Friday, July 21, 2023

Saturday 12am

Helped a dozen or so businesses with their marketing and innovation for free. Feeling hopeful of better days ahead and contented with my life at the moment. Have to work a bit more on my book but it’s late and time for bed. Still wearing my favorite Casio 800h.

6am, Up early after 5 hours’ sleep. Got cleaned and fed the hamster a bit of food and warm milk. She’s recovering well and eating more. Later I’ll buy cucumber, cheese, and other things she likes. Liew witchy 6 still a danger. Niece is coming over soon.

8am, Completed last night’s work just now and will see if I can make some videos later. But I have to help in the mind. This is the final stage of the mind wars where the evil has no more support.

1pm, Back from the mall. Will be making avocado pasta tonight. Bought chocolate biscuits for the Nieces. Rained the whole morning afternoon. Don’t feel like YouTubing just yet. Liew and American forces mutually attacking, have calmed down.

3pm, Thinking of making videos by night when it’s quiet. Feeling a little rattled thinking of my future destroyed by wayward inhumane people.

7pm, Cooked avocado pasta which went down well. Also added cucumber and leftover pork Cajun steak bits. Trying to sort out the people worst hit by the telepathy. Liews can’t make it, sadly.

8pm, Fed the hamster. Will work at 10pm. Take my meds at 11pm.

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Wednesday 16 October

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