Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Wednesday 12am

It’s February 1st. Took my meds around 10pm and am wide awake. Had a coffee and some banana cake. Have to brush my teeth. Liew witch forces still lashing out. As I said before, there is some confusion in the mind and probably this is factored into God’s plan to smash our beastial worldly institutions. Think I may walk to SS2 tomorrow, taking along my smaller waist pouch. Have to shave. Want to wear my Oakleys.

1am, Thinking of an end to shopping and more getting out of the house. I now have tons of interesting and useful (budget) possessions so surely this must be it. Possessions, feel like they lift me over a threshold of being utterly destroyed. Can’t wait for my final(?) parcel.

7am, Up early and got cleaned. Feed the hamster by 8am. Will head out 9ish. Feeling a little sad but hopeful in the Lord. Today I guess I’ll be coding ZR. Thinking of heading down to KL instead of SS2.

3pm, Back from the mall. Had Arab rice again. Didn’t get anything for myself just more corn for the hamster. Will run tomorrow. Exercise tonight. Liew insurgents’ heart-mind sin attacks uncovered. The reason is that it got extremely corrupted and dangerous.

5pm, Raining. Played my new harmonica. Puts my old harps to shame. Christian forces indicate the need for some more teaching, since Liew forces messed up their minds and lives.

8pm, Many westerners suffering under Liew witchy rules band together with us to chain the menace. Trying to play Schindler’s list on my chromatic.

10pm, Feeling fired up about the rapture info on YouTube. It’s coming, that’s all I know.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Tuesday 8am

Up earlyish, got cleaned and will feed the hamster soon. May head out today, not sure.

6pm, Time flies. My harmonica arrived late this afternoon while the whole day was spent reformatting my website, FreeLunch.my. It’s much nicer now, a bit like my old site, booksorcomputer.org, I started around 2013, ten years ago and made with LaTeX on my MacBook. Also did lots of talking in mind space and we hammered out many good solutions and agreements. It’s hard to die now…

8pm, Bought the Ethereal Visions tarrot deck on Carousell just now for 80RM, lightly used. Finally, I have a good tarrot set for my recent lust for game development.

9pm, Fed the hamster. Will exercise soon. Take my meds late.

10pm, Hamster ate cheese, peanut butter, orange, broccoli, cucumber and jackfruit for dinner. Needs to be coaxed nowadays. She doesn’t drink water due to all the juicy fresh foods. Exercised and will head out tomorrow for a hour long walk. Talked about the coming of wars, the rapture and behaving well in the mind.

11pm, Lost 4 Twitter followers this week somehow. But I’m much tougher mentally these days. Can’t wait for my tarrot cards. Published my second post on Substack. Liew insurgents adamant on destroying my right hand. The mind is semi chaotic right now and I can’t see why they’re acting up. Any month now there’ll be war, maybe a sign from God too.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Monday 12am

Almost midnight and there is a fireworks display outside to mark a week of CNY holidays and celebrations. Discussed many things in the mind about faith, sins, forgiveness, survival, and the coming of troubles. I hope the rapture occurs soon.

9am, Was manhandled by Sister this morning on behalf of the Liew 6, tied down and vengeful. No new news of my parcel. Been 5 days.

11am, Ate durian and mandarin for breakfast. Will run a bit in the afternoon. Exercised. Feeling better as most of the time I’m sedentary and do not go out these days.

1pm, Planning to go out in an hour or so. Looks like rain.

2pm, Went on a half hour brisk walk instead of hitting the mall. Talked about coping measures against the failed Liew witches.

5pm, Parcel should arrive tomorrow morning. Liew 6 still at large and defiant despite setbacks. Having Hokkien food tonight. I have to work on:
  • L&W Card game
  • ZR python game
  • HoSS story
  • Watch micro brand case 3D model
Shaved my hair down again. Look neater. Will spend the night making dice for L&W.

6pm, L&W is group Solitaire with intrigue. For example, a player may contribute to a cascade and use it to block another player’s cascade by declaring war. He may also temporarily marry another player to further his strategy, hold cards hostage and fund or tax others. 

All these actions are controlled by 20-sided dice rolls. Above 13 (one house), there are 7 “cooperative” numbers, 14-20 where players must make a deal that turn. Other than this framework, it is house rules.

9pm, Looking at a pack of Bee cards, 16 RM, since my old deck went missing. Maybe 2:2 sales. Took my meds early.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Sunday 8am

Up earlyish, got cleaned. Have to feed the hamster by 8:30. Liew family forces fight back against the new east-west relationship. Harmonica should arrive tomorrow. Installed FreeCAD on Linux to model my watch case design which I’ll 3D print later (unless I die first). Seeded the design to others in case of that.

9am, Will run in the afternoon, maybe 2pm. Exercise after dinner. Learning to 3D model on YouTube.

11am, Back from an early brief run. Will probably go out tomorrow afternoon after my parcel arrives.

1pm, Inventing a standard card and dice game called Love and War. Not sure how to market it. May sell custom dice.

3pm, So the dice I need to make has 13 card value options and 4 family selectors, then M, W, F, X, J, H which stand for the actions: marry, war, finance, tax, jail, and castle. Seem to have misplaced my cards but luckily have a mini backup deck. Liew insurgents slamming into our repented forces.

4pm, Showered and talked about the way things used to be in ancient times, Chinese religious customs versus the systems of sin at home as also in the west. Will be out tomorrow to Decathlon / Amcorp after receiving my harmonica.

5pm, Breezy and not too warm this afternoon. Will turn in early tonight after doing some writing.

7pm, Had leeks and pork for dinner, some mushrooms. Talked about masers and witches and a healthier lifestyle and meditation on excretion as our defence.

11pm, Talked a lot in the mind about the struggle of good and evil. Lots of loose ends still.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Saturday 8am

Cool weather again this morning. Fed the hamster and got cleaned. Harmonica should arrive today.

4pm, No sign of my parcel. Have to wait for Monday. Invented a watch that is easy to manufacture and cheap to own. It has a one piece WR plastic case, quartz movement, and will pair with a home-stitched Velcro strap. Could make / 3D print the prototype later in the year.

5pm, Exercise soon. Run tomorrow morning. Liew forces on the offensive, protected by people scared of evil and taking out their needs on the good.

10pm, Talked about how the American telepathy inadvertently made people sin (more) and how the Liew witches were deceived and corrupted in their attempts to right / fight the West. Nobody is angry much anymore and the evil forces should now be moved out of the mind smartly.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Friday 10am

Got up late. Ate a roti canai. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Should receive my chromatic harmonica tomorrow. Liew insurgents feeling sad as they contemplate the future.

3pm, Back from the mall. Had Arab rice which was tasty. Fights started in the mind probably due to the Liew insurgents. Everyone who did wrong was harmed. Innocents will recover shortly, I hope.

4pm, Harmonica has shipped. Expecting it tomorrow afternoon. Meanwhile I’m watching some harp videos on YouTube. Hopefully, for 300 RM, I didn’t buy a dud.

5pm, Will be holding a gospel meet with Arab food tonight in the mind. Topic is survival during the Tribulation.

9pm, Took my meds. Exercising now.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Thursday 12am

Fell into a brief nap without taking my meds. Been trading blows with the Liew succession. Not many left.  Hamster ate Chinese BBQ ham, jackfruit, cashew, and broccoli. Drank some Wonda coffee. Decided not to buy more watches or music instruments for now.

1am, Started rewriting parts of HoSS as a dialogue between the 2 main characters with the juicy bits about the world, interspersed.

12pm, House cleaning day. Cleared hamster waste from my room. Will run in the evening. Liew witches still at large with an army of around 2 dozen kids. Want to head out tomorrow, not sure where.

3pm, Accidentally squashed my hamster as it was sniffing at my foot. No damage done, gave it some tasty food to calm it down. Ordered a cheap chromatic harmonica on Shopee. Jammico, made in China, 300RM.

4pm, Going on a run in a few hours. Finished cleaning my room. Back from my run early. Exercise before bed. Took a warm shower and changed into fresh clothes.

11pm, Exercised. Liew forces trying to break prophecy by hitting out with pain chains. Gave them a hazy mind and mild aneurisms. Took my meds earlier and brushed my teeth. May head out tomorrow to the mall.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Wednesday 2am

Still wide awake. Exercised a bit. Liew forces rage on through the mindspace. Doing some online shopping.

10am, Up late. Have to feed the hamster and get cleaned. Decided not to go anywhere today, just run a bit.  Liew forces regroup.

1pm, Editing HoSS. Should be ready by tonight. The plot has yet to gel completely. Liew forces and family deceived continue to make trouble.

2pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Irate family striking out due to my online shopping. They believe in lies.

5pm, Ate a curry ramen and am resting before continuing with my story.

7pm, Evil forces in the mind begin to despair. Trying to work but it’s hard.

10pm, Getting the upper hand on the Liew 6 succession. Reducing their army to the last few dozen small groups started by their families.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Tuesday 10am

Raining and cold this morning. Mind activity winding down for some reason. Maybe due to the warring parties seeing into the future as they often do. Fed the hamster and got cleaned. Will run in the evening.

11am, Updated my eBook store on FreeLunch.my.

1pm, Raining buckets. Still quite cold, a bit like afternoon in the highlands. Editing an old story to put up on my eBook store. Then I will have 4 books which should be enough for the year. Mss3 can wait. Still haven’t finished ZR. Took an early shower and changed into fresh shorts.
8pm, Back from dinner at the mamak. Liew witches suffer setbacks and lose power to the Christian forces. Royal Family feeling better. Adding some new material to "Head of Spinning Stars" which might take a few hours. Designed the cover already. Unable to write much due to the mind fighting going on around my space.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Monday 1am

Finished setting up my old media center PC to be my main development station. Despite the kind teaching and encouragement, there are still many deceived people perpetrating violent witchcraft.
9am, Up a little late. Got cleaned. Feed the hamster by 9:30am. Want to go for a walk or run sometime this week. Exercise later. Listening to music while coding ZR.

12pm, Exercised. Engagements in mind space as the warring factions beat up their common hateds: good people and Christians. Started a weekly Substack newsletter on things I do and buy. Ate some ice cream. Will start work maybe at 1pm.

4pm, Still haven't been working. Spent the afternoon writing for Substack. Keeping the content light and informative to get more readers. 10 of them so far.

9pm, Did some light writing and editing. No coding yet. Maybe around 11pm. Liew witches under pressure from our simple weapons. Took a long warm shower. It’s still chilly and drizzling. Changed into fresh clothes. Liew witches trying to destabilize the peace, spreading lies. Have to run tomorrow morning. Could loo well earlier after 3 days of trouble.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Sunday 1am

CNY is here. Another new year I survive to experience.  Life is so short. Coding going well. Liew witches still talking everywhere about my “sin”.

10am, Up late. Got clean and will feed the hamster soon. Have to exercise later, maybe run a bit in the afternoon (better tomorrow).
11pm, Exercised. Will be having dinner with Mom's side of the family tonight. Wear my new Uniqlo tee. Will bring my laptop to code on.

12pm, May be going out for lunch instead of cooking.
2pm, Back from Nandos where we had peri-peri chicken for lunch. Tonight we'll be talking about culture shock and telepathic openings, as well as some of God's secret dealings such as Him massaging His prophecy of the Tribulation soon to occur in and out of the mind.

5pm, Getting ready for another get together dinner. Not sure what pants to wear. Decided not to bring anything to the dinner. Just keep a low profile. Raining. Haven’t been using the a/c much this week.

10pm, Back from grandma’s. Had fun meeting up with family. Ate some good food. Talking on heart versus work, money and the prosperity of the world in general. Installing Beeware to build android apps from Python script.

11pm, Taking my meds. Hamster hasn’t eaten yet. Turn in in a few hours as fireworks light up the sky. A joyful CNY. Could be my last one.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Saturday 1am

Staying up late looking through old backup files. Took my meds just now and brushed my teeth. Will be a few hours till I fall asleep. Managed to get audio working in SheepShaver at last but have no audio apps to run. Coding going slow as many minds press in, intent on my future.
10am, Just got started on CNY Eve, an important day itself. Fed the hamster and got cleaned. Now typing away at my budget Linux laptop. Liew forces and deceived family edge into my mind space accusing my heart. Heavy punishments rain down on the evildoers.

2pm, Had a simple lunch. Helped do the dishes. We got a whole roast duck for dinner tonight. Coding ZR progresses.

4pm, Made good headway on the coding as well as the witchcraft. There could be peace by our reunion dinner time.

6pm, Hard at work on ZR. May be playable by midnight if my algorithms are correct. Dealing out discipline in the mind wars right now.

10pm, Reunion dinner was small but warm. Everyone banded together to push out the evil in the mind.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Friday 3pm

Slow start this morning. Was held up trying to get my Linux laptop configured. Decided to switch back to Ubuntu from CentOS. Now my 3 PCs are Debian based. Windows 11 costs over 900 RM. I donated 12 RM (some months ago) and now have a wonderful OS. Need to copy over my files from thumb drive.

4pm, Back from a brief run. Feeling healthier. Hope my hand atrophy stabilizes or reverses but that seems wishful. Liew witches attacking the UK Royals onto us decent folk who are slowly going mad / bad. Tomorrow is the big reunion dinner. There is peace for now.

6pm, Starting a night-long coding session on my freshly installed Lubuntu laptop. Everything is set up nicely including Python, hibernate, and TLP power-saver. Tonight's gospel meet will be on the resurrection and we'll be having CNY goodies and herbal tea.

9pm, Talk went well. Liew family of witches sent off. Sister acting up now and the children of the Liew 6. Haven't written much code. ABY predicts success for the good people.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Thursday 12am

Talked a lot in the mind instead of coding. Can’t believe old friends would treat me like a dead dog. More cheating by the Liew witches and my sister lashing out. Desperation on the doorstep of tribulation. Listening to my new phones. Want to get some vinyl rips into my iPad.

8am, Up earlyish and got cleaned. Sister hitting out again in anguish. Feed the hamster by 9am.

10am, Have to think of a way to survive the evil attacks of those who’ve lost hope. Perhaps an emotional push. Hearing all kinds of details with my new buds, somehow.

12pm, Had a quick lunch. Mom wants to buy me a new tee shirt for CNY. May head out later to get it. Ramping up attacks on the mind criminals.

6pm, Back from the mall. Bought a cotton Uniqlo tee with red calligraphy. Had half a subway. Took a long shower and changed into fresh clothes. British mind forces wrangling out a solution to the Liew uprising. To arrange some healing for myself soon. No work got done.

10pm, Held a brief gospel class and we had pretzels and vegetable juice for snacks, banana cake and coconut ice cream. Exercised. Didn't run today. Maybe tomorrow. Cool rainy  weather so I turned off the a/c. Feeling shaken up by the Liew witches' offensive after we effectively stopped the infighting they caused over the years.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Wednesday 9am

Up late. Got cleaned. Have to feed the hamster by 10am. Will run this afternoon or go to Decathlon / Digimall. Liew forces and my sister still hitting out at good natured Christians despite our new grown powers.

11am, Had roti canai for breakfast. Drank coconut water. Fed the hamster. Decided to run instead of shop. So am spending the morning organising my PCs and writing code. Hard to believe my main machine is a tiny Pi4 that costs just 300 RM versus a Mac Mini costing 8 times as much.

12pm, May walk at 3pm after all, to Digimall. Exercise in the night. Talked to many Christians about sinful acts and laws. Tonight we discuss the character of Jesus and how a savior can die for our sins.

1pm, Sitting down at the desk to work for 2 hours before I go out. Hard to concentrate with all the false Christians on my back. This will be my last app and probably my last set of 3 short stories.

6pm, Back from a long walk to Digimall. Bought new wireless earbuds 289 RM. I had an older Huawei pair from 2 years back which are clunky compared to these Sonys, now half price. Details are much better than ChiFi buds costing a third as much plus they have a charging case.

9pm, Just fed the hamster. Earlier made sriracha chicken for dinner. Have to shower and take my meds. Tomorrow to code more. Held the gospel session with snacks in the mind. We talked about knowing Jesus the enigma, on prophecy, on heaven (kingdom) and hell, and why people go there.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Tuesday 8am

Up earlyish. Got cleaned. Feed the hamster at 9am. Witchy behaviors go on albeit milder. Will be at the psych clinic in a few hours for my Arip jab. Coding Zero Rugby this morning.

10am, Sister having an act out. Apparently she kills westerners who offend her in the mind. Can feel some mild torture / pain but not sure if it’s her. Wearing my Aqualand today. Life is short when you’re being used. Hope I can roughly finish ZR by tonight.

5pm, Took a long warm shower and changed into fresh clothes. Talked defenses in the mind and tonight’s sermon is on crimes and Jesus’ response to it. No time to code much.

7pm, Helped make chicken and beans for dinner. Will exercise a bit before the gospel meet tonight. Then code ZR. Chicken was good. Cheese a bit strong. Exercised and put on the a/c. Fed the hamster. Rice, coconut, chicken, lettuce etc. Gospel class starts in 1 1/2 hours. Brother Paska may co-host.

9pm, Class over. Talked about money as the root of all evil and who Jesus may be with respect to faith and beliefs. Learning AI coding for ZR. Take my meds late. Liew forces trying to destroy Christians. Their motivations are more and more revealed and urgent. A sign of the end?

11pm, Watched the video launch of the new Mac Mini and MacBook Pro. At 2.5k RM, the Mini is affordable again but I just got an iPad and do most of my coding on Raspberry Pi / Celeron laptop. No heavy lifting so it's a not right now buy. Prince William opened up about his mental health and we settled him down with promises he will be well treated and given power / achievements soon.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Monday 9am

Up late after taking my meds late last night. Thankful I could sleep. Have to feed the hamster soon and brush my teeth. Liew witches trying to destroy my family onto me. I guess it’s their fun.

2pm, Back from a short run. Feeling healthier. Exercise a bit tonight. Looks like rain. Healed many people in the mind and neutralized the Liew witches. Will focus on coding yak3.

5pm, Done coding yak3. Need to add fading but for now it’s good. Tomorrow, my Arip jab at the psych clinic. Tonight I’ll be overseeing mind work again probably.

10pm, Exercised. Took my meds. Coding ZR tonight, late. Started a gospel / faith club every night after dinner, with food and drinks, in the mind. Good stuff.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Sunday 7am

Up early. Still thinking of what to write next. Maybe just another 3 short stories. No rush. Still feeling constipated though my right hand is less attacked. YAK3 still unfinished. May head out in a few hours as I have $70 to blow on something or other.

9am, Decided not to go out today either. Will be running at 4pm. Exercise at night. Organizing the mind defenses. Not sure what to write.

10am, Have ideas for 3 short stories. Will write one a month starting CNY. Exercised early. Coding yak3.

3pm, Went for my run. Feeling healthier. Gave in to eating some durian tho.

6pm, Had US Pizza for dinner. Looks like rain. Teaching in the mindscape before I wrap up coding for the day. Writing held back till 22 January.

9pm, Was unable to work. Being struck by the Liew witches as I dispense loving encouragement. And the wars rage on up till the end of the Jubilee.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Saturday 12am

Making friends on Twitter more than making money. Decided to walk to Kayu tomorrow instead of Amcorp. Nothing much to buy since December’s spending spree. Will wear my shoes and small Decathlon pouch.

9am, Fed the hamster and got cleaned. Heading out in an hour or so. Wearing my Tenor-Dorly. Feeling a bit better mentally. Probably because I did well on some of my projects and helped in the mindscape.

1pm, Back from CNY shopping with Dad at SS2. It was a hot late morning and I don’t want to go out again. Exercised a bit. Will run later. Witchy Liew forces lash out. Working on my novella. Think I may publish it without Partridge. Put on the a/c.

5pm, Cleaned my room a bit and had dinner. Hamster is having chicken, mandarin orange and cucumber. Will be going to the mall tomorrow, probably. Writing FAF. A story about false ideology / teachings / manipulation and the science which is gospel. Later, I’ll clean up after the hamster.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Friday 12am

Took my meds late so am still up. Promoting my ebook a bit on Twitter. Will turn in soon and code in the morning.

9am, Up late. Fed the hamster and got cleaned. Will run in the afternoon. Tomorrow, want to go to the flea market. Feeling oppressed by the evil Liew forces, like nothing is going right.

12pm, Tidied up my book store. Am stitching the CaKe now.

1pm, Updated FreeLunch.my/casualk with basic instructions on making and tying the CaKe belt. Will run at 2pm since I just had lunch. Now to finish off yak3.

2pm, Back from my run. Feeling healthier. Coding now. Got fresh funds in, $100 USD. Also have 1,000 RM saved.

3pm, Editing Diary of a Blogger which will provide me 20k words. Enough for a novella.

10pm, Had fun on Twitter. My eBook was complimented by a few readers. Liew witches are still doing their rounds. This after we punched them down. I guess the Tribulation of sorts rolls on. Talk of war in Europe again. Lisa Marie Presley has died suspiciously at 54. Writing DoB going slow but steady. Should be a page turner.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Thursday 7am

Up early. Going for my blood test. Hope it goes well. Next week my Arip jab. Liew forces being pressed onto me by the West. Not sure what to do. Wearing my Casual Karate belt out.

11am, Back from the hospital. Waiting for my blood test results. Hope it’s okay. Life is about being brave. Doing the right things and not giving up. The Casual Karate belt improves! Much more secure and simple. Now to bind the pentagram with some light paracord and we’re done.

3pm, Launched the Casual Karate online store on FreeLunch.my. Yet to bind up the pentagram. But have to shoot some instructional photos. Maybe after house cleaning is done. Not sure about giving away everything. Maybe it’ll bear fruit later.

4pm, Decided not to use paracord to secure the CaKe knot. Just a big needle and thick thread. Also not folding in the knot end but making it curve a bit. My blood pressure is normal, Dad just checked.

11pm, Uploaded my 3 finished stories to FreeLunch.my. Life is short. After coding yak3 is done, and I finish documenting CaKe, I will take a break from work to wander around town. Took my meds and Exercised earlier. Liew witch forces still at large despite the lessons of gospel I gave out.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Wednesday 1am

Satisfying to finally finish NiP. Trimmed down feature bloat and added one more: comments in small blue font on entering "//". Now to tackle yak3. Looks like I won't be sleeping much tonight.

3am, Good progress on yak3, the helper app to yak. Using Pydub to export wav from accurate pitch samples I got off Wikipedia. Haven't done any writing yet. Liew witches giving out pain again.

10am, Got up late and went through my routine. Maybe yak3 will wrap up this morning. Liew witches directing kids and babies onto me.

1pm, Back from lunch and gorcery shopping at the mall. Family indiscretions revealed. Word on the grapevine is that these simple poor people would have all died being brought into the mind by the West to contain the Liew witches. Ate tomato soup. Will run in a few hours. Tomorrow, my blood test. No durian today.

3pm, Back from a brief run. Family and Liews agree to new terms since their uprising that led to the mind crisis. Will finish coding soon. I now have EPF access online. A few thousand USD.

10pm, Fasting for my blood test tomorrow. Had takeout noodles for dinner.  Liew 6 going down hitting. Lots of children and babies out spreading lies and hatred.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Tuesday 1am

Still up coding yak3. Managed to complete most of it and to mix the tracks with ffmpeg to save time and complexity. Liew witches are diminished but for how long? Got my paracord in yesterday afternoon. Can't wait to make my first belt.

2pm, Rained. Back from my run. Will exercise later. Don’t feel like coding much. Do some writing instead. Liew insurgents trying to deceive poor and stupid people as well usual sinful kids and babies.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Monday 10am

Slow start to the week. Working on yak3 which applies samples to yak2 files, and finishing up NiP's editing functions. Paracord from China should arrive after lunch. Can write my story tonight hopefully. Liew witches ranging forth at will with newborns.

2pm, Expecting my parcel anytime now. Work on yak3 wrapping up. Took a while due to .wav writing timing issues. Simultaneously coding NiP.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Sunday 8am

Up earlyish. Got cleaned. Fed the hamster. Will run later. Working on NiP again. Needs one more feature. Want to write a bit soon. Liew witches hit by tar and crude, maybe cement.

10am, Back from a quick run. Relations burnt my head for exercising but I have to as my blood is unhealthy.

11am, Ate a curry ramen for brunch. Earlier had a roti canai for breakfast. Won't be eating much lunch, roast pork and sriracha chili sauce. NiP moves up to v.0.6.0, with toggle-able coloured line by line text-switching. Will write the exact code sometime next week.

5pm, Writing my final story to finish by late tonight if possible. Talked with the mind folk in my life and reached some settlement so that there may be forgiveness and spiritual growth.

11pm, Couldn't write much as we had a discussion in the mind about God and faith. Rescuing lost souls came next but the Liew mother turned out to be mad and bad and her children, unbelieving. Exercised. Took my meds earlier. Probably turn in at 1am.

Friday, January 6, 2023

Saturday 8am

Up earlyish. Got cleaned. Fed the hamster. Exercised. Working on my story in my app, NiP which I updated yesterday. Going on a run at 11am. Liew witches still at large albeit with a dwindling support base. Hope my Shopee buys arrive today.

1pm, Belts arrived after a fried rice lunch which I helped make. Now awaiting the paracord. Decided to just write anything today rather than holding out for a miracle. Back from a quick run. Feeling good. Tomorrow will implement my belt design. Revelations in the mindscape for my family, scammed by the Liew witches.

3pm, Took a long shower and changed into fresh clothes. Helping dismantle the Liew 6 kids and babies maser groups.

7pm, Small amount of resistance to the peace effort. About 10 people, mostly Liew witches. Want to do story #3s dialogue a bit chaotic and inclusive of all the characters as they change scenes / UpChat. Drew up a mixed modern renovation plan for Grandma’s house if I ever inherit it. Feed the hamster at 8pm.

10pm, Took my meds. Mindscape erupts into war.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Friday 10am

Slow start to the day. Went for my morning run. Going to the mall later. Fed the hamster. Will buy cheese and romaine lettuce. Working on my app, NiP. It had gotten quite complicated. Adding some shortcuts for preparing brief texts. Expecting parcels today or tomorrow. Liew witches survived the purge yesterday.

7pm, Made dinner as Mom was tired. Thinking of going to Amcorp tomorrow afternoon depending on parcels. Fed the hamster. Still coding instead of writing. The Liew 6 prevention squad is still on my tail. Got a new ergonomic nib holder for 18RM, 3x as much as my broken old one. New American-made nibs too. This is for the Chinese spelling prophecy which may spring soon. So many things to do, belt, apps, book, songs, teaching, religion, etc.

11pm, Just finished coding NiP. A bit late to write anything. Liew witches destroying Christians for sport together with the Royals.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Thursday 7am

Up early. Went for a run. Legs hurt a bit. Felt fitter tho, less out of breath. Karate belts should arrive today. Liew witches fade into the background behind their singing. Wasn’t able to write last night. Maybe later today.

12pm, Had BBQ charsiew pork for lunch. Tasty. Have to exercise soon. Liews and Royals fighting over my mind space, upsetting everyone. Wonder what to do.

2pm, Feeling the deep urge to write again after doing all that plotting and character / scene development. Maybe #3 will be finished tonight. Exercised. Feeling that cardio. Belts are delayed it seems. Talked about Jesus and forgiveness (of sin) as concepts in our DNA.

10pm, Laid down the law for the fighting telepaths and criminals. Healed many people who were beset by the Liew insurgent family of 6. Fed the hamster and took my meds. Sleep in a few hours time.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Wednesday 6am

Up early. Liew witches lash out with poison touches but this is their last gasp for survival. Want to run later. 

7am, Back from my run. Feeling good. Writing more today. Fed the hamster. It ate only a little.

10am, Exercised. Haven't started writing. Need to get all the characters set up and the scenes. Somehow some people are not letting me pants this final tale.

3pm, Been formatting my manuscript in the standard way for submission, Letter size, 1" margins and Times New Roman 12pt etc. Will take a shower and finish up the writing by tonight.

8pm, Talked a lot on black magic and sin blackmail. Didn’t get much writing done. Fed the hamster. Tomorrow, house cleaning and my karate belts should arrive.

9pm, Did some editing and more fleshing out on story #3. Take my meds soon and turn in by midnight.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Tuesday 1am

Managed to plot story #3 well just now. Tomorrow it’ll be finished and I can relax and rest from my labours. Expecting a parcel. Talked about the final Jubilee and 2028 as the Day of the Lord. 6 years till the end of the world is good news for damaged me. Can feel the evil Liew 6 pressing in but nobody seems to want to talk.

3am, Can't sleep. Took a Rivotril. Ate sun-dried tomatoes and avocado mayonnaise. Liews hitting at me through family. Watched Joey Yap's forecast for dragons in 2023. I have to do a lot of helping and less resenting. Writing a bit since I can't rest tonight.

8am, Back from a short run. Fed the hamster. Will try writing at 10am.

11am, Been developing my final story. Parcel will be arriving this afternoon.

2pm, Brain tumors niggle the Liew insurgents. Not sure what’s next.

3pm, My King Eagle Chinaman shirts arrived, 4 pieces. Mensa level insurgents loyal to Liew 6 lash out. Another long fight. Thinking of ways of folding up my Fisherman’s pants that don’t loosen.

4pm, Exercised for that cardio. Ate more dried tomatoes and avocado mayo. Also some durian. Looks like the brain tumors are growing on the Liew 6.

8pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Fed the hamster mandarin orange, yogurt oats, and pasta with a drop of avocado mayo for its supper. Wasn’t able to write much due to the fear and anxiety of the mind criminals / scammers / scammed.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Monday 8am

Up a little late. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Will run at 9am. Liew witches still at large as the westerners try to push the whole telepathy problem onto me.

9am, Back from a brief run. Feeling good. British forces seem to be against me now after their system broke and backfired.

11am, Dispensed justice to the mind insurgents. More peaceful now. Made headway on my pocket watch design which now has a regulator.

1pm, Finalizing my belt design. It will have 4 mini monkey fists (one spare, make your own hole) in 3 holes to hold them, and no notches. Last stand for Liew witches.

9pm, Back from dinner with family at Starling. There seems to be a quickening this early 2023. But the Liew witches scams are slow to break.

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...