Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Thursday 1 August

ABY August 2024

A new month and no sign of a Rapture of the church yet. Was assaulted by American toddlers and babies, trying to force the Liew witchy army onto Asians with special abilities. They don’t know it is people like us who keep the mind safer.

Ran quite hard this morning to keep fit. Feeling better, despite carrying the fallen infants. Teach them something of the witch -she always gets her man if only a few hours later. No need to press the issue, kapish, babies?

Didn’t finish writing Act 3 of 4 weddings as I fell asleep on sedatives. Sis’ mother in law seems to need Rivotril as well lately. Mom, occasionally. Act 3 looks like a lot of fun but is tricky to tie up. I wrote an outline for it last night and am still testing it.

It’s lunch hour. Still steeping myself in the nuances of ending 4 Weddings. After this, I will not be writing or coding stuff anymore. Plan to do a bit of  Tai Chi every morning and read / research the Bible to occupy the time. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Wednesday 31 July

Got up early and went for my brief warmup and run / sprint. Quite a number of irate British people assaulted me, after I HELPED them, finding me however, not without defenses. Was supposed to write my story but the westerners are cramming on me, unleashing sharp blows to my head / hand wounds. Still wondering what’s up with them.

Looking at zip cases for my study and portable Bibles. Don’t feel like spending much on these but some of them are nice and indeed necessary for transporting a Bible on the train / by foot etc. Seem to come primarily from the Philippines. Maybe all I need is a sling bag / backpack. Save the money for other things.

Anyway, tomorrow will be a new month: August, when I should be in demand to explain life in general, and life on Earth -how it developed. Will try to binge write a little later in the morning, about 4k words, while the British are asleep.

Have decided to start Bible journaling. Will be using VRS and my CSB study bible to find answers to critical issues and questions. Then to slot them into my ESV compact. Just ordered a nice and cheap case for my ESV. It will accompany me on my wanderings, maybe to share my testimony.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Tuesday 30 July

Woke up to American pressure, forcing the Liew witches onto Asian gospel strongpoints. I taught them how to do it right -virality, stream-poisoning, and sitting with the weak which are the witches' entry points into every organization or family.

Unfortunately, the westerners are afraid to withdraw support from people so evil who come in the mindspaces so those of us who were still faithful gave the Liew 6 a temporary numb foot. No harm done, just a little inconvenience.

Been organizing my Bibles. One for the backpack / pocket, One for the new shoebox house, One for my study desk at our current place. It's not very extravagant as only 2 are moderately priced, 1 was dirt cheap. Of the 2 pricier, one is small, plain, and the other large and richly detailed. There is a need for both.

My coding is going well but the short story I'm writing has stalled after Act 1. And it's just 2 days left in July. Try to do some writing tonight.

Dad has called our repair man to fix the ceiling fan control box. Then we may head out for a snack. Having eggs and baked beans for lunch.


Was at NSK where I had rose syrup with milk and a small basic meal of rice. Bought ingredients for a quick pasta dinner tonight.

Finished tweaking my Python3 applet, VRS which you can find on -hack it a bit to work with your system. It's a valuable Bible discovery / search aid with notation capability and search thru your notations as well.

Guess I will resume my writing. Earlier, there was madness all over the mindspace. People can be so fragile who do not worship God. I told them to have a good time, buy a study Bible or something useful like that.

It has to be explained that worship is 2 things: waiting and giving. You wait for your turn to give your 'fruits' to God.. .ha-ha, just kidding. No, you wait for God to give you pleasure from your fruits. So now you know how to worship, not just with your lips as Jesus said.

Have to get in the mood to write. More tomorrow...

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Monday 29 July

Last night's coding went well. I now have all the parameters for implementing the scroll position memory but the algorithm -the exact code line still eludes me, being prevented at the moment.

Got to talking about choices, experience, and discernment. Choices are objectively "life changer decisions". Experiences are objectively "choices we remember that were way to one side or the other". Discernment is objectively "navigating choices".

For example, I am looking into an heirloom bible purchase, having saved some money. My first leather bound. Experience shows I don't need a luxury WoG -never did. Discernment says to buy one if it looks / works good and the price is right.

Immediately there are conflicts. Conflict arises from personality. In the past, my practical nature prevented me from retrospectively worthwhile purchases such as my first Powerbook, Acorn RISC PC, etc. In essence, my stodgy heart cost me lots of wasted dollars. Now I use a pre-loved 2015 ThinkPad running Rocky (RHEL) Linux. Yea, I seem to need to "live the dream" more than anything.

Now that I have discerned from experience and personality, it's time to make the choice. I would prefer something "iconic", maybe niche / specialty, but hardy / durable nonetheless. You can make better decisions by understanding the mechanics of your own logic. Adherence to this leads one to wisdom, an IQ of the heart / bodily functions.

This is the Bible I bought:

CSB student study Bible in hardcover by Holman, 103RM.

Sunday 28 July

Today was hot and I was busy adding code to my Python3 apps instead of writing. Realized late that VRS is invaluable as I read more from the Bible, and am moving on improving the interface and annotation features.

Folks are gone to my niece's birthday dinner. I am alone at home coding away. Need to find a way to get the height of scrolled content (Frame) in tkinter so I can switch views without losing my place in the search results. Not a big deal, but nice to have.

Didn't go out as planned, to the flea market. Had roti canai for breakfast and 2 ramen noodles for lunch. Hopefully dinner is more nutritious.

Talked about trauma leading to self-serving to self-absorption to self-consciousness to vanity. This is a chain of sin that the Liew witches sewed among the westerners who were fortunate and wealthy. Also talked about Matthew 24 which seems to apply to Christians worldwide but rather, makes more sense applied to Israel of the present.

Also improved CHR, which is surprisingly very useful to help generate a novel outline / plot.

Liew witches grab for newborns from young mothers spiked with sin. Follow me, you sheep and I will lead you back to Christ / Mohammed, etc. These are tough times for everyone. Meanwhile, war is heating up in the Middle East again. It's a time when anything can happen -even prophecy.

Will turn in early after a workout. Run tomorrow morning.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saturday 27 July

The Olympics are underway. I missed the opening ceremony as I am on meds and can’t stay up very late. Went for a run this morning and will work out soon. Swept just my room as there appeared to be blood on the floor in Dad’s room. Side effect of his radiotherapy for prostate cancer.

There are celebrations as we restore peace to the world and mass healings ensued to bolster support for God, now proven. I need to get back to that now. Been coding my Bible python3 applet, VRS, adding in key features like mouse scrolling, copy to clipboard, and notes searching. Fixed some bugs. Needs more polishing but the mindspaces are thronged with innocents who suffered disfigurements in the telepathy conflict.

Helped fry Jamaican jerk chicken for dinner with veg soup and rice. Ate spicy tomyam ramen for supper. Soon time for meds, brush, and bed at 11ish. The mindspaces are buzzing with hope and love. There is a lot to do before we can share love, and share in God’s pure love.

Didn’t buy anything today. Didn’t go anywhere. Tomorrow, I may head over to the flea market.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday 26 July

Was out to Mutiara where we had chicken rice, did some grocery shopping. I bought a tiny A’zone mini notepad for my waist pouch for $1.50 from Art Friend. Also bought a cool flexible ruler from Lotus’s. Noticed a very pretty petite girl at the supermarket and she liked me a lot too. Met her roundabout several times. But the end is coming. God will judge the world soon, I believe, and we have much to fix before thinking of “sexy time”. I told her my house was behind Awesome Gallery.

Earlier this morning, I obscured my Bible with pink craft paper, underneath its plastic protective wrap. Here in Malaysia, the “Injil” is often the harbinger of jealousy and strife, even among non-Moslems. Better to keep it nondescript. I now feel better about lugging it about.

Also more signs that the Olympics, Paris 2024 will see a major world event. Supposedly there was a baptism there in (Roman?) times and Christians there saw the end of the world coinciding with an event like a modern Olympiad held on the river itself.

Helped make Cajun pork for our dinner and later will deliver some goodies to my niece for her birthday next week. Didn’t do any writing or running. Maybe tomorrow. Work out tonight, late.

Liew witches still trying to take over the world from God. These are mental basket cases who abuse the Spirit. Talked at length on how the old brain is our memory, and above it formed conscience, intelligence, then consciousness. We are aware of ourselves unlike a computer, because organic matter forms loops naturally and loops allow telepathy, from the minute cell division mechanisms, to large scale crowd hysteria. Telepathy is natural but on the subliminal level, NOT synthetic telepathy.

Thinking of heading out tomorrow to the flea market instead of running. Will wear my trail shoes and do some urban hiking. Help sweep in the early morning. Bring my Bible over to the park.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thursday 25 July

Was at Decathlon near KLCC. Was easy to spot, exiting Suria Mall by Ampang stairway. Very nice place. Bought Dad a new Forclaz pouch, 15RM. Then went to Kinokuniya to get my niece a book on drawing people, her favorite past time. Cost 99RM. 

Can’t help feeling it’s not a great deal, the book, but these days you pay for quality education even if it’s only foundational. The pouch is nice and handy, better than most other pouches even pricier. I think the softer material gives it room for odd shaped contents. I often wear a pouch myself which carries most of my essentials with comfort and convenience.

That was my morning. Will be writing a bit later, after a rest. Workout tonight. The long walk and commute did my fitness and my attacked hand some good.

Almost dinner time. Watched some videos on beautiful (expensive) Bibles. Also talked with my cousin who claims to know a lot about Christian beliefs and prophecies that are unwritten so far. Not to argue or destroy, I lost myself indexing my paperback KJV with a marker along the page edges. Then I inserted one of my looping paper bookmarks -an old invention I never sold.

After my usual workout, I found out that there is a Bible cover type called a “yapp”. And that there are many people in England called Yapp. I, of course am Mr. Yap. And yap in Chinese means a page, leaf, or God-historical episode. Yapp in old English originally meant wide, open. Make of it what you will, but it’s definitely time for ME to open the BIBLE more!

One of my punishments from God is to only use a cheap Bible. Mine cost just over $2 from BookXcess. A KJV paperback from Vision Street, printed in America. It has typical paperback rough pulp pages and smaller type. It is really the most basic Bible you can imagine. Altho in the Information Age, I tend to get my fix of scripture online and also via my iPad’s e-Sword HD app.

Not sure yet, how to proceed with the week remaining in July. May head out more often, walk, see more stuff. I got my $100 in for August so might as well travel a bit further afield, before my Rapture or non-Rapture. Either way it’ll be interesting.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Wednesday 5am

Up early. Got cleaned easily. Brushed. Worked out. Will run at 7am. Evil persists in the mindspaces, being hypocrites, preventing Heaven for the faithful even as they fall far short themselves.

6am, Back from my brief but all-out run. Feeling good. Will be staying home today unless something crops up. May need to loo again.
10am, Water supply not yet restored. Ate lots of dried salt prune. My weight has gone down a few hundred grams while Mom's is stable at 43-ish. I am overweight by a few kg. Finished writing "Canyon and Sumida" which is on under "Fiction". Just a short piece of 600 words. Need to get started on Act 2 this afternoon as it's getting late in July.

11am, As predicted, my writing career comes to an end soon. In 2 days I should be done with Act 2, having completed the last of my mini stories. Act 3 will be written over the weekend. Then I’m on to other things by beginning August. I may not be writing often for my blog either. Maybe just a nightly / weekly digest. And Dogblots will be fully abandoned.
2pm, At the shoebox house again. Mom has a sizeable amount of shares to transfer to a new bank. Hope it's not a scam. The water supply should be back by tonight or early tomorrow morning. Resting in a/c.

4pm, Still holed up in the shoebox. Outside, it's baking. We rehydrated with green tea, mini mandarins and coconut bun for snack. Bread and mutton curry in a can for dinner later, as there is not much water to wash up or wash any veg. 5 deaths attributed to heatstroke here in Malaysia.

7pm, Had a good dinner of mutton curry and bread, baked beans and Milo chocolate drink. Drank lots of tea as it was a hot afternoon. Will head home soon. Did much good works to glorify the Lord, our Father.

10pm, Showered, brushed, and changed into fresh clothes. Water supply is back! May head out tomorrow on a long walk and pick Dad up a new waist pouch. Decided not to use my Caribee pack for everyday outings but to wear my waist pouch. It is less cumbersome when walking longer distances. Talked a lot about western people’s issues. They were completely misled by the Liew witches’ smooth talk.

Starting tomorrow, only one concise post per day, and DogBlots will not be updated except weekly or so.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Tuesday 2am

Up early after a brief sleep. Took my meds and brushed. Western forces acting up on Asians for some reason. Wearing my Smilesolar diver on dull green NATO. It is my lightest watch and my only monocoque. Think this recent uprising was due to the evil sensing the start of Tribulation. Worked out and took my meds.

8am, Got cleaned well. Must have slept another 4-5 hours. Seems I can go on my walk soon. Charging the Smilesolar diver on the windowsill. It needs direct sunlight as it has small solar cells.

1pm, Back from a long walk to Decathlon and ACE at Jaya mall. Bought some felt circles for under 10RM which will do nicely as STT pieces, little modding required. I think 10RM is a reasonable price for the game. Last one I did cost me over 30RM and looked ugly.
4pm, At the shoebox this afternoon. Very hot out. Wrote a new guitar song. Had a tomyam ramen for tea. Will be making the STT pieces and documenting the process on later this evening.

5pm, Applied a new IRIX theme to my KDE / Rocky netbook at the shoebox. Looks quite good.

7pm, Had cheese naan and tandoori chicken for dinner as there is a water cut due to pollution at the treatment plant. Evil telepaths flared up but now have calmed down again. I wrote a Medium article on Kamala Harris x Paris Olympics. The “blond president” prophecy. Check it out here:

Will take a shower now and turn in late tonight after meds and a workout.

8pm, Looed again and had a rushed shower as water supply is low in our tank. Hope the pipes come back online tomorrow morning. Will work out a bit at 10pm, take meds at 11pm.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Monday, 4am

Up very early. May run at 6am. 10am, setting off for KL. Yet to resume writing. Back from a brief run. Feeling the cardio. Work out tonight. Spike in my site showing up in Google search results.

6am, Got cleaned well. Must eat something. Had a large banana. Wearing my G-Shock 2200 carbon core which is light and comfortable on stretchy NATO compared to the 077j which drags. May not go back to wearing big and heavy watches. Thinking of what to get with my spare $100.

9am, Back from breakfast at Stadium with Dad. Feeling oppressed by the British again.

10am, Time to roll out. Maybe I will stay behind. William has expanded the conflict to involve the whole UK. We face an easy win if we’re decisive but some of us might not make it who are caught and blamed.

4pm, Back from Affin Securities, KL and CIMB. Much ado about money. Had an iced Americano with Dad. Ate chapfan for lunch. Am feeling weary of taking trains, feel more like staying home. Plotted all of Act 2 of project 4 Weddings. Just left to do the dialogue and hope it cinches. No ideas yet on project Canyon Sumida. Meanwhile the sin wagons of the Liew witches and Royal traitors roll on in the mindspaces. Just say no to them. Sorry, not able to help.

8pm, Made pasta for dinner. Tasted okay. Used good quality tomato sauce. The herb cheese was too overpowering. Next time I’ll grate it. Mom ate more meat to build back her muscle. I’ve reshuffled my watches vs. straps. There are 11, plus 4 with original straps.

  1. ga2200 / gray nato
  2. qz10 / gray suede
  3. mq27 / black lizard
  4. orient3 / olive nylon
  5. d12 / blue plastic
  6. jp1060 / green nato
  7. bell / tricolor nato
  8. rp06 / green nato
  9. prg270 / black velcro
  10. prs / bond zulu
  11. 077j / bind nato
Americans broke our family solve yet again, now it’s probably broken for good. I am sending the proto witches home instead of all of us being flogged.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Sunday 6am

Up early. Got cleaned quite easily. Brushed and showered. Worked out. Changed into smarter clothes. May run in the evening. Didn’t write anything yesterday. My uncle gave me 500RM. Will help my cousin own something nice. Maybe earphones or a Swatch, something from Decathlon.

8am, Back from a light breakfast with Dad. Should be pushing off in an hour or two to the LRT.

2pm, Didn’t make it to the reunion as my other cousin blew up over prophecy I supposedly wasn’t following. British forces tried to do something odd to us as apparently some of my family kill westerners. I’ve never seen them do that before. Missed out on a good meal and was hit a number of times by the westerners and jolted by my own family. Such are these end times.
6pm, My backpack was packed erroneously by my cousin and taken up north. They were unavailable or had turned their phones off. Hope I get it back soon. Folks are taking-out naan and tandoori chicken for dinner.  Wrote another Medium article. Seems to average 1 a day nowadays. Major improvements to my website ( Someone from Finland read "4 Weddings in 3 Acts" -the first reader. Hope they liked it.

7pm, Ate well and took a shower after getting cleaned again. Changed into fresh clothes. Resting in a/c. Will run tomorrow morning. Watching my cousin in law’s recommended Jesus video tonight.
9pm, Edited 3 short stories on which were ungainly but had potential. Was a success. Am writing a story set in Japan now after watching a video on the Sumida river.

10pm, Brushed and will take my meds soon. The Sumida story needs time to sit and gel.

11pm, Turning in soon. American kids trying to protect their families onto Asian families. One of the no-nos of the Tribulation. We let them know in advance. Still thinking of Sumidagawa. A challenging tale.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Saturday 5am

Up early. Not running today. May do some writing later. Being prevented for some reason.

7am, Got cleaned well. Talked about basic religion and proofs of it in our DNA. History is written in it and worship / disobedience is expressed thru it, whichever happens to be our situation. Religion has been man’s passion and to find and benefit from God is man’s inheritance. To be as Gods is man’s destiny. Why has this fact been so corrupted? Embrace greatness through humble love. Why is this confusing?

Mat 18:4  Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Mat 23:11  But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

9am, Wrote an article for my Medium on my 077j Seiko diver. How it changed my perception of watches, luxuries in general. How I changed, and changed to accept and relinquish luxuries.

11am, Cleaned the bathroom and took a brief shower ahead of our guests arriving. Should sweep too but that would be tiring. Maybe a little bit, later on. Shaved and trimmed so I look neat for the planned get-together sometime soon. Liew witchy forces lashed out from behind hostages. Took some hits. Not sure how to proceed.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Friday 4am

Up early. Was greeted by witchy digging from the Liew 6, destabilizing lives of pretty girls using my cousin who’s afraid of sorcery as he is poorly. May run later in the morning.
9am, Raining. Just got cleaned easily, and brushed. Was attacked with pain-giving earlier but we pushed it off with some intra-cellular telepathy to their brains. Not sure when I'll resume writing 4 Weddings.

10am, Back from my run. Road was a bit slick due to the rain and I couldn't get very good traction. Feeling good tho. Staying active as writing can be a rather sedentary occupation. Inventing a metal structure called "springFoil" which could make for cheap, good quality mechanical watches.

11am, Drafted out the springFoil movement on my Medium. It is a sweet design that should be easy to manufacture, therefore cheap. I wager it’s more accurate than most mechanical watches produced today. Gave the idea free to whoever wants to make it -it should just work.
12pm, Had roasted pork rice for lunch. Looks like some American friends of mine have bitten my watch movement idea. To you know who you are, good luck with it! Looking forward to owning my first American wristwatch apart from the Elgin pocket watch I also have.

1pm, Posted Act 1 of "4 Weddings" on -if you're interested in a quick, fun read, give it a read. I'm not sure if I will finish the full work anytime soon, but definitely before end of July.

4pm, Took a shower, just water, to relieve some stress. Liew forces press on, trying to ruin the Rapture they forfeited, and the Harvest too. Major cracker attack(?) on Microsoft infrastructure. First in a long time. Worldwide semi-chaos ensued. My Orient 3-star gained 7s since yesterday. Weekly adjustment will be needed. Will WhatsApp my cousin tomorrow, early.

7pm, Cooked pan-fried, spiced chicken fillets for dinner with some cucumber in garlic, lime, and Mexican chili. Also wrote a ~900 word short story for Dogblots, here. It’s a good read if you like logic and philosophy, that kind of Sci-Fi stuff. Tomorrow, my cousin and uncle arrive. Around just 20 hours away.

8pm, Took my meds and showered. Changed into tomorrow’s clothes. Wearing my Orient Tristar.

11pm, Exercised. Brush soon. Will wear my Citizen diver out tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Thursday 5am

Up early. Didn’t finish last night’s writing work. This morning, more interference from the Americans and their Liew witch problem. Had kaya sandwiches and black coffee for breakfast. Will work out tonight as usual. No running today.

7am, Got cleaned easily. Finishing up act 1 of 4 Weddings. Mostly talking among the couples, introducing motives, traits, and histories I’ll use in act 2. Building suspense that tightens and eases. This makes the story more followable compared to always resting and running headlong. Like Alfred Hitchcock, I have a cameo in the story. Was fun putting that in. Could be a device I’ll employ later. The story has similarities to The Phantom of the Opera, Stephen King’s Desperation.

9am, Back from breakfast at Stadium with Dad. Taking it easy. Evil pressing in on me from the Liew witchy 6 and their downfallen western helpers. It’s hard to tell them gospel as they are smart, therefore too proud to face up to their actions and disastrous consequences. Much given, much expected. LiLian knew to work those people first in her takeover from God bid. Will resume writing at 10am.

10am, Feeling imposed on by my uncle’s family, thru Mom. They were a prime target of the west, possessing useful Spirit gifts. Not surprising if Liew witches were behind their hazing by the west. Now tho, their hearts are broken and it’s time to forego materialism, the paper chase, and pursue the way / work of the Cross. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but on every word from the mouth of God”. I will explain, we would not eat a loaf whole, but break it. Likewise, God feeds us, breaking up spiritual bread into morsels. The receiving of spiritual bread is easier and quicker than receiving worldly sustenance. It is feeding ourselves logically, God before flesh, that endows us a good clean life. Where do we find God’s nourishment? In the Bible? More on this later…

2pm, Back from Mutiara where we had lunch at the Chicken Rice Shop. We couldn't find the investment bank where Mom's shares are being transferred to. Hope it's not a scam. I can't help but feel petty scammers are targeting me and my folks. Dad is getting more careless, dropping things at the supermarket etc. Mom is still worried over her health. Bought a jumbo bottle of Heinz ketchup for my niece's birthday. Am working on Act 2 of my (the) wedding story.

5pm, Feeling mentally fatigued and will complete Act 2 later tonight. Instead, I used the hour to write a Medium article on my progress, writing the longest story of my life (6k words+). Need to talk about Hell now. What sort of person goes to hell and what is it like? It is STRANGE to go to hell, NOT strange to go to Heaven. 

Many are confused that only the best make it up. In reality there are many waystations between and every one that is hellish (in flesh or spirit) is illogical. Man is a creature of reason and of madness. We go mad every so often because of genetic reasons. Madness coupled with sin (hatred of Heaven) is what consigns a soul to Hell. Hell awaits those illogically hating God, even as a concept and it consumes flesh even so! 

I also promised to talk on God's bread / words, and it cannot be the Bible as the Bible is not baby food. It is food for grown men and women with opened eyes and ears. Where baby food comes from is from people writing analyses, like me. However, to swallow the words of God through his servants, requires diligence in thought and action -chewing with pleasure / worship, and spitting out / rejecting any falsehoods. Discernment is literally a baby intelligence. Wisdom is a grown person's resurrection hope. Therefore, go forth, true believers, and prosper!

8pm, Will be sleeping late tonight. Take my meds at 11pm. Work out at 10pm. Can’t write my story as there is a lot to do in mindspace. Tonight the Liew 6 go down once and for all.

9pm, Took meds early and worked out a bit. Did many healings and sent the Liew 6 packing hopefully one last time.

11pm, wrote my Substack, CK’s Friday Journal. Feeling joint pains but must persevere, the end feels near just not yet in sight. It will come as a flood. Brush soon and turn in circa midnight.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Wednesday 9am

Up late. A lazy morning, doing nothing much. May head over to the shoebox house later. Want to run a bit at the park in my trail shoes. Work out at night as usual. Haven’t done any writing but the plot is set and is juicy.

10am, doing more plotting for my final 3 part story. I have all 8 main characters defined and the scene as well. There is danger, suspense, secrets, high emotion, a hero-villain, lots of talking “as lovers do”. It is a tense, never let up page turner.

11am, Back from a brief, intense warmup and run down the road. Feeling the cardio and that warm comforting feeling. Will begin writing soon. I don’t feel as confident drafting this trio of acts, opposed to the more spontaneous generation of the previous 6 tales.

12pm, Maybe make luncheon ham and cucumber salad for lunch.

1pm, Started writing. Will be a far longer set. Maybe 7k words. Hope to keep it interesting throughout.

2pm, Installed Nova Launcher on my Android Go phone which cleared off the annoying vestigial search bar and allowed me to set the icons shape, size, and vary the placement more, unlike Android's default launcher. Still being attacked by people lost hope. Gave many a new life, as many more remain in error / sin.

9pm, Took my meds earlier, showered and changed into fresh clothes. Will work out, 10pm, brush, turn in by midnight. Act 1 of 4 weddings is almost done. A fun read and a joy to write. The mix of plot, scene, and characters was fertile. Each act, ~2k words to end with suspense. Made pasta bows for dinner with reduced tomato, onion, garlic, and mince. Was decent. News of an upswing in Covid cases. A new wave, just before our reunion banquet. Barneous Liew stabbing cancer into my nose but he lacks critical mass so far. Some more making rounds, lying, eh, Barney?

10pm, Worked out. Feeling good even as the hits rain down on us from the Americans egging Liew witches onto us Asians. They don’t know the evil forces slip around us easily, millions of them, maybe tens of millions. American Christians, you were deceived!

Monday, July 15, 2024

Tuesday 10am

Up early. iPhone 7 died again. It’s unreliable. Maybe compromised by spyware. Back to my budget Nokia c01 Plus. Got cleaned. Will work out tonight as my arm is still sore from yesterday’s Arip jab. Lots of views of 3 Tales of Mind Games. Feel like doing a final trio later. Not sure what on. That ought to wrap up the series nicely. Maybe write on marriage and love.

12pm, Had a shower as I somehow felt in need. It has been a cool morning, tho. Talking to various troublemakers over corruption and limits / extremism. This is basic counseling which they fear, having done mind crimes. And the secret to surviving despite mind crimes is to be very quiet if not saintly so, and most brilliant in your chosen career. Will work out later tonight, run tomorrow. Got to diet.
1pm, Writing begins with some plotting and outlining tho things rarely stick to that, the way I write.

3pm, Gathering elements for my story in 3 parts.

6pm, It starts with a name: Paloma which means dove. There will be a lot of names dropped as the 6 characters interact. Afraid it may be a 5-6k word, 3 part story. A bit long. Hopefully constantly entertaining. Lots of poetic talking and sexuality.

9pm, Had a nice dinner of sweet potato leaves and steamed wood ear chicken. Being prevented and pain-given by the evil seed. Roll up and leave by my bed. See if it helps. Nerve blasters to stun. All do your duty to keep mindspace safe.

11pm, Worked out. Time for meds.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Monday 12am

Still wide awake despite meds and half a sedative. Feeling dull and unimaginative as I write “Lizards”. Less than a week till I see my cousin and uncle again. I had missed them. We used to meet twice a year, now it’s once every 4 years. May be the last meeting before the axe falls on families with telepathy machines.

5am, Up early. Got cleaned well. Work out at 6:30. Liew 6 being shoved onto Asians by American Christians again.
6am, Had leftover tuna pasta for breakfast. Drank a black coffee. Worked out. Feeling stretched, stronger and lighter. Been doing some touch-up on "Lizards" which is stalled. Not sure when the geckos come in.

7am, “Lizards” has finally got more direction after I worked in some breaking news and Gaia theory. Have 2 hours to finish it. Americans and Royals ploughing thru Asia in desperation, to shrug off the Liew 6 and their kid / baby armies.

9am, Mild restraining of the UK forces and Liew witches given out. The madness and violence is quelled for now. Wearing my Swatch Sistem. Love the case shape and all black colorway. No time to write yet. Been tweaking my iPhone to save more battery. Still have to charge it every morning tho.

10am, Did some editing instead of writing. Was a bit careless before, a few ugly sentences to reword and contradictions to remove. Have to leave for psych clinic. Worried a little over attacks on my hand. Comes and goes.
1pm, Back from my Arip jab at psych clinic. Went well. Had Chinese food for lunch there. Continuing with the final story. To finish and post up by tonight. Awful Allen got himself nerve-stripped. Not my fault as he had turned cocky and irritable, harming everyone in our mindspace.

3pm, Back from a brief run down and up the road. Feeling good. Lungs, heart, and legs mainly. Five days till I meet my cousin and uncle. They are also being telepathically assaulted. As a family, we should band together and do good with our lives. Turning around many people who used telepathy wrongfully. Our enemies are not flesh and blood but the demonic powers of this fallen world.

7pm, The final story wrapped up unexpectedly well and I am ready to post it up late tonight as promised. Have no idea how it developed, just that it did, from a soup of ideas that was stirred lovingly and seasoned with zing. It has a happy ending just as “Rose” opened the 6 tales so optimistically / poetically. I hang up my hat as a writer, lah. Jesus, I’m ready to come up…
Formatted the text into HTML before final edit. It's up on my website now if anyone's interested in a final beta release:

9pm, Corrected some typos in the final draft. Unlikely errors caused by attacks on my hand as I am a touch typist. Mostly missing vowels and punctuation. Will link on Facebook / Tumblr tomorrow.

10pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. 10:30, take meds and talk to destroyed geniuses and powerful Christians who fell.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Sunday 5am

Up early. Must have slept 6 hours, on the floor again. iPhone case may arrive today, COD. Supposed to be good, slim and soft.

7am, Managed to get cleaned easily. Brush soon. Charging the ol’ iPhone 7. Needs charging every day tho I only charge it to 80%. Thinking of a way to help babies opened by the Liew witchy 6.

Trump may have been shot, a prophetic moment in world history. No more presidents after Biden. We are weeks from possible Rapture. Kids and infants taken home by sinful families, leaving the Liew 6 high and dry. They may retaliate, killing many. The world is very soft actually and special people have to help at this stage.
8am, My iPhone 7 charged past 80% very quickly. Rapture occurring within the next 4 weeks at the earliest fills my mind and heart with many persuasions. Would like to solve the world's problems but there are too many and multifarious. Plus I have lost my memory. Someone from Mountain View downloaded mss2 today. Nice to be read -as always.

Brushed. Need to enter mindspace again where there is some trouble breaking out, Tribulation fever.

11am, My iPhone case is on delivery. Prepared the 14RM. Somehow wrote a very exciting page turner, “Hunter”. The first of 3 in a series on speculative human-animal interactions. This afternoon, I may write the second one, “Wolf”, because it’s close to my heart. Tomorrow, my Arip jab at psych clinic. Then will finish with “Lizards” and put it up on where you can read and enjoy it FREE. Will work out tonight, run tomorrow morning.
12pm, Helped cook fried rice for lunch. Tastes okay, a bit Japanese becasuse of the takoyaki sauce marinade. Wonder if my parcel will be early. Turns out Trump is okay. The bullet grazed his right temple, maybe went through his ear. Today and tomorrow (which the ABY does not touch on) should be decisive for the future of the world. Yesterday, the ABY presented its cover. Perhaps many come to read from it.

3pm, The phone case arrived and is very nice. Affords some damage protection and a firmer grip while being unobtrusive visually and tactile-ly. Good price, 8.80RM. I also finished writing “Wolves” earlier than expected. It’s also a page turner just a bit longer than “Hunter”. God is gracious to me, and so are my friends in mindspace. I could write Lizards tonight and post the three up on before bed. Man, “Wolves” was really creepy.

8pm, Ate a nice dinner of tuna pasta bows with salad snd herb cheese. Mom wouldn’t eat much due to the sacrifices she’d made to the “cause” -the anti west fight. Such was the vehemence of the agnostic British aristocracy and the carelessness of the average Christian American woman, influenced by then Queen Elizabeth around WWII. The tragedy befalling William and his family, particularly Kate is heart wrenching. Many Asians will not let him go, nor his Father. Many downfallen westerners the same. Liew witches are not your friends, William. Actually issue an order for their arrest if you have any power at all.
9pm, Had a snack and a coffee and am attacking "Lizards" now. Plan to get the story going tonight and see if it wraps up nicely. Otherwise it may spill into tomorrow morning. Take my meds late, at 10pm. Worked out briefly earlier.

11pm, Took a sedative to wake up early tomorrow. May not have time to finish “Lizards” tonight barring spirited resolve and inspiration. Why do I want to write Lizards?
  1. Do geckos deserve love? Hate? How does a gecko influence the world?
  2. Maybe the geckos are a device that plays my couple out?
  3. Maybe a subplot of lizards versus mammals could enter at key moments. Then big, now small?
  4. Maybe a future of mammals, now big, then small could bring up the ending?
  5. Maybe some Gaia theory woven in?
  6. Who are Johnny and Dolly, beyond Italians in a fictitious tropical city?
  7. Maybe they’re really gods or 2 angels?

Friday, July 12, 2024

Saturday 7am

Up early. Got cleaned. Another person read 3 Tales of Temptation, from Virginia. Someone tech savvy. Feeling good about it. Today will have to do more housework. Won’t be running until afternoon probably. Work out tonight. Still hanging in there against the wicked telepathic machine. Back from my run in my pro road running shoes. Felt good. Ran at TOP SPEED after a warmup, bouncing along on the energy returning Pebax soles. Recovered fast, In just a minute. Don’t regret buying the KD-500 ii for 300RM, 2 years ago. It took me a year and 8 months to get in this shape and not without pains.

8am, Brushed. Will sweep soon. Then to write a bit. Have 3 stories to finish this weekend.
10am, Finished sweeping the bedrooms. Was very dusty. Must have been 3 weeks without a sweep. Sweep downstairs later in the afternoon if I can find the downstairs broom. Normally Dad does this work but he is painting the window frames of our retirement "shoebox" house. The tropical humidity saps strength and causes sweat a lot. Have to rest a bit before resuming my writing work.

12pm, Our iPhone 7 came to life again just now and reported a problem reading the SIM card so I took it out on its tray and blew into the slot several times, hard, careful not to wet it. I had to use iTunes on Dad’s Mac Mini to begin and complete the process. Now my phone is back! Want to see if I can get a case for it that’s transparent and slim.
1pm, All's well with my old iPhone so far. I ordered it a case for 14RM shipped, COD. It's a clear, slim case which should be better than the first one.

3pm, Am at the shoebox, configuring Aspire with a nice "rocky" wallpaper since I run Rocky Linux. There was a bad crash to do with the wifi 5G but now all is well and looks professional. Talked to my aunty about the troubled times and how "pushing" evil onto others is not the solution even tho it saves the family -her children and husband hit so hard by these sorrows as the Bible terms them.

8pm, Had a decent dinner. We drank some coffee. Found out how to get to the family reunion restaurant. Dad thinks he’ll go reconnaissance it tomorrow by himself as need a little walking towards the end. Haven’t had my bath or worked out yet. Feeling excited about our future as a family. We solved our woes which was burdening my cousin’s family who were poor. They fought back, thereby burdening a large swath of the world. Such is the power of telepathy.. and the root / superuser account in Linux. I think with TP, do no harm is best obeyed, in retrospect. What do you think?

9pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Worked out briefly which was good. Feeling regulated and stretched out. Most issues in mindspace are now solved.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Friday 12am

Just past midnight and am still wide awake. Prepping to do some writing later. I have 3 new stories to write but have been procrastinating, reading socials instead. I am a fan of Sarah C Andersen’s comic strip and Adam de Souza’s Blind Alley / Brambles. Both are quite intellectual, open ended, and cute. I view them on Tumblr.

Witchy Liews continue to destroy kids and babies at an alarming rate. Need to change my tactics. Maybe I should do some outlining this early Friday.

8am, Up lateish, will work out in the night today. No running or urban trail hiking. Yet to get cleaned. Outlining going slow.

9am, Mom is gaining weight from eating more meat and geriatric milk. She had sins of consumption which were being used against her by enemies of our sinful family. Although I’m not sinful by much, the attacks still come to all of us in general. Later , to the mall. 8 days to reunion. 3 days to psych clinic for my Arip jab. Was able to loo. Brush at 10am.
10am, Will be late going to the mall due to Dad's hospital appointment. Brushed. Commanding the fight back against the Liew witchy forces. Going quite well.

12pm, Time to kill / downtime. Had a simple lunch of egg, soup, plain cabbage and noodles cooked by Mom. Will be wearing my new shoes out later.
4pm, My cousin's sister is with us at the shoebox. Served lots of goodies, tea, and a ramen. Gave her coffee and Sett game pieces. We may have dinner at the mall later after she leaves with her husband.

7pm, Back from the mall. We had chicken rice for dinner. Mom ate a lot, wary of losing weight. I bought some goodies and snacks. Mutton curry, deli tuna, digestives, coffee. Also got new Good Virtues bodywash. Occasionally we use it. Made in Malaysia. Mindspace was full of mirth as we dethroned the Liew witchy machines and made peace with the westerners. William feels left out due to his allegiances now torn up by God’s forces. Ex GF may meet up with me. She’s unsure of herself, now back in Ireland.

Gave my cousin some Vietnam coffee sticks and my eBook, mss2. She gave us a pomelo and Bidor biscuits. Bidor used to be biscuit town when I was a kid. Now they are made here and there, depending. Witches under cover still striking out. We are using certain machines to corral them. Need to provide some protection / knowledge so sensitive (mentally ill) kids and families are not busted into, prepped by the Liew 6 thru America, thru the UK.

9pm, Spent a while cleaning my bathroom. Tomorrow to sweep upstairs. Took a much needed shower with genuinely healing Good Virtues. I always snip open the refill and use that first. Criminal to throw it out. Mom ate the yogurt she’d been craving. I got it specially for her. Took my meds. Brush at 10pm. Do some writing in between.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Thursday 5am

Up early. Brushed. Went for a run. Feeling good, clearer and cleaner inside. Will walk later in my hiking shoes, maybe to Kayu. Work out in the afternoon. Less telepathy this morning.

6am, Got cleaned easily. Battles rage in mindspace among Asian forces of good and evil.

7am, Hail of attacks rain down on evil people who are now hiding in their relations and friends who are good. No compromise against the horde that destroys souls and flesh.

8am, We are machining through the evil horde, one phony witch at a time. Eventually they will give up due to the threat of constant attrition.

11am, Had an egg and a slice of bread for early lunch. Went on a short urban hike-run in my new MTs from Decathlon. Felt amazing. Actually, trail running is quite dangerous, having been on the Bukit Gasing trail during the rainy season. Yea, it’s picturesque and sometimes breathtaking but it IS dangerous, someplaces practically un-runnable. Some steps, steep as heck, others, just toe / heel notches hewn out from between tree roots. Yikes!

12pm, Ate cookies for a snack after my trail run. Monster Allen trying to corrupt newborns again. Had chapfan for lunch, bought by Dad. Our gutter is still not fixed. Finally filled in my Facebook biodata and achievements, new nicer cover photo.

4pm, Invented a good, fun dice game, easy to learn, for all ages. It’s on my Medium

Still taking hits from the Liew witchy geniuses, trying to break prophecy.

8pm, Back from a naan and tandoori dinner with the folks. Mom ate more meat, fearing her weight loss problem. We had a big discussion on many things in mindspace and changes may come to the world at last. Telepathy is a reality not an exclusive power. “Dil ba dil ra dara” so say the ancient Persians. Look it up. There is telepathy between hearts. You should know there is a God and a Devil and your friends around you. Just that there has been a deception over the world so we think it’s an “angel’s touch” when it’s just your wife / mother!

9pm, Worked out briefly. Feeling okay. Joints and muscles working better. Take meds at 10pm.

11pm, Brushed and took my meds. Sleep at midnight. Lots of unfinished business in mindspace. Not sure what to do. Maybe tomorrow. But we’ll be heading to the mall.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Wednesday 5am

Up early. Went for my run. Tested both shoes. One is good for speed, the other not so much. It felt mushy and slowed me down. Helped my friend, Denom with his family issues / mental health. Now everyone wants it too! Ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for breakfast. Work out in the evening. No time to write my stories.

8am, Managed to get cleaned well. Worked out. Feeling good. Will take a walk later after the rain stops. Want to visit MegaMall. My M&S tee has fungus on the back. Will change into another one. Trimmed my mustache, nose hairs, gelled, and shaved down my cheeks. Looking presentable in a new tee. Dad bought me a dosii rawa. Was good. Leaving at 9am.

1pm, Read my first 3 stories free here: more to come later as I recover from the trauma of being beaten up by and beating off the British. Decided to do installments as I may never make the full 10 tales.

6pm, Back from the shoebox house where Dad did more painting. Tomorrow, a new gutter goes up. Westerners attacked incessantly this afternoon. We now have a method of controlling their minds and turning back the corruption to gospel by the Liew witches. It’s almost comedic how a Christian can be so deceived. Almost don’t believe it.

7pm, We tackled the issues of gospel, sin, and church together with victims of the Liew witch onslaught. The witch attacks through chaining 3 events / discrepancies in sequences that challenge one’s self image / beliefs / outlook what have you. The solution is to chain 3 gospel wisdoms in reply, relevant ones of course. Not many can do that so we’re sticking together for now. Being beaten on my sore hand by a proud baby sinner now.

9pm, Took my meds and will brush at 9:30. Turn in by midnight. Tomorrow, go on another long walk and work out. Seems William and the Liews are undoing our work among babies first, then younger kids. We need to address this promptly.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Tuesday 5am

Up early. Worked out. Took some hits from the Liew witchy 6. Trying to finish them off.

6am, Got cleaned. Want to head over to Pavilion today to check out trail running shoes. Must bring socks. Will go after 10am. Am rewriting “Flute” to be more surreal. “Fides” has a punchline at last. You get what you wish for while sometimes you have to appease others not just yourself -it’s the irony of it that makes the ending good.

8am, Tested my KD500’s higher lacing and it worked well, not coming loose  as it did before. Just a short jog and sprint. Felt more in contact with the ground. May go to Decathlon instead of KL as the hiking shoes there are cheaper tho less special-looking compared to Running Lab’s Hoka line which is almost sold out after recent sales.

9am, Prepping to head out soon. Put on underwear. Maybe some hair gel and my Oakleys.

12pm, I bought my “Speed Goat” alikes from Decathlon for 450RM since for 600RM, Running Lab doesn’t have my size (12 US). I got the MT Cushion 2 instead of the Hoka SG. The cushioning is very nice and there seems to be a foot-hugging interior I need to tune. The outer sole is thus stable over uneven roads so far tested on. Grip on slick tiles is good, not great. There is a bit of uncertainty. I would be conscious of slimy boulders but for my urban hiking it works great.

8pm, Feeling drained / exhausted mentally, as we unpick the demonic mental illlness and inexplicable medical conditions we all suffer from. They are mostly / sometimes due to a chain of unbearable pain that stems from evil aliens and their spirit forms. I know aliens are the fall guys, coming to Earth for food, water, gold, and sexual pleasure but the evidence is available to those who have Internet and a discerning mind!

Unable to write much tonight. Just took a shower and we all ate last night’s pasta, veg and chicken soup. Will try to write more tomorrow.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Monday 12am

Western forces going mad again in mindspace. We are straightening them out by coring and hopefully regrowing their damaged emotions. “Fides” is almost done. Just another few hundred words as Fidel meets a very unusual(?) Yeap, then the punchline.

5am, Back from a brief run. My laces keep slipping somehow these days. Feeling recharged. Later breakfast out with Dad. American babies trying to offload Liews onto Asians. Didn’t finish Fides yet again. The slowest writ short story of my career.

6am, Had a ramen for breakfast early, as I was hungry from my run. Get cleaned soon and brush. Managed to loo well. Workout in the afternoon.

8am, Back from Stadium with Dad. We had roti and I had an iced Milo. Westerners attacked and are being repulsed with the tree of life, and its roots. Supernatural help, baby. I have officially finished “Fides”, just tidying up. Later this afternoon, will write “Emerald”. Then the book will be done by Wednesday. A bit of discipline!

1pm, Back from a BLR lunch, vegetarian Indian food. Quite nice. Mood was festive. Somebody may have mentioned I'm the writer of "My Malaysia", my hearing is poor. I don't think very much about what I wrote because it's neither the Perlembagaan itself nor the Satanic Verses. but, YES it is patriotic and I am lucky to live in majmuk Malaysia compared to the White man's lands.

I made a very strong start to "Emerald". What a creepy story it's turning out to be. I am writing in Prince William as the ghost of King Arthur. Hopefully Will won't notice... and / or benefit somehow.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Sunday 6am

Up early. Braved a drizzle to run. My shoelaces kept coming undone but I got sufficient burn, running at top speed down the home stretch. Work out later. Worked out. Felt weaker but managed to complete the 3 minutes of exercises. Mom went to bed early. Didn’t finish writing Fides so it spills over onto today. Must finish it this morning, and it must be good. Deadline for vt is Wednesday.

Managed to get cleaned quite well. Brush soon. Am rewriting some paragraphs in Fides -a challenging story to wrestle with and hold down.

8am, Wearing my Q&Q moonphase on suede deployant. A 65RM quartz watch on a 40RM strap. The bosoms are empty because of the new moon this Muharram. Talked about being responsible for one’s actions and not blame or use others. Talked about fornication vs. murder and how the roles or consequences of both switched over the centuries into modern times. Do not be afraid to share love with your loved one and do not murder fgs!

10am, Did more writing, an article on Medium. I got July’s first read 2 days ago. is quite quiet tho. Used to be bustling hmm…

11am, A burst of writing pushed "Fides" past its midway mark. I can now talk about the religious politics and poverty topics I wanted to weave in. Later, making nuggets for lunch.

12pm, Made a lacklustre lunch for the folks and myself. Liew forces attacking in waves. We're emptying their skulls of all their evil thoughts which unfortunately leaves many with nothing. Writing is going slow. Many are pressed onto this important story.

1pm, Looed again, easily. “Fides” will wrap up soon. The structure is in place for the journey from KK to Pontianak and the interesting things disclosed.

5pm, Back from the shoebox house and a snack at Stadium. Didn't do any writing. Prince William acted up again -his hatred of Asians cannot be healed. We cored him out permanently.

10pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Wearing the casual karate with my new QS tee. Time to take stock of my apparel:

  1. 5 white tees
  2. 2 gray tees
  3. 1 blue tee
  4. 1 white shirt
  5. 2 flannel shirts
  6. 3 ethnic / traditional shirts
  1. 3 green shorts
  2. 1 white shorts
  3. 1 beige sorts
  4. 1 gray shorts
  5. 1 red slacks
  6. 1 blue jeans
I have sufficient clothes. Take meds at 10:30 and finish the day’s writing by midnight.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Saturday 8am

Up early. Had a Thai tomyam kaw ramen for breakfast, with Vietnamese coffee. Worked out a bit. Will resume writing soon. Had to dissuade American Christian kids from killing me slowly, and millions of other Asian Christians too, in a mad scramble to save their ‘important’ families. The Liew witches laughed up our asses as we all sinned / suffered.
11am, Had an early lunch of lomaikai and chicken rice, then got down to work on my story, "Friends". It's a bit of a struggle to write as it is a longer one with lots of happenings and more important characters. Think I will only write Fides tomorrow, Sunday. British acting up now have to suck on a jellybean flavored by my heart.

1pm, Finished writing "Friends", and it is good. Will be writing "Fides" soon. In 3 days, I have half a book -amazing! Liking my speakers which play well at low / background volume. Mad British attack again, given high cholesterol and blood sugar. Not to worry, we have a pressure valve jellybean.

2pm, William acts out, destabilizing the mindspaces yet again, abusing celebs, taking their bodies in a vain attempt to survive his telepathic crimes. This is not the first time we warned him of the dangers of destroying celebrities. Not sure if I can write Fides before 3pm.
5pm, Getting started on writing "Fides" is hard. I know if it doesn't begin soon, it will have to be done tomorrow.
6pm, Plotted out the remaining 5 stories while still stumped on "Fides". All are interesting reads / writes -for me at least. Will resume writing after a good dinner.

8pm, Ate takeout fried rice for dinner. Was good. Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Feeling good in a/c. Will run tomorow, early. Progress on Fides is slow but steady. Will take my meds at 10pm.

9pm, Bad people even my Sis, were exposed by radar groups internationally after going wild on good people / Christians who were also not spared the expose but everyone remorseful is treated well.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Friday 4am

Up early from taking sedatives last night. Will go on a run soon. Liew witchy forces niggling me with pains and muscle flinching. Gave them a cholesterol problem. Nothing modern medicine can’t fix. Didn’t finish writing story #2 last night which I felt confident of. Maybe after dropping Mom off at the hospital, after breakfast with Dad. Back from my brief breakneck run. Recovered fast and am feeling clear and stretched out. Workout in the afternoon, probably. Drank a little almond avocado milk for breakfast.

9am, At the shoebox house now, typing this into the iPad 5. Had brunch at Stadium. Just a roti canai and iced Milo. Will resume writing “Fides” after fetching Mom home from the dietician who will advise regarding her dramatic weight loss. Meanwhile, Dad is busy doing more painting. I wonder when we’ll move in and what possessions I’ll bring over. Feeling somehow confused regarding that. As if I should make a new start with new things or the complete opposite -look poor.
1pm, Been editing "Salon" -yes I completed yet another mini story today and am starting on the second one,"Friends". Never got to touch "Fides" tho. For some reason the powers that be are confining it. Made the folks a tasty, healthy lunch. Mom, sleepless, went down on sedatives and Dad is off for a blood test and to do more painting which he finds therapeutic. Sis' kids keep flinching my left eye as I write. IIRC, I forgot to note that yesterday, my beloved Kabini rig died. It will not be replaced. Probably due to last week's storm.

2pm, Sitting comfortably at my desk in the old house, on my new swivel and tilt office chair with mesh back. Feels good typing into the old Linux ThinkPad which I'm using to write my compilation. Have the a/c on economy mode and it's quieter but for the traffic bombing along the main road a stone's throw from my upper room. May have time to finish the day's writing before I help make dinner. Edit it tonight.

6pm, Had a ramen for dinner as Mom is tired and Dad gone painting again. Switched speakers with him so I now have his Edifier R33BT and he has my HomePod Mini.

11pm, No movement on “Friends”. Last hour to go before sleep.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Thursday 9am

Up early. Fell asleep while charging my used ThinkPad after installing Rocky Linux / KDE. Discovered how to switch my HomePod Mini between audio files, music library, and youTube via automatic airplay / control center. Took some hits and judgements from kids brought in by the witchy Liew 6. Linux plays better with laptops IMHO.

1pm, Back from NSK grocer. Barring a minor accident with Dad, it was productive shopping. I ate less, just a plain nasi lemak for 5RM and a rose syrup bandung (milky). Rose calms the nerves. Liew witches gave out pain through children roused up. We had no choice but to raise their cholesterol to moderate high. The Liews’ to high dangerous.

Supported Eksentrika again this month. Just $1. It matters to favor those near, a bird in hand, and to be polite to those afar whom you cannot reimburse so easily!

4pm, Am writing a small, unambitious collection of mini short stories. Will do 10 of them, 2 a day, and have a book to offer in 5 days time. Only take 2 hours a day which is doable for my tight schedule of mindspace work. Wrote today’s first one and plotted the other to finish sometime tonight. Very excited over the inspired new info that I’m laying down.

10pm, Need to get up early tomorrow so I took half a Rivotril. Wrote the 3rd story and part of the 2nd, having beautifully wrapped up the first. The 2nd is about the current religio-political standoff, and the unique cultures of South East Asia in a not so distant future. A hard write of some gravity. William needs our help bearing hurt and shame from the Liew telepathy smear campaigns. We gave everyone good some jelly beans to take if they were hit by cholesterol boosting.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Wednesday 4am

Up early. Back from a run at full speed. Could feel the energy returning Pebax foam acting. Feeling good. Liew witches plying through my family who’re guilty of mind crimes and outside crimes, both. Will work out late morning. Do Tai Chi, weekends.

7am, Was able to get cleaned okay. British and Royals acted up again. They cannot be friends after what Diana did to Asians and the rest to degrees followed, in the face of the Liew threat.

12pm, At the shoebox house right now. Terrible arguments in mindspace over moral corruption and getting away scot free by cheating good people blind in groups at a time. Depravity descends as we are trying to cleanse the mental realm -it must always be peaceful. Brought over my Edifier speakers for Aspire. Will retrieve my master grade flute for my booklet.

6pm, Folks are painting the new house window louvre holders. Getting uptight over health issues, arguing pointlessly, as am I also trying to stay afloat physically under attacks from antichrists.

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...