Saturday, July 8, 2023

Sunday 8am

Up lateish. Feeding the hamster soon. Taking today slow. Liew witches still hitting out.

10am, Got cleaned and am leaving the house in an hour or so. Feeling a little jumpy as I am the post people are tying their boats onto. Packed my backpack, bringing along my notebook to write SH in.

12pm, Back from a brief walk and shop at Decathlon. Bought (Bermuda) shorts in beige. Taught some kids who had been hawking me and other Christians. It's hard to tell a baby she's wrong. Kids and tots really suffer. Such an awful witch who uses young ones. Mom and Dad have gone out for lunch. Will eat some watermelon.

2pm, Made cheesy scrambled eggs with tomato for lunch. Can’t wait for my watch box to arrive tomorrow. Been calculating its dimensions and it seems like there is 2cm headroom which should be close enough to prevent the contents rattling. Liew witchy forces still hammering with kids and babies. Washed my new shorts for wear tomorrow.

9pm, Fed the hamster. Have to exercise soon. Made dinner earlier. Mom is sick. Liew forces lash out despite being proven suspiciously wrong. There is much to discuss. These are heady times. Took my meds. Exercised. Feeling healthier. Taken away the Liews’ power base and their genius help as well.

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Sunday 22 December

Was up earlyish and got cleaned without much trouble. Don’t have fighting spirit to complete the final bits of SeTT. 2 days ago, I realized ...