Back from breakfast at the mamak. Arguments start and hitting too because I’m too disabled to do mind work. Sis is apparently lashing at the Westerners again, causing them to recruit Asians. Still tracing the bug in my code. Have to feed the hamster.
10am, fixed the overflow bug. It was a string to int number of digits error. Now there’s the MIDI export drag / lag. Liew insurgents attack the US Open women’s tennis players. Apparently there are too many lost souls. Telling them how to live a better life.
3pm, Solved the MIDI lag. It was due to the blank track on top of the group. Liew insurgents attack the West, soft targets like sexy girls and babies.
8pm, took a long warm shower and changed. Brushed my teeth. Exercise soon. Fed the hamster fish and broccoli with sweet potato. Talked in the mind about healing and seeing the future. Adding a playback jumping indicator to YAK2. Maybe later on letters T and A for tremolo and arpeggio, S for staccato / pizzicato, E for emphasis.
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