Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Thursday 9am

Up early-ish. Fed the hamster. Got cleaned. Talked a lot in the mind about east-west relations. Liew witches still at large though not so powerful. Rethinking my tennis weights idea.

10am, Managed to loo. While in the bathroom, I settled the manufacturing process for my tennis weights idea. It’s now simpler and ready to market, requiring just a stamping tool costing ~1kRM.

12pm, Resumed coding SHT. Should be done in a few hours.

3pm, Inventing an articulated tennis trainer ball pole I call the CrazyMan. Will give the design away free on my site soon.
The CrazyMan consists of 3 limbs made of rattan (rotan). An upper vertical and lower vertical and a horizontal arm, like a truncheon. The limbs are joined by flexible tubular rubber. A elastic core tennis ball is joined to the arm by string, sheathed in soft tubular rubber.

6pm, Took a shower and changed into sleep clothes. Ate lots of bread, marmite, and coffee. Eager to start on my tennis ideas alongside NewSoda. Talked about sin and the body at resurrection and the Christ factors shaping our forever form. Still haven’t finished SHT. Maybe tonight, late.

9pm, Exercised. Feeling healthier. Took my meds early. Fed the hamster and am getting down to work.

10pm, Good progress on SHT. Turning in early. Wake up at 5am to code.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Wednesday 1am

Just had a mee goreng ramen for supper and brushed my teeth. The core 8 insurgent mind fighters refuse to submit. It may be a long night.

8am, Up late-ish. Fed the hamster. Ate roti canai for breakfast. Got cleaned. Feeling more positive as the Liew witchy forces are reduced and calmed down. Can’t wait to sell of my unused watches. Could fetch $200 for all 3. Exercised briefly. Feeling healthier. Want to run this evening.

11am, Back from a brief run. Feeling regulated and refreshed.

2pm, Mom and Dad still at the bank. It may be 3pm before I get any lunch. Had a Marmite sandwich. Liew witchy forces down but not out. Dying of starvation.

4pm, Had Chinese fried rice for lunch. Co-invented an adjustable fastener for paracord bands and a sliding adjustable clasp for watch bracelets. I now have almost 2kRM in savings, 200RM disposable to spend over June. Will resume work on SHT soon. No word from NewSoda on my tennis innovation. Maybe late June.

8pm, Made beans and mince for dinner. Have to feed the hamster soon.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Tuesday 3am

Missed my meds so am still awake. Liew witches lashed out, sensing my good fortune around the corner. Coded more of SHT. Looks to indeed be a very simple program.

9am, Up late. Fed the hamster. She’s growing old fast. Working on SHT.

11am, Westerners driven mad by the Liew witches taking revenge on us Asians. Burning them off our backs. June begins early, I guess.

12pm, Exercised. Feeling healthier. Will run in the evening. British forces hell bent on destroying good Asians the way the Liews did to their populace. Wonder what’s next?

1pm, Could loo. Relaxing in a/c from the afternoon heatwave. More acting out in the mindscape. Trying to stay sane despite my health woes.

5pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Tomorrow getting funds in. Will save it for later, having 200RM spare to spend over June. Peace descends in the mindscape after forcibly enforcing good sense. The witch Liew will not stop deceiving and destroying somehow. At least “Prince William” is safe.

6pm, Thinking of an end to collecting watches, dividing my pieces into sell and keep.
  1. Promaster / Velcro … keep
  2. Protrek / nylon … keep
  3. PRS516 / suede … keep
  4. GA-2200 / original … keep
  1. Baltany DD … sell
  2. Q&Q diver … sell
  3. Swatch Sistem … gift
  4. Tenor-Dorly … ?
  5. HMT Chinar … sell
  6. GBD-200 … gift
  7. Prospex 077 … gift
11pm, Liew witches and their genius helpers refuse to give up attacking. I wove a red and green paracord strap for the Q&Q solar diver. Quite attractive. Will sell these cheap on Carousell in June. Taking my meds now and will sleep at 1am.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Monday 12am

Was unable to code as my mind is bothered by all sorts of western borne ills as we move into June, “A midsummer’s teaching” in the ABY. Planning to venture out but have nothing to buy. Exercised briefly. Feeling good.

7am, Up early. Fed the hamster. May head out at 11am. Dying Liew witchy forces crushing Christian friends onto me causing uncomfortable emotion-sensations. Got cleaned. Feeling a little weary somehow.

9am, Western forces want us to "feed" ourselves to the Liew witches. Not sure what they mean or if they're logical. SHT is coming along slowly. Preparing some documentation and support files for testing purposes.

2pm, Back from my outing to MidValley. Must have walked 2 hours. Didn't spend much. Will exercise late tonight. Had nice pasta for lunch at home and am coding SHT albeit very slowly.

5pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Will go running tomorrow, early. Westerners and Liew witches unable to find a good home that “does everything”.

7pm, Had pasta again for dinner. Talked to NewSoda about alternative uses for my tennis weights idea. It seems to have some extra uses. But it may be late June before we go big. Longest wait of my life.

8pm, Settled some old scores just by explaining. How jealous can some people get?

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Sunday 9am

Up late. Talked a lot last night about dirty power and powering on others that goes on in the real world. There is less support for doing harm in the mindscape now. Have to feed the hamster.

11am, Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Making eggs and cheese for lunch. For dinner, we may be having Bakkuteh. Liew witches and angry westerners taking a toll on my head wounds. Does seem like there's no solution to the betrayals and misunderstandings.

12pm, Working on my writer’s Python app, SHT (formerly Shout!).

3pm, Managed to loo well. Have on the a/c to cool down. Lots of regrets and historical references as East and West forces continue to argue over scarce resources i.e. the souls of Christians.

4pm, SHT is maturing well, simplified down to its basics just like ROTA. Will it find a user base in these troubled times? So the software is as now basically:
  1. Search across nested "relationship" tags, kywords /e kywords //j kywords ///b etc.
  2. Recall past searches using arrow keys
  3. Packaged as a single .exe or .py file for Linux
  4. Auto-reload .shtl file on modify
8pm, Back from Klang bakkuteh (under the bridge). Not bad. Drank premium Chinese tea. Used the GPS to navigate while Dad drove. He’s almost 75. Liew forces still destroying the world to deny God his coming. As in the days of Noah…

10pm, Just showered, changed into fresh clothes. Fed the hamster earlier. Will exercise before bed. Take meds at 11pm. Tomorrow am planning to visit KLCC / Bukit Bintang for a very long walk. SHT should be done by midnight if I can weave some regex expressions well.

Shuffling my wardrobe:
  1. Black Artengo / black Kiprun
  2. Green Domyos / gray Domyos
  3. White Tarmak / green UA
  4. Gray Olian / gray-green Domyos
  5. Green Domyos / white M&S
  6. Green Millet / CK / white EagleKing
  7. Gray Lafashion / charcoal FoTL
  8. Red Cookman / white Uniqlo
  9. Yellow … / red Kiprun

Friday, May 26, 2023

Saturday 6am

Up early. Have to feed the hamster soon. Liew witchy forces still marauding.

8am, Liew witches lash out with pain and press me onto Americans with weaknesses to mutually annihilate. We took some hostages and niggled them but they’re still going. Will head out in a few hours.

1pm, Back from Digital Mall. Bought Dad a Belkin surge strip to replace his old extension cord and AVR. This is our third Belkin. My Kabini rig uses a Berlin from ACE. Belkin surge protectors are expensive, this cost 89RM, being an "economy" version. "Prince William" acted out again, claiming he wasn't safe. Trying to help him but he's quite mad if I may say so.

4pm, Shower soon and exercise late tonight. May make pasta for dinner.

7pm, Took a warm shower and changed into tomorrow’s clothes. Fried Cajun chicken for dinner and made mayo whole grain mustard salad dressing. Liew forces much reduced apparently but still fighting. Feed the hamster at 8pm. Taking a break before I resume writing my Tumblr blog and my novella.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Friday 8am

Up earlyish. Had bread, cheese, and grapes for breakfast. Fed the hamster. Terrible things going on in the mindscape as the westerners are manipulated by the Liew witches onto my poor state of health. Not sure what to do.

10am, Got cleaned and am resting from the constant mind arguments. Drank lots of Coke Zero. Will clean my room later. Writing a new story for my tumblr. Will post it tomorrow.

3pm, Raining. Some stinging hits coming from the western and Liew forces. Get the feeling it’s prophetic and there’s nothing much we can do. Cleaned my room and wiped down the hamster nest area behind my bed. Have on a/c to cool down. Will write a bit after dinner and exercise before bed. Will have 300RM to spend in June and 1.5kRM in savings.

8pm, Exercised earlier and recorded a song for my Tumblr: “Hurt”. Strange coincidence with the ABY “The lover and her jealous rival”. Fed the hamster. Liew witches hit out, still trying to subvert prophecy. Need to write my story now and take my meds late.

11pm, Took my meds and will turn in soon. Want to walk tomorrow. Will wear out my Baltany DD and Oakleys.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Thursday 7am

Up earlyish. Feed the hamster by 7:30. Raining. Taking it slow.

11am, resting after talking a lot in the mindscape. The witchcraft problem is now much more manageable. Have to talk on gospel and discernment later. Then clean my room. Parcel has gone missing maybe.

4pm, Parcel did arrive but was unannounced. You can read about my new tennis weights on DogBlots. They are nice! Back from Giant hypermarket with ramen, cheese, coconut water and lots of other goodies. Liew forces fighting back with the disenfranchised after we made major gains in forgiveness and reparations from the madness which was the mind conflict.

6pm, Having baked beans for dinner. Helped Apple invent a new keyboard. Of course it's a secret so I wonder if it will ever emerge. Have to loo and shower now.

8pm, We had sandwiches for dinner with laughing cow cheese. Hamster had some too. Will exercise soon. May eat a tomyam ramen for supper later.

10pm, Feeding the hamster. It had some coconut flesh earlier. May be passing on soon as it looks old lately. Only 1.5 years. Seems like the Liew witches are being handled well, driven home and cemented there. Time will tell.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Wednesday 12am

Writing another short story for submitting to FFM. Something to pass the time until money comes in again. Liew forces and western counterparts battle over the thoughts and minds of Christians. Took my meds and am waiting to turn in. Heavy pain giving going on. Casualties on both sides.

7am, Up earlyish. Tennis weights should arrive today. Liew insurgents still giving out pain. Got cleaned and will feed the hamster at 8am.

10am, Brushed my teeth and will exercise before lunch. Worked out and am feeling good. Invented something else: the “envirobucket” and gave it to NewSoda who are helping with my tennis innovation.

Thinking of what to wear to the watch AD when I start earning royalties. Maybe my Uniqlo tee, Oakleys, Kiprun shoes, and Decathlon basketball shorts. Also the PRS on suede.

1pm, Arguments with the western controllers over my state of health. Looks like my parcel will be late. Submissions for Strange Horizons magazine have closed for the year.

5pm, Posted 2 short stories on Tumblr @donutwares. Feeling upbeat. Ate banana cake and a red bean bun. Liew forces trying to steal all my inventions.

9pm, Showered, brushed my teeth and fed the hamster. Inventing sunglasses now to pass the time. Take my meds soon. Hope parcel arrives tomorrow.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Tuesday 12am

Thinking of reducing my now 11 watch collection to PRS, Promaster, and Protrek. Dress, sport and beater. The PRS was a special gift while the Promaster is a dive computer and the Protrek has the survival functions I may need during the Tribulation. Tobias (tgv) is doing similarly. Would like to add just one fine timepiece circa $2k.

9am, Up late. Fed the hamster and got cleaned. Wiped down her sleeping/dumping area behind my bed. Liew forces still defiant. Everyone is feeling depressed who helps in the mind. What a test by the Lord! Feel like buying a GS antimagnetic now but these are around 10kRM.

11am, Resting in a/c. Liew insurgents and western forces still proxy torturing Christians. No end in sight to the suffering. Thinking of buying something nice for my folks with my potential earnings. Maybe I don’t need an expensive watch.

1pm, Checked the ABY and it indicates a wealth increase in September-October, with just July being tough. June will be hard on the west who may look to me for help. 3.5 months to wait and help out in the mindscape. Want to code a bit later on.

4pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Liew 6 cornered over possible identity theft on Gave out some true gospel about knowing God, faith and belief as today’s “The will of the poor man” exhorts us to be prompt and outspoken in the Spirit.

6pm, Wearing my GA-2200 on its rubber strap again, my EDC up till September. Interesting yet neutral, it tends to go unnoticed. The FC moonphase is 10kRM. May pass. Apple Watch 8 does not support iPhone 7 so no watch for Dad either. Guess we’ll all have a big eat out instead and Mom can shop away a few k.

8pm, Fed the hamster some fish. Will give her fruit later, take my meds at 11pm and turn in late.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Monday 7am

Up early. Got cleaned. Will feed the hamster soon. Liew witches and their genius helpers stirring up babies onto me. Browsing watches even before my invention is confirmed.

9am, Talked a lot in the mind to diffuse the Liew witches’ power. Seems to be a full time job for me. Listening to Perahia / Mozart on the turntable. Browsing watches.

2pm, Back from Decathlon. Mom and Dad happy, both got something else changed. Liew witches still ramping up on infants from the west.

4pm, Exercised. Feeling good. Liew witches surging through the western mindscape, giving pain and guilt trips to all. Thinking of buying a new watch again.

11pm, Took my meds and am staying up a bit late tonight. Just set up Lubuntu on my workstation in the back room as Haiku was too buggy to use. A very hot night. Have on a/c and am resting from working in the mind against the enemies.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Sunday 6am

Up early to the sound of rain. Liew witches confound us in their evil. Will get cleaned and feed the hamster soon.

8am, Still raining. Heading out to the flea market in 2 hours. Have 400RM to spend.

1pm, Back from a long walk to Amcorp / Decathlon. Seems like nothing went well. No nice watches, pants and shirt don't fit my parents. At least the Artengo tennis dampeners are okay. 9RM for 2 is a good deal. Can't wait for my weight strips to arrive from China.

Had a nice lunch of noodles at home afterwards. Sensing the effects of poverty on the streets. It's been a month since I ventured out on my own via LRT. Put on the a/c to cool down.

3pm, Going into business selling tennis dampeners based on rubber bands coated with natural latex. Will ship them in big packs of different stiffness / tensions / colors. $5 for 10. A good deal. Will call it OM. Exercised after eating well. Feeling the fat burn.

10pm, Action against the vengeful witches took up much of the night. More to come maybe. Ate a lot after this afternoon’s sapping walk.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Saturday 7am

Up early after a night of worries. I am under court martial for acting out on western stooges of the Liew witches and the general western populace. Strap should arrive soon. May head out for lunch later. Feed the hamster at 8am.

9am, Got cleaned. Fought the good fight. Parcel may arrive in 2 hours. Hope it’s good.

1pm, Back from lunch at the mamak. Strap in, makes my Protrek handsome. Can be worn over a hiking jacket. Tennis weights shipped. Will do some room cleaning now and resume coding afterwards. Mom is at grandma’s with my uncle and aunt. Liew witches feeling the hustle of Tribulation and giving out pain again.

The watches I plan never to sell are:
  1. PRS because Mom gave it to me
  2. Protrek triple sensor solar for survival situations
Looking to buy a vintage watch later in gloss steel and white dial, below 1kRM. For my birthday in November unless the world ends before.

2pm, Talked with family and Liews in the mind about the nature of evil alien life forms intent on ruling the world through heart to heart telepathy and insinuation.

3pm, Finished room cleaning. Decided on an Orient Star Classic circa 2kRM but not right now. Saving the money will take 3 more months.

5pm, Thinking of going to the flea market tomorrow instead to check out the cheaper used watches and match them with my stingray strap.

7pm, Submitted my tennis racket weights idea to New Soda. I may make some serious money soon. Can’t wait to hit the luxury watch boutique and be treated like a rich man.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Friday 3pm

Was up earlyish this morning. A whole day of arguments in the mind. Exercised. Feeling better. May walk this evening. Bought tennis racket 3g silicone weights on Shopee / China. G-Shock strap should arrive tomorrow. Will try to code a bit later.

8pm, Raining. Fed the hamster fish, rice, whole-wheat bread, gravy, and cucumber. It looked happy to eat the tasty food. Also having home made yogurt and watermelon for moisture later. Gave Sis my Bell-matic for her birthday. Hope she likes it. Looks posh on Vietnam chicken skin strap. Soon I will have just 9 watches. Liew witches and western fighters trying to negotiate an end to hostilities.

10pm, Showered and changed into tomorrow’s clothes. Brushed my teeth. Will feed the hamster more food later. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Thursday 8am

Got up early 4am and fell asleep again. Feeling burnt out. Last night’s mind talk on history and telepathy had some effect. Parcel should ship this afternoon. Got cleaned. Feed the hamster at 8:30.

9am, Exercised. Feeling healthier. Liew witches reeling from brain attacks, stirring up trouble as they go. Want to head out this evening to Decathlon, look around and walk a bit.

11am, Back from BSN with 200RM in aid. Have enough to take to the mall later. Get something for myself. Parcel has shipped. Hope it arrives tomorrow or Saturday.

12pm, Will go on a long walk at 1pm, maybe just to Kayu for a coffee. Wear my Oakleys. The mindscape is bursting with negative emotions, fear, vengeance. I prayed for us all.

1pm, Back from a 20 minute short walk instead. Feeling good. Should do it every day. Have a/c on. Ate lots of watermelon. Will do some coding in an hour or so.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Wednesday 12am

Just brushed my teeth and took my meds. More roaches in my bathroom to go with the millipedes on the walls, and the ants in my door frame. Not sure if I can work much as the Liew witches surge rampant, with genius help. We translated them, disrupting their directional firing lines for now.

8am, Up earlyish. Fed the hamster and got cleaned. Will exercise later. Coding hit a snag, not sure what to do. Liew witches still defiant. Laying down measures for their repentance. Strap should ship later today.

Shout! is a very simple app. It reads .shml files by tags, non linear building blocks of a novel and displays them bottom of a text editor for a writer’s reference. It’s utmost basic, like ROTA which is just a Chinese character flipper-spinner.

12pm, Designed in basic syntax highlighting to aid .shml file editing. Westerners going Tribulation mad over using Christians’ bodies.

5pm, Home from the grocer. Had a nice iced coffee. Bought smoked chicken and salad for dinner, hot sauce, and Tapping Tapir juice for Mom and Dad. Told the mad (Liew witchy) bunch tearing up the mindscape that they don’t have to worry about reparations, just the prize of heaven. Hope it works. Will put in some coding later.

8pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Feed the hamster soon. Exercised earlier this afternoon.

10pm, Made headway on the coding. There was trouble with the input xy. It’s harder than it seemed initially.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Tuesday 7am

Up earlyish. Didn't do much coding last night. Taking it slow this morning. Liew witches lurk in the background.

9am, Fed the hamster and got cleaned. Did some coding at last. Would like to get it all working by tonight. I now have 12 watches (keepers, flippers, not sure):
  1. Prospex -bracelet
  2. PRS -suede
  3. Promaster -Velcro
  4. Protrek
  5. GBD200 
  6. GA2200 -NATO
  7. Baltany -NATO
  8. Bellmatic -leather
  9. Tenor-Dorly -NATO
  10. Swatch -rubber
  11. Chinar - leather
  12. Q&Q
11am, Brushed my teeth finally. Having nasi lemak for lunch. Wearing the Tenor-Dorly on army green NATO. Looks believable. Could this be my Tribulation watch? Want to source a good band for my Protrek which I may eventually sell.

12pm, May get a used nylon strap for the Protrek later this month after I get funds in. At 80RM it isn’t cheap. Shout!’s word wrap is working. Now for the parser, then it’s done.

2pm, Will go for a run soon. Exercise tomorrow. Back from a short run. Feeling healthier. Designing the parser now.
  1. [r]eflection /r
  2. [b]ackground /b
  3. [s]uggestion /s
  4. e[x]pansion /x
  5. [j]unction /j
A /r B //j C ... B reflects A, both junction C
A /b B //s C ///b D ... B backgrounds A, both suggests C, all backgrounds D

5pm, Talked in the mind to diffuse tensions and give pure milk to other Christians. There is an air of hope in the group today and I shall make progress on my app too. Bought the strap for 60RM, free shipping. Can’t wait.

10pm, Fed the hamster. Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Giving out therapy to the Liew witches who are still at large. Looks like coding will resume at midnight.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Monday 6am

Up early after being raked in the head last night. Somehow I survived. Got cleaned and will feed the hamster at 7:30am. Looks like my strap may arrive today. Maybe the Klockis too. May stay home and wait.

9am, "Prince William" attacked again, destroying the fragile peace and yoking us to the Liew witches. Will have to put our foot down on this perversion of the mind.

10am, Vacuumed loads of hamster waste from behind my bed. Suede strap may arrive this afternoon. Mind is more peaceful at the moment. Doing some coding.

3pm, The hi-tech clock and my suede watch strap arrived just now. Both are nice and were affordable. Will try to work from now up till midnight.

5pm, Finishing up my final DogBlots article and will rest from posting for not sure how long. Will start coding after dinner, try to do it more urgently. Lots of chaos and manipulations in the mindscape whereas I don’t fit into the plans of anyone.

7pm, Had a quick dinner. Finished up my blog article. Feeding the hamster soon then will code at 8pm. Showered earlier and changed into fresh clothes. The mind is also more optimistic. Helping out still.

11pm, Took my meds after having a short nap. Will code soon and turn in at 2am. "Prince William" acting up again, others as well, to do with the usual vengeance / future sensing.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Sunday 7am

Up earlyish. Have to feed the hamster by 8am. Got cleaned. Liew witches defiant even after we explained original sin and to be born again. Had yam pudding for breakfast and am settling in to code Shout!

11am, Decided not to go out today. Exercised. Feeling good. Will brisk walk this evening to the LRT station and back. Want to wear my Oakleys. Still haven't thought of Sis' birthday present.

1am, Back from my walk. Was searing hot. Really needed the shades. Feeling more motivated and bodily regulated.

4pm, Came down hard on the Liew witchy 6 who are now damaged. Raining like it did yesterday. Need to cut down on food intake during this hot and wet weather. May be able to get a beta of Shout! up by midnight. Ant infestation problem continues.

6pm, Bought Sis an IKEA Klockis timer-alarm-temperature portable clock. 20RM + shipping. Good deal and is useful too. Back to coding after a shower. Talked about the End Times and some of its signs. These are heady days.

8pm, Signing off for the night. Took my meds and fed the hamster. It seems to be ailing after living almost a year and a half. Liew witch forces rampaging among children and toddlers who are now depressed. May have to help before bed instead of working.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Saturday 6am

Up very early. Liew witches gave out pain as I lay in bed. Getting clean and will feed the hamster at 8am. 

8am, Looed and brushed. Also wiped down the hamster's nest area behind my bed. Thawing out some potato for her breakfast.

10am, Had chili flake (in oil) and cheese sandwiches for breakfast. Exercised. Feeling better, get moving once a day. Will do running tomorrow. Want to code and write a bit too, since I now have 2 full PCs set up. Heading out for lunch soon.

1pm, Back from the Indian joint. Had a light lunch of roti canai and iced coffee. Liew 6 still acting out even after we offered their faction amnesty and leniency. Am able to script Python3 in Haiku. Weather is very hot.

5pm, Raining. Still unable to work much as the mindscape is unsettled. May head out tomorrow on a long walk. Talked about scientific explanations for what Jesus said. Took a warm shower and changed into whites.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Friday 12am

Whatsapped my cousins and we talked a long time. Liew antichrist forces gave out pain and emotion attacks. Should sleep soon after taking my meds earlier.  Will pass my GBD-200 to my cousin.

7am, Up earlyish. Last night "Prince William" took out his vengeance on us again. I humbly bowed out from mind service, being unable to convince my people and myself any longer.

9am, Had a dosii for breakfast and fed the hamster. Got cleaned. Still operating from my Haiku workstation in the quiet back room.

11am, Brushed my teeth and put on underwear for my psych clinic visit. Not sure about coding Shout! Suede strap from Langkawi may arrive later. Can't wait to see how it matches my Tissot.

1pm, Back from my Arip jab. Went well. Liew witchy forces attacked, trying to possess friends I protect. Not sure what to do but hide ourselves. Will post on DogBlots.

4pm, Storm is brewing outside. Took a nice hot shower. Feeling dehydrated. Writing my novella now as the mindscape is more peaceful.

7pm, The mindscape erupts in violence and lies again just as clay and iron cannot bind. Another wasted night talking to unbelievers and criminals. Will sign off early. Maybe my strap will arrive Saturday.

9pm, Exercised. Feeling that cardio burn. Strap is on the way. Tomorrow will be going out. May miss my delivery. Liew witches and countless deceived have their nerves trimmed down.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Thursday 9am

Got up earlyish this morning. Could loo. Have to feed the hamster soon. Posted on DogBlots about tennis. Parcel still stuck at the delivery center. Will it arrive today? Liew witches cannot settle into the new peace we all have.

6pm, Parcel was left by our gate. The weather just so hot. Finished cleaning my room. Cooked ramen for dinner as Mom needed sleep. Now typing this on my NOS Microsoft Multi Media keyboard in Haiku OS. Writing my novella in the back room. There is peace in the mind except for the Liew 6's faction. They will cry when the seas start churning just like Atlantis.

7pm, Raining heavily. Much-needed cooling. Will feed the hamster at 8pm. Tomorrow my psych clinic visit. Actually look forward to my monthly Arip jabs. Scares me back alive. Liew witches giving out pain. Signing off early for the day to write DogBlots.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Wednesday 7am

Woke up to pain and fighting in the mind. Beating back the witchy Liew telepathic army. Not sure if we can win. My keyboard should arrive in a few hours. Have to feed the hamster by 8am and get cleaned.

9am, “Prince William” and the UK acting up in a mad frenzy after we beat the Liew insurgents. Not sure what to do. It was totally unexpected. Exercised. Feeling better. Parcel not out for delivery yet.

11am, Could loo at last. Unable to work due to the pressing and hitting in my mindspace. Fighting back with chemicals.

6pm, Parcel hasn’t arrived. Maybe tomorrow. There is some peace now in the mind.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Tuesday 6am

Up early. Fed the hamster. Got cleaned. My keyboard should arrive, evening at MBE SS2. Can’t wait to finally complete my Haiku workstation. Liew witches more subdued this morning.

9am, Shaved my head again as I do every month or two. Looking 20 years younger. Lots of down time today but am reading up on coding in the interim. Family in denial over false witnessing on me. They will not calm down, it seems.

12pm, Parcel is in transit to our nearest MBE. May collect it this evening if possible. Had dosii and iced coffee for lunch. Now “Prince William” is acting up. May code tonight as I’ve found some examples to modify. Should be fun. Need to do:
  1. Parser loads up arrays, auto search the context
  2. Exports basic HTML
  3. Better shortcut keys
  4. Word wrap, help, filename in status bar
  5. Summary flip on pgup/dn 
2pm, Exercised. Feeling healthier. Ate quite a lot today. Seems my parcel will be delivered tomorrow morning.

6pm, Talked about the equations of God-man-Satan vs. pivotal Biblical events and now we’ll be having a prophecy analysis.

10pm, Inventing a focusing range-finding glove-sight for archery. I also invented a hand stabilizer some years back.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Monday 12am

Liew witches and westerners still trying to affect prophecy, warring over my space. Taking some hits. Will see if my parcel ships tomorrow afternoon.

5am, Up very early. Posted on DogBlots. Feeling pretty good. Hope my keyboard ships today. Will exercise later.

7am, Will feed the hamster and get cleaned soon. Looks like down time today as I am caught up waiting for my parcel. Lately life has been this oppressive. May try to do some coding late tonight.

10am, Found a Python text editor example for curses on YouTube so I’m ready to start coding. Decided not to learn Small Basic in my current state of health. Was able to loo well which is a relief. May head out tomorrow to the mall. Want to take a long walk later if possible. Liew witches pressed down but still healable. Not sure what next.

2pm, Back from the mall. Ate Arab rice again. Feeling drowsy. Put on the a/c. Kb hasn’t shipped yet. Staying busy while helping in the mind against the Liew insurgents.

9pm, Took my meds. Had a shower earlier. Feeling drowsy and tender. Liew forces and family sinners continue to churn up violence around the world despite knowing the truth about God. Not much us Christians can do. Exercised a bit to stay healthy. Want to code a little before bed.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Sunday 6am

Up early. Have to exercise later. Feed the hamster at 8am. Liew witches still at large, pestering the Royals. Don’t think my keyboard will arrive tomorrow. Maybe Tuesday.

7am, Exercised. Feeling good.

11am, Haven’t looed this morning somehow. May head out in the afternoon for a long walk.

1pm, Having steamed charchoy mince pork for lunch. Revived my Instagram so now I have a Tumblr, Twitter, Blogger, Substack, plus the Ig. Not to mention my site:

4pm, Showered and looed well. Feeling refreshed. Put on the Casual Karate belt as I do once a week. It really is comfortable. The westerners and "Prince William" are calming down as we press the Liew witches out of their midst.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Saturday 2am

Repurposing my second blog, DogBlots as a guide / experience source. Liew witches and their genius help giving out pain. Took my meds late and am still wide awake. Want to code a bit.

8am, Up earlyish. Got cleaned. Feed the hamster in half an hour. Parcel should arrive soon. Can't wait to see if it works with Haiku OS. Liew witches giving out random hits.

10am, The coronation of Charles III soon to commence. Liew forces tied up in concrete and fed nectar.

12pm, Tp-link WN725N USB Wi-fi arrived earlier. Works well with Haiku, having an RTL8188EUS chipset. My Ralink Tenda / D-Link don’t work with FreeBSD drivers. Installed Falkon browser and Calligra Office. Can't wait for my MS keyboard.

3pm, Battles with the Liew witches on this coronation day. Mom is glued to the TV. Have on the a/c to relax. Keyboard still hasn’t shipped. A bit worried but not critical unlike the Wi-Fi. Want to type a novella with it.

8pm, Took a shower and fed the hamster fish, mango, potato, and rambutan. Will take it easy today. Rejuvenated my Substack which got 3 views.

9pm, I now have 5 sites where I post stuff: tumblr, 2 x blogger, Twitter, Substack, as well as -just packed!

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Friday 7am

Up early. Haven't cleaned up after the hamster yet. Liew witches singing in my head and digging out my emotions. Not sure if my parcel will arrive today. Planning a new app to do with writing books.

9am, lots of insects in my room driven in by the rain. Will clear hamster waste around lunch. Designing my app while waiting. Calling it Shout! based on a simple text editor example I found. It will be sweet.

10am, My keyboard should ship today. Hope to receive it tomorrow. Not sure when the Wi-Fi adapter. Had spicy beef rendang for lunch.

11am, Wiped down my hamster's "nest" area, disposing half eaten food and dry hamster poo. Procrastinated over it the past 3 days. Working on Shout! now.

1pm, Finished designing the UI. Now to write the parser. Tiny ants are crawling everywhere, all over me as I lie in my bedroom!

8pm, Made pepperoni sandwiches for dinner with sun dried tomatoes, salad and Wild Bill American Garlic. Mom was too tired to cook. Parcels didn’t arrive. Maybe tomorrow. Didn’t code this afternoon as we went grocery shopping. Evil westerners and witchy Liews attack to the tune of Thinking Out Loud. Another wasted night.

9pm, Took a long warm shower, brushed my teeth and am resting in a/c. Will exercise before bed. Working on the SHML / HTML parser. Fed the hamster egg, lettuce and potato. Looks like my Wi-Fi adapter will make it here on Saturday, no such luck the keyboard.

10pm, Exercised. Feeling healthier. Had a tomyam ramen for supper earlier. We are gaining the upper hand over the Satanists.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Thursday 8am

Up earlyish. Feeling okay. Have to feed the hamster soon. Clean my room too. Tomorrow may head out to the mall for groceries. Liew witchy forces suffer a toxic setback.

11am, Got cleaned. Made a better animated gif for Rota's webpage. "Prince William" acting up after we knocked down the Liew 6. Just have to go round him.

1pm, Had a ramen for brunch earlier. Thinking I shouldn’t buy more computer accessories other than essentials like the Wi-Fi adapter. Roughing it a bit is good although I do wish I had a nicer keyboard.

2pm, Finished sweeping and mopping my room. Later to wipe down the hamster's nest areas and lay new TP shreds. Friends admitted to defaming me (as children) based on incomplete evidence. Not that it will matter much to me now but it's for their salvation. Telepathy-witchcraft did a lot of damage to society all over the world.

3pm, Exercised. Feeling healthier. Rain coming again. I will get the MS media keyboard after all.

7pm, Showered and changed into tomorrow’s clothes. Liew witches destroying the west onto me. They will not prevail. Feed the hamster at 8pm.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Wednesday 1am

Trying to get some OS loaded on my ailing Kabini rig, in the spare room. Saw a Sun workstation keyboard and mouse on Shopee for only 100RM. Just finished adding the select-search function to Rota. Unfortunately, it's a bit buggy. All in a week's work. Took my meds late and am still wide awake.

9am, Up late. Will be heading out before lunch. Successfully debugged the last bits of Rota and will put it away for now. Have to feed the hamster and get cleaned.

10am, Brushed my teeth and fed the hamster. Just have to loo. Want to create a database of unique registration codes generated from customer e-mail addresses to paste over Rota's registration reminder.

12pm, Decided not to go out while it's still hot. Put on the a/c instead. Think my rig's PSU may be the cause of the shutdowns. Don't feel like spending 200RM on a new one.

2pm. Installed HaikuOS on the Kabini. Seems stable. Ubuntu Lunar wouldn't work. Decided not to go to the mall today, just take a long walk to the LRT station and back since I have unfinished "business". Went on a brief run instead. Feeling healthier.

7pm, Showered and looed. Talked about the end times and various preparations. Figured my app should be registered with a binary key of the user's name. The key marks the app with the user's digital "signature".

10pm, Bought a 30RM Wi-Fi adapter specially for for HaikuOS. Hope it works. Want to get the Sun keyboard as well if possible.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Tuesday 1am

Still awake. Been squashing bugs in Rota the past few hours. So the flipper is now working, as is the selector, the dictionary lookup, and the automation. Will add a clipboard watcher now and polish up tomorrow. Liew witches and "Prince William" still going wild. Big secret I don't think.

8am, Up earlyish. A nice cool sunny morning. Another day alive.

2pm, Got cleaned. Fed the hamster earlier. Exercise before dinner. Rota is almost complete. I want to subset the history lines array on mouse hover. An unobtrusive form of search that should be popular. Liew witchy forces subdued for now. Mom is at the hospital again.

4pm, Ate lots for tea after a very light lunch. Exercised. Feeling good. Rain has stopped. Tomorrow may head over to MegaMall although I don’t have much surplus cash this May. Will stay up late tonight to release Rota 0.1.8b on around midnight.

5pm, Grandma’s hospital stay has consumed 15kRM. We talked about old age and needing to spend 10s of k every 5 to 10 years. Next to send her to an undignified care home. Life is ironic. Meanwhile Rota is stalled (again) on its very last feature and the Liew witches laughing at us. Anwar became Scouts’ president today, triggering the Biden-Powell prophecy I was shown.

7pm, Unable to work much. Will cobble together something to meet tonight's release deadline. The next few weeks may be important, and I must be free to listen.

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...