Monday, July 31, 2023

Tuesday 9am

Up earlyish. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. My video got one like since yesterday afternoon. Not bad for a first attempt. May head out later for a long walk.

12pm, Went on a brief run instead of walking in town. Feeling that cardio. Was sickly and tired earlier. Liew witchy 6 hit by masers.

1pm, Happy day, someone downloaded SHT from my site. Hope he / she finds it useful.

3pm, Raining. Almost finished my short story about the wind turbine. Need to develop a character more then post it up on Twitter.

5pm, Finished the day's I Ching writing. I have so far done 36 out of 72 hexagrams in 17 days which means I could finish by 18 August.

6pm, Someone viewed my story ‘Old Man’s Car’. Cool. Working on my latest tale, “Intercession”. My site is actually showing up in Google searches now. 2 years of patience is rewarded.

7pm, Exercised. Feeling healthier. Today was rough on my nerves but lots still got done. Hand fed the hamster as she is weak, maybe getting old. Tomorrow may be heading out for breakfast. Take my meds at 8pm.

10pm, Still wide awake despite early meds. Brushed, drank chrysanthemum tea. Liew forces split with her command of lies. So far so good.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Monday 8am

Up earlyish. Fed the hamster. May be going to the mall today. Liew witchy forces regroup and lash out with pain giving. Need to reshoot some video and redo the voice over.

4pm, Uploaded my video to YouTube after many hurdles. Now I want to do my Casio 800h. Maybe next weekend. Have to write my book soon and exercise. Haven’t looed. Liew forces, bad family, and western opponents reached some agreement in the mind conflict.

5pm, Looed, showered, fed the hamster. Finished today’s writing work. May head out tomorrow for a long walk. Exercised. Feeling better. Will be making dinner tonight, salad, rice, and black bean dace.

10pm, Fed the hamster again, last feeding till tomorrow morning. She’s regaining some strength. My video got one view today. Not bad. Took my meds. Will brush and sleep at midnight.

Sunday 5pm

Late start to the day. Spent the morning shooting footage for my first watch review video. Editing and scripting took half the afternoon. Yet to loo. Won’t be attending the niece’s birthday dinner over at their place. Will exercise later. Hamster is getting thinner and thinner.

8pm, Used the loo and showered, changing into fresh clothes. Feeling calm and relaxed. Liew witches and associates dethroned.

9pm, Heavy fighting in the mind. Using basic techniques to cleanse off the evil Liew witch forces. Exercised. Feeling healthier.

11pm, Just finished my writing work for the day. Taking my meds now. Will turn in after midnight. Seems to be a lull in the fighting. Hamster’s health improved after it took some mango, potato, cucumber, chicken and yogurt.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Saturday 9am

Up earlyish. Fed the hamster. Snapped some photos for my reviews blog. Day going slow. British mind forces going mad as the world descends to war internally and externally. Exercised and went on a brief run. Feeling healthier, stretched out, regulated, more optimistic.

12pm, Recording footage for my YouTube channel. Will write a script to read from and take a wrist roll. Liew witchy 6 are down from brain strikes.

8pm, Had roast chicken for dinner with some romaine and garlic salad. The salad was salty which set off the subtle chicken. Hamster seems to be ill again. Maybe do some milk feeding later tonight. I’m wearing glasses again to help regain my stereo vision. Will do some writing at 9pm. Talked a lot about fallen angel vs Christ genetics and the black arts of conmen like the Liew 6.

10pm, Finished my writing work for the day. Hamster seems to be dying, she won’t drink any milk. August may be a new beginning for me and many others. Liew witches still defiant, using up newborns and toddlers.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Friday 12am

Just finished the day’s I Ching work. So far so good. Everything matches with the ABY. Feeling a little sleepy from my meds. Have brushed and am ready for bed. Tomorrow, I will be shooting video of my Baltany D12.

7am, Up early as hamster was hungry. She ate some durian and watermelon, then ran and hid. Seems to be gradually growing old. Will take Friday slow. A week from my jab at the psych clinic.

1pm, Heading out for a bit to buy some photo frames. Cooling down in a/c for a while. Hamster ate chicken and cucumber for lunch. Now needs 3 feedings a day. Wiped down her loo area behind my bed. Liew witchy 6 suffer more setbacks. Tonight, a talk on heaven and hell for her ex supporters.

8pm, Exercised. Feeling healthier. Working a bit later tonight. Take my meds at 10pm. Busy teaching in the mind, reaching out to mentally fragile adults and kids. Pushing down the Liew witchy 6.

11pm, Finished the day’s writing work. Took my meds. Western mind forces going mad for lack of resources from God. Brushed and am turning in by 1am.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Thursday 12am

Wide awake still. Dismantling the Liew automated sin-milking machines. Exposed her to angel attack and she seems to be wounded. But then she has 9 lives, being a dark witch.

7am, Up early. Fed the hamster. Waiting for my parcel and writing a short story. Liew witches jabbed my nose in revenge.

12pm, Back from New Town. Had lunch at Shanar. Parcel is out for delivery.

3pm, FKM strap is in and looking good. Cleaned my room. Will do a review tonight. Exercise and work after dinner.

4pm, Picked up Mom's parcel from the post office. Extremely hot afternoon. Rehydrated with watermelon. Review my watch and strap now.

6pm, Made fried rice with some Tabasco Sriracha for dinner as Mom is in pain from her arms and neck. Will hit the shower with my Baltany on rubber later and have some fun. Want to shoot some footage tomorrow afternoon.

8pm, Fed the hamster. Liew witchy forces abuse their followers, many kids and babies, trying to see the future and change the law and times.

9pm, Exercised. Feeling the cardio. My cousin is down with ailments as is Mom. Legacy of grandpa probably. Will write at 10pm and take my meds.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Wednesday 6am

Up very early. My watch strap should be delivered today. Can’t wait to see if it matches the Baltany DD and if it is good quality. Will feed the hamster at 7am.

9am, Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Have an idea for a better plastic food box lid. Making the prototype should be easy and fun. May earn me some money in the year ahead. Liew witchy forces struggling to gain support in the west.

10am, Started cutting plastic and pricking holes. Need to glue the lid together. Then I’ll present it to NewSoda or a local manufacturer. Need to get it tightly fitted.

12pm, Finished the day’s writing work. Exercise at night. Having noodles for lunch. Mom is cooking. Parcel hasn’t gone on delivery yet somehow.

2pm, Cleaning the enormous massage chair so Mom can rest in it since she lies down too much on the sofa and gets reflux.

8pm, Helped cook dinner. Fed the hamster. Took a long warm shower. Exercise at 9pm. Take my meds at 10pm. Parcel didn’t arrive. Definitely tomorrow.

10pm, Exercised. Feeling healthier. Have to brush before bed at midnight. Hope my strap arrives tomorrow. Posted on Twitter or as it’s now known. Now only posting short stories once or twice a week.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Tuesday 2pm

Up early. Went out for breakfast and lunch. Mom was at the hospital, relieved her throat is healing fine. Quite a tiring outing. Liew witches attacked giving pain through kids and babies, for our sinful thoughts. Everyone has to work to tighten our good ship. The enemy are doing the same for themselves. The falling away could come any month now. Posted another watch review on UncleWatchReviews. Will work on more hexagrams tonight.

3pm, Had a mee goreng ramen for tea. Trimmed down DogBlots. Liew witches dig into American families with challenged members. Li Lian, the mother of sin herself. Exercised. Feeling healthier.

6pm, Took a shower and used the loo, late than never. Changed into fresh clothes. Have to clean up after the hamster tonight. Put in motion plans to start my watch reviews YouTube channel / blog, on a budget.

10pm, Took my meds and worked on my writing. Will incorporate some stretchy diagrams into my book soon to illustrate the religious aspect of the ABY. Liew forces greatly reduced in influence. Will spend the night looking for solutions.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Monday 6am

Up early. Still a bit tired. Fed the hamster. Liew witchy 6 remain at large. Didn’t finish yesterday’s work. Will continue at 8am.

8am, Day starts slow. Worked a bit and am looking forward to tackling the ‘anchor’ trigrams. Exercised. Feeling healthy. Got cleaned. Wondering if there’s anything extra to explain for special trigram pairs. Will research it and finish later tonight.

4pm, Back from shopping. Was hot and a bit tiring. Relaxing in a/c. Liew witchy forces lash out, leveraging sin and blackmail to enter kids and babies with no mental strength, making them do crimes. Everyone is demoralized. My watch strap is now near Kuala Lumpur. I should receive it on Wednesday.

7pm, Mom made dinner. Have to sleep early tonight as she has hospital tomorrow. Take my meds at 8:30pm. Finished my writing work early. Liew forces lash out, jealous of those enjoying sinless life.

8pm, Fed the hamster. Discussed healing the Liew witches hurting the world particularly the west. Formed up a heart fight ring.

11pm, Launched my watch reviews blog just now and got one or two visitors already. Great! Took my meds and should sleep by midnight.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Sunday 12am

May be going out on a long walk tomorrow, to Kuala Lumpur. Wear my Casio 800h. Will be having lunch there. Want to buy Mom a small gift from Kinokuniya. I have saved 2.5kRM, enough for a nice Seiko but it is best kept for a rainy day. Will the Fed announce a currency recall next Wednesday?

9am, Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Dad wants to go to NSK today so I may tag along there instead depending on Mom's schedule. Exercised. Feeling that cardio.

12pm, Mom made eggs and cheese for lunch. She couldn’t sleep well and took some of my meds which always amuses me. We are on track to go shopping later. Finishing up the day’s writing work. Tomorrow will be fun, I get to specially analyze trigrams instead of hexagrams.

6pm, Made soba noodles for dinner. Was just okay. Low food value sweetish fish tofu. Thin soup. Glassy noodles. At least it was painless to prepare. Liew satanists’ plans to hide the gospel blown open wide. Talked about the 5 seals of Revelations and disobedience to God boiling over.

7pm, Fed the hamster broccoli and chicken. Cucumber later, pasta, and some milk. Have to shower and brush my teeth as well. Finish up my writing work from this morning.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Saturday 12am

Helped a dozen or so businesses with their marketing and innovation for free. Feeling hopeful of better days ahead and contented with my life at the moment. Have to work a bit more on my book but it’s late and time for bed. Still wearing my favorite Casio 800h.

6am, Up early after 5 hours’ sleep. Got cleaned and fed the hamster a bit of food and warm milk. She’s recovering well and eating more. Later I’ll buy cucumber, cheese, and other things she likes. Liew witchy 6 still a danger. Niece is coming over soon.

8am, Completed last night’s work just now and will see if I can make some videos later. But I have to help in the mind. This is the final stage of the mind wars where the evil has no more support.

1pm, Back from the mall. Will be making avocado pasta tonight. Bought chocolate biscuits for the Nieces. Rained the whole morning afternoon. Don’t feel like YouTubing just yet. Liew and American forces mutually attacking, have calmed down.

3pm, Thinking of making videos by night when it’s quiet. Feeling a little rattled thinking of my future destroyed by wayward inhumane people.

7pm, Cooked avocado pasta which went down well. Also added cucumber and leftover pork Cajun steak bits. Trying to sort out the people worst hit by the telepathy. Liews can’t make it, sadly.

8pm, Fed the hamster. Will work at 10pm. Take my meds at 11pm.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Friday 1am

Seem to have destroyed the Liew witchy 6 and their accomplices after they pummeled us and refused to back down. Not sure. They have 9 lives.

8am, Up earlyish. Had roti canai for breakfast. Dad bought durians. Have to feed the hamster soon. Parcel might be late. Liew witchy forces destroying with their baby and kid army.

11pm, Parcel is out for delivery. Hamster isn't eating very well as we didn't go shopping for food. Must write up a grocery list for Mom and Dad. Liew witchy forces still trying to undermine God's plan. Took some hits earlier. Got cleaned and will exercise tonight before writing work.

1pm, Parcel arrived and I’m happy with my new watch. Later will review it on YouTube. Hamster is unwell and didn’t eat much food. Will be going to NSK tomorrow maybe. Get some cucumber and cream cheese for her.

4pm, Haven’t done much today. Will be working late tonight, exercising thereabouts as well. Will try making a watch review video tomorrow morning. I will be doing quickies of all my 10 watches from a scripted voiceover. I will appear as well in the beginning and end. Watched a game of ‘Dao’ and am fired up to finish the gameplay for my own similar game called “Stones” or “Sekk”.

7pm, Made beans and butter gourd for dinner. Took a warm shower and changed into tomorrow’s clothes. Got funds in. I have 300RM to spend over August and saved 500RM as I had spent around 150RM from my online account and 100RM retail. Liew witchy 6 on the road to repentance. Feed the hamster at 8pm. She had some lukewarm milk and is looking better.

8pm, Exercised. Feeling that cardio.

11pm, Worked on my book. Almost finished but it’s near midnight now and I’ve been talking to business owners struggling to make the bottom line.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Thursday 10am

Up lateish. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Watch should arrive tomorrow morning from Shopee. Strap, EOM. Tomorrow we may be going grocery shopping. I need to get out a bit. Liew witchy forces slamming  the western sinners. No time to work yet.

11am, My watch strap is leaving Hanoi by land after container ship from Shenzen. Found out it’s 41 hours by road from Hanoi to Kuala Lumpur. May receive it in 4 days possibly. Meanwhile, the Casio 800h will arrive in KL latest tonight. Hope it delivers early so we can go to the mall.

4pm, Finished cleaning my room. Wiped down the hamster’s waste area as well. Will work after dinner. Thinking of doing short 5 minute watch reviews on YouTube.

7pm, Helped make dinner. We had pork steak and cabbage greens fried in the drippings. I think I’ll quit Twitter for good as I seem to be bleeding followers. Just my blog and Tumblr are enough. Discovered a way to make nice and clear videos on my Thinkpad via Microsoft’s Clipchamp. Feed the hamster at 8pm.

8pm, Fed the hamster and exercised. Feeling regulated. Was able to loo well earlier. Take my meds at 10:30pm. Sleep at midnight after working for an hour plus. My watch has landed in PJ at last.

11pm, Finished the day’s writing in just 40 minutes. Watching YouTube to pass the time till I sleep. Not sure what will happen to the Liew 6. Can’t wait for my new watch to arrive.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Wednesday 9am

Up lateish. Fed the hamster. Will exercise later. Have to finish up a bit of last night’s work that I fell asleep before completing.

11am, Worked on my book a little bit. Will do 2 more hexagrams after lunch. Rained, gloomy and the air is cool. Have to exercise later.

12pm, Exercised. Feeling good. Pretty much finished with the day’s writing work. Will touch up slightly before bed tonight.

2pm, Repulsed psych attacks from the Liew witchy 6 who were using from behind Sis. Not sure if they’ll change for good. Bought my favorite Casio 800h off Shopee, 80RM. Not sure why I like it so much but it’s been tempting me for over a year. No sense saving so much money. Will be putting away 500RM over August, leaving me with 250RM to spend.

5pm, Cool evening after a heavy rain. My 800h has shipped but usually it will spend a day in the sorting centers so I don’t think it’ll deliver tomorrow. Liew witches attack defiantly despite being shown leniency. We are not fools, bearing their lies forever. August we’ll take over the small house from our tenant for renovation as a second base. I have some plans for the work that may be accepted by Dad.

7pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Didn’t loo today. Maybe tomorrow morning. Feed the hamster at 8pm. Liew witches and their genius help falter, resorting to plain hitting kids and infants.

9pm, Recorded “Jo” with new chords and a harmonica part for my Tumblr. Quite pleased with it. Take my meds in an hour. Family doesn’t want me getting into music.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Tuesday 6am

Up early. Taking it slow today. Liew witchy forces still at large. May head out later for a walk.

8am, Fed the hamster. Will get clean in an hour or so. Had roti canai for breakfast.

9am, Managed to loo well. Brushed my teeth, put on underwear, and am ready to head out. Not sure where. Liew witchy 6 are down with blood circulation problems. Revenge may come if they can gather support again.

1pm, Back from a long 2hr walk. Feeling regulated and free. Bought a bike pump at Decathlon to replace my seat post pump that broke. This one is only 29RM and has a braided hose which is more durable. Had lunch at Amcorp. Didn’t buy any watches though a Mudman tempted me. Can’t believe my 40RM watch strap is today being loaded onto a ship taking 10 days to sail to Port Kelang.

5pm, Resting in a/c talking to the westerners and some Asian helpers, family, and the evil Liew witches. Touched on basic human nature and how we often forget it in the face of hardship and scarcity. Will work on the book after dinner.

9pm, Fed the hamster chicken, porridge, and yogurt. Cleaned its box under my bookshelf. It’s a bit shaken by the disruption. Still haven’t worked on my book. Maybe at 10pm. We were busy putting the telepathy to trial and the Liew 6 balked even though the verdict was lenient.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Monday 8am

Up lateish. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Will exercise in the afternoon. Liew witchy 6 ramp up on American concerns and were pushed onto my mindspace along with their baby army.

11am, Putting in half an hour of work on my book. Will write more just before bed. Need to be on hand to handle the witchy 6. Taught sinful people how to cleanse after they were implanted with pride. More is needed I think.

12pm, Finished the morning’s writing. Another hexagram tonight otherwise it will take too long. Talked the Liew witchy 6 out of their brutal tactics that cause so much harm. Shaved. May head out at 3pm to the nearby mall for a coffee. Worried about my hand a little. Exercised. Feeling better.

1pm, Cut the evil out of the witchy Liews and will fill them up with something good. May do some writing before going out but it seems there are numerous issues left to solve.

2pm, Back from a brief walk to the LRT station and back. Don't feel tired so am working on my book. Washed my face, neck, arms and feet. Put on the a/c. Genius helpers of the Liew witchy 6 acting up.

4pm, Rained. Finished 2 hexagrams. 2 more tomorrow. Will be making dinner tonight.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Sunday 8am

Up lateish. Feed the hamster soon. Quite peaceful in the mindscape. Didn't do much work or exercise yesterday.

10am, Got cleaned. Rethinking my hexagram analysis to be more holistic and less individually direct. Exercised. Feeling good.

12pm, Will try brainstorming the hexagram analysis with my iPad and stylus, in Freeform. Want to do 4 a day.

1pm, New approach to writing ACIFS. I will do animal pair speaks the ABY advice along the I Ching’s general guide, to God. That should be a lot faster and easier.

4pm, Hamster got hungry so I fed her some watermelon and yogurt. Still procrastinating on my work. Will be taking out noodles for dinner tonight after Mom and Dad attend a wake of an old friend. Talked about prophecy and how it relates to proper behavior.

6pm, Think I will be cheeky and make the ABY, caduceus, and I Ching directly scrutinized by the 2 animals in character of course. I could then finish fairly quickly by mid August.

9pm, Having second thoughts over my book. I want to write freely, not be a computer. Thinking of a brief evocative passage for each hexagram, how the ABY, religion, and animals embellish the I Ching.

11pm, Done 2 hexagrams with my plain talking method. Looks okay. 2 more tomorrow and I will finish by mid-August. Chilling out before bedtime ~1am. Took my meds at 10pm.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Saturday 12am

So Djokovic won against Sinner in the Wimbledon semis. May catch the next match instead of sleeping earlier. Feeling tugged in all directions and unable to write. Browsing Shopee and checking the scores. Liew witchy 6 rampant as everyone falls away wearily.

1am, Finally some text is laid down. It may take 30 minutes for each hexagram at the rate I’m going. Have to put in 2 hours a day. But at long last I’m feeling sleepy.

2am, Alcaraz beat Medvedev. A dream final. Liew witchy 6 still acting up. Gave them the suction cup muscle conditioner on the eye and heart. Remains to be seen what will happen.

9am, Up lateish. Got cleaned and will feed the hamster soon. Going for a brief run later. Liew witchy 6 ramped up babies and kids onto me.

10am, Back from my run. Feeling regulated and stretched. Will work on my book after a break.

12pm, Back from lunch at Kayu. Had a roti canai and iced coffee. A family friend from old times passed away yesterday after a short battle with lung cancer. Used wet cardboard to box in the witchy / genius powers hitting out at us.

7pm, Worked hard on my book and finished ONE hexagram. Hooray! Will do another 3 tonight.

9pm, Took a long warm shower and changed into fresh clothes. Fed the hamster. Controlling the mind with locusts so there is less violence. Will exercise at 10pm and take my meds then. Put in an hour of work up till midnight.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Friday 8am

Up lateish. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Quite peaceful in the mind. Am able to work. Do a few predictions a day. Had roti canai for breakfast. May head out tomorrow to the mall and a long walk. Exercise tonight. Eating less. Liew 6 seem to be unwell.

10am, Working on my book, lamely code named ACIFS. Have to brush my teeth now. Bring the laptop down to the dining table.

11am, Having nasi lemak for lunch soon. Drank iced black coffee and am trying to diet more. Liew witchy forces in the background of my mind space. Have to put in a few hours’ work this afternoon.

2pm, Grandma is dying of fungal infection. It may be a matter of months. Made some headway on the Liew witchy crisis. The 6 are now tied down and fighting without support.

3pm, Ordered a black perforated fluorine rubber watch strap off Shopee for my Baltany DD (42RM). Used economy delivery which reportedly takes over 2 weeks to arrive which should be end July. Can't wait to try it on. Meanwhile to work on my indie book.

7pm, Fed the hamster, showered long and changed into fresh clothes. Exercised. Feeling good. Tomorrow, out on a 2hr walk. Didn’t work much. Will take my meds at 10pm, work at 9pm.

11pm, Managed to get organized, opened all my books, charts and e-book on Chinese astrology and laid them out on my desk. However I’m still unable to write. It’s also getting late, time for bed soon. Have to find my ‘method’ to beat this prevention / procrastination / inferiority complex.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Thursday 8am

Up late. Didn’t do any writing yesterday. Spent the night talking gospel. Will try to work a bit later on. Feed the hamster at 9am.

2pm, Cleaned my room and emptied my waste basket. Put on the a/c as it's hot. Didn't do much writing this morning but I cleaned up the headings and prepared all the tables. Also made a cover for the book.

4pm, Done reformatting the text with the Bell MT font, derived from a 200 year old typeface. Looks nice. Also tidied the date tables at the end of the book and reduced the page count to 60. Will begin filling in the tables after a short rest. Liew forces slamming pretty women into me through a baby chain, out from mad westerners.

9pm, Fed the hamster, Exercised. Feeling regulated. Helped make dinner which was good. Took my meds earlyish. Will shower now and resume working on my I Ching book at 9:30pm.

11pm, Falling asleep before doing my work yet again. Brushed my teeth and am turning in soon. Liew witches lash out in vengeance. Could the 6 be dead?

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Wednesday 4am

Up early after an early night. Must have slept 6 hours. Liew witchy forces still defiant. Working on my book.

1pm, Helped make lunch and will cook dinner as well as Mom is still a bit ill. Work on my I Ching book progresses. Drew up a huge table of dates, almost 40 pages. Will try to analyze 4 hexagrams a day, to finish in 18 days. Meanwhile mind work beckons.

7pm, Helped make dinner which was okay. We had curry and bitter gourd with rice. I washed and brushed Dad’s Airspeed chrono and it’s looking good on my wrist. Talked music with my mind friends. Many are keen on songwriting and performance. Thanks to Andy and Giacomo for helping out. Showered, fed the hamster. Taking my meds late so I can put in 2 hours on my book.

8pm, Started a bit early on my writing / analysis. So far so good. Should be done with 4 hexagrams by midnight. Watched more Sara Lubratt on YouTube. She’s so inspirational.

10pm, Exercised. Feeling healthier. Will walk on Friday. Tomorrow, house cleaning. Will take meds at 11pm and write for an hour or so.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Tuesday 7am

Up earlyish. Didn’t exercise or work much yesterday. Dengue fever on the rise. Can smell the insecticide from outside. Want to put in a few hours of productivity today. Liew witches still marauding.

8am, Exercised. Fed the hamster. Am working on the I Ching guide. Arguments with the British mind forces over my disability and the madness of their Royals.

9am, Work commences on the book. It will take maybe 6 hours. First I have to arrange the trigrams into the animal chart and bagua to make up 72 entries. Then, around lunch, to write in the predictions from 4 sources: religious, ABY, animal zodiac, and I Ching.

2pm, Back from lunch out at Shanar. Mom diagnosed with a severe throat ulcer and is temperamental, leaning on her family. Dad diagnosed with fungal infection. My right hand has been healing a bit for several days now. Feel depressed and unable to work much.

4pm, Will try writing a bit after dinner which I’m preparing as Mom is ill. Managed to figure out the ‘anchor’ trigrams and their order as well as an approach to collating the predictions (multi-row rbsej). I should be done by tomorrow night.

7pm, Took a long warm shower and changed into tomorrow’s clothes. Made pork steak and pasta with seared peppers, cucumber and onion. Quite ok for dinner. Talked to kids about watches. Always a popular subject. Banishing the Liew 6 is the next priority as they cheat through western society.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Monday 8am

Up earlyish. Got cleaned. Will feed the hamster in half an hour. Parcel should arrive this afternoon. Liew witches still trying to grab power. Feeling a little ‘destroyed’ / wasted. I have spent about 130RM over the past 2 weeks. By EOM, I should have spent a further 50RM. Putting away 250RM per month, I will save 1.5kRM by EOY, 3kRM in total savings.

10am, My watch box is out for delivery. Should get it around lunch time. Can’t wait. Blogged on the end times. We do not have to behave negatively or put up with it which is a false teaching, turning the Bible against Christians themselves.

11am, Decided to finish writing my I-Ching guide instead of doing a whole new novel. It will take a whole day to compile but hopefully I will have a book to sell by Tuesday. Will put in 4 hours in the day and 4 at night.

2pm, Watch travel box came at last. Very nice for the price, and it fits my core collection of 7 watches (1 on-wrist). Someday soon, I will let go 3 low grade watches and stow my broken one for refinishing much later. No plans to add more for the foreseeable future. Have been slacking on the I-Ching book I'm writing. Maybe restart it in half an hour.

5pm, Have been researching the I-Ching bagua more and found that it turns clockwise from summer to spring. I have to work out my theory of the 4 extra bazi, making 36 pairs.

8pm, Feeding the hamster soon. Exercise at 10pm. Earlier I made noodles and butter gourd chicken with bean paste for our dinner. Mom is quite ill and Dad thinks he may have cancer again. I can’t help but wonder what life will be like alone.

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Sunday 8am

Up lateish. Feeding the hamster soon. Taking today slow. Liew witches still hitting out.

10am, Got cleaned and am leaving the house in an hour or so. Feeling a little jumpy as I am the post people are tying their boats onto. Packed my backpack, bringing along my notebook to write SH in.

12pm, Back from a brief walk and shop at Decathlon. Bought (Bermuda) shorts in beige. Taught some kids who had been hawking me and other Christians. It's hard to tell a baby she's wrong. Kids and tots really suffer. Such an awful witch who uses young ones. Mom and Dad have gone out for lunch. Will eat some watermelon.

2pm, Made cheesy scrambled eggs with tomato for lunch. Can’t wait for my watch box to arrive tomorrow. Been calculating its dimensions and it seems like there is 2cm headroom which should be close enough to prevent the contents rattling. Liew witchy forces still hammering with kids and babies. Washed my new shorts for wear tomorrow.

9pm, Fed the hamster. Have to exercise soon. Made dinner earlier. Mom is sick. Liew forces lash out despite being proven suspiciously wrong. There is much to discuss. These are heady times. Took my meds. Exercised. Feeling healthier. Taken away the Liews’ power base and their genius help as well.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Saturday 8am

Up lateish. Have to feed the hamster soon. Last night's action against the oppressors carries over to today after they toyed with us and gave us pain unfairly.

11am, Heading out for lunch instead of going to the mall. Will exercise soon. Wearing my Swatch Sistem51 automatic. Plumbers were here earlier to repair the kitchen and drain. Mom is feeling ill and took some Rivotril to sleep. Exercised and am feeling good.

Bought a 6 slot watch box for 38RM on Shopee. Plan to fill it like this:
  1. Seiko Prospex
  2. Citizen Aqualand
  3. Tissot PRS516
  4. GA-2200
  5. GBD-200
  6. Protrek
  7. Swatch Sistem
One of the 7 watches will be on my wrist. 2 vintage in my drawer will be given away to charity. Baltany DD and Smilesolar diver to be sold for $150.

3pm, Back from Mutiara. Had Arab rice for lunch. Drank iced coffee. Bought a new notebook from Lotus’s. Planning to use it to write my novel. May have coconut water in later. The traffic was awful -on a weekend.

10pm, Fed the hamster earlier. Took my meds and will turn in by midnight. Quite a cool night.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Friday 8am

Up early. Got cleaned. Will feed the hamster soon. Rewrite of SH chp1 and 2 going slow but steady. Liew witchy forces still rampant. Unsure whether to buy the AT record cleaner for 109RM.

1pm, Back from my Arip jab and lunch at Shanar Curry House. Decided to postpone buying the record cleaner as I mainly play a Mozart LP left on the platter under the dust lid. Genius music, good for writing. Liew forces hiding from cancer attacks. They had been extremely evil, suiciding a number of Christians through the mind to show off.

2pm, Being prevented from working. Thinking of making a shorthand app for Apple Pencil which often gets my writing wrong. I may develop the idea “Neatfreak” into a full blown note taking app with links and diagrams / drawings. Fee for the developer program is now almost 400RM. Neatfreak will:
  1. Tidy handwriting in stages, comparatively, leading up to OCR quality
  2. Draw diagrams / paste photos
  3. Write over add / replace old text
  4. Link up note pages
3pm, Will be releasing Sonic Hunter as a children's book series with drawings. The first story will be by me and the rest, maybe by my friend, Jennifer.

9pm, Made dinner as Mom was tired. Fed the hamster. Will exercise tomorrow after a rest from today's Arip jab. Take my meds soon and will turn in by midnight. Quite tired of re-writing SH.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Thursday 8am

Up lateish. Fed the hamster and got cleaned. Liew witchy forces still attacking despite our efforts to subdue them. Thankfully the air is cool this morning.

10am, Brushed and am charging my Nokia and iPad. Tomorrow, my psych clinic visit and Arip jab. I have 400RM to spend over the next 2 weeks. Coco Lee committed suicide. Weakening the evil witches. An easy power.

2pm, Writing going well. On track to end chp2 this afternoon.

9pm, Exercised. Feeling the cardio. Had been sedentary the whole day. Rewriting the 1st and 2nd chapters of SH, mixing up my older material. Took my meds early as I have psych clinic tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Wednesday 9am

Up lateish. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Haven’t had breakfast yet. Will exercise later. Liew witches surrounded by kids but still lashing out, pain giving.

11am, Writing SH surges towards chapter 3 with a propaganda war, flashbacks and a popularity contest. In 3, the group breaks up under pressure from D and H and in 4 the effects of their machining spill onto society, triggering unrest.
12pm, Exercised briefly. Feeling healthier. Writing away in the back room. Talked about prophecy on my Tumblr blog @Donutwares. Installed SHT on my Ubuntu rig for Bible study as I talk in the mind / write.

2pm, Working on reducing the Liew witchy 6's brain power after their merciless pain giving earlier.

3pm, Horror as American Christians unleash a falling away of sorts onto Asian Christians. Telepathy is so stressful to the lower-minded forced to be faithful and the pampered elite. We can’t really blame them. Looks like rain.

4pm, Wrote a few pages of SH. Can finish the chapter by late tonight.

6pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Tomorrow is house cleaning day. Have to feed the hamster soon.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Tuesday 1am

Still sleepless despite taking my meds early. Not very surprising that it’s the witchy Liew 6 and their kid / baby army. Took some hits as we fight them all the way to the Tribulation.

8am, Up earlyish. Fed the hamster. Got cleaned. May head out today on a long walk. Not too sure. Want to do some writing work before that. Liew witches still rampant, supported by the sinful.

3pm, Back from my walk. Feeling quite tired but healthy. Want to drink something cold. Bought 2 guitar picks and a playing guide cheap at Chambers Music. Will rest an hour or two, play some music, then get down to work on SH.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Monday 7am

Up earlyish. Must have fallen asleep before 11pm. Fed the hamster. Liew witchy remnants attacking my hand again. Hard to survive under these conditions. We had been lenient to them.

9am, Got cleaned and should leave for the mall soon. Will be writing with a notepad from now on as the telepathy heats up and spare time is limited. We blinded many miscreants in one eye, temporarily. Not sure how it affects Bible prophecy.
3pm, Back from the mall. We have fresh coconut water, watermelon, pasta ingredients for tonight's dinner. Got a small Hatari cyclone fan for the back room where I write from. It's a bit loud but nicely compact, 129RM. Was engaged in the daily mind wars where we revealed a good many things about the Liew witches and their prey: the UK Royals. Told toddlers about the end times troubles -we did a lot of good.

5pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Will cook in half an hour. Doing some writing now.

8pm, Fed the hamster. It had coconut and pasta. Put on my Prospex diver. SH: did some structuring for chapter 2 onwards since I want to build intellectual-emotional tension. Will be writing more soon. Exercise later.

9pm, Took my meds. Exercised. Felt the cardio. Will turn in 11pm+.

11pm, Still wide awake. Arranged 2 old songs with new chords: ‘Look in Your Eyes’ which I wrote in detention circa 2019, and ‘Jo’ a decade+ before. Have to brush before bed. No writing got done, just more plotting / planning.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Sunday 1am

Sleep comes after 4 hours writing the 1st chapter of Sonic Hunter. Will edit in the morning.

9am, Up late. Edited last night's work and am ready to begin chapter 2. Was able to loo. Fed the hamster.

11am, Ate Sis’ sushi rice balls and will prepare ramen for our lunch soon. Been lagging. Haven’t brushed my teeth. Tomorrow, we should be going to the downtown mall. Liew witchy 6 still deceiving children and babies.

1pm, Lounging on the floor in my room, plotting chapter 2 of SH on the iPad. 1 and 2 are slow. 3, 4 and 5, more exciting, 6 a big info dump, 7 and 8, mysterious, 9 and 10 -the climax. On track for 11k words / 100 pages. Worries over my health. But life is often short when evil comes to call. Staying productive helps.

3pm, Took a long warm shower and am resting. Plotting going well. Chapter 2 is all but in the bag. Liew witchy 6 have serious heart problems now. 

4pm, Shuffling my daily wardrobe again:

  1. Black tennis shorts / dark blue M&S tee
  2. Gray surf shorts / gray Domyos tee
  3. White basketball shorts / black Kiprun tee
  4. Green hiking shorts / white Eagle tee
  5. Green workout shorts / white M&S tee
  6. Green yoga shorts / gray Domyos tee
  7. … / red Kiprun tee
And my smarter clothes:
  1. Red Cookman pants / white formal shirt
  2. Blue judo pants / ivory Tang shirt
  3. White karate pants / white Uniqlo tee
I retired a pair of gray Tesco shorts recently. Could use some tough denim bermudas to go with my red Kiprun.

6pm, Will be writing 8pm - 12am. Feed the hamster at 7pm. Exercise at 7:30.

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...