Friday, March 8, 2024

Saturday 6am

Up early. May be going to Cheras today to pick up a water purifier. Will take a break from running. Work out at 6:30. Coding is going slow. Liew witchy forces still at large.

3pm, Been busy coding. Made good headway on the multi window UI, threading, and am on track for a beta release early tonight. Lots of unhappy westerners in the mindspaces. Liew witches suffer setbacks. Will go on a long walk tomorrow, maybe to KL.

6pm, Made a nice veggie meal for the folks’ dinner. We had fresh raw veg, grilled cheese toast, Heinz beans, yogurt, and scrambled egg. Continuing my code bashing. Not sure how the tree view will turn out. Thinking big buttons with excerpts, expanding from regex in the editor window. Some way of inserting text randomly would be good. This is really a groundbreaking app. I don’t think anyone has done this much innovation.

7pm, Took my meds early and showered. It just stopped raining. Changed into tomorrow’s going out clothes. Will sweep my room in the morning since I’m not running. Still working on Drafter. Need to lay down something in the treeview at least, to test usability with.

8pm, Brushed. Figured out the treeview. It’s doable now. Unfortunately, I am getting sleepy. May put in an hour of sporadic work then turn in early.

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Wednesday 16 October

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