Sunday, April 30, 2023

Monday 7am

Up earlyish. It's the first of May. Have to feed the hamster by 8am. Try to finish up Rota.

10am, Fed the hamster and got cleaned. Heading out later. Mom will be at hospital caring for grandma. Used my old Photoshop 5.5 / Imageready to process new graphics for and it's loads better quality than Paint.Net. Still debugging.

1pm, Liew witches were countered with some simple teaching and mild threats / beating. Didn't have time to debug my code. Will try to run this afternoon before dinner. Back from my run early. Watching Sara Lubratt’s vlog.

5pm, Rain coming as usual this monsoon season evening. Feeling the press of excited minds stirred up by the Liew witches. Will be making turmeric and paprika chicken again tonight with wholegrain mustard and avocado cream cheese. Dad's favorite. Been optimizing my app instead of debugging the features. Somehow consumes a lot of memory.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Sunday 12am

Midnight again. Just took my meds. Will be coding a little bit before bed at 2am. Trying to remove the telepathy nerves from the Liew witchy mind fiends. Coordinates in Rota are all jumbled up and the ceDict search is botched.

1am, Took a break to read my Twitter feed. Feeling loved and loving despite the evil Liew witches and their control system. Using my preowned ThinkPad is quite enjoyable. Want to write a novel on it. Maybe about a person’s inner journey away from a crime he committed.

8am, Up earlyish. Liew witches gave out mild pains. Otherwise a peaceful Sunday morning. Hitting the laptop now. Feed the hamster soon. Want to go to the mall later.

2pm, Back from the mall. Raining heavily. Western forces learned of the burdens I bear and are worried about mistreating me. Liew witchy forces still unrepentant. Work on Rota going slow as the arguments rage. Talked about heaven and hell and natural laws of the universe. Tomorrow will be May, a month of gnashing and puzzlement, more war.

3pm, Will run in the evening. Feed the hamster coconut later. The system of evil is simply twofold i.e. weeping and gnashing of teeth. Now I know what the Bible means. Resume coding soon.

9pm, Showered, brushed, and took my meds. Didn't run. Will exercise around midnight. Used a sine transformation on Rota's rotating characters. Much more fun. There are 4 bugs left to squash: automation, search, match, and flip. Otherwise I'm feature complete with the drop down menu and settings file.

11pm, Exercised. Feeling good. Night is cool after the rain.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Saturday 1am

Just showered and changed into fresh clothes. Exercise soon, run later after a brief sleep. Found a good partially free font for Rota that displays well. Working on the mouse events now. Arguments in the mindscape over antichrist doctrines.

11am, Got up late. Didn’t exercise or run. Maybe later. Still coding Rota. Fed the hamster and got cleaned. Liew witchy forces a bit more subdued.

12pm, Exercised. Feeling good. Lots of spine clicks. Mom and Dad visiting grandma at the hospital. Seems to be recovering her health. Was hoping secretly something might go boom. Living oppressed is like that.

1pm, Cutting action against the telepathic Liew witches and their western supporters. Meanwhile, Rota nears completion. Probably will not make a binary right now as it’s 60MB heavy with all the DLLs.

4pm, Did a lot of polishing, squashing bugs and adding features. Seems a smaller code page is needed as well as more pixels per unit in order to improve the 3D rendering.

11pm, Lots of code laid down but it's still buggy and it's near time for bed. Feeding the hamster is a minor problem. Liew witchy forces still lashing out. Microwaved some potato for Bean and gave her fresh veggies and jello. Haven't been thinking well lately.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Friday 7am

Up early. Worked on Rota which I didn’t finish last night due to the witchcraft from the Liew 6. Steadily progressing. Want to get its mouse collision speed shift done today. Head out to the mall in a few hours.

10am, Wrapping up v0.1 this morning with just the basic features. Will put "Evaluation Version" in the Window of the shareware, removable by a password.

1pm, Mom and Dad are still out for their hospital appointments. Grandma's health status unknown. Had a dosii for lunch. Hamster hasn't eaten yet somehow. Work on Rota is progressing slowly. Trying to compile a Windows binary failed. Will have to show a leg.

3pm, Raining. Didn't go out. Made some progress on the coding but the .exe generation will have to wait for Saturday. May be having fried noodles for dinner.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Thursday 1am

Liew forces and witchy family dealt a blow in what might be the final battle with the west. Work on Rota going slow but steady. Afraid it will spill over to later today as the animation is still no go.

10am, Up late. Fed the hamster. Got cleaned. House cleaning today. Haven’t had breakfast. Liew witches causing sin among the westerners. These are heady times.

1pm, Good progress animating text in Rota. Grandma is very old and ill. Probably soon to pass on in hospital later this week. Makes me think of the fragility of life.

2pm, Down the home stretch with Rota after 4 days of struggles. To polish it up for commercial release after midnight. Cleaned my room and emptied the wastebasket. Todo:
  1. Loop through a whole sentence and create new text nodes [x]
  2. Clicking a node calls up use in previous sentences [ok]
  3. Hovering over a node slows it down [x]
  4. Mouse wheel through history [ok]
  5. Right click to paste from clipboard [ok]
  6. Pin-yin appears below character nodes [x]
  7. Find a better free Chinese font [x]
  8. Add support for long sentences [x]
  9. Maybe use transparent window background [x]
  10. Make a config file for fine-tuning of speed, size, color etc. [x]
7pm, Raining heavily. Haven't been coding like I should as psychic attacks and moral slander permeate through the mindscape.

10pm, Took a long shower and changed into tomorrow's clothes. Planning to go out to the mall if I can wake up on time. Liew witches gave away my idea for Rota to needy people. Looks like more hell on us Christians. Exercised. Feeling good.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Wednesday 4am

Just woke up. Forgot to brush my teeth last night. I like waking up before dawn as it’s peaceful. Didn’t do much work yesterday as planned.

8am, Talked to some westerners about the Liew witchy attacks and our collective sins. Will be coding Rota this morning to afternoon.

10am, Finally strung my A&K acoustic guitar properly at the right tension with sufficient windings after more than a month of procrastinating. Sounds great with the Ernie Balls. Haven't done any coding yet. Fed the hamster. Exercise before dinner.

2pm, Exercised. Feeling better. Haven't looed today. Working on Rota now.

9pm, Fed the hamster. Showered for 20 minutes and changed. Rainy night. Managed to make progress on Rota. Chinese font is showing in 3D. Now to animate it, then call it a night. Liew witchy forces lash out in vengeance.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Tuesday 12am

Good action against the Liews who are now all short sighted. Not much time to code. Could finish tomorrow afternoon if all goes well in the mind wars.

2pm, Back from grocery shopping at NSK Grocer, Tropicana. Bought some good avocado spread that hamster likes. Saw a MudMan Solar in a mom and pop watch shop. “Prince William” ragged me for being difficult. He has a plan of his own, I guess. One that takes the world into deep trouble. Will be coding by 3pm. Will take a few hours to get out something usable I can put on

4pm, Good progress on Rota. Will definitely have a beta up tonight. Liew forces dejected. Exercise later.

6pm, Raining and thundering. Coding going slow due to engagements in the mind. Have to work in UTF encoding so Chinese will show up, then animate the scene.

8pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Should be getting funds in tomorrow. Will save half of it and blow the other half at MegaMall in the weekend. Had a good dinner of sweet potato leaves from our garden and char-choy pork. Liew witchy forces hit hard and in retreat.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Monday 12am

Just brushed my teeth. Took my meds earlier. Liew 6 hit out with pain-giving but are quiet now and it is peaceful. Not sure when I’ll finish coding Rota. Made it an icon tho.

10am, Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Liew forces clamping on me and giving out hits. Will try to code in the afternoon. Exercise tonight. Shopping trip is canceled. Having pizza instead.

9pm, Spent the day redoing my website, It’s now leaner and more marketable. Going for Rota v0.1 tonight. Will be staying up late.

11pm, Taking my meds at 12am. Showered, changed into fresh clothes. Fed the hamster. Liew 6 isolated yet still defiant. Looks like another hour of strangling their pride-guilt. Exercised. Feeling that cardio.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Sunday 7am

Up early. Liew forces beating up the UK Royals who purport to be their friends in a game of betrayal and lies. It's time to break with this abomination. Will feed the hamster at 8am and go for a run in the afternoon.

8am, Back from a brief run. Feeling that cardio burn.

11am, Starting to code what could be my last bread and butter attempt. A Mandarin learning app. It's incredibly simple and consists of an image flipper that rotates each character in a sentence as the student learns it. Click to slow down rotation, Hover to speed it up. Using CEdict.

12pm, Coding stalled as I need to learn Pygame 3D matrix transformation. And vectorization of fonts. Managed to loo and am feeling good typing away at the ThinkPad. Lunch will be tasty belimbing pork.

3pm, Heavy rain coming. Turning off the a/c soon. Spent the hour arguing with the British over my poor health and IQ.

4pm, Going out for dinner this evening. Will have something light. Want to code for a few hours later on. And hope I'm right on the money with the whole rotation-learning thing.

8pm, Back from SS2 hawker center. Fed the hamster potato, mango, yogurt, and cucumber. Still copying code off Stack Exchange for my paid app, rota.exe. Meanwhile lots of prophecy and crowd control measures are being laid down by the west.

9pm, Raining again. Feeling prevented and run round. Not sure how much code I can write tonight. May also sell a Mac version via Swift Playgrounds / Xcode later.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Saturday 12am

Still wide awake. Want to own an Uncle (Seiko) strap but I've got no working international credit card. Liew witches still crashing people together, toying with our emotions.

6am, Up early after 5 1/2 hours sleep. Checked my visitor / stories stats. Not moving at all. Liew witches still hanging around.

9am, Fed the hamster and got cleaned. Pinpoint strikes against key brain cells in the Liew insurgents’ memory centers instead of crudely hacking them down. Can’t do a lot of it tho as it is somewhat unpopular.

10am, Decided to code a bit now as there is some peace.

4pm, Couldn't work much. Just chilling in my room as the world goes by. It isn't a big secret what's happening. The strange celebrity behaviors, sex manipulators, and money laundering. Hoping for a break so I can finally start living well.

10pm, Brushed my teeth. Fed the hamster earlier. Exercised too. Liew 6 hit by voodoo. Took my meds to sleep around midnight.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Friday 12am

Still wide awake. Liew forces beaten down. Situation is still dangerous. Thinking of getting my HMT watch realigned and regulated after Hari Raya.

7am, Up early. Feeling a bit wasted. Liew witchy forces still crashing people into one another. Have to feed the hamster soon.

9am, Exercised. Feeling healthier. Cracking down hard on the Liew insurgents who have destroyed children and babies. This is after we tried to save them several times and warned them of the weapons of God.

12pm, Had baked beans and leftover rice for lunch. Taking it easy as today is a holiday. Trying not to beat up on "Prince William" too much as he was at one point innocent and kindly, now helping the evil Liews out of fear and madness. Would like to execute the Liew 6 today if possible.

5pm, Back from a snack at Sunraj. Heavy damage to Liew forces this afternoon.

7pm, The last buka puasa of Ramadan. Talked about prophecy and how good and bad interactions make it happen the way God wants. Showered and changed into tomorrow’s clothes. Lots of worried people in the west. Will have to help tonight.

10pm, Fireworks are popping outside my window. It's Hari Raya! Wearing my GA-2200. After the holidays I will be going strap hunting for the PRS516 at Amcorp. My only watch still lacking a suitable strap.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Thursday 12am

Just took my meds, will sleep at 2am. Heavy head pains from Liew witches stirring up trouble in my sinful family. It’s time to end their fight but the troops are divided. Turned off the a/c to save power. Hamster had coconut, as did I. Can’t help admiring my new Casio which looks a bit like Hublot or Jacob&co. The most interesting watch I own.

7am, Just woke up. Caught a sore throat somehow. Hope I don’t have COVID. Mild head pains continue from last night. Liew forces, no doubt.

9am, Fed the hamster and brushed my teeth. Looks like rain this morning. Liew witchy forces repelled for now. Skipping breakfast. Can’t wait for lunch. Was able to loo. Maybe able to code in the afternoon.

1pm, Had a light lunch and am starting my first day of focused work via Tumblr. I will be tracking and analyzing online (social) trends against the ABY and posting once a day.

4pm, Finished cleaning my room. Have to get rid of hamster waste tonight and empty my wastebasket. Will be sitting at the desk on the ThinkPad (instead of the floor / iPad)  tonight, writing my articles. The mindscape is still unsettled with evil manipulators making the rounds.

11pm, Still a lot to lay down in mind space. Was unable to work at all. Friends and I proceeded to invent a slew of things as per the prophetic ABY. Everyone is fired up for the Rapture. Just took my meds so will sleep past midnight. Tomorrow will be a holiday.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Wednesday 8am

Up earlyish. Got cleaned. Will feed the hamster in half an hour. Heading out in 3 hours to look at watches.

1pm, Back from Sunrise Time Centre at Amcorp with my latest and FINAL watch -a G-Shock Carbon Core, 500RM. Had a coffee at the basement mamak, took a long walk. Will exercise tonight. Guitar somehow fell over while I was out. Liew forces ranging out against Christians, helped by the UK Royals and the US sinners. Will look into it later on.

2pm, Posted on Substack. Now for my DogBlots review. Looks like nothing will move with my main projects. Need to take time out for the sinning masses and the witchy 6.

5pm, Posted on Medium. Short articles must be my calling. Talked in the mind about basic logic and human nature -how the beastly Liew witches subverted the Christian west. May be able to work tonight.

7pm, More action in the mind of a spiritual nature. Exercised. Feeling the cardio.

9pm, The war in the mind extends to the supernatural. No turning back now.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Tuesday 5am

Got up very early and brushed my teeth which I had forgotten to do last night. Want to do some coding today on the ThinkPad. Still wearing my Aqualand since yesterday. Will start work at 6am. Liew witches greatly diminished but still kicking.

11am, Lots of pushing by Americans. Unsure of what to do. Liew witchy forces infiltrated their society despite our best defenses. Can’t work much so am browsing watches online. May buy a new watch later on. Something luxurious -like my used ThinkPad.

3pm, More madness from the Liew 6 and Royals. Unsolvable. Thinking I may go down to Amcorp tomorrow and check out Sunrise Time Centre.

5pm, Making roast chicken tonight with herbs and a whole grain mustard dip. Wearing my Swatch Sistem out tomorrow to the watch dealer. Will be there around noon. 

11pm, Brushed my teeth, exercised earlier. Took my meds at 10pm. Liew witches and western forces unable to reconcile. Thinking I may put down ~1kRM for a Mudmaster sometime soon.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Monday 7am

Up earlyish. Feed the hamster soon. Feeling a bit wasted and unsure. Liew witchy forces distant but still malignant.

9am, Got cleaned. Will exercise later in the afternoon. Talked about prophecy and the true teaching set many souls free.

1pm, Back from the mall. Got my battery changed at Hing’s authorized Citizen dealer for 30RM. Good deal and hope it lasts another 8 years. Bought sun dried tomatoes, burger sauce, and mustard for lunch tomorrow with the beef pepperoni. Talked about the afterlife / resurrection and freed many souls from the Liew witches.

3pm, Exercised. Feeling healthy. Stomach a bit upset tho. Posted on Substack. Will code at 5pm. Another shooting in America. Seems like a weekly occurrence lately. Will wear my Citizen most days from now on.

8pm, Fed the hamster. Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Unable to work still. Liew forces greatly reduced. Lots of prophecy up in the air for grabs. Working on my Medium article instead of coding. These are heady times when love comes cold and hard hearted.

9pm, Took my meds and will sleep at 11pm. Watched "Check it out Videos" review of the Boldr Field Medic on YouTube. I like Isaac's reviews, being a watch buff myself. And I like Boldr's titanium designs though they are a bit expensive. Liew witches clashed our hearts together while I watched.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Sunday 3am

Fell asleep and woke up too early. Liew forces and their genius helpers lash out with pain. Brushed my teeth and will rest a bit more.

9am, Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Back from the mamak where I had roti canai and an iced coffee. Don't feel much like heading out this weekend, just configuring my PCs. Liew forces suffer setbacks but the battle is far from over.

10am, Finished the configuring work. Some drivers yet to be installed but it can wait. Interested to learn uEmacs which is Linus Torvalds' personal text editor / ide for the Linux kernel. May head out in the afternoon if I feel up to it.

2pm, Coding Zero Rugby resumes with Small Basic on my Aspire. Liew witches chastised and remanded. Wearing my Tenor-Dorly on ostrich.

8pm, Ate noodles for dinner and some unagi Sis bought us. Liew forces severely reduced after we smoothed it over with their prey / fodder. Gave them FCOJ. Unable to work much.

9pm, Making some headway with the coding but it's yet another project that might not be finished much less well received. Fed the hamster and brushed my teeth. Taking my meds early. We may go to the mall tomorrow. I need to get my Aqualand's battery replaced. Liew witchy forces depleted for now.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Saturday 6am

Up really early. Installed WSL on the Aspire. Now I have a Linux terminal in Windows 11. Liew witches quite quiet. So are the westerners. Will try to get out of the house in a few hours, go for a good walk.

7am, Fed the hamster and got cleaned. Ditched Edge on my netbook for K-meleon and the unusual disk activity stopped. Will head out maybe at 10am.

2pm, Stuck at home reinstalling Windows as K-meleon hosed it. Not sure I want to install that browser after I restore Aspire. Will run this evening instead of going out.

4pm, Back from my weekly run. Installed WSL on the ThinkPad instead and am 50% done reinstalling Windows 10 on the Aspire. May not be so adventurous again.

10pm, Took my meds early so we can have breakfast out tomorrow. All’s well with Aspire now albeit the screen position wiggle. K-Meleon browser, WSL2 / Debian also installed with ~90MB RAM cap. Liew witches and Royals continue to behave badly. Talked about sureties of gospel which helped a lot.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Friday 8am

Up earlyish. Will feed the hamster at 8:30. Getting cleaned. Liew witches pretty quiet this morning. Working on the game rules for BnB.

10am, Made good headway on the game rules. There has to be a good vs. evil path to winning which are the card colors, and a facilitator and preventer which are the card values. Aspire / Windows 11 running well after I tweaked the page file. Going for my jab soon.

1pm, Back from my appointment at the psych clinic. The compromised UK forces and evil Liew witches were handed a decisive blow as they attempted to destroy everything good in the world, going mad yet again. Managed to finish updating the chipset drivers for my ThinkPad in Device Manager. Put on the a/c.

6pm, Making smoked salmon salad for dinner again. Posted on DogBlots, AOU rules II. Liew witchy forces and compromised UK Royals tear up good Christian faithful around the world. Will try to head out tomorrow morning to the flea market. Bring my old iPad and do some writing at the mamak.

7pm, Showered and changed into tomorrow’s clothes. Have to feed the hamster by 8pm. Wearing out my Baltany on NATO. A practical analog beater.

8pm, Took my meds early. Hope to wake up by 5am. Put on the a/c again as it's still hot after the afternoon rain. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Thursday 6am

Up very early. Wrist feels sore. Must have bent it backwards while asleep. Liew witchy forces still defiant. At least we saved the majority of the mind fighters.

10am, Posted on my Substack about economics. Other than writing brief articles, I lately do almost no work. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Will exercise now. Put on the a/c until after lunch.  Successfully weakened the Liew fighters and their genius helpers.

12pm, Working on another story today after I discovered a MS on my OneDrive. No rush though. Helping in the mind is more important.

2pm, Cleaned my room. Have to remove hamster waste later. Tomorrow, my psych clinic Arip jab. Getting jabbed reminds my mind-body that I'm still alive. Was shut out of Windows 11 due to repeated startup failures. Have to wait 2 hours to login -great. Lucky I have 2 PCs.

9pm, Fed the hamster. Will take my meds at 9:30pm to wake up early. It will be a busy day tomorrow. Liew witches' affiliates who transgressed against their hearts lash out everywhere. There is no cure for some forms of madness. Some mistakes you don't make. Unfortunately the westerners are offloading them onto me. Made some headway designing my card game.

11pm, Brushed my teeth and am feeling drowsy. Baby and kid minds encouraged to save the world instead of judging Christians.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Wednesday 12am

Getting ready for bed. Feeling pleased with my budget mouse and 2nd-hand laptop. Started a new writing project to pass the time productively without stress. Using less a/c to save power. Liew witches packed with shield kids and babies after we suppressed (for lack of a term) their tissues. Don't mind heading out tomorrow morning to Kayu for an iced coffee. Have a phobia of being run down by Liews who live just next door.

7am, Slept well and was up before sunrise. Could head out in 2 hours or so, maybe 3pm.

10am, Still at home upgrading the Aspire to Windows 11 as recommended by Windows Update. Sky is overcast and may rain. Haven't looed.

11am, Exercised. Feeling healthier. Updater has been running for almost 2 hours. Preparing an SD card for readyboost.

3pm, Quite a disappointing update. Can't use readyboost.

8pm, Fed the hamster. Had smoked salmon salad for dinner -so did Bean. Showered and changed. Put on a/c as it's quite hot inside. Trying to broker a peace deal in the mind but there are many destroyed people. Looks like another night of spiritual advice and mini fights.

11pm, Brushed my teeth and am getting ready for bed. Trying to neutralize the Liew witchy forces through retina damage.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Tuesday 1am

Got Windows 10 restored on my Aspire A311 netbook from Microsoft's website. Had trouble resuming from sleep so I went straight for manual hibernate. 4.11 sales are on for another hour. Not sure if I should buy anything. Just took my meds.

8am, Up early. Went out for breakfast with Dad. Fed the hamster. Must exercise tonight. Aspire feels snappy. May get it a good mouse later.

3pm, Back from the mall. We all had Arab rice. I bought a Logitech G102 gaming mouse for 69RM. No point spending 200RM on a Razer / 150RM on an Intellimouse. Will be doing a review on DogBlots later on. Liew forces gave me a stomach upset while out and the British hammered down my door for help. Seems like there's no good solution.

5pm, Caught the Liew 6 by their tail of lies and false teachings. They must treat people well again after the war with the west dies down. Feel more like working this evening. Figured out the receiver has to listen first, for a Bluetooth file share from my Nokia to my ThinkPad.

7pm, Exercised. Felt that cardio. Tomorrow would like to walk a bit. Will shower and feed the hamster late-ish tonight. Figuring out the Nokia's poorer camera and how to get the best results from it.

10pm, Just took my meds. Have to brush my teeth and turn in ~12am.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Monday 12am

Just took my meds and brushed my teeth. Waiting for sleep while browsing gaming mice. Still unsure what to buy on 4.11 sales in 24 hours. Liew witchy insurgents rage on but at least my friends are safe and so are most kids and babies.

2am, Thinking I may not buy anything this 4.11. Liew witchy forces still lashing out despite their eyes being attacked. They have lost their morals / consciences.

9am, Up a little late. Fed the hamster. May head out later to browse IT stuff. Liew witch army being brought under control.

11am, DogBlots got lots of views yesterday. Not sure what I wrote right. Will see if the trend continues.

12pm, Managed to loo albeit late. Rest a bit then help make some lunch. Realized I can't stand regular clicky mice anymore since using a "silent" mouse so there's no point Sopee-ing a Deathadder. Liew witchy forces still powerful though less popular.

3pm, Had a good lunch of chicken, cabbage, and spuds. Liew forces trying to destroy my hand were pushed off with some temporary nerve-muscle weakening. Wrote a Substack post. Hard to do any work. May go to the mall tomorrow. Still thinking of the Shopee sales.

5pm, Did lots of punishing in the mindscape just now. We were very lenient to the westerners who got stirred up by the Liew witches from Asia. Not at all so to those (Liew) criminals. Will try to stay up for 4.11 sales tonight.

7pm, Took a long warm shower and changed into tomorrow's clothes. I only shower once a day. Feed the hamster at 8pm. Down time -charging my iPad. Feeling forced off my desk by invisible forces.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Sunday 1am

Still wide awake. Brushed my teeth. Liew insurgents taking serious hits but still defiant. There was a gap in my new old ThinkPad's casing that I didn't notice. Popped it close and everything is still OK -touch wood.

8am, Up earlyish. Still thinking of buying something nice off Shopee. Will feed the hamster soon. Exercise tonight.

11am, Having cheese and toast for lunch. End times fever grips many in the mind, looking for (false) signs in my everyday life. Decided to soldier on with my Logi M590 mouse which I've had since 2021. Somehow have an urge to chain-buy desirable things.

1pm, Didn't do any work, just transferred some AACs to the ThinkPad and installed Foobar2000. Wrote a Medium post on priorities and "fasting". Liew witchy forces rattling hearts against one another. I'm glad for my comforts. Put on the a/c for a couple hours. Will try to work at 2:30pm.

5pm, Wrote another DogBlots post. Feeling unsettled still. Will start work around midnight when it's more peaceful. Have to re-educate all the kids and babies scattered over the world, pressing on good people.

7pm, Managed to find Lenovo's SD card slot driver for my ancient x250. Almost installed 3rd party drivers laden with adware / malware! Now everything works well.

10pm, Exercised. Feeling refreshed after being sedentary for 24 hours. Liew forces may surrender tonight. I have to talk to my school friends at 12am about being "mad".

Friday, April 7, 2023

Saturday 12am

Action against the Liew forces stalled. They are once again driving the oppressive telepathy. Soon it'll be time to turn in for the night. Haven't been very productive. Brushed my teeth and am plugging away at my laptop.

8am, Up earlyish. Will take it slow this Weekend. Head out just before lunch.

10am, Finished uploading my apps (tweaked for Windows) to and wrote their install instructions. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Heading out in an hour.

1pm, Still at home working at the PC. Try to go to LowYat at 3pm.

3pm, Went for a run instead of going IT shopping. Feeling healthy. The mind wars between Liew insurgents and the west rage on over my mindspace. Raining. Turn off the a/c to save power.

6pm, Yet to resume editing Sfeg. Quite peaceful right now -a good time to begin. Having duck and greens from our garden for dinner. Thinking of doing some online shopping.

11pm, Major engagements in the mindscape. Thinking of getting a Razer DeathAdder Bluetooth mouse but at just under 200RM it's rather pricey. Just took my meds. It will be a long night.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Friday 12am

Ran into problems reading my Chinese Python app's data file under Windows 10. Not sure how to fix it. Had Marmite, bread and soup for supper. Liew witches regrouping elsewhere. May skip going out tomorrow as it is house cleaning day. Go for a run instead. Turns out the Chinese data needs to be read as Unicode.

8am, Up earlyish. Got cleaned. Will feed the hamster at 9am. Run this evening. Exercise now. Liew insurgents less nasty. Want to edit my book but am feeling a bit floaty.

10am, Got my morning routine done. Have to blog in DogBlots. Decided not to buy anything maybe until Raya sales come full on. Using the el-cheapo wireless mouse, bundled with my used ThinkPad, which is black and tracks smooth.

2pm, Finished debugging my apps in Windows. Will upload them to this weekend as

3pm, Rain coming. Turned off the a/c. Will start editing in half an hour hopefully finish by the weekend. No time to run yet. Maybe 7pm, after dinner. Having takeout noodles. Cool breeze from outside, not much thunder. Have started the final edit.

4pm, It's cats and dogs outside. Swept and mopped my room. Will scrub the w/c later. Another week's chores done. Tomorrow I may go to LowYat / Imbi.

7pm, Ate Hokkien mee, YinYong, and Sang mee for dinner. Liew genius forces subverted low IQ girls in a last ditch attempt to survive and exact revenge on the west. Our power has never been stronger tho.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Thursday 12am

Installed OpenBSD on my old Aspire netbook. Plays rather well. Able to hibernate and recognizes the D-Link wifi dongle. Defaults to FVWM which I love and used back in the 90s. Still can't sleep. I have to be up at 8am. Will wear my Cookman pants to the hospital. Not sure what tee. Remember to exercise too.
1am, Exercised earlier. Feeling healthier. Still wide awake.

1pm, Back from the hospital. Had Maggi mee goreng for lunch. Configured my new BSD install's GUI. The original colors were awful. There is a battery checker, apm -l. Need to find a way to set the cpu frequency. Installed w3m terminal web browser instead of Firefox. Liew witchy forces and their strange bedfellow westerners trying to mind control me but it's hard to work my stroked brain.

2pm, Put aside my BSD / Aspire. Start editing work soon. Women are feeling the onset of tribulations if not The Tribulation itself. Turned on a/c to cool down. Had some banana cake. Going on Shopee to look at Thinkpad accessories.

4pm, Have an itch to get a vintage mouse for my new used ThinkPad. Something like my blocky old Genius EasyMouse. Think I may hit LowYat / Imbi Plaza tomorrow and have a look around. Haven't been into computers this much since 2012.

8pm, Been lazy the whole afternoon. Talked in the mind with many children and babies stirred up by Liew witches, and they are now much better thinkers. It's the little things. Showered and changed into tomorrow's clothes. Want to walk in the morning. Shall resume editing around 12am. Feed the hamster in 20 minutes. Take my meds at 11pm.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Wednesday 7am

Up early to a rainy morning. Fell asleep while working on my book in StarOffice. My laptop came installed with a bunch of software like MS Office Pro which I suspect isn't legal. Have to feed the hamster soon. Going out around 11:30am.

9am, Got cleaned. Had a rawa dosii for breakfast. Tomorrow, my hospital psych appointment to collect my meds. Liew witchy forces suffer more setbacks as their telepathic ears are scrubbed off. A good dozen or so scrubs should make them deaf.

9pm, Was busy the whole afternoon. We fixed Mom's phone which had voice drop problems, by toggling her wifi and low power mode, while I looked for a good OS for the old Aspire. Liew witchy 6 tried to kill us again. It's only a matter of time before they do it right and the 6th seal is opened.

11pm, Just took my meds. Hope I can wake up early tomorrow. Liew insurgents lashing out with pain. Still feeling warm and loved. Posted on Substack.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Tuesday 12am

Talked a lot about mental health in the mindscape. There is fear aplenty and those who've done wrong are worried for their lives. Couldn't work at all. Took my meds and will turn in by 2am. Brushed my teeth while being hit by "Prince William" who can't decide whether to be good or bad. Cheating sends everyone to hell.

9am, Up late. Fed the hamster. Parcels out for delivery since 8am. Can't wait. Will exercise later.

10am, Got cleaned. Liew and western forces suffer setbacks in the mind after being unusually cruel and stubborn.

2pm, Still waiting for my strap from Vietnam. May be another hour or so due to Ramadan fasting. Hope it's nice. Just arrived. Quite glossy.

4pm, Exercised. Feeling good. I had been sedentary for the last 24 hours. Will head out tomorrow morning on a long walk to get a coffee maybe at Kayu. Put on the a/c till dinner time. Watching YouTube on my new old Thinkpad. I quite like its speakers. Feeling so pampered right now.

7pm, Settled down to work at last. Hamster had some chicken. Feed it some fruit and veg later.

9pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Ready to walk tomorrow morning. Took my meds early in preparation. Fed the hamster fish, pumpkin, cabbage, mango, papaya, pomelo, and will brush my teeth at 10pm. May visit MegaMall.

11pm, Had a Thai ramen and latte for supper as I had less for dinner earlier. Will work off the calories tomorrow, hopefully. Liew forces still rampant in the mindscape.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Monday 12am

Still awake despite taking my meds earlier. Prophecy unfolds and I’m not sure what will happen. Liew witches hold sway over me at the moment.

7am, Up earlyish. Got cleaned. Feed the hamster at 8:30. Will head out for a walk at 11am. Liew witches still powerful, jamming up the works of God.

9am, Had a roti telur for breakfast. Going to LowYat in an hour or so. Not sure what I’ll be doing there. Shaved. Liew witches pressing people onto me.

1pm, Back from Digital Mall (I skipped LowYat) with a used Thinkpad X250 from 2015 ~1000RM with a free Lenovo bag. The laptop is luxurious, costing 6kRM back in the day. My new main machine after the Kabini died and Aspire's screen went south.

4pm, Will try to marathon edit Sfeg tonight using my new old computer. Found out it's twice as fast as my Celeron N4000 netbook -good value for money. Just installed Python3 so I can code Zero Rugby if there is time.

7pm, Helped make dinner. Was tasty. Mom and Dad are irritable lately. There is poison in smart ungodly men's plans -you know who you are.

9pm, Haven't done any work yet. Watching double bass playing on YouTube instead. Fed the hamster and will take my meds at 11pm. Edit Sfeg thereabouts too. Talked about mental health and being under the thumb of evildoers. So hard for people to change after half a lifetime of error.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Sunday 12am

Took my meds late. Wrote about my nested markup programming language concept on Medium. Liew forces and westerners still slugging it out in my mind.

9am, Up lateish. Will feed the hamster in half an hour. My strap still in Vietnam apparently. Liew witches still at large.

2pm, Had a good lunch. Waiting for Dad to get home from Ipoh. Made some headway on Sfeg. Will water the plants now. Liews caught by a beautiful woman photo.

3pm, Exercised. Feeling healthier. Liews pushed into a banana from its stalk as they know / show no kindness.

5pm, Dad should be home soon. “Prince William” is worried about his safety in the wake of the Liew collapse.

8pm, Showered and changed into comfy clothes. Tomorrow out on a walk. Not sure where.

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...