Friday, December 6, 2024

Saturday 7 December

Am up early, pre dawn. Will go on a run soon. Lost a Tumblr follower. Always makes me regret posting whatever I posted. My X followers had decreased from 5 to 1. Someone from Singapore read 3 Tales of Temptation. Think Mom is pushing me her ear ache. As predicted, I had no time to code SeTT last night, being assaulted by Liew witches who raised over a billion slave minds. We put them into interlocking combs and a cognitive maze. Then I fell asleep.

Back from my run. Feeling good. Some family members battling telepathy tried to destroy me out of jealousy while I exercised. Such are these end times. Will do some coding later.

Liew forces lash out with genius assist. Giving them some healing. Told them about being young again and not wasting your youth -a time when people are willing and ready to help you. Options close down as you grow older. And like my folks, they can’t change anymore at 75 and are suffering.

Swept the floors and cleaned my box fan quite well. There is always a lot of dust in my room from the main road about 15 meters opposite from my window. Evening, will scrub the bathroom. Lunch is in order now. Feeling better for the lack of dust. A lot was in Dad’s room too. Put on the a/c as the weather is muggy.

Over at the shoebox now. It was hard for Dad and me to assemble his IKEA table / computer desk in sheeny IKEA gray. But we got through it. People followed our hands making us clumsy. That’s what family is for.

Tonight I will be cooking curry potato and mince, spiced by Mom. Also includes red onion and a bit of garlic. Should be tasty. Then I have to resume coding SeTT. Seriously, the applet is incredibly complex for such a simple UI.

Cooked a good meal just now. Some spice and heat to stimulate the ‘ol gut. Less salty.

Finished cleaning my bathroom and showered, changed out of today’s sweaty clothes. Will go on a long walk tomorrow. Work out around 11pm. Not much chance of serious coding tonight. Maybe will just do the overlapping piece placements. At least a little done every day.

Talked about crime and sin and how they equate by the denominator of apathy which is a human right to suffer. Are there not degrees of wrong and punishments? Degrees of reward? There is no overarching law than to obey God in the highest, who holds the extremes of rewards and punishments.

Worked out and am feeling refreshed. Sleep around midnight.

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Sunday 22 December

Was up earlyish and got cleaned without much trouble. Don’t have fighting spirit to complete the final bits of SeTT. 2 days ago, I realized ...