Friday, March 22, 2024

Saturday 4am

Up early after falling asleep on the floor again. Kate Middleton revealed she has cancer and has chemo. Same as Charles, I guess. Wish them all the best for recovery and not to believe in evil Liew witches’ lies anymore. Had a ramen and latte for breakfast. Workout at 6am. Run sometime later, or walk, depending. Coded a bit last night, more this morning, I hope.

Wearing my affordable quartz moonphase watch. Tomorrow should be a full moon. Want to visit the flea market but my coding is unfinished and running late.

5am, Just worked out and am feeling loose, awake, and alert. Get’s the heart pumping a bit too.

7am, Feeling sleepy / tired somehow. Unable to code much.

8am, Got cleaned easily. Am ready to head out by 10am. Also laying down some code before I leave. I need to highlight buttons on-input and get-input on clicking a button. Will have to generate indices for multiple txtViews and I can’t remember how. A bit complex if a user opens many edit windows at once.

12pm, Back from an hour of walking, then lunch with Dad near our new house. Neighbors seem friendlier than where we live now. Bought Jane’s cottage soaps for Mom and stuff for me to make nasi lemak for dinner later on. Just santan, rice, and curry in a tin, with sliced Japanese cucumber. Short rest, then to code. I think a confirm close button defaulting to save is a good idea, backup each chapter(s) file before launching an edit window. Have to eat that frog and lay down code before 1pm.

2pm, Showered with Jane’s dead sea mud soap and feel really clean. Shared half with Mom and Dad. Yet to try the Indian nettle.

3pm, Made good headway on my coding, doing it a bit mindlessly, laying down lines to debug later. Almost finished. Meanwhile kid and baby sinners yanked at my hair and bruised my brain.

6pm, Had nasi lemak with korma curry from a tin. Mom made tempeh and ikan bilis to go with it. Ate well, not too full. Now it’s started to rain. Have a lot of loose code to tidy up then will sleep at 11pm tonight after updating drafter.7z to beta on Liew witches still hounding kids and babies from the west onto Christians. Can’t work much yet.

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Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...