Thursday, June 22, 2023

Friday 7am

Was up at 6am. Fed the hamster and wiped down her “nest” area behind my bed. Don’t know if Bean will live out the year as she seems to be careless with her grooming. Liew witchy forces persist in their psych attacks. Just finishing up some writing.

8am, Got cleaned. Should head out at 10am. Will try to finish the regex coding first and write more of my novella later tonight. Get the feeling the Liews are persecuting Christians in line with Bible prophecy. And these Christians are giving me up. Trying not to let it get under my skin.

2pm, Back from a brief run down the road and back. Didn't go out after all as I was busy writing and coding. There is a problem with the JSON parsing that I can fix in a jiffy, finally putting SHT away.

5pm, Coding almost done. Just a matter if adjusting for optimum search results and sorting out the write to file bit. Liew witches forcing their way onto needy western women. Will be writing my novella late, around 10pm.

8pm, Taking my meds soon. Will turn in early instead of writing late. Complications in SHT slowing down my progress. The dual stage search algorithm is nice if tuned well, tho. Installed WordGrinder to help with my writing.

9pm, Inching closer to finishing SHT. Decided to do a down-flow incremental search due to information overload from some first in results. There will be less clutter in the .shtl file but more work for this weary programmer. Need to learn how to break out of a nested array too.

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Wednesday 16 October

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