Sunday, July 31, 2022

Monday 8am

Liew insurgents impersonated western figures of authority and burst out of the solve last night. Not sure what to do, they are impossible to deal with. Exercised. Drank some 100 Plus. Ate a tomyam ramen.

9am, went out to pay our mobile bill. Looks like rain. Praying for those spat out by the telepathy system even as the Liews poison our hearts. 

10am, finally figured out how to continue with my book. Will take a few days to complete it. Have 350RM spare. Nothing to buy tho.

1pm, did some bible study on sin and God’s anger. Feeling more peaceful. Ate ham sandwiches for lunch.

3pm, finishing the prototype throwing kite for my field game “Kitewars” and finalised my board game as well. Renaming it “Arrange”. It is a series of negotiations with dice rolls to set up ball positions on a large board, then to attack / counter attack a base. Once the agreed turns are played, a new position is set up. There can be any number of house rules.

7pm, had a good nourishing dinner as my body had fought hard to win against the dengue, and is rather depleted yet cannot absorb nutrients that well anymore.

11pm, fixing some system problems with my Ubuntu install. Insurgents, Liews mostly, pressing me to a pulp. Managed to drag myself to brush my teeth. Could not work much.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Sunday 12am

Took a few nasty hits from the Liew insurgents. Dragged myself to brush my teeth. Very warm tonight so I have on the a/c. Feeling  a little depressed somehow.

7am, ate a curry ramen. Feeling undernourished.

9am, downtime: charging my iPad. Realised that I won't be able to afford many nice things anymore. Drank a latte. Liews pounding on the west for revenge. Can feel a bit of the flogging.

1pm, had a lacklustre lunch of spuds. Dug up some old info for completing my book which I’m feeling unsure of.

8pm, ate noodles for dinner with prawn soup. Quite satisfying. Feeling played out. Sometimes life isn't fair. Doing some religious research at my Pi4 tonight.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Saturday 6am

Drifted off to sleep while working at my laptop. Today is a Moslem holiday, their new year which explains last night’s fireworks. Drank some bottled coconut juice for breakfast. Liew insurgents and elements of my family up to their usual monkey business.

6pm, worked hard on my book and achieved great strides but now the hard part: not enough information for 3 readings. Took a break to invent some games. One is called kitewar, a team game for big fields, and the other, a floor board game, my relatives called 4-person game. I called it 4-side game. It will be a gift for my niece.

7pm, put on my LED strip after making noodles for dinner. Still stuck on the I-Ching book but received news of other inventions moving ahead. Had to mow down some Liew insurgents.

10pm, we dropped for kids and babies who needed a hand but everyday sees troubled kids and Liews harvest them by the million. We need to shut down the networks of little girls.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Friday 1pm

Back from grocery shopping. Made noodles and soup for lunch. Bought a LED strip (40RM) and cheap mini bike pump from MR DIY. Only the LEDs work well so far. Continuing writing my I-Ching book. Liew insurgents and their bedfellows feeling down. Their future is bleak. Rained. Hope I don’t get dengue again.

2pm, discussions on personality disorders plaguing the people put around the Liew family by the west. Archetypes of ancient man.

3pm, discussions on our inventions and marriage plans. Working late into the night on my book as the others talk shop and girls. I’m sure they’ll take care of me eventually. Dad wants his Rolex and I’m looking for a used grand piano.

7pm, helped make dinner. Bean getting her last feed of the day. May have fixed the bike pump. Not sure if it works 100%. Liew insurgents struggle on while we have help from government coming in.

9pm, fireworks outside. Brushed my teeth and exercised a bit. LED floor level lighting looks nice. Working on the book sporadically as Liew insurgents crush my fragile spirit.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Thursday 6am

Got up early. Snacked on junk food. Not much appetite. Jab at the clinic went well. There was apparently a major nationwide blackout yesterday but I didn’t notice. Benchmarked my Kabini 5000 and Pi4. Both are more or less equal. Not itching to upgrade this year tho.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Wednesday 4am

Took my meds late and a Rivotril too. Roadworks sounds fill the night air. Excited about my short book soon to be published. Bought some reference materials. Platelet count approaching normal. Getting fresh funds in tomorrow.

12pm, I have 300RM to spend over August after restocking my caches. No point saving for an iPad Air and other unattainables. Going for my clinic visit later.

1pm, took a shower, working on my I Ching book. Can finish in a week or so as it’s pretty formulaic.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Tuesday 12pm

Back from yet another blood test as my platelet count drops further. Awaiting the latest report. The video cable I ordered arrived this morning. Much more convenient than re/unplugging that DSUB all the time. Had leftovers for lunch and the last of the coconut juice.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Monday 12am

Can't wait for my new display cable to arrive so I can switch between my Pi4 and Kabini.

7am, ate leftovers for breakfast. Drank plenty of fluids. Fed the hamster. Evil elements still trying to alter their destiny by whacking my head. Sounds familiar / tribalistic?

12pm, gobbled down lunch as my tastebuds can’t pick up sour well. Hamster got mozzarella cheese from Giant. This time wisely cubed and frozen to keep off mold. I got coconut juice to keep hydrated.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Sunday 8am

Slept okay on a Rivotril. Feeling achey, more than yesterday. Liews and family toned down the hitting which was driving me bad / mad.

10am, had pasta for early lunch. Decided to get a HDMI-DVI switch-cable instead of buying another display for my Pi4.

5pm, feeling tired but otherwise peaceful. Rained which was nice. Sis visited and gave me a checkup.

12am, awake already. Have another scheduled blood test this morning.

Saturday 4pm

Been laying in bed with a mild fever and aches and pains from the dengue. Had my blood taken again this morning to see if my platelets are too low. Drinking plenty of fluids and exercised a bit. Still can't get coding.

7pm, reorganised my Kabini rig in a box so it's less noisy. The HD was causing a low hum / rumble so I laid it flat on some foam. Want to get a cheap monitor for it.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Friday 12pm

Had my blood checked again this morning. Fever dying down but there is a danger of bleeding internally so we have to be careful. Evil people still striking out around me. Can’t understand them.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Thursday 4am

The worst of the dengue may be behind me. Still getting hit on my head by my sister, through the air. Haven’t been exercising since Monday.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Wednesday 7am

Family getting more angry with the westerners and lashing out wantonly. I took a few hits since I woke up this morning. Last night, a sidewinder cannon blow which friends helped me deflect. Feeling overall less ill. Dumped and showered, brushed my teeth and fed Bean. She ate whole blueberry.

10pm, still being hit by what seems to be my sister and her girls. Bringing out the weapons chest.

12pm, Mom and Dad dragged me to the blood test clinic suspecting I have dengue. We’ll know by 4pm.

4pm, I have dengue like Mom had last week. Can’t figure out how I caught it. Need to do something about our water tub which is full of larvae.

Tuesday 8am

Head feels crowded this morning. Somehow elements of my family are targeting Christians, myself included. 2pm, had a low grade fever. Took 2 Panadol and a Rivotril. Covid test negative. 5pm, finished putting up my guitar songs and invented an efficient TAB notation system. Now to code YAK's automation function.

11pm, feeling less ill. Elements of my family jockeying for power and lashing out now that they are "open".

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Monday 6am

Woke up with a mild sore throat. Drank some water and now it's better. Liews thrashing about. Shaved my hair down again. Looks neat. Should receive my parcel today.

1pm, my iPad holder tripod mount arrived just after I recorded the final video!

7pm, had baked salmon for dinner and took a warm shower. Very humid day so I'll have the a/c on late.

10pm, have to take my meds and exercise.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Sunday 8am

Slept well last night as the Liew insurgents are weaker now. Decided not to go out to the flea market.

1pm, made another mini song video for my site. Later this afternoon, the final one. Giving the Liews muscle tears.

4pm, found a spare deployant clasp for my Baltany's leather watch strap. Makes a big difference to wearing it more. Will be cooking chicken for dinner in an hour.

8pm, coordinated attacks on the Liews' organs, liver, kidneys and heart. Exercised and took a hot shower. My garlic-ginger stir-fried chicken was a hit. Looking forward to better days ahead.

10pm, fitted the Baltany with a dark blue waterproof Bonetti strap. Looks very understated now —yet another average watch. Liews hitting out as they lay destroyed.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Saturday 7am

Woke up refreshed after taking a Rivotril to sleep. Drank iced black coffee. Want to do more videos this afternoon for my site. Liew insurgents are milder. 12pm, the British lash out with cruel control methods onto special Asians, carting their baggage of fear and contradictions onto my life. We set this straight. And my SpinFits arrived. Wrote a review on

1pm, misplaced vengeance emerges. Wondering what shirt to wear for my next video.

5pm, finally caved and ordered an iPad mount to go with the tripod I already have. Not bad for just 15RM. Make better videos and watch YouTube hands free. Tonight I have to stop procrastinating and code YAK.

10pm, drank coffee, exercised and took my meds. Still haven’t finished coding YAK. Some family members in direct line of fire of the evil Liew insurgents, making trouble —fish out of water.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Friday 12pm

Reorganising my blog, Instagram, and website. So I now have 3 blogspots: BibleStudyWithYap, YapsGear, and CKYapDiary because I need to teach, shop, and vomit my life out, respectively. Instagram (@donutwares) is for  music-related [videos]. My tiny site, distributes short stories and Python scripts.

Had a good lunch of beef rendang and tempeh. Wearing my World Vision children’s charity “batik” tee which is quite comfy (from Borders, Mutiara). Liew insurgents persist in doing harm despite their hormones cut off. American / British mind forces / Christians helplessly manipulated by these witches.

My to-do list this week(end):
  1. Record another video for my site’s songs page. Doing “Caraway”
  2. Finish YAK’s dynamics processing
  3. Write my novel “Sonic Hunter”
  4. Research and post on the Antichrist
5pm, Got my guitar song vids up on Recorded on iPad via AKG mic and compressed on my Pi4 with ffmpeg. Not hosting them on YouTube. Making roast chicken. Hamster will have some as well.

9pm, Exercised after eating a tomyam ramen, coffee and red bean bun for supper. Tomorrow, I'm expecting my SpinFit eartips. Liew insurgents' calcium and vitamins depleted. These may be their final hours. Haven't taken my meds.

11pm, We are invading the Liew insurgents' stronghold in Penang after many are cured of madness. British forces are heading the assault with good Chinese strewn among the rebellious islanders as absorbers, myself included.

Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...