It’s past 2am, still awake. Took my meds late. Liew witches staging some violence nearby thru mentally unstable women. Still listening to my Vinnifier tws buds. Didn’t finish my coding work yet again.
Coded a bit. Majority of my time spent healing telepathic orphans and miscreants. One is William, the other, my sister. Had a good loo on the 3rd attempt. These things are hindrances to be overcome. If you missed my talk on “clothes”, know that clothes are Jesus’ code words for relationships and their fruits / payoffs. Nobody can face the Lord naked as the day they were born, being (fully grown) in this world, a pool of good and evil.
The trip to MegaMall was a decent one. Lots of pretty single girls in nice clothing. Lots of Christmas cheer. Taking a brief rest, then will talk to my Sis and later, William.
Talked about some parables from the Bible. Gave everyone food for thought. Will code tonight, around dinner time. Right now to plan so I don’t waste time.
- possible moves should involve I, /, \, and L patterns as well as big-small pieces
- possible moves should involve eating vectors, small and medium pieces
- possible moves must hinge on quota of pieces ratio between player and AI
- possible moves must hinge on score ratio so that defending vs attacking is determined
By reserving pieces from scoring, defending is possible, but some must remain for scoring. This ratio is also affected by opponent’s own ratio. All moves by the AI must be computed in the whereWhat() function, and based on possibilities of forming maximum scoring shapes. If the shapes cannot be formed, then block or eat according to ratio:ratio.
Forming aggressive shapes involves detecting diagonals and adjacents. If there are many diagonals and few adjacents, complete the diagonal. If there are many adjacents, consider blocking or eating. If opponent has many diagonals, consider blocking before all else.
So the code would be (because I’m prevented) something like this:
for x,y in board 8x8, if in aiArray exists diagonal, complete the L shape.
If exists adjacent, check if diagonal possible, if not
If score:availability is low, choose to eat
If score:availability is high, choose to block
Else, place a capital piece where:
for x,y in board 8x8 in playerArray
Player cannot eat right away, or form an L shape
Player has to block or lose to an L or I shape
If lots of possible diagonals leading to L shapes,
Place blocks instead
Worked out and am feeling good. Talked with William over the witchcraft which came thru telepathy. It’s a scourge and a sign of the end times. But it’s time to start breaking the evil power even as early as a week from Christmas. Took my meds earlier and will sleep maybe by midnight.