Sunday, March 31, 2024

Monday 6am

Up early. Went for a slow run, almost a jog. Ran twice the distance and am feeling good. Try to do some pushups at 7. Coding, or rather debugging, spills over into my retirement time as an artist. Hopefully it will wrap up before the morning is over.

2pm, Astro was installed in our new place. Ate yongtaufu nearby and came straight home as it was very hot. The technician said it was hot as well. Just like tough Ox, the folks are going out again to get more stuff for the new house. I decided to stay home and work on Drafter in a/c. There are still quite a number of bugs to squash and the by-tag-search trigger needs tweaking. It’s important to get it right so multiple plot entry points can be called up for edit.

3pm, Raining. I fixed the annoying treeView refresh flicker by interspersing 0.01s delays between button creation. The multiSearch works a little now. I’m afraid work on Drafter may spill over into dinner when I should be sketching studies and concept art. Charging my laptop while taking a break.

5pm, Some commotion outside, not sure what it was about. But our road is guarded so it should be okay. Made headway on the multiSearch. Needed to introduce a prefix to the comboBox search text and some code that embosses relevant buttons instead of altering their color. Was thinking of 2 levels of embossing but that's too ambitious. For now, there will only be one comboBox active at any one time to keep the code simpler as it has to run parallel with all the addButton code.

7pm, Folks are still out. They've been shopping / driving for 4 hours now. Talked a lot in mindspace about Heaven and how it is so close to being "free" for anyone who wishes for it. It just takes a wish and a bit of Spirit. We hope to see so many currently "negative" people in Heaven for the glory of the Father. I am learning what forgiveness is against an enemy and their prey in mindspace.

9pm, Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. I’ve been held in stasis, preaching the gospel the whole day and writing spiritual articles. The time for the great lie down is approaching. Will take my meds early, work out and jog before dawn, then teach in mindspace. Liew attacks seep in as their influence on Earth shortens. Wonder if I have time to code Drafter? Seems quite quiet now.

10pm, Took my meds and will brush soon. Coding wrapping up neatly albeit simpler in function. I guess it will have to do for the near to medium future. Will sleep by 11:30.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Sunday 6am

Up early. Worked out partially as my ribs are still sore. Will walk later on. Want to head over to KLCC.

7am, Drank an iced Milo for breakfast. Mom hadn’t slept the whole night. Wonder why? Ran a bit to keep the sugar and cholesterol down. Couldn’t run very hard. Coding Drafter still.

9am, Got cleaned easily. Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Ready to head out this afternoon after moving the TV to our new home. Drafter is still not quite right. It should be ready tonight, late.

10am, Coding went well. Had a nice breakfast and will walk in the afternoon, not sure where. Time to brush. Later, I want to add a final feature to Drafter, treeView search via keywords + rbsej. Right now it has only keywords. So the app has:
  1. Spellchecking, word count
  2. Tagging / comments (notes)
  3. Consolidation
  4. Search (by tag)
  5. Quick chapter switch
  6. Random section insertion
All the features for a good drafting experience. Kludged down the Tk text index bug and will write a devilishly clever tag-keyword(s) search function later in the afternoon. The app must be ready today.

4pm, Raining. Can’t go out. Still thinking of the tag-keyword search algorithm. I often blunder into things that are better than my IQ. Maybe just highlight the treeView buttons of a given tag, containing one or more keywords. Also allow multiple tags (at least 2) to be searched for.

11pm, Took my meds earlier, with a sedative. Tried my best to finish Drafter but it needs tweaking to show reasonable results tho the code and UI are now firmly in place and debugged. Already time for bed. Will turn in circa midnight. Dad bled a lot in the loo and is unhappy. Charles has a funeral planned late next year due to his pancreatic cancer. Kate to follow soon, possibly. A sad time for our ‘good friends’ but every cloud has a silver lining. Why not tell the world why cancers happen the most? Why not free the bearers and whipping posts of vengeance?

Friday, March 29, 2024

Saturday 6am

Up early. Want to walk today instead of running. Will try to work out despite my rib injury.

7am, Worked out a bit. Need to debug Drafter. Western forces from the UK lashing out for some reason. Will run soon.

8am, Went for a light run as my injury hurts. Got some cardio effect. Feeling okay. Put on the a/c to cool down. Narrowing down the bugs in the treeView function.

12pm, Debugging went well, just the polishing now. I can see a lot of convenience click functions to be added over time. Helped Mom apply for Astro for our new place. British mind forces attacked, claiming to want to create some sort of bastion over me. Decided to use the stats window to tune the treeView using rows of buttons. Then, grouping tags which will be done by detecting text after the ;; block marker.

1pm, Had a lackluster lunch. Western forces failed to make headway against witchy Sis who’s eating the British guilty of cutting up her life, through my aunt, through grandpa, the Americans, and so it goes -way back. A fight she must win. I took hits from both sides, fighting their cold war over my mindspace. Come to accept it and use mild deterrents.

3pm, Took a shower. Relaxing in a/c. Brokering an east west peace deal is hard.

6pm, Cooked soupy chicken broth pasta and meatballs for dinner. Added potatoes, Greek spice, for heartiness and some of Mom’s broccoli on the side. Good dinner on this rainy Malaysian evening. Coding is actually progressing, incredibly, through the psych attacks and pain-giving. If only somebody would come out and say: down with witchcraft! Hey, isn’t it me?

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Friday 6am

Up early. Will work out and run at 6:30. Liew witchy forces still powerful enough to overshadow western children, so too sinning Asian children. Hopefully they will stop their mad romp through the mindspaces.

7am, Back from my run. Feeling good cardio from vigorous movement of my body. Now to code a bit more. Liews trying to disfigure western models.

9am, ‘Prince William’ goes mad from the Asian witchy pressure, stabbing cancer into young girls who were brought to me for help. Hopefully he was only acting the goat, and not actually that vengeful.

1pm, Sis is acting up, wiggling my elbow as I worked on Drafter. Seems to be calming down. This is just a case of Tribulation fever. Everyone feels they haven’t done enough good who’s done bad. “Start earlier, lah,” Sis. Unable to decide on the best matching criteria for shrinking / growing tree buttons. Otherwise, the app is done.

7pm, Drafter needs some polishing up. I want to add in some additional features to do with rbsej tags and compact the treeView. But for now I’m a healing station for psych attacked kids. We burnt off the Liew 6’s iris muscles through concentrated compression.

11pm, Injured my ribs this afternoon. Not too bad. Should be better tomorrow. Sister gleefully attacked with her dark genius forces and was repulsed with a smack to the nose. One wonders, do I really have an evil sister? Drafter is stalled again as I decide how to merge treeView buttons.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Thursday 6am

Up early. Got cleaned well. Feeling lazy to work out or run. Today, Koran reading holiday in Malaysia. Did more coding. Can’t believe I’m being prevented this much. Have to eat that frog.

7am, worked out and am feeling the cardio. Run in the afternoon maybe. Got stuff to do.

8am, Back from a brief run. Feeling fit tho the westerners press on my brain. The Liews have a bad back and some currently-false Christians a little too. Making good progress on the coding tho slow. Americans don’t want to deal with the Liew witches anymore.

5pm, Back from NSK where we had a late lunch after fiber broadband was installed in our new home. I used my small a/c unit over there and it was quiet and cool. Left Aspire behind so we can surf. Tomorrow, will be bringing over the TV. Mom has a nice long padded couch to stretch out on. I will be okay in my room or at the dining table with a laptop. Want to bring over only a few big things and as little small stuff as possible. On the list is:
  1. Aspire
  2. iPad 10
  3. A few watches
  4. Unused tops, shorts, jeans, and chef pants
  5. A few books (mss2, ABY) and a Bible
  6. Art materials
  7. Rugby ball
  8. Evian water bottle
  9. Soaps and deodorant, toiletries etc.
  10. More later….
6pm, Took a shower after getting clean again. The westerners are more reasonable now that they know they were psych attacked in a flanking plan by antichrist Asiatic witches of whom the Liew 6 are direct descendants.

7pm, British mind forces self destructing over my mindspace. Coding going slow but steady.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Wednesday 5am

Up early after 6 hours sleep. Feeling burnt out. Didn’t do much coding. At least Thonny IDE is set up and debugging going on. Wearing my moonphase on yellow lizard. Liew forces burning American eyes. Will work out and run at 6am.

6am, Run went well earlier. Am feeling fitter, running faster, recovering sooner. Worked out and am feeling relaxed and calm.

8am, Yet to get clean and get down to coding. Am thinking of opening just one file, each file containing embedded notes between blank ;; tags. This is how a chapter is built up -from foundation.

9am, Then exporting notes to an outline file will be a menu option. There will be a 20 item list of recent files / chapters. Managed to get clean, just. Not constipated much. Will code soon. ‘Prince William’ and his posse desperately trying to break down our mind home for slaves to bear for them.

1pm, Took a shower with dead sea mud soap and changed into fresh clothes. My complexion is looking healthier and younger. Had home-made nasi lemak for lunch. Quite good. Liew forces stirring up children again and again. I have been re-planning Drafter’s workflow. Doable. May tackle it by 2pm.

3pm, Got down to coding, easier with all the work cut up and researched beforehand. It’s raining. Wearing my favorite Aqualand jp1060 on rubber. The watch I will wear to get my first luxury timepiece if it actually happens before the Rapture.

7pm, Made Barilla pasta elbows for dinner with a raisin, onion, and butterhead salad and fried Greek herb and spice mince, drizzled with leftover sun-dried tomato oil. Was a hit. Had to add some salt to taste but the herb mix is a bit salty as it is . Plus garlic because we’re Asian! Washed my arms, face, neck and feet and have retired to my room in a/c. The westerners want to know: how I can be helped with so much against me?

8pm, Looed again and showered (to freshen up after cooking dinner). Getting clean is so important to feeling good and productive. Will take my meds at 10pm, sleep around midnight. Coding now.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Tuesday 8am

Was up early. Got cleaned, worked out, had Milo and a ramen for breakfast. Less mind fighting. People should learn why the 10 virgins did not share their oil, likewise press it in one another’s press, but at they did it at home and saved it for themselves. Your soul is your body’s property and your body belongs to yourself. A common lie that material things belong to God, at the feet of God most high. No, we take care of our body, our soul, and insyallah, our destiny.

12pm, Back from lunch and psych clinic. Still feel a bit hungry. Dad’s parcel / grout should arrive today. Am unable to open the DVD drive tray from Linux, but my Python spellchecker issue is solved. I can resume coding now, in the back room. The telepathy war spills over due in part to the mounting cruelty on either side.

2pm, The machinations of “Prince William” against Charles via Harry are beginning to be revealed. And in America, movements by Christian grassroots powers against the decadent elite in their country. Here in Malaysia, a prevalence of power gathering / smothering, and facades of western influence.

6pm, Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. After dinner, to code and watch YouTube, just relax late into the night and finish my work at my own pace. Lots of manipulators making the rounds, including ‘Prince William’. Has he no shame after what happened to his wife?

8pm, A round of strap swapping ended with the Q&Q moonphase on the yellow ky-da lizard from Vietnam. The best way to adjust this particular moonphase is to advance the time by 12 hours every year. That way, it will always be within 12 hours of correct moon display. This is possible as there is no date.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Monday 5am

Up early. Not much activity on my social networks. At least I slept on my bed last night. Will run and work out at 6am. Worked out early. Felt good for my core strength and health. Liew insurgents seep in.

6am, Back from my run. Feeling fitter and healthier. Put on a/c to cool down for a while. No coding done yet. Yesterday’s talk on psychic attacks / extreme genius grooming fell on deaf ears mostly.

7am, Got cleaned easily. Will brush soon, after breakfast. Taking some hits from destroyed family. Casting pearls before swine… Will try to code at 8am. Prep my rejected story for DogBlots later.

8am, Had a Milo shake and ramen for breakfast. British forces assaulting our home in the mind, in desperation at their mistakes, uprooting tares and offending immoral idiots with powerful friends.

9am, Brushed. Playing with BSD on my Kabini rig. ‘Prince William’ wants us to create a distraction for him but we’re out of ideas. Don’t feel much like coding. Charging Aspire. Turned off the a/c to save power.

11am, Showered with Dead Sea mud soap and changed into a fresh shirt. Spellchecker doesn’t install on BSD which is a downer. Maybe upgrade Python?

9pm, Back from Mutiara and BU. Was quite a good outing. Saw a lot of modern living and lives touched by hardship and western power-play. Took a shower and took my meds early. Tomorrow, my Arip jab at the psych clinic. Have to wake up early. Installed Bodhi Linux on the Kabini rig. Hooked up the DVD burner too. Somehow Linux always locks the optical drive shut by default. Will check it out later. Americans and other westerners fall prey to eastern manipulators where once it was vice versa. A horrible conundrum to bring into the mindspaces. Took some hits.

10pm, Brush and will turn in by 11:30pm. An hour early and I’m sleepy already. Will wake up early to play with my computers.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Sunday 5am

Up early. Work out soon. Run later. Fell asleep on the floor again. Lots of code to link up.

6am, Worked out. Feeling good. Will run at 11am. Decided to run early instead. Good exercise that clears the mind. Recovery was faster than last week. Drank iced Milo for breakfast. Ready to code Drafter.

8am, Got cleaned well. Brushed and cleared my nose of monster boogers. Wearing my super cheap MQ-27. Wonder when it’ll need a battery change? Bought it 3 months ago so it should be fine for another 2 1/2 years. Since it’s sabbath rest day, I will be mostly monitoring the mindspaces, coding sporadically. If Drafter doesn’t wrap up, no problem. Taking it easy.

10am, Coding away at the desk on my used ThinkPad. I gave it a clean as it was grubby. Will be sweeping and mopping later.

12pm, No lunch in yet as the folks busily spruce up our new place. Shaved. Looking younger. Yet to code. Maybe in half an hour. Put on the a/c as it's pretty hot and muggy. Have to modify Drafter's interface to support dual files. Someone read my story "The Archers of Silent Plateau". I will put up my rejected tale "The Watch With 3 Stars" soon.

1pm, Made noodles with soft boiled egg and lettuce for the folks as they came home hungry. I drank some coffee to fill up and ate dark chocolate. Haven't done any work on Drafter. Just looking after myself and Mom and Dad. Tonight, Mom is cooking gyoza dumplings. It's been a restful day. Not many kids and babies stirred up anymore. No work expectations, anything will do.

2pm, Wrote an article for my Medium. I think it's good fun to read and useful maybe. At least I did something productive today. Also just swept / vacuumed my room and dusted under my guitar bags. Get everything out of the way so I can code ASAP.

3pm, Raining. I decided to sweep all the rooms and hallway. It was very dusty and full of hairs. Then I vacuumed the waste up. Am taking a break, typing this. Maybe code a bit at 4pm. Released a YouTube video on unlikely watch-strap combos. My first in 2 months.

8pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Had a good dinner of bakkuteh and gyoza. Set up my BSD rig in the back room. I will probably take my ThinkPad over to the new house as it does everything. Will get a display for the Pi4. Something used and cheap. Didn’t do any coding but was still productive and helpful. Will take my meds late tonight, 9pm, and try not to fall asleep on the floor.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Saturday 4am

Up early after falling asleep on the floor again. Kate Middleton revealed she has cancer and has chemo. Same as Charles, I guess. Wish them all the best for recovery and not to believe in evil Liew witches’ lies anymore. Had a ramen and latte for breakfast. Workout at 6am. Run sometime later, or walk, depending. Coded a bit last night, more this morning, I hope.

Wearing my affordable quartz moonphase watch. Tomorrow should be a full moon. Want to visit the flea market but my coding is unfinished and running late.

5am, Just worked out and am feeling loose, awake, and alert. Get’s the heart pumping a bit too.

7am, Feeling sleepy / tired somehow. Unable to code much.

8am, Got cleaned easily. Am ready to head out by 10am. Also laying down some code before I leave. I need to highlight buttons on-input and get-input on clicking a button. Will have to generate indices for multiple txtViews and I can’t remember how. A bit complex if a user opens many edit windows at once.

12pm, Back from an hour of walking, then lunch with Dad near our new house. Neighbors seem friendlier than where we live now. Bought Jane’s cottage soaps for Mom and stuff for me to make nasi lemak for dinner later on. Just santan, rice, and curry in a tin, with sliced Japanese cucumber. Short rest, then to code. I think a confirm close button defaulting to save is a good idea, backup each chapter(s) file before launching an edit window. Have to eat that frog and lay down code before 1pm.

2pm, Showered with Jane’s dead sea mud soap and feel really clean. Shared half with Mom and Dad. Yet to try the Indian nettle.

3pm, Made good headway on my coding, doing it a bit mindlessly, laying down lines to debug later. Almost finished. Meanwhile kid and baby sinners yanked at my hair and bruised my brain.

6pm, Had nasi lemak with korma curry from a tin. Mom made tempeh and ikan bilis to go with it. Ate well, not too full. Now it’s started to rain. Have a lot of loose code to tidy up then will sleep at 11pm tonight after updating drafter.7z to beta on Liew witches still hounding kids and babies from the west onto Christians. Can’t work much yet.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Friday 5am

Up early. Fell asleep on the floor again. Will work out soon. Do some coding later. Crotch itch is making its way back. Must be the evil Liew witches’ revenge. Many sinful westerners caught in their grasp, made to judge other Christians. My story for FFM got turned down yet again. Don’t think I’ll submit anymore for now.

6am, Did some organizing as my apps’ source code was split everywhere over 2 computers and 6 folders. Liew witches brought in Christians to judge me, saying I’m a prophet -yet again.

12pm, Uploaded my apps to even though Drafter is still incomplete. Took screenshots and 7zipped the cleaned up folders. Mom’s toe injury mystery continues as we fetched her home from hospital. British American forces attacked our home in the mindspace where repented dangerous felons are kept happy and sequestered. What are they thinking?

May go for a run in a few hours as the weather is good. Have to help make some lunch for the folks.

3pm, Back from my run. Felt good. Exercise is so important when you’re bearing loads. Now I need to finish Drafter in the next 2 hours. Been procrastinating too long.

6pm, Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. Smells better. Apparently my cousin in Oz is very sick. Whatsapped him just now. Didn’t do any work. Must break the final barrier so I can head out walking tomorrow.

8pm, Had dinner. Was good. Talked and taught a lot in mindspace. Everyone is happier and well stocked for the end times. Taking my meds soon and will get down to coding right away.

9pm, Coded a bit albeit under pressure from the mind fiends. Achieved quite a lot actually. May wrap up by 11pm. Lots of crazy business in the mindscape handled well.

10pm, Ran into some trouble writing my app. Should there be separate chapter files? Maybe, and they are read in as needed, instead of parsing one great big file. Then we need to highlight all buttons fuzzy related to current RBSEJ in a triple sequence, in the TreeView. Each click opens a new edit window. That’s it!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Thursday 5am

Up early. Have a cough and sore throat so drank some water and sucked a salt prune. Will work out soon, run in the afternoon. Must have slept 6 hours. Meanwhile I need to code.

7am, Worked out and made a lot of simplifications to chiCN’s search function. Looks and works great now. Got cleaned easily as well. Ready to head out. Wearing my usual Q&Q moonphase quartz. Drank a Milo for breakfast.

10am, Back from sending Mom to hospital, regular followup. Had a Coke and roti canai for brunch. Will be going to Mutiara later. Don’t feel much like coding. Will just do half an hour’s work. The rest, later in the afternoon. Wearing my Protrek on double thick nylon.

Went on a brief run. Felt in need of one. Got the heart and lungs pumping and the legs less stiff. The wages of false witnessing and turning a blind eye are beginning to be felt as Tribulation nears.

12pm, Yet to get started on finishing Drafter. A very useful app for writers and potential top python3 program. Instead, I posted / journaled on my social media all morning. Quite a few hits on Sea of Storms, my free short story compilation. Hope my readers liked it.

5pm, Back from a marathon shopping session at Mutiara. Bought more stationery, including a Kurecolor marker for under 13RM. I will soon be doing sketches and fine art once Drafter is finished and tested thoroughly. Tomorrow I have to make a landing webpage for each of my apps on Also bought Evian mineral water with the red pop top cap.

6pm, Made noodles for the folks’ dinner. Was tasty, with tofu, egg, lettuce, and kimchi. No urge to code yet. Liew and family emotions running high at the moment. The Rapture is near at hand and they are not ready to meet God.

8pm, Taking my meds and Rivotril early, as tomorrow will require an early start. Showered thoroughly and changed into fresh clothes. Still not coding. Feeling fragile and phantomly afraid. What’s done in good faith will stand any judgement!

9pm, Having a small meal now as I did not eat much lunch or dinner. Will code at 10pm. May take an hour. Pretty straightforward. Then tomorrow, after some last minute tests, beta release day. Ate a mee goreng ramen and brushed. Will turn in early after some light work.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Wednesday 7am

Up earlyish. Drank a Milo shake. Worked out. Will be heading out on a mall crawl at 10am. I have 150RM to spend. Can’t buy much with that but we’ll see. Take a break from python coding. Liews deceive more children to attack.

10am, Got cleaned. Will brush. Head out in an hour. Had roti canai for breakfast. Liew forces attack insidiously. Modding vrs’ search algorithms as some were slow and much too verbose. Will code Drafter late tonight. Helping William’s wife, Kate who seems in trouble from psychic attacks.

Didn’t head out due to a backlog of computer work. Went for a brief run instead. Feeling good.

4pm, Finished installing Bodhi Linux on my netbook. Works well. Hibernates, terminal splits, doesn’t guzzle RAM, taskbar can be made thick like RISCOS. Not many themes around tho. Taking a good rest before coding Drafter late tonight.

10pm, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. Took my meds earlier plus half a sedative. Not sure if I want to code Drafter after the marathon bug fixing session with chiCN. At least 3 apps / 4 are ready for production. Maybe in half an hour after a rest. Helped make takoyaki pork for dinner. Was good. Now to try to customize my Bodhi Linux install as a diversion.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Tuesday 9am

Up early. Worked out and got cleaned easily. Brushed. No running today. Still coding chiCN. I need to find the ideal way to handle the comma in compound spellings. Otherwise, the app is complete. Will be heading out on a long walk around 11am. Wearing the Q&Q moonphase.

7pm, Just finished my coding for the day. Will resume with Drafter at 10pm after a shower and a good rest. Didn’t go walking. Must make time to do so tomorrow! Liew forces repulsed but for how long?

11pm, No time to code Drafter, my final app lacking a few key features. May head out tomorrow early so it will be on hold again. Took my meds and half a Rivotril. Feeling sleepy. Drank lots of water to rehydrate. Less violence in mindspace now.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Monday 10am

Up late, Worked out earlier. Back from my run. Brushed. Yet to get clean. Been coding the whole morning but serious bugs remain in chiCN. Western forces bludgeon the east and were repulsed.

6pm, You can tell I’ve been busy -debugging chiCN. Also readied vrs for Windows. YAK, already good to go. Drafter won’t be done tonight, unfortunately. I need to meditate on it. Meanwhile, chiCN is getting its final touches towards good user experience. Took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. Talked about life, wisdom, and religion this Ramadan evening. Was a popular subject.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Sunday 8am

Up around 7:30am after just 4 hours sleep. Was busy coding Chikn, my Chinese speller. Worked out. Feeling better. Chikn uses [ 0-9 - + x, ( )  ‘ ] to define a character’s shape. Essentially 4 related symbol groups, easy to remember. It grew out of the debacle of chi, and later improved from a side feature of SHT. Now it systematically targets the radicals and indexes 5k characters, necessary for daily reading/writing. Hope to finish it this morning as it’s straightforward. Run later.

9am, Back from my run. Feeling refreshed. Had an iced Milo for breakfast. Coding going smoothly on my pre-loved ThinkPad. Should be done before lunch. Still wearing the Q&Q moonphase quartz on Velcro.

5pm, Coding stalled on strange errors. There may not be time for Drafter tonight as Chikn takes up all my resources. Also installing a different Linux distro on my Aspire netbook. Got cleaned late. Will shower after cooking dinner. Tomorrow, out for a walk, maybe to DigiMall.

10pm, Had roast pork for dinner and a cold Milo shake for supper. I’ve been coding all day, mainly bug fixing Chikn. I may rename it chiCN which is more logical. The interface has come together well, and there are just a 2 more code blocks to write, tear-off list of all chars, and autocomplete spellings. Meanwhile, I installed Nomad BSD on my Aspire. Works quite well, needing a TP-Link wifi dongle. Hibernate doesn’t work but I like the OS / Shell, and modded XFCE desktop a lot. Cool computer to take to our new house, as it is cheap. Took my meds and half a Rivotril.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Saturday 8am

Up earlyish. Worked out. Will run later in the afternoon. Brushed. Getting clean soon and will shower too. Had to spend an hour or so debugging vrs’ annotations code. Data safety is important. Feeling quite good and a bit fuzzy. Drafter is unfortunately still unfinished.

10am, Added an undo (Esc) to the annotations editor in vrs in case of data loss. This will be the final feature for such a simple applet. Ate a dosii rava for breakfast and drank iced black coffee. Got cleaned. Showered and changed. Not sure how to approach Drafter yet, this morning. After it’s done, I’ll turn towards sketching and watercolors.

11am, Felt itchy for a run. Am back in one piece. Ate watermelon and drank some iced water as it’s scorching outside. Can’t wait to finish Drafter and get started on my art, and use my sexy new stationery.

1pm, Made lunch for the folks. Scrambled eggs with parsley, tomato and parmesan. Myself had some watermelon. Maybe a ramen later. Downloaded some Python scripts to help generate “chicken”, my Chinese spelling dictionary / app. Not urgently needed as I don’t know or use the language much at all. More interested in finishing my writer’s tool. Have the a/c on to cool down.

4pm, Folks are still at the new house, supervising fittings and deliveries. I’ve been lazy to code and am taking hits from evil sinners, which is probably why I feel this lethargic. Just need a solid hour of work and much will be solved.

7pm, Swapped 6 watches’ straps instead of working on Drafter. All wear better now. The 10 uninvolved were already good. I’m not in the market except for just ONE luxurious watch when money flows again. Somehow the swap left me wearing my Q&Q quartz moonphase on Casio Velcro (original strap was also black). It’s 5bar WR so I can shower with this combo and always have the moon in sight. Had takeout noodles for dinner. Just had a little. Take my meds at 10pm. Try to code when the emotions settle.

9pm, Working on “Chicken”, my Chinese ASCII speller. Redoing it by focusing on radical shapes. A character should be composed of up to 2 ASCII sequences, selected by the user and learnt with a rudimentary AI. Witches somehow want to see the Tk app so I’ve been reckoning out the list of spellings. More than halfway through. Will not do all the code today, Just the basics. Then the rest EOM after Drafter is done.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Friday 2am

Feeling sleepy after a whole night coding Drafter and vrs. Vrs is going to be very basic for now. More of a useful desktop widget -yes I will squeeze in lots of goodies in a small screen footprint. Liew forces attack haphazardly from behind sensitive people. We have to fight back.

8am, Up late. Managed to squeeze in a run and workout. Feeling re-energized. Got cleaned easily. Yet to brush and shower. Vrs is coming along nicely, even the note entry function I so wanted.

9am, Showered and changed into fresh clothes. May be going cloth hunting with Mom later. Luckily, I exercised and am feeling fit. Slept well on half a Rivotril too.  Developing 2 apps at once is exciting.

3pm, Back from Mutiara. Bought cheap Pelikan drawing ink for my character / figure studies. Also got a cheap square ruled Daiso notepad. After a brief rest, to resume coding vrs.

4pm, Just about to finish vrs. Want to create a JSON annotations file format to really set it off. My cousin who’s mad is acting up on me, giving pain to my stroked brain. Will resume Drafter around dinner time.

5pm, Not JSON but I managed to generate some basic structure to tell where to read and insert annotations. This will be done very soon. Coding Drafter has to wait till 7pm. Raining heavily. My first time making couscous.

10pm, Couscous tasted weird. May have to cook it in stock. Mom liked it as it’s soft. Surprise, I finished my VRS Bible app on time. Drafter is next. Took my meds lateish. May sleep in 2 hours time. Meanwhile, I spruced up YAK a bit. 3 good apps. When AI becomes the norm, I plan to rewrite Chi. A good system that needs manpower. Will code in 15 minutes.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Thursday 12pm

Up early at 5am. Went out for mamak breakfast after we dropped Mom off at hospital. Just her regular checkup. Worked out. Haven’t ran yet. Lots of arguments in mindspace as attacks rain down from the offended onto the bullies and vice versa. Must stand firm until the end. Got quite far with my coding and am ready to tackle the nifty parts now -that make Drafter special.

2pm, More debugging got done. Feeling lazy to do the exciting bits somehow. A complacency attack? Will inch towards the final line of code. Want to add more analytics to the root window.

3pm, Wrote some guitar songs while taking a break from the coding. We are under constant attack from the Liew witchy faction. I need to work on some regex extraction and resizing of buttons based on diff, for now. Maybe break for the day after that.

7pm, Running in 2 hours time. Have to keep up my health and fitness. Drafter is progressing well. Bugs fixed and neat touches added. Together with YAK Composer, it will soon be a worthy app in my stable. May not do vrs after all. There are many very good Bible study apps already. May code a simple desktop widget so people can have their Bibles open on screen all the time.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Wednesday 12am

Still wide awake. Sis is lashing out everywhere. Am taking my coding slow. Want to programmatically manipulate some buttons, that’s all for tonight.

2am, Still sleepless. Talked in mindspace about the apparently miswired diving Boeing jets, old news albeit with a dash of witchcraft. Take down America -their objective. Can’t say too much or something awful may happen to me. Coding for another half hour then to sleep.

7am, Surprisingly am up early to accompany Mom to hospital. Worked out. Feeling good. Run later. Coding Drafter has stalled at the final bits. Will try (again) to finish it today. Being prevented is like that.

9am, Back from hospital / breakfast. Going over to the new house later to hang curtains. Yet to loo after yesterday afternoon’s diarrhea. Will run in the evening, I guess. Try to code a bit. Liew forces in retreat.

10am, Back from my run. Feeling refreshed. Coding hit a snag. I need to resize the treeView.

1pm, My code is confusing, Will simplify it.

7pm, Had pasta for dinner. Solved a lot of issues with Drafter. Will transfer control to the treeView from the textView. Then maybe do some fuzzy matching. Should be fun. Raining quite heavily. Liew witchy forces planting cowardly kids onto Christians.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Tuesday 8am

Up late. Did some coding last night, made progress. Getting cleaned and will work out soon. Heading out at 10:30. Wearing Dad’s old Bell-Matic, maybe a hat and a nicer tee shirt. Almost done populating Drafter’s tree view.

11am, Did a lot of good coding. Heading out on a long walk. A change of scene. Have to brush and have lunch first.

4pm, Back from KL. Must have walked 3 hours. Took a shower and changed. Feeling good. Had diarrhea as well when I came home. Bought a professional watercolor set for 83RM. Think I may paint and ink to pass the time in our new house, after I finish coding Drafter tonight.

6pm, Wrote more code. Fixed some bugs. Keeping everything simple and not spaghetti. Using high level python modules to simplify the app. Should have something workable before bedtime.

9pm, No progress coding. Feeling like other things are more important as we approach the May-June 117 Rapture timeframe postulated by Dr Barry Awe on YouTube. Wearing the ga2200. One of my favorite Casios. Will take my meds late, maybe 10pm and squeeze in more coding time before midnight. Talked in broad terms about worldly success and what goes next -everlasting life! Liew witches, you have to wake up.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Monday 7am

Up earlyish. Worked out. Feeling stretched and warm inside. Want to go on a long walk today for a change of scene. Probably to KLCC, depending on the weather. Don’t have much to spend. Have to get cleaned first anyway. Coding Drafter is going slow on the last bits.

8am, Had black iced coffee and a curry laksa ramen for breakfast. Brushed. Will walk soon.

9am, Decided to run instead of going out walking as I’m late getting cleaned. Will do a longer low intensity run. Back from my run. Almost collapsed partway but I made it home and am feeling good. Now to code.

11am, Configured my Windows C compiler so I can make executables from python in the x64 developer command prompt. Been procrastinating on Drafter, doing other things instead. Like reading short stories written by Malaysian youth. The app will wrap up today, promise!

5pm, Just back. Out on a very hot day to the bank and new house. We rehydrated with 100Plus. Will be cooking later. Need to loo urgently. Fortunately was not constipated. Put on the a/c to cool down. Looks like time to fry that pork chunk with jerk spice and scoop out some avocados. Didn’t code but I did some planning.

7pm, Put down a revolt by evil family and westerners, using our tumor machine. How awful! Soon these growths may turn cancerous if they don’t stop and play nice in the mindspaces. Decided to wear Dad’s old Bell-Matic out tomorrow. Too many watches to choose from. Coding at 8pm.

8pm, Ate baked beans and mayo sandwiches, a favorite food of mine in University. Have to brush soon and maybe code a bit at 9pm. Sleep around 10:30. Healing the repentant God haters. Imagine such a thing!

10pm, Relaunching my social media on Instagram and Pinterest. More direction was needed. Still wide awake. Will code until 11:30 then turn in.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Sunday 3am

Up really early. Will work out at 5am, sweep my room at 7. Head out by 11am. Coding going well. Just the last bits to finish up. A very simple app, tho useful. Witchy Liew and family forces jealous and vengeful still.

5am, Back from a brief run. Feeling energized. Wearing my Swatch Sistem51 again. A humble piece, a stealth automatic in light black plastic. Had a Milo shake and curry laksa ramen. Yet to work out.

9am, Worked our earlier, had a nap, swept my room. It was really dusty and my waste basket, overflowing. Haven’t got cleaned. May head out after lunch, then. Meanwhile, more coding.

1pm, Still working on Drafter. Moved the final part of development to my Pi4 from the old ThinkPad which I worked with while pressed to the floor by the evil Liews. Looks like there’s no time to visit Lowyat today. May walk to Kayu in the mid afternoon for a Coke Zero.

3pm, Spellchecked ACIFS, my I Ching-ABY guide, and fixed a lot of spelling errors and gremlins. Should have done it earlier. Taking a break from coding. Decided not to go out today. Maybe tomorrow.

8pm, Sleeping late tonight. Will take my meds at 10pm. Had a small dinner. Coding going slow as the mindspaces erupt in madness.

10pm, Brushed. Ready for an early night, then to walk to Kayu tomorrow for breakfast instead of running. Want to put in some coding until 11pm. Talked about the origins of sin. Sis winged out for some reason. Must be sensing prophecy again.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Saturday 6am

Up early. May be going to Cheras today to pick up a water purifier. Will take a break from running. Work out at 6:30. Coding is going slow. Liew witchy forces still at large.

3pm, Been busy coding. Made good headway on the multi window UI, threading, and am on track for a beta release early tonight. Lots of unhappy westerners in the mindspaces. Liew witches suffer setbacks. Will go on a long walk tomorrow, maybe to KL.

6pm, Made a nice veggie meal for the folks’ dinner. We had fresh raw veg, grilled cheese toast, Heinz beans, yogurt, and scrambled egg. Continuing my code bashing. Not sure how the tree view will turn out. Thinking big buttons with excerpts, expanding from regex in the editor window. Some way of inserting text randomly would be good. This is really a groundbreaking app. I don’t think anyone has done this much innovation.

7pm, Took my meds early and showered. It just stopped raining. Changed into tomorrow’s going out clothes. Will sweep my room in the morning since I’m not running. Still working on Drafter. Need to lay down something in the treeview at least, to test usability with.

8pm, Brushed. Figured out the treeview. It’s doable now. Unfortunately, I am getting sleepy. May put in an hour of sporadic work then turn in early.

Friday 6am

Up early. Not running today, just going on a long walk. Workout at 7am. Wearing my Swatch Sistem51 biosourced plastic which is supposed to be tougher than oil based plastic. Did quite a bit of work on Drafter last night but it’s still far from finished.

7am, Worked out and am feeling refreshed.

8am, Borrowed some code from Stack Overflow for Drafter’s tree view. Making good progress. Went for my run after all. Drank an iced Milo shake for breakfast. Lots to do still. Raining. Would like to visit Lowyat at 11am. Not sure what for.

9am, Forecast is for rain the whole day, morning till 6pm. Not sure I can head out to Lowyat. Yet to get cleaned.

1pm, Got cleaned albeit with some difficulty. Feels like I ate a bicycle yesterday. Feeling good. Shaved with my new shaver. It’s quite easy to clean. May be going to NSK later. No time to go to Lowyat. Made more headway on Drafter. Now for the hairy bits to do with strings. Liew witchy 6 lashed out at American Christians and the Royals, their staple blame posts.

8pm, Made dinner for the folks. Taking my meds now. Trouble installing hunspell via pip on my ThinkPad. Making good progress on the app. Any day now will be done. Liews and anti-American forces team up on defenseless people. Such are these end times.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Thursday 6am

Up early. Going for a run soon. Work out later. Liew witches telling lies again. Westerners going mad. All on me. Back from a brief run. Feeling rejuvenated. Ate a chef special ramen and dank a Milo shake. Workout at 7. Westerners trying to get me to do more stuff in mindspace. Not sure what to do.

7am, Worked out. Feeling my muscles growing after being kept in a “field” for so long. Will try to code a bit later. Drank soy milk, brushed. Get cleaned at 8am. Western mind forces going mad for some reason.

8am, Got cleaned easily. We should be heading out soon to drop Mom off at the hospital and have some food.

9am, Helped Dad move some stuff to the new house. Feeling a bit tired and the Liew witches and Royals are acting up again, encouraging one another negatively.

2pm, Back home at last in my cool room. We are handling the Liews. UK is pressing us. Not sure if we’ll succeed. Want to head out tomorrow on a long walk. Maybe to Lowyat.

5pm, Coding Drafter in python on my laptop. Got quite far. Could be ready tonight, late. Fighting Liew witches is going on systematically in mindspace.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Wednesday 3am

Up really early. Will run at 6am, workout soon. Liew witchy forces break back. My Prospex 077j is on a new colorful Bond strap which I modded as it had 5 metal loops. 2 is enough. Drank a Milo chocolate shake for breakfast. Not much sweet. Feeling well rested. Workout went well too.

5am, Back from my brief run. Worked the ol’ cardiovascular a bit and stretched my legs. 2 hours to get cleaned. Pushed everyone to think more of themselves and face their feelings. Just taking it easy until morning.

6am, Got cleaned early. Showered and changed into a fresh shirt. I change and bathe more frequently lately and spend less time sitting in the shower on the IKEA stool. Liew witchy forces still torturing Christians though we turned them back normal who were duped into telepathy.

8am, Still wearing my MQ-27 / Bonetti strap. Getting to be quite a favorite. Coding is going slow. Was thinking blank ;; tags indicating WIP points are important and should be given precedence.

10am, Dropped off Mom at the foot clinic. Her toe is sore under the nail. Later, on to Mutiara. Some battles going on in mindspace. We unveiled the beating / scraping / soaping of a telepathic witch’s shadow. Don’t try it at home, kids -it leads to cancer for the damned.

7pm, Back earlier from shopping at Mutiara. Bought thick rubber bands for making Sett pieces. I figured out a card top, sides, and a rubber knot below to make them for cheap. Also bought cheap IKEA plastic cutlery, 6 sets for 6RM, for the new house. We got the affordable Dolphin waterproof torch light. My trusty incandescent Maglite died some years ago and now costs almost 3x the price 20 years ago. Every house needs a torch particularly during Tribulation / emergency.

Rained. Took a brief warm shower and put on the a/c. Took my meds and half a sedative to sleep early. May be able to work a bit on my python Tk app later on. The mindspace is disorganized right now.

8pm, Taking a good rest. Promoted mss2 on Facebook. Building my tennis skills. Brushed earlier. May turn in at 10pm.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Tuesday 6am

Up early after taking half a Rivotril last night.Will work out at 7am and run in the evening. Good to be up before dawn again. Liew witches survived yesterday’s attacks and corrupted some kids. Was switching round my watch straps last night, realizing I’m a small timer, never to own a true luxury watch (2k USD and up). Still, the pre morning air is peaceful.

7am, Ran early instead. Feeling energized. Workout in 1/2 hour. Took a cool shower and changed into a fresh tee shirt. Liew forces lashing out.

10am, Got cleaned easily earlier. Thinking of my next watch purchase. Something more luxurious, in quartz / solar / kinetic. Liew witches hammering on Christians. Have to help out soon.

11am, Helped shuffle the Liew witches’ prey so their kid hitters are confused. Thinking of what to do next. Thought of coding a text editor instead of learning Swift. It will be written in Python and have lots of cool features. I call it “drafter” -a writer’s tool. Formatting marks which organize ideas and flow are included in the main text then removed on export. Probably use Tkinter.

1pm, Trying to make Drafter in Swift because it’s easy. Need a Text widget and some tabs, and a bit of RBSEJ magic. Thinking there will be ;;r - ;;j tags in the main text. Then a sidebar view will show the text from these tags such as ;;r my secret thoughts. Empty ;; tags will be for notes / entry points for future additions. Good organization!

2pm, Fighting battles of deception in the mind. Weaving webs of dependencies. Hope to be victorious soon. There should be tag inheritance in the sidebar view. This will be a great app. Wearing Dad’s old Bell-Matic on a new retro-fitted bracelet. Quite comfortable.

4pm, Battles go on in mindspace between people who betrayed family and friends. We have superior weapons this time round. Wearing my new favorite MQ-27 Reverso-style resin Casio.

5pm, Finishing up coding Drafter in Python first, based on my old app, nip. Then on to Swift. Wondering if I should rejoin the Developer Program in June, or leave my app in Playgrounds indefinitely? Wonder if I will still be on Earth by May! Can’t wait to stay over at our new place next month.

7pm, Raining heavily. Took a warm shower. Mom is making dinner tonight. Lots to code. Taking it slow. Am looking forward to using the Unix Tk version of Drafter on my Rasp Pi4. Turning off the a/c now.

8pm, Took my meds early with a sedative. We will be heading out tomorrow early as well. Maybe have breakfast at the mamak. Will be wearing my Seiko diver on NATO.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Monday 11am

Up late. Worked out. Got cleaned. Will run in the evening. Fiber was down this morning but is reconnected now. Problems processing payment. Dad’s Mac Mini is ancient, from 2014. Thinking of upgrading his machine to M2, and taking over the old one. Apple event in 10 days. Had a ramen and Milo for breakfast. Coding progresses on my iPad.

4pm, Back from a brief run. Feeling good. Made to talk to people bearing the Royals’ load i.e. the evil Liew witches. Ate some parmesan cheese. Cooling off in a/c.

6pm, Helped make bacon, salad, and spuds for dinner as Mom is tried from shopping with Sis. Tasted okay. May catch a second round of Covid as niece is sick. Liew 6 on the backfoot for now, targeted in their hearts by white magic. Haven’t been able to work almost at all.

11pm, Feeling drowsy from my meds and Rivotril. More mindspace talking needed for some reason. Wearing my Aqualand jp1060. Will do a post on sensible buying watches soon.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Sunday 9am

Up late. Got cleaned easily. Yet to run and work out. Handling the evil hand take overs by the Liew witches. May code a bit later on, run in the afternoon. Finished setting up anaconda-mode python (keyword) completion on emacs. Yesterday, I set up the error checking via flycheck. Emacs is such an iconic Unix program I had to harness it as my text editor. Worked out. Felt good overall. May be going to the mall soon.

10am, Used my new Panasonic shaver. Quite good. Not sure if it can do my scalp. Maybe I will use a comb in between to get it even and not too short.

2pm, Back from MegaMall. Was packed. No time to run. Maybe before dinner. Liew forces are divided and mostly taken away into good homes. The 6 evil witches and their genius help are exposed to ailments. Spending some time configuring my computers.

3pm, More mind fighting. Concentrating on solving errors in basic vrs structures today before adding search algorithms late tonight.

7pm, Mom had to exchange the curtains so we had lunch at MegaMall. Liews and their genius helper drilling into people’s gut. Lucky we have some powers everyone can use.

9pm, Clashes with fallen Christians from America, thrown onto us by the witchy Liews. Have to get back to destroying the evil Asian 6. Found a 2021 iPad Pro black and tinsel wallpaper. Looks really nice, as if the screen were a lot bigger on my iPad 10. No time to do much work tonight. Took my meds earlier. Will run and work out tomorrow morning.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Saturday 10am

Up late-ish. Went out for breakfast with Dad. Got cleaned. Worked out. Feeling good. Will go on a long walk at 11am. Just 2 hours or so. Coding vrs is going slow but steady. I am adjusting my interface to comply with standards. Liew witchy forces suffer in defeat and are unrepentant. Let everyone know. Then maybe sayonara.

1pm, Back from a long walk. Bought tennis dampeners from Decathlon. Pretty hot day. Put on the a/c to cool down and drank some 100Plus to rehydrate. Liew witches stirring up (western) children again.

8pm, Took a shower earlier. Helped Mom make dinner. We had roast takoyaki chicken, broccoli, and chili spuds. Setting up Emacs on the Raspberry Pi 4 for Python coding. Watched some videos on Swift coding and am rethinking my UI. To use a slide out favorites view would be nice. Need to read up on toolbars and documents. Talked about the Rapture and our personal walk / relationship with God and our responsibility towards the generations of all relevant life on Earth.

9pm, Took my meds earlier. Ate a spicy ramen for supper. Will try to run early in the morning. Liew witches gunning up western children and babies to judge Christians. Unfortunately, I am mentally unwell and unable to save most of my friends or these young ones. Hard to work through the violence.

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...