Up early. US election results not announced yet. Maybe by lunchtime here in Malaysia. Managed to get cleaned easily. Strap should be delivered today. Must prepare 20RM, and support Eksentrika too. Rain just started. Liew witches attempting to set up a judgment panel over me.
Rain has almost stopped. Don’t think I will have a blood test tomorrow. Will run this evening, tho, workout late tonight and abstain from sugar / carbs. Forced to burn off brain cell synapses from the Liew witches’ kid and baby army. No more than a few handfuls so far. We gave parents ample warning and teaching regarding this yesterday. Those nerves will from now on be shortened.
About a week till my 48th birthday. Am not getting myself anything expensive. So far spent just 150RM. Not including the photo-chromatic shades for Dad which were 48RM.
I think I have 6 Casios right now. Dad wears a 5600 solar I gave him years ago. It’s his favorite -a very tough watch, he said to me, once. 10 years ago, it was just 220RM. Today it’s over 100RM more.
Currently, I own 13 affordable / cheap watches, plus 3 more expensive ones: 2 given by my folks, one I bought by myself. One, my Casio 800h, needs a new, appropriate strap. Yet to source it.
Parcel should arrive soon. Maybe by 2-3pm. Been photographing my watches again. Do a state of the collection.
Mom gave me 1kRM for my birthday. Strangely, I have nothing I really want to buy with 1k.
Back from a brief run. Feeling that cardio. There are some in me who need healing. Will call and see who it is.
Parcel is in. Strap looks good with my 077j. Now I need something to spruce up my 800h -quite an ugly, utilitarian watch that perhaps was a misbuy. Tomorrow, off to the hospital early. Once every 3 months, to collect meds. Quite stressful. Not sure which watch I’ll wear there.
Have to sleep at 10pm. Take meds at 8. Need to shower after a hectic kitchen duty as Mom is “stressed”. Dad also can’t take sodium much so the food was bland and a bit unappetizing. Will have to figure out ways of cooking differently before he gets his pacemaker next year.
Drank prune juice for unblocking my gut and was successful. Gave some to Mom. Showered and brushed. Took my meds earlier. Talked about the Word made Flesh, in brief. It is logical and can be proven.
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