Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Wednesday 3pm

Back from grocery shopping at the mall. Ate chicken rice. Liew insurgents suffer setbacks after being very mean. Family skeletons emerge from their closets. Been busy selecting MIDI instruments for YAK’s sample songs. Quite tedious.

6pm, Merdeka Day was rainy and spent battling the Liew insurgents. Did a bit of work to make combining MIDI instruments easier. Tomorrow, I’ll be doing something different from making apps. Not sure what. Maybe record some longer songs. Then there’s the September Apple event to look forward to. 

9pm, Exercised and brushed my teeth, turning in at 11pm after some final light coding. Will be heading out to the bank soon to pay my web hosting and make a donation to Wikipedia. Westerners worried that they can’t pay off Asians they used in the telepathy crisis so I’ve started paying them off from God’s treasure of blessings.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Tuesday 3pm

Late posting today due to coding work. Most of the bad mojo from the Liew insurgents is now spreading out over other people since the enemies lost God’s love. Taking the opportunity to teach telepathic safety and awareness. We put people in and out of the group and talked about heart jerkers and the weaker and dominant halves of the body through which they attack. Forking YAK2 into a sound patch version YAK3 as the main code base is already over 700 lines long.

5pm, finishing up the coding easily despite a prevention blockade by the Liew insurgents. Having pasta for dinner. YAK3 development has also begun. I’m preparing the wav files but a finished version will only come around GE15 elections —in November, if I’m correct. 

7pm, made Asian style soup and chicken instead as Mom is more absent minded. Fed the hamster and exercised earlier. Liew insurgents being broken up and handled by metabolism reduction and gluing together.

10pm, yak’s MIDI export timing now much improved after handling long note duration roll off in Pygame. Just took my meds and will turn in in 2 hours. 

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Monday 11am

Slow start to the day. Liew insurgents attacked a bit, still hanging onto Taylor Swift’s song. As usual we doled out a bit of metabolism slowing so they would calm down. Working hard on my apps.

6pm, had to adjust my song sample files for YAK2 as the scales data was buggy was changed drastically. It sounds quirkier —like old video game music, and could find use in the music business after all. Liew insurgents and fallen Westerners drag in some nice people to torture off my back.

8pm, showered, exercised and fed the hamster. A rainy night. Much of the evil force is shaken by God’s action, removing them from the last books of judgement. There is only one reason for sending someone to hell —they ask for it by angering the deity. YAK is still unfinished as more urgent mind work takes up the night.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Sunday 9am

Back from breakfast at the mamak with Dad. Less activity from the Liew insurgents. Coding going slow. Fed the hamster. Taking it easy under the pressure. Family members shoving in, repressed, angry, and afraid. Fallout of the telepathy system formed against the witchcrafters.

4pm, time flies. Was at Decathlon earlier, where Dad bought some gear. Finally completed YAK’s playback progress indicator. May be able to finish all the coding by tonight. Liew insurgents moving to a different location to convince their baby machines of their prophecy.

11pm, exercised, took my meds, still tweaking my apps and fixing minor bugs. Wednesday is Merdeka Day, also a holiday. Family squabbles, serious wrongdoing by Asian people under pressure from the West comes to light. Heaven and hell are places you want to go yourself but everyone has ties to other people. Hmm…

Friday, August 26, 2022

Saturday 10am

Haven’t got anything done these past 2 days. At least I got cleaned and fed the hamster. Basic functionality. Liew insurgents less nasty this morning. Ate yam pudding and  coconut water for breakfast.

3pm, Hammering away at my Python apps. Fixed most bugs and, bad practices, and glitches. Deception and violence from the Liew insurgents put down by temporary metabolism reduction which rectifies after a good sleep.

10pm, showered, took my meds, fed the hamster. Exercise soon. Working on YAK2 now. Tricky coding the automation but it’s do or die as I’m way behind time. Liew insurgents seem to be accosting Taylor Swift, singing Tim McGraw.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Friday 10am

Still perfecting NiP. Fed the hamster. Have to think of a tune for micro song Friday. Relatives hitting out at me out of pain and jealousy as they had given up their minds / hearts to an evil cause. Folks are at the hospital again.

12am, a busy day. Coding NiP took up most of my time. Now polishing it up then back to YAK2. No time to record a song. Maybe tomorrow. Liew insurgents might be stoppable with the metabolism lowering which isn’t dangerous.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Thursday 9am

Woke up later than normal. Looking forward to sticky rice for breakfast, and a pao. Will exercise later and feed the hamster. Voices of Liew insurgents flicker in my awareness, some family too. Writing a bit after we eat.

12pm, rained, ate ramen for lunch with Coke Zero. Mom and Dad are at the hospital for their treatment. Wasn’t able to do any work due to the mind warfare. Put on the a/c and am resting. Still wearing the 291H.

9pm, made Cajun chicken and salad for dinner earlier. Worked on my app, NiP which I’m using to write my novel. Have to feed the hamster before 10:00. We’re slowing down the metabolisms of the evil fighters since they don’t want chemical or meds.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Wednesday 8am

Slept sparsely last night. Liew insurgents and their geniuses attempt to write my novel ahead of me. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. My keffiyeh dried overnight and smells fresh. Very sunny this morning. Have to write 4.5k words a day which will take at least 5 hours.

9am, got my iPad ready for writing with a Pages-Notes split screen so I can view my plot outline while filling in the main text. Lots of telepathic people including family and Liews making trouble in the mind. The next few days will be trying.

3pm, writing is well underway and proving to be quite challenging. Cooked mushrooms and mince for lunch earlier. May take 30 days to finish my maiden novel, even if I write consistently every day.

8pm, back from the psych clinic. Did some shopping. Drank Red Bull less sugar. Ate luncheon ham and salad for dinner. Terrible traffic jam after the afternoon rain. Tomorrow, Dad begins his radiotherapy. Bought him seaweed and a can of butter lemon. Coke Zero for me. Feed the hamster by 9pm.

12am, took my meds with Coke Zero. Almost forgot to, threshing out some solutions to the Liew mental crisis, with the Westerners and UK Royals. Pain-giving is going on in the vicinity.

Monday, August 22, 2022

Tuesday 8am

Raining this morning. Woke up to hits from my sister. Ate some bread for breakfast. Will be getting fresh funds in today. Not sure if I’ll be free to work on my app.

12pm, closed my other 2 blogs with a final post each. I will still be writing in here until the end comes. Can’t wait for lunch. Tomorrow I’ll be at the clinic for my Arip jab. We’re making some major changes in the mind wars with the Liew insurgents.

5pm, plotting my latest idea for a novel. Family problems abound but endless stupidity and arguing / hitting is a thing of the past. Just medicine and prayer, whether inside or out.

8pm, had beans and mince for dinner. Showered and exercised briefly. Finishing my novel’s detailed plot soon. Attacks rage on in the mind because of ignorance and disobedience to commands. Maybe we can still turn the ship around.

9pm, turning in soon. Watching Sara Lubratt talk about creative writing with Brandon Sanderson on YouTube. Quite a lot of info to absorb for my stroked brain. Anyway I finished my detailed plot and should begin writing tomorrow. It will take probably 10 days to complete the ~200 pages. Signing off.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Monday 7am

Good start to the day. Ate peanut butter and jelly for breakfast. Unfortunately, the UK Royals and Liew insurgents are still in bed with one another and spreading lies. Thousands of babies and children were destroyed around the world.

9am, hard at work on my app, now fully debugged, putting in better humanisation and that progress indicator.

1pm, took an early shower and am being turned into a shield behind which Math minds are working. Put on the a/c. Had eggs and half a tomato for lunch.

7pm, had good fish for dinner. Hamster had some too. Exercised earlier. Raining outside while we round up the last lot of mind insurgents. Conflicts occur as the Americans exercise their “system” on us. Will work on the app later.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Sunday 8am

Back from breakfast at the mamak. Arguments start and hitting too because I’m too disabled to do mind work. Sis is apparently lashing at the Westerners again, causing them to recruit Asians. Still tracing the bug in my code. Have to feed the hamster.

10am, fixed the overflow bug. It was a string to int number of digits error. Now there’s the MIDI export drag / lag. Liew insurgents attack the US Open women’s tennis players. Apparently there are too many lost souls. Telling them how to live a better life.

3pm, Solved the MIDI lag. It was due to the blank track on top of the group. Liew insurgents attack the West, soft targets like sexy girls and babies.

8pm, took a long warm shower and changed. Brushed my teeth. Exercise soon. Fed the hamster fish and broccoli with sweet potato. Talked in the mind about healing and seeing the future. Adding a playback  jumping indicator to YAK2. Maybe later on letters T and A for tremolo and arpeggio, S for staccato / pizzicato, E for emphasis.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Saturday 7am

Slept early. My Instagram video got one view —as usual. Didn’t work on YAK2. Now it’s the weekend already. Time to get cleaned and get the day started.

10am, watching ocarina videos on YouTube. I may buy another oc this year if I can find one affordable. Those American ocs are the best, so is David E Ramos. There are havens of love still in these dark times.

12pm, had roast pork for lunch. Mom and I took a herbal chicken essence as our health is under attack lately. Looks like a storm is brewing outside. Will code later.

10pm, fed the hamster earlier, exercised, took meds, had wonton noodles for dinner. Tomorrow we’ll be going out for a little while. Talked a lot on gospel and science, on being godly, and to get my sister to stop her war on the West. Coded a bit, found the lock up bug rather illusive. Talked Islander watches. Brushed my teeth and will sleep soon.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Friday 6am

Woke up early after a good sleep. Was hit by children and babies brought by the Liew insurgents. Taught about the private things people do and how to be a good judge. Ate a tomyam ramen and coffee. Thinking maybe YAK’s threading needs improvement to solve the instability from the mode line overruns.

8am, got cleaned, have to feed the hamster and record Friday’s micro song soon. Liew insurgents admit they made a serious mistake bullying me and the world. The 291H seems glued to my wrist. Wonder if it’s something special?

2pm, posted on YapsGear about headwear. Starting to compose the micro song. Exercised. Ate leftovers for lunch.

4pm, recording progressing and lyrics too. Fun to write a song in one day. Liews still discontented And violent, banging people together who are having fun.

6pm, had dinner then showered. Good to get clean after frying that pork. Added guitar to the Chinese flute and sticks I recorded earlier. Now for the vocals. May be late before it’s ready for Instagram. Meanwhile we exposed the Liew insurgents who are waging a fear campaign across Malaysia. Will have to help for at least an hour.

9pm, fed the hamster and put up Friday’s micro song @donutwares. Will do some work on my app then turn in. Liews colliding / exaggerating people’s thoughts and emotions. Signing off.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Thursday 6am

Had a good sleep. Liew witches attacking my friends before sunrise. Plugging away at my app. Right now the dynamics equations don’t quite make sense. Dad went to market. Can’t wait for breakfast.

9am, ate a thosai for breakfast. Fed the hamster too. Exercised briefly. Worked on my app. Today is house cleaning day. All of our windows and doors now have mosquito screens.

12pm, had a spicy ramen and fried egg for lunch. Will be recording a flute jazz micro song for my Instagram tomorrow. YAK2 is a bit unstable on some mode line combinations but works okay overall. Will debug it further after house cleaning.

3pm, finished cleaning my room mainly of hamster waste and bedding. Still don’t know why YAK2 sometimes jams up. Forces are gathering in the mind to “debug” the Liew telepaths as well. Still have diarrhoea but no fever, low blood pressure, or bone ache.

8pm, had fried rice, miso soup and kale for dinner. I cooked most of the dishes. Hamster had a yogurt oatmeal nugget, kale and a blueberry for supper. We did our damage to the Liew insurgents who are now bracing for a surge from good-aligned forces. Took my meds early and showered. The app jamming was due to a note duration variable overrun. Should fix it soon and release yak 0.5.3b.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Wednesday 7am

Slept well and am feeling better. Sis and her daughters bedevilling the British are being pushed onto me. No sign of the Liew insurgents. This morning to tweak the YAK2 dynamics equations.

8am, fed the hamster, had diarrhoea again but no fever. Seems we’ve fought off the worst of the dengue. Trying to do one thing a day to help the UK Royals against the Asian insurgents. If many people did just one thing a day, the evil would be taken up, maybe changed.

10am, bugs in mkaut() causing YAK2’s dynamics values to balloon. Meanwhile Asian insurgents carry on hammering the West. Seems like nothing works. Trying ultra emotional violence.

11am, havoc among the Asian insurgents stirred up by the Liews after we bewitched them temporarily. Seems they are crazed over biblical prophecy and their own selfish motivations within it.

1pm, debugging my app going slow. Watched Wristwatch Revival restoring a 60s Rolex Explorer instead which was fun. Back to wearing the 291H which is more me.

5pm, trimmed my hair and shaved. Arguments go on with the Liew insurgents in the driving seat. The world is just so destroyed nobody will act decisively. Dinner soon, then will do some work.

6pm, diarrhoea has stopped so too the tingling weakness and chills. Drank iced coffee. More revelations on the Liew fiasco I was born into the midst of and has bedevilled me the whole of my life. Had belacan pork for dinner. Feed the hamster soon.

7pm, may go to the Amcorp flea market this weekend. Took my meds. Signing off.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Tuesday 9am

Fought off the dengue fever givers while taking blows all night. Need to catch some sleep later, take a Rivotril. The important thing is not to get dengue again which is certain death.

10am, managed to loo after last night's suffering. Brushed my teeth and fed the hamster. Bruising hits are coming down on me every 5 minutes or so from Liew insurgents and through compromised family and UK Royals. They must be running out of patience. Really, there is nothing to eat in this poor corner of the mindscape.

3pm, back from the mall. Bought Coke Zero, my favourite beverage, and pickled mango, surviving the fever, looed again, took a warm shower and will have a nap soon.

5pm, slept a bit wrapped in a blanket and am feeling better. YAK2 final beta is released, still rough. Drank yogurt. Had pickled mango with Dad. Still being hit on and off by my sister.

8pm, struggling on with possible dengue. Our road just got fogged several times by the council. Had diarrhoea 2 times and am feeling tingly and weak. So far no fever or blood pressure drops. Hamster had tasty potato, yogurt, and broccoli for dinner. Have to take my meds and hope evil Sis doesn’t hit and press on me in my sleep.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Monday 7am

Slept well. Dreamed of my childhood and the people I knew. No witchcraft hits on me but there are some going round elsewhere. Mom is going to the hospital. Couldn’t work yesterday much.

12pm, ate a good brunch of tomyam ramen, nasi lemak rendang, pao and siew mai. The evil force in the UK Royals is acting up again as they had fallen into bed with the Liew insurgents. Thinking of buying a strap for my JP1060. Work on my app later in the afternoon.

1pm, rained. Decided to roughly refinish my Tenor-Dorly’s case myself one of these days. It will require dismantling the watch which I’m not sure of yet.

3pm, took a long shower. Wearing my plastic Smilesolar “diver” instead of the 291H. Will be hitting the mall later in the week. YAK2 now has dynamics controls but they’re odd sounding. Will spend the night straightening them out for release tomorrow.

5pm, put a neon orange perlon on the Smilesolar. The orange second hand and bezel knurls go well with the colour and rough weave respectively. Talked in the mind about laws. There is a lot of activity around me right now as evil people realise their mistakes. Praying for a good outcome.

7pm, hard at work tweaking my app. Had steamed chicken with Chinese black fungus / wood ears. Liew insurgents form up against us Christians in a state of sheer hatred after failing to accuse God’s children.

9pm, I may be getting another round of dengue fever even as whom I suspect are family suppress my immune system and spear me through my stroke wounds.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Sunday 6am

Fell asleep while coding YAK2. At least some work got done. Perhaps the evil powers were diminished. Will be going out for breakfast later. Have to feed the hamster soon.

8am, got myself cleaned, work on my app coming along well. Liew insurgents feeling down as I climb past yet another hurdle. This sort of future-seeing isn’t good practice.

12pm, had breakfast at the mamak and take away noodles for lunch. Americans arguing in my mind over their suffering. Not being in good health and sound mind makes them even more angry. Need to debug my array code before uploading the beta.

8pm, found out that my array is a “numpy array” and must be accessed through np methods. Exercised, had fish patties for dinner. Wrangling a victory over the Liew insurgents is hard work due to their blackmail of key public figures.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Saturday 6am

Slept well. Will try to do some work later.

9am, arguments in the mind over my poor health. There must be something important that needs doing but I can’t do it. Got cleaned and fed the hamster. Browsing watches on Shopee instead of coding my app. It’s hard as it is to care for myself much less work.

11pm, taught a lot on healing the body from sin, psychological abuse, and evil nature from circumstances. Seems this is more my “work” than making computer software or writing astrology books. Feel like buying some stuff but there’s nothing much practical left to own.

8pm, had a light dinner and am losing weight somewhat. Dad’s rastali bananas have maggots. Sad to tell him. Still can’t do much work. No point pushing it. My Instagram video got another view. May make one every Friday. Exercised and have to feed the hamster soon.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Friday 4am

Took a Rivotril to sleep. Slept for 4 to 5 hours. Will try to work later this morning.

6am, had a curry ramen, peanut butter and jelly, coffee for breakfast. Liew arguers turning people against me, shutting down the spread of gospel.

7am, feeling tired. Got myself clean. Fed the hamster. Still wearing my budget 291H on cordura Zulu. Quite an addictive standard model Casio. I now have 9 kinds of band, 7/11 pieces sourced online:
  1. NATO x3 / olive / yellow-green stripe / brown
  2. Zulu / black
  3. Paracord / camo
  4. Perlon / orange
  5. Rubber / black
  6. Leather / blue
  7. Plastic / dark blue
  8. Velcro / black
  9. Stingray / green
Putting the Shopee / Decathlon madness to rest after almost 3 years of continual online shopping. Have to remember to pay my web hosting fees by end August. September will be leaner with the MYR’s future uncertain.

9am, a muggy morning. Put on the a/c and am sitting at the desk typing into the Pi 4, trying to wheedle out some work on my app from under the press of evil forces.

2pm, had sardines for lunch. Recorded a micro song for my Instagram @donutwares. Fixed some bugs in YAK2 but it’s not done yet. Hamster had leftover fish.

7pm, had mushroom chicken for dinner. My video got a like, —cool. Ate lemon pie Sis bought. Have to feed the hamster and exercise. Taught some healing techniques in the mindscape.

8pm, working late tonight, will take meds late. More discussions in the mind regarding the “counting” being done by my family.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Thursday 7am

Less witchcraft telepathy this morning, some are reporting. Still wearing my 291H on cordura Zulu. Today  we have to do house cleaning which somehow always makes me anxious.

8am, fed the hamster and got myself cleaned. Working in the mind to remove the Liew insurgents’ army of dark telepaths and clairvoyants.

8pm, fed the hamster, took my meds, and exercised. Read some of the ABY (analects of elder brother yeap) to the mind gathering as we shut down the Liew insurgents. Didn’t do much other work today. Have to brush my teeth, turn in at 10-ish. Realised I’m needed more in the mindscape than in the real world. 

There is a 50% off sale on Casio’s official store on Shopee right now. Too bad I’ve stopped buying watches. August, —what’s the occasion? Like the Orient Stela better tho. Signing off for the night.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Wednesday 7am

Awoke to dull strikes to my brain but we didn't hit back. It was the Liew kid acting up. Checking my phone, the watch strap I ordered should arrive tomorrow, all the way from Kedah, far north of the peninsular.

10am, sent Mom to the hospital for routine checkup. Ate sticky rice and a char siew dumpling for brunch. Americans and Royals mishandling the telepathy / witchcraft again as we take their hits.

12pm, ate ramen with chilli, peanut butter and jelly, coffee for lunch. Dad bought his weights from Decathlon and a 29RM pair of tennis shorts, 2XL. we both look good in roomy pants.

1pm, took a long hot shower. Cooling down in a/c. Will exercise soon. Liew insurgents still at large, using kids and babies to do their dirty work.

2pm, adding one last feature to my app, YAK2. Probably will take all afternoon seeing as how I’m being prevented yet again.

3pm, my strap is out for delivery next-day by some miracle. Can’t wait to try it on.

5pm, took half an hour to find the right spring bars so the strap adapters don't pop off. A little chunky and bling so I removed the massive hi-polish 24mm buckle and went with a Zulu fold-round instead. May sand the steel parts later or let them weather. Comfortable on the wrist tho.

7pm, having gyoza dumplings for dinner. Helped make the salad and pasta. Finish coding afterwards.

8pm, took my meds early. To feed the hamster and work a bit before bedtime. Talked on Christian economics. Applicable also to most other religions concerned with money and its deceptions. Signing off for tonight.

Monday, August 8, 2022

Tuesday 7am

Slept well. Maybe it's the softer lighting I have on at night. Need to get working again but there's too much oppressive / negative emotions. Can barely care for myself, exercise, wash up, feed the hamster etc.

8am, drank coffee and ate 2 bananas for breakfast. Putting a stop to the revenge telepathy going on between east and west.

10am, finally fed the hamster. Corn, mozzarella, cucumber and bread with peanut butter. More arguments in the mind due to my poor health and people needing help because of the Liew insurgents. May go out later, though nothing much to buy.

1pm, back from the mall with some fancy imported treats. See my review on yapsgear. Nose was running most of the time under my mask, which was embarrassing. These insurgents that come in through sinful loved ones. Don't know what to do about it.

5pm, Having dinner soon. Expecting my parcel this Thursday. Tomorrow will be busy. Teaching in the mindscape about good behaviour versus witchcraft. Liew insurgents' mobiles being erased.

8pm, head being harpooned. Took my meds and will turn in early. Analysing sysbench results: my Raspberry Pi is possibly the fastest computer I own. Have to feed the hamster before 10pm. Signing off.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Monday 6am

Slept well despite angering the evil witches. The dawn air cool after yesterday's rain. Listening to soft music.

7am, arguments in the mind as I ate a curry ramen and drank coffee. Evil Liew witches looking for people to play out and live between. Rained briefly again.

9am, went out with Dad for an iced coffee and to run some errands. Fired up to work this morning. Haven't fed the hamster.

1pm, having a simple cheese egg lunch. Did some blogging and am concentrating on my I-Ching book. Need to meditate a bit and reorient my efforts / activities seeing as how the evil Liews’ pressing is increasing.

2pm, my watch collection finally has a home in an old birthday present from my sister: a set of transparent mini drawers. Fits 9 watches. Displays nicely by the PC. Remains to restore my Tenor-Dorly now alone in the desk.

4pm, haven't done much work today except talk to people's minds who are actively taking revenge using telepathy. Managed to build up some support against the Liew insurgents.

5pm, had chicken soup for dinner and some beans from our garden. The Liew forces won’t settle down so we have to deplete their nutrients, probably indefinitely.

7pm, ordered a “cloth” plastic adapter strap for my Casio 291H, 36RM on Shopee. Now all my watches will have aftermarket straps. Don’t think I will buy any further timepieces tho. Signing off for the night.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Sunday 7am

Slept well last night. Didn't manage to work. Maybe later in the afternoon. Drank a coffee. Ate a ramen and Milo ice cream for breakfast.

9am, talking about prophecy with mind friends. Some of my family ran a racket based on prominent spiritual figures’ lives. Want to get something from Decathlon later.

12pm, back from Decathlon and a light lunch at the mamak. Didn't get anything for myself yet again. Feeling better about sitting at the computer, poisoned by some family and Liew insurgents.

4pm, having pizza tonight. Taught about the basics of being a man and woman as evil witches had compromised and poisoned many youngsters.

8pm, resting in a/c with soft music playing and my LED strip lighting the opposite wall by my bed. Fed the hamster and will take my meds soon.

9pm, brushed my teeth and exercised. Warren Buffet lost 43 billion USD and the MYR is at 4.46 to the USD. Wondering when the world economy will crash and if I should buy more or save more. 

Friday, August 5, 2022

Saturday 2am

Fell asleep in the cool of the rain, listening to my new speakers, waking up 5 hours later. Feeling more peaceful and rested. Ate a ramen and drank some yogurt. Liew insurgents hunting me again.

11am, fed the hamster. Haven't brushed my teeth. Giving Liew insurgents nutrient drain to keep them in line.

2pm, reviewing my new speakers while resting. Wearing the Baltany on Shopee NATO strap. Feeling pampered. Will be going to Decathlon soon as Dad needs to get additional exercise gear. Will buy Mom something nice with my remaining 100RM.

3pm, transferred the new Bluetooth Edifiers to Dad's Mac Mini. He should enjoy himself more since his cancer diagnosis. I have the R19Us which I bought on Shopee last year. The Sonic Gear Morro we scrounged from DigiMall during the Covid crisis, 130RM lies unused.

6pm, showered and changed into fresh clothes. Had chicken rice for dinner. Plan to work a bit on my book tonight.

7pm, exercised briefly. May sleep late tonight. Hamster got steamed chicken and daopak for dinner. It didn’t feel like eating so I held and hand fed it.

9pm, took my meds. Set up the pulseaudio equalizer on my Pi which sounds sweet with the USB speakers.

10pm, started training on the Chinese flute (Dizi) in my spare time since I'm being otherwise prevented.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Friday 3am

Up early after taking sedatives to sleep. Usually get 5 solid hours. Thinking of getting new speakers or some other computer equipment.

4am, ate ramen for breakfast, coffee. Drank another bottle of chicken essence. 

7am, Liew insurgents go into hiding. Not sure what we'll be doing about them today.

8am, back from a light breakfast at SK.

2pm, back from shopping. Bought a pair of Edifier R33BT bookshelf speakers for 199RM. They have Bluetooth for painless connection and decent bass. 7 times cheaper than Audio Engine which I always wanted.

3pm, took a shower, rain started up. Watching Teddy and Kevin watch shopping in Bucherer on YouTube. Will try working on my book tonight since I (should) feel happier with my new speaks.

6pm, putting up mosquito screens. Can’t get dengue again. Had sweet potato leaves, okra and egg for dinner. Dad bought ice cream and Digestives because Mom and I are more peckish since fighting off the dengue fever. Bodies are depleted.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Thursday 6am

Up early after a good sleep on sedatives. Ate bread and jam and a Pama ramen. Rained during the night. Watch strap should arrive today. Can’t wait. Liew insurgents well behaved.

7am, finished installing zsh on all my (3) Linux computers. The fourth being an iPad 5th generation running iOS 16. Still don't feel like doing any work.

4pm, been waiting for my strap all day. Cleaned my room of hamster waste. Feeling like there should be more food / munchies round the house.

6pm, helped cook dinner. Found my parcel slipped between our gate. $6 NATO Strap really sets off the $100USD Baltany. Wonder how much its stock strap cost? Will do a mini review on YapsGear.

7pm, showered and will exercise soon. Witchcraft is still going on but we Christians now have an upper hand on the problem.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Wednesday 7am

Up early after a fitful sleep together with the Liew insurgents. Not sure what to do with the day. Feeling more hopeful overall.

12pm, back from Decathlon with Dad’s fitness stuff. Store was chock full of nice things but I passed. Watch strap is in KL, may arrive by tomorrow.

4pm, battling the Liew insurgents. Maybe this is the end of the struggle. Exercised. Having chicken soup and noodles tonight.

10pm, took my meds and a sedative. Making peace with the Liews in an abrupt change of events. Feeling a bit unsettled but happier.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Tuesday 7am

Rainy morning. Mom and Dad have gone to the hospital, part of Dad's cancer treatment. My Ubuntu rig resumed fine after creating the zfs swap pool last night. The horror of yesterday's mind arguments still echo through my brain.

10am, being hounded by babies thrown at me by the Liew insurgents. But better days lie ahead. Being patient. Exercised and charged my phone. Can't wait for my new watch strap to arrive.

12pm, had beef rendang for lunch. Feeling stronger. May venture out tomorrow to KL.

2pm, took an early hot shower and put on the a/c. Liew insurgents fended off for now.

7pm, Made ramen for dinner with some veg and an egg. We're arguing using Mathematics now just like the ABY says. Liew insurgents' final hours?

10pm, feeling empty and taking hits. Need to find something to do with tonight.

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...