Friday, March 31, 2023

Saturday 9am

Up late. Got cleaned. Feed the hamster at 10am. Have to water the plants and feed the fish by 11am. Wearing my HMT Chinar, very nice on Baltany NATO. Liew forces pressing hearts together and crashing minds. Seems like last night wasn't the end.

12pm, Saved many kids and babies from the Liew 6 by telling them about the wild world of money. The evil witches are unable to raise much for now(?) Had a curry ramen and egg for lunch. Post on Substack tonight.

7pm, Had an early dinner and will feed the hamster soon. Liew forces withdraw but for how long? Strap hasn’t moved from HCM City yet apparently. No word on other parcels either. Is something going on?

10pm, Showered and changed into comfy clothes. Night is cool after the rain. Exercised earlier. Feeling good. Liews and other mind fiends searching for peace and rest but here they seem to get none.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Friday 9am

Up lateish. Want to go on a run or walk later. Have to feed the hamster by 10am and get cleaned. Liew witches still burning and bruising heads. Thought about joining NaNoWriMo this weekend.

11am, Had curry ramen for lunch. Will walk and pick up something for dinner tonight. Not sure what. Liew witches being handled. Hopefully it will stick.

3pm, Not going out after all. May run before dinner. Ate a tube of Lays chips for lunch. Starting on my novel just for fun. Liew forces disbanded but the 6 criminals are unrepentant.

4pm, Back from a brief run. Feeling healthier. Liew mother trying to show and corral people using short term prophecy. Raining now. Strap still in HCM, Vietnam.

7pm, Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. Feeding the hamster chicken later. Made pan fried chicken and salad sandwiches for dinner as going out failed. Liew mother still working young families for support. I am writing a novel about coding DRML (distributed markup language) apparently. Passes the time between handling the 6 Liew witches.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Thursday 12am

Still wide awake at midnight after just taking my meds. Liew witch forces slash out even as the world desperately wants to move on. At least some work got done. Having trouble rendering “the star” tarot card. Will try again later. Then do some diagrams in the morning. Quite like my new desk setup.
2am, Managed to draw that last tarot card by some fluke. Liew forces reel from chemical attacks after all their pain and fear-giving. Ate a curry ramen and iced coffee for supper. Enjoying the space on my newly re-arranged desk.

9am, Up late. Fed the hamster. Will get clean soon. Today is house cleaning day.

11am, Exercised and am feeling good. Been sedentary for the past 24 hours. Want to head out to MegaMall later this week for a long walk. Ostrich strap should arrive in KL tomorrow.

1pm, Had a big nasi kandar lunch and put on a/c to cool down. Mom and Dad need to go to the bank, hedging against inflation. Don't feel like working. Maybe in a few hours. Trying the send the Liew 6 up to heaven and wind down the east-west fight.

3pm, Cleaned my room. Somehow always traumatic. Moving stuff out into storage. Change my sheets. Will head out tomorrow if possible rather than feel anxious at home all day.

8pm, Made pan fried chicken for dinner and microwaved broccoli. Was good, with a lime from our garden. Have to feed the hamster by 9pm. Tomorrow, Dad will be visiting relatives. Have to remember to do his chores. Strap is still in Ho Chi Minh airport. May arrive Saturday. Talked to the Liew forces about false behavior and the knots it tied around the world.

10pm, Fed the hamster, changed my sheets, showered and put on fresh clothes. Will take my meds soon. Couldn’t do any work today.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Wednesday 8am

Up lateish. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Will exercise before lunch. Liew forces and fallen western Christians spread their spiritual disease. Couldn’t work on my book yesterday. Wearing my Tenor-Dorly. Guess I will draw all the playing / tarot cards first since I’m being pushed off working proper.

10am, More hijinks in the mind. Seems like world war is looming. Will see if I can draw some game diagrams  today. Exercised. Feeling healthy. May run tomorrow, head out on Friday morning.

12pm, Liew forces tied to the western traitors lash out with pain. There is no way out for some people who’ve destroyed their own countrymen and enjoyed it.

2pm, Putting together the card graphics on my Ubuntu box. Will draw them in Canvas.
4pm, My PC broke down so I switched to my netbook to complete the job. Think I may draw everything manually on paper. Finally cleaned the hamster's "nest" behind my bed.

7pm, Had curry mince and potatoes for dinner. Sis started beating Mormons wantonly. Come on 5th seal.

9pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Fed the hamster. Will take my meds late as there is still some action in the mindscape.

10pm, Drew all the card graphics and am ready to tackle the diagrams. Hand feels sore and tingly. Watching YouTube on my 2nd display while working. Liew / family witchy forces resilient.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Tuesday 12am

Took my meds late and am still wide awake at midnight. In the morning, to go for a brief run. Will order some presents for my niece online too. Commence drawing the game flow diagrams which should be easy. Talked in the mind about God’s advice on His prophecy and the east-west fight. Some unhappy Liew forces lash out.

9am, Up late. Got cleaned. Feed the hamster at 9:30. Run at 11:30.

11am, Back from my run. Feeling healthy. Can’t wait for lunch.

12pm, Made pasta with cheese and celery leaves for lunch. Liew witches and UK forces fighting over my space. Taking some hits.

7pm, Made canned black bean dace and French beans for dinner. Tasted like what might pass for war times food. Drank coconut water. Hamster is having some too. Too tired to exercise today. Maybe tomorrow. Will clear the hamster waste first thing in the morning. Liew witches driving Christians internally mad in droves.

8pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Something spooking my hamster.

10pm, Had a curry ramen and took my meds. Can’t wait for my ostrich watch strap from Vietnam.

Monday 12am

“Prince William” hammering at me with a baby army from the UK. Not sure what he wants. Took my meds earlier and am waiting for sleep. Tomorrow may be at the mall. Nothing much to buy. Trying to complete the last game in Sfeg, “chariots”. Not sure how.
9am, Up late. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Did more last minute editing on my card game book, Sfeg. Still unable to imagine "chariots". Must have this game.

4pm, Back from the mall. Will be cooking dinner tonight / tomorrow night. Having porridge, dace with salted black beans, and pickled veg with diced French beans.

7pm, Got the obvious rules down for “chariots” but it lacks that magic feel. Have another 5 hours to think.
9pm, Work is mostly done. Tomorrow want to go for a run then draw the game strategy diagrams in Xfig.

10pm, Decided to draw the diagrams on my iPad without using a proprietary font. Should take about 3 days, working 5 hours a day. Liew forces lash out with pain-giving.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Sunday 7am

Up earlyish. Got cleaned. Feed the hamster soon. Liew witchy forces scourge my hands. Quite a number of Mss2 downloads. Feeling happier.
10am, Coming down the home stretch with Sfeg -my book of card games. Should be finished by tomorrow night. Hard to re-calibrate from playing cards to tarot. Maybe around lunch time. Liew forces pretty quiet right now.

12pm, Exercised and am feeling good. Liew forces encouraged to find other ways of destroying the western power base. Many of their commanders are misfits, fallout of Liew cheating and western power play. Had a curry ramen for lunch. Still don’t feel up to tackling the tarot games chapter.

1pm, Finished 3 tarot game rules. Final 3 of the book to be done tomorrow night. Right now I’m consolidating all the inventing.

3pm, Mom took the Waboba Pro ball I got for my niece. Somehow women like it. But the dinner celebration is still on tho. At an Italian joint nearby. Liew, family, and multinational mind forces come to the table with their concerns rather than fight a losing battle against God. Have to be patient. Will do the Malays after buka puasa tonight.

5pm, Finished the editing work as there was some down time. Just 1 game left to proof and polish before dinner. A hard one. Liew forces caught in negotiations with the greater Chinese community which they betrayed. Hard to escape hell.

9pm, Back from dinner at the Italian restaurant. Not bad. Good ambiance. Soon the Moslems must be notified of the changes. Won’t take too long.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Saturday 12am

Just took my meds so am wide awake, listening to Mozart. Liew forces surge around me with deceived western babies. Discussed prophecy that appeared in my short story collections. Seems like times will be hard -no escape for anyone special. After a brief sleep will clear hamster waste and clean my room floor. Brushed my teeth and turning in by 2am.

8am, Got cleaned. Feed the hamster by 9am. To exercise tonight.

10am, Feeling a little down as the morning is dismal and my Perahia / Mozart record got a bit damaged. Seems like attacks on Christians are increasing. Liew forces seem preoccupied today.

1pm, Cleaned my room, under my bookshelf too. Remove hamster waste by 3pm. Exercised. Feeling better. Afternoon air is cool after the rain. Wrote a Substack on on prophecy in my stories. Easing into evangelizing work. Will resume Sfeg tonight, no rush.

4pm, Been reading about author Brandon Sanderson and his methods / projects. This after I retired from writing myself. Ironic. Haven’t cleared the hamster waste yet and dinner time is fast approaching.

6pm, Worked on my card game book. Edited 4 games, which is 20% done.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Friday 12am

Still awake. Liew witches manipulating me and others by tunneling into our hearts. Couldn’t work on my book of card games, near completion.

8am, Up earlyish. Liew witches still wield power. Have to feed the hamster soon.

10am, Got cleaned. Will head out this evening. Maybe to Amcorp.

12pm, Wrote 2 guitar songs. Not sure where to post them. Maybe Instagram.
1pm, House cleaning postponed to tomorrow. Will be leaving the house in an hour or so. Writing another song which makes it 3 in one day. Been thinking about B flat and F sharp chords for some time. Liew witches feeling the coming of God / the judgement, asked me for healing while torturing me. Hmm...

6pm, Back from Amcorp this rainy afternoon. Bought an Ella Fitzgerald record. Quite reasonable, 120RM lightly used from Trans. Also got the nieces a Waboba water bouncy ball for 39RM from BookXcess. Rumors that my sister and her witch geniuses exhumed corpses for black magic.

8pm, Showered and changed. Feed the hamster soon.

10pm, Take my meds shortly. Liew forces preventing my stories. Trying out a new system for handling these mind terrorists.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Thursday 12am

Forgot (somehow) to take my shower earlier so was late in changing clothes. Feels good to bathe. Scrubbed the WC too. Tomorrow, getting fresh funds in. Then will head out. Fasting for Ramadan begins. Liew witches giving out pain. Thinking of creating a custom font with tarot symbols for my book on games.

7am, Got cleaned. Feed the hamster in half an hour. Liew witches still rampant using kids and babies.

2pm, Got fresh funds in. Will head out tomorrow to Amcorp for a coffee and another used record. Saved 500RM this month. Liew witches’ genius powered masers taken apart by chemical. May need further action to stop their harvesting of babies.

4pm, Tidied my room. Tomorrow to sweep and mop. Will clean under the bookshelf as well. Book going well with the appropriate fonts installed. Should wrap up by end next Friday (eom). Liew witches trying to hide their bloopers in me, striking out with baby masers.

5pm, To talk about Rev. as a fight between God and the Devil / sinners and demons, rather than His wrath against the Earth itself.

7pm, Showered. ate leftover pasta for dinner. Feeling a little ill. Read some Bill Adler stories on Substack. Quite excellent fiction from my Twitter friend. Exercised. Feeling healthier. Sleeping late tonight, take my meds at 11pm.

9pm, My Ernie Ball strings are holding correct tune at last (10 days). I don’t play much. Liew witches crashing hearts together and blackmailing westerners.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Wednesday 8am

Up earlyish. Liew witch forces assaulting my hand again. Will exercise later. Fed the hamster. Got cleaned. Heading out with Dad later in the afternoon. Exercised. Feeling healthier.

12pm, Working on my story again. Had to solve some family problems in the mind. The evil Liew witches were hustling my loved ones. So we took it slow and are on the road to recovery -I hope.

2pm, Finished writing Mss3. Just a bit of editing before I share it. Mom went to the hospital for her routine treatment. Put on the a/c to cool down.

7pm, Resuming writing my book of (card) games tonight. Try to finish it by end of March. Raining. Made fried rice for dinner. Talking in the mind about the end times while the Liew witch forces rake the west for baby helpers.

9pm, Fed the hamster. Updated my website and tweeted on Mss3. Should get some clicks by tomorrow.

11pm, Took my meds and brushed my teeth. Talked prophecy in my writings. We’re in for one wild ride.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Tuesday 1am

Liew witches and family witches suffer critical blows. Must not be lazy at this time. May turn in by 3am. Still lots of work to do.

9am, Got cleaned. Fed the hamster. Lots of baby and kid problems in the mind solved with some love and teaching / understanding. Liew witches are moving again tho. Want to do some writing soon.

1pm, Shaved my head again. Look neater. Want to walk tomorrow. Maybe down to KL.
5pm, Starting work on a new book idea on playing session piano. Originally I was writing a book on card games until the preventers struck and I conceded that the idea was a bit of a stretch.

8pm, Had fish for dinner. Feed the hamster soon. Working on "I Material" while the world quakes with the fallout of the Liew witch systems.

10pm, Wrote a bit more of my last short story. Solved many problems in the mind. As many as possible before I'm finally finished off by the sheer magnitude of the problem. These must be the end times for sure.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Monday 7am

Up early. Was hit by Liew forces who grabbed for children and babies again. Organized a defense and will try to get rid of these witches soon. Want to write a bit. Exercised. Feeling good. Feed the hamster at 8am.

3pm, Back from MegaMall. Drank coconut water and had an Oriental Kopi egg tart. Liew forces attacked, driving the British mad. Took some hits to my head wound. However we achieved some gains against our common enemy.

5pm, Took an early shower with Good Virtues bodywash. Feeling good. Thinking of my last story -the one that’s stuck. Maybe it needs a premise such as “good virtues”.

8pm, Had salted / century egg omelette for dinner. Liew witches still hammering on the westerners. Fed the hamster. Will take my meds late to do some writing.

11pm, Just took my meds and begun writing my novel "The Groove". It's about a prophecy of the end times and 5 people plus a lighthouse family sucked into it. Liew witches survive to fight on as people seem to need them who inadvertently destroyed lives alongside the criminals.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Sunday 10am

Got up a little late. Got cleaned. Fed the hamster. Went for a brief run. Feeling healthier. Liew empire taken over by me and some friends who don’t do too much harm. Pushing prophecy to the outside world.

9pm, Spent the day teaching people and battling evil in the mind. Managed to do some minor editing, cover graphics, and re-typesetting of my story collections. Still stuck on Mss3’s final tale. Should be out to MegaMall tomorrow. Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Fed the hamster. May exercise later. More attacks rain down from the Liew witches and their army.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Saturday 7am

Up early. Got cleaned. Will feed the hamster soon. My newly regulated Tenor-Dorly gained 6s over the past 24 hours. Not bad. Still haven't finished I Material / Mss3 but it's developing well. Signs in my stories / my Perahia-Mozart record. Liew witches singing Bee Gees in my head.

10am, Had a curry ramen for brunch. Feeling more like writing this morning. Work to do in the mindscape as well. Exercise tonight.

7pm, Had tempeh for dinner. Rounding up mind destroyers and teaching the misled while listening to vinyls. No time to work on my story yet.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Friday 8am

Up earlyish. Got cleaned. Feed the hamster soon. Regulating my Tenor-Dorly as it was losing too much time. Liew witches and evil family being taken by force.

12pm, Back from my Arip jab at the psych clinic. Heading out later, maybe to MegaMall again. TD keeping +8s per day so far.
1pm, Talking hits from the Liew witches and my demon sister. Christians (as I am one) facing increasing mind persecution.

4pm, Back from a medium long walk to DigiMall / Amcorp. Had an iced coffee, donated some coins and bought an interesting used Mozart record. Liew witches still talking dirty to kids and babies pushed into my hands by their genius crew.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Thursday 8am

Got up earlyish, got cleaned, fed the hamster. Today is house cleaning day. Will clear the hamster waste later. Liew witches using every dirty tactic in the book after we removed her sin slaves.

9am, Sucked the taste out of the Liew witches’ food as punishment for their baby breaking and kid smacking. Hopefully they will stop to enjoy eating again.
11am, Had leftover tofu for lunch. Writing going slow but steady.

2pm, Dusted and vacuumed much of my room and disposed the hamster waste. Give it a good mop later.

4pm, Ending I Material soon. Meanwhile there is a shake-up in the mindspace. Some people asked too much too many times.

8pm, Took a warm shower and changed. Need to get new soap. Take my meds soon as my psych appointment is tomorrow morning. Liew witches’ food all turned bad. Not sure if it’ll hold. Exercised. Feeling good.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Wednesday 9am

Woke up earlyish. Fed the hamster and got cleaned. Went for a brief run. Feeling better. Westerners complaining about the Liew witches. My Ubuntu file system got dangerously corrupted but booting from USB, fsck managed to fix it. Some files were damaged, containing Chinese glyphs instead. Restored them from backup. Wonder if I’m being hacked.

3pm, Liew witches increasingly cagey as the Tribulation looms. Either go one way or the other. There is no sitting on the fence.
5pm, Writing away. Had US Pizza for tea. Liew witches' hitting / thought policing machinery uncovered.

7pm, Still searching for inspiration to clinch my final story: I Material. Freed numerous good people trapped by the Liew witches. Not sure what next.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Tuesday 9am

Was up earlyish. New guitar strings breaking in nicely but taking quite a long time. Fed the hamster. Will run in the evening. The madness between Liew witches (who are my neighbors) and the westerners continues. Got cleaned and will try to write a bit.

10am, Exercised. Feeling good. Ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for brunch. Liew deceptions revealed -how they tricked the Americans.

1pm, Had baked beans and bread for lunch. Major arguments with some hitting going on. Suspect these mind folk are deranged / mentally scarred. Will practice some guitar and write more tonight. The strings are finally settling after 20 hours

7pm, Made fried rice for dinner. Having gyoza dumplings later. Nefarious Liew witches plotting some kind of retribution against the west.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Monday 5am

Up early. May go out for breakfast soon. Exercised, feeling good, and will feed the hamster by 8am. Try to finish “l Material” by tonight having outlined it yesterday.

7am, Had some chocolate spread on bread and coffee. Liew witches hit hard.

5pm, Fitted new Ernie Ball light strings to my guitar. Taking a while to get tuned up as I’m squeamish about snapping them. Sound good so far tho. Nieces may come by later. Liews and westerners still arguing over my mind space.

9pm, Took my meds and showered. More arguments in the mind after desperate moves by the westerners. It’s not possible for me to do superhuman stunts everyday.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Sunday 9am

Got up early and got cleaned. Fed the hamster. Uploaded a video of my watch collection to YouTube. Hope it gets some hits. Wearing my Q&Q on its new paracord strap. May head out to the mall soon. Liew witches’ support is lower this morning.

2pm, Long hot outing to Petaling Street instead. Had chicken rice and Coke. Put on the a/c to cool down. Exercise in an hour. Lots of arguments and treachery in the mind.

5pm, Took a shower. Had a good loo. Will be writing tonight unless the Liew witches act up again.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Saturday 4am

Still sleepless after the Liew witches’ defiant vow to keep me up. Took a Rivotril and should rest for a few hours soon. Wearing my Aqualand on olive drab NATO.

12pm, Had Arab rice at Mutiara with Dad and bought him a soya ice cream from IKEA. Long time since we had that. Need to buy some home stuff there later.

8pm, Feed the hamster now, Exercised. Feeling better. Made a paracord band in neon green for my Q&Q SmileSolar diver.

9pm, Took a warm shower. Brushed my teeth. Will take my meds soon. Tomorrow I would like to visit the flea market, early. No writing got done. Instead we punched holes in nuclear bombs or buckets, either, and unleashed beelzebub on the Liew witches. May go to Mutiara again on Sunday, not sure. Many stressed and anxious people around me.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Friday 7am

Up early after sleeping early. Ran / Exercised yesterday. Liew witches silent somehow. Family issues on the table. Jealous relatives revealed last night. Want to head out today to MegaMall. 

8am, Fed the hamster. Got cleaned. Leaving for the mall in 2 hours.

11am, Back from errands with Dad. Taking a rest then will walk to the LRT. Maybe in a few hours.
12pm, Shaved and rested. The arguments and offbeat dangerous solutions to the Liew witch problem took their toll on my group.

2pm, May head out within the hour.
7pm, Raining heavily. Good thing I got back from MegaMall early. Have to feed the hamster, take my meds, then turn in early which helps my brain condition.

11pm, Liew witches out in force. Agreements to settle the disputes in the mind will soon be forged by necessity. It will just take time. Hanging in there. Muhyiddin’s arrest means the end is nearing.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Thursday 2am

Just took my meds after falling half asleep earlier. Liew witches still talking dirty. They have no morals left.

8am, Had a roti canai for breakfast. Fed the hamster and got cleaned. House cleaning day today. Waiting for my parcel. Haven’t finished writing my short story yet. Liew witches lash out as their bodies are destroyed by salt.

10am, Exercised. Feeling a little weak probably from the Liew witches.

11am, Had nasi lemak rendang for lunch. Writing underway again. Probably another 5 hours till my Shard arrives. Talking about my grandfather and his reaction to the telepathy crisis that proved unproductive all those decades ago.
3pm, My Gerber Shard arrived and is quite nice. Cleaned my room and put on the a/c as the afternoon is quite hot. I don't sleep with a/c nowadays. Writing is going slow.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Wednesday 12am

Talked a lot about the coming end times events and organizing some resistance to the Liew witches in the mind. The next 2 months will be critical. So far, The Gift in the ABY hasn’t shown up in any form discernible, at least not in my life.

8am, Up earlyish. Have to feed the hamster by 9am. Was able to loo a bit. Liew witchy forces still quite powerful. It matters that we don’t go extreme / mad in the mindscape and get picked off by them.

3pm, Was able to loo fully just now which was a relief. Almost done writing my final short story in Mss3. Liew witches still giving out pain and trapping people with psychological traps.

5pm, Seem to be turning the tide against the witchy Liew family, now huddling with about 60 people somewhere in Europe. Used some logic and a bit of insider info to win over her forces. Parcel should be delivered tomorrow afternoon. Soon I will have my Gerber Shard.

7pm, Had spuds for dinner and took a warm shower. Changed into fresh clothes. Fed the hamster. Looks like the Liew witch army is defeated at the moment…

Monday, March 6, 2023

Tuesday 12am

Arguments in the mind. We ended up giving out temporary dementia to the crackers. Not sure how I’ll survive. But it’s better than the threat of cancer and faster at ending the fights.

9am, Up late. Fed the hamster. Will exercise soon. Run in the evening.

9pm, Ran and exercised before the 5pm rain. Haven’t looed yet. Wrote 2k words today, another 1k to go before bed around midnight. Soon I will have another small book to share. Liew witches pushing false prophecy onto the low IQ. Decided not to stress my work and just have a good time.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Monday 12am

Drifted off a bit while watching Brandon Sanderson's lectures on plotting. Brushed my teeth and am getting ready for bed.

9am, Got up early. Posted on DogBlots. Decided not to write too many stories, no difficult ones. Take it easy until the end inevitably comes. Liew witches ramping up power over my space still.

10am, Going out soon. Wasn't able to loo. UK forces trying to squeeze more blood from me in a fit of madness.

3pm, Back from Mutiara. Tired. Bought more magic clips on sale, 10 sen each. Talked about heaven and hell and salvation by Christ. The Jewish-Arab hegemony and modern day sin through which “God’s people” dominate the world.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Sunday 12am

Can’t sleep somehow. And it’s already midnight. Liew witches turning babies onto me, hitting out at my head injury.

9am, Up earlyish. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Thinking of heading out to the flea market by 10:30am. No news of my parcel yet. Packing my backpack to take along. Bringing my book to deposit.

2pm, Just got back from a long walk around State. Bought more “magic” binder clips and an industrial stapler, 40RM, which will work out cheaper in the long run. Deposited my book and was accosted by my sister, worried over me rising up. My uncle took my toe again, worried over money. Oh well, I’m home safe that’s what matters.

5pm, Making toast, creamy salad, and luncheon ham for dinner. Will work on my book of games tonight. Tomorrow may be heading out with Dad. Feed the hamster soon.

10pm, Rained. Turned off the a/c. Took my meds. Writing 3 more short stories. This time I will try plotting. No word yet of my parcel from Thomas Tools.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Saturday 9am

Up earlyish. Got cleaned. Will head out in an hour or so. Have to feed the hamster. Liew witches hanging around me like fallen vultures.

11am, Having lunch at home then off to the flea market. I’ve printed out my short story book and will try to deposit it there. Print quality is poor and smudgy somehow. At least it’s readable. Liew witches feeling afraid of God and His punishment. Better late than never. Western revenge may be on the cards.

12pm, Cooked mee goreng for Mom and Dad. Limes from our garden made the dish appetizing. The meat was fresh. Tonight we're having take out noodles. Don't feel much like going out today. Maybe around 2pm. Talked to the Liew witches about "doing too much" and the 4 main reasons behind it which are depression, paranoia, low IQ, and sensuality.

2pm, Still don't feel like going out. Maybe tomorrow morning. Want to finish typesetting my book on games today.

3pm, My Gerber Shard has shipped. Wonder if it will arrive tomorrow. Think I will definitely go out tomorrow evening.

11pm, No updates on my parcel from Thomas Tools. Took my meds and am waiting for sleep. Changed hamster’s sleeping box which stinks. She’s quite unsettled. Taking it easy this weekend, going through my short stories I printed out. Need to get more steel binders.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Friday 8am

Kicked over my ukulele and it hit my DiZi and both fell on the floor. Luckily no damage. Got up and got cleaned. Have to wipe down hamster’s box soon.

9am, Will go on a run later in the afternoon. Hamster still asleep. Breakers and haters converge on my operation. End times situation, I guess. Fed Bean her morning meal. Cleaned her sleeping box early.

10am, Still editing my book of games. Try to finish it by lunchtime.

11am, Nearly done editing. Had to swap out the first Tarot game as it drags. 5 days’ work finally finished. Mom and Dad went out to get aid vouchers. They seem oblivious that we are not remotely poor. Exercised. Will go on a long walk tomorrow. Run this evening if it doesn’t rain.

2pm, Rain stopped. Went for a run. Feeling healthier. Proceeding to typeset my book in a few hours, add in diagrams. Lots of revenge taken by the west on us Asians due to the Chinese witch, Liew’s atrocities. Bought a Gerber Shard. May give it to Dad for his keychain on his birthday, assuming no rapture.

5pm, Still haven’t moved on my book’s typesetting. Maybe after dinner. There won’t be time to finish it tonight. Maybe tomorrow.

8pm, Showered. Wearing the casual karate belt with Pagoda style tee and khaki shorts. Not sure where I’ll be going tomorrow. Feed the hamster by 9pm, take my meds too. Talked more about the rapture and the taking by the air, the body, soul and spirit, the strong man’s house, Jesus walking on water.

11pm, Feeling a little sleepy. Haven’t brushed my teeth or done any typesetting. I may go to the flea market again after all. Take the Caribee backpack. No updates on my parcel yet. 

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Thursday 6am

Up early. Quite chilly 23 C. Will finish editing my book today. A bit challenging. Last 5 games / 20 to edit. Liew witches giving out pain.

8am, Persuading the Liew witches not to break prophecy as the westerners push on us hard. They could obey the ABY instead of destroying the world. Have to feed the hamster in 30 minutes. Got cleaned as well.

11am, Washed my Sloggi (men’s) underwear. Posted on Substack. Getting a few reads lately. I’m being more inspirational maybe that’s why. Still haven’t finished editing.

2pm, Started a new blog to satisfy my craving for writing stuff: Liew witchy forces still lashing out. Cleaned my room. Will do the hamster’s box tomorrow morning.

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...