, our bountiful free-flowing forgiveness [Luke 15:11]. This takes wisdom.

The will / testament declares what we are owed by Man’s seed (the Father) possessing the throne of the Most High. The debt we all have is a result of our Genesis “accident”. Our financier / testifier is Christ, FIRSTBORN of the FATHER. His death / cutting off, unlocked our inheritance. Like the prodigal son was welcomed home because of his birthright, so are we with Jesus when we repent. We don’t need to stitch our robes and smith our rings, they are free, just put them on. “I go to prepare a place for you” [John 14:3].

Christ’s intercession is plain to see. So be confident of your walk in the light.

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Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...