Sunday, June 30, 2024

Monday 6am

Up early. Ate an egg tart for breakfast. Went for a brief but intense run in my Decathlon shoes. Feeling good. Will work out later in the afternoon. Wonder if my QS tee will arrive tomorrow?

7am, Brushed. Today will either make a video or write a story. Liew antichrists still attacking from their nest with fallen American Christian families. No sense getting worked up -these are what happens in the end times.

8am, Worked out early as there was an opening. It’s so important to stretch the ol’ muscles. Only takes 2 1/2 minutes a day then I revert to couch potato mode. Teaching kids and babies how to push away the evil witches. Even grownups can use this method.

10am, Invented a bunch of stuff on which anyone can peruse for free. Sometimes it pays to be generous. Feeling good being productive again. It’s really witchcraft of the Liew 6 that’s been oppressing my income stream.

12pm, Got cleaned well. Sis and her daughters abusing my eye. Heading over to the new place after lunch as there are repairs and odd jobs to do.

2pm, My Sony BT speaker bit the dust. Most audio devices don’t last forever. We’re at the shoebox house waiting for the repairman. Wearing my Protrek. Don’t think it will rain by the barometer. Wonder what watch to give my cousin when he comes mid July.

6pm, Making roast chicken for dinner with peppers and garlic and Montreal steak seasoning.

10pm, Took my meds and will turn in by midnight. Brush soon. West has gone wild over their ‘unforgivable’ sins perpetrated with the instigating Liew witches. Nobody knows why some people can’t accept kindness of a last resort. Really stupid.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sunday 6am

Up early. Ate watermelon. Back from my brief run. Feeling okay. Liews and young Americans team up in an unholy alliance of survival and vengeance. Work out in the evening. Listening to my Edifier R19U speakers. Sound quite nice.

8am, Over at the shoebox house for a few hours. Managed to get clean quite well and brushed. Not sure if I will head out to the guitar shop this morning. Work out in the evening. More attacks on Christians thru the mindspace. Talked about experiences, beliefs, and faith -leading to salvation. We all have these 3 mental constructs but they seem to lead us nowhere. And the reason is that there is anti-faith which comes from a root of disobedience, falsehood, leading to apostasy (of one’s law / struggle / purpose). But I want to get going on my day. Think about it…

2pm, Back from the mall. Had Arab rice with chicken Shawarma and iced rose syrup, less sweet. Bought colored chalk from IKEA and a duster sponge. Sett morphs yet again from a JavaScript to a board game contest of 2 minds into a game of whole family fun. Best yet, I don’t have to manufacture anything but the rules sheet. It can be played on glass walls; sidewalks; on blackboards in schools all around the world. Wonder how I’ll monetize? Maybe organize a student / open competition.

3pm, Not at the mall guitar shop yet again. Seems my guitar will be out of action for some time. These end times are full of conflict. Americans want to change the world but it is not in the meetings of the minds that things change, but in the Kingdom. Christians, by heart-circumcision, pass forward and onward pure ‘sex’ -the universal currency. All people can ‘sex’ -reproduce / perpetrate / perpetuate (something) in pure pleasure. Christians are some of the most successful and caring people right to the core. It is not enforced by putting marks or names on us.

Want to talk more on ‘circumcision’. It is simply devotion to a higher purpose. It is listening to something other than our flesh, watching the act of creation in our bodies and those around us, anew. It is not bearing pain / sacrifice per se. But it is bearing the calling of a higher being in the making. Some may say circumcision is a physical requirement just like baptism by water. But I say, who can listen to a sweet word and not feel touched? Who can receive kindness and curse his own fate? One day red heifers will be so common, genetically, then what of the temple and the sacrifice? Yea, the Kingdom of God is within!

11pm, Ordered a Quiksilver tee. It was 50% off plus a 10RM off voucher. Well worth it. My first QS product. Decided not to repair the guitar but to take up Tai Chi instead. Dug out my old tennis shoes and toeless yoga socks. They work well with martial arts as they are stable and the soles, not gummy. Will be making a video on Sett2 tomorrow, one on my HomePod Mini, one on my ukulele, one on flute technique. Also have to do some gospel writing. Busy month, July!

Friday, June 28, 2024

Saturday 9am

Up early. Planning to head over to the guitar shop today after failing yesterday. May go in the mid afternoon. Worked out and brushed. Don’t think I need to loo after yesterday’s enormous one. Not being constipated is a relief. Liew witches being handled by passing them around and ripping their souls.

12pm, Am happy with Rocky Linux / KDE on the Aspire netbook. Always useful to have a full x64 Linux distro of some kind handy. It suspends to s2idle and hibernates well, looks polished and user-friendly. Uses less RAM than Windows 10. Enjoying some eco-mode a/c as the weather is very hot.

1pm, Mom is feeling under the weather while Dad busies himself painting the window frames of our shoebox house. Shortly, I’ll be making a trip to the mall to get my guitar repaired. May go at 3pm+. Don’t feel like exerting myself which could be due to Mom’s ‘family connections’. Meanwhile the Liews are beaten back by our mind forces. Many were turned from ‘innocent’ evil and are being talked to.

3pm, Hard to work up the effort needed to lug my guitar to the mall. Had a spicy tomyam kaw ramen which woke me up. Had been lethargic since this morning. Something in me doesn’t want to leave the security of home and family or brave the afternoon heatwave which I used to do often from our old place. Did more unearthing of the Liew witches’ motives. They seem more remoras than sharks or maybe it’s that way because of the proximity of Rapture?

8pm, Worked out again. Feeling the cardio. Wrote my Substack newsletter a little late. Better late than never. Got my first Google search hit. Major cause for celebration. Tomorrow, try to walk to Amcorp, earlyish. Taking a shower at 9, write my gospel fiction tonight.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Friday 6am

Up early. Slept on the floor yet again. Took half a Rivotril last night. Evil Liew witches continue to strike out. Truly the wicked carry on being wicked as in the Bible. May go on a run later in the morning. Work out at 7am.

Ran and worked out. Feeling good. Had half an iced Milo for breakfast. The folks are going over to our new place to work on it. I’ll stay behind. Will be hard, carrying my guitar on a 12 minute walk to the LRT.

7am, Ate leftover nasi lemak. Yet to get cleaned or brush.

8am, Got cleaned well albeit with some effort. Brushed. I use Pepsodent Ramadan fasting-breath toothpaste from Indonesia as it was cheap / readily available during that time. Comes out green. Talked to American kids and baby minds, about vengefulness and letting go of the Liew scourgers. We’ll get them eventually once their power base shrinks.

10am, Am typing this from the new place into my iPad 5. Liew witchy aggression continues, picking on Christians who are immature spiritually. Our enemies are really the doctrines of demons, who are failed gods. But the west is on a pogrom against all Asian flesh which is un-Biblical.

3pm, Trapped inside due to heavy rain. Ate a tomyam kaw ramen which was spicy. Earlier I had a vegan lunch with cili padi (birds’ eye peppers) -a known tonic. No chance of repairing my guitar today probably.

7pm, Helped Mom make dinner. Was tasty especially the fried bread fingers with Plants and eggplant dip. Still wrestling with Archbang’s hibernation.

10pm, Finally got round to finishing my on-bow 3 arrow quiver. It still uses a tarp clip but also has EVA foam, is lighter, more easily detached, and to draw arrows from. Just need to bind up the foam with some cord or tape later -can’t decide. This is ahead of the Paris Olympics in July. Their logo is cheeky -looks like a woman as well as a torch flame. Had a good loo, brushed and showered. Yet to take my meds.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Thursday 8am

Up early. Got cleaned well. Brushed and worked out. Am sitting at my desk in the shoebox house, listening to Sara Lubratt’s vlog on YouTube while typing this journal entry. Had breakfast with Dad at Stadium. Later we’ll be at NSK for groceries. I will just have a light lunch, no sugary drinks. The downfall of Damascus is close -France ordered Assad arrested.

3pm, Back from NSK and lunch at Burger King. We’re at the shoebox. I installed ArchBang on Aspire. Some issues hibernating (S4) but S0 sleep works, prolonging battery life. May be close to the time where the folks and I sit down and talk about God and Heaven / Hell. Will be making bitter gourd (Indian variety) with eggplant paste and some reduced tomato-red onion purée for dinner. Dad is still painting the window frames. Mom’s health is steadily worsening and odd flashes of prophecy make their passes round our mind group. Last train for the Rapture.

8pm, Resting after making a good dinner of veggies and bread. Feel so light and healthy after eating veg cooked in olive oil, and wholewheat. Thoroughly enjoyed it to the stomach. Rain blew into my room while we were out. Mopped up with a towel. Tomorrow will sleep in. Work out again tonight. No more roti canai, definitely! Want to head out tomorrow on a long walk. May go to Amcorp, get my guitar repaired. Mom is wearing my F-200 quite happily. I shall have to find another EDC.

9pm, Worked out again. Feeling stronger. Will take my meds and brush circa 10pm. Contemplating my watch EDC choice. Decided on the Swatch AM51. It’s made from rapeseed oil plastic and features a disposable 90-hour automatic movement regulated by laser.

11pm, Took my meds just before. Was caught up writing a short story for my Medium. Quite pleased with it. Came from a mix of ideas that had been stewing for years. Will brush soon and turn in by midnight.

Wednesday 5pm

Usually I post more regularly but the past few days have been packed with errands with the folks and mental skirmishes with the deceptive, witchy Liews and disgruntled / driven-mad westerners. Read for a summary of today’s doings.

Yemeni rebels have hit an Israeli cargo ship in the Red Sea. And the Ayatollah, declared war on Cypress / Kittim in the Bible. Not sure if persecution against Christians will pick up, after initial incidents in Dagestan -the historical haunt of the enemies of God as discovered by Alexander the Great. By tonight, we can expect some groundbreaking developments that may fulfill Ezekiel 37-38.

9pm, Took my meds earlier, showered and am in comfy Pagoda style tee and Indian harem pants. All cotton. Have to configure Archbang / Aspire soon. Sporadic attacks from deceived friends and family provoked  by the Liew witches. Put on the a/c to cool down. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Tuesday 5am

Up early. Was assaulted by my nieces, behind which were thousands of Liew witches. Back from a brief run at full pace. Feeling regulated. Have to get ready to head out with the folks in a few hours. Will work out in the afternoon. Take it easy under fire from the telepathic antichrists.

9pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Heavy engagements in mindspace. ‘Prince William’ being cared for as he is rather shaken from early childhood emotional wounds. Unfortunately the smoke grenades we’re using on the Liew 6 make it hard for us to be together on the frontlines.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Monday 4am

Up early. A night of powering on one another as the evil telepaths are shunted here and there to see what can possibly be done about them. Brushed. Will work out later. No running today. My knee seems to be healing. Still listening to my HomePod Mini. Could it be my ticket to better days?

7am, Within a week or so, I could be free from the forced medication and witchcraft bullying that oppressed me for over 20 years and before that, some. Will not be running this morning, just working out later. Feeling tender right now. May come into some money, almost 50kRM, soon. Thinking of what to buy even as we weaken the Liew witches’ brains (semi-stroke).

9pm, Have been busy all day. Tomorrow, fresh funds may come in. Set up my desk in the shoebox house while Dad did some painting. He is in pain again, sciatica, and has flu too. I wrote a guitar song. Installed FreeBSD on my old Thinkpad which works flawlessly. We are now attacking deep into Liew witch territory. No time to talk much. Took my meds and will brush soon.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Sunday 6am

Up early. Brushed. Was groggy from sedatives. Drank a Milo choc drink. Went for a full speed run up and down our road. Felt good after 2 days lapse when I went walking instead. Yet to work out. Today, will be going to the downtown mall with the folks. Still enjoying my HomePod Mini.

7am, Worked out. Feeling weaker overall somehow. May be Mom’s wasting disease. She’s losing weight quite rapidly.

9am, Unable to get cleaned yet. Ate a dried prune and drank a glass of water.

11am, Was able to loo after 2 prunes and 2 glasses of water.

3pm, Back from the mall. Bought my bedroom table / desk for the same price as my chair, 199RM. Saved some money. Is durable and sturdy as well. Western forces attacked together with the Liew witchy 6 and their geniuses. We beat them back with fatty deposits in their blood vessels. It is healable just that no doctor will do it for these (made-) traitors we reasoned and pleaded with for so long.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Saturday 5am

Up early. Worked out. Felt good despite a slight headache lingering from yesterday. Liew forces not so strong this morning.

7am, Got cleaned easily. Feeling fresh. Had a tomyam kaw ramen and iced Milo for breakfast. Not sure when to start off for TRX. Maybe 10:30. Plenty of time to shave and select my clothes. Still unsure what to buy if anything. Liew forces attacked western babies and kids again, erasing their gospel learnings. Sorrow abounds in the mindspaces.

Shaved my leg hair with a Shick Lady safety razor. Had put it off for many months. Took about 15 minutes. The morning air is very cool. Feeling rested. Took a brief warm shower, wiped down my watch.

8pm, Back from the jam packed Apple Store with a new HomePod Mini. Love it. I now have over half of my shallow savings used. The rest is tied up in long term deposits by the folks. I have some in EPF (401k) but not a lot. To go on a long cruise and never come home, you know… Had lunch at Oriental Kopi. Mom had been longing for fine dining. The bill came to quite a bit. She wore the Buddhist bag I gave her. The light rail trains were not full and we found seats. We’re getting too old for long outings together. Tomorrow, to buy my new room’s work table at Mutiara.

11pm, Took my meds earlier. Brushed. Feeling sleepy. Working on my writing again.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Friday 6am

Was up at 3am after ~5 hours’ sleep. Found out my trackpad was disabled by FreeBSD somehow. It works fine in Windows. Still no standby after recompiling the kernel. But I like BSD a lot. It’s more Unixy. Dredged out my Mighty Mouse to use along with it. Western forces smash into the Nephilim witchcraft hordes in Asia with dire consequences for our society. Not sure how it will turn out…

Work on my Ukulele booklet progresses. It will have systematic fingering charts and songs that’s about it. Somehow the guitar booklet failed while this one is going strong. Will work out late morning after a rest. Got cleaned easily. Want to take a walk instead of running, today. Tomorrow, to TRX for the Apple Store launch.

8am, Shaved and trimmed my mustache. Ready to head out. Am taking it easy today as ‘Prince William’ is having anxiety all over my mindspace. Something involving other sinful family members. “You can cheat through the mind!” Exclaimed my ancestors after falling for the western ploy, now the whole world is reaping the wages of sin. Very smart move, ALL of you.

12pm, Home from a long walk. Bought an F-200, a cheap digital watch, one that could be my mainstay over the next month or so leading up to the possible seal breaking that triggers rapture. Had been dissatisfied with all my watches and wanted to start afresh. This was after I got Mom a Buddhist satchel. The inelegance of my current collection, and my collecting habits disgusted me. Why can’t a watch be more like the monk satchel -practical and beautiful, non-bourgeoisie.

5pm, Talked about the balance of power in the mind, who started the telepathy, and who is running it out of control. It is the UK who ‘opened’ minds and ‘followed’ people. It was the Americans who wanted the status quo power balance to avoid wars. It was the witchy Liew ancestors who started those wars. It now is the poor of mind, pitiful, who are the true power mongers.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Thursday 4am

Up early. Finishing the kernel install on Linux Mint which I fell asleep while running. Very strong gusts of wind outside. Liew forces striking out tho they were discredited yesterday. Will take today easy. Want to go on a long walk later. Work out by 6am.

6am, Got cleaned easily. Yet to work out. Probably will walk today. Installing FreeBSD with CDE, my favorite desktop.

1pm, Worked out and ran this morning. I will take a walk in the late afternoon, just over to the LRT and back. Stretch those legs a bit. Been vegetating a lot lately. These are the last weeks of my schizophrenia mislabeling. And in July, I’ll get some money to spend one way or another. Wonder what I’ll buy?

3pm, Been practicing my ukulele. I have more talent on it than on guitar. Partly it’s due to my special tuning of c-f-a-c# (top to bottom string). You can play amazing things with this tuning, or at least things that are normally hard with the normal tuning of iirc, g-c-e-a.

6pm, The chair Dad bought me is home and in service at my old desk with the Pi4 and 23" display. Only 199RM, it has a mesh back, arm rests, gas lift, swivel base and backrest tilt. Quite comfortable. I like rocking back and forth while I think / work. Meanwhile we've been cutting through the false logic spread by the Liew witchy 6, people giving up people only to be given up themselves and the witches, laughing all the way to the next Christian 'hole'.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Wednesday 5am

Up early. Will work out by 7am. Not running today. Wearing my 70’s Tenor-Dorly on ‘vintage’ NATO. Had ramen with garlic and soy, and an iced Milo for breakfast. UK forces wake up to their subconscious betrayal by the Liew witches. Everything they did was wrong due to the witchcraft penetration. Wondering if I really should write a book or just relax.

6am, Worked out. Feeling good. Mom’s monk satchel will arrive this afternoon.

8am, Brushed. Wrote a Sci-Fi story for FFM. Will polish it up later. Yet to get cleaned. Taking it easy. Got cleaned at last, no bleeding, no ants around the loo. Hand still under attack (being stabbed) on and off. Will submit my story tonight after final edit. It’s a good story worth telling. 49 days or so till the Rapture?

3pm, The monk sling bag arrived and is quite good. It would be nice to have a certificate: “standard issue for all monks”, or “premium grade monk satchel”. One can dream, I guess. Folks are out shopping and I’m compiling the Linux kernel for my netbook, hoping it will run smoother. Adjusted my story. Title’s are so important. Feel like coding today. Will ‘hantam’ something into my Pi4 and just adjust from the results.

6pm, Making beans and mince for dinner. Will add spice and onions. Talked about the harvest ripening nicely, man becoming mature in nature, peaceful in complexion, tolerant and forgiving by heart, genius in mind and teaching one another truth in sincerity. This is how we will overcome, not by bullying -the Devil’s reflex.

7pm, Dinner was pretty good. A bit too salty but tasty. We have triumphed over much of the mindspace evil and the witchy Liews are unpopular, winging out at newborns just like they did before, to unnerve America. Atrocities nobody could comprehend, that lasted the lifetime of their prey. “So don’t go against me -ever. I’m a witch!”. We need to act fast to secure baby flesh and hearts. Not sure how…

Monday, June 17, 2024

Tuesday 7am

Up early. Did my workout. Ate ramen with fresh garlic in Japanese Hamadaya soy sauce. Resumed installing Gentoo. Almost to compiling the kernel. Got cleaned sufficiently to head out on a walk. Will just be going to Kayu and back. Have a Coke, a liquid lunch. Liew forces continue to deceive young ones and pander to the faults of western grownups as well who protect these evil witches. I may have to do everything myself to get rid of these 6 miscreants. But they slip behind shields of corrupted kids.

4pm, A busy day. This week, I will receive my desk and chair and can transfer my computer over to the shoebox house. Managed to buy the Venus shaver I craved and a tub of Follow Me strong hair gel. Will try wearing my hair longer from now on but save the Venus to fall back on being bald, if that doesn’t work out. Gentoo is compiling well. I may have a working dual boot system by tonight.

UK forces surged, trying to have their cake and eat it too. Fallout of obeying the witchy Liews for so long. There is major dissatisfaction all over the mindspaces and a moral stalemate. Feel like resting and heading out tomorrow instead. Or maybe just go for a brief run. Or both. Want to run to the end of our road and see if I can lose more flab. Don’t think I will repair my guitar. It’s non essential.

5pm, Went on an all out run. Feeling that good cardio and fat / sugar burning. Head feels sore tho. Mom’s monk bag has shipped. May receive it tomorrow. Hope she likes it.

6pm, All the watches and straps I ever bought cost me 14kRM. My current collection is 12kRM. This is after 25 years of collecting. So that’s an average of 560RM spent on watches per year. A second hand Rolex would be about 38kRM. Was thinking I should have put away 400RM per year towards something like a MarineMaster or GS quartz, meanwhile, wearing a Ray II or a Mudman 9000. Imagine waiting 20 years for your grail, then Mom yells: you’re NOT dropping your 12k on any watch!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Monday 7am

Up early. Not running today. May head out on a walk later this afternoon. Successfully installed Arch Linux on the Kabini rig. Now to install a desktop. Work out maybe 9:30. Didn’t do any coding last night. Psych clinic today. Liew forces raised more babies to judge us again, and children to beat our flesh and bones.

8am, Got cleaned and worked out. Need to do some more setup for Arch to connect to the Internet. Maybe later. Want to install the CDE desktop.

9am, Brushed. Finished setting up Arch with the Plasma desktop instead. Very nice looking. Had to install Konsole (a terminal) as it didn’t come with the usual default apps. Less than 2 hours till we head out for lunch. Don’t feel much like working. Maybe after my Arip jab. Still wearing the 077j. Liews and their prey who were feeding on our hearts, subdued for now. To heal the babies and kids shortly.

10am, Found out Arch goes into standby readily, paired with the Kabini mobo. A relief as some distros including BSD and Solaris, some Windows laptops sometimes don’t wake up / resume properly. Time to wake Mom up.

12pm, Typing this from my shrink's clinic. Seems the Royals can't let go. They went against common decency. Trying to protect as many VIPs as possible but some are already drove mad by the witchcraft.

2pm, Home from psych clinic. Had a very nice Nanyang Chicken Rice meal at Jaya One. Price was reasonable. Jab went alright too. Later in the afternoon, I’ll head out on a long walk. Change into a fresh shirt. Maybe 3pm. Not sure where to.

3pm, Raining. May head out at 4pm instead. Trimmed my pubes (every so often when they get too gnarly. I patiently use a comb and small safety scissors). Thoughts of an unlikely ‘encounter’ drift through my mind.

5pm, Still raining. Need to replace all my guitar tuning heads and restring it at ABA Music, tomorrow. May cost up to 100RM.

8pm, Took a shower and am changed into tomorrow’s attire. Think I will not repair my guitar so soon, but use the money on something else. Talked to kid and baby minds about embarrassment and covering complexity initially, selectively. That is how man’s mind must now grow in this godless world of the Fall. So few are born shepherds and white lights, truly choosing good over evil.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sunday 4am

Up early after an early night on sedatives. Charging my netbook before coding. British acting up again through a child. Will go on a run at 5am.

5am, Back from a brief but intense run. Feeling better. Yet to work out. UK forces trying to pull something on me in the mindspaces.

7am, Ate a tomyam ramen for breakfast with a glass of iced water. Hits the spot. Forces under the Royals in agony over using me for blame as I lost my memory some time ago and it is getting worse. Got cleaned easily. Will be heading out to Decathlon with the folks later. Work out at 9am.

10am, Brushed. Transferred development of Pyggie to the Pi4. Netbooks give me battery anxiety. Am wearing my Seiko diver today. Less flashy than the Tissot. Think it runs -5s /day. At 3kRM, my most expensive watch.

3pm, Back from Decathlon. Dad got his walking shoes and walking stick, Mom got her digital scale, and I got an amazing hiking hat for 65RM -a bit premium. Will be wearing it on many urban adventures to come. Maybe on Tuesday. And of course, to the TRX Apple Store next weekend.

Tomorrow is my shrink appointment at the nearby clinic. May not run, just do my workout. Coding going slow but I will try to burst forth a couple of search and identify algorithms by tonight.

8pm, Confident I can lay down some top-down-approach code tonight on the always on Pi4. At least do something new to Pyggie every day. Not being too lazy / depressed. Will code at 10pm for 5-10 minutes. Then take my meds and finish installing Arch on my old Kabini rig from 2013. Although I have 6 computers, all except this iPad 10 are nearing EOL / obsoletion, same for my smartphone.

Lots of punishment given out since yesterday. Talks of cancer being meted out to mind criminals. Guilt lowers the immune system but those guilty well know how to hide in innocents. Will shower late, as I say, take life slow and easy.

11pm, Showered and changed into tomorrow’s clothes. Made headway on the Arch install downstairs by the TV. No time to code. Talked mini covens of kids out of witchcraft. We gave them love and all the logic we have so far. Wearing my Tissot while the Prospex dries off from my shower.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Saturday 5am

Up early. Fell asleep last night without brushing or working on my app. Will head out walking in a few hours. Work out before 6am.

6am, Worked out. Leaving for the mall at 9, back by 11:30. Want to do some coding in between. Liew witchy forces and their geniuses continue to spread lies and false teachings throughout the west.

8am, Decided to walk in the afternoon / evening. Spend the morning helping Dad with housework. No time to code yet but all the algorithms are already in place. Just needs some glue to make everything work. Want to strip out the charts and graphics displays from SheetVision. Not sure how yet.

10am, Couldn’t find a complex and fast enough image to midi converter. I will roll my own based on just 2 passes. Horizontal and vertical scanning based on pre-prepared templates. There may be a simple configuration stage where template and image are matched size-wise.

Thinking it would also be good to convert hand-written notation at some stage. So there will be look left, look right Vertical , and look up, look down Horizontal functions to match irregular shapes. [edit: trying to do the OCR without templates P, just 4 rules for H, and V]

11am, Swept the bedrooms and hallway. Very dusty, thus satisfying. Oh, forgot to sweep the store room! Tomorrow, we’ll be going to Decathlon. I will head over to Amcorp mid afternoon, just poke around, then walk to Asia Jaya, and ride the LRT home. Next weekend, heading over to TRX for the Apple Store opening.

9pm, We were at our new shoebox house earlier where I did some coding on Pyggie using my Aspire netbook. Made good headway, still a lot to adjust. Helped make tuna pasta for dinner, then we talked about the east-west conflict, how it started. Due to my memory loss, I couldn’t solve everything but will try to stop the negative telepathy later tonight, write about it on Dogblots early tomorrow morning.

10pm, Showered and changed into soft cottons, FotL / Decathlon. Wearing my birthday watch from 3 years ago, Tissot PRS516 on Zulu strap. Gained 2s in 12 hours. Free-sprung balance just like Rolex. Still wide awake. Want to define some parameters in Pyggie before I get too tired.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Friday 2am

Woke up and took my meds after napping for a few hours. Yesterday started very early. So missed the opportunity to work on my guitar booklet. Brushed. Hand still under assault. Sis still using me as a punching bag. She may be thinking of revenge against the west.

8am, Up late, Still hanging in there against the telepathic attacks. Wearing my JP1060 on a Casio rubber strap. More convenient for showering, washing up etc. Was $175 off Shopee 3 years back. Worked out. May take a long walk this afternoon.

10am, Had coffee at Sqrt 5, SS2 town center. Actually the square root symbol. Their Americano was fresh and we got a second cup for just 1RM. Good luck turning up on their opening day. Must say coffee is big business here in Malaysia lately.

1pm, Back from NSK. I bought goodies for tomorrow’s dinner. Liew evil forces were peeled away from the witchy core of 6 a family who are now being terminated by white witches with my help.

2pm, Am now using iPadOS 18, which feels snappy and not beta-like. Yet to experience the AI features. Rain has stopped. Will go for a run. Back from my 3 minute run. Feeling more regulated. Exercise, even just a little, is important when you’re being lived in, otherwise blood disorders manifest. Healthy / Good eating in moderation is also advised. Also a non-stressful job you can do on your own, in private. Having many friends is also good sense, in and out of mindspace.

3pm, Had an Indomie ramen and some lemon lime sandwiches with Nescafe Gold for tea as I had a very light lunch. Not to mention I ran earlier. Haven’t looed yet today, having gone 4 times yesterday. May be heading to the shoebox house this evening. It’s been a gloomy day of haze and rain. Been talking the Royals out of being (made) disruptors of peace. It’s not easy to let go.

Am trying to write a python program that suggests guitar fingerings based on (piano) sheet music since I’m prevented from experimenting for real. There is already a library for reading via ocr, so I just need to write a filter based on 3 parameters: note, stretch, and next note. It will be a little complex as I try to intersperse notes as well so it sounds properly guitary. This will add 2 parameters: hold and lift. Will try to write it tonight, with a GUI to go along with. Wonder if I should sell it?

6pm, Making meatball veg and pasta soup again. Mom is steaming a fish. Not sure if they’ll want toast with eggplant dip. I guess -why not. Made good headway on the Python guitar app. Could get an alpha up tonight since we are early solving the telepathy. Later, I have to write on future-sensing and how not to abuse it.

7pm, Check out my latest post on on why we can’t reliably see the future without God’s instruction. Made the meatballs and Mom chopped the veg. 10 minutes to boil, then I’ll add the fettuccini and toast some wholewheat bread fingers. Dinner will be late tho. Charging the Aspire prior to some serious coding afterwards. Watched some guitar videos on YouTube.

8pm, Took my meds early. Tomorrow, will be heading out briefly to Amcorp, then on to Asia Jaya. Will drop by Decathlon and Digital Mall, return home for lunch. 8 days till Apple Store TRX opens. Want to get Mom airpods.

9pm, Looed and showered at last. Am changed into tomorrow’s clothes. Netbook is charged and ready for coding. May sleep at 11pm. Can’t wait to head out on my own again. May not carry my backpack.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Thursday 3am

Brushed and worked out. Liew witches rebuilding their empire of fear and lies among westerners after yesterday’s expose of their modus operandi. Feeling a little sleepy as I think I only had 5 hours sleep. Left my groups as it seems I’m not welcome there much.

5am, Back from a refreshing run up and down our closed road. Had a tomyam ramen and oolong tea for breakfast. Mom is awake and getting ready for hospital. Wrote more on Revelations on which may be one of my final Bible analyses. 50-ish days to possible Rapture as a UN peace deal for Palestine is pushed through.

8am, I’m backed up today for some reason. Luckily, not icky. Must be nerves as Mom goes for her checkups at the hospital.

9am, Cleared my plugged up gut successfully. May do some clay molding today as there is nothing much else to do. Alternatively, may write my guitar booklet. Either is easy.

10am, Getting started writing my beginner’s guitar booklet. No call from Mom yet. Wonder what’s for lunch.

1pm, Been taking stock of my computers:
  1. ThinkPad 2015, used
  2. Aspire netbook
  3. iPad 5
  4. iPad 10
  5. Raspberry Pi 4
  6. Kabini A5
All but no.4 are old / budget hardware. No.4 is actually my fastest computer especially when it gets AI in iOS 18.

4pm, The weather was very hot when we dropped Mom off at the hospital. Wore my Oakleys. Decided to wear my JP1060 more often, and to the shower as well. I calculate a -3 months of battery life for showering with the dive sensor activated but… life is short. Had chicken rice for lunch earlier. Lots of guitar playing tonight as I write my 101 booklet.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Wednesday 6am

Up early. Got cleaned. Just back from a brief run. Feeling regulated. Will work out later on. Wearing my PRS516 on NATO. Most voices have gone as I am unsuitable to blame their crimes on.

7am, Brushed. Need to take UHU glue to the new house later to glue the porch ceiling. Mind criminals converge on me, making unreasonable demands and lashing out.

10am, Worked out earlier. Wearing my 077j on NATO. It’s a watch worth 3.2k on the grey market, 4k AD price. Am reducing evil witchy forces’ brain power as they cannot learn any gospel, even the easiest. Want to spend the day writing my post on Revelations. No time to roll clay yet.

11am, Did some writing and analysis on Rev. Coming along well so I may roll clay today after all. Maybe in the evening.

3pm, Taking it easy in a/c at the shoebox house. Typing this from my budget Nokia. Wearing my w800h on velcro buckle surf strap. I like Opera Mini and its regular news updates. Intrigued that Trump wants Harry out of the US. Looks like I will have plenty of time to mold tonight.

5pm, Helping Mom make dinner of veg and chicken soup, with broad fettuccini pasta. Talked a lot about the mind control tactics of the Liew witches and their false doctrines. Feeling frazzled. May not work on my molding yet. Tomorrow, an early start to get Mom to her clinic appointment.

6pm, The soup is well along its way. Eating at 7, take my meds and a sedative at 8. Seems many other minds agree the Liew 6 are evil and detrimental to people’s salvation. But of course, just that everyone was so afraid they took to pointing out split hairs and straws on a camel’s back. This June it must stop. July, a month of preaching, and August, maybe some concrete results.

7pm, Took my meds early, with half a Rivotril. Showered and am changed into fresh clothes. Relaxing in a/c. Left my Facebook groups. Someone doesn’t want me posting gospel truth and blow by blow commentary on the telepathy scandal. Just when I thought I’d be welcomed as a hero…

Monday, June 10, 2024

Tuesday 12am

WWDC is about to start and we’ve been talking guitar in the mindspaces. I just took my meds but couldn’t work much as I misplaced the USB C adapter for my keyboard. Talked with Camilla on the mother-father initiative that backfired on Charles and Diana, in raising ‘children’ brought into mindspace. How many turned from God’s wisdom out of desperation. Telepathy isn’t natural, empathy however, is. As is synchronicity or luck as some call it.

8am, Dropping Mom off at the hospital, checkup for numbness in her arm. Am in 2 minds about her as she is a slaver by nature. Fallout of Grandpa’s genius teachings. No time to work out or run this morning. Liew witches still powering on.

10am, Worked out. Felt good. Will be going to the mall later. Have to buy soap, and maybe something nice for myself. Not sure what. The mall isn’t as vibrant as before. Think I will get a pack of air dry clay to make Sett game pieces. Need to work some ink / dye into the clay for contrast. Will be using tin foil as a press mold, then detail with a sculpting tool. May use dried fennel and mustard seeds as the colorants, then varnish over them.

4pm, Back from the mall. Bought a Dove beauty bar, the clay and white acrylic paint. Manufacturing each set of Sett pieces will cost 7RM. I can sell it for 4RM profit. Will use stamping, scoring, and slicing after molding, to give each piece a hand made look. There will be a ‘SETT’ mark pressed onto each piece top. I hope the white paint will mix well with the terracotta clay, tho.

Was assaulted by boys with wet underwear while out. Many people hated me so much they passed it down to their children and broke laws of trust and love between hearts. Some were swept along by others’ pride and influence. It is a testament to their need of Messiah which I related yesterday.

7pm, Helped Mom cook dinner. The food wasn’t fresh but it’s quite common in the 3rd world where we live. Wondering how much white acrylic to add to lighten the orange clay. Liews continue to curse God and downfall the average fallible person.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Monday 6am

Up early. Faced a load of telepathy and pain-giving to my hand. Got cleaned quite well. Talking to the westerners about the burden we all have been bearing and how it must get better from now on. Listening to jazz on my ZSTs as I think.

7am, We disentangled the witchcraft machine and its 3-way fight. Remains to be seen what happens next. I am unable to work much. Just listening to music and feeling relaxed. Took a few hits tho. from the Liew genius fighters.

10am, Got a weird call supposedly from the ministry of communications. Couldn’t understand them or what they wanted, except they insulted me “bodoh” or stupid, at the end of it.

12pm, Back at the old house after chapfan lunch. Had cili padi peppers with fried rice and veg and tofu and beans. Put on the a/c to cool down after my brief workout. Will run later in the afternoon.

5pm, Finally emptied my waste basket after 3 weeks. Also cleared my desk of the record player and subwoofer. Probably won’t run as it looks like rain and there is a lot to talk about in mindspace. Breaking free from false / erroneous teachings given out by the UK Royals mainly, during Diana’s time.

6pm, Clearing junk from the sides of my room is going well. Should be done by 7:30pm. No rush. Will stay up to watch WWDC at 1, while writing my guitar booklet.

7am, Had takeout noodles for dinner. Drank prune juice. Resting in a/c, listening to Mozart low on the record player. Just a little more junk to clear. 6 hours till WWDC.

8pm, Cleared / organized my junk and vacuumed up most of the dust bunnies. Have my floor lighting LED strip on which is conducive for sleeping. Will take my meds at midnight. Don’t really feel like working on my guitar booklet. Maybe around 10pm. Lots of time.

9pm, Went to the loo for the 3rd time today. Feeling flushed through, relaxing in my clean, cool room, in fresh clothes. 4 hours till the Apple event. Just feel like drinking more water instead of working. Will start I guess, at 11pm?

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Sunday 7am

Up earlyish. Got cleaned easily. Will work out by 8am. Run in the afternoon. Lots of Americans visited Not sure how they found my blog. Some read / downloaded my stories on Just when I thought I was being marginalized. Liew forces crashing minds together and corrupting kid and baby minds.

10am, Had breakfast out with Dad at Stadium. Teaching myself guitar using some theory from my piano learnings over the years. May write a short book on guitar 101 this month.

11am, Having egg sandwiches for lunch. Feeling calm and rested even as the witchy Liew forces scheme to send all Christians to hell and destroy God’s harvest. Pure jealousy born of idiocy towards Spirit, not knowing or caring of the light, but basking in perverseness and borrowed fortunes.

2pm, Went from my run early as there was nothing much to do in the house until dinner. Feeling good. Recovered fast. 3 weeks to July, when I supposedly go on the road.

7pm, Back from lunch of naan and tandoori. Was okay. Had chickpea curry which was good. Drank a cola which I believe is a tonic of sorts. Mom’s arm condition is worsening. And she says quite a few of our relations are having trouble with fertilization. I don’t know what’s wrong off the bat, never having tried myself! Gave out advice by proxy to my relations. I am not Mr sexy. Bought the monk satchel at long last. Not for myself tho. Was only 49RM off Shopee.

10pm, Took my meds and showered. Changed into fresh clothes. Attacks and blame fly through mindspaces as criminals try to have a good time. They are blind to the fact that all hearts are joined and all minds see one another. Basically, this mutual protection was broken down by the heinous torture of western fetuses and babies some decades ago. What a bright spark who thought of that. A rising fear response that feeds in every God-fearing Christian’s head and corrupts souls.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Saturday 4am

Up early. Fell asleep on the floor again. Liew witches rage on through western kids and babies who were suffering, pushed onto Christians to judge. Looks like I may receive my foam ear tips today. Must prepare 10RM COD. Too early to exercise. Had a very spicy ramen and iced Milo for breakfast.

6am, Got cleaned well. Will do more character design sketching later for my graphic novel.

8am, Brushed. Waiting for my parcel. Laying down the law in the mind.

11am, Had baked beans for lunch. Tasted odd. Managed to design 9 characters. I think there will be up to 12 characters in all. Storyboarding episode I can begin now. Parcel is on delivery and should arrive circa 2pm.

5pm, My foam ear tips arrived and are really boss with the KZ ZSTs. A whole different sonic signature from silicone tips and the details are amazing. 4.90RM a pair. I bought 2 pairs.

7pm, Helped Mom cook dinner. We are having pan-fried takoyaki chicken and microwaved broccoli, some stringy okra I fried up as well. Relaxing in a/c. Worked out again and felt lots of joint cricks. People in my body. Didn’t run as my parcel came rather late. Dinner was tasty. Will shower and take my meds at 9pm. Do some sketching before bed. It happened after all, my retirement as an artist.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Friday 7am

Up early. Worked out. Will head out on a long walk later this morning. Skip my run. Liew witches plotting against Christians. Their idea of perverse “fun”. Got cleaned with some difficulty. Brush and will go out before 11am.

11am, Got waylaid from my plans by Dad who’s doing some painting at the new house. Will walk over to SS2 instead, maybe 4pm. Wear my running shoes. My ear-tips should deliver tomorrow. Must prepare 10RM for COD. Feeling sorrowful as many (young) girls and boys were tricked into witchcraft, the wine of Satan.

1pm, Erasing the old iPhone 7. It seems to want to update itself all the time. Finished setting up Dad’s myJPJ and IJN. Just minor setup left. Wrote about bewitching / grooming on Dogblots, my other Blogger. Still being attacked through the air but not that much.

2pm, Went for a run instead of heading out. Feeling good, regulated. My Kiprun pebax shoes were soft and springy and made the exercise enjoyable. Thinking of getting Dad one of these too.

3pm, Being more flexible with my routine helps me relax more. Also, pushing away the evil witches with Aloe Vera helps a lot. Tonight I’m starting my graphic novel, “Sphere”. Will do all the penciling first and the layout, dialog and scene intros.

9pm, Taking my meds soon. Will shower and brush, turn in by midnight. The character design is taking a while. I need 9 main characters for the first episode of Sphere. Changed into fresh clothes. Tomorrow, house cleaning day. I will be sweeping upstairs. Getting rid of concentrators melding with our nerves.

10pm, Tide is turning against the Liews but we need to be careful.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Thursday 3am

Up early. Found my foot jammed onto my tripod. It’s still a little painful but mostly healed. Liew witches said they were leaving but never trust an evil witch.

8am, Worked out. Had a spicy ramen for breakfast and an iced Milo chocolate drink. Will run soon. Water supply is back early. Had a feeling Mom went overboard preparing for the cut but intuition isn’t proof. News of Kate on YouTube —her health prospects look gloomy. Got cleaned easily. Found out about Samsung Smart Switch which should easily transfer Dad’s iOS data to Android. Unfortunately, his battery is more or less shot as well as the antenna.

9am, Back from a medium fast run. There was no ankle pain but my right knee hurt a little due probably to Mom’s affliction. Feeling good. Telepathic people including the witchy Liews, who wrecked their lives, trying to get it back by force, through ill little me. Can’t see how it’ll work.

12pm, Made lunch for the folks. We had scrambled eggs and cheese, and avocado and tomato salad. Managed to transfer some app data to Dad’s new Samsung. Left to do are his hospital check-in, car license, and shopping vouchers. Later we may head out for a snack and to pay bills.

1pm, Had diarrhea from the too-spicy ramens I ate yesterday and for breakfast. Rain has stopped. Wrote a post on tackling witchcraft on but read it only if you’re powerful and strong, then share it with others.

6pm, Feeling emotionally drained. Lots of people regretting and crying for their futures and families. I guess tonight will be spent showing everyone how to cope with stress and disappointment. Put on the a/c and am relaxing in my room. Not sure I want to write stories today.

9pm, Time to take my meds and shower. Turn in around midnight. Nothing much achieved today. Will think of story ideas for FFM later.

10pm, Showered and am changed into fresh clothes. My a/c is set at 27C, power saving mode. Brushed. Took a sedative to sleep well. Tomorrow, I may go on a long walk in KL instead of running. We drove off flesh attacks using Aloe Vera creatively albeit belatedly.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Wednesday 5am

Up early. Brushed. Listening to music a bit. Will run and work out by 7am.

6am, Got cleaned easily. Liew forces surging but we removed their baby posse and restored peace. Worked out and am feeling good. Apparently water will be restored while we sleep on Thursday, and be available Friday morning. One more loo tomorrow and 2 quick showers is all I get.

7am, Decided to run in the evening before showering. Still wearing the JP1060. Had a Milo for breakfast. No spicy ramen.

9am, Fell asleep for a while as I had slept sparsely last night. Would like to get another earphone case.

11am, Will be heading over to our shoebox house for lunch with Sis and family. Then on to the mall to get Dad’s new phone. Need to check in at the bank as well to top up my account. Will just put in 100RM. It may have been compromised by crackers rampant nowadays.

3pm, Back from lunch. Had a good time. Need to talk more on Jesus’ promise of salvation to my family, particularly the nieces. No sense anyone being left behind. Writing a new Medium article on spending wisely. We’re shopping for a new phone for Dad, today. Not sure what to get.

7pm, Just had dinner. Cabbage, tomatoes and stir fried chicken with rice. Water is cut for the next 36 hours. Need to take a quick bath and change clothes. Dad got a 1kRM+ 5G phone which feels very premium. Need to get everything set up, all his apps and contacts.

8pm, Took a much needed bucket bath as the water cut is in force. Feeling cleaner. Something’s awry in the mindspaces with the Liew witches’ hegemony over western sinners showing signs of the antichrist.

9pm, Took my meds and a sedative. Will brush soon. Liew witches sent packing with retina tears.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Tuesday 5am

Up early. Liew witches still colliding hearts. Will take today slow. Listen to music through my ZSTs and compare them to the Shures. May head out later on a long walk.

9am, Got cleaned well. Brushed and worked out. Went on a brief run. Feeling fitter and body, functioning better. Liew witches and the westerners they deceived into sin, looking for prey among Christians and to war against God’s coming salvation, pushing weaker believers into hell. Beliefs are simply truths we hold ourselves. Faith is practicing one’s beliefs. Salvation is being judged for walking in faith. Be graceful to one another in Jesus’ name.

5pm, Dad is back from hospital where he had hand surgery for trigger fingers. It may be some weeks before he can use his left hand well. Mom has been collecting water ahead of the taps running dry for 3 days. I think one dump a day is all the flushing we can afford. And a quick small bucket pour to wash off sweat and grime. Quick brush of the teeth with one cup of water. Something sour and nasty is now camped nearby. It is the “falling away” if anything. Kinda hard to make it with so much evil around me. Am I a clownfish?

11pm, Took my meds and will sleep soon. Tomorrow, out for smartphone shopping with Dad. Feeling a little anxious as changes and conflict sweep the world.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Monday 5am

Up early. Throwing ideas around with my Facebook friend for a short story. Feeling okay. Will work out and walk later. Parcel should arrive soon. Worked out and am feeling healthier. Drank a Milo for breakfast and ate some leftovers

7am, Got cleaned somewhat easily. Yet to brush. Still wearing my JP1060 on green NATO. Must go for a walk this afternoon, maybe before dinner. This weekend I will resume running.

8am, Just back from a run instead of walking. Seeing as how I want to enjoy my ZSTs later. Took it easy, not to strain my ankle which is still healing. Recovered surprisingly fast as if I never took a 4 week break. Liew witchy spawn swarming and judging people. They have no other life, now brought in by the British to be handled. Realized my JP1060 looks like an expensive Timex or Casio Outgear. Shouldn’t worry it looks a bit flashy. It’s convenient and makes me happy.

10am, Parcel is on delivery at last. Should arrive after lunch, another 5 hours max. William feeling unsafe again and needing to watch something going on nearby, fights, talking etc.

6pm, Testing my new ZSTs. Helped Dad get a fresh cylinder of cooking gas from the petrol station. Long time since I lifted 30kg. Now dinner is back on. Need to get the Shure-KZ comparison video up on my channel by tomorrow. Such fun earphones, these ZSTs.

9pm, Wrote a bit of the collab project and filmed some footage of the earphones. Tomorrow I will write the commentary after careful comparison. Took my meds earlier. Haven’t showered yet.

10pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Feeling good. Breaking in the ZSTs gently as balanced armatures are delicate. Can hear some atmospheric effects, echoes and reverbs clearly probably due to the BA. Tomorrow, heading out to KL.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Sunday 8am

Up earlyish. Worked out. Feeling good. Drank a Milo for breakfast. Parcel is in PJ now. Remains to be seen if it will deliver this afternoon. Can’t wait for my very own ZSTs since my DQ6’s bass drivers got busted. The whole capsule was slimy and sticky (I think) from exposure to solvent. Waste of 80RM. Will take Sunday slow and easy. Just got cleaned. Will brush at 9. Walk at 10.

10am, Think I will walk around lunch or dinner. Right now we’re beating down the Liew witchy army, millions strong. Many lives hang in the balance. Next weekend I will resume running. Listening to my vinyl rips. The se112 phones make a big difference. Mustn’t rush things, take life slow.

11am, Had another ramen for lunch, with a raw pressed garlic and soy dip. Wearing the Tissot on NATO again, Mom’s gift to me several years ago. No sign of my parcel. Maybe 11:45.

1pm, No on-delivery notice yet. UK forces feel like killing my cheating family. They were hoping I would do the dirty work but it’s not 100% feasible.

3pm, Found out our Agong’s birthday is tomorrow but SPX will still deliver. Can’t wait to hold my new KZs. I missed having a working pair. Am now wearing my JP1060 quartz diver on thick, green sheeny NATO. Looks authentic and is comfy. Killed an Aedes mosquito in my room as dengue cases soar.

6pm, Dad’s iPhone 7 has lost its antenna function. I should go with him to get a new phone. He wants a Huawei as he is Chinese-patriotic. But tomorrow, my ZSTs may arrive.

9pm, Took a shower and brushed. Will take my meds soon. Talked a lot in mindspace to mad kids and  teens, driven mad by the telepathy.

11pm, Was accosted by violent mad traitors with no pleasure, burdening the UK for kicks. We butchered them before they finished killing us softly, all of us! 

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...