Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Wednesday 3am

Up early after 4 hours good sleep on Rivotril. On track for my 6am walk to Kayu SS2, then back again. Liew witches striking out at my hand as good people try to heal me. Later today, out to Mutiara. Will buy kefer for Mom and broccoli for the hamster.

4am, Exercised. Doubled the amount of pushups and did 30% more sit ups. I should look fitter in a week and blood, healthier as well.

6am, Went for a run at 4:30am instead of walking as it’s quicker and cheaper. Felt good exercising in the quiet glow of the streetlamps. Western forces trying to destabilize the east. No doubt the Liew witches are behind it.

8pm, Back from sending my niece to her private school. Seems to be having a good time. Bought a Snickers bar for my pack (as emergency rations). Have to remember to get various things at Mutiara later on.

2pm, Back from Mutiara. They don't have kefer but we got the broccoli. I got some UHU glue for my bow -to affix the dropdown rest cable. Also got a bar of clay soap as my Good Virtues is running low. Had Arab rice which was nice. Drank a latte. Dad's rectum scope is coming up soon and we got liquid foods in preparation for the 'good news' -that all is well. Nothing like family. But the old must eventually pass on.

7pm, Made teriyaki chicken for dinner. Dad had porridge. Tomorrow, coconut water, isotonic, and maybe broth. Liew witches struggle against the laws of the Universe itself. Such is their predicament of wickedness. My quiver is now complete and attaches to the bow’s cable arm via a tent peg. Some smoothening of the arrow keeper inner edges would be better but I’m not too worried as it is a show piece.

Meanwhile, Claire’s song, codename “Eternal Flame” is making its way into the modern rock genre, hope to top the charts. My physics theory that debunks Einstein and Newton is making its way through academia as well. The Universe is like a coin with one side etc. Heavy but digestible conjecture.

8pm, Taking my meds early and will turn in around 10pm. An early start to tomorrow would be good. Attacks from the Liew witchy 6 pepper our little group of frontliners. Fed the hamster. Brush later. Feeling unsettled from all the pushing and shoving.

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Wednesday 16 October

Fell asleep around 11pm last night, unable to complete chapter 6. Worked on it this morning and should wrap up by 10am. Then on to chp7 afte...