Monday, August 14, 2023

Tuesday 12am

Earlier my parcel from Vietnam was received by Shopee Express local. Should get it tomorrow. Can’t wait. Decided to stop researching, relax, and resume work in the morning. Don’t feel easy giving up tho.

6am, Up early. Parcel should go on delivery later this morning. Still no inspiration regarding the 'hidden' hexagrams.

7am, Fed the hamster. Baby minds pressing in on me, brought by the Liew witches. It will take a major breakthrough to complete the remaining page of ACIFS, 2.7% of the predictions.

9am, Got cleaned earlier. Watch strap is out for delivery. An important purchase as it means my Tenor-Dorly will finally be complete.

11am, Finished configuring FreeBSD downstairs. Installed WindowMaker, ditching the ancient twm. Tried to dig up news stories for reference but there were none suitable. We won't be taking over the small house from our tenant until October.

2pm, Strap is still out for delivery. Every time I order something, the anxiety strikes. This perhaps has to be one of the last important things I buy. Still unable to write 6a/5a and it's mid afternoon. Remembering to take life a little slower -the Rapture is the most important thing, and so is teaching about God.

3pm, The lizard band is in and smoking. It matches the weathered old TD. I can now concentrate on ACIFS. Hope to pull off something before I help with dinner at 5pm. Exercised. Feeling healthier. Will work at 4pm. Watching some Jimmy Evans sermons.

4pm, Finished my book with a simple analysis of the missing pair. Put the PDF up on for free download / bound copy purchase. After cooking, I will tackle Sekk. Will sleep past midnight without a/c.

8pm, Made teriyaki chicken for dinner and cheesy broccoli. We ate well. Hamster had some too. Take my meds at 10pm. Code at 8:30. May head out on a walk tomorrow to MegaMall. Want to eat at McDonalds. Need a cooler strap for my Smilesolar diver. Maybe EOM.

10pm, Need to brush and prepare for bed as I took my meds earlier than expected. 

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Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...