Sunday, July 23, 2023

Monday 6am

Up early. Still a bit tired. Fed the hamster. Liew witchy 6 remain at large. Didn’t finish yesterday’s work. Will continue at 8am.

8am, Day starts slow. Worked a bit and am looking forward to tackling the ‘anchor’ trigrams. Exercised. Feeling healthy. Got cleaned. Wondering if there’s anything extra to explain for special trigram pairs. Will research it and finish later tonight.

4pm, Back from shopping. Was hot and a bit tiring. Relaxing in a/c. Liew witchy forces lash out, leveraging sin and blackmail to enter kids and babies with no mental strength, making them do crimes. Everyone is demoralized. My watch strap is now near Kuala Lumpur. I should receive it on Wednesday.

7pm, Mom made dinner. Have to sleep early tonight as she has hospital tomorrow. Take my meds at 8:30pm. Finished my writing work early. Liew forces lash out, jealous of those enjoying sinless life.

8pm, Fed the hamster. Discussed healing the Liew witches hurting the world particularly the west. Formed up a heart fight ring.

11pm, Launched my watch reviews blog just now and got one or two visitors already. Great! Took my meds and should sleep by midnight.

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Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...