Thursday, August 31, 2023

Friday 6am

Up early. A new month turns over. Going for an early morning run soon. Lots of dreams last night. Feeling a bit tired.

7am, Got cleaned. Back from my run. Feeling healthier. Fed the hamster. She's running out of fresh produce but is quite happy playing in the new room arrangement. Hopefully we can go to the mall for groceries today.

9am, Had a tomyam ramen and coffee for breakfast. Paid my web hosting fees. Prices are up 30RM over last year.

10am, Took a hot shower as I was sweaty. There was a large moth in the bathroom. Will spend the day tidying up further. Write a very short story. My final one. Tomorrow will take on the UpLink challenge -my final competition. I'm supposed to be retired. Liew witches and western vengeful come to a dastardly agreement. The consequence of living a life against God. Changed my bedsheets at last.

7pm, Made dinner from a tin of mutton curry and some cucumber, onion, and yogurt. Leftover rice. Made a noodle with egg and kale for Mom. Didn't achieve any cleaning objectives today. Hamster is feeding much better now and seems happier in the newly cleaned and arranged room. Trying to install Haiku OS on my netbook. No deadlines after retirement I guess.

8pm, In the end, I put Bodhi Linux on my netbook. It’s cohesive design-wise and light. Retirement -no more deadlines. Will exercise now. Hand felt a bit sore during pushups but otherwise doing okay. Will take my meds at 9pm. Feed the hamster more at 10pm.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Thursday 7am

Up early. Got cleaned and went for a brief run. Feeling good. Feed the hamster by 7:30am. My croc watch strap from Vietnam shipped yesterday. Should receive it next Wednesday. Liew witchy forces still lashing out and slandering.

8am, Fed the hamster. Will move out the bookshelf and boxes of junk now.

10am, Did some vacuuming. The junk boxes are still in my room. Try again before lunch, then it’s time to move the bed and table.

12pm, Pushed all the furniture into place and vacuumed some more. Moved all the junk into a corner to be sorted out this evening. Cleaned the hamster's home and fed her some peanut butter and sourdough bread, chicken, kale, and fruit. Feels like moving into a new house. I had forgotten -it's the last day of August and Malaysia's Merdeka day.
  1. 1pm, clear the desk and move the turntable into the corner
  2. 2pm, throw away unwanted stuff and pile the boxes up to be moved out
  3. 3pm, sweep and mop
  4. 4pm, change my sheets
2pm, Swept and mopped. Can't make the deadline for clearing all the junk from my room. There's still stuff all over my desk and bed although most of it is well organized in a stack by the window. Need to get a big box out, then shift my chair left so the center of the desk is free for my work.

4pm, Finally cleared my desk and bed but the piles of junk by the window have to remain for a day or two. The bookshelf outside my door is also looking good. Dad helped clean and organize it.

5pm, Taking a break from all the housework. Tomorrow hope to clear another half of my junk / possessions. On Saturday, will work on my UpLink submission. Playing vinyl rips through my old Aego M -sounds very good.

7pm, Wound my LED strip lighting round my table / desk. Can't wait for sundown. Turned off the a/c to save power. Had belacan pork and okra for dinner. Feed the hamster at 7:30pm.

10pm, Took my meds. Exercise tomorrow as I'm worn out after the massive room cleaning. Sleep early and run tomorrow before dawn. Really like my new, simpler furniture / possessions arrangement. Feels fresh and hopeful. DogBlots got a few views today from America. Makes my day.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Wednesday 8am

Up earlyish. Got cleaned. Fed the hamster. Liew witches working babies and kids again.

9am, Finished uploading some videos to YouTube. These will be my final uploads for some time. Got a few likes. Decided to do the UpLink water challenge early next month. Tomorrow is Merdeka Day and a full moon as well.

1pm, Heading out soon. Want to check if my Seiko diver can be repaired. Anyway today, ‘77’ is lucky.

5pm, Back from KL. Must have walked 2 hours. Feeling tired but regulated. Drank a mild fruit smoothie. Ate some leftover KFC. Took a long shower. Talked about synchronicity vs prophecy and the stages of soul progression at death. Many should now turn to God and disown the witchy populists. The harvest is ripe. My 077j can’t be repaired, unfortunately. A sign that there may be no further watches entering my stable.

6pm, Ordered my first croc strap -from Vietnam, for my Q&Q moonphase. Can’t wait. At 45RM, it’s a steal. Hope to get a photo of it to admire while I wait the usual 7-8 days.

7pm, Had a simple dinner of chicken and sweet potato leaves. Feeling loose and relaxed after the long walk and shower. Still rehydrating. Want to make a shorts on chi tomorrow. Will film my LED monitor with my iPad.

8pm, Wearing my 077j diver with the stripped crown tube, bonding with it. My first ‘real watch’ / automatic was a Seiko 007 diver. Except it cost 7 times less. Put it on a gray-black NATO.

9pm, Exercised. Feeling that pleasurable cardio. Will take my meds at 11pm and sleep at 1am.

10pm, Took my meds. Began clearing my room of unessentials. Tomorrow, to move the bookshelf and several junk boxes outside. Will vacuum and rearrange the furniture. Keep the hamster caged if possible.

11pm, Brushed. Decided not to eat another ramen. Still wide awake. Will there be fireworks later? Will be busy cleaning, tomorrow morning. Try to go for a 6am run.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Tuesday 5am

Up very early. Greeted by Liew witches and western sinners pushing against my poor hand again. Still wearing my Q&Q moonphase. Didn’t work on my UpLink submission yesterday. Maybe this afternoon.

7am, Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Will work at 9am, rest for 2 hours. Attacks ongoing in the mindspaces.

9pm, A busy day so I missed posting here. Was out for Indian food while Mom was at the dentist. Made tuna and kale for dinner. Prepped 2 more YouTube videos. My channel is getting quite a few hits. Remains to be seen if my reading of my Cli-Fi story Sea of Storms will be a hit. Usually takes a few hours. Will take my meds at 11pm and exercise soon. Feed the hamster more food before bed.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Monday 12am

Exercised earlier. Feeling energetic. Later this morning I plan on drafting my UpLink water conservation solution. This will be the final competition / challenge I''m entering as I will be officially retired by end of August.

7am, Up earlyish. Feeding the hamster in half an hour.

8am, Bean ate well: potato, avocado, cheese, bread / peanut butter, coconut, corn, and broccoli. Reducing the brain power of inveterate mind offenders including the Liew witches. No beautiful sinners were harmed. Wondering what to do with my time now that I’ve officially retired. Got cleaned. Had a curry ramen and coffee for breakfast.

11am, Making a start to my UpLink solution. Want to finish it by tonight.

1pm, Had thin crust pizza for lunch. Quite tasty. Mom had noodles. A few people read my PDFs and someone watched my YouTube story reading.

6pm, Dinner soon. Having fish. Hamster could use some too. Haven’t put in any work on my UpLink submission. Maybe after eating. Have to exercise at 11pm. Liew witches and genius helpers still attacking.

7pm, Fed the hamster early as she was really hungry. More food later.

8pm, Haven’t done my UpLink proposal yet. Been greedy surfing for watch straps. Will work at 9pm to midnight. Exercised early. Feeling regulated as I had been sedentary mostly all day. Will take my meds at 10pm.

10pm, Pushing hard in the Liew witches to end their campaign of terror and slander. Maybe tomorrow will be our victory day.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Sunday 8am

Up lateish. Got cleaned. Fed the hamster. Have to work on tuning Sekk now.

12pm, Back from lunch at Sunraj. Had Indian BLR, rassam, and a coffee. Will be making kale and pork for dinner. Tuning Sekk going slow due to the witchy Liews. First thing is  iron out the rgb bugs.

1pm, Mom's cycle machine is on delivery. On Sunday - unusual. Sekk's tuning is finally getting there. It can be played.

3pm, Making progress with the gameplay tuning. Want to experiment with wider diagonal-straight difference as it makes each move more deadly. The board seems set up for wild combinations due to the generalistic algorithm. Could be a hit if done right. Finishing this up on the Pi 4.

5pm, Done working on Sekk for today. It's pretty playable now but not yet the best, I think.

6pm, Just released Sekk, shared on X and Tumblr. There are early moves to destroy the evil telepathy.

7pm, Fed the hamster some egg, coconut and mango. She doesn’t like kinky kale and is slowly wasting away. Evil everywhere in the mind needs to be handled. Mom’s mini exercise cycle arrived and is a bit disappointing, it wobbles. Was expensive too. Still, she needs the exercise.

9pm, Major movements in mindspace. Not sure if the telepathy-witchcraft will finally wrap up. It may depend on spiritual wellness. And what of God’s plans?

11pm, Brushed. Took my meds. Exercising at 11:30. Time to take stock of my ventures:
  1. Sekk game app
  2. SHT writer's app
  3. ROTA learning Chinese app
  4. YAK 123 sequencer app
  5. Casual Karate belt
  6. Mss2 book
  7. ACIFS book
7 things to sell. Yes, it's now time to retire.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Saturday 12am

Bought Mom a portable arm-leg cycle exercise machine. She was in 2 minds over the design and the extra 20RM it cost over the basic model. We’ll see if it’s any good. Haven’t finished coding Sekk as I was talking in the mindscape. Just took my meds so will sleep in an hour or so.

1am, Coded the value summation function and will tweak the DOM selection tomorrow. Sekk is in the bag at last. Feeling sleepy of a sudden.

8am, Up lateish. Got cleaned. Feed the hamster soon. Will head out at 11am.

10am, Raining. Not sure of my plans. Gave out tummy aches to dissuade the mind attackers. To have a mild weapon is a good thing. Don’t feel much like coding today. Just putting in data structures. Last night I fixed the slipping watch strap, bulking the spring bars with some tape. The strap cost more than the watch.

1pm, Was out for 2 hours. Each week I get 100 minutes of exercise in. Bought new shorts from Decathlon. Royal Family and Liew witches danced their deadly dance with us, getting hit with mild tummy aches. Too many, and witches may get in and give cancer. Showered, washed some clothes, and put on the a/c. The Q&Q is keeping good time. +0 seconds in 2 days. Will work at 2pm.

7pm, Pulled an hour long coding session and managed to get the board square colors changing. Odd bugs need to be fixed, then some gameplay tuning before release on Monday.

9pm, The bugs were due to errors in the HTML. Everything is now working but needs to be tuned. Will do it tomorrow. Fed the hamster and took my meds early.

10pm, Exercised. Feeling looser and healthier. Kid and baby armies were handed a heavy judgement for their witchy crimes against sweet people.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Friday 12am

Exercised. Feeling stretched out and relaxed. Took my meds earlier. Still wide awake. Have to brush soon. Mind wars shifting. Need to be on hand.

7am, Up earlyish. Feed the hamster soon. Liew witches still rampant.

9am, Got cleaned. Trimmed my mustache. Given up being clean shaven. Hamster isn’t eating well again. May head out on Saturday, to MegaMall.

12pm, Finished a good chunk of coding. Still half more to go, set the square colors and flashing win indicator. May be heading out for lunch soon.

2pm, Back from lunch. Had roast pork rice. Cleaned my room. Will wipe down the hamster area by 4pm. Evil witches get a tummy ache for dusting and slandering us. It's impossible to protect the whole length of one's gut. Will be giving the MW-59 to my niece today. Am coding briskly near the finish line even as kid and baby preventers are chucked onto me.

6pm, Helped make dinner. We had udon, teriyaki chicken, and some sort of pakchoy. Still wearing the Q&Q moonphase. A humble watch. Family involved in the east-west fight coming to terms with pride, sin, and heartache of these end times manipulations. Will God intervene? Looks like Sekk will take another day to complete. I'll just rough in the color coding.

7pm, Everything roughed in. Will take a break until 11pm. Fed the hamster chicken, mango, and udon noodles. Niece likes her new watch.

11pm, Exercised. Had been sedentary all day. Feeling the cardio. Submitting a proposal on water conservation to Uplink. May win 500kRM -amazing fortune! Talked to family and friends about God and heaven, and our responsibility while still alive. Taking my meds soon and will brush and turn in at 1am. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Thursday 5am

Up very early. Feed the hamster by 6am. Mindscape is more peaceful. Will do some coding soon. I have a week to finish Sekk.

7am, Battles in mindspace. Liew witches pushed onto us by Americans, take serious hits. Enough is enough. Got cleaned. Just resting until 8am, then will work on my app.

10am, Brushed. Will exercise tonight. Set my Q&Q moonphase accurately. Liew witchy 6 hit with mild flesh subduction from chi meridian burning. Hopefully they treat others’ bodies and minds with more respect.

6pm, Had dinner and showered. Power was out for an hour or so earlier. Sweet words and logic tame many hearts but are hard on those who acted out of character / spirit, onto others who were kind. Posted on Tumblr about solutions to Fukushima’s waste water crisis.

10pm, Battles rage in the mind as the final weeks of conflict loom ahead. Will there be an intercession by God Himself? Hand is under attack again. Posted my reading of The Before Room on YouTube. This may be my final posting for some time.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Wednesday 7am

Up early. Got stung hard by the Liew witches who were worried about their afterlife and future on Earth. Good behavior is the key to heaven and friendships. Getting cleaned and will feed the hamster in half an hour. Want to prepare all the Sekk graphics now as most of the JavaScript is in place.

12pm, Waiting for my parcel. Did some light coding / designing work. Will resume this evening after I video the watch unboxing.

5pm, My Q&Q moonphase arrived earlier and I reviewed it on It's a watch that tugs my heart both ways, towards humble austerity and onwards to greater achievements. Meanwhile, I did more coding, on track for an August debut. Now to prepare dinner as Mom is very tired. She isn't sleeping well.

7pm, Wearing my new watch. I love moonphases. Fed the hamster.

9pm, Brushed, Exercised. Feeling refreshed. Took my meds early. Coding going steadily. Fresh funds are in. Will be saving 200RM. Don’t anticipate further online buys over September-December. I now have enough for a Mac Mini M2 but have to be conservative about spending.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Tuesday 6am

Up early. Parcel is still at sorting center. May go to NSK with my folks instead of waiting. Feeling a bit burnt out. Liew witches diminished but defiant.

9am, Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Wearing the Tenor-Dorly on lizard. My favorite watch because it’s small, square and chunky.

12pm, No parcel yet. Maybe because of rain. Can’t wait for my nasi lemak lunch. Will be coding Sekk in the afternoon. Decided not to make an AI just yet, only player vs. player. There will be a swap stones game option.

2pm, Hard at work on Sekk. Will post it up tonight. Parcel is making another trip to the delivery center. Stole some JavaScript code to switch colors. Need to beta test it.

7pm, Helped cook dinner. Fed the hamster. Showered. Parcel should arrive tomorrow morning. Don’t think there’s time to finish tuning Sekk entirely. I’ll just get the functions coded in and beta test tomorrow. Major shakeups in the mindspaces. Many jumpy people need a special hand.

9pm, Coding wrapping up well. Liew witches lashing out like it’s a prophecy.

10pm, Taking my meds. Gave hamster watermelon and cucumber for moisture. Figuring out the color changing code now.

11pm, Exercising soon (so important to heal when you’re sedentary) then will turn in at midnight.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Monday 8am

Up earlyish. Got cleaned. Feed the hamster at 8:30. Can't wait to receive my watch tomorrow. Minor arguments in the mind as the big ships try to avoid colliding. All part of the endtimes plan of God.

11am, Had nasi lemak for early lunch. Watch should ship early this afternoon. This has to be my final affordable watch of 2023. Eventually, I hope to own just one luxury timepiece circa 12kRM, which should be an adventure in itself. Will exercise soon and get down to coding Sekk.

12pm, More hitting from the British who have gone mad over my mindspace. Their teeth are becoming brittle.

2pm, Liew witches reveal their plans, driving the sinful westerners mad onto God’s elect. Their powers were eroded significantly.

5pm, Talked a lot to diffuse the mind crisis. There is so much false teaching going on using telepathy. My new watch is shipped. Should arrive tomorrow afternoon. Helped Mom make steamed chicken for dinner.

8pm, Wiped down the hamster area behind my bed. Fed her cauliflower, cucumber, and fresh boiled egg. Liew witches carry on hitting.

9pm, Took my meds. Liew witches and their genius live to fight another day as some westerners cannot make ends meet, morally.

10pm, Brushed and will turn in by midnight.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Sunday 12am

Had supper of peanut butter and marmalade sandwiches, durian, and coleslaw. Brushed. Didn't code as planned. Maybe tomorrow. Liew witches' modus operandi is revealed. People are preventing them but our efforts are still shaky.

6am, Up early. Will just be doing light work today.

1pm, Helped make teriyaki chicken for lunch. Must remind Mom to take her GERT meds at 5pm. Still thinking of my next watch purchase. I don't want something too similar or a throw-away.

3pm, Exercised. Feeling regulated. Will be buying the Q&Q qz10 at 65RM form Nisha on Shopee for review, a 40mm moonphase quartz on leather. It may be a keeper, definitely food for thought. Next Wednesday, after I get funds in.

8pm, Bought the Q&Q just now. Should receive it Tuesday. Can’t wait to unbox / review it and to wear my very own moonphase watch. Hope it looks good in person. Fed the hamster.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Saturday 8am

Up earlyish. Liew witches singing in my head. Leaving for KL in 2 hours.

3pm, Back from my KL outing. Collected the MW-59 from Jam May May. Will exercise soon. Have to wash the Protrek of sweat when I shower later.

6pm, Showered. Exercised. Feed the hamster at 7pm. Want to do another watch review video on the new watch, plus my lizard and gray NATO straps. It will be a descriptive script mainly, alongside some of my hopes and doings around now. I will be speaking Malaysian English from now on in my videos.

7pm, Fed the hamster and am scripting my video for shooting tonight.

9pm, Done making the video. Very pleased with the results. The question now is how do I buy a new watch or strap every month? Taking my meds and may code a bit later.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Friday 8am

Up earlyish. Fed the hamster and got cleaned. Will be heading out to lunch with Mom and Dad. Then house cleaning. No time to visit KL today. Liew forces still stirring up western kids onto me.

1pm, Back from lunch at Shanar. Mopped my room. May go on a walk tomorrow. British mind forces terrorised me and got hit back. The mindscape is a mess of vengeful and foolish westerners.

4pm, Ordered an MW-59, 79RM, for my niece’s first watch. Looks to be pretty good and I get to review it first. Will not be putting it on wrist as she likes ‘new’ things but an unboxing will be filmed.

5pm, Took a long warm shower and changed into tomorrow's clothes. I should be clear to head out to KL then. Work on Sekk to resume after dinner. The mindscape is peaceful right now.

9pm, Had a good loo. Maybe tomorrow’s outing will be a prodictive one. Told ‘Prince William’ about his mental inhibitions and now the Liew witches are to have their minds dissected as well.

11pm, Took my meds earlier. Will exercise tomorrow before the long walk in KL. Raining. Have to brush.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Thursday 8am

Up earlyish. Still gloomy outside. Yesterday’s cruel action in the mind bleeds over into today. The masses of deceived people who can no longer survive honourably battering down the doors of Christians. My HMT is gaining 4s per hour consistently.

11am, Fed the hamster earlier and brushed. A cool morning. Just chilling while waiting for more mind wars action. Hopefully there will be less violence and no more steadying of the ark. Will do some coding later and clean my room. Friday to head out to KL. Burnt off many fighters’ mind conditioning using 2 match heads. There is more peace but still lots to be done.

2pm, Wiped down the hamster loo area and discarded its hoarded, dried up food. Been putting this off for weeks. Can't wait for tomorrow's special outing. Will take my meds early tonight.

6pm, Finished sweeping my room. Mopping tomorrow after I get home. Am wearing Dad's old Bell-Matic on tricolour NATO. Looks believable. Having bakkuteh tonight.

11pm, Took my meds earlier and brushed. Will exercise now and turn in after midnight.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Wednesday 7am

Up early. Slept quite well and am feeling more alert and healthy. Got cleaned. Feed the hamster soon. Coding Sekk and will head out on a walk late morning.

8am, Dad bought durian. Hamster is having some. Had a roti canai for breakfast. Think I want to go to Amcorp and have my HMT watch aligned / regulated instead of visiting MegaMall. Trimmed my facial hair (I don’t quite have a full beard). Wearing my TD on lizard. My end times watch.

10am, Heading out shortly. Didn't do much coding, just planning. Very humid morning. Put on the a/c for an hour or two. I no longer sleep with aircond.

11am, Making tuna salad sandwiches for lunch. Avocado pasta for dinner. Will get the watch fixed in the afternoon maybe.

7pm, Back from the mall earlier. Got stranded due to heavy rain. Not much could be done for my HMT Chinar which is gaining 6s per hour. Maybe it will slow as it unwinds. Made meatless teriyaki tofu for dinner. Was good. Feeding the hamster at 8pm. Exercise later. Sekk is still stalled.

9pm, Exercised. Feeling quite tired after the walk but some cardio is good. British mind forces arguing incessantly for some reason.

10pm, Took my meds, brushed, my Chinar is gaining 4s per hour. I think +40s per day is achievable, ultimately. Still wearing it, actually one of my grails. Another is the Orient Star Royal.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Tuesday 12am

Earlier my parcel from Vietnam was received by Shopee Express local. Should get it tomorrow. Can’t wait. Decided to stop researching, relax, and resume work in the morning. Don’t feel easy giving up tho.

6am, Up early. Parcel should go on delivery later this morning. Still no inspiration regarding the 'hidden' hexagrams.

7am, Fed the hamster. Baby minds pressing in on me, brought by the Liew witches. It will take a major breakthrough to complete the remaining page of ACIFS, 2.7% of the predictions.

9am, Got cleaned earlier. Watch strap is out for delivery. An important purchase as it means my Tenor-Dorly will finally be complete.

11am, Finished configuring FreeBSD downstairs. Installed WindowMaker, ditching the ancient twm. Tried to dig up news stories for reference but there were none suitable. We won't be taking over the small house from our tenant until October.

2pm, Strap is still out for delivery. Every time I order something, the anxiety strikes. This perhaps has to be one of the last important things I buy. Still unable to write 6a/5a and it's mid afternoon. Remembering to take life a little slower -the Rapture is the most important thing, and so is teaching about God.

3pm, The lizard band is in and smoking. It matches the weathered old TD. I can now concentrate on ACIFS. Hope to pull off something before I help with dinner at 5pm. Exercised. Feeling healthier. Will work at 4pm. Watching some Jimmy Evans sermons.

4pm, Finished my book with a simple analysis of the missing pair. Put the PDF up on for free download / bound copy purchase. After cooking, I will tackle Sekk. Will sleep past midnight without a/c.

8pm, Made teriyaki chicken for dinner and cheesy broccoli. We ate well. Hamster had some too. Take my meds at 10pm. Code at 8:30. May head out on a walk tomorrow to MegaMall. Want to eat at McDonalds. Need a cooler strap for my Smilesolar diver. Maybe EOM.

10pm, Need to brush and prepare for bed as I took my meds earlier than expected. 

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Monday 8am

Up earlyish. Have to feed the hamster soon. Liew witches not so wicked this morning. Lizard strap not moving still.

9am, Kid and baby minds press in on me in desperation from witchy attacks on their families. Gave most of them the copper talisman I invented last week. Had a peanut butter and marmalade sandwich for breakfast, and iced latte. Will do some I Ching writing at 9:30.

10am, Got cleaned at last. Will be heading out to the mall later. Still fiddling with my computer instead of working. The press of many hearts, and my stroke make getting things done hard.

5pm, Back from the mall at 3pm. It rained heavily. Bought a CR2032 battery to sleep / revive my Kabini rig. Also got food for the hamster and some cooking ingredients, more avocados for pasta, and teriyaki sauce. Liew witches' genius helpers attacked but were repelled. Watched some videos on the Enemy who attacks God's chosen ones (His servants) through careless sin. Today is a holiday in Selangor. Lizard strap delayed again. Dad bought me a new Khind louvred box fan. Very stylish. Older Panasonic goes to our new house.

7pm, Cooked dinner which was quite tasty. Showered and changed into tomorrow's clothes. Want to go on a walk unless my parcel arrives. Talked about the gospel and the good fight. We are prepared to face Tribulation. Finished the day's hexagram analysis. Will feed the hamster soon. Exercised. Feeling stretched out, joints-clicked, and relaxed.

10pm, Made a massive effort and now have just one more page to write of my I Ching guide book. 6a-5a, two hexagrams for which I have absolutely no data on. If I could do the impossible. Then release the beta manuscript on tomorrow instead of 5 days' time.

11pm, Took my meds earlier and will sleep past midnight. Tried to get some celeb data on June-May 2013 but came up with correlations that could mean lots of things. Already feeling tired. Liew witches spearing out nearby. Brushed and will carry on working in the morning.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Sunday 8am

Up earlyish, fed the hamster and got cleaned. Did my hexagram analysis. 6 days / pages to go. Coding progressing slowly but with more purpose. Liew witches still at large, turning western kids into pests and destroying their hearts afterwards.

2pm, Finished installing FreeBSD on the Kabini rig. Loads up faster and is something different from the usual Linux distros. Put on the a/c to cool down. More baby minds attacking the faithful, thrown in by the Liew witches. Taking it slow today and just doing light work. Exercise before dinner.

5pm, Watched Jimmy Evans Tipping Point on YouTube, talking about the last Pope. IHS founder: St. Francis' middle name was 'Peter' as in Peter the Roman -the last Pope of Malachi's prophecy. I'm now working from my Pi 4. A great tiny computer for less than 200RM. 10x cheaper than a Mac Mini M2. Maybe there's some kind of purification happening.

Made roast chicken for dinner. Watched more TP while I worked on Sekk's JavaScript. Was able to get Microsoft Visual Studio Code running on the Pi. One of the better free IDEs which also does Python. As I said, not doing any heavy work this sabbath. Cleaning up the mindscape more instead.

7pm, Dinner was good. Will feed the hamster soon. Set up my old Harman Kardon iSub and am playing gospel music. Talked a lot about Jesus, God, and our attitudes towards Him. Bad people are being reformed. Last train to Jordan.

11pm, Didn't do much coding. Strap not moving yet. Took my meds. Playing with my Pi setup. I'm using a 23" BenQ DVI monitor, Microsoft multimedia keyboard and Intellimouse trackball. Also have an ancient iSub providing bass for Edifier R19U speakers. British mind forces pressing me to a pulp. Not sure why.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Saturday 1am

Still wide awake. Have to brush soon. Had a curry ramen and peanut butter marmalade sandwiches for supper. I didn’t eat much dinner. Lots of visitors to and one to DogBlots. Meanwhile, Liew witches lost a lot of support, having done numerous atrocities which I publicized just now. They’re set to be attacked as they sleep tonight.

9am, Up lateish. Fed the hamster. Taking it slow today. Not setting any goals. Liew witchy forces still at large.

10am, Helping cleanse the mind of criminals who lie and harm others, thinking they're safe behind shields of other minds. Had an early lunch. Will work a bit later.

11am, Just got cleaned. Will do some writing now. Code in the afternoon.

2pm, Coding going slow. Stopped to redo UncleWatchReviews in a more focused, chaining post-to-post way. Reading up on move coordinates and arrays.

6pm, Made meatball tomato soup for dinner. Will be coding afterwards. Lots happening in the mind. Maybe a roundup of the evil telepaths.

8pm, Took a long warm shower and changed into fresh clothes. Feed the hamster soon. Evil telepaths hiding among their childhood stomping grounds.

10pm, Will exercise soon then take my meds. Brush at midnight. Code a bit soon. Gave the Liew witches an addiction to sunflower nectar seeing as how they were inconsiderate to everyone. It is a safe drugging. Feeling the cardio after a whole day being sedentary. Coding turning out quite complex.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Friday 6am

Up early. Didn’t code much yesterday. Last chance today.

8am, Fed the hamster. Getting clean by 8:30 to go for lunch. Liew witches still rampant.

1pm, Back from lunch at Shanar. Had a roti canai and iced coffee. Working on Sekk now in Visual Code from Microsoft which has a built in debugger. Used to use Notepad++. VC also does Python. Looks like a busy day. Still haven’t analyzed today’s hexagrams.

6pm, Finished today’s hexagram work. Made progress on Sekk. It’s very clear now what I have to code for. Exercised. Feeling the cardio circulation and stretching. Had been sedentary most all day.

7pm, Fed the hamster fish, rice, avocado, cheese, and cucumber. Heading for a long warm shower. Will code after a rest. Been taking hits to the head all day.

10pm, Taking my meds soon. Coding going well but slow. PewDiePie had a baby!

11pm, Came up with the idea of YouTubing like PewDiePie. Nothing forced, just what’s on my mind. So I will start with a couple of videos just on my favorite topics:
  1. Casual karate belt, making and tying with links to my supplier, possibly affiliate to Amazon plus links to my website with stories to buy / read.
  2. Sekk online game
  3. 4 step rugby
  4. SHT with b and focusing on chi
  5. YAK
  6. ROTA
  7. Reading from MSS2 and LTTT
  8. My Bible teachings and prophecies I was shown
  9. The ABY and my I Ching guidebook
  10. My Chinese flute, a simple elegant instrument
One a week. Then I’ll stop for a while.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Thursday 12am

Just took my meds. Have to brush soon and sleep by 2am. Good progress on Sekk. Liew witches quiet for now as others battle them.

9am, Up lateish. Got cleaned. Feed the hamster soon. House cleaning day today. Strap has left Vietnam. May deliver on Monday due to elections on Saturday. We’ll see. The air is very cool this morning.

11am, Finished the day's I Ching analysis. Was a bit easier today as it was an anchor trigram entry. Will work on Sekk around lunch. Should be able to get something playable by this afternoon. Liew witches attacking family who are being immoral.

3pm, Trying to wrap up the nasty telepathy players with mixed results. Many do not want to harm them. Thought of screwing with their weaknesses via their imaginations.

5pm, Making salad, baked beans and mince for a light dinner. Work on Sekk progressing well. There is a vague prophecy tomorrow concerning my board game (beach comber) and MrBeast (McDonalds = Donaldson). Not sure what it leads to except elections on Saturday. Meanwhile family have been acting up, lashing at us mercilessly.

6pm, Exercised briefly. Feeling the cardio. Coding going slow. I need to do 3 things by tonight: adjust the score, shift stones after placing a super power, and check for game over.

7pm, Cooked dinner. Showered. Good progress on the mind wars. There is a prophecy of 666 arising among good men: rockers Extreme, MrBeast, and myself. Fed the hamster. Will brush and take meds at 9pm. Tomorrow, may go out for lunch.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Wednesday 8am

Up earlyish. Got cleaned. Feeding the hamster soon. May head out for lunch with Dad later. My lizard strap has shipped from Vietnam. Could get it on Saturday.

10am, Had ramen and cream cheese sandwiches for lunch. Finished the day's I Ching writing. Needed to help in the mindscape. Exercised. Feeling healthier and regulated. Wearing my Tenor-Dorly soon to be on lizard.

3pm, Having takeout dinner tonight. Mom’s gastro scope should be over. Hope it went well. Strap is still in Vietnam. Thinking of how to mod the Sekk game AI. Posted on Tumblr about free money. Quite a good idea IMHO. Try to finish coding by midnight.

10pm, Talked a lot to discredit the Liew witches. Made some progress. The mindscape is unsettled and dangerous. No time to code much. Did some alterations to the minimax algorithm. Need to find out how piece ‘powers’ affect the iterating now.

11pm, Came up with a square’s ‘value’ which can be increased by placing a piece there or decreased (to 0) by an adjacent piece. AI tries to add value to key squares. Good thinking by me! Also, the value coefficients increase with diminishing number of stones.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Tuesday 12am

Still awake. Brushed. Started Pinterest boards on clothes and to advertise my stories / books. Didn’t code tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Liew witches still sailing through the mindspaces.

7am, Up earlyish. Fed the hamster. UK forces throwing the Liew witches at us in a vain attempt to break free. Unfortunately we can’t help much.

9am, Got cleaned. Fought off the Liew witchy 6 and their genius helper with some mind tricks. Not sure what’s next. Want to do more writing.

11am, Exercised. Feeling more energetic. Finished the day's writing. Now to code Sekk. Looks like rain.

1pm, Ordered that elusive lizard strap off Shopee for 60RM. At last, the prophecy of the old watch is fulfilled. Will work, modding the JavaScript after lunch, around 2pm.

4pm, Finally rained. Liew witchy 6 are on the run from our forces. Didn’t code as planned. Maybe before dinner.

8pm, Lots of engagements in the mindspaces. Was unable to code anything much. Maybe late, later on. Liew witchy 6 are being put down by chemicals. Not sure how it’s going.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Monday 4am

Up very early after 6 to 7 hours’ sleep. Have to feed the hamster soon. Liew witches may continue lashing out like they did yesterday.

6am, Western forces pushing Liew witches against Asians. Took some hits. Had cookies for breakfast.

8am, Finally quieted down the Liew witches who were lashing out savagely. Got cleaned. Now the enemies are pushing churches to financial desperation.

1pm, Back from NSK grocery shopping. Ate nasi lemak for lunch. Had diarrhea. Good to clear out my gut once in a while. Liew witches and fallen British forces attacked, repulsed by temporary machining on their hearts.

9pm, Exercised. Feeling a bit better. Fed the hamster. Am writing my book now.

10pm, Finished today's writing. Talked to leaders in Malaysia about the elections this weekend and the ABY’s predictions that it will be a fair and beneficial contest whatever happens. Polls fall on 4c, which is an anchor Dragon day. It will be a day of luck and wisdom.

11pm, Took my meds. Hamster ate a bit of her food and looks well-groomed but scrawny. Thinking of accelerating my writing ahead of the elections this Saturday. Probably unwise.

Sunday 11am

Up late. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Liew witchy forces snatch babies to judge and destroy Christians with sin. May head out later on a long walk, 2-3pm.

1pm, Back from an hour-long walk around PJ New Town. Bought Mom sunglasses from Decathlon, 69RM. Polarized lenses. Was very hot. Next time to pack some sun protection. Put on the a/c to cool down. Drank lots of water.

4pm, Finished today’s hexagram analysis. Another 12 days until I self-publish. There is too much replication to go for copyright so I can’t use Partridge or charge (much) for my book. Thought of replacing all the translations with Google Translate. Family lashing out at family as the westerners look on like all is lost.

7pm, Helped make dinner. Roast soy sauce chicken with ginger and garlic, and a salad. Gave the hamster some toilet paper since she wants to sleep behind my bed instead of in her tray under the bookshelf. Gave the crawl space a wipe as it was grungy. Hard to do any chore on time lately. Liew witches and their down fallen accomplices plot to eat up gentle Christians.

8pm, Fed the hamster and took my meds to be up early tomorrow. Life may be short. Passing on is rarely peaceful. Liew witches still causing trouble among young ones. Thinking of Sekk’s algorithms,

- for each piece analyze each square for condition END one red piece on centre 4 squares
- if piece(s) deactivated, or displaced, set board and reanalyze
- if piece disables turn, skip gray player and reanalyze

Friday, August 4, 2023

Saturday 12am

Just took my meds and will sleep in about two hours. Working on Sekk. Planning is more important as the algorithms are simple and repetitive. Talked to some old friends about their social skills and how these were knocked off center by the telepathy / witchcraft.

9am, Up lateish, fed the hamster. Parcel has reached the delivery center. Hope to get it today. Am needed to talk to Americans resigned to hellfire for their crimes.

1pm, Strap arrived earlier. Very nice, comfortable. Looking forward to grocery shopping tomorrow at NSK. Will analyze hexagrams at 2pm, code at 3pm. Need to finalize some of the algorithms to do with disabled stones.

2pm, Took a long warm shower. I shower for 15 minutes, once a day. Changed into new clothes. Feeling clean after last night's diarrhea. Liew forces lashing out with pain. I think a disabled stone will be ignored but its square, marked as not playable k.i.s.s. A stone should have a disabled flag to be set and reset as needed.

4pm, Emptied the waste basket after 2 weeks of procrastinating. Coding going slow but steady. Need to rehydrate, even in the cool of my airconditioned room. Took a few choice hits from the Liew witches. Separated their brains to get some relief.

5pm, Exercised after some heavy eating. Will eat less for dinner later.

9pm, Fed the hamster. Taught masses of people in the mind even as evil nips at out heels.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Friday 8am

Up lateish. Fed the hamster. Got cleaned. Liew witches spreading lies and exaggerations about me in the mind. Want to work a bit this morning.

12pm, Had nasi lemak rendang for lunch. Fighting in the mind goes on. The sinful leading the nasty. Thinking up more control methods. No work getting done, unfortunately. Later, psych clinic. Quite looking forward to the change in routine.

5pm, Back from my Arip jab. Feeling good. Working on Sekk, modifying the rules and piece moves.

7pm, Fed the hamster noodles, chicken broth, and poached egg. Some fruit later. Showered and changed into tomorrow’s clothes. My gray-white NATO strap is shipped. Can’t wait to pair it with the GA2200.

9pm, Had to loo double from eating spicy curry this morning. Getting down to work on my I Ching book. Will mod some code examples later tonight.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Thursday 8am

Up lateish. Fed the hamster. Liew witchy 6 stir up hyper moral kids and babies onto me. Taking it slow.

11am, Got cleaned. Writing my book. Today is house cleaning day. Will code Sekk after lunch. Horrible amounts of kids and babies deceived by the Liew witchy 6 and their genius help. There’s no way out for the world but war until the end.

12pm, Finished some writing and am coding to pass the time between being smashed against the Liew witches and their baby posse.

2pm, Bought a gray-white NATO off Shopee just now to pair with my GA2200. First buy of August.

4pm, Made the HTML drag and drop interface to Sekk.

6pm, Took a long warm shower. Solved most of the problems in the mind. Some can’t recover due to cowardice. Will be heavily coding Sekk after dinner. Made soy sauce chicken with ginger and garlic.

7pm, Will take my meds at 11pm so I can code. Appointment at the psych clinic is in the afternoon. Exercise at 8pm. Fed the hamster some fish and rice. More food at midnight. Chicken was tasty.

8pm, Making headway on the coding. I will upload a video to YouTube next week to publicize my game. Conflict in the mind being resolved. Switched to new pillows just now. Exercised. Feeling regulated.

11pm, Took my meds. Engagements in mind space so I couldn't code. Maybe around midnight.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Wednesday 7am

Up early. Liew witchy forces lash out in jealousy after seeing my future. May be going out for breakfast soon. Have to feed the hamster and brush.

9am, Wrangling in the mind between Liew witches and the British, eating up Christians from the inside.

11am, Finished the day's I Ching writing. Should be going for lunch soon, then to finish my short story for posting up tonight. Satanic business continues in the background, as the lost gather over my mind space.

3pm, Back from a brief run. Legs felt weak but the fat burn and metabolic correction is worth it. No sense being sedentary and growing sicker.

6pm, Helped make dinner. Lots of grievances aired in the mind. Couldn’t work well. Will exercise before bed tonight.

7pm, Talked about future seeing and clairvoyance as Mathematical sureties as war is looming and everyone is ready to compromise for peace in the mind.

8pm, Coding my game, Sekk in Python, from an Instructables Othello game. I had dreamt of coding a game for some time but failed so far. Liew witchy forces still at large. Family still stuck counting off-branches of prophecy. Hopefully they will count rightly soon.

11pm, Took my meds. Exercise soon. Thinking of coding Sekk in JavaScript. Liew witchy 6 lash out in all directions following our peace efforts.

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...