Friday, September 30, 2022

Saturday 7am

Up early. Liew insurgents being herded by the westerners onto me for my "sin". Normally I would help but for my worsening brain illness. Well the weekend is here and a new month too. Elections will be held soon here in Malaysia. I may start coding Shards of Mystery next month. Still haven't finished mx. And the mysterious adulterous plot laid over the world rolls on.

8am, Got the upper hand on the Liew 6, by the throat literally, as they had breakfast. Myself had sticky rice. Have to feed the hamster and get down to work.

12pm, Had roast pork for lunch. We have a solve for the insurgent families hated by the West. Hopefully it will go well. Apparently every solve must have a negative element to work so they got it. Thinking of going on a walk to the mall on Monday instead of Tuesday. Don't think I'll buy a steel string guitar, Mac, speakers, or yet another watch tho. Have to give my accumulated coins to charity on the way, 34RM in total and my $1 notes to Dad, 30RM.

2pm, More engagements in the mind as the Liew 6 call in favours. I may head out tomorrow as there is some pressure to leave the house.

10pm, Had bakkuteh for dinner. Exercise at 12am before bed. Liew insurgents may be defeated soon. Not very sure of their capabilities or the damage they've sustained. Apparently they can't eat now.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Friday 8am

Got up at 6am, still bit tired. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. My Swatch is keeping good time. Had some bread for breakfast. Tomorrow will be October. Teaching in the mind on how to bear the burden of telepathy. It's mainly one's attitude towards others that helps. Couldn't work at all yesterday.

10am, Vacuuming hamster waste from my room. Arguments with Liew insurgents and their western accomplices who want me to do more for them in the mind. I'm much too unwell. Lying on the floor trying to rest as these criminals surge over kids and babies, destroying their minds with lies. I have 500RM to spend over October. 700RM in November for my birthday. Will get a bottle of wine to celebrate and buy Mom something nice. My plastic automatic Sistem51 is satisfying. Don't feel self conscious of it, bored, or infatuated. Takes me back to college days when I was pure / frugal / happier.

12pm, Done cleaning up after the hamster which was a relief. Cooked baked beans, eggs and ham for lunch. Tonight we should be having prawns and sweet peppers. Can't think of anything to buy myself. Next week I'll visit the MegaMall for exercise. Also going to Decathlon and Amcorp. Think I will get Mom some wireless earbuds.

4pm, Raining outside. Went to the bank with Dad to check on our deposits. All is well as Mom had misread the text message. Now to pay the phone bill and get some takeaway pizza for dinner. Recorded "Always Forever" for my Instagram @donutwares.

6pm, Showered and changed into comfy cottons. There wasn't much solar hot water as it rained most of the day. Gave my Swatch a damp wipe. Apparently it can be taken swimming but I'm not going to risk it. I did find an easy way of unbuckling it by jerking the strap back and forth. Then there is the vague Liew prophecy about my meeting Jesus watch - whether the Sistem51 is it. I wonder myself.

9pm, Brushed my teeth, fed the hamster, exercised, took my meds and am ready to turn in around midnight. Liew insurgents and western powers in the mind conspire over me. Not sure if I will survive the year out.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Thursday 7am

Slept late last night and woke up just before 7am. Liew insurgents singing in my head. At least most of the people who once supported them are now on our side, and the westerners are healing well. MYR continues to slide against the dollar. Will walk today and check out some watches.

1pm, Back from Kuala Lumpur where I ventured this morning to get a Swatch Sistem51. Just a fun watch to throw on and be anonymous. Reminds me of my youthful optimism 20 years ago. With this, my "collection" is tentatively complete. 3 Swiss autos, 3 vintage, 3 divers, and 3 digitals. Passing the luxury watch boutiques in KLCC, I felt the shame of never making it. Came home and Dad started a commotion in the mind, then we all got hit by a British-American-Malay kanly machine. Anyhow, I got fresh funds in. Will not be saving it as the MYR falls sharply.

4pm, Took a hot shower and ate KFC. Posted a review of my new Swatch. Wearing it now but is it truly "me"? Have to work hard tonight on my script, mx. Next week I have a hospital appointment and blood test. Whatever will be, I guess.

8pm, Made tasty mince, celery and potato with Cajun spice for dinner. Mom made us white fungus drink which heals the body after cancer treatment. Good for Dad. Prince William and the western openers get into trouble again trying to feel "safe" with the Liew insurgents rampaging all over the mind. Babies used by these criminals, primed to attack, suffer a terrible fate. Obviously it's hard to be productive. Fed the hamster on time tho. Will clean its litter corner tomorrow morning.

10pm, Exercised and took my meds. The web of revenge and intrigue woven by the Liew 6 and some of my family is gradually unravelling. So called mental health issues.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Wednesday 12am

Still wide awake. Forgot to take my meds. Found a way to get files in / out of Qemu Mac emulator, via a USB thumbdrive. A bit klunky but it works after unmount / remount. Liew insurgents and their genius help lash back after we tried to scrub their memories. Thinking of buying a Swatch but am unsure.

11am, Got up a little late and rushed through the morning routine. Fed the hamster etc. Liew insurgents and western supporters cramming my space, feeling down all the time. Unfortunately I'm too sick to look after these criminals, just erase their memories selectively.

1pm, Working on my script. Will go to the Swatch boutique later this week to check out their Sistem51 watches. Having fried noodles for lunch. Need to explain the book of Daniel.

3pm, Took a nap after Exercising hard. Somehow felt tired. Watched watch videos on YouTube. Will resume work at 3:30pm. Can't wait to browse the Swatches. Thinking that 600RM for a plastic Sistem would be better than a 900RM Irony considering the watch is disposable. I would prefer a date function.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Tuesday 4am

Up early once again. Didn't brush my teeth last night so I needed to do two rounds with double toothpaste. It's raining and the a/c is just switched off. Liew insurgents singing in my head. Supposed to walk today and spend a bit of money. Not sure where to go.

6am, Browsing watches before dawn. The Oris Fullsteel world timer is nice at 18kRM. Liew insurgents and western supporters take some eye damage and are regrouping. Being pressed to the floor again, typing this on my iPad.

10pm, Exercised double to burn some fat. Soon I'll be muscular again like before I had my mild stroke. Will probably be going to Digimall though I have nothing really left to buy. USD to MYR hit 4.6. Wearing my Tenor-Dorly out.

4pm, Dad completed his radiotherapy this afternoon. Thinking of having takeout for dinner to celebrate. Bought a fast 64GB thumb drive from Digimall for just 38RM. Looked at VESA arms but they're not very attractive. At least I got my walking done. Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. Haven't had time to work with the mental hijinks going on. Everyone has decided to kill the Liew 6 tho.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Monday 4am

Woke up with a dead right hand. Managed to coax / beat it back to life. Must have fallen asleep at 11pm. Mom is still awake downstairs. Will walk in the late afternoon. Not sure if I want to accompany her to Grandma's and the hospital.

1pm, Had carrot cake and Sarsi with Grandma (who has dementia), Mom and their care-giver from Indonesia. Mom drove Dad to the hospital and we made it back in one piece. Liew insurgents and their western bedfellows seem to be subdued by a bit of dry skin / tissue but they're not at all happy -perhaps happiness is the key to the solve. Busy tinkering with Qemu rather than working on mx or my adventure game. Thinking of buying a 6-core Ryzen sbc but that will cost about 1000RM.

4pm, Exercised double since I won't be walking until mid week. Had kuay teow ramen, cake and Arizona tea for lunch. Figured out holding down "command" in Photoshop works round the disappearing select cursor in Qemu. Liew insurgents and western supporters growing more dry / unhealthy. Soon they will decide to be happy and quit their games.

7pm, Made meatballs Italian style for our dinner. Mom cooked steamed fish and fried some four angle beans / kacang botol from the garden. Need to figure out a way to transfer files in and out of Qemu PPC. Starting a revolution in the mind against the Liew 6.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Sunday 5am

Woke up early to a light pre-dawn rain. Forgot to turn off my PC last night. Liew insurgents singing in my head and lashing out at god knows who somewhere around me. Watching some YouTube. Learning Java from w3s online. Have to finish mx in 5 days.

9am, Back from the mamak / Indian cafe where we had breakfast. There was a marathon underway along most of the roads. Western forces took it out on me just after I packed off the Liew insurgents. Not sure what's wrong with them as I lost most of my memory about a year ago.

2pm, Back from the mall. Bought a Daiso micro HDMI adapter for my Pi 4 so the Kabini is now running on VGA, both into the back of a BenQ 22". Also limited the ARM frequency to 600MHz as it was running hot despite its heatsink armour case. Bought cookies and juice for Grandma's birthday. Dad lost our parking ticket but some kind soul put it on top of the machine where I spotted it. Liew insurgents attacking quite a lot lately. Did they see the future?

4pm, Took a warm shower with Taharah clay soap. Will exercise soon. Haven't been able to work much because of the constant attacks from the Liew 6 and their telepathic army supported by the West. The idea of falling into bed with the enemy sure backfired this time. 

9pm, Preparing for bed. Fed the hamster and brushed my teeth. Earlier I helped make stir fried chicken and peppers for dinner. Liew insurgents pain giving me and jerking my heart to expose so-called sins. Exercised and put on the a/c. Want to go on a walk tomorrow. Maybe to Decathlon.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Saturday 5am

Up very early. Liew insurgents giving severe pain to my left hand finger joint. Couldn't work much last night. Tenor-Dorly I'm wearing seems to be gaining 12 seconds a day now, down from 20ish. Well the weekend is here. Have to exercise, feed the hamster, clean my room, code my bash script, wash my mask, maybe squeeze some walking in tomorrow.

10am, Installed Java and Eclipse on my Kabini / Ubuntu rig which has sufficient RAM to do that kind of developing. The Pi 4 would struggle with only 4GB. Don't know what I will make tho.

12pm, Had fancy baked beans and egg for lunch. Watched a video on Java programming. Might become a hobby around December if / when elections may shake Malaysia. Right now I still have to code mx and write my novel, Rock Ropers. 

2pn, I've started Java programming on my other PC. My idea is to turn some of my novel ideas into interactive text games that I can sell. Also, I won't have to write those novels for real. Looks like rain. Swept and mopped my room. Am keeping to the 12 hours of a/c a day.

5pm, Plotted out the text adventure game "Shards of Mystery" and will begin coding tonight. So exciting, hope to make some money. 

7pm, Exercised and am having dinner soon. Omelette with salted and century eggs. Wearing my Baltany Dirty Dozen. This weekend we may be going to the mall as well as celebrating Grandma's birthday. Next Wednesday I may head out for some shopping. Will get some new computer equipment.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Friday 6am

Woke up from a night of troubling dreams. Took my meds early and fell asleep before brushing my teeth. My psych clinic appointment was rescheduled for today. Would like to walk this morning tho.

8am, Ages since I've been to Sungei Wang Plaza. Somehow I don't have the urge to explore since the COVID outbreak started in 2019. Not that I have anything to buy / can afford right now. Shaved and trimmed my nails. Fed the hamster. Still coding mx. Maybe visit Amcorp instead.

10am, Very sunny out. Good day for a walk maybe. Liew insurgents rile up children and babies to judge us as the mad machine rolls on. Being bad while having support is sometimes a nice feeling. Have to work on these kids sometime soon.

1pm, Just got back from a long walk to Amcorp. There's now a convenient pathway to the LRT station, running along the storm drain under the track. Had a dosii for lunch there and bought a 5RM used book, "The Girl Who Could Fly" for my nieces. Wanted to visit Hard Graft Records but they were out for lunch. Should do this walk once a week. Talked to the baby group and managed to calm them down but the Liew 6 are still at large.

3pm, Took an early warm shower and changed into fresh clothes. Liew insurgents refuse peace deals. Hopefully they won't have much support after we're done teaching. Ate noodles and fried pork with Mom and Dad. Dad has just 2 more radiotherapy sessions which is a great relief. Will have 200RM spare to spend in October, a week away. Won't be building up savings past 3k. USD to MYR now at 4.57.

7pm, Back from my shrink appointment where I have my monthly Arip jab. Shopped a bit at Aeon Jaya One where I got delicious strawberry apples. Also bought strawberry banana juice which seems a bit weird but is quite nice. Good people rallied to push down the Liew 6 who've been abusing the telepathy system even before I was born. Will spend the night coding mx.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Thursday 1am

Still wide awake. Talked about logically knowing God, with forces that were previously at each other's throats. It of course is impossible to prove the physical existence of a deity but we can get a lot out of living life well as if there were God. History or anything beyond our awareness opens up realistically when we believe, only then does a person know.

7am, Woke up to more judgements from children controlled by the Liew 6. Will go on a long walk later. Maybe to SS2. Haven't been working almost at all these past few days.

9am, Fed the Hamster and got cleaned. Targeted the Liew 6 with nerve damage to the leg as they were tearing through good people around the world while beating me up for pleasure and protection. All that talking about spirituality didn't do them any good.

10am, Raining hard outside. Mind insurgent activity is lower right now and I can get some work done. Exercised earlier. Austerity is kicking in in my life. I used to spend 500RM a year on computers but now it's more like 100RM. Will be working on mx the whole day.

2pm, Mx is now producing results. Have to do a lot of research and testing to determine the best presets. Liew insurgents unable to let go of revenge but still pushing for a better future for themselves on our backs. Watched Isaac Check on YouTube reviewing his SuperOcean. Somehow I find his review style engaging and he's from Malaysia too.

5pm, Coding going well with some key design decisions being made -part of the fun of programming. Many challenges in the mind wars. Revenge and forgiveness, "cannot survive" etc. Looks like another afternoon spent talking. Took a shower and changed. Maybe will walk early tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Wednesday 7am

Slept well last night. Got cleaned. Will exercise and feed the hamster soon. Liew insurgents still policing people's thoughts and giving pain. Trying to work on my ImageMagick wrapper script but there's some oppression / dissuasion going on in the mind. Want to get qemu-system-ppc Mac emulator running on my Raspberry Pi, to have my old software handy.

9am, Did some writing on my novel. Dad's rack which I helped him order on GoShop is arriving today so I have to be downstairs in an hour. Need to use his Mac Mini to convert my SheepShaver DSK image to IMG so qemu will recognise it.

12pm, Dad's rack which we ordered on Malaysia Day finally arrived and is humongous. Failed to get qemu to boot. Put it on the back burner. Talking to problem people about the Liew insurgent mishandling crisis. Will go on a walk after Dad comes back from his radiotherapy.

4pm, A day when nothing seems to be getting done. Mostly talking in the mind about the damage done by the Liew 6 and looking after people they're destroying / have deceived.

5pm, Saving power so from now on, a/c time is 7pm - 7am. Mac emulator is now running but a bit slow. Have to reinstall all my software somehow.

7pm, Back from picking Mom up at the hospital. Heavy traffic. No time to walk today. Got my applications transferred over to qemu. Liew insurgents trying to crack the whole world. Saving bus loads of people by the moment. Not sure what will happen tonight.

9pm, Fed the hamster lots of juicy veggies, bread with peanut butter, and a yogurt oatmeal ball. Took a warm shower and changed. Talked sense to the people chewed up by the Liew insurgents' false teaching and manipulation / cheating. It's a long road ahead. And yes, it's September in the ABY and I have got my emulated Mac and iSub up and running by coincidence!

Monday, September 19, 2022

Tuesday 1am

Still awake as the Queen is buried in England. Drinking black coffee. There is a buzzy beetle in my room which is annoying. Thinking of my watch designs instead of writing or coding. I may have too many pokers in the fire. Meanwhile we're taking hits from Liew insurgents -right after we saved them. These people know no shame. Posted on Instagram which I think will probably just be for casual life rather than stress myself out performing my ocarina under telekinetic fire.

8am, Got cleaned, feed the hamster by 9am, going out for a walk before lunch. Liew insurgents ship around pain.

12pm, Back from a long walk to Digital Mall with a new toy, a Happy Hacking style mini mechanical keyboard for just over 100RM. Met some Mormon elders out preaching. Gave them my number. Will work on "mx" after lunch.

1pm, Liew insurgents battle God's faithful yet again. I'm giving up time to keep Christian forces safe. Had fried noodles for lunch. The new keyboard is fun to play with. I had always wanted one like this.

3pm, Hosting the Liews in the Roman bath and gardens with food and a swim. They're all knotted up inside and were anxious they would go to hell. Having curry tonight. Tomorrow I have psych clinic for my Arip jab. Will wear the same jeans and watch.

7pm, The UK needs healing, particularly the Royals who bore the Liew insurgents for so long. Not sure if there's enough spirit to host the Liew 6 at an imaginary healing dinner or if everyone just wants to have a good cry. "Prince William" is sad and vowing revenge against the Asians. Hopefully he can be persuaded.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Monday 8am

Up a little late. Have to feed the hamster in half an hour. Walk later in the afternoon. Liew insurgents and western controllers argue over using my person to bear their conflict. Still have a bit more outline to write for my novel then I can start filling it in late tonight.

10am, Working on my script, mx. Finished outlining the final bits of Rock Rustlers.

11am, Had an early lunch of wonton noodles. Resting for half and hour after the load of heavy thinking during the novel outlining. Liew insurgents cheat the world some more. To think they're just next door. Still wearing the beat-up Tenor-Dorly on artisan stingray strap which cost more than the watch.

5pm, Decided to walk tomorrow morning, to Kuala Lumpur. Of course I will be using the LRT as well. Today, I'll stay home and code. Exercised. Had a tomyam ramen. Have on the a/c. Showered and changed into fresh clothes.

11pm, Got waylaid from work. Designed some watches instead after hearing about ILW Gary's new micro brand. Wish I could launch a micro brand too but all I have are some sketches.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Sunday 8am

Woke up a bit late. Liew insurgents still hitting and accusing all around me. Last night we talked to them about the history of western involvement in China and how they need to be more forgiving. Also defined key words such as morality and emotion / motivation. Yet to define holy tho. Watched more writing tips videos on YouTube and outlined the scenes for my own novel.

1pm, Made a nice tuna pasta for lunch with Cajun seasoning. Will finish my detailed novel outline by late tonight. 3 out of 8 chapters to go which somehow are all about the end battle. Watching more YouTube on wristwatches and writing. Talked in the mind about marketing creative works and watches to the masses. Will brisk walk this evening before dinner.

5pm, Back from my walk. Not much traffic. Having steamed chicken and salad for dinner. Will write more of "Rock Rustlers" after dinner. Liew insurgents more subdued but family issues persist. Many disgruntled Asian people.

9pm, Exercised and fed the hamster. Mostly done outlining my novel. There is heavy fighting in the mind around me as I write. Millions of misguided kids and teenagers. Watching more YouTube on writing technique before bed at midnight.

11pm, Watched Wristwatch Revival overhaul an alarm watch. The amount of parts it has is amazing. Took my meds and am watching more Sanderson writing lectures. Still have 6 sub chapters to outline out of 64 in total.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Saturday 9am

Woke up earlyish, got cleaned and fed the hamster. May be going to the mall today. Need to get a few sketchbooks. Liew insurgents harry the UK forces and are given mild nerve-killing by my Christian force. Hopefully we don't have to do any serious damage to anyone. Will do some writing today and coding later tonight. Want to brisk walk as well.

5pm, Back from my walk. I'm getting speedier, shaving off 5 minutes from the usual 25. Bought some cheap blank memo pads at MR DIY for 90 cents each so I can do my graphic novel while on the go. Next week, I plan to be out more often. Ate canned tomato soup. Sometimes I crave for that. Wore my Tenor-Dorly on shagreen to the mall. Also bought lettuce for the hamster. Work is going slow on Rock Rustlers I. Need to prepare more notes. 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Friday 9am

Got up a little late. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. It's Malaysia day and a holiday here. Some time to rest and deal with the attacks of the Liew insurgents. We've been trying to remove their memory but they have numerous supporters. Gave myself a haircut before my psych clinic appointment next week.

10am, Working on the comic version of Sonic Hunter. Don't think it would have made a good novel. Meanwhile I have to think of something else to write since I already paid Partridge 2.5k RM. Will go for a walk after lunch.

1pm, Decided to write "Rock Busters". A novel something like the movie Armageddon. Will vacuum up the hamster waste by 3pm.

7pm, Exercised but didn't walk today. Cleared the hamster waste. Ate fish and beans for dinner. Wearing my Baltany from AliExpress. Watching wristwatch videos on YouTube and will write a bit as well. Feed the hamster at 8:30pm.

10pm, took my meds, wrote some music. Fleshing out the plot of Rock Busters. Renamed it Rock Rustlers. Watching more YouTube before bed.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Thursday, 8am

Fell asleep last night while doing some writing and didn't turn off the PC screen. Woke up with a sore neck and throat. Liew insurgents singing Take That. Will clean up hamster waste later.

11am, Had chicken, beans and tofu for lunch. Cleaned my room. Will walk in the afternoon. Busy writing my novel "Sonic Hunter". This must be the 4th time I'm attempting it and also the most promising start. Liew insurgents surrounded and being paid back. At this time, King Charles got irritated by a leaky pen. Some of my relations came down ill in Singapore. Feeling a bit oppressed but am able to work.

1pm, Back from my 25 minute walk. Went early because it may rain. Plotted out my novel and am filling in the details now. It's proving to be a very easy book to write. Put on the a/c to cool down. Will exercise tonight and do some scripting.

10pm, Engaged in heavy fighting against the Liew 6. Decided not to publish Sonic Hunter as a novel, but rather as a movie script or children's book. Have to take my meds and turn in by midnight.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Wednesday, 7am

Up early after a good sleep. Got cleaned and will feed the hamster soon, then Dad and I are going to pay some bills. Charging the old beat up 3GS which drained 8% battery over yesterday making 2 calls. Not sure what my next phone will be. Liew insurgents more subdued this morning.

12pm, Back from errands. Quite hot out so will walk a little later. Had good wonton noodles for lunch. Liews suffer some more setbacks. Haven’t been working on my script due to the engagements in the mind.

1pm, Back from a quick 25-minute walk. Get that ~150 minutes of exercise per week. UK people aligned to the Liew insurgents act up. We now have no tolerance for this kind of betrayal, lumping onto the Royals and lashing out on them while pretending to be their supporters / powers.

3pm, Helped Mom transfer her contacts to her Oppo (my old phone) and configure the ringtones and text size. Also configured my iPadOS 16. Will be working on the IM Bash script after dinner. 

4pm, Will be uploading ocarina videos onto Instagram, along with coloured tabs and explanations of the arrangements. Maybe twice a week. Something to do after my coding is finished.

8pm, Fed the hamster and exercised. Will sleep late tonight. Liew insurgents and their genius army are on the back foot again but can we hold these gains in the mind? Can't do much work until later probably.

10pm, Witches disobedient to their law break out as the Liew 6 decline. Feeling oppressed and didn't do much work. Feel like watching YouTube instead. Browsed some Swiss watches. Nothing I can afford at the moment. Still wearing my PRS516.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Tuesday 8am

A slow start to the morning. Charging my old iPhone. Will install Huawei Health for Dad so he can sync his smartwatch. Feeding the hamster soon and will walk later. Did some planning work for my script. Liew insurgents attacked my kidneys in the night but I’m still okay.

9am, Liew insurgents flood the mind with pain-giving. Thousands of them onto the Westerners who are sheltering in me. Seems like they have nothing better to do. Thinking of buying a Mac to do some developing again now that I’m back on iPhone.

10am, Talked about happiness and how it’s related to togetherness. Will work a bit after people heal their telepathically given wounds. Need to check on the Liew 6 too. Exercised.

12pm, Made more headway on the script. It’s now called “mx” for Magick Execute and will take 3 shell variables: Bart, Lisa and Maggie to sed into the convert command line.

3pm, Back from my 30-minute brisk walk. Wore my Oakleys, no watch. Have the a/c on and am working at the desk again. Witchy Liew 6 suffer a setback so it seems and are spearing my head in retaliation.

6pm, Tomorrow will be busy. Have to wake up early. ImageMagick wrapper script coming along well. Actually very simple, just that entering all the option strings is tedious. Liew insurgents still giving out pain and lies. Not sure if we should affect their hearts. Mental health issues abound. Had belacan pork and okra for dinner.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Monday 7am

Up early. My LED bulb blew last night and will be changed out today. MR DIY stuff doesn’t last long. Will go for a walk this afternoon. Still coding my ImageMagick script. Liew insurgents lose power again but the world is still tender and raw from their telepathic machinations.

9am, More action against the Liew 6 and their armies. Everyone is frazzled from their psych attacks and some wounded by pain-giving. My old 3GS takes over 2 hours to charge and only lasts 15 hours / 40 hours on 2G. Good enough for a day trip outstation. Fed the hamster and got cleaned. Will resume coding around lunch.

12pm, Coding going slow but at least I'm sitting at the desk typing and Googling.

2pm, Back from my walk. Wore my Oakleys on this very sunny afternoon. Put on a/c and am cooling off. Some problems setting environment variables in my Bash script. Exercise later. Liew insurgents' friends having trouble coping in the mind and need support and counselling. Westerners look on, concerned.

8pm, Anxiety in the mindscape. Been solving problems more than anything today. Made meatballs and spaghetti for dinner which was good. Took a warm shower and changed. Have to feed the hamster then take my meds. Try to work a bit at midnight.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Sunday 9am

Up early. Got cleaned. Back from breakfast at the mamak. Liew insurgents and Western forces betray the Asian helpers and got paid back hard. What would a world without them be like? Have to feed the hamster soon and do some work.

4pm, Finding a better way forward than the constant arguing and battering. Unfortunately the Liew 6 are unable to fit into a world that trust restored. On this momentous day, I gave my Oppo to Mom who is a phone junkie, and downgraded myself to a 3GS. Wish I had my web browser / notes app. Won’t be using MySejahtera anymore, just calling and messaging. Exercised and am looking forward to dinner.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Saturday 8am

Fell asleep last night without doing much work. Read up on environment variables which helps my script project lots. Got cleaned up and had breakfast. Will be walking today. Feed the hamster at 9am. Liew insurgents singing my song. Yesterday they tried to destroy my hearing after sensing the future yet again.

1pm, Exercised. Had baked beans for lunch. British people pestering me and hitting out. Not sure what to do to make them happy. Work will have to wait. Meanwhile people all over Asia are ill from the fallout. Back from my half hour walk early. Felt good to have some cardio. Will try to do some work later.

4pm, Raining outside. Have the a/c on. Liew insurgents’ blood vessels have thinned dangerously. Is there an end in sight? Ate moon cake and tea as the mid Autumn festival has begun. Thinking how best the ImageMagick command line can be built up, randomly accessed by 3 scripts. Maybe sed will do. Dreaming of better things and times ahead.

6pm, Put on some music and am coding away. Had a light sardine assam laksa for dinner. Must remember to feed the hamster by 8:30pm. Did some mind healing work and dealt out hard punishments. It's strange for a passive agent (radar / hospital / jail) to be used in this way but I guess it's okay in the long run. Tomorrow we're eating breakfast out and may go to the park if the weather holds.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Friday 1am

Still haven't slept. Reinstalled Ubuntu on my Kabini rig as it got corrupted somehow. Chose the MATE desktop instead of Gnome. Seems to be working well. Rain continues. Not using a/c tonight. Liew insurgents, 6 in a family from house no. 6 face the chopping block this month.

7am, So King Charles takes the throne in the UK. Liew insurgents still singing in my head. Have to feed the hamster by 8:30am, get cleaned, and start working on my script.

10am, Raining heavily this morning. No need for a/c since last night. Feeling a bit lazy but not so oppressed. Was able to sit at the desk, maintain my site and now am having fun setting up Ubuntu MATE.

2pm, Set up all 3 of my Linux machines to look the same. Not really productive but at least I'm keeping busy. Finished all the planning and design for my scripts. Just a bit laborious. Will be going out later to pay some bills as the rain has stopped.

4pm, Back from the insurance agent. Had a coffee at the mamak nearby. Starting to drizzle again so I have to miss my walk. May go on a quick one after dinner. Exercised. Liew armies hit out at King Charles so we had to intervene and send them home. Nothing great will happen in the short run the way governments are dragging the mind crisis. Found a good resource online for my Bash script. Yes, I copy and paste lots.

10pm, taking my meds late and will stay up past midnight working on Flap. Watching Sara Lubratt's channel. Apparently she has quit her full time job to pursue her dreams. Inspiring stuff. Must work hard too. Signing off for the day.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Thursday 8am

Fell asleep partway through the Apple event. Nothing very interesting. American forces pressing in for some reason, this morning. PRS is keeping decent time: +14 seconds per day. When new it was under +1 second. Didn't do much work yesterday. Will try to finish my Bash script today.

9am, Got cleaned and fed the hamster who was busy washing itself on its back by my bed. It's urinating more lately which is a good sign as it doesn't like drinking water much, instead eating juicy foods. Liew insurgents and other fallen people jerking my body. There seems to be no end to the telepathy crisis and no need to do / teach anything much about it.

12pm, Exercised and will brisk walk later. Scored a victory against the Liew insurgents but it's still early in this protracted campaign. Youths and children all over the world are free to pursue lives without the "System" which was corrupted by the criminals.

4pm, Back from my daily walk. Liew insurgents spiked my head all the way but I'm getting fitter. Wasn't out of breath or tired. Put on the a/c. Earlier swept and mopped my room. Will give the hamster some fresh water at 8pm. Working sporadically at my PC. The Apple Watch Ultra in titanium is so cool but at over 3k RM it's far too expensive. Handling some telepathy spillage now. Will resume work at 4:30pm.

9pm, Queen E is very ill and has sworn in her last prime minister looks like it. I believe this will be the start of interesting events even as the witch Liew is brought under control / thwarted. White witches bless me with many good things and I'm still helping in the mind as the night rumbles with thunder here in tropical Malaysia. Will work more later, around midnight. Have to be patient and soak up these momentous days.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Wednesday 8am

Woke up to rain and cars ploughing through puddles on the road a stone's throw from my window. Haven't fed the hamster or brushed my teeth yet. Eager to resume writing my novel. Tonight late, the September Apple event which I'm staying up to catch. Liew insurgents still breaking homes, but we saved many last night, that they caught and bullied.

11am, Arguments and pain-giving in the mindscape as unreasonable people including the Liew forces pester the good for survival and pleasure. We wielded the big stick on these miscreants and a little stick on the Westerners they deceived, who are now being healed. Can't do much work until maybe 12pm. Wearing the Tissot PRS Mom gave me 2 years ago.

1pm, had wonton noodles for lunch and exercised. Will be going on a 30 minute brisk walk later. Much of the Liew insurgents' brains are being scrubbed off since they intolerably abuse others in the mind. Watched some YouTube wristwatch videos. Wasn't able to work much, just a bit on the Image-Magick scripting which I'll finish up this evening-night and then write a bit of The Pearl Fishers while waiting for the Apple event to start ~1am.

5pm, back from my walk. Wore my Oakleys which cut the glare a lot as it was very sunny out. Legs feel sore after 3 days of hard pumping. Mom and Dad are still at the hospital. Put on a/c and am working at my Pi 4. Can't wait for tonight's show from Cupertino. The USD to RM ratio went up to 4.50. Will there be a crunch in October? Masks set to come off.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Tuesday 7am

Got up while it was still dark. Sitting at my desk typing again for the first time in a month instead of being pressed to the floor by the Liew insurgents. Will be brisk walking 30 minutes a day from now on. Some hitting going on nearby in the mind.
11am, Work on the Magick scripts is going well. It will be an interactive loop that calls 3 other scripts to set up the whole command line. Liew insurgents won't give up despite bearing terrible pain. Laying off eating ramen for a while. Had some moon cake tho. Life is short. Health issues come and go with the level of hatred against you.

12pm, The main script will be called flap and tapping the arrow keys brings up bart, lisa and maggie. 3 scripts that store Magick parameters and arguments. This breaks the CLI down into manageable chunks with stage by stage updates.

2pm, Put on the a/c earlier and it's just started to rain. Was improving my website, Corrected some errors in my stories page and uploaded new screenshots of my apps. Reading Ivy Ngeow's short story on She was a Facebook friend.

5pm, back from my half hour walk. Rain had cleared most people and cars off the road so I was pretty much the only one out. Resumed writing "The Pearl Fishers" using my own app, NiP. Have lots of unfinished manuscripts. Hopefully I will produce a novel by EOY.

7pm, had beans and tofu for dinner. Took a warm shower. Have to feed the hamster and exercise. Liew insurgents can’t come clean and are hammering down people’s doors who have any oil. Such like cannot be with God in any sense, or with the angels. Sadness permeates the mindscape. Don’t feel like writing much tonight thanks to this fallen family.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Monday 10am

Start of a new week. Still coding YAK2. Ate a very rich sticky rice pudding for breakfast. May skip lunch. Have to diet and exercise regularly ahead of my doctor’s appointment later in the month. Liew insurgents still deceiving kids and making trouble in the mind.

3pm, Finally finished debugging yak. Liew insurgents carry on their lies and false accusations among the Westerners. Planning to get out of the house on a long walk soon. Coding was too addictive. Don’t know if I want to make another app.

4pm, Sure enough, I've resumed work on my ImageMagick wrapper scripts. But this time the job is much easier. Should be straightforward if a bit tedious. Some people will be glad I slaved for this.

5pm, Back from a 30-minute brisk walk down the road. There is fierce construction work going on near the LRT. Felt good to get in some cardio. Looks like rain. Will shower and dig into the scripts tonight. Still unsure how it all will work. Took a hot shower and will help cook dinner soon.

7pm, Going over my songs and stories on Watched TGV on YouTube talking about EDC gear. Still haven't finalised the scripts' design. Right now they're just a long switch case of arguments. Liew insurgents getting help from the spooked Westerners. We have to bring out more heavy weapons.

10pm, Exercised. Decided that YAK3 will be a CLI Python helper app that reads a .yk2 file and attaches sample banks and wav snips to tracks for playback. Will work on it around November-December. Took my meds and will turn in soon.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Sunday 10am

Back from breakfast at the mamak with Dad. Renewed my web hosting and domain. Donated to Wikipedia. Looks like there’s one remaining bug in YAK2, garbage entries in the MIDI export function. Otherwise the app is stable. Liew insurgents starting conflicts in the mind everywhere. Taking hits to the head.

7pm, took a long shower after helping prepare dinner. Soup and meatballs with kale. YAK’s MIDI bug is taking some figuring out. Liew insurgents broken apart by prophecy and damaged people are being offered amnesty and forgiveness over the next 24 hours. There are just so many poor, mentally ill criminals in the mind. Resting in a/c. Will exercise a bit later.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Saturday 1pm

Back from the mall. Didn’t buy anything much, just apple juice and seaweed crisps. Liew insurgents targeted my eyes and face and antagonised the people around as well. Had burgers for lunch. Still crushing bugs in YAK2 past the deadline. Will pay my web hosting fees tomorrow after breakfast.

7pm, Had a good dinner, fish and Chinese veggies. Fed the hamster the same plus a blueberry. Bug hunting going well. There appear to be empty tracks which are screwing up the parsing. Liew insurgents retreat under God attacks. We are on the brink of change and it may come from the Americans who are revamping their control methods with my clairvoyant advice.

11pm, Finally can put down yak after hours of bug squashing. Exercised. Tomorrow I’ll be starting something new. Wearing my Baltany AliExpress watch. Want to resume going on walks next week.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Friday 8am

Not much to report. Feeling muted and disinterested. Last night’s action against the Liew insurgents wasn’t enough to stop them tearing up the world. Still, the morning is quite peaceful where I am and I’m able to get some work done.

2pm, tweaking YAK2’s automation feature which is finally showing good results. There is a problem with limits and ranges. Liew insurgents crashing people together and painting them black for entertainment. The Royals are shipped around together with my family members to make the mad machine work.

11pm, debugging YAK involves redoing the list storage routines. Pretty tedious work. Anyway, the Liew witches are on the back foot hopefully for the final time and we’re gathered round to form their seeing off party. Showered and brushed my teeth, fed the hamster. Will exercise soon.

Thursday 5pm

The turn of the month again. September. Maybe better things for us lie ahead. Dad forgot to pay the Unifi so we got cut off this morning. Everything is okay now. Doing some cleaning around my room, getting rid of hamster waste. Decided to concentrate on playing the bamboo flute. Remember to buy David E. Ramos’ ocarina EP later.

10pm, Exercised, fed the hamster earlier and cleaned up its nest behind my storage bin. Discussed some approaches to music in the mind. Still haven’t gone to the bank. Had tasty choy tham veg for dinner. Action against the Liew insurgents peters out as they have ensnared millions of sinners. Drank lots of Coke Zero. Took my meds and will be turning in around midnight.

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...