Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sunday 28 July

Today was hot and I was busy adding code to my Python3 apps instead of writing. Realized late that VRS is invaluable as I read more from the Bible, and am moving on improving the interface and annotation features.

Folks are gone to my niece's birthday dinner. I am alone at home coding away. Need to find a way to get the height of scrolled content (Frame) in tkinter so I can switch views without losing my place in the search results. Not a big deal, but nice to have.

Didn't go out as planned, to the flea market. Had roti canai for breakfast and 2 ramen noodles for lunch. Hopefully dinner is more nutritious.

Talked about trauma leading to self-serving to self-absorption to self-consciousness to vanity. This is a chain of sin that the Liew witches sewed among the westerners who were fortunate and wealthy. Also talked about Matthew 24 which seems to apply to Christians worldwide but rather, makes more sense applied to Israel of the present.

Also improved CHR, which is surprisingly very useful to help generate a novel outline / plot.

Liew witches grab for newborns from young mothers spiked with sin. Follow me, you sheep and I will lead you back to Christ / Mohammed, etc. These are tough times for everyone. Meanwhile, war is heating up in the Middle East again. It's a time when anything can happen -even prophecy.

Will turn in early after a workout. Run tomorrow morning.

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Wednesday 16 October

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